Rare and Interesting Books


Rare and Interesting Books
PatrickMcGahernBooks, Inc.
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Catalogue 233
Rare and Interesting Books
A Christmas Miscellany
Prices in Canadian Funds
One of Canada's Oldest Counties
Illustrated Historical Atlas of the County of
Halton Ont. Compiled and drawn from official plans and
special surveys by J.H. Pope. Toronto. Walker & Miles. 1877.
atlas folio, 45.3x36cm, 93p., complete with 74 leaves of maps
and plates (including several double maps) and 21 pages of
historical description of the county, in the original half black
morocco grain leather and dark cloth boards with gilt decorated block titles and decorations in oval lay out, the pages
have some foxing or
are slightly dust
wo rn bu t thi s a
better copy than the
two others we have
Morley, Ontario, p.
61. May, County
Atlases, pp. 61-64.
Halton County is on
the north shore of
Lake Ontario, west
of Toronto. Its princ i pal to wn s a r e
Burlington, Oakville, Bronte, Milton and Georgetown.
[AUDUBON, John James & John J. Bigsby & De Witt
Clinton & Henry Rowe Schoolcraft et al].
Annals of The Lyceum of Natural History of New
York. Vol. I. [In Two Volumes]. Part the First. Part the
Second. New York. Printed for The Lyceum by J. Seymour,
and sold by G. & C. Carvill. 1825. 8vo, 23cm, iv,410,2pp.,
plus 29 engraved plates (bound in at the end, as issued), in
original boards, one in quarter fine linen, the other in paper
with paper labels, V2 spine is cracked and labels chipped,
front board detached on volume 1, the boards are clean and
sound with some slight edge wear, internally clean and
sound, uncut and partly unopened, internally very good,
very rare
The first volume of the "Annals" of The Lyceum of
Natural History of New York formed in 1818. Included are
two accounts on the swallow
read by James Audubon. Important Canadian content is
included by English physician and geologist, John J.
Bigsby (1792-1881) : "A
Sketch of the Geology of the
Island of Montreal" with
engraved map. Bigsby was
serving with the British
Army in the Canadas and
later wrote of his travels in
"The Shoe and Canoe" (1850).
Other prominent authors
include De Witt Clinton,
Issachar Cozzens, Joseph
Delafield, Abraham Halsey,
John Torrey, Van Rensselaer, and Henry Schoolcraft, The
Lyceum's name was later changed to The New York
Academy of Sciences and as such exists today.
Best of
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Illustrated Arctic Books
BELCHER, Captain Sir Edward
The Last of the Arctic Voyages: Being a Narrative of
the Expedition in H.M.S. Assistance, under the command of
Captain Sir Edward Belcher, in Search of Sir John Franklin,
during the years 1852-53-54. With Notes on the Natural
History, by Sir John Richardson, Professor Owen, Thomas
Bell, J.W. Salter, and Lovell Reeve. London. Lovell Reeve.
1855. sm4to, 24.6cm, The First Edition, in 2 volumes,
xx,383,(24) & vii,419,pp., with 11 full colour lithographed
plates, 25 litho plates (inc several tinted and scientific), and 4
maps (3 folding), 25 wood engraved text illustrations, in
contemporary full polished calf, gilt decorated raised bands,
full blind stamped decorations and borders in the panels,
double red and black crushed morocco labels, gilt titles, gilt
and blind ruled borders on the boards, blind decorated inner
dentelles, marbled endpapers and edges, armorial engraved
bookplate, some slight wear on the edges, expertly restored,
a near fine attractively bound set
Abbey Travel.
645. A.B. 1241.
T.P.L. 3409. Sabin
4389. Not in
Lande. Hill (3)
-106. Narrative of
the five ship expedition under
Belcher's command, in search
of Franklin. The
colour lithograph
plates are, with
the exception of
the view portfolios of Creswel l , B r o w n e
a n d M a y, t h e
most attractive
illustrations to grace an Arctic narrative since the coloured
aquatints of the earlier Ross and Franklin voyages. Belcher
was forced to abandon four of his five ships to the pack-ice
just off Melville Island. Over one year later an American
whaler, one thousand miles south, in Davis Strait found the
Resolute less the crew, drifting towards them. It was
returned to the United States where it was sold to the
American government; after restoration it was presented to
the British government. When it was retired and stripped
down, oak from its planking was used to make a desk
which was presented to the American Government and it is
still in use today in the White House.
Halifax-born Belcher gained considerable distinction as
a surveyor in the Royal Navy. He served under on the
western Arctic coastal survey in 1825-27, and subsequently
headed surveys of the west coast of North and South
America and in the South China Sea. In 1852, he was placed
in command of an expedition of five ships (Resolute,
Intrepid, North Star, Assistance and Pioneer) to search in the
Canadian Arctic for Sir John Franklin, missing since 1845.
Belcher records his sailing through Wellington Channel and
discovery of Exmouth and North Cornwall Islands and the
Belcher Channel leading to Jones Sound.
Also described is the meeting and rescue of Commdr.
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Robert McClure of the Investigator on northern Banks Island
by the western arm of the expedition under Henry Kellett.
Belcher's decision to abandon four ships icebound in
Wellington Channel in 1854 led to his court-martial, and
despite his acquittal, he continued to be severely criticized in
England. Weather and ice conditions are recorded throughout, as well as optical phenomena, natural history, scurvy,
etc., and a summary of results of Franklin's search
expeditions to date. Appended are several scientific reports
on natural history: John Richardson's on fishes, J. . Salter on
fossils, Lovell Reeve on shells, Thomas Bell on crustacea, etc.
Books in Tenni or Slave
All the books in this section are Very Rare. We could
not find any catalogue or on line listings and no auction
records back to 1900. One site lists 5.5 million records.
By the end of the eighteenth century the Slave Indians
occupied a broad stretch of country behind both banks of the
MacKenzie River from its outlet at Great Slave Lake to
Norman, the basin of the lower Liard and the west end of
Great Slave lake. They had the reputation of being a
peaceable, inoffensive people, although they treacherously
massacred many Nahani Indians of the upper Liard and
drove the remainder into the mountains, then, a little later,
destroyed a trading post of Fort Nelson. Surrounding tribes
seldom ventured to attack them, attributing to them great
skill in witchcraft. - Unlike the Chipewyan, the Slave, never
ventured out on the barren grounds, but clung to the forests
and the river banks, hunting the woodland and the moose.
BOMPAS, Bishop William Carpenter
Language of the Indians of Mackenzie River in the
North-West Territory of Canada. London. Society for
Promoting Christian Knowledge. 1892. 16mo. 17cm, 126p.,
frontis, text sketch illustrations, text in syllabics with English
titles, grey printed cloth, titles & decoration in black, fine
Bishop Bompas (1834-1906) served as a missionary
priest of the Church of England in Canada's North-West for
over thirty years being consecrated as the first Bishop of
Athabaska in 1874. He was noted as translating a large
number of biblical translations into aboriginal dialects. A
scarce example of the use of Athabaskan syllabics, largely
unknown in modern times.
Not in Abe; Amicus; Wordcat; Lowther. B.C. Biblio.;
BOMPAS, Bishop William Carpenter]
Prayers, Lessons and Hymns in the Tenni or Slavi
Language of the Indians of Mackenzie River in the
North-West Territory of Canada. Compiled by The Bishop
of the Diocese. London. Society for Promoting Christian
Knowledge. 1900. 16mo. 16cm, 40p., frontis, text in syllabics
with English titles, grey cloth, titles & decoration in black,
Not in Banks. Not references as above.
One of Bishop Bompas' many religious translations
into aboriginal dialects. A scarce example of the use of
Athabaskan syllabics . Includes a "Syllabarium".
BOMPAS, Bishop William Carpenter]
Hymns in the Tenni or Slavi Language of the Indians
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of Mackenzie River, in the North-West of Canada. London.
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. [1890]. 16mo.
16cm, 118p., grey cloth with black titles & decoration, a fine
Not in Banks. Pilling (Athabascan) p42 lists the
hymns translated by Bishop Bompas but also possibly by
Reverend W.D. Reeve and gives the date 1890. 154 hymns as
used by the Anglican Church are included in the Athabaskan Slave language using latin alphabet with English titles.
BOMPAS, Bishop William Carpenter]
Hymns in the Tenni or Slavi Language of the Indians
of Mackenzie River in the North West Territory of Canada.
London. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 1903.
12mo, 127p., in aboriginal syllabics with English titles, red
cloth, water staining to edges & spine with some leeching to
fore-edge & gutter, good
Formerly published in 1890, in Latin alphabet by
Bishop Bompas or Rev. Reeve, this later edition has been
published using Athabascan syllabics and includes 158
hymns as used by the Anglican Church. cf. Banks, p155 for
first edition.
BOMPAS, Bishop William Carpenter]
Part of the Book of Common Prayer and Administration of the Church. According to the Use of The Church of
England. Translated into Tenni. London. Society for
Promoting Christian Knowledge. 1905. 12mo. 18cm, 196p.,
text in syllabics with English contents page, brown cloth,
very good
Probably one of the many biblical translations by
Anglican missionary bishop, William Carpenter Bompas
(1834-1906). He was appointed first Bishop of Athabaska in
1874, first bishop of Mackenzie River in 1884 and first
bishop of Selkirk (Yukon) in 1891. Retiring in the Yukon in
1905, he died there in 1906. An interesting translation book
in scarce Athabaskan syllabics.
[BOMPAS, Bishop William Carpenter, translated by]
[Bible]. The Epistles. Translated into the Teni (or Slave)
Language of the Indians of Mackenzie River, North-West
Canada. By The Right Rev. The Bishop of Mackenzie River.
London. British and Foreign Bible Society. 1891. 16mo.
16.5cm, 269p., green cloth, fine
Anglican missionary priest, W.C. Bompas (1834-1906)
served for over thirty years in the North-West Territory and
published extensive religious works in various aboriginal
languages. This book has inset title on front "Teni Epistles".
