PDF - Maison du Tourisme du Pays de Namur
PDF - Maison du Tourisme du Pays de Namur
© WBT - D.ERROYAUX EN MUSEUMS – ATTRACTIONS – GUIDED TOURS – EVENTS – ACCOMMODATION Castle of the Counts 60 Route Merveilleuse Namur Citadel This centre of creativity, unique in northern Europe, provides all visitors with an understanding of the different steps involved in producing a fine perfume. These perfumes are carefully crafted and matured deep in the cellars of the Citadel, silent witnesses from the days of Charles the Fifth !This «Light, sound and perfume» show is such that the outside world is rapidly forgotten. Exhibition-Sales : free access all year, Monday to Saturday, 10 am till 5.30 pm (6 pm, April till October). Sundays and public holidays, 2 pm till 6 pm Tour of the Perfumery workshop Individual : guided tour (duration 1 hour) or with audioguide, Saturdays at 3.30 pm, except public holidays, 3,50 €. -12 y. 3 €, FR, NL, EN, DE, ES, IT. During school holidays, Monday to Saturday except public holidays, 3.30 pm, other possible tour with audioguide, see timetable of the day Groups : min 15 persons, all year, from Monday to Saturday, by appointment, guide or audioguide 3 €. -12y. 2,5 €: French, Dutch, English, German, Spanish, Italian film 12 min. and composition room 2 €: Russian, Polish, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Portuguese www.delforge.com Phone: 0032 (0)81 22 12 19 info@delforge.com video delforge.com in 12 languages Editorial Welcome to Namur! You have chosen to visit our fair city, and you will not regret it! Namur is synonymous with a proud history and is nestled tradition, at the heart of a river confluence, in a magnificent setting of greenery. It is a city on a human scale where the art of living is cultivated with gusto: Namur is a nice town to walk around, so take your time, and enjoy striding along the embankments of the Rivers Meuse and Sambre. 2016 is a theme year devoted to cycling tourism. And Namur is the ideal starting point to discover Wallonia as well: once you have discovered the city by bike, the quays and banks will lead to the fine valleys of the Meuse and the Sambre. I wish you fine excursions in Wallonia in 2016! Patricia Grandchamps Alderwoman for Tourism pm ese deo om ages © Coralie Cardon om Let us guide you … 6 Go native … 8 Namur Citadel 12 City by the water 16 Take the time … 17 Lifestyle 20 Museums 24 Attractions 26 On foot, by bike 28 Events 30 Agenda 36 Accommodation 47 Useful information 48 City map © WBT - D.ERROYAUX Responsible publisher: City of Namur Layout: B. Davister 2016 edition © OTN © Coralie Cardon TRAIN STATION INFORMATION CENTRE Seven days a week: 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM (Closed on 25, 26 December, and 1, 2 January) Tel. : +32 81 24 64 49 Fax : +32 81 24 71 10 www.namurtourisme.be www.paysdenamur.be info@namurtourisme.be SERVICE FOR GROUPS Tel. : +32 81 24 64 44 groupes@namurtourisme.be OTNAMUR NAMURTOURISME Establishments labelled “Welcome bicycle” 6 01 Go native in Namur for a spell © P. Lavandy/Ville de Namur © P. Lavandy/Ville de Namur © P. Lavandy/Ville de Namur Take the time to discover the many facets of the Capital of Wallonia and take advantage of the opportunity to try out the art of living so characteristic of its inhabitants. 7 Our favourites • EXPLORE THE NAMUR CITADEL (P.8) Come and storm this fortified site and discover two millennia of history. The Guy Delforge perfume creation centre (unique in Northern Europe) is also worth a visit. • FEEL THE AMBIANCE OF THE “OLD QUARTERS” (P.17) Walk down these narrow pedestrian streets, let yourself go, and plunge straight in a rare and spectacular ambiance. The city’s architectural riches await you along the way: Belfry, Theatre, Church of Saint-Loup, Cathedral of Saint-Aubain, etc. It is an opportunity to enjoy a drink at an outdoor café or to taste regional products (“petits gris” [small grey snails], avisance [a typical regional delicacy of minced meat in puffed pastry], Wépion strawberries, Blanche de Namur [White beer from Namur], etc.) that you will find on the menu of many restaurants… The city centre is also an ideal place for a pleasant shopping outing… • THE MUSEUMS BECKON (P.20) And they are bound to astound you! Push the door of one of them open and be prepared to be surprised… From Félicien Rops’s “Pornokrates” to the Oignies treasure, via the Strawberry Museum, there is something for every taste. © Musée Rops • RELAX BY THE WATERFRONT (P.12) Nestled at the confluence of the Rivers Meuse and Sambre, Namur can cater to all your wishes for nature and the great outdoors. On foot, by bicycle, by boat or even stand-up paddle (Charlie’s Capitainerie), just go with the flow… You get the point: Namur is teeming with so many sources of discovery, experience and delight, that one day goes by ever so fast! So you should consider spending a night in the heart of Wallonia. A wide array of accommodations, from the most conventional to the most unusual, await you. And the night holds other ambiances in store… The few pages that follow will help you make the most of your stay in Namur. And we will be delighted to see you in one of our information centres! 02 Namur Citadel © V. Poppe © FTPN - BOSSIROY © K-Pture.com © G. Focant Rising majestically at the confluence of the Rivers Sambre and Meuse, the Namur Citadel dominates the City. Together, they have gone through many turns through the ages! 9 Perched on a particularly impressive rocky promontory, this exceptional heritage site has managed to preserve traces from each period of its 2000 years of history. The residence of the Counts of Namur in the Middle Ages, turned into a place of leisure by King Leopold II, it plays host to events, guided tours and strolls nowadays in a green setting that affords marvellous vistas of the city. Terra Nova Visitor Centre Inaugurated at the end of June 2015 and housed in the old Terra Nova barracks, the Visitor Centre is an indispensable stage before storming the fortified estate. You will discover two thousand years of urban and military history presented through the story of Namur and its citadel, thanks to a dynamic and educational setting. Tours Apart from the new Visitor Centre, several guided tours are on offer: • The “Medieval tour,” : a combined excursion comprising a stroll on the Medieval stratum of the site, a visit to the “castle life” exhibition and a visit to the Medieval garden: “The garden of two towers” – everything you always wanted to know about life in the Citadel during the Middle Ages! • Tour of the underground galleries: Venture into the heart of the “Termite Mound of Europe” and come and explore the largest underground galleries of the Old Continent in a citadel. © V. Poppe • Tour of the estate by tourist train: Take advantage of this guided tour to admire the panoramic views of Namur and the Meuse valley (commentary for children available). 