Rare and Interesting Books


Rare and Interesting Books
PatrickMcGahernBooks, Inc.
(ABAC) since 1969
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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 7G3
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Catalogue 216
Rare and Interesting Books
Canada, Arctic, Travel, Illustrated, Bindings, Antiquarian
Prices in Canadian Funds
A'BECKETT, Gilbert Abbott
The Comic History of England. Illustrated by John
A large mezzotint portrait of Bellot by James Scott after
Pearce, size 30x 38cm, fine condition, framed .1.,.2.0.0..0..0.
Leech. London. The Punch Office. 1847-1848. 8vo, 21cm,
first edition, in 2 volumes, viii,320 & viii,304pp., with 20
hand-coloured engraved plates & 240 engraved text illus., in
cont half tan calf, gilt and blind ruled raised bands, double
crushed crimson morocco label, gilt titles, tan cloth boards,
some transfer, a very good to fine set . . . . . . . . . . 275.00
A humour ous look, in the
s t y le of "Punch", at t he
his t or y of England from
ancient times to the end of
the reign of King George II.
Artist, John Leech was an
illustrator with "Punch" for
over tw ent y y ears, from
1841 to 1864 while Gilbert
Abbott A Beckett was on the
or i gi n a l s t a ff of t h e
humorous periodica l. An
attractive set attractively
With Kennedy in search of Franklin
BELLOT, Joseph Rene.
Engraved Portrait. By Stephen Pearce (artist).
‘Lieutenant Bellot, of the Imperial Navy of France.
Engraved from the Original Picture Painted Expressly for
Lady Franklin, is dedicated ... to ... Napoleon the Third,
Emperor of the French.
London. Thomas Boys & Paris. E. Gambart & cie, 6
April, 1854. Signed on the bottom left corner, G. Bellot,
perhaps a relative
This handsome portrait commemorates Joseph Rene
Bellot, 1826-1853. Born and educated in Paris, Bellot joined
t he French Navy in 1843. In 1851 he volunt eer ed t o
accompany William Kennedy on the Prince Albert in
search ofSir John Franklin, and he sailed again to the Arctic
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regions in 1853. While on Inglefield’s second expedition, he
was travelling to bring dispatches to Sir Edward Belcher,
when he fell into a crevasse in the ice near Cape Bowden
and drowned; his diary, narrating his Arctic adventures,
was published in 1855. The present portrait was engraved
by Scott after the original oil painting by Stephen Pearce
(1851), which now hangs in London’s National Portrait
Gallery. - "The French service never lost a more chivalrous
spirit ..." (Kane).
First Edinburgh Baskett Bible - Scottish Binding
[BIBLE]. - [BASKETT, John].
The Holy Bible. Containing the Old Testament and
the New: Newly Translated out of the Original Tongues,
And with the former Translations Diligently Compared and
Revised. By His Majesty's Special Command. Appointed to
be Read in Churches.
Edinburgh. Printed by John Baskett. 1726. 4to, 25.6cm,
c.[1200]p., index, table,
in attractive contemporary full black goat, tight back
real cord bands, full gilt borders and decorations in the
panels issued without labels, gilt decoration panel borders
on the boards, gilt inner dentelles, marbled endpapers, all
edges gilt, some slight surface wear, very good to fine in this
attractive antique binding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,200.00
An early 18th-century Scottish binding. The spine
panels repeat alternately.
order line - 613-230-2277
Relation Abrégée, de Quelques Missions des Péres
de la Compagnie de Jésus dans la Nouvelle-France.
Montreal. Des Presses à Vapeur de John Lovell. 1852. 8vo,
22cm, first French language edition, 336,[i]p., (errata leaf),
frontis facsimile of original title page (1653), 4 maps (3
folding), 8 plates, text illustrations, appendices, in contemporary half black morocco and green cloth boards, gilt
decorated borders in the panels and on the raised bands,
t.e.g., mos t of the top spine panel chipped off, tender
hinges re-glue, (internally fine) good to very go3o5d0..00
Lande 58. T.P.L. 45. Gagnon 565. Sabin 7735. Ayer 33.
Bressani, a Jesuit missionary, came to New France in
1642. After residing for two years near Quebec, he became
a missionary to the Hurons, with whom he remained until
1650 where he witnessed the destruction of the Huron
Missions by the Iroquois. Most ofthis book is devoted to
that mission and it comprises probably the best single
account of that tribe. Also included are biographical
sketches of various Canadian mis s iona r ies , almost
invariably ending in their unfortunate deaths. It was
originally published, in Italian, in 1653, and was translated
into French by Father Felix Martin, a Jesuit, alongwith an
added biography of the author, notes and illustrations.
Includes several period maps including New France (1660)
and the Huron Missions. An excellent source for the early
history of what is now Ontario and Ohio.
CAMDEN, William (1551-1623).
Remaines concerning Britaine: their Languages,
Names, Surnames, Allusions, Anagrammes, Armories,
Monies, Empreses, Apparell, Artillarie, Wife Speeches,
Proverbs, Poesies, Epitaphes. Written by William Camden,
Esquire, Gla r enceux, King of Armes, Surnamed the
Learned. The fifth Impression, with many rare Antiquities
never before imprinted. By the industry and care of John
Philipot. London. Printed Thomas Ha r per, for John
Waterson. 1637. In 4to, trimmed, 18.3x 14cm, [ii,iv],420,
[2]p., with the copper engraved frontis portrait of Camden
by Robert White, decorated initial letters, foxed, in later full
calf rebacked, gilt ruled wide raised bands, gilt decorations
on the center of the panels, crushed crimson morocco label,
early armorial bookplate, modern owner’s signature, a very
good copy, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750.00
Notices, Historical and Antiquarian, of the Castle
an d Priory at Castleacre, in the County of Norfolk.
London. Pelham Richardson. 1843. tall8vo, 25.5cm, 312p.,
with 11 etching plates including frontis, 4 plans, 8 text woodcuts, in contemporary blind decorated green cloth rebacked
with modern cloth, new endpapers and new paper label,
several plates foxed and some damp staining to edges, text
is clean, overall a good to very good copy . . . . . . 125.00
A major historical and descriptive study of a significant English mediaeval site. The castle was built at the time
of the Norman Conquest by William de Warenne. The
church by the Cluniac monks was also built in the 12th
century. The book includes illustrations by Sly, Vizetelly,
and Ninham from original drawings by Charles Wright. The
author was the vicar of the town of Castleacre.
William Camden, (1551-1623), historian and her-
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ald."The year 1605 produced another volume of material
gathered from Camden's and Robert Cotton's libraries, the
Remaines of a Greater Worke Concerning Britain. Camden
did not put his name to it, identifying himself only by the
final letter of each name, as M. N., but he dedicated it to
Robert Cotton, suggesting his own ambivalence about a
book that consisted of (as he wrote in the Epistle Dedicatorie) the rude rubble and out-cast rubbish of a greater and
more serious worke. If the Remaines is a n unga inly,
seemingly shapeless collection, it is also frequently witty and
wise, and richly varied. Bringing together Camden's interest
in literature and language, and social and cultural history,
including both popular and high culture, the Remaines
contains a wealth of material. More over, as a collection it
reflects the unusual moment in the emergence of early
modern Britain when the artefacts of the vernacular culture
were coming to be valued in new ways. With the first
historically organized anthology of medieval poetry, a
historical and comparative study of the English language,
collections of names and their meanings, of (in the words of
one of the chapter headings) grave speeches, and wittie
apothogemes, and of epitaphs, it can be seen as a popular
spin-off from its more expensive and serious historical
mother lode, the Britannia. With two additional, enlarged
editions in his own lifet ime, s ev en t hr oughout the
seventeenth century, and several reprints thereafter, the
Remaines remained a popular and useful work." - Oxford
DNB. STC 4526.
- Patrick McGahern Books, Inc
receipts and several telegrams involving business problems
in New York. A fine example of a popular Victorian and
Edwardian pastime - souvenir scrap-booking.
8. THE CHAMPLAIN SOCIETY. Hudson’s Bay Company Series, No. 8 & No. 9.
Minutes of the Hudson's Bay Company, 1679-84.
First Part, 1679-82. & Second Part, 1682-1684. Edited E.E.