BOMPAS, Bishop William Carpenter, translated by]
[BIBLE]. The Acts of the Apostles, and the Epistles.
Translated into the Tenni or Slave Language, for Indians of
Mackenzie River, North-West Canada. By the Right Rev.
The Bishop of Mackenzie River. In the Syllabic Character.
London. British and Foreign Bible Service. 1891. 12mo.
18cm, 374p., text in native syllabics with English title-page,
blind-stamp decorated maroon cloth, very good
Banks p157. Pillings, Athapascan, p114. Darlow &
Moule, 8362. “The publication of this volume (ActsRevelation) completed the New Testament in syllabic
A fine example of the use of Athabaskan syllabics, a
- Patrick McGahern Books, Inc
form rarely used today. Anglican Bishop Bompas (18341906) ministered for over thirty years in The North-West
Territories and the Yukon.
SPENDLOVE, W., (translated by)
[BIBLE]. Niootsi Edetle. Konde Nezo Tingli. St.
Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St John Kogade. The Four
Gospels in the Slavi Language of the Mackenzie River
Indians, N.W, Territories, Canada. London. British and
Foreign Bible Society. 1905. 16mo. 16cm, 344p., pebbled
maroon cloth, gilt title on front, fine
Not in Banks. Reverend Spendlove was a prominent
Anglican missionary priest in Canada's North-West
Territories. He served in the parish of Fort Simpson from
1879 to 1886.
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Sir William Osler was Bovells' protegee.
12. BOVELL, James M.D. (1817-1880).
Outlines of Natural Theology for the Use of the
Canadian Student, Selected and Arranged from the Most
Authentic Sources. By James Bovell., M.D., Professor of
Natural Theology in Trinity College, Toronto, C.W.
Toronto. Printed by Rowsell & Ellis. 1859. 8vo, 22cm,
first (sole) edition, iv,[v],5-649p., title page vignette, doublepage folding chart, 3 hand colour (geology) maps, text
illustrations, in the original diamond grain cloth, triple blind
ruled borders on the boards, plain spine (probably as
issued), all edges stained red, spine faded, some light fade
speckling on the upper cover, otherwise a fine copy of a
very rare book
T.P.L. 5843 (lack title); Osleriana 2103. Not in Gagnon,
Lande or Sabin. No listings or auction records located.
WorldCat lists six copies, five in Canada and one in Maine.
Amicus lists one copy. This is the first copy we have had.
James Bovell (1817-1880),
was born in the Barbados and
educated in London, Edinburgh and Dublin. He became
an Anglican clergyman and a
medical doctor. In 1848 Bovell
emigrated to Canada and
began practicing in Toronto,
where he became one of the
most prominent physicians. He
was associated with the shortlived faculty of medicine of
Trinity University from 1850 to
1856 and with the Toronto
School of Medicine from 1856
to 1870. He wrote Outlines of
Natural Theology, 1859 & Plea
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for Inebriate Asylums, 1862 and several other titles on
religious subjects. - Rhodenizer. See lengthy biography in
Highway Maintenance, 1840
13. BROADSIDE. Lower Canada.
An Ordinance to provide for the improvement,
during the Winter Season, of the Queen's Highways in this
Province, and for other purposes... / Ordonnance pour
pourvoir à l'amélioration des grands chemins de la reine,
dans cette province, en hiver, et pour d'autres objets.
Ordained and Enacted by the authority... C. Poulett Thomson.
Quebec. Printed by J.C.
Fisher & W. Kemble, Law
Printers to Her Majesty. 1840.
single sheet, 66 x43.5cm, (26" x
17"), double columns, bilingual,
fine condition
"Enacted ... in the city of
Montreal, the thirteenth day of
May..., one thousand eight
hundred and forty" At head of
both English and French titles:
Anno tertio Victoriae reginae,
1840, cap. XXV.
Amicus 1. WorldCat. 1 copy McGill.
14. [Broadside/debenture].
Port Dover and Lake Huron Railway.
$100. - Province of Ontario, Canada. $100.00. (Vignette). Debenture. In Aid of the Port Dover and Lake
Huron Railway, No. 107., Under authority... attractive
vignette illustration (train), green seal, in printer's decorated
borders, document printed & completed in manuscript,
cancelled in ink. Norwich, Ontario. Claidius Tidley, Printer.
[1874]. 1p., oblong folio, 28x 43cm, very good to fine 250.00
15. CHABERT, M.de
Voyage fait par ordre du roi en 1750 et 1751, dans
L'Amérique Septentrionale, pour rectifier les Cartes des
Côotes de L'Acadie, de L'Isle Royale & de L'Isle de
Terre-Neuve; et pour enfixer les principaux points par des
Observations Astronomiques.
Paris. De l'Imprimerie Royale. 1753. 4to. 25cm, the first
edition, viii,288,[10]p., with 6 folding maps, one folding
order line - 613-230-2277
diagram and one folding chart; two engraved vignettes &
several woodcut ornaments,
in contemporary full mottled calf, real raised bands,
gilt panel decorations and borders, original leather label gilt,
marbled endpapers, boards and bands worn on the edges,
internally clean and sound, very good
T.P.L. 222. Lande 114.
Sabin 11723. This work
recounts his voyage from
Brest to Louisbourg &
his four expeditions to
the neighbouring coasts
and island and records
his charting, by astronomical observations, of
the principal points of
Acadia, Isle Royale, and
Newfoundland. "Mr.
Chabert's work is highly
praised by the commission appointed by the
French Academy of
Science to examine it, and is recommended as a model to
future navigators". (Sabin).
The Very Rare First English Edition, 1797
Shipwrecked on Anticosti Island & Again on the Labrador Coast
16. CRESPEL, M. [Emmanuel]. (1703-1775).
Travels in North America, by M. Crespel. With a
Narrative of His Shipwreck, and extraordinary Hardships
and Sufferings on the ISLAND OF ANTICOSTI; and an
Account of That Island, and of the Shipwreck on his
Majesty’s Ship Arctive, and Others.
London. Sampson, Low, Berwick Street, Soho. 1797.
12mo, 18.5cm, xxviii,187,[1]p., book ad., untrimmed,
complete with half title, rebound in late 19th early 20th full
sheep, raised bands, blind device decorations in the panels,
double leather labels gilt, blind stamped borders on the
borders in 18th century binding style with dark brown centre
panel, marbled endpapers, fine copy thus, very rare
Huntress 49C; 401C. T.P.L. 6667. (English translation of
the author’s “Voiayes dy R.P. Emmanuel Crespel dans le
Canada” published in Frankfurt 1742, q.v. The introduction
contains a description of Anticosti, written by Thomas
Wright). Siebert 254. Lande 163. Jones. Americana 657.
Howes C-880, JCB III-3864. Sabin 17479. O’Dea 155. (1757).
Includes a description of Labrador. Crespel was shipwrecked again, on his way home, on the coast of Labrador.
Siebert's copy came from Rosenbach in 1949. It made
3,737us in 1999 at the Siebert Sale.
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- Patrick McGahern Books, Inc
was later given
his brother
O'Dea. 1556. The author spent nine consecutive
seasons in Newfoundland.
The text is based on eight letters written by Fr. Crespel,
a Recollet missionary, to his brother. The edited letters form
a journal of Crespel's Canadian experience, including his
participation in a 1728 expedition in present-day Wisconsin
against Fox Indians who were interfering with the French
trade at Lake Michigan and his 1736 shipwreck on Anticosti
Island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. (Siebert 253-254).
The First Edition in English, inspired by the thenrecent shipwreck of Lord Dorchester on Anticosti Island.
Father Crespel left France for the Canadian missions in
1724. He accompanied expeditions to Michilimackinac,
Green Bay, and the Wisconsin River, to Detroit and to
Crown Point on Lake Champlain. He was ordered to return
to France in 1736, the Renommee, struck a reef south of
Anticosit Island, and broke up. Crespel with one group of
survivors set out in the ship’s longboat for the mainland,
while another group stayed near the wreck of the ship.
Crespel was one of three survivors of the first group, and
three sailors also survived near the wreck. Starvation,
freezing, and scuvey killed all the others. (Huntress).
A.Y. Jackson’s Copy, Signed
17. DUGMORE, A.A. Radclyffe
The Romance of the Newfoundland Caribou. An
intimate account of the life of the reindeer of North America. Illustrated with Paintings, Drawings and Photographs
from Life by the Author. London. William Heinemann.
1913. 4to. 27.5cm, the first edition, viii,191p. with colour
frontis and 72 illustrations, (mostly full-page plates), 8 text
illustrations, rear folding map, original blue cloth expertly
restored, gilt titles on the spine and upper cover, gilt framed
gilt illustration (Caribou) on
the upper cover, very good
s o u n d c o p y - A . Y.
Jackson’s copy signed and
presented his brother “from
A.Y. Jackson to H.A.C.
Jackson (his brother). The
Signature is in a different
stronger ink, suggesting it
18. ESKIMO ART. World Wildlife Fund. Portfolio.
The World Wildlife Fund Collection of the Arts
of the Eskimos. (And): The Eskimo and Their Art, by James
Houston (And): Animals of the Arctic, by Sir Peter Scott. .
Introduction by Sonja Bata. (two fascicles). With Six Stonecut &
Stenciled Plates, limited and numbered by Peter Pitseolak,
Kananginak Pootoogook (1935-2010), Kenojuak Ashevak
(1927-2013), Metick.
Toronto. World Wildlife Fund. 1977. Double Elephant Folio.
76x 61cm, (30"x 24"), being 1 sheet (title) and 2 fascicles including
2 sheets & 4 sheets (illustrated), with wraps with folded flaps and
printed paper title plates on the upper covers,
plus six stone cut & stencil plates, with tissue guards, limited
to numbered 220 sets, this being #180,
portfolio is bound in quarter reversed calf? and beige linen,
with a sculpted metal figure set on a leather label inset on the upper
panel, very rare, plates are spectacular
The Plates:
- Peter Pitseolak - Hawk - Stonecut & Stencil. 180/220
Dorset, 1977. Colour. Signed.