10 Prices - A guided tour of your choice: €6 - Admission to the Visitor Centre: €4 - Combined ticket: €11 - Reduced rates for students, senior citizens and groups How to get there By car : Via the Route Merveilleuse - Via the Avenue Jean 1er. Parking on the Esplanade On foot : Go up the stairs and follow the arrows indicating Terra Nova. By car : Via the Avenue Jean 1er. Parking on the Esplanade. ‘The Citad’In’ : Near the train station, in front of the Square Léopold, you can take the “Citad’In” tourist shuttle to go to the Citadel. Consult the schedule in one of our information centres. Stops in the centre of town: Grognon and Espace de l’Ange. From 1 April to 30 June: Weekends, school holidays and official holidays. Daily from July to mid-September. From mid-September to 1 November: Weekends, school holidays and official holidays. Price: €2 round trip, and €3 with commentary. © V. Poppe Info : +32 81 65 45 00 info@citadelle.namur.be www.citadelle.namur.be 11 To discover also GUY DELFORGE PERFUMERY Route Merveilleuse, 60 - 5000 Namur Tel. + 32 81 22 12 19 info@delforge.com - www.delforge.com Tucked in the 16th century galleries of the Citadel, this unique workshop in Northern Europe unveils all its secrets and presents the perfume-making phases. Exhibition and sale: Free admission year round. Visit to the workshop: €3.50 – on Saturday (except on official holidays), and Monday to Saturday at 3:30 PM during the school holidays (except on official holidays). QUEEN FABIOLA AMUSEMENT PARK Rond-point Michel Thonar, 1 5000 Namur Tel. + 32 81 73 84 13 parf@ville.namur.be - www.parf.be Atop the Citadel of Namur, in a listed green setting, the Queen Fabiola Amusement Park offers many opportunities for fun and games for children of all ages (playground, miniature golf, go-karts, inflatable castles, etc.). Open: 26 March to 16 October. Price: €3 Children: under one metre tall: free. 03 City by the water © WBT - D.ERROYAUX © Club Passion - C. Belgeonne Namur is a city by the water, snuggled at the crossing of the magnificent Meuse and Sambre Valleys. Whether you be boaters, sportsmen or simply curious, Namur will adapt to your wishes. © P. Lavandy/Ville de Namur © P. Lavandy/Ville de Namur DÉCOUVRIR LA VILLE… © Simon Fusiller - SKUDS 13 © WBT - D.ERROYAUX Situated at the Port of Jambes, Charlie’s Capitainerie [Charlie’s Harbourmaster’s Office] is the ideal spot to take in an uninterrupted view of the city. A floating terrace welcomes visitors in a retro-chic and friendly environment: Boaters looking to rest for a spell, hikers, water thrill seekers… Several water activities are available throughout the year and they are accessible to all: - Stand Up Paddle, - Blob Jump, -Catamosans (licence-free boats, 8 to 12 places), - Motor boat (4 places), and many others. Charlie’s Capitainerie also plays host to many sporting and cultural events. Boulevard de Meuse 5100 Jambes Open daily from mid-March to mid-October, as of 9:00 AM+ 32 476 23 31 42 www.lacapitainerie.be info@lacapitainerie.be www.facebook.com/charliescapitainerie Stand Up Paddle 14 THE MEUSE AND THE SAMBRE CELEBRATIONS Complete programme: www.meuse-en-fete.be www.sambre-en-fete.be At the initiative of the Tourism Federation of the Province of Namur, the Meuse municipalities have joined forces to provide a wide variety of entertainment and events year round. From Hastière to Andenne, the waters of the Meuse flow on a joyous ambiance. Namur is obviously onboard! The river banks come alive and become indispensable to relaxation, sports, games, culture, strolls and discoveries for all. There’s a party going on at the confluence of the Meuse, with all sorts of entertainment: the Sambre joins the celebrations too, from Sambreville to Namur! LES NAMOURETTES Tel. : +32 81 24 65 96 namourette@ville.namur.be www.ville.namur.be These small, retro-style whalers will take you from one bank of the Sambre and the Meuse to the other. They operate every day in July and August, as well as on weekends from June to September. They can also be rented with a helmsman for an event or an original ride. Prices: € 0.5 per stop (with a minimum of € 1). Free for children under six and P+R users. Tickets for 50 stops: € 23. © P. Lavandy/Ville de Namur © P. Lavandy/Ville de Namur CRUISES Tel. : +32 81 24 64 48 www.croisieremosane.be Keen to discover Namur and Meuse Valley during a nice, guided cruise? The «croisière mosane» proposes a 50 minute ride between the three locks, or a cruise from Namur to Wépion, the strawberry capital. (p. 44) © P. Lavandy/Ville de Namur 15 Summer is spent by the waterfront The Confluence dominated by the majestic citadel, the banks and the waters of Namur combine for a stunning backdrop. This summer, the banks of the Meuse and the Sambre will once © P. Lavandy/Ville de Namur in Namur, now more than ever before! again live to the rhythm of Cap Estival [Summer Headland] (4th edition) ! Cap Estival is a flavourful blend of friendly atwaterfront. A wide array of activities organised by many partners of the City, brought together under the same “concept.” Water sports and jousts, artist routes, musical entertainment, original organisation… so many initiatives on offer that are worth a detour! © P. Lavandy/Ville de Namur mosphere, relaxation and entertainment by the Cap Estival is also a temporary terrace that sets up shop at the Confluence for the summer season, where you can have a bite to eat or enjoy a the heart of the city. www.capestival.be © P. Lavandy/Ville de Namur © P. Lavandy/Ville de Namur drink whilst taking in the overwhelming view of 04 16 Take the time to live (well) © Urbanette Magazine Namur is simply a dream for those who like to enjoy the moment and take their time. The Capital of Wallonia, it is undeniably also the capital of fine living. © Agathopède © WBT - J.P. REMY Porte des Ardennes belges, perle née des amours de la Sambre et de la Meuse, Namur offre une ambiance rare et spectaculaire avec son confluent en pleine ville surplombé d’un éperon rocheux particulièrement impressionnant… La cité en son âme reste toujours chaleureuse et accueillante. Son cœur historique harmonieux dévoile ses belles demeures du lumineux XVIIIe siècle. L’atmosphère apaisante des rues et ruelles, même les jours de grande affluence, traduit le goût des habitants pour l’art de bien vivre ! © WBT - D.ERROYAUX DÉCOUVRIR LA VILLE… Lifestyle Namur is a fine showcase for aficionados of shopping and epicureans! Shops of all sorts and local products are on the menu. © WBT - D.ERROYAUX euse, pleine … La histoL’atence, 17 18 Time for a little break and some refreshment? There is something for every taste. Let the magic do its charm and give your senses a chance – the countless Namur flavours are bound to charm… Fancy something “sweet?” Try the Wepion strawberries, bursting with sugar and a bright red colour. You will not be able to resist either the sweet and crunchy taste of caramel coated nuts known as “biétrumés.” Or something “salty,” perhaps? Try the “Petits-Gris de Namur” [snails] that feature prominently in local gastronomy and are also the symbol of the city. Regale yourself with avisance (minced meat in puff pastry), served hot or warm. To slake your thirst, taste a “Blanche de Namur” (Brasserie du Bocq), a “Houppe” (Brasserie de l’Echasse) or one of the wine vintages from the Mosan Valley (Domaine du Chenoy, Ry d’Argent, Château Bon Baron) – and make sure you do not overlook the traditional “Péket” (genever) which has its finest hour during the traditional “Fêtes de Wallonie” [Wallonia Festivities]. © Urbanette Magazine © OTN © FTPN - BOSSIROY The Rue de Fer and the Espace de l’Ange constitute a real “open air gallery” where you will find many large retailers. The heart of the city beckons you to walk through and get lost in its charming narrow streets. The many shops that line them, whether vintage, classic, hip or sophisticated will extend a warm welcome so that you can enjoy a pleasant shopping session. © FTPN - BOSSIROY © Urbanette Magazine 19 © Urbanette Magazine “A healthy mind in a healthy body”… Relax and enjoy the wellness facilities on offer in Namur. Whether in a hotel, a guesthouse, or day centre, the choice is yours. The opportunities are legion, and range from the traditional bubble bath to massages and other types of care treatment with… chocolate. 