Hot VWs Media Guide
Hot VWs Media Guide
MEDIA GUIDE ONLINE AND PRINT MEDIA ADVERTISING INFORMATION C BAJA 500! DARRELL VITTONE INTERVIEW: PART 2 $4.99 12 R 20 MBE DECE e’s Alan For od Pro M Holder Record T TEST! FIRS DE’S NEW US ILER: DISPL Door Latch Mod! FUNFEST LARRY'S NATS WOODBURN 2 D SANIA L! SPEC DECA RBS DUAL 40 CA FROM DUAL-SPORT. .. TO DYNAMITE DUNE BUGGIES AND HOT VWs 10/4/12 11:15 AM DUNE BUGGIES AND HOT VWs RETAILER: DISPLAY UNTIL 11/06/2012 2 OCTOBER 2012 $4.99 US 01NOV_2012_UScover1.indd 2 9/4/12 3:07 PM 2 01_OCT_2012_UScover.indd 2 2016 VISIT US ONLINE: SACRAM ENTO BUGORA MA MANASS AS BUG-OU T /2012 NOVEMBER 2012 01DEC_2012_UScover1.indd 2 OCTOBER 2012 ‘67 Bug COMPLETE ! COVERAGE VW CLASSIC WEEKEND! RETA WOW - TYPE 1 DUAL OVERHEAD CAMMER! /06 TIL 12 AY UN NOVEMBER 2012 Dune Buggies & Hot VWs AL NOONRVC ERTIBLE SCORE/TECATE INTERVIEW WITH DARRELL VITTONE Dune Buggies & Hot VWs Dune Buggies & Hot VWs DY N O LOW PROFILE AIR FILTER SCREENS DECEMBER 2012 TE ST ! $4.99 US DUNE BUGGIES AND HOT VWs RETAILER: DISPLAY UNTIL 10/02/2012 8/22/12 9:35 AM MEDIA GUIDE CARB TEST: EMPI’S NEW EPC-38 2-BARREL NEW BILLET BLOCK! STRONGEST EVER? Dune Buggies & Hot VWs Dune Buggies & Hot VWs Dune Buggies & Hot VWs 156 MPH GHIA AT BONNEVILLE! MARCH 2013 FEBRUARY 2013 ITRO! O NM ANA C T IO N VW BUGORA A BU GO RA M S LA S VE GA JANUARY 2013 son's tkin Jan A SALT ER SHAK HE VW /P OR SC RE UN ION 2012 HOLIDAY BUYER’S GUIDE BU S ... THE MO VIE OR TO CA LIF NIA N T R E F F EE C R U IS OR EG ON 239HP ON CARBS! cho CB/Ran MARCH 2013 LOS OCK PRO STNALS! NATIO T V IE WY: IN T E R CHERR SUMMER SHOWS: CHIEFS VW BASH EUREKA SPRINGS SIMPLE TRANSPORT 5 LY L E BUG-IN $4.99 US COLLECTION! RETAILER: DISPLAY UNTIL 03/05/2013 FEBRUARY 2013 SANDY, UT JANUARY 2013 DI CA 01MAR_2013_UScover1.indd 2 12/27/12 1:22 PM Dune Buggies & Hot VWs DY N O LOW PROFILE AIR FILTER SCREENS DECEMBER 2012 TE ST ! AL NOONRVC ERTIBLE C SCORE/TECATE BAJA 500! DARRELL VITTONE INTERVIEW: PART 2 $4.99 12 R 20 MBE DECE HAWAII’S SHAKA WEEKEND! 2 TECH ARTICLE INDEX DUNE BUGGIES AND HOT VWs 01FEB_2013_UScover1.indd 2 11/29/12 12:00 PM INTERVIEW WITH DARRELL VITTONE NOVEMBER 2012 e’s Alan For od Pro M Holder Record T TEST! FIRS DE’S NEW US ILER: 01DEC_2012_UScover1.indd 2 11/1/12 2:31 PM WOW - TYPE 1 DUAL OVERHEAD CAMMER! OCTOBER 2012 FUNFEST LARRY'S NATS WOODBURN SAND L! SPECIA SACRAM ENTO BUGORA MA MANASS AS BUG-OU T DECA RBS DUAL 40 CA 12 /06/20 FROM DUAL-SPORT. .. TO DYNAMITE 2 DUNE BUGGIES AND HOT VWs 10/4/12 11:15 AM DUNE BUGGIES AND HOT VWs RETAILER: DISPLAY UNTIL 11/06/2012 01NOV_2012_UScover1.indd 2 OCTOBER 2012 $4.99 US 9/4/12 3:07 PM 01_OCT_2012_UScover.indd 2 2016 $4.99 US DUNE BUGGIES AND HOT VWs RETAILER: DISPLAY UNTIL 10/02/2012 2 VISIT US ONLINE: DUNE BUGGIES AND HOT VWs 01JAN_2013_UScover1.indd 2 Door Latch Mod! NOVEMBER 2012 2 RETAILER: DISPLAY UNTIL 01/01/2013 TIL 12 AY UN DISPL Mike Zine’s Deluxe D-Cab 2 ‘67 Bug COMPLETE ! COVERAGE VW CLASSIC WEEKEND! RETA $4.99 US 2012 RETAILER: DISPLAY UNTIL 02/05/2013 PA IN AND HOT VWs DUNE BUGGIES Dune Buggies & Hot VWs ULA, Dune Buggies & Hot VWs A, AN TEMEC 2 $4.99 US 8/22/12 9:35 AM Some of the features our website offers: •Sponsorship & Branding Opportunities •Clickable Site Skins •Advertising Spaces with Hyperlinks •Daily Content Updates with Prime Advertising locations that are strategically placed in high visibility locations. This includes “Run Of Site” Half Pages, Leader Boards and Site Skins. •Home Page Road Blocks are also available upon special request •Advertising Support also available through Catalog Listings, Social Media Posts and other Hot VWs promotional material distribution A B B B 970 x 100 300 x 100 C 300 x 600 D A • Leaderboard E F B • Site Skin 300 x 250 300 x 250 C • 300 x100 “Starting Line” D • Half Page “Checkered Flag” E • Featured Home Page Ad G F • Featured Home Page Ad G • Social Media Sponsorship RATE SHEET Our staff would be glad to help you choose