Sacred Heart Catholic Church Week of June 19, 2016
Sacred Heart Catholic Church Week of June 19, 2016
Sacred Heart Catholic Church Week of June 19, 2016 SANCTUARY CANDLE IN MEMORY OF RAMON UBIAS BY KATHERINE ROCHA Masses/Misas de Esta Semana th Saturday, June 18 5:00 pm Luisa Sanchez by Ray & Christine Villarreal & Children Ignacio Castillo by Family Sunday June 19th 7:30 am Ramon Ubias by Nancy Luna & Family Junior Tabares por sus Padres 9:30 am Cristino Gonzalez, Jr. & Cristino Gonzalez, Sr. by Family Dr. Matthias K.B. Adorka by the Garza Family 11:30 am Para todos los padres Rene Avila (cumpleaños) y Alma Avila (salud) por Familia Avila 1:30 pm Ignacio Castillo by his family Felipe Tamez & Eduardo Colmenero by the Colmenero Family Monday June 20th 8:00 am Isabel James by Catalina Slay Tuesday, June 21st NO MASS Wednesday June 22nd 6:00 pm Phyllis Roethel by the Mason Family Lance Mason (birthday blessings) by Family Thursday, June 23rd 8:00 am David Reyes (health) by Divine Mercy Cenacle Friday, June 24th 8:00 am Alma Avila (health) by parents Saturday, June 25th 5:00 pm Nina Collazo by the Currey Family The Mendez Sisters by their Families Regular Collection Sunday June 12th $ 4,505.44 Youth Collection $ 85.00 Building Fund $ 100.00 Zack Rodriguez Fund $ 21.00 Thank you for your donation/Gracias por su donación Those donating to the $20 Club Fund, please indicate on your check menu line “$20 Club”. If you are donating cash, please indicate on an envelope your name or weekly contribution envelope number. $20 Club June 12th $ 100.00 Calendar of Events for the week of June 19th Sunday: 9:00 am Monday: 6:30 pm 6:30 pm Wednesday: 10:00 am 1:00 pm Friday: 8:30 am Saturday: 3:00 pm 3:30-4:45 pm 4:30 pm Email address for Bulletin and Announcements: Webmaster: Lorne Hengst Cub Scouts Book Club, Classroom 1 Bible Study Sew & So Adoration in Queen of Peace Chapel ALL DAY Adoration in Queen of Peace Chapel ENDS Confession in the church Rosary (church) ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE June 25th 5:00 pm Isaac & Zachary Hernandez June 26th 7:30 am Julio & Rosalinda Lozano, David Macedo June 26th 9:30 am Noah, Eli, Gabe & Josh Gonzales June 26th 11:30 am Allan Beals, Martin Johnsen, Jonathan & Edgar Lozano June 26th 1:30 pm Cenovio, Aron & Adriano Vasquez, Marisa Hernandez Deceased Next week, our diocese will take up the Peter’s Pence Collection, which provides Pope Francis with the funds he needs to carry out his charitable works around the world. The proceeds benefit our brothers and sisters on the margins of society, including victims of war, oppression, and disasters. Join our Holy Father as a witness of charity to those who are suffering. Rosary (church) Our parish is introducing a new resource for families and individuals to become more informed about Church teaching, historical events related to our Catholic faith and the Saints. The Sacred Heart Video Library has started renting out DVDs for 7 days maximum for $5.00. Please call the office for more information. Bulletin deadline is Wednesday by 8:00 pm Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Prayer for the Sick Watch, O Lord, with those who wake, or watch, or weep tonight, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend your sick ones, O Lord Christ. Rest your weary ones. Bless your dying ones. Soothe your suffering ones. Pity your afflicted ones. Shield your joyous ones. And for all your love's sake. Amen. Fr. Adam Martinez, Fr. Jim