20 © WBT - D.ERROYAUX Museums Situated in the heart of Old Namur, the Félicien Rops provincial museum presents the work of this 19th century artist, draughtsman, engraver, illustrator and unclassifiable painter. Prices: €3 – With exhibition: €5 Reduced rates for students and senior citizens. Free admission for children under 12. Open Tuesday to Sunday, 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Open every day in July and August PROVINCIAL MUSEUM OF ANCIENT ART FROM THE NAMUR REGION – OIGNIES TREASURE (TREM.A) Rue de Fer, 24 - 5000 Namur Tel : +32 81 77 67 54 www.museedesartsanciens.be Stuccos listed as exceptional Walloon Heritage (18th Century). Collections of works of art from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: Oignies Treasure (13th century silverware), paintings by Henri Bles (16th century). Prices: €3 – With exhibition €5. Reduced rates for children and senior citizens Free admission for children under 12. Open from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Closed on Monday. © TREM.A FÉLICIEN ROPS MUSEUM PROVINCE OF NAMUR Rue Fumal, 12 - 5000 Namur Tel : +32 81 77 67 55 www.museerops.be STRAWBERRY MUSEUM Chaussée de Dinant, 1037 - 5100 Wépion Tel. : +32 81 46 20 07 www.museedelafraise.eu © WBT - D.ERROYAUX History of the strawberry and its influence on the life of Wépion. 60-are educational garden. Prices: Adults: €3.5 / Garden: €2 Combined ticket: €5 / reduced rates for children, students and senior citizens. From 1 April to 30 September, Monday to Friday, 2:00 to 6:00 PM. Saturdays, Sundays and official holidays: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM. © MUSEE DE LA FRAISE 21 NAMUR MUSEUM OF DECORATIVE ARTS Hôtel de Groesbeeck de Croix Rue Saintraint, 3 - 5000 Namur Tel : +32 81 24 87 20 Closed for renovation Reopening scheduled for the end of 2016 This listed town manor houses a rich collection of decorative art from the 17th to the 19th century. The décor and a French garden recreate the atmosphere of an 18th century aristocratic residence. New rooms, a restaurant and a boutique will in the years to come connect the museum with the Chapelle des Bateliers [Boatmen’s Chapel], the future reception of the Municipal Museums of Decorative Arts and of Archaeology. ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM Rue du Pont, 21 - 5000 Namur Tel : +32 81 23 16 31 © TREM.A Currently housed in the Halle al’Chair, the former meat market, and listed as major patrimony of Wallonia, the museum boasts a rich collection of pre-historic and Gallo-Roman antiquities. In two years’ time, it will move to new premises in the Boatmen’s Chapel, right next to the Museum of Decorative Arts. Admission free Open from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Closed on Monday and between Christmas and New Year’s. 22 DIOCESAN MUSEUM AND TREASURE OF THE CATHEDRAL Place du Chapitre, 1 - 5000 Namur www.musee-diocesain.be © MUSEE DIOCESAIN Closed for renovation Scheduled to reopen in 2016 The diocesan museum hosts the prestigious treasure of Saint-Aubain Cathedral with its numerous precious metal smithies (11th to the 18th century), sculptures and paintings from parishes and ancient abbeys of the Namur diocese. The museum is accessible via the cathedral. ENGINEERING MUSEUM Ferme du Masuage - 5100 Jambes Tel : +32 81 32 39 73 www.geniemus.be Unique in Wallonia, the Namur African Museum attests to the Belgo-African relations established in the past and in the present, by featuring a collection of objects and documents relating to the Belgian colonial period. Price: €3 – Reduced rates for students and senior citizens. Open from 2:00 to 5:00 PM. Closed on Monday, Saturday and official holidays. The history of military engineering in Belgium, from Vauban to the present. Many documents, objects, uniforms and models. Exhibition of old vehicles as well road construction, bridging, and combat machinery and military bridges. Price: €4 Open on Wednesdays, from 1:00 to 5:00 © P. Lavandy/Ville de Namur AFRICAN MUSEUM Rue du 1er Lanciers, 1 - 5000 Namur Tel. : +32 81 23 13 83 www.museeafricainnamur.be COMMANDO MUSEUM Rue J. Durieux, 80 - 5020 Flawinne Tel : +32 2 442 10 13 - 10 www.cdomuseum.be The Museum illustrates the history of Belgian commandos since 1942, when the corps was created in the United Kingdom. You will see equipment, machinery, weapons and vehicles used by the Commandos throughout their glorious history. Admission free. Open every Wednesday, from 1:00 to 6:00 PM. 23 On the day after the battle of Waterloo, Marshal Emanuel de Grouchy had to save his 34,000 men from the rout. A strategic retreat got underway with the ultimate aim of reaching Givet, via Namur, to bring men, horses and arms to safety. The Route of Grouchy’s Army is today the subject of a publication that retraces this itinerary in two forms: a road itinerary and a cycling-pedestrian itinerary, so that everyone can retrace the steps of the army at his or her own pace. It is an opportunity to discover the little known sights along and around this historical route, which goes through splendid regions. Coming from Gembloux and La Bruyère, the Grouchy Route reaches Namur from the north, and then continues, via the Citadel, in the very beautiful valley of the Meuse to Dinant and Givet.A commemorative plaque recalls the fierce fighting that took place in Namur, at the north entrance of Louise-Marie Park. A free leaflet and a website provide details on this itinerary. In french only. www.napoleon-grouchy-1815.com © WIKIPEDIA © MUSEE DIOCESAIN 1815-2015 ROUTE OF GROUCHY’S ARMY A NEW HISTORICAL ITINERARY © FTPN - C Genard 24 Attractions CROISIÈRE MOSANE See p. 44 Cruises on the Meuse and Sambre, and to Wépion. On sale at the Halle al’Chair Tourist Information Centre. Rue du Pont, 21 - 5000 Namur Tel. : +32 81 24 64 48 www.croisieremosane.be SEGWAYNAM - SEGWAYS RENTAL Discover Namur in an original manner. Tel. : +32 475 66 14 47 www.segwaynam.be CASINO NAMUR See p. 42 Avenue Baron de Moreau, 1 - 5000 Namur Tel. : +32 81 22 30 21 www.casinodenamur.be GUY DELFORGE PERFUMERY Namur Citadel - See p. 2 ROUGEMONT GOLF COURSE A magnificent 18-hole golf course in a green bower 12 minutes from the city centre. Chemin du Beauvallon, 45 5170 Profondeville Tel. : +32 81 41 21 31 www.golfderougemont.be BOWLING & SQUASH NAMUR 16 bowling alleys, 5 squash courts… Stone-plate grills and snacks, etc. Chaussée de Perwez, 251 5002 Saint-Servais Tel. : +32 81 73 10 11 www.bowlingsquashnamur.be NAMUR AERODROME A facility dedicated to the passion for aviation where conviviality is the norm. Rue Capitaine Aviateur Jacquet, 44 5020 Suarlée Tel. :+32 81 55 93 55 www.aerodromedenamur.be QUEEN FABIOLA AMUSEMENT PARK Namur Citadel - See p. 11 © G Delforge For lovers of greenery, day tourists, sport types, artists, dreamers, aviators for an hour and boatmen for the long haul, Namur does its utmost to cater to every wish and desire. © FTPN - BOSSIROY © FTPN - BOSSIROY © FTPN - C