2012 OCTOBER June 2012 ALL NEW AUSSIE MUSCLE MAG IS HERE! AUSTRALIA NEW EDITOR Jon DAVIE AUSTRALIAN EDITION LAUNCH ISSUE n ANABoLIC MUSCLE GAIN n STRONG MUSCLE COLLECTOR’S EDITION ARNOLD POSTER INSIDE CHARLIE DUCAthe COMEBACK KID 8 Proven Ways to #1 SPEED UP Anabolic MUSCLE Gains OCT/NOV 2012 AU $9.95 AU (inc gst) NZ $10.95 (inc gst) ISSN 2200-968X 9 772200 968008 01 Contents OCT/NOV 2O12 Features 68 PROFILE : Pedro Relvas Inspiration at it’s finest 75 PROFILE : Charlia Duca The Comback Kid! 86 Old School Training Building incredible mass and size with bodybuilding’s greatest stars. This month, Dave Draper. Illustrations by Eric Blais On the COVER Some of Australia’s Bodybuilding BEST Charlie Duca Lee Priest Jon Davie Luke Wood Nic Jones Mike Kefianos Photos: Monty Edenhurst 100 Training Guru 126 Michael Kefalianos 147 Improve Your Teardrop Let us help YOU! Building the highest peaks! Onslow revamps his leg workout to focus on his lower inner quads. By Robert Kennedy, 62 126 Jon Davie Australia’s Jon Davie now leads the helm of the22 all MARCH new Aussie MUSCLE MAG 2012 | OCT/NOV 2012 28 Muscle Mag BABES of the MONTH 90 HIT with Anne Marie Departments 95 KING DEADLIFT Barbora & Rikki are our Babes of the month Anne Marie Lassarie takes on a HIT wirkout that gets results 12 18 Freeze frame FIRST REP By Jon Davie 20 PUB PAGE By Micheal Henry 22MUSCLEMAIL 30FIRST SET 62NUTRITION Austraila’s strongest man Dereck Boyer gives you a lesson on the King of all lifts! 186 Future of Muscle 6 Aussie up & comers give us their stats! 75 THE HARD YARDS Charlie Duca 82AUSSIE MUSCLE Mic Galley & Logan Robson 90 TRAINING- MAXIMISING MUSCLE 95 STRONG MUSCLE 28 By Derek Boyer 108STAR PROFILE 152HARD LIVING Mark Grech HARD LIVING 152 82 AUSSIE MUSCLE 82 154 158 170 176 182 186 MUSCLE MACHINE DISCIPLINE DOC SUPPLEMENT REVIEW SPORTS MED SNAPSHOT FUTURE of FITNESS Future Muscle on Show 188 HARD MUSCLE 95 Freeze Frame Once experienced, the incident is forever imprinted on your inner ego. It’s that fleeting, quasi outof-body experience when, in the midst of intense activity, time suddenly stands still, leaving you detached from the reality of your own existence. At its worst it’s that surreal sensation that turns a split second into endless slow motion as the outof-control vehicle you’re driving takes you, oh so leisurely, to the scene of your impending accident. Get my drift? A much better, more poignant lapse into the mystical world westerners refer to as Zen happens only in the gym, and only to the most spiritual of bodybuilders. It’s that nonspace you inhabit while you look without seeing and float while riveted to the spot, breathing heavily as you await your next set and the thrill of conquering knee-buckling weight. Photo of IFFB Pros Branch Warren and Mark Dugdale by Kris Gethin 12 Oct/Nov 2012 | | OCT/NOV 2012 13 CAMPBELL MacCALLUM BRYCE LAKE MUSCLE MAG AUSTRALIA EXEcutive Publisher/Executive Editor/Creative Director Group Editorial Director Group Creative Director Editor-in-Chief EDITORIAL ART Managing Editor Sarah Wells ASSOCIATE Editor Jacqui Rusciolelli Peter McGough SPECIAL FEATURES EDITOR Jimmy Peña, MS, CSCS CONTRIBUTING DIRECTOR OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING Eric Velazquez, NSCA-CPT Editor-AT-LARGE Dick Jones Associate Editor Melissa DeSousa COPY Editor Contributors Michael Alvear, Garry Bartlett, Mike Carlson, Brandon Curry, Guillermo Escalante, MBA, ATC, CSCS, Andy Haman, Dwayne N. Jackson, PhD, Johnnie Jackson, Harry de Jonge, Matthew Kadey, MSc, RD, Lara McGlashan-Volz, MFA, CPT, Tony Monchinski, PhD, Greg Merritt, Craig Richardson, Rob Rinaldi, MS, Scott Stevenson, Steven Stiefel, Joel Stubbs, Lonnie Teper Jason Branidis ART DIRECTOR Alex Waddell Art DIrector, Photography & ONLINE Darrell Leighton Associate Art Director Melanie Evans Assistant Art Director Jason Rowe Senior Designer Andrea Jankun Graphic Designer Jeff Maltby Photo Editor PRODUCTION & MAKEUP ARTIST Jessica Colley STAFF Photographers Paul Buceta, Gino Edwards, Gregory James, Robert Kennedy CONTRIBUTING Photographers Josef Adlt, Alex Ardenti, Rich Baker, Garry Bartlett, Jason Breeze, Michael Butler, Ralph DeHaan, Irvin Gelb, Kevin Horton, Brian Moss, David Paul, Robert Reiff, Gordon Smith, Ian Spanier DIGITAL MEDIA corporate Robert Kennedy President/ceo Trevor Ratz coo/cfo VP/GROUP EXECUTIVE Publisher Todd Hughes Leigh Fowler Digital media director digital media coordinator Jerilyn Zbaraschuk SENIOR WEB Designer wEB Designer ADVERTISING Senior Account Directors Holly Burns Tony Piazza Account Executive Amanda Scazzariello Sales & Marketing Coordinator Judy Romeo MuscleMag International reserves the right to refuse any advertising without reason. SALES/MARKETING VP Director of Newsstand Sales and Marketing ASSOCIATE EDITOR Web DEVELOPMENT Kevin Greene Director of Subscription Circulation and Marketing Gill Daniels Carolyn Zaum MuscleMag International is published to help you build a stronger, better body, but the articles are not meant to take the place of sound medical advice. It is very important that you consult your doctor (ask for a stress test) before starting any new diet or exercise routine. 