- Kananginak - Walrus - Stonecut. 180/220 Dorset, 1977.
Colour. Signed
- Kenojuak - Owl of the Sea - Stonecut. 180/220 Dorset,
1977. Colour. Signed
- Mitki - (Ducks) - Stonecut & Stencil. 180/220 Dorset,
1977. Colour. Signed
- K a n a n g i na k Caribou - Stonecut.
180/220 Dorset, 1977.
Colour. Signed
- K a n a n g i na k Oniengmungjuaq (Big Male Musk Ox).
St o ne c u t . 1 8 0 / 2 2 0
Dorset, 1977. Colour.
The prints were
produced in Cape
D o r s e t , N o r t hwe s t
Territories, using stone
cut method. The print
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makers were Ottochie, Esgyoudluk, Saggraktoo and Kananginak.
The portfolio was designed in Montreal by David Denbeigh and
Robert Reid. The text sheets were printed by The Press of A. Colish
at Mount Vernon... portfolio was bound in New York by George
Wieck at Moroquain Bindery. (Intro). Each plate includes signatures
and seals.
order line - 613-230-2277
19. GENTILCORE, R. Louis & C. Grant Head
Ontario's History in Maps. with a cartobibliographical
essay by Joan Winearls. Toronto, Buffalo, London. Published
for The Ontario Historical Studies Series by The University
of Toronto Press. 1984. oblong atlas folio. 40.5x 31cm, 284p.
with 268 plates (mainly in colour), list of sources, blue cloth,
a fine copy in good to very good jacket
Investigation of the Hudson's Bay Company
Report from the Select Committee on the Hudson's
Bay Company; together with the Proceedings of the
Committee, Minutes of Evidence, Appendix and Index.
[London]. Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be
printed, 31st July and 11th August, 1857. folio. 32.2cm, xviii,547p. the first edition, with 3 folding linen backed
lithographed maps, hand-coloured, Inc. the one issued later
and usually wanting, bound in half crimson Russia, cloth
boards, gilt spine titles, rare - Rare with the maps. 2,000.00
Note: The leather bound and pewter-trimmed portfolio
contains explanatory texts accompanied by drawings and artist
biographies. This specially commissioned work of six prints for the
1977 Art of the Eskimos, a co-operative project between the West
Baffin Eskimo Co-operative and the International World Wildlife
Fund. The
portfolio "is
dedicated to the
animals o f the
Arctic and those
men and women
around the
world." Each print
is blind embossed
with the Panda
symb o l o f t he
World Wildlife
No copies on
A&E, Amicus,
Waddington June
2014 est 3500 /
5000. WorldCat
locates 1 copy at
T.P.L. 3729. Peel
1 8 8 . S a bi n
33549.Lowther 52.
Gagnon II-1713.
Streeter VI-3400,
later printing). "The
report is a very important document
illustrating the deve
lopment of
theNorth west.
Over six thousand
questions were considered by the
committee which
finally ceded certain
portions of the
Hudson's Bay Company lands to
Canada, and recommended that the
Company's connection in Van- couver be terminated.
Vancouver was annexed to British Columbia in 1866,
though the H.B.C. continued its connection until April of the
following year". (Streeter).
"An important document containing the evidence of
many witnesses on the suitability of Rupert's Land for
agricultural settlement". (Peel).
Maps: I - Map of North America (44.6 x 54.5cm) drawn
by J. Arrowsmith. II - Aboriginal map of N.A. denoting
boundaries and locations of various Indian Tribes, (50.1x
60cm), drawn by J. Arrowsmith. III - Map of the North West
Part of Canada, Hudson Bay and Indian Territories, (62.6x
48.1cm), drawn by Thomas Devine.
Devine produced an atlas of the counties of Upper and
Lower Canada, in 1853.
First Edition of this Important Book
HEAD, Sir Francis B.
A Narrative. London. John Murray. 1839. 8vo,
22.5cm, first edition, viii,488,38,(appendix),8p., Murray ads.,
in the original slightly ribbed light green cloth, gilt spine and
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cover titles with gilt vignette, blind ruled triple borders on
the boards, spine slightly faded, yellow coated endpapers, a
very good copy of the first edition
T.P.L. 2276. Dionne 1172. Gagnon I-1636. Sabin 31133.
cf. Lande 416-417.
Sir Francis Bond Head, 17931875, was the Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada from
1835-1837. While professing to
be a liberal, his reactionary
policies in Upper Canada
were in no small way a cause
of the armed uprising in December 1838. Though he was
able to suppress the rebellion,
the home authorities were so
displeased with his actions,
that he would never again
hold a public office. This
work, while admittedly self-serving, is well written, and
contains a valuable perspective on the affairs of Canada
during a troubled time. - It contains comments on Lord
Durham's Report, 1839.1839. - Appendix A: Memorandum
on the Aborigines of North America. Appendix B: with
separate printed title page "Addresses to Sir Francis B. Head
from the Legislatures of the British North American
Colonies... on his Resignation from the Government of
Upper Canada.
Colour Plates & Illustrations, hand-stenciled (Pochoir)
from Paintings by Clarence Gagnon
22. HEMON, Louis
Maria Chapdelaine. Illustrations de Clarence Gagnon.
Paris. Editions Mornay. 1933. sm4to, 25cm, 206p., With 55
colour illustrations from paintings by Clarence Gagnon.
limited edition of 1950 copies, this being number 873,
In Fine Signed Binding: full fine grain brown morocco,
blind ruled large raised bands, gilt titles in the panels, with
inlaid colour leather illustration on the upper cover,
bevelled boards, wide triple gilt ruled inner dentelles and
marbled endpapers, t.e.g., with the original (birch bark)
colour printed wraps and wrapper spine panel bound in on
separaterear guards, Signed by the binders “C.A. Dorion, &
Fils”, fine condition
C.A. Dorion, & Fils (Relieurs). Dorion who was active
in Quebec City in the 20's and 30's, was a good bookbinder,
some binding were done in the "art deco style". The present
binding is in a sympathetic ‘Maria Chapdelaine’ period style
and deserves the definition “Fine Binding”.
This is the most celebrated and desirable edition of
Hemon's famous novel, with the beautifully coloured
illustrations by Clarence Gagnon on which he worked for
three years. This, with Rouquette's Le Grand Silence Blanc
and Blake's Brown Waters, are the only books that Gagnon
illustrated. This is one of the corner-stones in any collection
of Canadian illustrated books.
All the colour illustrations are hand stenciled
(pochoir). This results in a much more attractive image,
having the appearance of being hand-painted into the text.
This process is distinctly better than the normal printed
colour illustration process.
All the original illustrations were acquired by Col. R.S.
- Patrick McGahern Books, Inc
McLaughlin, who donated them to the McMichael collection.
23. HEMON, Louis
Maria Chapdelaine. Illustrations de Clarence Gagnon.
[Facsimile Reprint]. Quebec. Art Gloval, Libre Expression.
1980. 4to. 25cm, 206p., with 55
colour illustrations, bound in
full linen with colour illustration in-laid on the upper
cover and spine and cover titles
stamped in black and dark
brown, near fine, this book is
After the original
this edition has the best colour
reproduction of this Canadian
illustrated classic by Gagnon.
24. HERIOT, George
Travels through the Canadas, containing a Description
of the Picturesque Scenery on some of the Rivers and Lakes;
with an account of the Productions, Commerce, and
Inhabitants of those Provinces. To which is subjoined a
Comparative View of Manners and Customs of several of
the Indian Nations of North and South America. Illustrated
with a map and numerous engravings, from drawings
made at the several places by the author.
London. Printed for Richard Phillips. 1807. 4to. 26.2cm,
the first edition, xii,602,[ii]p., with 27 aquatint plates by
Stadler and Lewis after Heriot (6 being double folding) and
a folding coloured map, bound in half maroon brown
crushed morocco, gilt decorated raised bands, double gilt
borders in the panels, gilt titles, double gilt borders on the
boards, marbled boards, t.e.g., an excellent copy the plates
being good clear strikes, - a fine attractive copy
T.P.L. 805. Lande 433. Sabin 31489. Hill p142/3. cf.
Abbey 618, describing a later issue with coloured plates
without text.
One of the most important books about Canada.
Heriot's information is drawn from personal knowledge and
in the second part, which contains detailed descriptions of
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order line - 613-230-2277
T.P.L. 535. Howes H-679. Sabin. Not in Lande. The
papers relate to the devastation of the Mohawk Valley by
Johnson, to Joseph Brant and to John Butler, 1780.
American Indian cultures, from Lafitau, Lahonton, Mackenzie & Vancouver among others, as well as from manuscripts he consulted for his 1804 history of Canada at the
Jesuit Library in Quebec. The final 31pp. contain Father
Rasle's vocabulary of the Algonquin language. Heriot's book
contains important material on Western Canada and is
particularly detailed on the fur trade, voyages to the North,
Eskimos and the cod fishery. It is also "The Earliest And The
Most Important Aquatint Book Published On Canada"
(Hill)... "Illustrated books on North America are curiously
few in the period with which we deal. By far the most
interesting is Heriot's Travels through the Canadas.... interesting for its aquatints..." [Prideaux, Aquatint Engravings.
pp254-55]. Heriot was deputy Post Master of Canada.
Number 55 of 80 Copies Printed
25. HOUGH, Franklin B.[ed.]
The Northern Invasion of October 1780. A Series of
Papers Relating to the Expedition from Canada under Sir
John Johnson and Others, against The Frontiers of New
York, which were supposed to have Connection with
Arnold’s Treason, prepared from the originals With An
Introduction and Notes by Franklin B. Hough. Bradford
Club Series, No. Six. New York. John B. Moreau, for the
Bradford Club. 1866., sm4to. 25.5cm, xv,[16]-224p., frontis
and 1 folding map, limited to 80 copies, this being #55, rebound in half simulated
brown morocco, blind
ruled raised bands, gilt title,
marbled boards, internal
private library stamps on
the title page else a fine
copy, attractively bound
Provenance: A.E. Ritchie,
who was Canadian Ambassador to Washington and
Ireland (and bibliophile);
with his signature on the
free fly.