the best plan for your marketing goals, or you can take advantage of our website traffic by selecting a space shown below to fit the budget of your business. LEADERBOARD 970 x 100 $300 / 2 weeks SITE SKINS (Includes 970 x 100 panel) 450 x 775 $500 / 2 weeks 300 x 100 “STARTING LINE” 300 x 100 $150 / 2 weeks HALF PAGE “CHECKERED FLAG” 300 X 600 $300 / 2 weeks FEATURED HOME PAGE AD 300 X 250 $150 / 2 weeks SOCIAL MEDIA SPONSORSHIP $100 / 2 weeks 970 x 1 00 300 x 1 00 300 x 6 00 300 x 25 0 For More Information, Contact: Marty Simurda (714) 979-2560 ext. 101 Wright Publishing Company — Hot VWs Magazine 3176 Pullman Street., #107, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 300 x 25 0 SITE SKIN INFORMATION SIZE: 450 X 775 (two separate files, left and right side) and one 970 X 100 Center Panel FORMAT: GIF or JPG 50k max each file Our Site Skins differ from a basic background image or display ad. The Skins are clickable with a hyperlink that directs the visitor to your website or a specific page on your site. The Site Skin includes two panels, a right side and left side “Skin,” and a Center Panel. The size for each side is 450 pixels wide by 775 pixels tall (450 x 775), and the Center Panel is 970 pixels wide by 100 pixels tall and connects the two side panels. However, all important content should be contained within the 125 pixel area located toward the inside area of the Skin. This is to accommodate smaller computer screens which will crop the content in the outer portion of the Skin area. See the next page for examples of different size computer screens. We’ve created a Template to help you with this process, which is available by contacting a Hot VWs Online Account Manager. HOW TO USE OUR TEMPLATE: This Template has been set up to make designing your Site Skins as simple as possible. These instructions are also shown on the .PSD template on our FTP server. 1. Place your artwork image in the Site Skin folder that designates either the right or left side skin, and Center Panel. You will see these in the “Layers Palette” on the .PSD template. 2. Do not alter any of the folder masks or template shadow layers. 3. Please be sure that all important text in your artwork is contained within the inner 125 pixels of each side. You will notice the red guides we have included to help you with the design of your Site Skin ads. 4. Be sure to turn off the red guide lines layer before saving your final artwork. 5. Please optimize the files as much as possible prior to saving your artwork. Wright Publishing can also produce your web banner(s) and skins for a minimal cost. All we need is your source images, logo, text, web hyperlink, and general design directions. If you have more questions, please contact us directly. SITE SKIN VIEW STANDARD SCREEN SIZE: 1280 X 800 WIDE SCREEN SIZE: 1900 X 800 CUSTOM DIGITAL PUBLISHING SERVICES DIGITAL CATALOG HOSTING Would you like to increase product sales and move more inventory for your business? An effective way to reach additional customers and tap into a new base of potential buyers is having host your company’s Product Catalog in a Digital “Flip” Edition. OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: • Converting your existing catalog PDFs into a digital edition • Convert a single PDF catalog file into a modern “Flip” format • Hosting your product catalog on the Catalog Page • Provide your company with an active link to the Digital Catalog which can be linked from your website/social media, as well as sent to customers and distributors via e-mail marketing programs and via social media links • Hot VWs will also promote your digital catalog page on our social media outlets For details and pricing information, please contact your Hot VWs advertising sales representative. CUSTOM DIGITAL PUBLISHING SERVICES HOT VWs MAGAZINE DIGITAL REPRINTS Have you had an article about your business or products featured in Hot VWs Magazine? How would you