Genard 25 Segway PIROUETTE - RECREATIONAL CENTRE 1200 m² facility for the greatest pleasure of the children … Chaussée de Liège, 159 - 5100 Jambes Tel. : +32 475 47 09 82 +32 81 30 13 01 www.pirouette.be GOOLFY - INDOOR MINIATURE GOLF Indoor miniature golf laid out in a fluorescent light atmosphere. Acinapolis Complex Rue de la Gare fleurie, 16 - 5100 Jambes Tel. : +32 81 30 94 00 www.goolfy.com And to relax … THEATRE - CULTURE Théâtre de Namur - Place du Théâtre Tel. : +32 81 25 61 61 - www.theatredenamur.be Théâtre Jardin Passion - Rue Marie Henriette 39 Tel. : +32 472 96 53 16 - www.theatrejardinpassion.be Maison de la Culture - Avenue Golenvaux 14 Tel. : +32 81 77 67 73 www.facebook.com/mcnamur La Ruelle aux Baladins - Rue Général Michel 31 Tel. : +32 495 22 77 45 - www.laruelleauxbaladins.be Centre Culturel de Namur - Traverse des Muses 18 Tel. : +32 81 25 04 03 - www.centrecultureldenamur.be CINEMAS Acinapolis Rue de la Gare fleurie, 16 (Jambes) Tel. : +32 81 32 04 40 - www.acina.be Eldorado - Rue de Fer, 40 Tel. : +32 81 22 04 44 - www.cinemaeldorado.be © OTN - Maison de la Culture - av. Golenvaux, 14 Tel. : +32 04 222 27 78 - www.lecameo.be © G Focant © G Delforge Caméo Nomade - Quai 22 - Rue du Séminaire, 22 © WBT - JP Remy 26 On foot, by bike Namur is also for lovers of nature and the great outdoors! Take the time to criss-cross the Walloon capital through its Citadel, woods, forests, pastures and banks as and when you like, on foot or by bike. The bicycle will in fact be the theme of the 2016 tourist season in Wallonia! The Namur Tourist Office proposes two new “discovery” circuits accessible to all: • A stroll that will gradually reveal the architectural wonders and the most beautiful spots of the city centre; • A cycling loop that will take you to the banks of the Meuse and the Sambre. Take advantage of the opportunity to take a breather and share a picnic or try one of the many restaurants along the river. In addition to its bicycle hire and repair services, Pro Velo (the House of Cyclists) organises regularly outings that bring out the charm of the Namur Valley to the rhythm of a bicycle. © F. Struzik / Ville de Namur Place de la Station, 1 - 5000 Namur Tel : +32 81 81 38 48 www.provelo.org Open daily, 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM, Tuesday and Thursday, 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Closed on weekends. (Except in high season form may to september from 9.30 AM to 6.00 PM). Namur is also at the crossing of RAVeL 1 and 2. The first of these “Résaux Autonomes de Voies Lentes” [Autonomous Slow Lane Networks] links Comines and Visé along the Sambre and Meuse Valleys (more than 400 km) while the second links Hoegaarden and Mariembourg (169 km). The “Namur-Dinant” leg is a remarkable itinerary. http://ravel.wallonie.be Guided tours There are countless opportunities to explore the region. Namur is at the crossroads of many signposted trails. The House of Tourism of the Namur Region and the Tourist Federation of the Province of Namur provide different products you can find out all about on: www.paysdenamur.be www.paysdesvallees.be In cooperation with the Tourist Guides of the Namur Region, the Namur Office of Tourism invites you to: • Embark on the discovery of Old Namur with a guide (in French, English or Dutch) - Point of departure: Information Centre at the train station - Every Monday in May, June and September (except 19 September 2016) at 2:30 PM - Daily (except Thursday) in July and August at 2:30 PM - Price: €4/person; Free for children under 12 • Guided theme tours: (Re)discover Namur from another angle! Some visitors will take to their bikes for “Wallonia 2016 by Bike.” In French only. - Several Sundays, between April and October. For more information, see our theme brochure. Whether you need inspiration to create your own itinerary or are getting “ready to go,” do not hesitate to consult the following websites: www.grsentiers.org, www.cirkwi.com, www. sitytour.com or www.randobel.be. Some of them have an app you can download on your smartphone. Finally, bear in mind that our two information centres are at your entire disposal to answer any questions about cycling, hiking and walks around the Walloon capital. www.namurtourisme.be © WBT - D.ERROYAUX © WBT - JP Remy 27 05 28 NAMUR Events © P. Lavandy/Ville de Namur © P. Lavandy/Ville de Namur DÉCOUVRIR LA VILLE… © P. Lavandy/Ville de Namur © WBT - D.ERROYAUX © P. Lavandy/Ville de Namur This year, Namur will once again be an abundant venue of events… Festivals, traditions, costumed outings, a colourful display of our customs and traditions … Travel through the ages, styles and seasons… 29 NAMUR 29 Large fires to end the winter, folkloric celebrations, contemporary or ancient music festivals… In May, the Walloon Capital dons its summer colours already with the launch of the Cap Estival season. It is also the time when Namur draws the festive fairground crowds, blending an immense jubilation of music, theatre, magic and dance right out of another world. In June, Verdur Rock disembarks! A rock, electric, and pop festival of contemporary music to make the Citadel swing! Namur is a capital now more than ever! Of Wallonia, of course, but in July also, of beer and local products, and of folklore as well! This year, it will moreover have the honour of hosting the 53rd Europeade: More than 5000 dancers, singers, flag twirlers and consorts from the four corners of the Old Continent will invade the streets of the city centre for a show bursting with colour and traditions. Lovers of green spaces and nature, on your bikes! The “Beau Vélo de Ravel” will go through Namur: a great way to start this long weekend in August! © P. Lavandy/Ville de Namur © WBT - D.ERROYAUX In September, it will be the turn of the traditional Wallonia Festivities inviting you to an extraordinary ambiance to enjoy the zest for life and folklore typical of Namur – followed by the International Festivals of French-Speaking Film and then of Nature. And gradually, we have come to the end of the year. The city will slide into the intimacy of winter, to the sound of carols and its best Christmas fineries. 30 30NAMUR In March… Agenda Be Slow Food Fair An entire weekend devoted to “good, clean and fair food” Arsenal – www.namurtourisme.be More information on www.namurtourisme.be FEBRUARY APRIL 13 -14/02 15 - 16/04 Vintners’ Fair Namur Citadel www.citadelle.namur.be “20th edition of Namur folklore and traditions” Folk ball, arts and crafts market, gastronomy and regional products, entertainment and large procession: Local folklore and traditions are on show. Blanche de Namur, 40 Molons, the Echasseurs, the Confrérie du Peket, Malmort, Chorale Royale Moncrabeau… No fewer than 20 folklore groups will be on hand. Place d’Armes and city centre www.folknam.be 14/02 Traditional large fire of Bouge Come burn old man winter and hail the coming of spring www.grandfeudebouge.be MARCH 18 - 21/03 Wood and Housing Fair Namur Expo – www.bois-habitat.be 28/03 12 - 13 & 19 - 20/03 Artist route “Chambres avec vues” Sculptors, illustrators, engravers, designers, street artists, stylists, water colourists, photographers, video makers, etc. More than 300 creative artists in the city centre, but also in the villages round Namur! An opportunity to meet artists where they live or in original places at times! www.facebook.com/chambresavecvues © P. Lavandy/Ville de Namur Great egg hunt Queen Fabiola Amusement Park Namur Citadel www.parf.be MAY 01/05 “Citadel for the children festival” Song festival for children, Queen Fabiola Amusement Park Namur Citadel www.parf.be 31 May to September JUNE Cap Estival A new summer at the water’s edge! Numerous activities, concerts, catering, etc. Confluence – Banks of the Meuse and the Sambre www.capestival.be – see p. 15 04 - 06/06 “Mindjî” Culinary Festival of Wallonia Top Walloon Chefs and products showcased! www.citadelle.namur.be 04 - 05/06 Open Churches days www.eglisesouvertes.be 06 - 08/05 08 - 12/06 Namur in May, Festival of Fairground Arts The festival of fairground arts will enchant the City of Namur as from a stroke of a magic wand for the long Ascension weekend! Booths, enchanting merry-go-rounds, wooden horses, flea trainers, giant insects… Namur is invaded by a mild madness. www.ville.namur.be Provencal Village Place d’Armes www.namurtourisme.be 17 - 19/06 © P. Lavandy/Ville de Namur © P. Lavandy/Ville de Namur Music Festival Start of the festivities with “Musique à tous les étages”, a musical journey in unusual locations in the heart of Namur. Concerts and musical entertainment at the house of Culture and in gardens along the Sambre. Free. www.fetedelamusique.be 25/06 16/05 Whitsunday Corso Streets of Jambes www.namurtourisme.be Verdur Rock This international contemporary music festival features a modern and eclectic programme in an ever friendly setting and ambiance. Not to be missed! Théâtre de Verdure – Namur Citadel www.verdur-rock.be 32 JULY July and August Sculpture in Town 01/07 – 01/08 Namur Fair Parking des Casernes www.ville.namur.be 02 - 03/07 20 - 24/07 53rd Européade In 2016, Namur will have the honour of hosting Europe’s biggest annual folklore gathering. No fewer than 5000 dancers, singers, musicians, flag twirlers, etc. will invade the city! Parades, concerts and balls will bring the city’s most beautiful squares to life. City centre and Namur Expo www.europeade2016.be © Européade © Namurimage - M. Grimont Citadel Medieval festival Wandering entertainment, original shows, activities for children, an arts and crafts market – more than 100 re-enactment actors and extras! Get a glimpse of life in the age of beggars, princesses and knights on an exceptional site teeming with history. Namur Citadel Possibility of 2-day packages for families and couples. www.citadelle.namur.be 33 20-21/07 16/08 National Day Various animated activities for the family, music in the city centre and by the waterfront: fireworks, regattas, flea market at Grognon. www.ville.namur.be La Plante Water tournaments Along the River Meuse – La Plante www.namurtourisme.be 20-21/08 Brocante Temploux Just a few miles from Namur, the village of Temploux plays host to the biggest second-hand market in Belgium, an event that attracts bargain hunters and collectors who are bound the find their fill. www.temploux.be 08 - 10/07 Namur Capital of Beer Some thirty local producers and brewers will be on hand so that you can taste their specialities. Citadel Esplanade www.namurcapitaledelabiere.be AUGUST 13/08 © OTN - VDW Beau Vélo de Ravel – Namur leg! Ravel, or the Autonomous Slow Lane Network, lets you discover the regions of Wallonia and Brussels from a different angle! Get on your bike and set off to discover an itinerary in a loop stretching some twenty kilometres, with nice spots of nature of unsuspected beauty along the way! www.namurtourisme.be www.rtbf.be 27-28/08 Fête des solidarités Namur Citadel Esplanade www.lafetedessolidarites.be © Samuel Dhote In August … Intimate Festival – Benoît Poelvoorde A literary festival that spills over to cinema, music, photography, etc. with Benoît Poelvoorde assuming the programming and artistic direction! Théâtre Royal de Namur www.theatredenamur.be 34 SEPTEMBER 14 - 23/10 02 – 04/09 Valériane Fair Fair for organic producers and ecological initiatives who try to get us to discover how to live differently, healthy, with respect for the earth. Namur Expo – www.natpro.be Namur International Nature Festival The event not to be missed for lovers of nature and beautiful images. Competition of amateur films. Photo exhibitions, conferences, nature village, hikes, etc. www.festivalnaturenamur.be 10 – 11/09 29/10 - 01/11 Heritage Days The 28th edition of the Wallonia Heritage Days will be dedicated to the theme of “Religious and philosophical heritage.” www.journeesdupatrimoine.be Halloween at the Citadel www.citadelle.namur.be Cyclist Grand Prix of Wallonia Namur Citadel www.citadelle.namur.be 02 – 25/09 Nature Fortnight www.nature-namur.be 15 – 19/09 Wallonia Days Music, folklore, popular games, dishes and drinks from our region! City centre www.fetesdewallonie.be OCTOBER 30/09 - 07/10 FIFF - Namur International Frenchspeaking Film Festival More than one hundred Frenchspeaking films screened, an international competition, a professional panel of judges, and well-known actors. City Centre – www.fiff.be 12 - 20/11 Antica Antiques Fair A selection of 155 international art and antiques galleries, this fair is a place for discovery, exchange and appraisals. Namur Expo – www.antica.be 10 - 12/11 KIKK Festival – Namur International Digital Festival International festival of digital and creative cultures. www.kikk.be 19 - 20/11 Poetry market Festival for publishing professionals, writers and poetry lovers! Abattoirs de Bomel www.maisondelapoesie.be DECEMBER 27/11 – 31/12 Christmas Market City Centre – www.noelanamur.be © P Lavandy / Ville de Namur 14/09 NOVEMBER 35 © P Lavandy / Ville de Namur “Searching for Utopia”: Giant bronze turtle, work by the Belgian Artist Jan Fabre, watches over the city from the Citadel… 06 36 NAMUR Accommodation © MS Elisabeth © OPT - JL FLEMAL © Royal Snail Hotel Other ambiances reign when night falls… Enjoy a night cap after a show, an evening of walking around in the historic centre… Have you considered spending the night in Namur? 37 HOTELS GÎTES / ON THE FARM The Royal Snail **** Av. de la Plante 23, 5000 Namur +32 81 57 00 23 www.theroyalsnail.com From 138€ Gîte du Curnolo Rue de Curnolo 15, 5020 Malonne info@gitecurnolo.com www.gitecurnolo.com + 32 476 75 02 76 175 to 450€ Ne5t Hôtel & SPA **** Allée de Menton 26, 5000 Namur +32 81 58 88 88 www.ne5t.com 270€ Château de Namur **** Av. de l’Ermitage 1, 5000 Namur +32 81 72 99 00 www.chateaudenamur.com 130€ Les Tanneurs **** Rue des Tanneries 13, 5000 Namur +32 81 24 00 24 www.tanneurs.com 60 to 215€ Villa Gracia **** Chée de Dinant 1455, 5100 Wépion +32 81 41 43 43 www.villagracia.com 123€ Grand Hôtel de Flandre *** Place de la Station 14, 5000 Namur +32 81 23 18 68 www.hotelflandre.be 80 to 149€ Ibis Namur Centre *** Rue du 1er Lanciers 10, 5000 Namur + 32 81 25 75 40 www.ibis.com 61 to 119€ Beauregard ** Av. Baron de Moreau 1, 5000 Namur +32 81 23 00 28 www.hotelbeauregard.be 70€ La Ferme du Quartier ** Place Ste-Marguerite 4, 5004 Bouge +32 81 21 11 05 www.fermeduquartier.be 80€ Ferme du Haut Daussoulx Rue de l’Echangeur 36, 5020 Daussoulx +32 81 21 18 10 +32 476 59 31 66 300 to 600€ Gîte du Prieuré Rue Regnié Durette 11, 5001 Erpent yvesetchristine@gite-du-prieure.be www.gite-du-prieure.be +32 476 66 63 72 170 to 360€ Maison Pomme Rue du Château de St Marc 116, 5003 St Marc esonck@skynet.be www.maisonpommenamur.be +32 477 84 30 80 160 to 330€ Le Souïmanga Rue Ernest Moëns 75, 5024 Gelbressée + 32 479 71 14 86 michel.kowalski5024@gmail.com 180 to 300€ Le Manoir d’Atys Rue du Moligna 5, 5101 Erpent + 32 475 39 72 47 edouard.destreel@freebel.net 250 to 600€ La Sapinière Rue de la Sapinière 1, 5100 Naninne magdaetandre@hotmail.be +32 496 30 90 16 510 to 770€ © WBT - A. TREJO 38 La Grange d’Alfred Rue de la Sapinière 1A, 5100 Naninne magdaetandre@hotmail.be +32 496 30 90 16 510 to 770€ Maison Mucha Chée de Waterloo 198, 5000 Namur Le Domaine d’Alfred Rue de la Sapinière 1A - 1, 5100 Naninne magdaetandre@hotmail.be +32 496 30 90 16 1020 to 1540€ Namur - Energîte Avenue Albert 1er 95C, 5000 Namur URBAN GÎTES Villa Léanne Rue Léanne 82, 5000 Namur +32 495 84 40 53 villa@leanne.be www.leanne.be From 180€ Les Gîtes du Vieux Namur Rue du Président 32, 5000 Namur info@lesgitesduvieuxnamur.be www.lesgitesduvieuxnamur.be +32 475 45 76 00 Decreasing rate : 85 to 45€ Maison Rops Rue du Président 49, 5000 Namur info@lesgitesduvieuxnamur.be www.rops-namur.be +32 475 45 76 00 55 to 130€ info@maisonmucha.be www.maisonmucha.be +32 473 30 55 00 Decreasing rate 120€ namurenergite@sudepervier.be www.namur-energite.be + 32 496 54 40 67 60 to 95 € La Clé des Songes Rue Jean Gilson 22, 5100 Jambes Julien.jenicot@netcourrier.com www.lacledessonges.be + 32 472 75 19 51 180 to 380€ Sabis Aurea Rue Fernand Marchand 56, 5020 Flawinne chmisson@yahoo.fr + 32 478 77 15 47 200 to 500€ 39 BED AND BREAKFAST Clos du Berger Bois Saint-Antoine 3a, 5100 Wépion philippe.bihain@gmail.com www.clos-du-berger.be +32 479 77 28 48 60 to 75€ Le Manoir Ivoire Chée de Dinant 642, 5100 Wepion info@manoir-ivoire.com www.manoir-ivoire.com Côté Fontaine Rue de la Fontaine 43, 5022 Cognelée info@cotefontaine.be www.cotefontaine.be +32 81 20 04 75 57 to 67€ Le Clinchamp Rue du Clinchamp 65, 5020 Malonne + 32 81 44 50 36 + 32 476 41 57 63 micheduvivier@gmail.com www.leclinchamp.be 45 to 75€ +32 477 52 75 60 115 to 160€ Ferme de Reumont Chemin de Reumont 97, 5020 Malonne La Marchanderie Rue Cotibeau 26, 5100 Naninne fermereumont@skynet.be www.chambre-dhote.be info@marchanderie.be www.marchanderie.be +32 496 20 46 10 125 to 135€ La Noiseraie Domaine du Bois de Néverlée 3, 5020 Temploux info@lanoiseraie.be www.lanoiseraie.be +32 81 25 32 25 109 to 149€ Entre Ciel et Rivage Rue de l’Ecole 79, 5100 Dave contact@entrecieletrivage.net www.entrecieletrivage.be +32 81 40 22 12 90€ Maison des Anges Rue des Trappes 9, 5020 Temploux Fochon.liliane@gmail.com www.maisondesangesariel.be + 32 81 56 79 45 +32 477 38 98 00 90€ Le petit Atelier du 44b Avenue Baron Fallon, 44b, 5000 Namur +32 496 08 98 19 Latelierdu44b.canalblog.com creanamur@hotmail.com 70 to 80€ +32 81 44 18 52 55 to 65€ Le Beau Vallon Chemin du Beau Vallon 38, 5100 Wépion +32 81 41 15 91 bed@deribaucourt.be www.lebeauvallonwepion.be 50 to 70€ Accueil Champêtre Rue des Aubépines 28, 5101 Erpent +32 81 31 06 40 60 to 90€ Les Dépendances Haut de Bomel 14, 5003 Saint Marc +32 497 41 05 61 info@lesdependances.be www.lesdependances.be 45 to 85€ 40 BARGES YOUTH HOSTEL L’Ange-Gabriel Quai des Chasseurs Ardennais Auberge de Jeunesse Félicien Rops Av. Félicien Rops 8, 5000 Namur namur@lesaubergesdejeunesse.be www.lesaubergesdejeunesse.be +32 81 22 36 88 From 18€ info@ange-gabriel.be www.ange-gabriel.be +32 487 88 56 87 60€ MS Elisabeth Quai des Chasseurs Ardennais croisieres@mselisabeth.com www.mselisabeth.com +32 477 56 05 48 80 to 150€ La Valse Lente Quai des Chasseurs Ardennais lavalselente@gmail.com www.lavalselente.be +32 479 56 91 16 70 to 90€ Le Vif Argent Quai des Chasseurs Ardennais jerome@vifargent.be www.vifargent.be +32 486 36 76 84 240 to 420€ CAMPING SITES Les Trieux ** Les Tris 99, 5020 Malonne camping.les.trieux@skynet.be www.campinglestrieux.be +32 81 44 55 83 From 13€ FURNISHED TOURIST ACCOMMODATION Vacances Citadelle Rue Kefer 5 Apt42, 5100 Jambes alain4311@gmail.com www.vacancescitadelle.wordpress.com +32 475 70 02 23 180 to 440€ Bois Willame Allée de la Closerie 73, 5101 Erpent leboiswillame@outlook.be + 32 486 20 18 10 210 to 285€ SERVICE AREA FOR MOTOR HOMES Parking facility with 8 places and service terminal (drinking water supply, emptying of household water and WC cassettes). Price: €7.50 per use of the terminal. Free parking. GPS coordinates: 50° 28.066’, 4° 51.004’ Follow the indications for “Namur Expo” 41 NAMUR 41 Only awayaway from the city centre Only5 minutes 5 minutes 92 roomskamers 92confortable comfortabele -- Nieuw New bedding concept Bed by Ibis Sweet Bed Sweet by ibis bedconcept -- Air Air conditioning conditioning -- Douche Shower and enprivate eigentoilet toilet -- Satelliet Satellite flatscreen TV TV flatscreen -- Haardroger Hair Dryer Rooms for voor 1, 2 or1,2 3 persons Kamers of 3 personen 24 hours aen day7and 7 days a ontvangst, week welcome, baren andsnacks snacks 24u/24 dagen/7 bar Experienced and smiling staff de at your servicetot uw dienst Ervaren team staat met glimlach Free Wi-Fi throughout Gratis Wi-FI overalthe inhotel het hotel Free Internet corner Gratis internethoek Paying privateprivé car parking, bicycle parking Betalende pakingfree voor auto’s en gratis fietsparking Pets allowed toegelaten Huisdieren Possibilité de réunions informelles Hôtel rénové en 2013 WELL-BEING AT THE BEST PRICE ACCO Enjoy organ 18,0 THE IDEAL PLACE TO STAY WITH FRIENDS OR AS A FAMILY CATERING ACCOMMODATION ACTIVITIES Enjoy an overnight with organic breakfast from 18,00¤ per pers. Youth Hostel FÉLICIEN ROPS Av. Félicien Rops, 8 B-5000 NAMUR Tel. +32 (0)81 22 36 88 namur@lesaubergesdejeunesse.be www.lesaubergesdejeunesse.be ACCUEIL CHAMPÊTRE Rue des Aubépines, 28 - 5101 ERPENT - Tel. : +32 (0)81/31.06.40 At the entrance of the old village, pretty, small, half-timbered farm, 3 km from Namur Capacity: 1 room / 2 people - Rate: € 60 / 70 / 90 Breakfast (regional products) NP NAMUR 44 NAMUR Rue Daoust, 64 - 5500 TOURISME DINANT FLUVIAL Tel : +32 82 22 23 15 +32 81 24 64 49 /48 Fax : +32 82 22 53 22 info@croisieremosane.be © OTN www.croisieremosane.be BOARDING AT LE GROGNON (AT THE FOOT OF THE CITADEL) QUAI DES CHASSEURS ARDENNAIS NAMUR - SAMBRE & MEUSE (50 MIN.), ROUNDTRIP - no cruises on Wednesdays Departure : from 26/03 to 30/06 and from 01/09 to 25/09 at 1:30, 3:00, 4:00 PM. from 01/07 to 31/08 and 11:00, 1:30 and 5:00 PM. Price: Adults: € 7.50 - children: € 5.50 - group (+20 p.) : € 6.50 - Schools: 5 € NAMUR - WÉPION (1H45), ROUNDTRIP - no cruises on Wednesdays Departure: 03:00 PM from 01/07 to 31/08. Price: Adults: € 13 - children: € 11 - group (+20 pers.): € 11 - Schools: € 9 THE MAISON DES DESSERTS [DESSERT HOUSE] HAS A PROUD HISTORY OF THREE GENERATIONS IN THE HUCORNE FAMILY. The Fronville chocolate factory was created in 1946 by Mrs Fronville, the aunt of Mr Etienne de Hucorne. The latter, a confectioner and chocolate maker, took over the chocolate factory with his wife when his aunt discontinued operations in 1974. In 1993, he opened a tea room in the Saint-Loup quarter of old Namur. Today, Claire and Etienne de Hucorne and their two sons run two unmissable establishments on the Namur landscape with an expert hand: the Fronville chocolate factory, situated on the Rue de Fer provides different varieties of chocolate, but also Biétrumé, Namuco and Fély, whereas the Maison des Desserts, situated on the Rue Haute Marcelle, serves a choice of pastries, chocolates, macaroons as well as trendy snacks in the exceptional setting of a 17th century building. © OTN