One of the Most Important
18th-Century Cartographers of North America
26. JEFFERYS, Thomas
The Natural and Civil History of the French Dominions in North and South America. Giving a particular
Account of the Climate, Soil, Minerals, Animals, Vegetables,
Manufactures, Trade, Commerce, and Languages, together
with The Religion, Government, Genius, Character,
Manners and Customs of the Indians and other Inhabitants.
Illustrations by Maps and Plans of the principal Places,
collected from the best authorities, and engraved by T.
Jeffreys, Geographer to his Royal Highness the Prince of
Part I. Containing A Description of Canada and
Louisiana. Part II. Containing Part of the Islands of St.
Domingo and St. Martin, the Islands of St. Bartholomew,
Guadaloupe, Martinico, La Greande, and The Island and
Colony of Cayenne.
London. Printed for Thomas Jefferys. 1760. folio, 36.5
xcm, the First Edition, (title page printed in black and red), 2
Volumes in one, [8],168 & [4], 246p., (plus duplicated
*pages 129-138 but not the pasted on errata slip on p80, part
2), with 18 finely engraved folding maps & plans,
Bound in full calf with gilt ruled raised bands, gilt
decorated dark maroon leather label, gilt decorated panel
borders on the boards, normal slight offsetting or transfer,
(light browning), two maps slightly over-folded, Montreal
map with short reinforcement along fold on the verso, New
Orleans map with small tear at gutter without loss, a fine
attractively bound copy
First Edition, corrected issue, with asterisked pages
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Page - 9 -
*129-*138 in addition to the original leaves in the first part,
this addition is often wanting. “Additional information
concerning the capture of Quebec, received after the printing
Part I, necessitated the insertion of the starred duplicate
pages”. (Howes). T.P.L. 319, Lande 471, Sabin 35964, Howes
J-83, Streeter I- 128. Vlach 406. Field 775, Waldon p454,
Gagnon I -1778. JCB. 1260
An important work by "one of the century’s most
prolific and important English map publishers." (Tooley,
Dictionary, p. 335). Streeter describes this as “A monumental
geographical work important equally for its text as well as
its maps”. As the leading map supplier of his day Jefferys
was a principal figure in the emergence of London as an
international centre of cartographic enterprise.
The Maps and Plans (nearly all of which are folding)
include:--- Map of Canada and the North Part of Louisiana;
Plan of the City of Quebec; Plan of the Town and
Fortifications of Montreal; A New Map of Nova Scotia, and
Cape Britain; Plan of the City and Harbour of Louisburg;
Authentic Plan of the River St. Laurence, etc.; North America
from the French of Mr. D’Anville, Improved with the Back
Settlements of Virginia and Course of Ohio; Plan of New
Orleans, the Capital of Louisiana.
The West Indies [general map]; Guadaloupe, one of
the Caribbean Islands..; The Island of Hispaniola; An
Authentic Plan of the Town and Harbour of Cap-François;
Plan of the Town of Basse Terre; Martinico, one of the
Caribbean Islands; Plan of the Town and Citadel of Fort
Royal; Plan of the Town and Fort of Grenada; The Island
and Colony of Cayenne; Plan of the Town of Cayenne.
These finely detailed & attractive maps are of
particular interest and importance.
27. KIP, William Ingraham
Early Jesuit Missions in North America: Compiled
and Translated from the Letters of the French Jesuits, with
Notes. By William Ingraham Kip, Corresponding Member
of the New York Historical Society.
New York. Wiley and Putnam. 1846. 12mo, 18.8cm,
xiv,[ii],321,32,ivp., ads., 2 parts in One volume, folding
frontis map, complete with half title, in the original fine
ribbed light greyish blue cloth, blind stamped decorations
and borders on the spine and boards, gilt spine titles, some
occasional slight foxing, fine copy partly unopened 250.00
T.P.L. 7866. Howes K176. Sabin 37949. Field 1215.
Contains account of the Iroquois martyrs, The
Wanderings of Father Rasles, 1689-1723, Father Marest’s
Journeys through Illinois and Michigan, 1712, Voyage up
the Mississippi 1727, mission to the Illinois 1750, missionary
life amongst Abernakis 1722, Montcalm’s expedition to
destroy Fort George 1757. Etc.
- Patrick McGahern Books, Inc
Bellin Map of Hudson’s Bay & Labrador, 1760.
28. [MAP]. BELLIN, [Jacques Nicholas].
Carte de la Baye de Hudson. Pour servir a la Histoire
Generale des Voyages.
Paris. Par M.B. Ing de la Marine. 1757. 1 folio sheet,
24x 32cm, images (22x 30cm), folds, reduced right margin,
very good to fine, representative of Be1lin's accurate,
detailed work
Detailed engraving depicts Hudson Bay and Detroit
de Hudson as Well as 'Labrador nomme anciennement par
les Francois Nouve. Bretagne', and all of James Bay of
Whose east coast, depicted notionally, it is said, 'Toute cette
Coste n'est presque pas connu.' Various Hudson Bay forts
and posts located along the Western shores of James and
Hudson Bay are identified, some with both their English
and French names (to accommodate variable residents) as
are several major tributaries. However, the most common
identifier is 'inconnue'-- as in the case of the region
southwest of Hudson Bay of which it is said, 'Etendue de
Pays entierement Inconnue'. Likely from Prevost's
multi-volume Histoire Generale des Voyages, (1746- 1757)
for which Bellin prepared maps as 'Ingr. de la Marine'.
29. [MAP]. RUSSIA. (SAYER, Robert).
The European Part of the Russian Empire, From the
Maps Published by the Imperial Academy at St. Petersburg,
with the New Province on the Black Sea. [WITH]: The
Asiatic Part of the Russian Empire, From The Maps
Published by the Imperial Academy at St. Petersburg, with
the New Discoveries of Captn. Cook, Etc.
London. Published by Robert Sayer. 1st May, 17881790. two sheets joined, 21" (54cm) by 51.5" (130.5cm), a fine
detailed engraved map with original outline handcolouring, of Russia, including the east "Asiatic" and west
"European" portions, in fine condition
Visit our website: mcgahernbooks.ca
The First Edition with 10 Tinted Engraved Plates
30. MacKAY, Charles (1814-1889).
Life and Liberty in America: or, Sketches of a Tour
in the United States and Canada, in 1857-58. London. Smith,
Elder and Co., 1859. 12mo, 19.5cm, in 2 volumes, The First
Edition, vi,[2],343. & 336pp., with 10 tinted engraved plates,
bound in half dark green polished calf, gilt ruled raised
bands, double red calf labels gilt, green cloth boards, t.e.g., a
fine clean (no foxing) set
T. P. L . 8 7 3 8 . L a n d e
S1419. Sabin 43355.
Howes M-118.
Mackay was a popular
songwriter & poet who
made a lecture tour.
Good observations on
Native Americans, Irish
immigrants, Mormons,
slavery, rice plantations,
American literature and
art, Americanisms,slang,
Montreal, Toronto,Hamilton, London, Ottawa,
Canada. Interesting
Account of an eight-month lecture tour in North
America by poet and journalist, Charles Mackay. Portions of
the work originally appeared in issues of the Illustrated
London News, of which Mackay was an editor. He visited
the major cities of the eastern and southern states,
commenting on slavery, American literature, art, science and
politics, Americanisms and American slang, the Mormons,
rice plantations, &c. The section on Canada (Montreal,
Quebec, Toronto, Hamilton, London, Ottawa) occupies
chapters XII-XX (pp. 194-336) of Volume II. The three plates
of Canadian subjects include 'Break-Up of the Ice on the St.
Lawrence', 'The Victoria Tubular Bridge, Montreal', and
'Toronto, Canada West'.
The Discovery of the North-west Passage
Association Presentation Copy
- 10 -
his mother . Rachel
Creswell, 1803-1888,
was the daughter of
p r i s o n r e f o r m e r,
Elizabeth Fry, and
married Capt. Francis
Cresswell, 1789-1864,
in 1821. They were
the parents of the
artists, Commander
Samuel Gurney
Cresswell, who was
on this expedition.
Originally starting out
as a search for Sir
John Franklin by way
of the Bering Strait,
the expedition accomplished what none
before had done, the discovery of theNorth - West Passage,
for which McClure and his crew shared the 10,000 pounds
offered by the British Govern-ment.
Cf. Arctic Bib. 10563 (for 2nd ed.). Smith 6232. T.P.L.
8507. Lada-Mocarski 145. Sabin 43073. Based on the logs and
journals of Capt. Robert Le M. M'Clure, [McClure; Maclure],
who comman-ded the expedition, this book tells the story of
the final achievement of the long and devoted quest for the
North-West Passage. The Investigator accompanied the Enterprise, under Commander Collinson, to search for Sir John
Franklin. The narrative describes the perils from the ice in
the Beaufort Sea, contains remarks on the progress of the
Franklin Search, and a great deal of detailed information on
Arctic wildlife. The Investigator also explored Banks Island,
penetrated Prince of Wales Strait and spent three winters
imprisoned by ice on the north shore of Banks Island. Here
they were met in April, 1853, by a party from the Resolute
(M'Dougall), which was anchored 160 miles away east of
Melville Island. The Investigator's crew sledged to the
Resolute and returned eastward with its crew to England,
thus completing the first ocean to ocean passage north of
From Cresswell to his Mother - Presentation Binding
31. M'`CLURE, Robert
With 120 Impressive Hand-Coloured
Portrait Plates of North American Indians
The Discovery of the North-West Passage by
H.M.S. Investigator, Capt. R. M'Clure, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853,
1854. Edited by Commander Sherard Osborn. From the
Logs and Journals of Capt. Robert le M. McClure. Illustrated
by Commander S. Gurney Cresswell, R.N.
London. Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans, &
Roberts. 1856. 8vo. 21cm, The First Edition, xix,405p., with 4
lithographed plates (by Cresswell) and colour folding map,
in presentation style contemporary binding: rebacked
in full dark blue polished calf, gilt decorated raised bands,
gilt decorations in the panels, dark crimson morocco label
gilt, gilt and blind decorated borders on the boards with
corner gilt decoration devices, and gilt and blind ornate
centre panel decorations on the boards creating oval design
motif, inner linen hinges, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt,
bookplate, some transfer to the title page else a fine copy
With the bookplate “Mrs. F. Cresswell, Bank House”.
Indicating that this is a presentation copy from the Artist to
order line - 613-230-2277
McKENNEY, Thomas and James Hall
History of the Indian Tribes of North America,
with Biographical Sketches and Anecdotes of the Principal
Chiefs. Embellished with One Hundred and Twenty
Portraits from the Indian Gallery in the Department of War,
at Washington.
Philadelphia. Published by Rice, & A.N. Hart. 1855.
4to, 27.3x 18.5cm, in three volumes, plus 120 hand-coloured
plates, (with tissue guards), after the original oil painting by
Charles Bird King, in the original brown morocco
publisher’s bindings, raised black ruled bands, gilt titles in
the panels, extra blind and black stamped decorations on the
boards and in the panels, marbled endpapers, all edges gilt,
top and bottom edges had stamps which were removed,
new tissue guards, text has some occasional toning as usual,
the plates are strong clear strikes.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24,500.00
Howes M129. Sabin 43411. Field 992. The royal octavo
edition followed the great folio volumes of 1836-44. The
Email: books@mcgahernbooks.ca
Page - 11 -
brilliantly coloured plates, in excellent condition in this set,
are fine examples of American lithography of the period.
“Mostly the work of [Charles Bird] King, these are the most
colourful portraits of Indians ever executed. Originally
issued in twenty parts (in nineteen); but few sets were
- Patrick McGahern Books, Inc
west of the Mississippi visited only by occasional trappers
and the courageous Lewis and Clark, in a land considered
distant and remote, 1830-1840's. The work is an eloquent
record of Indian life while it was still largely untouched by
white influence.
First White Man to Cross the Continent
MacKENZIE, Alexander
Voyages from Montreal, on the River St. Lawrence,
through the Continent of North America, to the Frozen and
Pacific Oceans; in the years 1789 and 1793. With a preliminary account of the fur trade of that country. London.
Printed for T. Cadell... 1801. 4to. 27cm, the First Edition,
cxxxii,412p., complete with half title & engraved frontis
portrait by P. Condé after T. Lawrence & 3 large engraved
folding maps, in half speckled tan calf, wide gilt decorated
raised bands, gilt decorations in the panels, crushed black
morocco label, gilt titles, gilt ruled borders on the boards,
marbled boards and endpapers, a clean copy without the
foxing or transfer often associated with this book, a fine copy
attractively bound with the scarce half title
T.P.L. 658. Lande 1317. Sabin 43414. Strathern 343. Peel
25. Gagnon 2190. Morgan p240. Hill p187.
retained in that impracticable form. The original oil
paintings of which the plates
were copies were all destroyed in the 1865 Smithsonian
fire”. (Howes). “The work is
one of the most costly and
important ever published on
the American Indians. The
plates are accurate portraits
of celebrated chiefs, or of
characteristic individuals of
the race; and are coloured
with care, to faithfully
represent their features and
costumers. (Field). It faithfully records the features
and dress of celebrated
American Indians who lived
and died before the age of photography. Their tribes resided
First edition of the classic narrative of the first white
man to cross the continent. ... "the earliest expedition made
by a white man in this direction. His investigations, although
pursued at so early a period of Arctic exploration, were
remarkable for their accuracy; Sir John Franklin more than
once expressed his surprise at being able to corroborate their
correctness in his own explorations. Some Indian vocabularies are included. (Sabin). Mackenzie's journals recount
his two expeditions undertaken on behalf of the North West
Company in their attempt to break the Hudson's Bay
Company's monopoly on the fur trade. The first expedition,
in 1789, from Fort Chipewyan on Lake Athabaska down
what is now known as the Mackenzie River to the Arctic
constitutes the first trip to the Arctic from the Canadian
Prairies. The second, in 1792-93, from Fort Chipewyan over
the Rocky Mountains by the Peace and Fraser Rivers to the
Visit our website: mcgahernbooks.ca
Pacific, is distinguished as the first overland expedition to
reach the Pacific, north of Mexico. The maps are the earliest
of certain parts of Canada. Also included is a lengthy
account of the development of the fur trade in the North
West, generally attributed to the author's cousin, Roderick
Account of the 1837 Rebellion
By One of the Leading Participants
34. McLEOD, Donald
A Brief Review of the Settlement of Upper Canada by
the U.E. Loyalists and Scotch Highlanders, in 1783, And of
the Grievances which Compelled The Canadas To Have
Recourse To Arms In Defence Of Their Rights And
Liberties, in the Years 1837 and 1838, Together with a Brief
Sketch of the Campaigns Of 1812, '13, '14, with an Account
of the Military Executions, Burnings, and Sackings of Towns
and Villages, by the British, in the Upper and Lower
Provinces, during the Commotion of 1837 and '38. By D.
M’LEOD, Major General, Patriot Army, Upper Canada.
Cleveland: Printed for the Author by F. B. Penniman.
1841. 12mo, 18.3cm, the First Edition, 292p., in the original
plumb cloth with paper spine label, some occasional light
foxing (mainly in the margins), spine (not the label) bit
slightly faded, a fine copy, very rare
T.P.L. 2292. Sabin 43535. Lande Sl435. Howes M-158.
Not in Smith. War of 1812 (Bibliography). Pagination fault;
page 145-148 dropped, as issued. No modern auction
records or listings, last copy was 1972.
Provenance: P?. A., P?. Bull. Loudonville, Ashland
County, Ohio.
Donald M'Leod, 1779-1879, joined the British Army in
1803 and fought in the War of 1812, at Queenstown's
Heights, Chrysler's Farm and Lundy's Lane. In 1816, he
settled in Canada, at Prescott, where he founded a school
and later a "reform" newspaper, The Grenville Gazette.
During the Rebellion of 1837-38, he joined the Patriot Army
and became the General commanding the Western Division.
He was arrested and tried at Detroit, but was acquitted, after
which he settled in Cleveland. This important work begins
with a histoiy of the settlement of the Loyalists in Upper
Canada, including a chapter on the settlements at Glengary.
M'Leod then reviews the major battles of the war of 1812, in
which he was an active participant. The balance of the work
is a major review of the Rebellion of 1837-38; the
administrations which led to the uprising; the events in
Lower Canada at St. Dennis, St. Charles, and St. Eustache;
- 12 -
order line - 613-230-2277
those in Upper Canada, at Toronto, Navy Island, and on the
western frontier; and the aftermath of arrests, trials,
executions and deportations. Also included in the text is a
translation of Louis Joseph Papineau's rare Histoire ck
l'Insurrection, written in 1839.
Includes details of the rebellion of 1837 and the
organization, within Ohio and New York, of a patriot army
for the invasion of Canada. (Howes).
The author was a veteran of the War of 1812 and
afterward took part in the rebellion. (Sabin).
The author gives a very comprehensive account of the
military executions, burnings and sacking of towns by the
British during the commotions of 1837 and 1838.
Those who prate of our unviolated Northern border
choose to forget this incident where a rebel army of invasion was actually organized in Ohio and New York State,
equipped, and directed from within the borders of those
States, without too much meddling by the authorities. Many
of the members of that Army were native Americans.
PARIS. 1612
Le Mercure Francois. [Edited by Jean & Etienne Richer].
Le Mercure Francois ou La Suite de L'Histoire De La
Paix. Commenceant l'an M.DC.V. [1605]. pour suite du
Septenaire du D. Cayer, & finissant au Sacre du TresChrestien Roy de France & de Nauarre Loys XIII.
Paris. Par Jean Richer:... 1612. 17cm, [vi],534 foliated
pages, engraved title page, bound in contemporary full
vellum, some staining to the preliminary (5) leaves, vellum a
bit wrinkled, dust worn, very good copy
In this, the first volume of the first review issued in
France, will be found, folio 291, the narrative of the
navigations of the French in Canada before the foundation
of Quebec by Champlain, in 1608, and at folio 518, the
baptism of the Grand Sagamo de Canada by the Sieur
Lande 629. Sabin 47931. This annual register of events
was edited in turn by Jean and Etienne Richer, Pere Joseph,
and Theophraste Renaudot. In it is found the first published
account of the voyages of Champlain and the establishment
of the Jesuits in Canada. A large part of the Mercure is
devoted to voyages and travels, e. g. 1608. "Des Colonies que
les Anglois ont mene en la Virginie en ceste annee. 269.a.
1608, "Voyages faicts en la Nouvelle France ou Canada".
1612, "Les anglois cherchent en vain le chemin de la Chine
par le septentrion"
Very important publication, containing the following
articles relating to the early history of America; Voyages faits
en la Nouvelle France ou Canada du sieur des Monts 1604;
Voyage du sieur de Pont-grave, 1605; Voyage du sieur de
Pointrincourt, 1606; Voyage des sieurs de champdore &
Champlain, 1608.
Woodstock, Canada West, Imprint
36. MALCOLM, John, Published by
Malcolm's Genealogical Tree of the Royal Family of
Great Britain.
Woodstock, C.W. Published by John Malcolm. "Lithographed by John Ellis, King St., Toronto." 1862. c. 108x 77cm,
(42.5"x 26.5"), lined backed colour lithograph, edges frayed,
some finish cracking, two stains on the bottom right corner,
fragile but sound, very rare
Email: books@mcgahernbooks.ca
Page - 13 -
"Entered accord to Act of Provincial Parliament in the
year 1862 by John Malcolm in the office of the Registrar of
the Province of Canada." "Lithographed by John Ellis, (17951877), King St., Toronto."
