SUNDAY MAY 31 - Kingdom Life Fellowship Church
SUNDAY MAY 31 - Kingdom Life Fellowship Church
THIS WEEK AT KINGDOM LIFE 3D NEW MEMBERS CLASS AFTER THE 11AM SERVICE SUNDAY MAY 31 @5PM CARE TEAM GATHERING IN THE CAFÉ TUESDAY @7 MIDWEEK CONNECT AND ELEVATE YOUTH SUNDAY MAY 31 LOVE GOD. LOVE PEOPLE SATURDAY @8 MEN’S PRAYER CHURCH PICNIC AT SHAWNEE PARK 11AM-3PM Welcome to Kingdom Life Fellowship Church Kingdom Life is an inter-denominational, inter-generational, multi-cultural family of believers with a passion to advance the Kingdom of God with the Message of Jesus Christ Pastor BJ and Tosha Roberts CONTACT US @ 405 1st Ave S Nitro, WV 25143 304-721-9770 Beginning Monday June 1st KLFC will be offering FREE counseling from 9-5 every Monday. By a Licensed Certified Counselor and Certified Addiction Counselor. Call the church to make an appointment! GIVING MADE EASY You can now give online @ OR you can give through text @ 304-205-1215 by texting the amount + where to designate. Ex.) 50 Tithe and send ELEVATE Youth will be going to King’s Island on June 19th. 35 spots available. SIGN UP TODAY! Contact the church @304-721-9770 or email for any visitation requests. Get Connected! KLFC is having another 3D New Members Class on Sunday May 31 st immediately following the 11:00 service. Food and Refreshments will be provided. KLFC Care Team gathering tonight @5:00 in the Café. If you are on or would like to be involved in the Care Team, this is your opportunity. Bring an appetizer or finger food. VBS is July 20th – 24th Conquering Kids Children’s Ministry is now signing up volunteers to help that week. This is a phenomenal ministry opportunity to reach out to our community and teach our kids Biblical truths that will last a lifetime. SIGN UP TODAY at the kids sign in table or email
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