PALOS VERDES BULLETIN Published by the Palos Verdes Homes Association, Palos Verdes Estates, California VOLUME 3 JUNE-JULY NUMBER 1927 6 Palos Verdes Ideals Have National Significance The importance to the whole country of better planned and protected home neighborhoods and larger recreation areas was emphasized by many speakers at the National Conference on City Planning, held in Washington in May. What has been done in Palos Verdes was cited as a constructive example !)y prominent Law Olmsted, noted a paper on recreation plan of Washington, architectural control speakers, including Frederick landscape architect, who read centers and also spoke on the D. C. The importance of was discussed by ('has. H. Cheney, local city planner, and Elvon Musick, attorney for Palos Verdes Homes Association. Mr. Cheney said in part : "Why is it that only about 100 of the buildings of New York City or of Philadelphia, Chicago, San Francisco or of Los Angeles are sufficiently good or attractive to be worthy of permanent life? In fifty years more than half of the buildings in most of our cities will he torn clown, not because they are unsafe in framing, but because their exterior appearance ruins the value of the street. "'T'hese are pressing economic and social problems of far-reaching importance, not only to real estate and business, but to the wInde human structure of a city. A new consciousness is abroad today demanding a "The spiritual values of life, the amenities as they are sometimes called-life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness-are crushed and thwarted by this 90% of bad environment. It is time that we as a people definitely took them in hand to guarantee every man his rightful heritage (not leaving to just the 10% of well-to-do, the protected home neighborhood with architectural control) and to give assurance to all that no badly designed or off-color buildings can be built that will spoil of review, is set up as carefully is to safety of materials and framing, exits, light and air, etc., we cannot expect much inip ro v anent. The Loss and waste will go on, the junk impor- and tance of envi1n molding Ii v c s , thoughts our is every (lay given more importance by modern psy- chologists. our Cities of will lit cut they offer. A frank and yet is ug- ly and depressing, the lives of all suffer for it. ugliness en vir,oit If 9010 of our environment needlessly depreciat- ing multiply. "Suppose we rated our cities according to the percentage of good architecture and good our and our actions, to insist upon reasonable decency of design and color, as is now done by the building inspector in most cities answer and a definite solution of these problems. At m any scattered points a cross the country definite steps are being taken. "The ex- ronnlent environment give you estimates, varying at most a few per cent, that only about 100 of the plans for buildings built today are prepared by trained architects or others with any competency in design. "ITnless sonic check-up, some architectural hoard constructive treme their or depreciate their investment. The ordinary nian is just as much entitled to this protection as those who now have it by wealth. In the next ten years lie will he given it, as generally as he is now given the protection of zoning. "'l'he greatest economic loss of our time is in the Q0% of bad building that we allow to go up in our cities. '['here is little or no excuse for it. Building inspectors in practically all the large cities will reasonably MR. AND MRS. SCHOOLCRAFT'S NEW RESIDENCE AND THE CURVING SHORE OF THE BAY from, a window of the Pennekamp home lib- eral and unbiased hoard of inquiry would (Continued nn six.) papa 2 PALOS VERDES BULLETIN PALOS VERDES BULLETIN Publication Office 75 MALAGA COVE PLAZA PALOS VERDES ESTATES, CALIFORNIA Los Angeles Office 5oa LANE MORTGAGE BUILDING Eighth and Spring Streets Published by Palos Verdes homes Association, a nonstock, non-profit, community organization, in which every building site in the 3225 acres of Palos Verdes Estates has one vote; incorporated under the laws of the State of California. Mailed to any address upon request. This publication is not copyrighted given to reprint anything appearing and permission is in it. News notes and items of interest should be in the hands of the editors not later than the first of each month. "Quality June, that First in Palos 1 'I'YPie:u. Verdes" VACATION