La Maison des desserts Rue Haute Marcelle 17 - 5000 Namur - 081 22 74 51 www.maison-des-desserts.be Our family business was founded in 1926 and is currently lead by the 3rd generation. We produce and distribute all kinds of Mustard, Pickles, Pickled Onions, Gherkins and Capers as well as different sauces. The factory can be visited all year by groups (from 15 participants), reservation required! It’s also possible to enjoy a special meal made with our products (minimum 25 participants). From mid August till mid November individual visits are possible also : we open at 9h30 (except Fridays), guided tours at 10h00 and 14h00. For schools we organize a special workshop «Make your own mustard». We look forward meeting you! MOUTARDERIE BISTER Tourisme et Tradition 10 Rue du parc industriel 5590 Achêne-Ciney Tel : +32(0)496/43.77.38 info@tourisme-et-tradition.be www.tourisme-et-tradition.be 46 MAISON DU TOURISME DU PAYS DE NAMUR VALLEYS OF ART AND TRADITIONS … The House of Tourism of Namur and its 8 municipalities (Andenne, Assesse, Fernelmont, Fosses-la-Ville, La Bruyère, Mettet, Namur, Profondeville) bid you welcome! Order the 2016 guide and bicycle map now free of charge. Follow us on Facebook/PaysdeNamur and on www.paysdenamur.be DÉCOUVREZ NOTRE BROCHURE « PAYS DE NAMUR » © B.DALIMONTE Tel : +32 81 24 64 49 info@paysdenamur.be 47 Access NAMUR TRAIN STATION: Pl. de la Station Tel. :+32 2 528 28 28 - www.b-rail.be ESPACE TEC: Place de la Station - 5000 Namur Tel. : +32 81 25 35 55 - www.infotec.be BY CAR: Motorways E411 (Arlon-Brussels) and E42 (Liège-Mons), National Roads N4 (Arlon-Namur), N90 (Liège-Charleroi) and N92 (NamurDinant). SMART PARKING: Park and Ride (P+R) facilities are ideal! P+R Saint-Nicolas (276 pl.) – Avenue Albert Ier. P+R Namur Expo (475 pl.) – Avenue Sergent Vrithoff. The “Casernes” parking facility (670 places) is accessible to the public from Friday evening (6 PM) to Sunday. www.ville.namur.be/mobilite BY PLANE: - Brussels South Charleroi Airport www.charleroi-airport.com - Liège Airport www.liegeairport.com - Brussels Airport www.brusselsairport.be © B.DALIMONTE The Tourist Office and the House of Tourism are not responsible for price changes or other information relating to the attractions, accommodation and municipalities mentioned in this brochure. Useful information EMERGENCY SERVICES Emergency medical services : 100 or 112 Police : 101 - Place du Théâtre 5000 Namur - Tel. : +32 81 24 66 00 Fire Brigade : 100 TAXIS Hepp Taxis - Bld E. Mélot, 2 5000 Namur - Tel. : +32 475 99 99 88 Taxis-Service Burnonville Rue de l’Abbaye, 2 - 5000 Namur Tél. : +32 81 74 57 57 PUBLIC TOILETS (free) Town Hall - Rue de Fer - 5000 Namur (Monday to Saturday morning) www.ville.namur.be LI BIA VELO 250 public bicycles are available in 25 stations throughout Namur. www.libiavelo.be BLUE BIKE Bike at your disposal at the Namur train station. www.blue-bike.be PRO VELO NAMUR Bicycle rental and repair services Place de la Station, 1 - 5000 Namur Tel : +32 81 81 38 48 www.provelo.org 48 Rue de l’Ar Quai de l’Abbay e Boulev mée Gro uch ck e Mer ard d Boulevard du Nord em y A es lin su Rue Godefroid Ur Rue Lelièvre Rue de l’Ouvrage Rue Basse Marcelle Gouvernement Provincial na l Rue rd Frè re lbe Avenue Reine Astrid n lso Co en Juli Or ba Pon Rue Rue Ruplémont Rue Fumal m Sé du hé Ev Ru ret Bos êc e ri L en Ru eC Ru va Rue J. Saintraint in re aît em rle ha eH tte sW éro de ou sZ arle Ch ule hé Rue êc Bo ’Ev trid el As ed ine Ru ai re Rue du Collège Maison de la Poésie Rue St Jo Ga St J Haute Marcelle Rue St Loup Place Rue de la Cr Rue du Président se Jo e Ru St rs Venelle d la grande Forge St J acq ues Rue rse Re Rue des Carmes es ed fé ra ph G Université de Namur n Pl. aux Rue St Je Pl. C Desc es F Rue d P M S t de L’Ev Rue des Brasseurs êch é Sambre Rue B ord d e l’Ea u 1er Avenue Jean Sentier des Amoureux Route des Canons ette la F oli s e Mo us Ba Av en ue sin o ron nte Pla la ue Av en de ille ve er M Ro ute r ve Me ute e us ille er Beauregard Ne5t de N am du Mo nd ur Jardin des Senteurs 1 Av e Av e nu e Ru Ch du nu 2 e eL Blanche de Na Place du Château de Namur mu Château de Namur Royal Snail Auberge de Jeunesse td ep lais e Por lieu la P lan te Mi Théâtre de Verdure r tin du is Q de r to de an d’A Ma Yo l rie Ave n E e Ma St Ru ue ue ESPLANADE Rue Av en lA u ir n Ave n eB e lo Av en Aven u l Fa an aub eV ue Ro ut il e M er Ch 1 ve an Ro ng Bé re Je in e em nu Rond point M. 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Charlotte r Police er é se es ov rB eu rn ve ou eG nu ive ha En d’ e Ru EPS AD al Musée Félicien Rops Musée des Arts Décoratifs e at Musée des Arts Anciens elain M MUSÉES / MUSEUMS ne Musée Archéologique Halle al’Chair de la Porc an Motorhome Service ed u Je Jardin / Garden rie mes tre Je an Musée Africain Ma tern de la Da me 5 Rue urie Fle are la G Rue Rue Musée Diocésain ue d u Bo urg de ve Da de Ave n tute z Rue Prin Allé ée tre Ru Br e d Pir igad e la on e de la Con fi Ren es O Plaine de jeux / Playground mun gm n Va R C ue Ja ote des mb lis oi s e Zone piétonne / Pedestrian Zone Com ur e Ru Br e d d’I igad es rla es nd e R M ue Ja asu des mb is oi s cin Location de vélos / Bike rental de Bo Ru pr Va n e Ru tre te é pr O e pê Pis WC Ru am / Stop Namourette Hôtel / Hotel Av e er Ch Pa Astrrc id n pi op i leur s Gare / RailwayseStation Av Parking couvert / Sheltered Sta du eC ug bin Information / Tourist information y lue ev e strid e ed Lam Ke cA nu Rue Rue e sB en Ru rn Rue te ert I Avenue Alb fils s Rue de de tW al lo n se Ru ies ign as St e Ru Ru em e 4 o d’O ell Par ux Tilli e C x ali St Rue use Me a ol ic N e Ru e e us JAMBES eH el Ru ed va ts M nt Rue e anc lais ep de ai Qu nu Ru ne sT an de n ve id eu Ba Por ue Ave n Av e run Rue de la Croix Rouge ou ua M ue a .B G Mo de ron nte o Pla sin Ca de la P lan te td San eS tN rd ba om uL ed Ru tre Th éâ en s ai e am -D re ot N u rea e us ille ve er M la ute de Ro ue Av en Av en is d et s ad te ne x om en iau .C Av m eS rd ott xte on sA eM ali .R de tC hy nt lle eS ge uc Parking Autocar / Bus Av e uve eE lle Po Ru la P la nty Ru Par nt Rue du ba de uvi Départ Croisières e Rue ra I vd eig Co Ca Rue du Grognon ass eW du rd Pont de France s Rue Ru Po .B B mp ux Ru be Ne e ass Maison de la Culture d t t Ar en ar rs m Hu eu rle n ss is a u Pa allo Lo Ch W n es ro id Ba ua ue Q n e Av Beauregard Rue e .B ca va Ru eJ Place l’Ilon ars en eB va des Cadets Place de l’Ecole Square Arthur Masson ’H ol ule Rue Courtenay Ru de la Place tte A v. G Q Jam tr e ativ ois Ru ed ovele Rue du Pont de rge Les Tanneurs Ru Place d’Armes Place du Théâtre Rue Gravière Rue J. B ill Rue Bas iar t r Tou nt Bou Ad is min s n Ru Po des Rue ier pi er u e n nc eli Sambre Ru l De êche m n Na u abea cr R. Mon cie Rue Lu pi Cité La Venelle des Capucins Rue des Carmes Bo er Rue St Loup Pé e Rue des Brasseurs Jardin des 2 Tours chy u1 uv arch de M Rue ssés F. es Fo Rue du Rue d Place Rue des Bailly Maurice Servais Echasseurs Parfumerie Delforge rd C au ed Rue de la Monnaie s Rue ders Fripie Pl. Chanoine Descamp Pé la Rue St Jean e Ru Rue du Beffroi arché Pl. MLégumes aux leva z Ibis de Rue roi Rue de la Croix Rue du Président we Ru Beff Rue Fumal r Ru eE Place m de l’Ange ile C ge sie De Jardin du Maïeur l’An Rue Ruplémont Rogie atte Bou Rue Hôtel de Ville de Collège Rue St Joseph Galerie St Joseph Rue vernement ncial Rue org Rue des Dames