Rich. Toronto. Champlain Society. 1945-1946. tall8vo, 24cm,
in 2 volumes, xlvi,378 & xlvii,368pp., gravure frontis portrait, appendices, limited edition of 550 copies, this being
#342, original crested red cloth, gilt titles, t.e.g., a fine bright
set .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.00
The edited minutes of the company during the early
period of its development and organization. They provide
context for that development and biographical data.
With 52 Finely Engraved Charts and Views
First Official Account of Cook's First Voyage
An Account of the Voyages undertaken by the
Order of His Present Majesty for making Discoveries in the
Southern Hemisphere, and successfully performed by
Commodore Byron, Captain Wallis, Captain Carteret, And
Ca pt a in Cook. In the Dolphin, the Swallow, a nd t he
Endeavour: Drawn from the Journals which were kept by
the several Commanders, and from the Papers of Joseph
Banks, by John Hawkesworth.
A souvenir collection of clippings, photogra phs,
correspondence, business cards, schedules and maps of
t hr ee holidays, from New York to Cana da. Ent it led:
Summer of ‘07; Vacation 1908; and Vacation 1909. 1907
involved a steamship tour from Montreal, Quebec City and
Chicoutimi. 1908: Lakes George & Champlain and Montreal
(Windsor Hotel). 1909: Maine and the Maritime Provinces
with the Eastern Steamship Company (includes 2 scarce
Canadian guide books: “St. John, New Brunswick, Canada.
The City of the Loyalist. 1910" & “About Halifax, Nova
Scotia. 1908").
[New York. 1907-1909]. 4to,. 30cm, un-paginated,
being 86 numbered leaves with entries, including 3 handdrawn title pages, the album paper is toasted and chipped,
bound in contemporary limp reversed calf and marbled
boards, covers worn, leather is worn or chipped at the edges,
the laid in contents are very good or better . . . . 300.00
The t r a v eler s w er e Mr. M.
Casewell Heine of t he firm of
Welch, Heine & Fall, New York
(A photograph is included). The
1907 tour was carried out with
the Mr. Richelieu & Ontario
Navigation Company and the
Mont r ea l-Quebec Line; t he
1909 with the Eastern Steamship Company. Mr. Heine and
his w ife have pr ov ided a n
eclectic mix of souvenirs, travel
arrangements correspondence,
hotel bills, views, schedules, and
London, Printed for W. Strahan and T. Cadell. 1773.
folio, 29.5cm, s econd edition, in 3 volumes, [x],xxxiv,
[iv],676, & xv,(1) errata,410 & [iv],(-410)-799pp., with 29
maps (23 folding & double page) and 23 plates (12 folding,
- mainly double page),
bound in full contemporary mottled calf boards
expertly rebacked with the original double label relayed,
gilt decorated wide raised bands, gilt rules and center
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panels gilt decorations, double dark green and crimson
crushed morocco labels with gilt decor a t ed b orders,
marbled endpapers, with some transfer or some foxing on
some plates but less than usual, the text is relatively clean, an
unusually tall copy with generous margins, small library
label on the front endpapers, stamped withdrawn, a fine
attractively bound set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,000.00
Beddie 648; Hill 782; Sabin 30934
Same collation as the first edition. In volume 1,
pagination at p139 recommenced and p139 is numbered
139-360 [blank]. Page 189 misnumbered 191 in volume 2.
This issue with the 2nd edition preface to the second edition
in which Hawkesworth’s replies to the charges made against
by Alexander Dalrymple. W it h a printed newspaper
obituary for Hawkesworth neatly laid in at the end of his
preface. Died 16th, Nov. 1773.
The first official account of Cook's first voyage around
the w or ld (1768-1771), with contents matching Hill's
"This is an early issue of the first edition, which does
not contain the chart of the Strait of Magellan, but does
include the directions for placing the cuts and charts, and
lists the various errata." Beddie and Holmes both point out
that the earliest issues lack both the directions for placing the
cuts and the chart of Magellan's Strait. Cook's First Voyage
around the world occupies the entire second and third
volume. The book further covers the voy a ges by John
Byron, Captain Wallis and Captain Carteret. Occasionally
slightly foxed; bindings with some minimal imperfections.
Fine, attractively bound large-paper set. Indispensable in any
collection of Cook's Voyages.
10. COUES, Elliott (Edited with many critical notes)
Forty Years a Fur Trader on the Upper
Missouri. The Personal Narrative of Charles
Larpenteur, 1833-1872. New York. Francis P.
Harper. 1898, 8vo, 23cm, the first edition, in 2
volumes, xxvii,236,[1] & viii,[1],237-473,[1]p.,
ads., edition limited to 950 numbered copies, out
of s er ies , w it h 1 2 plates and 6 maps (one
folding), index, original dark blue cloth, gilt
spine titles, fine bright set . . . . . . . . . . 500.00
Smith 5710. Rader 2204. Howes C-800.
Graff 2404. A classic account of the Missouri fur
trade. Considered one of the best fir s t hand
descriptions, Larpenteur was observant, literate,
and accurate.
order line - 613-230-2277
Lowther 1556. An autobiographical account of the
author's first twelve years as a Methodist missionary
among the Cowichan and Nanaimo Indians.
12. DICKENS, Charles
The Chimes: A Goblin Story of Some Bells that Rang
an Old Year Out and a New Year In. London. Chapman
a nd Ha ll. 1 8 4 5 . 16 mo.
16.5cm, first edition, second
is s ue, 175 p., engr a v ed
f r o n t i s , 2nd st a t e of
engraved title-page with
publisher’s imprint outside
border, 11 text engravings,
in t he o r i g i n a l b lind
decor a t ed red cloth, gilt
titles and decorations on
the spine and upper cover,
expertly restored with the
original endpapers preserved, added preliminary
a nd a fter blacks, a .e.g.,
Dublin bookseller’s ticket
“Grant Milliken & Bolton,
Booksellers”, very good to fine copy
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250.00
The second of Dickens’s five Christmas Books;
published a year after “A Christmas Carol”. Printed in four
quarters after the chimes of a striking clock. The frontis and
title-page illustrations are by D. Maclise. Other illustrators
are J. Leech, R. Doyle, and C. Stanfield. Engravers include
Becker, Groves, Linton, Gray and Dalziel. An attractive
copy of a very popular Victorian Christmas book.
Hunting & Fishing Trip to New Brunswick
13. [EDWARDIAN Photograph Album].
Canada, Europe, India, Burma. A collection of
personal photographs of an Edwardian family's travels:
HuntingTrip in New Brunswick, 1912: Tour through Italy
to Switzerland, 1912; Tour to Quetta, India, Northwest
Frontier and along t he Ir r a waddy River in Burma,
1912-1913. The New Brunswick s ect ion includes an
extensive hand-written diary of daily hunting and fishing
events. The rest of album has hand-written captions.
Although many of the photographs display "self" the
compiler of the collection is unknown.
11. CROSBY, Thomas
Among the An-Ko-m e nums, or Flathead Tr ib es of
Indians of the Pa cific Coast.
Toronto. William Briggs. 1907.
12mo, 19cm, the first edition,
243p., frontis portrait and 16
plates from photographs, in the
original dark maroon cloth, gilt
spine titles, pictorial decorations
and titles stamped in white and
green on the upper cover, a near
fine copy in tired jacket. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125.00
Oblong 4to. [1912]. 19cm., un-paginated (70p.), on
heavy stock paper, with 167 photographs (most around 8 x
10cm with some oversize), untitled padded red leather,
hinges re-enforced, decorated endpapers, a.e.g., covers
worn & rubbed, internally fine. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500.00
The hunting and fishing trip was taken from England
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via Quebec City, to the St. John River and Moose Lake in
- Patrick McGahern Books, Inc
very good copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150.00
The Manuscript for Search for America
Publisher’s Draft extensively Corrected
New Brunswick from September 10th to October 30th, 1912.
Moose appear to be the main goal and several photographs
show the prizes. With many photographs of the hunting
party and family traveling members particularly skiingin
Switzerland. The trip to India (now Pakistan) appears to be
to visit a relative in the Indian Army (Walker, an officer in
the 37th Dogras). The Album, a unique item, displays the
pr opens it y for travel among the Edwar dia n upper
14. FLAUBERT, Gustave
Madame Bov a ry. Moeurs de Province. [Oeuvres
Complet es de Gustave Flaubert]. Paris. Louis Conard,
Lib r a ir ie- Edit eur .
