July 8, 2007 - Saints Peter and Paul Church


July 8, 2007 - Saints Peter and Paul Church
SS. Peter & Paul Church
Mass Intentions For The Week
July 8, 2007
Carlo & Emilia Foppiano
The Cerri & Picetti Families
Norrine Lewis
For the Parishioners – Domenica, Francesca, Tom,
& Giuseppe Cresci
Leo Baldocchi
Thanksgiving First Birthday Iliana San Gabriel
July 9, 2007
Dante & Ulisse Cardella – Ada Pierini Stach (Conc.)
Daniel & Tony Scopel – Gaetano Balistreri (Conc.)
Louis Ferralis & Sam Sultana
July 10, 2007
Birthday of Anna Maria Colla(Conc.)
Luisa Delucchi
John Canepa
July 11, 2007
Giuseppina Cardella – Norrine Lewis (Conc.)
Marco & Sabina Zolezzi
Andrea & Genoveffa Sabini
July 12, 2007
Roberto & Rosa Cuneo (Conc.)
Rose Damato-Bowles
Giulio, Esterina, & Louis “Rico” Liberatore
July 13, 2007
Antoinetta & Francesco Germano
Luigi Mangini & Frank Lucier
Louis, Eugenia, & Raymond Raggio
July 14 2007
Felice & Grazia Spingola
Anna Billante–Truett
Coarolyn, Harry, & Mary Fichter
Alex & Josephine Anguzza - Gabriella Rossi - Benefactors
Louis, Eugenia, & Raymond Raggio - Mary Vollelunga
George Vetari - Virginia Sanguinetti - Frank Sanguinetti
Angelo Sanguinetti - Nicola Sanguinetti - Kathryn Ng
Lauri Uhler & Tom Mainzer - Int. Maria Corradetti
Wilson Sollini - Sollini Family - Aurora & George Malatesta
Souls in Purgatory - Thanksgiving from Marie Nicholl
Amy Tsang Family - Int. Lidia Wong - Gertrude Chan - Janet Lee
For Urgent Needs - Int. Trent Lathrop - Int. Madeline Serpa
Mary Fran martino (Healing)
For each intention mentioned in the group above, individual Masses will
be said in our Schools or Missions.
Joseph Fong & Winnie Au
Isreal Frayle & Antonella DeMartini
Antonio Zamora & Maria Duena
Charles Eberle & Asya Soloian
Joseph Biagioni – Mark Edward Lynch
Paul Cavagnaro
From the Pastor’s Desk
“So we went to Atari and said, 'Hey, we've got this amazing
thing, even built with some of your parts, and what do you
think about funding us? Or we'll give it to you. We just want to
do it. Pay our salary, we'll come work for you.' And they said,
'No.' So then we went to Hewlett-Packard, and they said, 'Hey,
we don't need you. You haven't got through college yet.’”–
Apple Computer Inc. founder Steve Jobs
on attempts to get Atari and H-P interested in his and
Steve Wozniak's personal computer.
That’s how the 72 disciples could have reacted after being
sent out to preach the coming of the Kingdom of God
without a credit care, backpack, hiking boots, umbrella, or
compass. Much to their surprise, they were successful, for
“even the demons were subject to us in [Jesus’] name”
because they believed the Kingdom of God was at hand.
They believed Jesus.
What an “amazing thing” this Kingdom of God! But
what actually is “Kingdom of God”? Pope Benedict XVI
in his new book, Jesus of Nazareth, writes that the
“Kingdom of God” is used 122 times in the New Testament; so, it must be important. In the history of the
Church, the phrase is understood in three ways: (1) the
Kingdom is Christ himself, that Jesus is God’s presence in
the world; (2) the Kingdom is not found on a map but is
located in the heart of human beings; and (3) the Kingdom
is “simply the name for a world governed by peace, justice, and the conservation.” The Pope has a problem with
this “world” because God becomes unnecessary. What
Benedict concludes is that the Kingdom of God is “God
acting now—this is the hour when God is showing himself
in history as its Lord, as the living God, in a way that goes
beyond anything seen before.”
Where’s Atari now? And I bet Hewlett Packard is continuing to kick itself with its lack of vision in the beginning of the personal computer and the present mania over
Apple’s iPhone. But the pressing need of our faith community of Saints Peter and Paul is to experience the Kingdom of God as God showing himself in history and acting
now in our lives and in the lives of the young and the
–Fr. John Itzaina, SDB
July 8, 2007
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Isaiah 66:10-14c; Galatians
6:14-18; Luke 10:1-12, 17-20.
Today Isaiah speaks to the Israelites who had been in exile. He
tells them that God will care for
them, as a mother cares for her
child, and makes them prosperous. Jesus tells the Apostles that
they now have the power to dispel evil spirits. The names of the Apostles are now written in
Particular Items
Second Collection: This week’s second collection will be for
our Archdiocesan Appeal.
Eucharistic Adoration/Holy Hour: Every Wednesday, we have Holy Hour from 7:00-8:00 PM. The
parking lot will be open.
Madonna del Lume Picnic: It’s next Sunday! The MDL invites you to their 8th Annual Picnic on Sunday, July 15, at
Stafford Lake Park in Novato. The fun begins with Fr. Jack
celebrating an outdoor mass at 11AM, then games & entertainment from 12-4, when dinner will be served. For more info,
call Jeanne Pellegrini at 415-846-7896. Tickets are $30 for
adults and $12 for kids.
Contemporary Choir: The Sunday 5:00 PM mass will feature
contemporary music led by our Contemporary Choir and instrumentalists. We need more voices! If you enjoy singing contemporary music come join us. Call Charles at 415-421-0809.
We rehearse before the 5:00 PM mass.