No standard references, listing or
auction records
located. Not on
Amicus. University
of Toronto Libraries, on line lists one
copy as above. British Library, records one copy with a
different imprint as
Genealogical Tree
of the Royal Family
of Great Britain.
(Drawn & engraved by J. C. Davis.).
Author: John
Charles DAVIS.
Publisher: London:
John Malcolm,
[1862] .
The First Paris Edition
37. MILTON, Vicomte & W.B. Cheadle
Voyage de L'Atlantique Au Pacifique. A travers Le
Canada, Les Montagnes Rocheuses et La Colombie
Anglaise. Traduit de L'Anglais avec l'autorisation des
auteurs par J. Belin-De Launay. Paris. Librairie De L.
Hachette. 1866. 8vo. 24cm, the first French edition, 387p.
with 22 plates from wood-engravings and 2 double-page
maps, bound in quarter red morocco, blind ruled raised
bands, gilt border decorations in the panels, red pebbled
cloth boards, blind stamped decorated borders on the
boards, wavy grain silk endpapers, armorial bookplate,
bookseller ticket, a near fine copy in beautiful contemporary
The First Edition in French. Peel 249. "This work
attained an immediate popularity and
ran through many
editions, seven within two years. It was
again reprinted in
1875 and 1901. A
French edition was
published in Paris in
1866, and an abridged version of the
latter in 1872. Though published as a
joint work, it appears
to have been written
by W.B. Cheadle.
- Patrick McGahern Books, Inc
With 30 Striking Hand-coloured Floral Plates
38. MOORE, Thomas, & William P. Ayres. et al
The Gardeners’ Magazine of Botany, Horticulture, and
Natural Science. January to June, 1850. [Volume 1 only; of 3].
London. William S. Orr and Co. 1850. 4to. 26cm,
xii,324p., colour engraved half-title and 32 hand-coloured
plates, tissue guards, numerous woodcut text illustrations,
index, three-half bound in dark green morocco, gilt
decorated wide raised bands, gilt spine titles, all edges worn,
top spine edge chipped, hinges cracked, text loose and some
sections jumped, as is - plates are near fine clean condition
The first of a three
volume series published from
1850 to 1852. Thomas Moore
was the Curator o f the
Botanic Garden, Chelsea. This
volume includes articles: In
Botany (Henfrey); In
Entomology (Westwood); In
Natural Science (Bushnan); In
Floriculture (Barnes); and In
Judging Florists’ Flowers
(Glenny). With thirty striking
lithographic hand-coloured
floral plates and two of
With 71 Beautiful Hand Colour Plates
39. MORRIS, F.O.
A History of British Butterflies. London. Groombridge
and Sons. 1860. sm4to. 25cm, iv,168,29pp., with 71 hand
colour plates, 2 black & white plates, tissue guards, publisher's ads on endpapers, in the original elaborated blind and
gilt decorated green cloth, near fine copy
Text by Irish curate, Franci s Orpen
Morris (1810-1893) a prolific writer of miscellaneous subjects but noted
for his ornithologyand
entomology. Colour illus
-trations by Alexander
F r a n c i s Ly d o n an d
printing by Benjamin
Fawcett. A classic book
of Victorian entomology
first published in 1857
40. MUNRO, W. B.
Documents Relating to the Seigniorial Tenure in
Canada, 1598 - 1854. Edited, with Historical and Explanatory Notes, by William Bennett Munro. Toronto The
Champlain Society, No. 3. 1908. tall8vo, 24cm, cxxiii,380p.,
limited to 550 copies, this being #333, original crested red
cloth. t.e.g., near fine
T.P.L. 3459. "In this volume an endeavor is made to
bring together some serviceable selections from the source
material available for the study of the Seigniorial Tenure in
Visit our website: mcgahernbooks.ca
Canada from its introduction by
the French government to its
abolition in 1854". Editor's Preface. Contents: Historical Introduction by W.B. Munro, (a
discussion of seigniorial tenure
till the act of 1854 and its results),
pp.[xv]-cxvi. Documents nos. 156, 1598-1743; Documents, part 2,
nos. 57-85, 1760-1852.
In the Original Boards
41. MONRO, Alexander
New Brunswick: with a brief outline of Nova Scotia,
and Prince Edward Island. Their History, Civil Divisions,
Geography, and Productions: with statistics of the several
counties, affording views of the resources and capabilities of
the provinces, and intended to convey useful information, as
well to their inhabitants, as to emigrants, strangers, and
travellers, and for the use of schools. Halifax. Printed by
Richard Nugent. 1855. 8vo, 22cm, iv,[1],384,[1],[1]p. (errata
and ads.), with 2 folding maps, in the original cloth backed
boards with paper spine label, upper hinge mainly cracked,
boards worn, label worn, maps over folded, a good sound
copy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250.00
T.P.L.. 3591. Lande 638. Sabin 50007. Contains detailed
histories, chronologies and descriptions of these provinces
- 14 -
order line - 613-230-2277
This steel engraved frontis illustration is the first view of the
nationally strategic view of the Rideau Canada, Ottawa. See
DeVolpi. Ottawa. Plate 8.
Lande 883. T.P.L 1691. Waterston p53. Sabin 99606.
Howes V-96.
43. [OTTAWA Area]. South Mountain, Ontario
[General Store Manuscript Journal].
A hand-written ledger, dated South Mountain, running from November 1865 to July 1870. The name of the
business is not provided but hundreds of entries list
customers, items purchased and payment. Although over
400 pages, the ledger has numerous leaves clipped and the
first six pages have been covered with 19th century magazine and newspaper clippings of a young woman's interest, a
unique item
Manuscript. 1865-1870. folio. 34x 20cm, c.400p.,
hand-written, in half reversed calf, pebbled cloth boards,
leather spine title "Journal", spine heavily worn, wear on the
board edges, covers worn, contents very good
The village of South Mountain is located in the county
of Dundas in eastern Ontario. An interesting mix of
products sold - hardware, clothing, food, cloth - as expected
in a nineteenth century country store. The customer names
include Hyndman (saw mill owner), Fell, Richardson,
Beggs, McConkey, Reverend Bell, Ridley and many more
making this an valuable research item for Eastern Ontario
genealogists. The use of old journals as scrapbooks was a
common undertaking, as unlike today, paper could be a
scarce commodity in rural areas.
The First View of the Strategic Rideau Canal.
42. [OTTAWA]. VIGNE, Godrey T.
Six Months in America. [Vol. 2. Only]. London.
Whittaker, Treacher & Co. 1832. 12mo, 19.5cm, 276p., with 2
steel engraved plate views, original publisher’s green cloth,
paper label (worn), spine edges worn, very good, internally
fine, rare
Original Wanted Poster
For the FLQ Murderers of Pierre Laporte
“Locks on the Rideau Canal, at Bytown on the Ottawa
River”. Drawn by Godfrey T. Vigne, Engraved by Englehart.
44. QUEBEC. SURETE du Quebec / Quebec Police Force.
Reward (up to) $150,000. The Governments of Canada
and Quebec jointly offer rewards of up to $75,000 for
information leading to the arrest of the kidnappers or
murderers of Mr. Pierre Laporte. Rewards in the same
terms, are also offered for information leading to the arrest
Email: books@mcgahernbooks.ca
Page - 15 -
of kidnappers of Mr. J. R. Cross.... Simard, Francis [portrait
and physical description] ...Carbonneau, Marc [portrait and
physical description]...Rose, Jacques [portrait and physical
description] Rose, Paul [ po rtrai t and physical
description.]....Maurice St. Pierre, Directeur General, Surete
du Quebec. Circ. No: 81/70.
Recompense (jusqu'a) $150,000. Les Gouvernements
du Canada et du Quebec offrent conjointment des
recompenses jusqu'a concurrence de $75,000. Pour des
renseign-ments qui conduiraient a l'arrestation des
ravisseurs ou des meurtriers de M. Pierre Laporte. Des
recompenses semblable aux meme conditions sont aussi
offrertes pour des renseignments qui conduiraient a
l'arrestation des raviss-eurs de M. Cross....
[n.p., Montreal? 1970.], pictorial broadside, overall 40.5
x 50.5cm. (16 x 20 inches), 1 vertical and 1 horizontal fold, 4
half-tone illustrations (portraits), expertly backed, in fine
Rare Wanted Poster marking one of the most pivotal
and tragic "coming of age" events in Canadian political life in
the 20th century.
A Classic in the History of Travel & Exploration
45. PARK , Mungo.
Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa: performed under the Direction and Patronage of the African
Association, in the Years 1795, 1796, and 1797. By Mungo
Park. With An Appendix containing Geographical
Illustrations of Africa by Major Rennell.
London. Published by W. Bulmer & Co. for the
Author. 1799. 4to. 26cm, The First Edition, xxviii,372,xcii,
[iv]p., engraved frontis portrait (Park), 2 folding maps, 1
folding chart, & 5 engraved plate illustrations, in
contemporary full speckled calf boards rebacked, gilt
decorated raised bands, gilt decorations in the panels, dark
maroon crushed morocco label gilt, gilt decorated border on
the boards, new endpapers, some wear on the boards,
general fold map which is coloured in outline is trimmed to
the text, a very good to fine attractive copy of the First
Edition of the travel and exploration classic
On 21 June
1795, Park reached the Gambia River and
ascended it 200
miles to a British
trading station
named Pisania.