TIME memorable month in the school deal in them. Our children of Palos Verdes are storing up treasures of memory which will add much to the richness of future years. The panorama of mourntains, sea and sky, which when seen from the school window means only the glorious out-of-doors from which children are unreasonably shut out, will take on form and ory's windows. beauty, which color when Perhaps the child glimpsed these mind through mem- daily draughts of drinks in uncon- THE ( ARDNER BUILDING .ARCnrrrx°rrRis love sri ously like the air and the sunshine, will find later expression in a poem, a song or it painting. If not in tangible form, at least they will leave their impress in appreciation of beauty and building of character. cal- endar, has arrived, and for the second year it joyous group of boys and girls close the doors of Malaga Cove School for the happy clays of vacation time. Tell months of school seen( hmg "when we are very young," and it is not until years later when we are grown tall, that we find the happiness that was hid- Ilrr or St sidn-('ni.nuitin, I is i/orquilla , :Malaga L'ut today-the s,uidy little beach splashing is an invitation of the to play. waves on a It is vacation COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION BUDGET The budget of maintenance reduireinents for the new fiscal year beginning duly 1st, was the principal Subject of the directors' meeting held on June 22nd and again on f une 2Oth. The Manager read it report of the Director of I"mane( showing that there would be approximately priations unused Other funds (luring AT iINIALAoA t' oAE PLAZA on $17,(XX).OOof budget dune 30th. I[owcvcr approseveral the fiscal year had found them- PALOS A I (.isl)I,NCE VERDFS RECENTLY ('001I LE'('FT)ON VIA 1\lEGLA, MALAGA Ol)VE selves short on the estimates previously adopted, particularly the Street Maintenance fund and the Weed Clean-up fund A transfer of $M440.00 to these funds was made by regulation. Regulation No. 18 RE(;ELATION AMENDING RP:CI'I.A'I'ION NO. 15 ESTAIII.IS1] IN(; 'rill': ANN(iAI. APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAk YI?AR ItV,'I,RANSFERRTNGCI N't NNING FROM CERTAIN JULY 1ST, UNEINPHNI)ED 1936, To JULYFUNDS 1ST. 19'7, ,to OTITER FUNDS. The I ttard of Director, of Palos Verdes Homes Association ordains is follows: Section 1. The Manager and Director of Finance having on June 22nd reported that an additional $8440.00 would be necessary to meet the cost of maintenance in certain funds hereinafter named until the end of the lineal year oil June 30th, 1927, and also that the following sums would Department rema,u unexpended because they are not 2(b) Euginccring .. .____..._____--___-___$ 6 (b) Parks, Supervision of Dnaiotenance-. 6 (d) l arks, entertainment, etc.. 10 (a) Iluilding ('ouunissiouer _ 10 (h) Ituildiug Commissioner, Deputy----------10 (c) Iluilding Conuuissiouer, tuttouiobile, 12 General Fund required: 90(.01) 600.00 900.00 60f.00 1440.00 1000.00 3000.00 etc. 'total -$8440.00 and lie older of the Road of Directors public notice having been given by posting on the bulletin board of Palos Verdes ]Tomes Association in the Gardner Pttilding at Palos Verdes ?states, that public hearing would lie held at the regular meeting of said Board oil lute ")Ili, 11)27, oil a proposed aureidment to regulation No. 15 establishing the anoint( appropriations for the fiscal year running from July 1, 1926, to luly I, 1927, transferring said above uletitioned unexpended fonds t„ the following funds tions heretofore I )cpartuient 2:A 21) 2F. of tn,eut I)cparttnenl Street (lening Fi,rtnce 6.\ 7tl.tinteuauce 'I'omt the public said addition to appropria$2,500.011 500.1111 200.00 000.011 up weeds, etc. _.. No. 2,000.00 --.-_-_ of I'arl.s, ----thereon hearing regulation Signs Collection 2) (he ill maintenance Drainage and Sewers.-.Maintenance of Street 5.