Robertson, Fr. Darius Ziebowicz Arturo Alvarado, Manuela Alvarez, Alma Avila, Angie Becker, Manuel Beltran, Glenda Bernard, Amy Buettner, Cecilia Cano, Marcella Chapa, Timothea Cherry, Nat Davis, David Day, Sandy DiLeonardo, Louise Eddins, Herbert Eschberger, Timmy Eubanks, John Flores, Deacon John & Ann Franklin, Ramiro Garza, Raymond Gomez, Ernestine Gonzales, Liborio Gonzales, Santos Gonzales, Dorothy Hicks, Lindsey Hoe, Thomas Holub, Mickey Hyatt, Fernando Jonse, Jonathan Jurado, Jim Jurek, Gary Keller, Doris Keown, Joyce Kincl, Albert Kresta, Jr., Tony Laudadio, John Lewis, Kyle Lindley, Bob Lindstrom, Antonio Lopez, Mary Jo Lundgren, Joy Martin, Alfonso Marquez, Maria Martinez, Becky Mason, Steve McCoy, Lauren McPherson, Lucille Mecey, Sandy Murphree, Trinidad Navejas, Paul Oncken, Jerry Ortiz, Jennifer Parker, Michael Pease, Rosa Pickens, Dale & Georgie Pyeatt, Susan Renteria, Aurea Reyes, David Reyes, Lydia Rocha, Ellen Rodriguez, Josephine Rose, Stephanie Sanchez, Florentino Serafin, Earline Seward, Pat Steffek, Wayne Strahan, Noelle Swartz, Michael Torres, Elizabeth Verastegui, E.G. Villarreal, Haliegh Watson, and Letha Wiley May Perpetual light shine upon them and may they walk in the presence of the Lord. Deceased: Jack Douglas and Michael Klima Book Club Meeting Monday, June 20th, 6:30pm; RE Classroom 1 Book: Beautiful Mercy Topic: Chapter 7: Bury the Dead Guest Speaker: Bereavement Ministry Duodecimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario La próxima semana, la diócesis realizará la Colecta Peter’s Pence, la cual le proporciona al papa Francisco los fondos que necesita para llevar a cabo sus obras de caridad alrededor el mundo. Lo recaudado beneficia a nuestros hermanos y hermanas que viven al margen de la sociedad, incluyendo a las víctimas de guerra, opresión y desastres. Únanse con nuestro Santo Padre como un testigo de la caridad para aquellos que sufren. CORTE DE REYES Y REINAS 2016 ¡Atención familias! Es tiempo otra vez de registrar a sus hijos para participar en el Corte de Reyes y Reinas 2016 en preparación para nuestra Fiesta Anual el 4 de Septiembre. Llame a nuestra coordinadora Dulce Sandoval al 512.804.9286 o 512.296.9844 o para más información. 2016 KING & QUEENS COURT Attention families! It's that time of year again to register your kids for our annual 2016 King and Queens Court in preparation for our Annual Fiesta on September 4th. Please contact our coordinator Dulce Sandoval at 512.804.9286 or 512.296.9844 or for more information. Fr. George’s “Did You Know?” What is poor Friday? Some say Friday is a good day for bad things. Some say that Adam and Eve, our first parents, fell from grace on a Friday. Others say that the Great Flood started on a Friday, and that Solomon’s temple fell on a Friday. And we all know that Jesus was crucified on a Friday. I think I would like to skip Fridays from now on, if it weren’t for one thing. Paradoxically, we call Adam’s fault “happy” fault and Jesus’ death on the Cross as Good Friday. Thank God for Fridays! DROP INS WELCOMED! YOU CAN STILL GET A FREE BOOK! FATHERHOOD A father carries pictures where his money used to be. —Anonymous PATERNIDAD Un padre lleva fotos allí donde solía llevar su dinero. —Anónimo Sanctuary Candle If you would like to donate $12 for a candle (burns 2 weeks) for the church/chapel, please, call or come by the church office. Flowers If you would like to make a donation of flowers in the church, please, call or come by the church office.