1 9 3 0 . t hi c k 1 2 mo,
20.5cm, xxii,(1),630,
(1)pp., frontis portrait,
several facsimile ms.
leaves, notes, in half
da r k green crushed
mor occo, gilt ruled
r a is ed b a nds , gilt
ruled borders in the
panels, double crush
m or oc co b r ow n
labels, spine in brown,
marbled boards and
endpa per s , a f ine
b ea utifully b ound
copy . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200.00
A finely bound edition of Flaubert's 1857 classic in
bindings signed by Georges Canape, a French bookbinder
noted for Art Deco style. The text conforms to the 1874 Paris
edition. The book also contains some facsimiles of Flaubert's
original manuscript with notes and literary criticisms of
1857. (hmbndg)
15. FROST, Max & Paul A.F. Walter.
The Land of Sunshine. A Handb ook of t he
Resources, Products, Indus t r ies and Climate of New
Mexico. Published... by... New Mexico Board of Managers of
the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. Santa Fe, N.M. New
Mexican Printing Co. 1904. 8vo, 23cm, xv,299,[3]p., with
c.150 plates and illustrations from photographs, in the
original colour printed pictorial wraps, wraps slightly dust
worn, faint damp stain along the bottom edge otherwise a
16. [GRAPHIC]. GROVE, Frederick Philip
A Search For America. “America is a Continent, not
a Country”. The Manuscript.
[1927]. 4to. 27x 21cm, typed, mainly carbons, the
publisher’s copy extensively corrected
bound in square back black cloth and marbled boards,
on light weight paper, each page is mounted on a clean
sheet, binder or punch holes along the top margin, the
paper is somewhat acidic else near fine . . . . 15,000.00
Issued by, The Graphic Publishers, Limited. Ottawa.
1927. thick12mo, 19.3cm, the First Edition, [vi]448,[iii]p.,
Provenance: From the library of Henry C. Miller,
founder and publisher of the Graphic Publishing Co.,
One of the most influential
and notable novels of the
first half of the tw ent ieth
century in Canada. An early
success for Graphic, it went
through three printings. "...
A measure of financial success came with publication
of the partly autobiographical Search for America one of the most compelling
of many North American
quasi-novels that record the
suffering and disillusionment, as well as the idealism,
of the immigrant- ".
‘Groves's contribution to
the literature of his adopted
country - as an early realist and
something of a feminist; and as
a perceptive social critic, and a
cosmopolitan, if idiosyncratic,
literary critic - was considerable. Grove never wrote down
to his readers, and never was a
‘popular' writer, but his critical
influence was indirect a nd
largely exemplary". Benson &
To ye. Oxfor d
Companion Canadian
Literature. Pp499-501.
Some have t hought
the b ooks ’ v oice is
s omewhat smug or
condescending but it
remains one Grove's
most popular works.
“ It cannot easily b e
dis mis s ed... It is a
large, insistent social
vision of a continent a n a na t omy of the
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New World in effect - combined with the epic quest of a
picaresque hero in search of a place to belong, a place where
enlightened social expectations may be personally fulled."
One of the Rarest Graphics
17. [GRAPHIC]. BIRD, Will R.
Private Timothy Fergus Clancy. Ottawa. Graphic
Publishers Limited. 1930. 12mo. 18.5cm, first edition, 325p.,
original brick brown cloth,
gilt titles and decoration on
t he spine and upper cover,
spine titles partly faded, very
good to fine clean copy, one
of the rarest graphics
... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450.00
The two copies we have had
previously were slightly dust
worn and fade speckled. This
copy is from the publisher
Henry C. Miller’s library.
Signed Association Copy
18. [GRAPHIC]. BOURINOT, Arthur S.
Pattering Feet. A Book of Childhood Verses. Drawings by Alan B. Bedoe. Ottawa. The Graphic Publishers.
1925. 12mo, 19cm, 7 7 p., w it h c.40 text plate and text
illustrations from line drawings, decorated endpapers,
quarter dark brown cloth-backed illustrated orange boards,
gilt spine t it les & pub lisher's logo, Author’s Signed
Association Copy, presented to Elmwood (School) with
their ink stamp “Elmwood” on the half title. . . . 100.00
19. GREAT BRITAIN. Colonial Office.
Copies of Extracts of any Communications between
the Colonial Office and the Governors of Upper and Lower
Canada; in pursuance of the Recommendations of t he
Canada Committee. [London. 1830]. folio. 34cm, 87p. Small
internal library stamp, in the original printed (on both
covers) blue wraps, shaken, wraps dust stained, internally
clean, untrimmed, a very good copy, rare. . . . . . 450.00
cf. T.P.L. 4935. Lande s918. "This is
an important document for events
leading toward the Rebellion of
1837. It deals with the suspension of
a certain number of officers in the
Ca na dia n a rmy b y Gov er nor
Da lhousie". Lande. The Ca na da
Committee was a British Parliamentary Committee which was set
up in 1828 to study the grievances of
Upper and Lower Canada. Its major
recommendations were that a tax
should be imposed on unimproved
lands held by speculators; that the
la w s, customs, a nd r eligion of
French Canadians should be respected and additional seigniories should be granted to those who wished to retain this
form of land tenure; that the crown revenues should be
s ur r ender ed t o t he Colonial Houses of Assembly in
exchange for a Civil List; that steps should be taken to sell
the Clergy Reserves and to divide the proceeds fairly among
order line - 613-230-2277
all Protestant denominations; and that the revenue from the
Jesuits' Estates should be used for education.
20. GREENHOW, Robert.
Memoir, Historical and Political, on the Northwest Coast of North America , a nd t he Adj a cent
Territories. Bound together with: Oregon and the Nootka
Convention. Speech of Mr. Robert Dale Owen, ofIndiana,
... 1846. 7p., (caption title). With: Speech of Hon. Joseph P.
Hode, of Illinois, on The Oregon Question... With: Speech
of Mr. Hannegan of Indiana, on the Oregon Question...
Washington. Blair & Rives, Printers. 1846. 12p., With:
Speech of Mr. Dix of New York, on the Resolution Giving
Twelve Months Notice for the Termination of the Joint
Occupancy of the Orgeon Territory. 1846. 16p., (caption
title). With: Speech of Hon. Lewis Cass, of Michigan, on
The Oregon Question. 1846. 16p. (caption title).
Washington. Blair and Rives, Printers. 1840. 8vo,
23.5cm, The First Edition, xi,[1],228p., with a folding map,
in contemporary half crimson morocco, raised bands, gilt
decorations and borders in the panels, gilt titles, marbled
boards and endpapers, t.e.g., board edges and corners
slightly worn else a very good to fine copy .. . . 600.00
The first edition, first issue of this important work with
several associated pamphlets.
T.P.L. 2369. Lande 1204 (with 2 maps), Sabin 28633.
Howes G-389. Cowan, p249. Graff 1653. Eberstadt 107:147.
Decker 36:171a. Hill 723. Forbes. Hawaii 1206.
"This v a luable memoir
relates principally to that
part of the Nor t hw es t
which for years was the
s ub ject of disputes bet w een Gr ea t B r i t a i n,
Russia, and the Unit ed
States. It was designed to
show the origin, nature,
and extent of their respectiv e claims , in order t o
afford the means of correctly estimating the justice of each. In doing this, it
w as found necessary t o
trace the whole progress
of dis covery and settlement not only in the Oregon Territory, but also in the
northern coast and California. The whole forms a clear and
succinct view of the pretensions of each of the powers and
of the circumstances upon which they were based" - Hill.
21. HEAD, Sir Francis B[ond]
A Narrative. Second Edition... Printed by Order of The
Commons House of Assembly. Toronto. R. Stanton. 1839.
folio. 31cm, 2p.l., v iii,1 6 0p + vi,19p ... Supplemental
Chapter, with separat e t it le + 18 p ... Appendix A.
Memorandum on The Aborigines of North America &
Appendix B. Addresses to Sir Francis B. Head..., the latter
with separate title, dated 1838.
Bound together with:
Durham, [LAMBTON, John George first] Earl of....
