August - Palos Verdes Peninsula Horsemens Association


August - Palos Verdes Peninsula Horsemens Association
Palos Verdes Peninsula Horsemen’s Association
Vol. XXX, Issue 8
August 2016
Aug. 14
South Bay Gymkhana Series
Empty Saddle Club
Aug. 18
PVPHA general meeting
Empty Saddle Club
Aug. 21
PEC horse show
Ernie Howlett Park
Sept. 9–11
Portuguese Bend Horse Show
Ernie Howlett Park
Sept. 15
PVPHA general meeting
Empty Saddle Club
Sept. 17
richard a. fowell
A rider races around a barrel during the July 31 South Bay Gymkhana Series
event at the Empty Saddle Club in Rolling Hills Estates. The final gymkhana in
the series is scheduled for Oct. 9.
RHE City Celebration
Ernie Howlett Park
Sept. 23–25
Cowboy Days
Empty Saddle Club
Sept. 25
PEC horse show
Ernie Howlett Park
Events listed here are not necessarily
sponsored or endorsed by the Palos
Verdes Peninsula Horsemen’s
Association. To add an event, send the
information to
next pvpha general meeting: Aug. 18
Attend August general meeting
Vice president of education
Hankering for cold refreshment after a hot day in the saddle? Grab a
scoop (or more) of ice cream and take a load off with fellow equestrian
friends at the annual Palos Verdes Peninsula Horsemen’s Association ice
cream social at the Empty Saddle Club at 7 p.m. Aug. 18.
Dish about your latest trail adventures; swap tips and training ideas;
ask questions about products; and more! Or, just binge on the sweet stuff
and chase the sunset home. The choice is yours, the ice cream is free!
The ice cream social replaces the August general meeting.
As a reminder, the Empty Saddle Club requests that attendees leave
their dogs at home. /
2 • PVPHA Dispatch
Events calendar..............................................1
August meeting information................1
Classified ads....................................................2
News briefs..........................................................3
Horse Jeopardy!.............................................4
Quiz yourself......................................................6
Membership form...........................................7
Dispatch ad rates. .........................................7
FOR RENT: Huge yard with
nice stable in a private back
yard. Looking for easy going,
responsible person. $400/
month rent. Doesn’t include
hay and feeding/cleaning. Call
Sandi at 310-200-1958.
GO ONLINE: Buy/Sell/Lease
a Horse; Buy/Sell Tack; Rent/
Find a Stall. List your ad (including pictures and unlimited
words) FREE at
August 2016
Vol. XXX, Issue 8
PVPHA Dispatch • 3
News Briefs
PVPHA holds annual elections
The Palos Verdes Peninsula Horsemen’s Association held its annual
elections during the July general
meeting on July 21.
The only additional nominee was
Bruce Harnishfeger for corresponding secretary; however, all board
members were re-elected. Charlene
O’Neil will remain president; Sharon
Yarber will remain vice president of
civic affairs; Nancy Wildman will remain vice president of membership;
and Melody Colbert will remain corresponding secretary.
City Celebration returns
to Ernie Howlett Park
The annual Rolling Hills Estates
City Celebration will take place Sept.
17 at Ernie Howlett Park.
Equestrian events will include eggand-spoon, champagne glass, crepe
paper and dollar bill races, as well as
demonstrations of dressage, vaulting
and therapeutic horse shoeing.
Sign-ups for the PVPHA’s annual
Poker Ride will take place at Chandler
Park from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Participants can ride alone or with friends.
Those who choose not to ride may
purchase hands at the PVPHA booth.
Proceeds will support equestrian
activities in Rolling Hills Estates
through the PVPHA and the
city’s Peppertree
Winners will
be posted and
prizes awarded
at 1 p.m. at Ernie
Howlett Park.
Thank you to our Trail
Protection Fund donors
Thank you to the following Palos
Verdes Peninsula Horsemen’s Association members for their generous donations to the Trail Protection Fund:
EEPaula Codey
EETom Fitzpatrick
EENancy Myers
EEAnita McCullough /
4 • PVPHA Dispatch
August 2016
Horse Jeopardy! winners
earn cash, bragging rights
Vice President of Education
Root beer floats flowed, competitive tensions rose and
tricky questions from Jim Moore filled the clubhouse at
the Empty Saddle Club during the July meeting of the
Palos Verdes Peninsula Horsemen’s Association. The Flying Horses, Head Shakers, Chicken Nuggets, Old Plugs,
Endorphins and Cassie’s Team vied for ultimate bragging
rights and cash prizes in Horse Jeopardy! throughout the
evening. Teams who answered three of five questions correctly competed in the second round.