\ and appropriations, made: 2 F ( ;rubage )cpa said 15 having is 200.00 Planting, been hereby so etc_ --- - --time held at said amended ---- and .',.440.00 $8,440.00 anti place, said sums as above holed :tiehereby transferredto the said depurtutent funds, and altproltriatad to lie used for the purposes for which said funds are established. I Hereby certify that the foregoing regulation was read the firs) time at a regular meeting of Palos Verdes Homes Association held on .1uuc 29, 1927, and lays teas dispensed adopted meeting Its by a in the Angeles, Calif. :Oyes: Directors Noes: At .scnt: that with the None. Director requirement by affirmative vote of tout' office of the members Corporation Cameron, I). K. Jay of reading on two separate vote of four di,e-toas; of the Board in the Lane Lawyer, BULLETIN Low of Directors Mortgage and was at said Ruildingt, and Morgan. Lawyer. C. 11. C I I EN EY, Secretary, Palos Verdes Homes Association. MALAGA The COVE annual NEIGHBORHOOD meeting of the Palos Verdes Woman's Club was held in 1\Tay at the home of Mrs. Frederick Law Olmsted. Officers elected for the coming year were Mrs. C. TT. Cheney, re-elected President; Mrs. F. L. Olmsted, Vice-President; Mrs. C. Al. Sebelius, Secretary; and Mrs. J. G. Cook, 'treasurer. Mrs. Clover of Los Angeles gave a talk on China, based on her experiences during a sixmonths' showed from root). On of its torium, like a visit just concluded, her skill with New England and the spinning to grace the Mrs. Sellers wheel brought Olmsted living May 20th, the Woman's Club gave another card parties at the Malaga Cove School audiwhich, with its beautiful decorations, looked huge tlowcr garden. Following the game, coffee and calve were served :g It in the school library. :{; MALAGA COVE SCHOOL NOTES (Miss I-'cl'ry, principal of the Malaga Cove School, and Miss Kendall, sailed from New York on June 4th for a three months' tour of Europe, visiting eleven countries and returning to the United States on September 4th. School closed for the year on Friday, June 17th. There were no graduates this year from the school, and the closing ceremonies were very simple, but during the month the pupils presented two playlets to take the place of C,o•mn]en]ccrnent. Lovclla Hodge,' I;ctty I;recden and L'etty Derr had charge of the plays. An interesting thing about these plays which the children offer is the fact that from the time of their inception] to their presentation, every detail is taken care of by the pupils tlicroselves-selecting the cast, making the advertising posters, conducting rehearsals, staging and presenting. As Miss Sprung, the vice-principal, puts it: it is a valuable training in self-expression. 4 PALOS PALOS A. VERDES VERDES PERSONALITIES Al. I'ergtt. son, Ala.noger of the Ron. Pedro Office Project and Director of the Polos Ierdcs Chomlocr of Commerce it is with profound R1INelin announces the sorrow and regret that of the the passing of a man who has clone much for the upbuilding of Palos Verdes, and especially of Miraleste-, it genial soul, popular among BULLETIN most of his life in California. I Ic had a part in build ing the Los Angeles aqueduct, and later indulged his love for fine , powerful machines by selling trucks and automobiles in the San Joaquin Valley. I Ie came to Palos Verdes at the beginning of the lain) sales in the fall of 1423 and a year later was put in charge of the San Pedro office. Ile took an active interest in the development of Viraleste , bought a large estate on one of the highest knolls and planned to build his home there. The deep sympathy of all connected with Palos V' crdcs goes out to his bcreavcd wife at this loss of one who could so little be spared. F. 11. Toniki .n.s, .1.ssisliniI Cushier Trust and Noeiogs of Ikluk of llolrl :Ls.soci(lliun Aoliuaml )lie of the interesting things about the development of Palos Verdes Estates and its gradual and sure growth into it distinctively fine cornmotility is the way it has attracted to its service people differing his associates , well-liked one of the very best by all who knew him, and salesmen connected with the Project. The latter part of May he set out on a wellearned vacation trip with Mrs. Ferguson by motor, up the coast as far as Itritish Columbia. Ile sent the accompanying one of the editors snapshot, taken early in June, to of the Bulletin with the co rntnent : "'['his is not a redwood or a fir, but a very ancient cedar in Stanley Park at Vaneonver you might be interested in the tree , 11. C. "Thought supposed to be about 2500 years old.". A few (lays later they were camped on the bank of the l ?el River ill Northern California , some fifty miles south of l' urcka in Humboldt umboldt County. On the afternoon of June 20t1 , both Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson went in for a swim, but there must have been a local eddy and considerable suction in the pool, which was deep and about thirty feet across , for lie disappeared without a sound and Mrs . Ferguson went under twice while attempting to reach No others were near enough or could swim him. well of such training and background from all over the world. Sonic- thing and about its ideals its plan has ap- pealed equally to the Californian, the Middle Westerner and the I':asterner , to the Canadiall and even to the European, the Asiatic and the South American, and whether as purchaser , underwriter, vcloptnent they Among who have or active worker in the dcresponded those have thus given their very best efforts to' Palos Verdes is it young man who at nineteen, in his home in London, England, heard the call of and tried the West his for- tune first in \WVillnipeg, where lie was Chief Clerk with the Canadian National Railroads, and later Auditor of a large department store. Coming Angeles to in Los 1022, Tommy became one of the earliest employees of the TttE OUTE R front . the OR AND BREAKWATER heights of 11ARB enough to help. The currents were peculiarly treacherous, for two other people were drowned in the vicinity that same day. A South Carolinan by birth, Fergie had spent Commonwealth Trust Company, and has been intimately concerned with the development of Palos Verdes since that 1)r°rnll. ur THE DONALD K. LANM?k I;i:siin ]r,cr:, yi sIO ATE PALOS VERDES 5 BULLETIN ! (g 'I'nlK Nrw RIMIT) NCE OF MR. AND MRS. (t. (I. Nenutll.(BAlT, time, as 'T'rust ;Auditor and Assistant Secretary of the Hank of America, and now as Assistant Cashier of the Ilank of Italy. In his "idle n)ornents," he says, which are few, he studies the Palos Verdes "Trust Indenture. Out he has about an acm out in the San Gabriel Valley where he indulges in gardening and raising ens. chickThough VIA SoiION'rE, LA VENTA May 30th, Decoration largest day in the history The first participatill and second g in the H. (:line, I,rI,t. MALAGA ('ovE Pacific NOTES Day, of La prizes Coast was Venta. the second won by the yachts Yacht Club's race in April, were presented on May 25th at a dinner dance held at the hill. Anglcman and Smith's schooner, Ocean \Vaif, won first, and G. C. Urlin's Almardine \Vanderlure, T1, second prize in (,lass A ; the yawl, owned by A. J. Davis, was winner in Class I), with Leon Coleman's Moana second. lieplays occa- Among the R-boats, (;. 1\I. Spaulding's Debra finsionally, he ished first, and Owcn Churchill's (;alliano TV, seehasn't taken 1111 golf seriously as yet, but is f on(1 mountaills of very the and likes t.() go exploring ill the canyons of the 'icrra Madres. 1lehas ahomesite in Malaga Cove, nestling under the hill south of the Plaza, with a wide view of ocean and m oil fit airs, 2nd. A'icc the absence and expects to build his perniallent. AN IN'I'ISRI ?N'1'INe -4 'IIooL(IIAF' (iA'1'ISVA'A1' r HOME AT 'rlll: there year. }bale within NESIDLN(I' oe 1111.AND MRs. B. F. KCrrr;R Iln Lorenzo, illrulcstf. a Conlnunlore Clem Wilson presided, of Commodore Ikex l". Clad:. in The faculty of the 1Iollywo'od School for Girls was entertained at a dinner in the early part of the month, Mrs. AVilliam I,ce \V'oollctt, the principal, being the hostess. Table decorations of sweet peas and artistically drawn place cards in water color 6 PALOS VERDES STARTING OUT FOR presented a pleasing picture . A social hour followed around the inviting fireplace in the living room . Mr, and Mrs. Julian Street, marriage was a social event honeymoon at the Vanderlip (lend, Palos Verdes. Mr. and Mrs. played AFTERNOON CLUB match Webber wa s is the daughter (L uiiliwu-iI have Elks' Mr. L. I I. toastmaster. recent to report o-um somewhat pugr as follows: - ._ 25% Washington New York City of Philadelphia Poston Chicago San Francisco Ins Angeles London Paris NOTES of the RIDE Olmsted , Colin 1larris and J . C. Low. A. Vandcrlip. GOLF tournament whose of the East, spent their cottage at Portuguese -Mrs. Street Frank In a semifinal Jr., AN BULLETIN championship May 29th, Drank Dcleot defeated "Contrast 12%, ------- ------- Boland Forcr 11' ----------- ---------12%, 9% -90% with this urban communities architectural 15''/0 .1' 8%, ------------------------------------ some of the that have cities and sub- established definite control: Park, t Hills, Baltinu-c Long -95`/', -- Tsland ------- - -- 95% tihakcr T eights, ClcvclaucL __-- -- -801,:, _751/0 ('outitrv Club District , Kansas City -- ----_85 St. Francis Wod, Sara Iranci s co____ - -Palos Verdes I?states , Calif. ------_------_ -- --------__()5j%, Santa