Report on the Affairs of British North America, from The
Earl ofDurham... 141,[3]p., [pp.109]-141 containing ‘Report
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fr om t h e Sel ec t
Commit t ee of t he
House of Assembly
of Upper Ca na da ,
Appoint e d t o
Report on the State
of the Province. General Title: Appendix
t o J o u r na l of t he
House of Assembly
of Upper Canada, in
t he Second Year of
the Reign of Queen
V ictoria: Being the
Fourth Session of the
Thirteenth Provincial
Parliament. Sir Allan
Na pier Ma cN a b ,
Sp e a ker. Ses s ion
1 8 3 9 . Vol. I. Sir George Arthur, K.C.H. Lieut ena nt Governor]. Toronto. R. Stanton, 1839, rebound in quarter tan
calf, gilt ruled raised bands, blind decorations in the panels,
crimson crushed morocco label, marbled boards, spine
sunned but a fine copy of this scarce edition.. . . 500.00
T.P.L. 2277. Lande 417. Bond Head’s ‘Narrative’, a
defense of his administration as Lieutenant-General of
Upper Canada, 1835-38, is here reprinted from the first
London edition, with Preface to the third edition preceding
the text of the Supplemental Chapter.
An Extraordinary Association Copy P.G. Downes’
copiously Annotated & Interleaved Copy of his favourite book
22. HEARNE, Samuel
A Journey from Prince of Wales's Fort in
Hudson's Bay, to the Northern Ocean. Undertaken by
order of the Hudson's Bay Company, for the Discovery of
Copper Mines, A North West Passage etc. In the years 1769,
1770, 1771 & 1772.
Dublin. Printed for P. Byrne. 1796. 8vo. 22.5cm, first
Dublin edition, l,459,[1],(list of plates),p., with engraved
frontis por t r a it, 5 folding engraved maps & plans & 5
engraved plates, (inc. 4 folding),
Downes’Copy: purchased from Goodspeed’s in 1938,
with 3 photographs by Downes inserted, and with 25 interleaved typescript
pages by Downes ins er t ed appropriately, and also c.183 pages with manuscript notes and corrections, in pen or
pencil b y Downes, some extensiv e
others brief, on the margins, two bookplates, one being Downe’s bookplate on
the front endpaper,
Bound in ha lf black morocco, gilt
decorated raised bands, gilt borders in
the panels and center gilt ornaments,
and gilt t it les, marbled boards and
the rare Dublin edition, this is a truly
unique copy wit h t hes e not es and
annotation which give a insight into
both Hearne by Downes and Hearne’s
- Patrick McGahern Books, Inc
influence on Downes.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,500.00
cf T.P.L. 445. cf Lande 1220. Sabin 31182. Morgan cf
p180. cf Streeter VI-3652. cf Hill 791. Story p351-52.
One of the classic journals ofNorth American travel,
particularly notable in terms of Arctic exploration. Hearne
will always be remembered as the first white man to see
the Arctic Ocean.
Assiniboine & Saskatchewan Expedition
23. HIND, Henry Youle.
North-West Territory. Reports of Progress; Together
with, A Preliminary and General Report on the Assiniboine
and Saskatchewan Exploring Expedition... Toronto. Printed
by John Lovell. 1859. folio. 33.5cm, xii,201,[viii]p., with 8
folding maps, 1 plate view & 2 plates ofspecimens, and 24
text illustrations, rebacked in dark brown goat, raised
bands, gilt titles, in the original light blue cloth boards with
paper label on the upper cover, in matching leather spine
case with cockerel marbled boards and edges, a fine clean
copy attractively bound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450.00
T.P.L. 3912. Peel (3),367. Sabin 18958. This is t he same
collation as the London edition (cf. Peel 365) with 2 hand
colour maps and the extra chapter (219 pages)but with the
Toronto Imprint dated 1859.
24. [HUDSON'S Bay Company].
Copy of the existing Charter or Grant by the
Crown to the Hudson’s Bay Company, t ogether with
Copies or Extracts of the Correspondence which took place
at the last Renewal of the Charter between the Government
Visit our website: mcgahernbooks.ca “it works”
P age -
order line - 613-230-2277
and the Company, or of Indiv idua ls on behalf of the
Company; also, the Dates ofall former Charters or Grants to
t h a t Compa ny. L o n d o n .
Or der ed, b y t he Hous e of
Commons , t o b e Pr inted, 8
August, 1842. folio, 32 p., self
printed wraps, sewn, very good
to fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450.00
Not in T.P.L., Peel (3), Lande...
Includes letters from J.H. Pelly,
Governor of the Hudson’s Bay
Co. t o Lor d Glen l g ; fr om
George Simpson to Pelly, etc.,
r ega r ding t r a de w it h t he
Indians, problems w it h t he
Russians and other matters.
The First Edition - Large Paper, Subscriber’s Issue
25. HUGHES, Griffith
The Natural History of Barbados. London. Printed
for the Author. 1750. folio. 39cm, large paper copy, subscriber’s issue, [xiv],vii,[i,],314, [xx],p., [subscriber’s list, errata
with printed addition laid down, addenda, index], plus
large folding map of Barbados b y Thomas Jefferys, 30
copper engraved plates, 5 text illustrations, many initial
letter and header & tail devices, (including many beautiful
elaborate floral devices and a few with vignette views), in
quarter tan calf, raised blind ruled bands, gilt titles, marbled
boards, some slight transfer but a fine attractive tall copy of
the large paper issue.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,500.00
The book is handsomely printed, the
ma j o r i t y o f t he
pla t es a r e finel y
executed from drawings b y the gr ea t
plant artis t, Georg
Diony s ius Egr et .
Each plate bears the
a r m s of on e of
Hughes’ pa t r ons.
This is a important
book on the natural
history of one of the
main British colonies
in t he Ca r ibbean.
Hughes spent most
o f h i s c a r eer in
Ba r bados. He w a s
patronized by English gent lemen in
return for supplying them with seeds.
Most of the book is
devoted to plant s ,
a lthough there is a
section at the end
regarding fish. Hughes is
b eliev ed t o have been
born in England in 1707
and was a student at St.
John's College, Oxford,
where he graduated with
a B.A. and then M.A. in
1748. He was Rector of St
Lucy 's, Barbados, a nd
made a fellow o f t he
Royal Society in 1750, the year this work was published.
Hughes a lso cont r ib ut ed a paper 'Of a Zoophyton
r es emb ling t h e Flow er of t he Ma r igold' t o t he
'Philosophical Transactions' - “A standard work on the
early natural history of the Island”. Woods. Casey Woods,
p393. Cox II-p219. Nissen 950; Sabin 33582; Hunt 536. Great
Flower Books p60. European America 750/168.
26. KEATS, John
The Poems of John Keats. Illustrated by Averil
Burleigh. (The Burlington Library). London. Chapman &
Hall. [1928]. 12mo, 19.5cm, viii,360p., with 24 coloured
plates including frontis, in full wavy grain dark blue calf,
gilt and blind ruled raised bands, full gilt decorations and
borders in the panels, crushed crimson morocco label, gilt
titles, elaborated gilt decorated borders on the boards, gilt
r oll b a r s on the edges, inner gilt dentelles, ma r b led
endpa pers, all
edges g ilt ,
“ Bound b y
D’Viere & Son”,
s om e ex pert
r epa irs, a near
fine copy - Presentation Copy
with calligraphic
inscr ipt ion on
front endpaper,
The F o ur
Squares of First
Pr es b y t er i a n
Church, Buffalo,
N. Y. 1 9 3 0 &
Email: books@mcgahernbooks.ca
Page - 9 -
numerous signatures on rear endpapers .. . . . . . 250.00
27. LEES, J.A. & W.J. Clutterbuck
B.C. 1887. A Ramble In British Columbia. London &
New York. Longmans, Green, and Co., 1888. 12mo. 19cm,
viii,387p., with 75 plates and illustrations from engravings,
rear folding map, in the original light brown cloth, elaborate
pictorial decorations stamped in black and silver including
titles, some slight wear on the edges but a very good to fine
copy .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250.00
Lowther 791. Smith 5809.
"Primarily relates to the
author's travels in the East
Kootenay region. There
were two issues in 1888.
( N o p r i or it y ?). N e w
edition: 1889. Also 1892..."
We have had this in light
blue cloth with identical
stamping. There are no ads in this issue.