like to have that article redone in a larger format and customized layout, as well as converted into a digital “flip” edition? The staff at Hot VWs has the ability to provide this service and help you reach more customers. Our Custom Digital Publishing Services will enable you to effectively distribute an article that was previously published in the print edition of Hot VWs Magazine. The new article will be hosted on the server, allowing your distribution channels to “share” the Digital Reprint using social media and e-mail marketing programs. For details and pricing information, please contact your Hot VWs advertising sales representative. Contact: Marty Simurda • 714-979-2560 ext 101 • NEW PRODUCT SUBMISSION HOW TO SUBMIT A NEW PRODUCT RELEASE Hot VWs Magazine and publishes new product releases as a reader service. There is no charge for a new product release RACING OIL lubricants world class 300V s the latnufacturer of appearing in our magazine or on the website, Motul®, ma ter technology, announce racing otive of Es line of autom gy, 300V and pioneer 0V 30 ir the however, there is no guarantee that your new olo of est evolution art of its techn ing oil prodters at the he oils. Using Es rldwide as a leading rac ves engine product release will be published. We receive wo impro r the fur n is recognized ormulatio Esters, 100% numerous new product releases every month.uct. This newwiref ed blend of th its advanc r for their dis lubrication greater powe veloped the far ke ma es The best way to increase the chances that your ent de engin rtm ed pa lop de ve D sed de R& rea tion; and inc Today’s highly these demands, Motul’s us in competi sively in the reve, ing release will be usedofisinnto highovatisubmit oil. Know the main foc clu d a package the engine’s rease in engine power – re®. Used ex al products. Add an on Co s s oil ter nd se Es ma , ba de gy riv olo ater nthetic syquality nd: an inc color photos format newest techn son with that attained by ains the benchmark this places gre doriginal targets in mi(preferred ari nt is Motul’s placement, an 0V with two important in the 0V range rem e developme en-horsepower in comp 30 digitalofimages ulateddpi itions, the 30 cosities found previously ance sev comprehensivinseJPEG isorm 300 format, with nd to co ref up ult me of res tre e ility. Th n even in ex product options. Six vis 0W15 for pure perform le es an increa engine reliab Core provid perfect engine protectio t e: bb en ter lud Bu fer Es d , inc dif lle 0V ht ies ca aformu color of the image), ealong with typed, lated 30printout now has eig ional viscosit nsional code umption and low oil cons e reformulated 300V lin 20W60. Two new addit rity, a unique three-dime vides a digital imprint to d in extremely lubricants. text Th eg an pro ide int 50 ct ins g™ W du double-spaced describing what the product is Ta 15 oil s 40, e pro bble in motorsport 20, 5W30, 5W40, 10W ility. In order to guarante ery 2-liter container. Bu ly authentic 300V racing l, contact ev iab of stock from Motu capa arantee on ized rel include: 0W gu cts the tim du to line what s op is, it does, why it’s better than part d ros pro lps an ac he oil r powe e placed al sale and otive racing and 0W40 for of a protective foil tap ction to its fin ormulated 300V autom l produ is a part (if applicable), whatmitinitia fits, sizes/colors, etc. New of ref Tag™ ch product fro re about the new line ea ce tra ely mo om. accurat n. To learnspace tal cagiven /www.motul.c products meare line at http:/ and consideration as each 2-liter aler, or go on your Motul decontent in Hot VWs; please describe the editorial ve hard oras adproduct in a Gstraightforward t can also ha not O SEAL character, bumanner, CAR proud to ve plenty of America Motorworks is BUS REAR ha WATERLESS WASH ns ge wa AND . Mid to include , helping VW vertising Bengsure retail sessuggested Classic Volks copy. WHOOSH!