On 2 December,
accompanied by
two local guides,
he started for the
unknown interior.[8] He chose
the route crossing the upper
Senegal basin
and through the
semi-desert region of Kaarta. The journey was full of
difficulties, and at Ludamar he was imprisoned by a
Moorish chief for four months. On 1 July 1796, he escaped,
alone and with nothing but his horse and a pocket compass,
- Patrick McGahern Books, Inc
and on the 21st reached the long-sought Niger River at
Ségou, being the first European to do so.[9] He followed the
river downstream 80 miles to Silla, where he was obliged to
turn back, lacking the resources to go further.[10]
On his return journey, begun on 29 July, he took a
route more to the south than that originally followed,
keeping close to the Niger River as far as Bamako, thus
tracing its course for some 300 miles.[11] At Kamalia he fell
ill, and owed his life to the kindness of a man in whose
house he lived for seven months. Eventually he reached
Pisania again on 10 June 1797, returning to Scotland by way
of Antigua on 22 December. He had been thought dead, and
his return home with news of the discovery of the Niger
River evoked great public enthusiasm. An account of his
journey was drawn up for the African Association by Bryan
Edwards, and his own detailed narrative appeared in 1799
(Travels in the Interior of Africa).
Park’s book was a success because it detailed what he
observed, what he survived, and the people he encountered.
His honest descriptions set a standard for future travel
writers to follow. This gave Europeans a glimpse of what
Africa was really like. Park introduced them to a vast,
unexplored continent. After his death public and political
interest in Africa began to increase. He had proved that
Africa could be explored. Perhaps the most lasting effect of
Park's travels, though, was their influence on European
PRIESTLEY, J.B., (Edited, with Introduction & Notes).
Essayists Past and Present. A Selection of English
Essays. (The Fireside Library). New York. Lincoln Mac
Veagh, The Dial Press. 1925. 16mo. 17cm, 320p., original
green cloth, gilt spine titles, near fine copy
Essayists include Steele, Addison, Swift, Johnson,
Goldsmith, Lamb, Hazlitt, Hunt, Thackeray, Smith,
Stevenson, Lucas, Belloc, Chesterton and Lynd. With long
introductory literary criticism on the essay by J.B. Priestley.
With 12 Fine Hand-Colored Views
47. SCHOMBURGK, Robert Hermann, (1804-1865).
Twelve Views in the Interior of Guiana After Sketches
Taken During the Expedition in 1835-1839.
London. Ackermann. 1841. Royal Folio, 53x 36cm,
First Edition, with 12 fine hand-colored lithographed views
Visit our website: mcgahernbooks.ca
by George Barnard, Coke Smyth and P. Gauci after Charles
Bentley, printed by Gauci and Charles Hullmandel, plus
hand-colored additional lithographed title page by M. Gauci
af ter Charles Bentl ey, pri nted by P. Gauci , 1 2
wood-engraved illustrations by G. P. Nicholls after Charles
Blunt, the views all after original sketches by John Morrison,
1 engraved map by John Murray, hand-colored in outline in
red and blue, Subscriber's list - 2 pages - dedication to the
Duke of Devonshire with his arms in gilt (unusual). - Bound
in the original brown morocco, expertly rebacked, raised gilt
ruled bands, gilt titles on the upper cover, fine
"Schomburgk, who in a subsequent expedition laid
down the Schomburgk line, dividing British Guiana from
Venezuela, was knighted in 1844" (Abbey). As is made clear
in the preface, James Morrison (the expedition draughtsman) made sketches under the direction of Schomburgk.
These were then worked up by Charles Bentley in London,
and plates were produced from these finished sketches.
Abbey Travel 720; Tooley 447; Sabin 77796.
The plates are fine clear strikes and as always the
- 16 -
order line - 613-230-2277
excellent Ackerman plates capture the warm atmosphere of
the subject.
With 1,937 Fine Hand-Coloured Plates
by J. Sowerby& J. De C. Sowerby & J.W. Salter ...
48. SOWERBY, John Edward
English Botany; or, Coloured Figures of British
Plants. Third Edition. Enlarged, Re-arranged According to
the Natural Orders and Entirely Revised. With descriptions
by John T. Boswell, LL.D., F.L.S., etc. and N.E. Brown, of the
Royal Herbarium, Kew. The Figures by W.H. Fitch, N.E.
Brown, and John Edward Sowerby. [In 13 Volumes
including Supplementary Volume].
London. George Bell & Sons. 1887-1899. sm4to. 25cm,
13 vols., viii,235 & 246 & 273 & 265 & 231 & 213 & 194 & 296
& 239 & 183 & 216 & 216 & 332 & 213pp., errata leaves, 1937
colour hand-coloured chromolitho plates by J. Sowerby, J.
De Sowerby, J. W. Salter and John Edward Sowerby. ,
volume indexes, bound in full dark blue crushed morocco,
wide gilt ruled and decorated raised bands, gilt titles, dark
blue combed cloth boards, t.e.g., some slight wear on the
edges, some volumes have minor green water colour splashes on the top or fore-edges otherwise a very good to fine
sound set attractively bound
Five of the 13 volumes, the condition is uniform
Nissen, 2227. Plate collations vary. Sowerby's English
Botany was originally published in 36 volumes from 1790 to
1820 with the third revised and updated edition being published from 1872 to 1893. This edition is a special re-issue of
the third edition for "Nature" periodical. A classic study of
19th century English indigenous flowering plants noted for
its extensive and beautiful illustrations. A mammoth set.
The Rare First Edition in incomplete jacket
Interesting Signed Association Copy
By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept.
Elizabeth Smart. (red) London. PL Editions Poetry London.
(red). 1945. 8vo, 21.2cm, The Rare First Edition, 54p., title
page printed in black and red, in the original orange red
cloth, gilt titles along the spine, with the raiments of the
jacket expertly laid down as illustrated below (the panel not
shown is black), Jacket designed by Gerald Wilde. 1,200.00
Author’s Signed Presentation to her close friend from
early days, Graham Spry. To Graham with love from Bono
fidie Betty (Elizabeth Smart*), (will do better late). At the foot
of the page * I have know GS for 18 yrs. (inked out line), :ES.
(1928 - 1946 on).
Email: books@mcgahernbooks.ca
Page - 17 -
Benson & Toye. Oxford Companion Canadian Literature, p1074-75. Moss. Reader’s Guide to the Canadian
Novel, pp258-260. “This is a love story unique in the telling.
Elizabeth Smart has written a brilliant and difficult prose
poem, which is all the more remarkable for being so little
known. ... it conveys the frantic intensity and nearly
hysterical lucidity of a young woman overwhelmed by love.
...”Moss. The entry in Oxford Companion... by Rosemary
Sullivan, Smart’s biographer.
Graham Spry, (1900-1983) was a Canadian broadcasting pioneer, business executive, diplomat and socialist.
Rose Died. Broadsheet. Hand printed at imprimerie
dromadaire. 1984. folio. 36x 20.5cm, printed in black and title
in red, one page, limited to 126 numbered and signed
copies, this being #108, fine
“... the most moving poem
in the volume, (The Collected
Poems, 1992), is the harrowing
elegy to her daughter, Rose, who
died at the age of thirty-five... “
Oxford Companion...
“This broadside was published to raise money to help
defray costs for Elizabeth
Smart’s appearance at Harbour
Front. It is a cruel irony that not
many copies sold.
With the Often Missing Frontis Portrait
50. SPEED, John
The Historie of Great Britaine under the Conquests
of the Romans, Saxons, Danes and Normans. Their
Originals, Manners, Habits, Warres, Coines, and Seales: with
the Successions, Lives, Acts, and Issues of the English
Monarchs from Julius Caesar, unto the Raigne of King
James, of famous Memorie.
The Third Edition, Revised, enlarged, and newly
corrected, with sundry descents of the Saxons Kings, Their
Marriages and Armes.
London. Published by George Humble, Popes-head
Pallace, at the signe of the White Horse. 1632. thick folio,
- Patrick McGahern Books, Inc
34cm, The Third Edition, Revised, enlarged, [xvii],1237,
[iv,80],pp., (numerous errors in the pagination), pp.10431086 assigned to recto only, i.e., foliated], trimmed, unpaginated “The Second Index, or Alphabetical Table
containing the principal matters in this history”,
Engraved frontis portrait of the author, printer’s device
of Humble on title, woodcut head & tail pieces and initials
throughout, many in text illustrations including full page
genealogies, numerous woodcuts throughout of coins and
seals, text in double column,
Bound in full early mottled calf, expertly rebacked in
mottled calf, blind ruled raised bands, blind decorated
borders on the boards, crushed crimson morocco label,
engraved bookplate,
Engraved frontis and title page chipped and
somewhat dust worn and laid down, 2" diminishing oval
puncture on pp.825-848 with text loss, over all a very good
sound copy, uncommon with the frontis
S.T.C. (2nd ed. ) 23049. Lowndes p2472.
John Speed,
c.(1552-1629), is best
known today as a
cartographer. His atlas The
Theatre of the Empire of
Great Britaine contained
the first individual county
maps of England and
Wales, the first detailed
maps of the provinces of
Ireland, the first set of
county maps consistently
attempting to show the
boundaries of territorial
divisions, and the first
truly comprehensive set of English town plans.
In his own time, he was also highly regarded as an
historian, and he was encouraged to begin his History of
Great Britaine by William Camden and other fellow
members of the Society of Antiquaries. This work, first
published in 1611, elephant folio, is a companion to Speed's
famous atlas, but is complete in itself. (In the first editions,
the pagination was continuous through both volumes,
which is why the present edition commences with 'the fifth
book' and the table of contents includes the 'first four' books
[ie., the atlas]). This edition is a variant of one published in
1631, and has the peculiar pagination noted by Lowndes.
The frontispiece portrait of Speed, by Savery, (often
wanting, see note enclosed) appeared in the later editions of
most of Speed's works. Other illustrations include portraits
of kings, royal seals and coats of arms, coinage, etc.
The First Edition - First Issue
51. TWAIN, Mark
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Tom Sawyer's
Comrade). New York. Charles L. Webster and Company.