The History of New France. With an Englis h
translation, notes and appendices by W.L. Grant. And an
Introduction by H.P. Biggar. (Containing the Voy a ges,
Discoveries, and Settlement made by the French in the West
Indies and New France, by commission from our Most
Christian Kings; and their diverse fortunes in the execution
of these matters, from one hundred years ago until now.
W her ein is cont a ined t h e M o r al, Nat ur a l, a nd
Geographical History of the Provinces described; with the
requisite Tables and Maps. Third Edition, Enriched with
Many Singular Details, as well as the continuation of the
Story. Paris. Adrain Peter. 1618.
Tor onto. The Champla in Society. 19071914. tall8vo. 24cm, in
3 volumes, limited to
500 numb er ed sets,
v olume one out of
s er ies , volume t w o
and thr ee being #72,
xxi,331,[4] & vii,584,
[7,4] & xviii,555, [1.8]
pp., w it h 9 folding
maps (inc. large colour
folding map), appendices, index, t.e.g., full
red linen, gilt titles, a
very good to fine set,
subscriber’s set with
his signatur e on the
title pages and bookpla t e o n t he fr ont
endpaper . . . 900.00
Cha mplain Societ y
volume nos I, VII, XI. - T.P.L. 15. A translation and the text
of the enlarged third edition of 1617, with a reprint of the
original title page. This edition includes an account of the
French colony in America from 1607 to 1615. Appended is
the text of Les Muses de la Nouvelle-France.
- Patrick McGahern Books, Inc
This is the second set I have had in which volume one
was not numbered.
First to Complete the North-West Passage
29. M'CLURE, Robert
The Discovery of the North-West Passage by
H.M.S "Investigator," Capt. R. M'Clure, 1850, 1851, 1852,
1853, 1854. Edited by Captain Sherard Osborn. From the
Logs and Journals of Capt. Robert Le M. M'Clure.
London. Longman, Brown, Green... 1856. 8vo. 22.6cm.
xix,405,[2]p., ads., with folding colour maps and 4 tinted
litho. plates, ads on the front and rear paste down endpapers, in the original navy blue wavy grain cloth, blind
stamped border and decorations on the boards, gilt spine
titles, expertly restored, internal library stamps else a fine
copy of the rare first edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500.00
T.P.L. 8507. La daMoca r s ki 1 45. Sa b in
4 30 73. Cf. Ar ct ic Bib .
1 05 6 3 (for 2 nd e d . ).
Smith 6232. - Based on
the logs and journals of
C a pt . Rob er t L e M .
M'Clur e, [ M c C lur e;
Maclure], who commanded the expedition, this
book tells the story of the
final achievement of the
long and devoted quest
for the North-West Passa ge. The Investigat or
accompanied the Enterprise, under Commander Collinson, to search for Sir John
Franklin. The narrative describes the perils from the ice in
the Beaufort Sea, contains remarks on the progress of the
Franklin Search, and a great deal ofdetailed information on
Arctic wildlife. The Investigator also explored Banks Island,
penetrated Prince of Wales Strait and spent three winters
imprisoned by ice on the north shore of Banks Island. Here
they were met in April, 1853, by a party from the Resolute
(M'Dougall), which was anchored 160 miles away east of
Melville Island. The Investigator's crew sledged to the
Resolute and returned eastward with its crew to England,
thus completing the first ocean to ocean passage north of
30. MacFIE, Matthew
Vancouver Island and British Columbia. Their
History, Resources and Prospects. London,. Longman,
Green, Longman, Roberts & Green. 1865. 8vo. 22cm, the
First Edition. xxi,[ 1] ,57 4 p., engr av ed fr ont is & 6
illustrations, 2 folding maps, (outline colour), index, in contemporary full tan calf, gilt ruled raised bands, full gilt
decorations in the panels, crushed green morocco label, gilt
titles, gilt ruled borders on the boards, blind decorated
inner dentelles, French marbled endpapers and edges, signed binding by Bickers & Son, London, hint of sun fading
on the spine but a fine copy attractive copy . . . 600.00
T.P.L. 4423. Lande 1312. Lowther 255. Gagnon I 2179.
Smith 6334. Sabin 43253. Waterston p127. - "Intended
chiefly for the perusal of merchants, statesmen and intend-
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P age -
ing emigrants" (preface). Ma cfie's book
contains much detailed, cla s s ified a nd
practical information
r egarding the commercial, timber export ing, minin g a n d
agricultural capabilit ies of Va ncouver
Island and British Columbia. He also discuss es the history a nd
t opogr a phy of the
colonies, the impact of
t he gold r us h, t he
political statistics of
the colonies, the proposed int er oceanic
railway, the need for an emigrant route and telegraphic line
across the prairies, social life, and the life and customs of the
Northwestern Indians.
31. MOBERLY, Walter
The Rocks and Rivers of British Columbia. London.
Printed by H. Blacklock & Co. 1885. 8vo, 23cm, 102p, 1 plate,
in the original printed plain grey wraps, a fine unopened
copy (as new), very scarce .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250.00
cf. Lowther 689. Smith 6896. Soliday II:1141. Moberly
conducted surveys in BC from 1857 to 1872, and his book
relates experiences with miners, Indians, and many early
members of the Royal Engineers. Lowther cites another
issue with the same date but with 104p., illus. 2 folding
Travel & Description from the Whole Province...
32. MOORSOM, W[illiam Scarth]
Letters From Nova Scotia; comprising Sketches of a
Young Country. By Ca pt a in W. Moorsom, 52d Light
Infantry. London. Henry Colburn and Richard Bentley.
1830. 12mo, 19cm, the First Edition, viii,371,[4]p., ads., litho
engraved folding map and 3 litho engraved plate views, in
contemporary half black
ca lf, gilt ruled r a is ed
bands, da r k cr ims on
crushed morocco label,
ma r b led b oa rds and
edges, wear on the edges
and corner, except for a
few foxing spots the text
is clean, a v er y good
copy . . . . . . . . . . . 750.00
La nde 6 5 5 . T.P.L.
1 5 0 4 . Sabin 50472. NSIB
10 -
order line - 613-230-2277
180. Moorsom entered the British Army in 1821 and was
sent to Nova Scotia in 1826. For a time he was Deputy
Quartermaster General, but he sold his commission in 1832
and was a civil engineer for the remainder of his life. In
Letters from Nova Scotia he describes Halifax in the early
nineteenth century and his travels throughout the province.
(NSIB). - . "He was able to travel through the whole
province (except Cape Breton). It is clear that he enjoyed
trav el, ev en when it was dreadfully uncomfortable.
Moorsom had the excellent attribute of noting everything
he saw and heard; he missed very little, and his Letters,
published in London in 1830, contains such complete
information about the colony as it was in his time that it has
been an invaluable resource book for researchers today." Va is on p.1 8 Nov a Scot ia : Pa s t and Pr e s e n t : A
bibliography. 1976.
33. MORRIS, Alexander
The Treaties of Canada. With The Indians of
Manitoba and The North-West Territories. Including the
Negot ia tions on which they ar e b a s ed, a nd ot her
information relating thereto.
Toronto. Belfords, Clarke & Co., Publishers. 1880.
12mo, 17.5cm, 375,[v]p., ads., appendix, original green
cloth, gilt spine and upper cover titles, blind stamped
borders, cover cloth bit wrinkled, rear hinge repaired, a
very good copy - this copy with “Indian Commissioner”
stamped on the front free fly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150.00
Lande 162 8. Peel
94 0 . "A valuable source
book by one who played a
leading role in settling the
Indians ' claims". Alexander Morris, 1826-1889,
Memb er of Legis lative
Assembly of Canada, 186172; appointed chief justice
of M a nit ob a Cour t of
Queen’s Bench, 1872; few
months later appointed Lt.Governor of Manitoba and
NWT and during term of
office negotiated the more
important of the First Nations treaties in NWT, 1872-1877.
First Pastoral Letter by the First Bishop of Bytown
34. OTTAWA - BYTOWN. Pastoral Letter.
First Bishop of Bytown.
Pastoral of his Lordship Joseph Guigues, first Bishop
of Bytown, on his assuming the government of the new
Diocese of Bytown. (caption-title).