Barbara ---10;-4, Nantucket (100 years old)---- - - _95`%4, Yorksliit, Village, Camden, N. I. 95',41 I':iris, Francc --90% Amsterdam, l lollaii,l ____ __ _ -_-- ----- -- -- - -55/ r.,,,,,•,.n,,,),r. ki,t)n,f A Ntiav RESIDE NCE' UST (' oNiP(ETE' n ON I'ASE'o DEl (` AN(FO. VA(,N(DWTE Guy Ilantson one up on the loth. Dcleot made it in 76 and I I anison in 77. Dave I Icpburn captured the Pacific Goast Optimist Club trophy on May 21st. I Ic played excellent golf to come through on top, scoring an 80-8-72. During May, the following hostesses entertained at luncheon, followed by bridge : Mrs. M. J. Harms, We are beginning to have places in this country with similar ideals. Santa Barbara, Riverside, Palos Verdes, Santa I,c IL•mch,o, among others in California, have taken or are taking distinct steps for architectural control and arcading of streets, Mrs. I I athaway, Mrs. ii enry, and Mrs. Duffy. The Redondo Ilridg e ('In]) gave a dinner for twenty on May 20th, and on the 25th, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. itter had eight On bers friends the of the evening Sales as dinner of Junc Department guests. 1st, about of the forty Project mem- and their guests gathered at the Golf Club, enjoyed an excellent beefsteak dinner, and listened to an interesting account by Mr. Donald K. I.awyer of his experiences and ohscrvations on his recent trip East. Other speakers were Messrs. Jay Lawyer, F. L. A Vrmav OF Till, , PA'no oi l Iii: 1',vsi•:o lua. ('.vMro Iib:,wEN(•I PALOS VERDES RoA0 ------- Ai. i1 F 7 BULLETIN 9. . n1il f 'oAz i I 1- I f r7 r`n ( 44 loll SECT/oN on 5- flan. is a very the place important ; it is not and a place a very where illustrating attractive you L/NE /'40 dump part of things from the kitchen door and allow them to be kept in disorder, but is the part of your place where you live out-of-doors because it is secluded and attrac- A-B DIr. Dawson's Article tive and is much next more to the highway. In locating houses private in any than fairly the front thickly side settled community it is desirable, if possible, to have the service ends next to each other and the living ends PALOS Tor: "The annual arbitrary the amount percentage that xrf the VERDES LIGHTHOUSE AT BULLETIN POINT VICENTE, PALOS VRnlws maintenance charge or tax (established by such protective or unreasonable, and it probably is the part of wisdom Can be imposed assessed value during of the any year. property restrictions) should to set some maximum This may be done by reference in the tract, as in the Palos not be exlimit upon to a limited Verdes and maximum Montecito pro- tective restricti,I_ns, or to a limited millagc per square foot, as at Forest T-Tills and in many other subdivisions, or by any other fair, reasonable, uniform and expedient system. "No matter how well organized and efficient the Homes Association machinery for collecting the annual maintenance charge and enforcing restrictions may be, well-informed district sought to be protected and proper means The only effective a permanent and This body make sure the Art for securing and lasting competent will good real estate rapidly authorities deteriorate architectural design method of doing this yet found Architectural Hoard of Review must pass upon the sufficiency of designs that they will not depreciate the district. fury are fair, know unless reasonable, and and the that the adequate is provided for. is to establish or Art Jury. of new buildings If the decisions to of for the benefit of the entire developnient, and if the requirements made as to design by the Art Jury under properly drawn restrictions are such as to cause the respective buildings to be suitable to and in harmony with the general effect of the neighborhood, there seems no longer any doubt as to the legality of private restrictions which require submission of plans for approval. (Decisions cited.) "From the decisions referred to in this paper quirements it is clear that proper contained or provided in restrictions private the submission proval will he which require of all designs upheld by refor for ap- the courts, and that adequate maintenance and enforcement machinery for carrying out such provided A h1UNSrrI' C[ltali77a, Island (;LOW on the horizon requirements may be legally for." limited number of complete printed copies of the papers by Mr. Cheney and 1\[r. Musick may be had while they last by addressing 11ox 37, Palos Verdes Estates, Calif.