Behind the Scenes at the Launch of Klub Elite
Behind the Scenes at the Launch of Klub Elite
Wednesday, October 31, 2012 Behind the Scenes at the Launch of Klub Elite Zermat’s Klub Elite is in full force and Znews just had to be there to get pictures and stories from behind the scenes during the Launch of Klub Elite! Our Zermat Entrepreneurs who receive Klub Elite status receive amazing recognition such as being a part of our Wall of fame participation in Corporate Gatherings, Automatic participation in National and International trips and VIP incentives, an all-star treatment! Behind the scenes we found Elite Executive Elia Leal who has been part of the Great Zermat Family for over a decade; she told us about her own personal challenges: The Makeup!... Elia was alongside our color experts and experienced the magic and excitement of feeling more Beautiful. She shared with us a funny story from her wedding day, “When they finished my makeup I went to the bathroom, took it all off and did it again.”, years later, Elia is a great example to follow as a member of Klub Elite. She also said, “I AM SO HAPPY, I feel beautiful, confident, young, everyone tells me I look great.” Wednesday, October 31, 2012 Zermat International greatly appreciates Elia Leal and all of the Zermat Entrepreneurs for allowing us to change and impact their lives in a positive way. We always say: “In this Business that you have started, you will experience the True Significance of Accomplishment when you have helped someone else achieve it!” We congratulate each one of our Elite Executives that today are now part of the Klub Elite and we look forward to listening to stories from future Zermat Entrepreneurs who will have the privilege of being part of the Klub Elite. Alma López Gloria Dinora Ipina MaríaEsther Valdivieso Antonio López José Negrón Patricia Menéndez Elia Leal Margarita Salgado Paula Delia Correa Claudia Serrano María González Rosa Carmina Nájera Wednesday, October 31, 2012 No more constipation If you have problems going to the bathroom or you are not going as often as you want, then you probably suffer from constipation. It is called constipation when stool is too little, dry or hard and infrequent (less than three bowel movements per day). There is usually abdominal discomfort, inflammation in the bottom part of the stomach, and gas. Many people take laxatives, which will solve the problem at the time, but can have side effects such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of sodium, potassium and chloride. Also, your body may build up a tolerance to them, therefore requiring an increase in dosage. For this reason it is so important to try and meet your fiber needs through consumption, and a great option is by consuming ZERMAT FIT daily. It will improve your metabolism and help prevent constipation issues with its fiber content. Remember to drink 3 to 4 liters of plain water a day to help avoid this health issue. Wednesday, October 31, 2012 #'@ *UJTOPXBWBJMBCMF5IJTGSBHSBODFJTTJNQMZGBTDJOBUJOHVMUSBGFNJOJOF BOEXJMMNBLFZPVSDMJFOUTGFFM 2-1-Û#͚Û!::Û̳ #SJOHJOHGFNJOJOJUZUPUIFTVSGBDFGPSUIPTFXIPMPWFMJGF *UTCSJHIUDJUSVTBOEGSVJUZOPUFTBSFFOWFMPQFEJOóPSBMBDDPSETXIFSF UIFZUIFONJYXJUIBTVCMJNFBOEFODIBOUJOHCBTFPGXPPEZOPUFT BNCFSBOEWBOJMMBUIBUMFUZPVSJSSFTJTUJCMFQFSTPOBMJUZTIJOF .BMJDJBJO-PWFHPFTCFZPOEUIFDPNNPOGSBHSBODFCFDBVTF .BMJDJBJO r*UJTB1FSGVNFGPS8PNFOXJUIBIJHIFSDPODFOUSBUJPOUIBONPTU PGUIFDPNQFUJUJPO r*UIBTUIFIJHIFTU2VBMJUZPGFTTFODFTUIBUBSFJNQPSUFEGSPN &VSPQF "T B ;FSNBU &OUSFQSFOFVS NBLF .BMJDJB JO -PWF BO JODSFEJCMF FYQFSJFODFSFDPNNFOEUIFGPMMPXJOHUPZPVSDMJFOUT r"QQMZUPUJNFTEVSJOHUIFEBZBUZPVSQVMTFQPJOUTJODMVEJOH OFDLXSJTUGPSFBSNCBDLPGLOFFTFUD 5PJOUFOTJGZUIFTDFOUUISPVHIPVUUIFEBZEPOPUNJYXJUIBOZ PUIFSTDFOU .BMJDJBJO-PWFJTTJNQMZBGSBHSBODFUIBUJT30."/5*$48&&5w (FUJU/PX Wednesday, October 31, 2012 We want you to celebrate your success and Travel, so we have decided to offer an alternate trip! Where Dreams Come True, Disney World & Disneyland await!! The Magic Continues… …. here are three more wonders to experience you decide which dream to make a reality: rst Wonder Disneyland* if you live in the Western region Second Wonder Disney World* Florida if you live in the Eastern region Third Wonder Courtesy request Want to know how to experience one of these Wonders? Do not hesitate to contact your Regional Manager today, consult the rules at or call our Zermat Business Center and we will happy to give you all the details. Contest valid until November 30, 2012. Points will be published no later than the 13th at You can also consult with the executives at the Zermat Business Center. Wednesday, October 31, 2012 La Magia Continua... s Maravillas más! ...te presentamos tre ad! o quieres hacer realid Tú decides cual sueñ RIMER P GU SE ILLA RAV A MA NDA MARAVILLA TERCERA MA RAVILLA sia Pedido De $C3,0or00te.00 Con Valor de ¡P iensa, Sueña, Cree, atrevete! Disneyland Pedido De Cortesia Pedido de Cortesia con un valor de $3,000 .00 precio catálogo. Estos productos no con taran para calculo de com isones y se colocará en siste ma como pedido de cor tesia Período del Concurso DESDE HOY MISMO AL 30 DE NOVIEMBRE DE CALIFORNIA Si vives en la Región Oeste Para 2 personas: Hospedaje 3 Días y 2 Noches! Boletos Aéreos 2 Hoopers Pass para Adultos Restricciones para via jar en Temporada Alta (según la Temporada Alta de Disn ey) $300.00 dólares para Alimentación. DisneyWorld FLORIDA Si vives en la Región Este Para 2 personas: Hospedaje 3 Días y 2 Noches Entradas a los Parque s Boletos Aéreos 2 Hoopers Pass para Adultos Restricciones para via jar en Temporada Alta (según la Temporada Alta de Disn ey) $300.00 dólares para Alimentación. 2012 Los puntos serán pub licados Mensualment e a más tardar los día Así como podrás con s 13 en: www.zermatb sultarlos con los Ejecutiv os de nuestro Centro de Negocios Zermat. SÍGUENOS EN FACEBOOK: FACEBOOK.COM/ZERMATINTE RNATIONAL SÍGUENOS EN TWITTER: @ ZERMATNEW S m Si vives en la REGIÓN CENTRAL, escoge el sitio TXHSUHÀHUDV Disneyland o Disneyworld!! Wednesday, October 31, 2012 Did you know? Cosmetic Samples Zermat has samples of products at your disposal so that your Clients can get to know the lovely colors, incredible textures and fabulous scents of our products. This will help increase your sales. Don’t wait and get them as an everyday tool for your personal business. Eye Shadow Compact Sampler (or Swatch) Code 51330 $15.00 Nail Enamel Sampler (or Swatch) Code 51327 $5.00 Lipstick Sampler (or Swatch) Code 51328 $9.50 Women’s Fragrance Sampler Code 51774 $12.50 Men’s Fragrance Sampler Code 51773 $12.50 64 Scent Sampler Code 51759 $40.00
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