[Bytown, 1848]. 4to. one single sheet folded to 25x
20cm, and printed on both sides of the 25x 20 size of the
first sheet, fine.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150.00
"Does not America seem destined to rival with those
countries which Catholicity covers with its protecting
shade?The children of Emigration penetrate into regions
where the step ofman never reached... that immense tract
of territory the grand river bathes with waters, uniting
countries the mos t r emot e and still in their pristine
wildness, with the rich and civilized lands of Lower
Email: books@mcgahernbooks.ca
Page - 11 -
- Patrick McGahern Books, Inc
and Company. 1925. folio, 3 0 cm, first trade edition,
xxii,372p., colour frontis portrait (Pennell), 119 illustrations,
index, original beige book linen, gilt titles, a fine copy in
fine jacket .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375.00
An autobiography of the American artist from
childhood in Philadelphia to his experiences in World
One. With much about the author s w hos e b ooks he
illustrated including a bibliography of his own books.
Canada, as if to afford the children of Canada and Ireland
the facility of possessing these lands which their labours
may render abundantly fertile".
35. OTTAWA. View Book. (Thorburn).
Ottawa Illustrated. Photo-Gravures. Ottawa. Chas.
H. Thorburn, Bookseller and Stationer, 80 Sparks Street...
(Printed by) The Albertype Co.
N.Y. nd. [1899?]. oblong 12mo,
13x 16cm, being 30 plate views
print ed on one s ide, in the
original blue cloth, gilt b lock
titles on t he upper cover in
black stamped borders, string
tied, a fine copy, rare - Not in
Amicus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00
36. [OVID]. Publius Ovidius Naso
The Metamorphoses of Publius Ovidius Naso in
English Blank Verse. translated by J.J. Howard. London.
Printed for the author & sold by, John Hatchford, Bookseller
to Her Majesty. 1807. 8vo,
20.5cm, in 2 volumes, 285,
342pp., 1 engraved frontis,
engraved title-pages with
vignettes, in half tan calf,
gilt ruled raised bands, full
gi l t d ecor a t ions a nd
b or der s in t he panels ,
double green and crimson
crushed morocco labels,
gilt titles, tan cloth boards,
marbled endpapers, t.e.g.,
bookplate of W.H. Millen,
a fine set in attractive fine
binding . . . . . . . . . 350.00
37. PENNELL, Joseph
The Adventures of an Illustrator. Mostly Following
His Authors in America & Europe. Boston. Little, Brown,
38. [RACKHAM, Arthur].
Mother Goose. The Old Nur sery Rhymes.
Illustrated by Arthur Rackham.
New York. The Century Co., [1913]. 4to, 29cm, first US
edition, (British sheets), limited to 150 numbered copies,
t his b eing # 32, and Signed by Rackha m, xi,1 6 0 p.,
watermarked paper “British Hand Made .. Pure Rag”,
With 13 mounted colour plates on extra stock brown
paper with captioned tissue guards, and 85 black and white
illustrations throughout, some occasional slight transfer on
b.&w. illus.,
In fine signed binding, full crimson crushed morocco, gilt
and blind ruled raised bands, gilt decorations and borders
in the panels, gilt titles, gilt ruled borders on the boards,
wide inner gilt decorated dentelles, gilt rules on the board
edges which are rounded on the front corners, matched
marbles endpapers, all edges gilt, four of the preliminary
Visit our website: mcgahernbooks.ca “it works”
P age -
12 -
order line - 613-230-2277
pages have a small light brown stain circa . 5 x 3cm, a fine
copy in fine signed binding “Em. Terquem Rel.”, “Bound
expressly for C.C. Parker, Los Angles”, rare . . 4,000.00
39. [RACKHAM, Arthur].
Some British Ballads. Illustrated by Arthur
Rackham. New York. Dodd, Mead & Co. [1919]. 4to.
25.5cm, (British sheets and binding), 170p., plus 16 colour
plates mounted on grey extra stock paper, 24 drawings in
black and white, pictorial endpapers designed by Rackham,
original fine grain dark blue cloth, gilt pictorial decorations
and titles on the spine and upper cover, some slight
wrinkling on the top and bottom spine edges otherwise a
very good to fine copy .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300.00
“ Ar t hur Ra ckha m is
widely regarded as one
of the leading illustrators
from the 'Golden Age' of
British book illustration
which encompassed the
years from 1900 until the
start of the First World
War. During that period,
t her e w a s a s t r ong
market for high quality,
illustrat ed b ooks that
typically were given as
Christmas gifts. Many of
Ra ckham's books were produced in a de luxe limit ed
edition, often vellum bound and sometimes signed, as well
as a larger, less ornately bound quarto 'trade' edition. This
was often followed by a more modestly presented octavo
edition in subsequent years for particularly popular books.
The onset of the war in 1914 curtailed the market for such
quality books, and the public's taste for fantasy and fairies
also declined in the 1920s.
Arthur Rackham's works have become very popular
since his death, both in North America and Britain. His
images ha v e b een w idely used by the greeting card
industry and many of his books are still in print or have
been recently available in both paperback and hardback
editions. His original drawings and paintings are keenly
sought at the major international art auction houses."
Limited, Numbered & Signed by Rackham
40. [RACKHAM]. LAMB, Charles & Mary
Tales from Shakespeare. Illustrated by Arthur
Rackham. London J.M. Dent & Co. & New Yor k. E.P.
Dutton. 1909. 4to, 28.5cm, xii,304p., limited to 750 copies,
signed by the Illustrator, this being #535, with 13 mounted
color plates including the frontis, 2 full-page illustrations in
black and white, 20 chapter headings, 14 tail-pieces, in the
orignal full white closed grain buckram, gilt titles and
device on the spine and upper cover, dark red silk ties, (one
w a nt ing), t op edge gilt else uncut, lar ge ov a l gilt
decor a t ions on the marble vellum paper endpa per s ,
binding slightly dust worn else fine . . . . . . . . . 1,500.00
Latimore and Haskell, pp. 33-34. Riall, p. 90. I.
41. [RACKHAM, Arthur]. DICKENS, Charles.
A Christmas Carol. Illustrated by Arthur Rackham.
London & Philadelphia. William Heinemann & J.B.
Lippincott Co. 1915. 8vo, 20x 14.5cm, first U.S. edition,
(British sheets, with ink stamp on the verso of the the title
page below the date "printed in Great Britain"). xi,147p.,
with 12 colour plates with captioned tissue guards, 18 black
& white text illustrations including heading & tailpieces,
decorated title page printed in black and red, in contemporary hard polished green calf, gilt decorated raised bands,
gilt decorations and borders in the panels, double crushed
crimson morocco labels, gilt titles, light blue cloth boards,
marbled endpapers, t.e.g., some slight wear at the edges,
spine tanned, (titles, labels and stamping clear), some slight
foxingon the front and rear end leaves,1 text illustration
(two figures) at page 60 has been ha nd coloured by a
former owner, (unobtrusive), a very good to fine attractively bound copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400.00
Latimore & Haskell, p45., later issue of first edition,
although it has date on verso of the title page, the frontis is
not mounted, i.e., tipped in.
42. ROBERTS, Morley
The Western Avernus, or, Toil and Travel in Further
North America. London. Smith, Elder, & Co.,
1887. 20.5cm, the First Edition, [iii],307,iv]p., ads.,
colour folding frontis map, in the original dark
olive green cloth, gilt spine titles, a near fine copy
of the scarce first edition . . . . . . . . . . . . 350.00
Lowther 757. Herd 1919. Smith 3520. Graff 757
“Mainly concerned with the author's experiences
as a member of a railway gang in the Rockies
and during his walk through the Selkirks and the
Fraser Canyon to the Coast”. (Lowther). This
book recounts the author's hard work, rugged
adventure, and restless travel in a rough and
dangerous land. It is perhaps best known as a
major inspiration for Robert Service, the great
Scottish poet of the Yukon, with its exhilarating
Email: books@mcgahernbooks.ca
Page - 13 -
- Patrick McGahern Books, Inc
depictions of work on railroad crews and mountaineering in
British Columbia. The author (1857-1942) was born into a
middle-class London family, travelled and worked as a
labourer a nd farmhand in Australia. Prior to 1886 he
travelled in Texas, Oregon, California, but most of the book
is set in British Columbia where he worked building the
Canadian Pacific Railway.