Choose Life! “The attitude some adopt concerning the legitimacy of sacrificing the (physical and genetic) integrity of human beings at the embryonic stage in order to destroy them, if
necessary, in order to benefit other human individuals is likewise totally unacceptable. It is never morally licit to do evil
intentionally in order to achieve ends that are good in themselves.” –Concluding Communiqué of the Pontifical Academy
for Life on the “Ethics of Biomedical Research,” Feb. 24-26,
Domenica 14A del Tempo Ordinario
Nel frastuono e nella dispersione del nostro mondo il
fascino della città santa e il richiamo della grazia
non si spengono. Possono ancora toccare l’intimità
delle persone. La vera gloria di Dio non può essere
diffusa da nessuna propaganda e tantomento da un
sistema pubblicitario. L’affermazione della nostro
vita fervida e gioiosa, della nostra franchezza
nwll’annunciare la Buona Natale.
Saints Peter and Paul School Scholarship
Fund: Many of you will remember the time
when there were many religious vocations and a
Catholic education was extraordinarily inexpensive. But all that has changed. Our school
charges a tuition of $5,400—less than our
neighboring Catholic Schools, and half of what a
public school spends to educate a child. With San Francisco’s
cost of living, lack of funds may prevent children from receiving
a Catholic Education. The Salesians began by educating the children of the poor, and we are not about to exclude those who cannot make the total fee. But, like Don Bosco before us, we need
help. Are there parishioners and/or friends who might consider
contributing to the sponsorship of a student who might be otherwise forced to leave? All recipient family qualifications will be
verified by Saints Peter and Paul School. For more information,
feel free to call Fr. Malloy at 421-0809.
“Hemp World” Store Hearing: The Planning
Commission’s lease-renewal hearing for “Hemp
World” (now calling itself “Holistic Solutions”) is
scheduled for July 12. The church, school, and
Boy’s and Girls’ Club are all strongly opposed to
having this business so close to us. Parishioners &
parents who are opposed to this should attend, and make their
concerns known.
Revitalize your Marriage! The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend will be November 9-11. For more info call Paul
or Yvonne at 650-366-7093 or www.sf.lovemoredeeply.org
“I place much of my hope for the future
in Marriage Encounter.” –Pope John Paul II.
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Please pray for:
Jean Berres, Sr. Paula Wong, Suzanne, Aibee Mae Cua, Lawrence Render,
Elicia Alla Scully, Domenico Federico, Agnes, W. Woo, Don Baylor, Henrietta Heir, Linda Dow, Kathy, Ron Tamm, Cindy Ford, Rodney Corsiglia,
Phyllis Libatique, Dan, Diana Pacini, Yvonne, Jason Pimental, Eva Pepin,
Annette Ward, Catherine De Luca, Gene, Pina, Ali Mae, Bill Henderson,
Brigid Reginato, Mark Carico, Tina, Diane, Jean A. Massey, Peter P. English, Robert Elliot, George Wassmer, Totoy Aquino, Emily Lee, Carlos
Galarrita, Jo Fernan, Al Moresi, Bun Lee, Eleanor Dito, Lacey Sikora, Gina
Crotti, Enrico, Betsy Goodwill, Kay Gibleski, Archie Lotto & Mina Elie,
Rena Carniglia, Frances Marie Padilla, Kay, Alice Devine, Ray & Tina
Bianchini, Victor Lampe, Pat Luddington, Virginia Dunwell, Jean Patanè,
Renato Groppi, Dee Massa, Chris Denny, Jerry Bini, Jr., Francis Mahoney,
Esther Castagnola, Valeria Brown, Beverly Kies, Robert & Judy Seefeldt,
Martin Lamkin, Aloma Dawson, Richard Jew, Special Intention, For our
people in the Armed Forces, Irene Enriquez, Teresita Uy, Marilyn Marano,
Frances Peters, Nancy Baccei, Anne & Walter, Ron & Jeanie, Michael
Lydon, Sister John Bosco Crivello, Lola & Lorenzo Simi, Necy Ago, Dr.
Lorraine Sibley, Keiran Murphy, Scott Bartlett, Gerrie Davis, Janet Johnston, Jason Holmes, Bill Sckzraybalo, Pastor Phil Busbee & Family, Fred
Hankinson, Jim Hutelmyer, Peter, Connie Heinze, Christopher Snook, Mike
Sosa, Pam Benitez, & Ethel Watson, Loretta Tribulato, Teresa Dollard.
Rolando Rodriguez, Jiovanni, Edna Tavares, all our homeless & mentally ill
of the neighborhood, & all parishioners in hospitals & nursing homes.
Next Week’s Second Collection: Next week’s second collection will be for our Archdiocesan Appeal.
Struggling with Same-Sex Attraction? You are NOT alone
and the Church has NOT abandoned you! Visit the “Courage”
website at www.couragerc.net/ “COURAGE” is an apostolate
of the Church that ministers to those struggling against this
particular temptation. They have been endorsed by the Pontifical Council for the Family and our beloved John Paul II said of
this ministry, "COURAGE is doing the work of God!”
Liturgical Calendar
14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mon-Tues 09-10 Weekdays in Ordinary Time
Wednesday 11
Benedict; Abbot
Thursday 12-13 Weekdays in Ordinary Time
Saturday 14
Bl. Kateri Tekakwitha; Virgin
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Retreat Offerings
Jesuit Retreat House—Los Altos
Call 650-948-4491 for Information
Vallombrosa Center—Menlo Park
Call 650-325-5614 for Information
Your sacrificial offering last week:
SSPP Collection:
Second Collection (Archdiocesan Appeal):
Thank You! Your parish needs and appreciates your continued sup-