® Waterles DETAIL years of cruisi ls for 1964-1979 VW bu ners work on er aft ls s sea s ow sea cked Bu taile tch craprice, r is revolutionizing and Wash & Deha VW n rgo are he ca where to get it or how to order it, rear sealsand the g. “W simplifying the M tch vin OE ha dri e of rgo vid way ca les people clean their ride pro re mi r rear in mo Ou y t. en tor lis s! WHOOSH!® ev fac the is the most effective the VW number, ays on address, ners enjoy ow manufacturer’s name, phone as and easy-to-use wate duct seals are alw d the seals to lie pro od pp ty go , su ali t de rqu less tha a gra was g er h & detailer on the mar an up e manufactur our customers are gettin said Josh Yager, ket, not only sam cleaning, but polishin de by the well as website e-mail ife available. ans ma g and protecting your their VW,” M on addresses y. That meand l OE an sea rm Th al ride Ge s. gin s. r, Their superior form Hanove to the ori ca Motorwork erica Moula contains a id Ameribe unique blend of nano se as possible New product releases submitted on CDs nt at Mmay t’s as clo . Mid Am - polymers that produce tha VW Mercha make Manufacturer a spectacular shine, ad Air-Cooled to Original Equipment VAL part distinctions to while leaving behind Le a or via e-mail. protective anti-static refers order. REP and and friction redu designation 500-1500 to offer OEM, ROTABROACH Blair Equipment Co., Creek, MI), producer Inc. (Swartz s of precision sheet metal holemak ing tools and spotweld cutters that are used in automotive body repairs, fabr ication and restoration introduces two new Rotabroach Master Kits. Each of the new kits are an all-in-one set cont aining 16 different sizes of Rotabroa ch Cutters for drilling holes in mate rials up to ¼” thick. The frac tional kit includes cutters from ¼-inch to ¾-inch and the metr ic kit includes sizes from 6mm to 20mm. Rotabroach annular cutters are ideal for use metal fabrication, resto in ration, maintenance and elec trica tions, spotweld removal l applica, plugs holes for weld automotive aftermar ing, and ket installations. Each kit is packaged in a case and includes an sturdy plastic storage arbor assembly, extra pilots, on use. Rotabroach Cutt ers can be used in hand center punch, washers and instructions and in drill presses. Rota -hel broach Cutters are mad d electric drills with 3/8-inch chucks ground. The annular e of M2 H.S.S., hard or hollow design cuts ened and precision only at the periphery center as a solid slug of of material. Because there is no center poin the hole, leaving the conventional hole mak t or “dead zone” as with ing tools, the annular cutter configuration ability to drill holes up has to 3 times faster and last 10 times longer than demonstrated the saws. The cutters cut hole twist drills or hole material, even thin shee s that are virtually burr-free and do not defo rm the surrounding t metal. Rotabroach Cutt information regardin ers are made in the USA g Blair products, visit . For additional www.blairequipment.c om. DROP PLATES Drop or raise the cing coating. This barrier rear of your air-coole repels dust, dirt, and d water, protecting your VW without loos rides and leaving your ing surfaces cleaner for ride quality! It seem longer. Whether it’s s the high costs and heavy that there are 101 diffe restrictions of water rin cities today, or a need ent things that you to find a chemical free EAM can and ecologically sens PANZER Be, Inc., is do to the front suspenitive solu tion to your to the rear VW owners cleaning needs, WH 23 Delux sion , but have been given little OOSH!