43. ROBIDOUX, Orral Messmore
Memorial to the Robidoux Brothers. A History of
the Robidouxs in America. Kansas City, Printed by SmithGrieves Company. April, 1924. 8vo, 24cm, the first edition,
311p., frontis & 17 plates and illustrations (inc. maps and
portraits), limited edition, this is copy #107, (with a note in
pencil on the rear fly indicatingthis copy purchased from
Mrs. Louis Robidoux, Kansas City); in full blind decorated
dark blue morocco, gilt spine titles and cover titles, includes
an old ad for this volume pasted to back endpaper & 1924
Kansas City Star article on the family pasted to back fly leaf,
each with some transfer otherwise a fine copy . 500.00
The Robidoux b rothers were among the earliest
French-Canadian fur traders in the Southwest.
First Edition of Ross' First Voyage
A Tall Copy - 15 Hand Coloured Aquatint Plates
44. ROSS, John
A Voyage of Discovery made under the Orders of
the Admiralty, in His Ma j es t y 's Ships Isabella and
Alexander, for the purpose of Exploring Baffin's Bay, and Inquiring into the probability of a North West Passage.
London. John Murray. 1819. 4to. 29x 2.5cm, the first
edition, errata slip, xxxix,[1],252 & appendix, cxliv,[1]pp.
complete with 28 plates & maps and 4 tables [3 folding],
(includes 3 folding engraved maps, 15 hand coloured aquatint pla t es , [ 4 folding], 4 uncoloured aquatints, and 4
engraved landfalls, [3 folding], 2 engraved plates), in the
original publisher’s boards rebacked I n tan linen with the
original paper label laid down, boards worn on the edges,
new endpapers, some slight transfer on the uncoloured
plates, the colour plates are fine clean impressions, very
good to fine copy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000.00
It is rare to find an untrimmed copy, this one
being 29cm tall. They are generally 26-27.5cm.
T.P.L. 1152. Lande 1425. Sabin 73 3 7 6 . Hill
p261. A.B. 14873. Abbey Tr av el 634. First
edition of this famous and notorious voyage;
among Ross's officers were W.E. Parry, James
C. Ross, and Edward Sabine. The expedition
rediscovered Baffin Bay and its three sounds,
confirming William Baffin's discoveries of
1616. Sailing further into Lancaster Sound,
Ross was deceived presumably by a mirage,
which he believed to be a range of mountains,
naming them Croker Mountains. On returning
to England his report was, at first accepted as
conclusive and he was promoted to Captain.
A controversy soon arose however, which
called his courage into question and opened a
life-long quarrel with the then secretary of the
Admiralty, Sir John Barrow. Appended are
various scientific and natural history notes.
The beautifully coloured
aquatint plates engraved
by Havell after drawings
by Ross, A.M. Skene, H.P.
Hoppner, J. Sackhouse, D.
Hav ell, J. Bus hna n, &
Thomas Lewin, and which
illus t r a t e the work are
among the most striking
and attractive plates done
on the Arctic region.
Signed Canadian Binding
45. ROY, P.G.
Old Manors, Old Houses. Quebec. Historic Monuments Commission. 1927. 4to, 27cm, viii,376p. with 6
colour plates & 269 full-page plates of "old manors and old
houses", bound in half fine grain dark green morocco, gilt
ruled raised bands, gilt device decorations in the panels,
gilt titles, blue cloth boards, some slight wear on the edges,
spine toned, very good to fine - Signed Binding “McGill
University Binders”; from a note enclosed “..... had this
book bound by Mr. Page of McGill University Bindery, in
the 30's”. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275.00
A Canadian classic.
“Photographs of more
than two hundred 18th /
19th century houses in
Quebec a r e a ccompanied by short essays on
almost 50 of the buildings. The ma in emphasis is on ma nor s and
ordinary houses, although a few examples of
other building t y pes ,
such as mills, are included. William Carless, in
an appendix, divides the
manor s and houses of
Visit our website: mcgahernbooks.ca “it works”
P age -
the province into five basic types according to roof design.”
Lerner & William-son 8560.
46. [ST. GERMAIN, Sir Christopher]
Two Dialogues in English, between A Doctor of
Divinity, and A Student in the Laws of England, of The
Grounds of the said Laws, And of Conscience.
London. Printed by the Assigns of Rich and Edw.
Atkins Esquires. 1687. 8vo. 14cm, revised and reprinted
edition, 366,[8]p., early calf boards rebacked in calf with
r aised bands, crushed crimson mor occo lab el, new
endpapers, fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450.00
W ing S- 3 1 4 .
Chr is t o pher
(c.1460-1540) is
chiefly rememb ered for this
ha ndbook for
legal students.
Originally published, in Latin,
i n 1523, t h e
book was not superseded as a legal text until the appearance of Blackstone’s “Commentaries”. This 1687 edition, is a reprint of the first complete
revised edition of 1630.
14 -
order line - 613-230-2277
the deterioration which the language has suffered in the
United States.”
This second edition, published in Britain, deletes antiBritish chapters and Sansom’s enumeration of“palpably
erroneous reports” by Bouchette and others. (Waterson).
48. SEABURY, Joseph Stowe
Reflections of a Moose Hunter. A Personal
Resume of the Serious, Picturesque and Droll Aspects of
Life in the Moose Count r y, with Photographs by the
Author and Others.
Boston. Privately Printed. 1921. 8vo, 23cm, 68p., frontis
and with 23 illustrations and plates from photographs, in
the original quarter brown cloth backed printed paper over
boards, wear at the edges, dust worn else a good to very
good copy, rare. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275.00
An Extraordinary Copy in the Original Boards
47. SANSOM, Joseph
Travels in Lower Canada, with the Author’s Recollections of the Soil and Aspect; The Morals, Habits, and
Religious Inst it ut ions of That Country. With: Tour in
Virginia, Tennessee, Etc.. By Elias Conrnelus.[pp96-116].
London. Printed for Sir Richard Phillips and Co. 1820.
8vo, 23cm, iv,116p., 1 engraving view of Quebec, (foxed), in
the publisher’s original printed boards containing ads for
their series of“Modern Voyages and Travels, indicating the
present titles is No. 1. - Vol. III. in frame border on the
upper cover and more book ads on the bottom, in fine
condition, rare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350.00
T.P.L. 4844. Sabin 76707. cf. Waterston p29.
An American in search of
t r ut h. W r it t en b y an
American from Philadelphia w ho has nothing
good to say about either
the French or the British;
the editor, for his part, has
little good to say about the
author. “The Editor of this
London Journal has preferred to allow Mr. Sansom to speak for himself
in his own words... that, as
a specimen of Americanisms, used b y a man of
good education, the work
would be a greater curiosity to those English readers, who are not aware of
Author’s Signed Presentation copy “for Ernest T.
Gregory, who loves the woods as sincerely as the apologetic
a uthor - but who knows them better. Joseph Stowe
Seabury, June, 1923. - Moose hunting in the Miramichi
counties of New Brunswick. - In my experience this is a
rare book, which I only remember having once before.
49. SMITH, W[illiam] H.
Canada: Past, Present and Future. Being a Historical, Geographical, Geological and Statistical Account of
Canada West. Containing 10 county maps and 1 general
map of the province compiled expressly for the work.
Toronto. Thomas Maclear. [1851]. tall8vo, 23.5cm, in 2
volumes, cxxiv,290,80, (business directory), 24,(subscribers)pp. & xxiv,544, (-81),184 (continues directories)pp., large
folding frontis map* & 10 folding county maps, engraved
half-title in volume one with a three quarter page engraved
vignette of Niagara Falls, pp xlvi-xlviii, misnumbered as
lxvi-lxvii, in the original blind decorated red cloth, gilt
spine titles and pictorial decorated oval framed titles on the
upper cover titles, expertly restored, inner linen hinges, a
very good to fine set .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350.00
Lande 800. T.P.L. 3310. This work is a sort of gazetteer
describing Canada West, county by county, with statistics
of 1850. It includes a business directory (including business,
professional, postal directories, etc.,), and section on natural
resources, Canada compared with other colonies, progress
and improvements & hints to emigrants. *The attractive
frontis ma p t it le is: “Map of Canada West or Upper
Canada, compiled from Government Plans, Original Docu-
Email: books@mcgahernbooks.ca
Page - 15 -
- Patrick McGahern Books, Inc
m ent s, and
P e r s o n a l
Observation”, by
William H. Smith
The business directory is the first
such directory of
Canada West.
singing ofhymns... It is with
natural reluct a nce t ha t I
touch on the last prayer of
my husbands life. Many
have supposed that he showed, in the wording of t his
pr ayer, that he had s ome
premonition of his approaching death. I am sure he
had no such premonit-ion”.