1885. 8vo, 21x 16.5cm, the first edition, first issue, 336p.,
photographic frontis portrait and 174 illustrations from
engravings, in the original decorated green cloth rebacked
with the original spine laid down, gilt and black stamped
block titles and pictorial decorations on the spine and upper
cover, board edges slightly worn, some wear on the bottom
board, some fading, new endpapers, initial illustration hand
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coloured (not as issued), some occasional slight foxing on
the text forge margins, good to very good
- 18 -
order line - 613-230-2277
Montgomery, Morden, Andeerson, Hunter, Morrison,
Durand and Wilfred Nelson.
First Book on Salmon Fishing in Canada
53. TOLFREY, Frederic
The Sportsman in Canada. London. T.C. Newby.
1845. 12mo, 20cm, the First Edition, in 2 volumes, iii,283,[iv]
& 286,8pp., ads., with 10 engraved plates (inc. 2 frontis),
plates on slightly smaller stock, as issued, with half title in
volume one, in the original fine grain red cloth, blind ruled
bands and gilt titles on the spines, blind ruled borders and
corner decorations and blind decorated device in the boards
centre panels, original coated yellow endpapers, spines
relayed, inner hinges re-enforced, some slight foxing on the
plates but they are very good clear strikes, binding slightly
dust worn but a very good to fine copy of the rare first
edition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500.00
BAL 3451. "Notice: Persons attempting to find a
motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons
attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons
attempting to find a plot in it will be shot. By Order of the
Author". A good copy of the first issue with all points.
Considered one of the finest works in American fiction
Canada in 1837-38, showing, By Historical Facts, the
causes of the late attempted revolution, and of its failure; the
present condition of the people, and their future prospects,
together with the Personal Adventures of the Author, and
others who were connected with the revolution.
Philadelphia. Henry F. Panners. & New York. J &
H.G. Langley. 1841. 12mo. 19cm, the first edition, two
volumes bound in One, 264 & 316pp., rebound in
contemporary style quarter brown calf, raised gilt ruled
bands, black stamped decorations in the panels, crushed
crimson morocco label gilt, marbled boards, a fine clean
copy attractively bound
T.P.L. 2217. Gagnon I3513. Lande 832. Morgan p370. Story p699.
Sabin 95297. An interesting first hand account of the 1837 Rebellion in Upper and
Lower Canada, and its
aftermath. Theller, an
American, had practiced
medicine in Montreal for
several years, and later
returned to the United
States and joined the
American Filibusterers
al o ng the Canadi an
border. He was captured on Lake Erie while in command of
a privateer, and was tried and condemned for high Treason.
The narrative contains considerable detail regarding his trial
and imprisonment and his subsequent escape from the
Citadel in Quebec, as well as accounts of other rebels and
their sympathizers, including Sutherland, Lount, Matthews,
T.P.L. 2744. Lande 2255 (5 plates). Gagnon I-3546.
Dionne II-1231. Story p679. Waterston p75. Westwood &
Satchell p.210.---Bruns T52. - “Very rare.” Includes a lengthy
description including “appendix through (v2),286,
containing best flies for North American rivers, and how to
tie them.” Phillips p377. Wetzel p223.
An attractive rare book, interestingly illustrated.
Tolfrey, a military officer stationed at Quebec, arrived in
Canada in 1816 and remained about four years. A lively
account, his book is full of fishing and hunting experiences,
as well as some history of the establishment of the early
Email: books@mcgahernbooks.ca
Page - 19 -
racing and sporting clubs in Canada and the theatrical
per-formances given in the second decade of the century. As
well he covers life and gaiety of garrison life. Gagnon
remarks that the book also contains interesting biographical
details of governors Sherbrooke and Richmond and of other
leading citizens.
Tolfrey was the editor of the famous angling classic
known for its colour plates: Jones's Guide to Norway..
54. TRAILL, Mrs. (Catherine Parr)
Lost in the Backwoods. A Tale of the Candian Forest.
London, Edinburgh & New York. Thomas Nelson and Sons.
1896. 12mo, 18cm, viii,9-319p., with 32 plates and
illustrations from engravings, (inc. frontis), in the original
elaborately pictorial decorated light blue cloth, gilt title and
title panel on the spine and upper cover, pictorial
illustrations, decorations and borders stamped in black,
“Our Boys’ Select Library”, series stamped in border on the
upper cover, some slight wear on the edges else a very good
to fine copy attractively decorated
A reprint of the author’s third book, “The Canadian
Crusoes”, first published in 1852.
- Patrick McGahern Books, Inc
now it is. Together with the Laying Open of Certain
Enormities and abuses committed by some that trade to that
Countrey, and the means laid downe for reformation
thereof. Written by Captaine Richard Whitbourne of
Exmoth... and published by Authority.
London. Imprinted at London by Felix Kingston. 1622.
4to, trimmed, 17.5x 12.5cm, [22],107,[5]15pp., head and tail
devices, in modern full vellum, black morocco label, gilt title
along the spine, marbled edges, a fine copy, a rare book
O'Dea 51b. T.P.L. 4656. cf. Lande 894 & 895 for 1st &
3rd, Church 397. Sabin 103331.
This is the second edition, enlarged with "A Loving
Invitation" appended instead of being issued separately. It
also contains at the end 15pages of letters from
Newfoundland, dated in 1622, and gives the only account of
Avalon, the colony founded by Sir George Calvert, and
abandoned in favour of Maryland.
55. VANCOUVER, George, edited by W. Kaye Lamb
A Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean
and Round the World. 1791-1795. In 4 Volumes. [Works
Issued by the Hakluyt Society. Second Series. No. 163-166].
London. The Hakluyt Society. 1984. 21.5cm, xx, 1752pp., 4
frontis portraits, 46 plates including frontispiece portraits,
large folding map in rear pocket (Vol. I), appendices,
bibliography, index, blue cloth, gilt decoration on upper
covers, gilt spine titles, a fine set in fine jackets
The first annotated edition of Vancouver's journal as
he revised it for publication in 1798. His narrative has been
supplemented by logs or journals by other members of the
expedition. With a very significant introduction and appendices by W. Kaye Lamb, former Dominion Archivist and
National Librarian of Canada. Includes a large facsimile
map: "A Chart shewing part of the Coast of N.W. America
with the tracks of His Majesty's Sloop ‘Discovery' and
Armed Tender ‘Chatham'"
The "Father of New-Found-Land", 1622
WHITBOURNE, Richard (1579-1628)
A Discourse and Discovery of New-Foun-Land, with
many reasons to procue how worth and beneficiall a
Plantation may there be made, after a far better manner than
Whitbourne was a
south Devon man from Teignmouth, appren-ticed to a merchant
adventurer, who sailed extensively
around Europe and to
Newfoundland. In the Armada he
sailed in his own ship. He spent
some 30 years cod fishing off
Newfoundland, and also governed
Vaughan's colony of Renews from
1618 to 1620, when the venture was
abandon. He was the first to hold a
court of Justice in North America at
Trinity in 1615. Known as the "Father
of New- Found-Land", his work is to
that colony as Champlains works are
to New France. Whitbourne was
especially successful in attracting
Englishmen to Newfoundland by
providing as he does here a general
description invitation to settlers.
Also of interest is
Whitborne's acc-ount of seeing a
creature of legend, "Now also I will
not omitt to relate some thing of a
strange creature, which I first saw there in the years 1610,...
"Whitbourne's Discourse belongs in the general category of
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promotional literature, but it is set apart from similar pieces
of rhetoric by the wider knowledge of the island revealed in
it and by the genuine note of warmth and sincerity in
Whitbourne's character. He had been voyaging to
Newfoundland since 1579 and knew the coastline of the
country well. ... Beneath his ‘rough style' and occasionally
surly manner there is, a new feeling in literature about
Newfoundland: regard for the country, not for what it could
return in the way of profit, but for itself. There is a real anger
in Whitbourne when he lists the abuses committed in
Newfoundland by visiting European fishermen: practices
such as burning down the forests around the bays and
mindlessly dropping ballast into harbours that are ‘so
beautifull...' "... O'Flaherty. Rock Observed p12.
- 20 -
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career officer in the British army. He served with distinction
in Burma, the Crimean War, the Indian Mutiny, China,
Canada, and Africa, including the Ashanti campaign
(1873-74) and the Nile Expedition against the Mahdi in
1884-85. He was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the
British Army in 1895 and retired in 1901.
*Note. The morocco used in fine bindings during this
era is thinly tanned with the result that these binding, while
among the most beautiful and artful, should be handled
with care.
**Probably, General Sir Arthur Grenfell. Wauchope
GCB GCMG CIE DSO (1874–1947), was a British soldier and
colonial administrator. Educated at Repton School,
57. WOLSELEY, Viscount [Garnet]
The Story of a Soldier's Life. by Field-Marshall
Viscount Wolseley. Westminster. Archibald Constable & Co.
1903. 8vo, 22cm, first edition, in 2 volumes, xi,398 &
xi,383,[4]pp. ads., with 2 photogravure portraits, 2 maps (one
folding), and one illustration, (Fort Garry), in contemporary
half crushed crimson morocco, fine grain crimson cloth
boards, wide gilt decorated raised bands, decorated four
rule borders in the panels with gilt monographs & vignette
illustration in the top and bottom panels, gilt titles, gilt rule
borders on the boards, marbled boards, t.e.g., armorial
bookplate “Arthur Grenfell” - signed binding “Hatchards,
187 Piccadilly, some slight wear on the edges*, a very good
to fine set attractively bound
See No. 54, Above.
He came to Canada in 1861 and command-ed the Red
River Expedition in 1870. On his return to England he is
believed to have written three articles in Blackwood's that
were critical of the Canadian government's failure to make
adequate pre-parations for the force. When the derogatory
remarks are deleted from the articles, the account is similar
to that given in the present work. He had been greatly
impressed by the work of the Canadian voyageurs, and in
1884, when given command of the expedition that ascended
the Nile in a vain hope of saving Gordon, he obtained a
corps of voyageurs from Canada.
Field Marshal Viscount Wolseley (1833-1913) was a
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Patrick & Liam McGahern