16 Oct/Nov 2012 | Ryan Keaveney Cam Stevens Jeb Roberts, MA Agility CMS PRODUCTION Production Director Lisa Snow Production Manager Lynda Sammut Production Coordinator Production ASSISTANT Bev Greene National Newsstand Sales Manager Promotion/Marketing Designer Robert Kennedy Bill Geiger, MA Michael Touna Johnny Fitness Sarah Leslie Kyawnee Rowley Editorial copy, photography and artwork should be sent to MuscleMag International 400 Matheson Blvd. West, Mississauga, ON, Canada L5R 3M1. MuscleMag International is not responsible for manuscripts, advertising, film, negatives, artwork and photographs, although all reasonable care is taken to prevent loss or damage. Each editorial submission must be sent with a self-addressed envelope with $5.00 for return postage. US stamps cannot be used by us to mail back from Canada. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any manner without written permission by publisher. Copyright © 2011. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. Publisher Michael Henry Editor Jon Davie Creative Director Dallas Olsen Editorial Sub Editor Ian Jessop Chief Photographer Dallas Olsen Photographers Monty Edenhurst Australian Publisher FITmedia Unit 3/9 Foamcrest Ave Newport NSW 2106 Telephone 02 9999 3384 Facsimile 02 9999 3336 Email: Advertising Mathew Hambrook Telephone: 02 9999 0234 Facsimile: 02 9999 3385 Mobile: 0414 157 307 Email: PO Box 880 Newport NSW 2106 Subscription and Reader Services Australia and New Zealand PO Box 1068 Ashmore City Qld 4214 Telephone: 1300 80 75 80 AU 6 issues $50.00 12 issues $80.00 NZ 6 issues $59.75, 12 issues $119.50 Overseas 6 issues $99.00 WWW.SPECIESNUTRITION.COM e VOLVED RINNAH SCHMIDT LOGAN ROBSON MICHAEL GALLEY IFBB Figure Pro & SPECIES Elite Athlete Heather Dees IFBB Figure Pro & SPECIES Elite Athlete Candice Keene The highest quality, best tasting, whey protein isolate on the planet. EVOLUTIONARY NUTRITION A WORD FROM THE EDITOR By Jon Davie, Editor FOOD FIRST REP Muscle Mag is all about MUSCLE! In fact, our motto is “PUREMUSCLE” I f you’re serious about bodybuilding, weight training, strength training or simply want to have a more muscled and toned physique, then Muscle Mag is just what you need! This iconic title features well researched articles backed by science, being delivered by some of the most respected writers in the industry. Muscle Mag Australia will not only supply you with the facts, but the know-how to get it right. Muscle Mag features competitive strength and fitness athletes from all federations. We cover ALL sports that need and use MUSCLE! MMA delivers the best inside information from bodybuilding competitions, training techniques, nutrition and supplements, and delivers it to you in a huge bi-monthly, high-quality magazine. Our impressive contributor list features some of US & Australia’s most respected and well known writers: our aim is to give you (our reader) what you want! Make sure you remember to check out the Strong Muscle section written by none oth- 18 Oct/Nov 2012 | er than Australia’s strongest man, Derek Boyer! Derek will be covering all strengthrelated sports, strong man, powerlifting, and Olympic lifting. In other sections, we’ll be covering nutrition, supplementation & training articles by top atheletes, professional and amatuer trainers. Most of all we want to feature articles, profiles, transformations and snap shots from our readers. So start sending us your stories and results. This first issue will also start our search for Future Stars and possible cover models titled ‘Future of Muscle’. This is open to any male or female with muscle. You can be a bodybuilder, an athlete, a figure competitor… hell, if you play indoor bowls and have a great muscled and toned body you can enter. Each MMA issue we will feature 6 people who will be voted on to be featured on the cover… so get your profiles in ASAP! Please also take 5 minutes to check out our Facebook site so we can keep you updated on what we’re up to and more importantly keep us in touch with what YOU want. MUSCLE MAG – PUTTING SOME MUSCLE ONTO THE NEWSSTANDS! Jonathan Davie * FREE OF MANUFACTURED BANNED SUBSTANCES IN A NSF GMP FOR SPORT™ REGISTERED FACILITY g Premium 50 Protein matrix 3:1:1 bcaa ratio 600+ mass-building calories 4g added l-leucine for mtor Pathway activation digestive enZyme comPlex Available now in Australia through Flush Fitness! Wholesale / Stockist Enquires: Call: 03 9646*Our 0333 Email: or Online: prOducts are manufactured in cOmpliance with nsf internatiOnal’s Gmp fOr spOrt™ reGistratiOn, includinG semi-annual audits, verifyinG that nO nsf Like GMP for Sport™ 306-certificatiOn Guideline annex a list banned substances exist in Our facility. cytOspOrt tm prOducts cOmplement a smart eatinG and hydratiOn plan that, when cOmbined with a balanced exercise prOGram, may cOntribute tO weiGht manaGement and recOvery frOm exercise. ©2012 cytOspOrt, inc. benicia, ca 94510 usa Watch FlushFitness @FlushFitness FlushFitness Follow Find CytoSport™ on: A WORD FROM THE PUBLISHER By Michael Henry FOOD PUB PAGE Bring on the MUSCLE Welcome to the Australian launch of the most iconic magazine title in FITNESS today! W e are thrilled to introduce the original Muscle Mag title into Australia in 2012. With 40 years of history, this magazine title sets the benchmark for any body building/fitness magazine… period! As Robert Kennedy’s premier magazine (the publisher behind Oxygen, Reps, Curves and Clean Eating) MMA has literally been instrumental in establishing the bodybuilding culture in all corners of the globe. If you want the most inspiring bodybuilding/fitness publication available in the world today, you will not be disappointed in Muscle Mag. Mission Muscle Mag Australia is devoted to ALL hardcore athletes, bodybuilders and recreational strength and fitness enthusiasts who are looking for the latest and most advanced training and nutritional advice available today. MMA is designed for serious followers of resistance training who are looking for a competitive edge to help them reach their goals in the fastest possible time. What’s inside? The Australian Edition will be brilliant. We are taking the best of the US magazine, dropping half the ads, adding more local content, including local competition highlights and profiles, and delivering it to you 6 times a year under the watchful eye of editor Jon Davie. Jon knows more about successful bodybuilding than just about any other Australian competitor. He is one of the few Australian athletes to compete on the Olympia stage! Jon is the man to guide, inspire and push you to your best ever results! Each issue will feel like a collector’s item: 200 pages of no-excuse, kick-arse training! ON behalf of my team at FITmedia, I hope you enjoy every word and every image this ageless publication brings you. First issue is on sale September 12. We Want To Hear From You! Michael Henry PUBLISHER AUSTRALIA 20 Oct/Nov 2012 | Visit our website at for more pics from this issue’s photo shoots and tons of training and nutrition info. “TEMPRO COULD BE THE MOST ANABOLIC PROTEIN SUPPLEMENT YOU WILL EVER BUY!” TEMPRO could be the most anabolic protein supplement you’ll ever buy! It’s made for advanced bodybuilders looking to boost their diets with a scientifically formulated blend of 7 cold-pressed proteins. Each protein differs in its speed of adsorption and onset of anabolic action, putting muscular growth potential into overdrive. Each serving contains 54 grams of protein, which is derived from 4 different forms of whey protein, balanced with egg white, micellar casein and glutamine-containing peptides. This precise combination puts your body into an anticatabolic state for up to 8 hours. What does tempro do? Studies have shown that consuming the potent blend of proteins found in TEMPRO produces greater increases in myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic protein, muscle mass, strength, and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) levels. Who should use it? Competitive bodybuilders seeking to increase their daily intake of a clinical-strength protein to maximise muscle mass and strength. Why are cold-pressed proteins better than proteins processed at extremely high temperatures? Cold processing retains protein value. Many of the bioactive compounds that make protein such as important building block of muscularity are often lost because of extreme processing at high temperatures. Heat processing denatures the protein, lessening the efficiency of how the naturally occurring enzymes and amino acids of the protein are used in the body. This is why Dorian Yates chose to cold press the proteins found in TEMPRO. Available now in Australia through Flush Fitness! Wholesale / Stockist Enquires: Call: 03 9646 0333 Email: or Online: Like FlushFitness Follow @FlushFitness Watch FlushFitness