Very attractively desig-ned
and illuminated by Alberto
Sangorski (1862-1932) and
printed at the Graphic Engraving Co.
52. SWAN, James G.
50. [STEELE, Sir Richard & Joseph Addison].
The Tatler. With Notes and Illustrations. A New
Edition, in Four Volumes. (The British Essayists, series.
With prefaces, biographical, historical and critical by
James Ferguson).
London. Printed for J. Richardson et al. 1822-1823.
12mo. 16cm, second edition, in 4 volumes, vi,324 &
viii,359 & viii,395 & viii,352pp., engraved frontis portrait
(Steele), biographical preface, in contemporary full tree
calf, full gilt decorations and boarders in the spine panels,
double dark green morocco labels, marbled endpapers, a
fine set (32579.ds1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350.00
A r e p rint of the
complete run (271
issues) of the thrice
w eekly E n g l i s h
periodical from its
co m m e n c e m ent
April 12, 1709 to its
last issue January
2nd, 1711. "I am
now at the end of
my ambition in this
matter, and have
nothing more to say to the world under the character of
Isaac Bickerstaff." Richard Steele adopted the pseudonym
"Bickerstaff" from Jonathan Swift for this publication.
Joseph Addison was a frequent contributor to the
"Tatler". From "The British Essayists." series with a
biographical preface by the editor, James Ferguson.
The Northwest Coast; or, Three Years' Residence in
Washington Territory.
New York. Harper & Brothers, Publishers. 1857. 12mo,
19.5cm, the first edition,[5]p., ads., with folding map, frontis
& 28 plates and illustrations from engravings, title-page
vignette, in the original blind decorated brown cloth, gilt
spine titles faded, original coated endpapers, some wear on
the top a nd b ot t om of t he s pine and on the edges,
internally clean and sound without t he usual foxing
associated with U.S. publications of this era, a very good
copy .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500.00
Howes S-1164, "Aa." Graff 4046. Smith 10044. Filed
1526. Soliday IV:813. Eberstadt 107:367. Decker 32:275.
Lowther 54 “One chapter
contains remarks on the Chinook jar gon a nd includes a
Chinook jargon vocabulary of
two hundred and fifty works.
IV- 81 3 . “ Fine copy of the
Original Edition. The author
was an authority on the Indian tribes of the Northwest,
and a Secret Agent for the
Northern Pacific Railroad”.
The author resided in Oregon
and Washington during 1853
-1855. According to Decker, he was a "secret agent for the
Northern Pacific Railroad." Much ofthis book, however, is
devoted to Swan's inv estigations of Indian life in the
Northwest. It is lauded by Tweney as one of the classics of
the Pacific Northwest.
51. STEVENSON, Robert Louis
Prayers Written at Vailima. [Designed & Illuminated by Alberto Sangorski.
London. Chatto & Windus. 1910. sm4to. 26.5cm,
second impression, un-paginated [24]p., colour illuminated
title-page with oval colour portrait of author, printed in
calligraphy, each pr a y er decor a t ed in illuminated
manuscript style, in the original japon vellum paper over
boards with gilt decorated title on upper cover, gilt spine
title, s ome light foxing on the margins of the boards
otherwise a very good to fine copy . . . . . . . . . . . . 150.00
With a introduction by Mrs. R.L. Stevenson - “in every
Samoan household the day is closed with prayer and the
Telesforo de]
The Conquest of Peru.
Constable’s Miscellany of Original and Selected Publications.
Edinburgh. Constable & Co.
1830. 24mo. 14.5cm, the first
e d it ion, 3 4 1 p., engr a v ed
vignette title page, (no printed
title), in ha lf calf, gilt ruled
raised bands, gilt decorations in
the panels, brown cloth boards,
Visit our website: mcgahernbooks.ca “it works”
P age -
marbled endpapers, new red leather spine label, very good
to fine copy, scarce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250.00
A history of the Spa nis h conquest of Peru by a
Spanish historian - “the feelings of the Spaniard have been
carefully subdued while per forming the duties of the
54. WARD, Harry Parker
Some American College Bookplates. A Presentation of
Plates, Old and New, Used by Educational Institutions, Individuals, Fraternities and Clubs, to which are added those
of a few Learned Societies . W it h a n Int r oduction by
Theodore Wesley Koch and a Check-List of Bookpla t e
Literature by Winward Prescott.
Colu m b u s . The
Champlain Press. 1915.
8vo, 22.5cm, 482p., limi t e d e d it ion of 5 0 0
copies, tipped in frontis,
ov er 300 b ookpla t es
including some tippedin pla t es , index, addenda, in t he or igina l
dark blue gilt decorated
cloth, gilt t it les , v ery
good to fine. . . . 200.00
Includes Canadian
university and college
bookplates : Dalhousie
C o l l e g e , Ha l i f a x ;
University of Toronto; Queen’s University, Kingston; and
Royal Victoria College, McGill Univers it y. Individual
bookplates include Oliver Wendell Holmes, Charles Elliot
Norton, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson.
55. WEEKS, Edward
The Moisie Salmon Club. A Chronicle by Edward
Weeks. Barre, Massachusetts. Barre Publishers. 1971. sm4to,
25.5cm, [viii],240,[1]p., limited to 1500 copies, with c.130
plates and illustrations, (including 2 colour plates from
paintings by Ogden Pleissner, 2 colour plates, 2 colour
plates of flies, maps, a nd 9 double page illustrations),
mapped endpapers, appendices, in quarter dark blue fine
grain book cloth backed in green b oa r ds w it h silver
stamped salmon illus on the upper cover and titles along
the spine, in s lipca s e, minor wear of the edges of the
slipcase but a fine copy .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275.00
A history of the club , the river, its fishing and
members over the y ea r s . Records of salmon taken by
anglers and commercial fishermen on the river from 1858 to
1970. Moisie River angling records for the same period, a
partial list of anglers and guests. The Moisie is a river in
eastern Quebec. Called and known as the Nahanni of the
East, it is one of the most beautiful wild rivers of North
Amer ica . It flows south from Lake Opocopa near the
Labrador border to the north shore of the Saint Lawrence
River east of Sept - Îles, Quebec. The town of Moisie is
located at its mouth. The river is 410 km in length. The
Moisie River is popular with experienced canoeists who
have a taste for white water. The continued and almost
uninterrupted impressive panoramas of mountains and
cliffs make this an unforgettable canoe expedition.
16 -
order line - 613-230-2277
An Early Guide Book for Selkirk Climbers
The Selkirk Mountains. A Guide for Mountain
Climbers and Pilgrims. Winnipeg. Stovel Company. 1912.
19cm, 19 1 ,[ 7 ] p., with 59 illustrations (inc. 2 folding
panoramas), 6 folding maps, glossary, bibliography, index,
printed grey wraps, fine copy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150.00
Lowther 3997. (Citing 5 folding maps; prob a bly
wanting the larger rear foldingmap). "Edited by Elizabeth
Pa r ker. Foreword dated 191 1 . Smit h 1 0 89 3 giv es
publication date [1911]. Copies described by Smith seen
and found to be same as above; probably dated fr om
Foreword". - Lowther.
The Selkir k Range. Ottawa. Published by the
Department of the Interior. 1905. 24cm, xvii,[1],459p. frontis
portrait, plus 95 plates and illustrations; with separate
portfolio of maps containing 14 folding maps (including 2
folding illustrations and one chart), original dark green
cloth, gilt spine and cover titles, a near fine set, with the
accompanying portfolio of maps . . . . . . . . . . . . 350.00
Neate 887. An account ofa topographical survey of
British Columbia's Selkirk Ra nge adjacent to the C.P.
railway, accompanied by a review offtravel and exploration and mountaineering in the region - Lowther 1548. Part
1 of the book is an account of a topographical survey of a
portion of the Selkirk Mountains adjacent to the Canadian
Pacific Railway line. Parts 2-4 cover exploration, previous
surveys, and mountaineering in the area.
Ordering: - Call or Email Anytime. 613-230-2277 or
email to: books@mcgahernbooks.ca
- VISA & MASTERCARD accepted, give card number
and expiry date.
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