In the end, Cassie’s Team came in first and won $30
per person. The Head Shakers came in second and won
$25 per person; the Flying Horses came in third and won
$20 per person. Sean Martin of Martin Performance
Horses also presented an additional $15 to the seven winners who were also members of the Palos Verdes Peninsula Horsemen’s Association.
All in all, the evening was a free-for-all with floats and
finances over facts and frivolous fun!
Check out Page 5 for sample Horse Jeopardy! questions.
Vol. XXX, Issue 8
PVPHA Dispatch • 5
Test your knowledge
Think you’ve got what it takes to win “Horse Jeopardy!”?
Take our quiz to find out. Answers are below.
Out and about
1. There are two prolific poisonous plants on the
Palos Verdes Peninsula. Name one.
2. A shortened form of the word “tackle,” this
term encompasses a horse’s saddle, bridle and
other equipment.
3. This piece of equipment is placed around a
horse’s pasterns to keep it from wandering.
4. Name the three stages of competition in
three-day eventing.
Anatomy of a horse
11. When a horse gets up from lying down, he gets
up on which two legs first?
12. Where is a horse’s “frog”?
13. Where do you find feathers on a horse?
14. Also called a cowlick, swirl, and trichoglyphs,
what is a fur whorl? (Hint: It’s also known as a
“cowlick,” “swirl” or “trichoglyph.”)
15. What color is a horse that is born with a solid
coat and colored and then lightens with age?
History and Pop culture
5. What color was Mr. Ed?
6. In Walter Farley’s books and movies, what
breed was the famous Black Stallion?
7. True or false: The traveling show “Cavalia” does
not use mares in its performances.
8. True or false: Medieval Times is the largest
Andalusian horse breeder in the U.S.
9. A Hawaiian paniolo and a Spanish vaquero are
similar to a United States _______?
10.What is the breed of the only truly wild horses
in the world? (Hint: they came from Mongolia
and China and were brought back from the edge
of extinction by human zoos.)
Horsekeeping and more
16. True or false: A pony is a baby horse.
17. What do you call the behavior when your horse
is chewing and partially chewed up food falls
out of its mouth?
18.True or false: Freeze marking is less painful
than hot branding.
19. True or false: Horses can vomit.
20.Name three kinds of hay.
21. An untrained or inexperienced horse is called
this color.
Answers: 1. Castor, oleander. 2. Tack. 3. Hobbles. 4. Dressage, cross-country, show jumping. 5. Palomino. 6. Arabian. 7. True.
8. True. 9. Cowboy. 10. Tahki or Przewalksi horse. 11. Front. 12. Foot or hoof. 13. Backs of lower legs and fetlocks.
14. Patch of fur growing in a different direction than the fur surrounding it. 15. Gray. 16. False. 17. Quidding. 18. True. 19. False.
20. Alfalfa, oat, barley, timothy, orchard, Bermuda, grass, teff. 21. Green.
6 • PVPHA Dispatch
August 2016
Vol. XXX, Issue 8
PVPHA Dispatch • 7
Interested in writing
or photography?
To join the Palos Verdes Peninsula Horsemen’s
Association, clip and mail this form to
PO Box 4153
Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA 90274
and Policy
Monthly Rates:
Full Page (approx. 8″×10″)
Half Page (4″×10″ / 8″×5″)
Quarter Page (4″×5″)
Business Card (2½″×4″)
Classified - per line
Phone No.:
 This is a membership renewal.
Please indicate how much you would like to donate;
checks should be made payable to PVPHA:
Household membership
The Dispatch is always looking
for volunteer writers and
photographers to help fill its
next issue. Contact the editor
at for
more information.
Tax-deductible contribution
to Trail Protection Fund
Total: Two-line classified ads are free to
SPECIAL: Pay for 11 months in
advance, and the 12th month is free!
Please make checks payable to
PVPHA and mail them to
PO Box 4153
PVP, CA 90274
Email camera-ready ad copy to the
Dispatch editor at pvpha2010@ or snail-mail it to
PO Box 4153
PVP, CA 90274
PVPHA Board of Directors
Charlene O’Neil, President
Nancy Wildman, VP Membership Sean Martin, VP Fiscal Affairs
Sharon Yarber, VP Civic Affairs
Tiffany Chiu, VP Education
Michelle Sanborn, Treasurer Erin Ryan, Recording Secretary Melody Colbert, Corresponding Secretary
$ 150
$ 75
$ 35
$ 20
$ 2
Any additional printing costs must
be paid by the advertiser.
DEADLINE for the receipt of
ads is the 20th of the month.
Need an ad designed?
Nicole Mooradian can help. For
rates, email her at
a publication of the Palos
Verdes Peninsula Horsemen’s
Association, a charitable nonprofit
organization classified by the IRS
as a publicly supported tax-exempt
organization. Please direct all
editorial correspondence to:
PO Box 4153
Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA
PO BOX 4153
Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA 90274

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