Pemeriksaaan antemortum
Pemeriksaaan antemortum
Hygiene makanan Prof.Dr.Pratiwi Ts, MS hygiene -1 1 Keamanan Pangan Kondisi dan upaya yang diperlukan untuk mencegah pangan dari kemungkinan cemaran biologis, kimia, dan benda lain yang dapat mengganggu, merugikan, dan membahayakan kesehatan manusia UU RI No. 7 Tahun 1996 tentang Pangan A suitable product which when consumed orally either by a human or an animal does not cause health risk to consumer. DEFINITION BACTERIAL 66% VIRAL 5% PARASITIC 5% CHEMICAL 25% PERCENT OF FOODBORNE DISEASE OUTBREAKS hygiene -1 3 Establish and Implement Effective Herd Health management plan Check for Disease Observe herd with veterinarian Perform test for disease exposure Conduct Post Mortem following diagnostic procedure Conduct Slaughter Checks Review Production record “BIOSECURITY” Food safety A. Ante and post mortem inspection at abattoirs and associated premises • To implement and, manage the inspection of animals destined for slaughter at abattoirs and associated premises B. Inspection of collection, processing and distribution of products of animal origin • To implement, manage and coordinate food safety measures on Inspection of collection, processing and distribution of products of animals A&B also covers coordination with other authorities Identification and traceability A. Animal identification and movement control • To identify animals under their mandate and trace their history, location and distribution for animal health, food safety, etc. B. Identification and traceability of products of animal origin • To identify and trace products of animal origin for animal health, food safety, etc. A&B in coordination with stakeholders Pemotongan hewan yang dagingnya diedarkan harus : a. Dilakukan di rumah potong hewan dan; b. Mengikuti cara penyembelihan yang memenuhi kaidah kesehatan masyarakat veteriner dan kesejahteraan hewan hygiene -1 7 hygiene -1 8 hygiene -1 9 hygiene -1 10 hygiene -1 11 hygiene -1 12 hygiene -1 13 • Penggunaan dan pemanfaatan hewan (pemotongan hewan) dilakukan dengan se-baik2nya sehingga hewan bebas dari rasa takut, penganiyaan, bebas rasa sakit, tertekan dan penyalah gunaan (ps 63) kesmavet-3-09-leg 14 Rumah Potong Hewan harus memiliki ijin bupati/walikota Harus dibawah pengawasan Dokter Hewan yang berwenang di bidang pengawasan kesehatan masyarakat veteriner Pemerintah wajib menyelenggarakan penjaminan higiene dan sanitasi kesmavet-3-09-leg 15 Ketentuan pemotongan dikecualikan bagi pemotongan untuk kepentingan hari besar keagamaan, upacara adat dan pemotongan darurat Usaha RPH harus di bawah pengawasan Dokter Hewan yang berwenang di bidang Kesehatan Masyarakat Veteriner hygiene -1 16 • • Pengawasan , inspeksi dan audit terhadap tempat produksi, RPH, tempat pemerahan dst (psl 63) Survailens terhadap residu obat hewan, cemaran mikroba, dan/atau cemaran kimia kesmavet-3-09-leg 17 • • • Pembinaan terhadap orang yang terlibat secara langsung dengan aktivitas tersebut Kegiatan higiene dan sanitasi dilakukan oleh Dokter Hewan berwenang di bidang kesehatan masyarakat veteriner Higiene dan sanitasi akan di atur dengan Peraturan Menteri kesmavet-3-09-leg 18 Take the animal’s temperature in the rectum. Determine pulse rate by placing your ear against the animal’s chest and listening to the heartbeat. Check the respiration rate by watching the animal’s ribcage for one minute and counting the number of breaths. Restrain animals to administer health care, treat injuries, or observe them. Maintain a proper vaccination program. Use feed additives. Employ veterinary services. hygiene -1 19 Symptoms of diseases Poor growth and/or reduced production; reduced feed intake; rough, dry hair coat; discharge from eyes or nose; coughing or gasping for air; trembling, shaking, shivering; unusual discharges; open sores or wounds; unusual swelling of the body; abortion. Abortion — loss of a fetus before it is viable. hygiene -1 20 Ability to recognize signs of good health or the symptoms of health problems is the single most important key to being efficient in maintaining good animal health. Keen sense of observation is important. Ability to know when something is not right with an animal is important. hygiene -1 21 Best sign is simply a contented animal Alertness and chewing of cud in ruminant animals Shiny hair coat, bright eyes and pink membranes Normal body discharges of urine & feces Normal body temperature, pulse rate, and respiration or breathing rate hygiene -1 22 Pulse Rate Hold ear against the animal’s chest and listen to heartbeat Number of beats per minute is the pulse rate Respiration Rate Watch the animal’s rib cage Number of breaths per minute is the respiration rate hygiene -1 23 Animal temperatures are usually taken in the rectum Animal thermometers are normally longer and heavier than those used for human medicine Have an eye at one end with a string attached to it to prevent loss in the body cavity hygiene -1 24 NORMAL BODY TEMPERATURES FOR ANIMALS hygiene -1 25 Rough hair coat and dull, glassy eyes Animal stays alone with its head down Walks slowly when forced to walk Abnormal feces, either too hard or too soft, as well as discolored urine Lowered production High temperatures, labored breathing, and rapid pulse rates hygiene -1 26 hygiene -1 27 hygiene -1 28