Blanches Haute Marcelle erb Ru e l’Ouvrage sse Marcelle rs Venelle de la grande Forge St J acq ues Rue r Rue de Fe Rue de l'inquiétude Rue de s Crois ie Rue de Fer Rue Godefroid Le Flandre B Rue Ga Aven u e de la G Passage are de la Gare rd d ’H Place Léopold net Rue tation leva las ont us le p Rue so Bou ico Boulevard du Nord e ge 50 Abbaye (quai de I’) B1 Aden et roi (sentier) C3 Albert Ier (avenue) H2 Amoureux (sentier des) C4 André (place A.) D1 Ange (rue de I’) E3 Ange (place de I’) E2 Ardennes (pont des) G3 Armée Grouchy (rue de I’) C1 Armes (place d’) F3 Arsenal (rue de I’) D2-D3 Astrid (parc reine) G5 Astrid (avenue reine) B3-C3-D3 Asti Moulin (rue) D1 Bailly (rue du) E3 Baivy (rue) G5 Balart (rue de) H1-I1-H2 Bas de la place (rue) F3 Bas-prés (rue des) B2 Basse Marcelle (rue) E2 Basse Neuville (rue) G2 Bastin (rueAdolphe) E1 Bavière (rue de) F3 Bayar (rue Denis-Georges) E1 Bel Horizon (rue) G1-H1 Belvédère (rue du) A3 Berenger (chemin) E2 Biches (tienne des) D5-E5 Billiart (rue Julie) F3 Blanche de Namur (av.) B5-C5 BIès (rue Henri) A2-B2 Bleuets (rue des) G4 Blondeau (rue) D2 Boileau (chemin) C5 Bord de l’eau (rue) D3-E3 Bordial (porte de) D3 Borgnet (rue) E1 Bosret (rue) C3 Boufflers (sentier de) B4 Bourgeois (rue des) G2 Bourtonbourt (rue Martine) A3 Bovesse (av. gouverneur) G4-G5 Brabant (rue Jean-Baptiste) G2 Brasseurs (rue des) E3-F3 Brigades d’Irlande (rue des) G4 Brunell (boulevard Isabelle) F3-G3 Bruno (rue) D2 Bruxelles (rue de) D2-E2 Burniaux (rue) G4 Calozet (rue J.) C1 Cambier (rue Père) C2 Canons (route des) C5-C4-D4 Capucins (venelle des) E2 Carmes (rue des) E2 Chapitre (place du) D2 Collège (rue du) E3 Colline (rue de la) B3-B4 Colson (rue J.) B3 Combattants (avenue des) C1-D1 Confiturerie (rue de la) G5 Coppin (rue de) F5 Coquelet (rue de) G1 Coquelicots (rue des) G4 Cotelis Jambois (rue des) G4 Courte (rue) E4 Courtenay (rue) G2 Courtoy (quai Ferdinand) E3 Couvent (rue de) F4 Croisiers (rue des) E2 Croix (rue de la) E3 Croix du Feu (avenue des) C1 Croix Rouge (rue de la) G3-H4 Cuvelier (rue Emile) E2-F3 Dame (avenue de la) G5-H5 Dames Blanches (rue des) E2-F2 Daubancourt (rue Larcher) F1 Dave (rue de) F5 Del Marmol (rue A.) B4 Delvaux (rue) F1-F2 de Moreau (av. baron) E4-E5 Descamp (place chanoine) E3 de Smet de Neyer (av.) G2-G3-H2 de Stassart (avenue) C2-D2 Dewez (rue) F1-F2 Dodane (rue de la) C1 Dufer (rue F.) B2 Echasseurs (rue des) E3 Ecluse (quai de I’) C1 Ecole des Cadets (pl. de I’) G2-H2 Enfer (ruelle de l’) B1-C1 Enhaive (rue d’) G4-H4 Ernotte (rue) C1 Etoile (rue de I’) F2 Europe Unie (square de l’) E1 Evêché (pont de I’) D3 Falmagne (place G.) C2 Fer (rue de) E2 Florence (rue Balthazar) A2 Folliette (Chemin de la) C4 Fond des Bas-prés (rue) BI-B2 Fort d’Orange (chemin du) C4 Fossés Fleuris (rue des) E3 France (pont de) F3 Frère Orban (boulevard) D3 Fumal (rue) E3 Gaillot (rue) F1-F2 Gare (avenue de la) E1 Gembloux (rue de) C1 Godefroid (rue) E2 Godin (place L.) A4-A3 Golenvaux (avenue) F3 Grafé (rue Joseph) D2 Grangagnage (rue) D2 Gravière (rue de) F3 Grognon (rue du) F3 Halle (rue de la) E3 Carrières (rue des) G1 Catherine de Savoie (rue) D3 Cauchy (boulevard) F1-G1-G2 Champêtre (rue) F4-G4 Champs Elysées (avenue des) l1 Hambursin (rue Eugène) B2 Harscamp (galerie d’) E3 Harscamp (rue d’) F3 Harscamp (hospice d’) F3 Hastedon (place d’) C1 Haute Marcelle (rue) E2 Herbatte (boulevard d’) F1-G1-H1 Heuvy (pont d’) C1 Huart (boul. baron L.) E4-F4-F3 Huit mai (place du) A3 Inquiétude (rue de l’) E2 Jambes (pont de) E4 Lambin (rue) F5 Léanne (impasse) F1 Léanne (rue) F1 Lecocq (rue Henri) A4 Lelièvre (rue) D2 Lemaître (rue Henri) C2-C3 Lenoble (rue Philippe) B5-C5 Léopold (place) F1 Léopold Il (avenue) B2-C2 Libération (pont de la) C2 L’lIon (place) F3 Lombard (rue du) F2-F3 Louvain (chaussée de) E1-F1 Louvain (rue du Pont de) F1 Luxembourg (pont du) H2 Maquet (rue A,) E1 Marché aux Légumes (place) E3 Marchovelette (rue de) E3-F3 Marie d’Artois (avenue) C5 Marie-Henriette (rue) D1 Marlagne (avenue de la) A4 Masuis Jambois (rue des) G4 Materne (av. bourgm. Jean) F4-F5 Maus (place) F1 Mazy (rue) F4-G3-G4-H3 Mélèzes (chemin des) B4-B5 Omalius (place d’) D1 Ouvrage (rue de I’) E2 Palais de Justice (place du) D2 Patenier (rue) B3 Pépin (rue) F2 Pépinière (rue de la) E1 Perwez (chaussée de) C1 Pied du Château (pl,) E3-F3-E4-F4 Piret-Pauchet (rue) E1 Plage (rue de la) E5-F5 Plante (avenue de la) E5 Pont (rue du) F3 Pont des Ardennes (rue du) G3 Ponty (rue) G2 Premier Lanciers (rue du) F2 Presbytère de Bouge (rue du) I1 Président (rue du) E3 Prévoyance (rue de la) A2-A3 Prince de Liège (avenue) H3 Prinz (rue Renée) F5 Progrès (rue du) H2 Quai de Meuse F4-G3 Quatre fils Aymon (rue des) G3 Quatre Maisons (rue des) A3 Quatrième Génie (rue du) G2 Racine (chemin) C5 Rampe Verte E3 Ravaisson (rue Félix) F1 Rogier (rue) F2 Romagnesi (chemin) D5 Ronvaux (rue Edmond) G2 Roses (rue des) H3 Ruelle Sang E5 Rupplémont (rue) E3 Ryckmans (place A,) B2 Saint-Aubain (place) D2-D3 Saint-Calixte (rue) E5-F5 Sainte-Barbe (montagne) H5 Saint-Fiacre (rue) G1 Saint-Hilaire (place) F3 Saint-Jacques (rue) E2 Saint-Jean (rue) E3 Saint-Joseph (passage) E2 Saint-Joseph (rue) E2 Saint-Loup (rue) E3 Saint-Martin (rue) D5-E5 Saint-Nicolas (rue) F3-G2 Saintonge (chemin J.A.) D5 Saintraint (rue Joseph) D3 Saint -Simon (sentier) D4-D5 Salzinnes-les-Moulins (rue) B1-C1 Séminaire (rue du) D3 Servais (rue J.) H5 Servals (place Maurice) E3 Simonis (rue) A3 Stade (allée du) G5 Station (place de la) E1 Tabora(avenue de) C1-C2 Tan (rue du) G3 Tanneries (rue des) F2-G2-F3 Temple (rue du) F1 Théâtre (place du) F3 Thonar (rond-point M.) C5 Tienne qul Rote D5 Tillieux (rue) F5 Tillot (rue Commandant) G3-H3 Tour (rue de la) F3 Ursulines (impasse des) D2 Van Opré (rue) F4-G4 Vauban (avenue) B5 Verreries (rue des) H5 Verriers (rue des) G1 Verte (rue) F4 Vierge (rempart de la) D2 Violettes (rue des) H3 Vrithoff (avenue sergent) A2-B2 Wallonie (place de la) F5-G5 Waterloo (chaussée de) C1 Wérotte (rue Charles) B3 Wiertz (place) B2-B3 Wodon (rue Félix) Ci-C2 Zoude (rue Charles) B3 The adventure is just at the end of my street -- or is it my wheel? I love living in Namur. It is here, at the confluence of the Rivers Sambre and Meuse, that our programme was born. Come with me to bend over its cradle, on Saturday, 13 August 2016. I promise you the finest RAVeL. Adrien Joveneau Offers & direct bookings on www.chateaudenamur.com Hôtel **** Hôtel **** in a green setting, open all year, with 29 rooms & junior suites , spacious & comfortable Restaurant Restaurant open every day from 12h to 14h & from 19h to 21h –CLASSIC AND INVENTIVE COOKING Lunch from Monday till Saturday, from 24 to 30 €, excl. drinks Brunch every Sunday & public holiday Incentive Daylight – free Wifi – Uptodate audiovisual equipment – Large free parking Teambuilding Fort Bayard, an indoor activity in the basement of the Château de Namur, inspired from the famous TV show Fort Boyard Bar & terrasse Cosy & warm atmosphere, incredible view ! Open every day from 11h till midnight. Terrasse is open when the weather allows it , excluding restaurant opening hours Formation We are teaching tomorrow’s hotel professionals Hôtel **** - Application restaurant from the Namur Hotel School (EHPN) et Namur Hotel management high school (HEPN) Avenue de l’Ermitage 1 - 5000 Namur T: +32(0)81/729.900 F: +32(0)81/729.999 E: info@chateaudenamur.com - www.chateaudenamur.com