® It’s All You unce the rechoice … until now. Atom when it comes are the missing link Need ™ …… for all to your vehicle’s perf proud to anno w Panzer werk Drop Plates your rides! Their forormance. Drop your 4.5 inches without sacr ne mula encapsulates the Volkswagen from 1.4 ificing ride quality! Ava lease of their line, feadirt particles, protectto omw ilabl t ing erk’ e for IRS and swingaxl s spring plates are lase the surface while the e vehicles, AtStreet Produc er Flamed micr r cut ofib from er attracts ¼-inch high strength, stubs are CNC-machin the particles to the nz heat-treated steel. Spli ed from heat treated towel to assure scra turing the Pa ne en bille sp and tch t Su nick free 4340 el plated. Not remanuf results. One bottle am actured old spring plate chromoly steel, grind finished, VW Front Be ard width swingaxle cars. Com good for 10 – 12 econ of WHOOSH!® is s! Fixes toe-in issues nd pute omy car washes! Infor lowered sions. The sta al flamed more information cont r engineered and street tested with a lifet terior or exterior, WH du act ime warranty. For th Atom OOS wi H!® wor am ks great CL(971 be UTCH gi) -506-2238; www.atom werk Engineering Inc., PO Box 715, Ven on glass, mirrors, alum ori re AD we , RO eta, OR 97487; inum F- paint, ,E chro OF e me, uc shock towers for VolksRC rod rims int FO , leath viny NTl,ER d up to Plexiglas, plas d CE merE/er, teafibe EDs,DL W availnally intende ded front glas rce havetics, rfoall stainless or rail Cel,nte -road clutch and ten andstee offic cetron elec buggy, Baja, eddle orman screW rods with ex the design erfyour ens. Usevafor h-pride m and ball Manx type tub fendered Bug lookall hig ste ed y your sy nc an r t g s: ve igh Cars tin ad we , en st we boats, motmo gal -disc orcycles, trucks, the mplem ends, ho any full s. ntrifu h single O-4 work well co ters, givpick rforce’s cescoo neatly under ate those new disc brake e the ups,9-inc SILsu SEARCHLIGHT r tran sporCe able. t nte perioLED has proven to nch narrowed beam fits trucks,rerecr te piv plaeatio nalotsRVs,r ATV et narrowed to accommod drivability Delta Tech pressu and s, snow ng iles, s- ’s all new Silo-4™, 40-watt LED we po bearimob buggy. The 2-i wed look or just trying work well with aftermark d link-pin n seang iro doos ldi sear , ho lar bikes, and mor chligpre du ht is a super high outp onal an No rro s pti e. na nt t e! ce am joi for WH ex be tha llOOS be d ut LED light that proba nt le for tch H!® ve clu Watclu the ing rrowe ailhab& Deta mentsduce in s av Was helps pre an imp tch ress ad erles iler ay bars. Both the 2-inch na ed on link-p is to -roecofast y off reinforce ng, andryi tyle ive 6,400 lumens. The 6,000 kelvin safe In addition, as torsion leaves and sw lower shock mounts us tions, such n-seratu ncedbiod & va 100% temp buttto d ad Xligh an re produces near dayl egra DF dgs d op able ch rin an k rce , odor su r te oc rfo less, pe sh cts ight illuminati nd Cente not s anedlong rang sure pla doesak in alin elet up produ 20-d ingegre aine hars e. Th h chemi- etallic agcont available in cals, treak of various bra e pattern to light up the on e the dual ey ap ,bre anti-fog hig tionc ceram est ock. ricstati ows for use Flamed VW Beams are t; link-pin nondrive strfree darkbeams includ antiSilo -4™ has a dievenigh ry & h-f and ams. This all er un prieta acid ic th protral (neu reduce dri PH). Doe discain: ancoacry c wi fitsprovidin cast aluminum body with b cont d hu styled VW be ein, KYB or EMPI. Panz or rail buggy clamp mo ch standard alcodis lic s an g not lens r run ve sp g shock, corrosion and ted hol, acid numwaterpro ula ad lst -in mi s, ps he Bi 34 amm alu ; ca me d onia -1, en sed fra , ge IP68 ly silic ed QA rai th ful as or rating. It easily mou id forchlorine, ailable fromofW k es a rigone, turrgen Ball-joint wi nts onto any existing unt; lowered flamed shoc solventsis, harm fulfea dete so av mountintch clutch ts, petr ing.mAldisTh phos es for six flavors — or rail buggy clamp mo narrowed width single usoleu or surface and has clu g tab bell ho rce w s 2¼-inch tillates, a phat VW rfo ha h conv ad es, nc nt he nte enie ard or scre 2-i VOC nt joi Ce nd me thumb llor vert ’s r sta fra ch y ers atile Oradjustment to make anCom s. Fo with 11-in . ing, ba usingical and (Vol ll hores poun aiming a snap. The Silo me shock tow nch-wall tub el flamed shock towers ganicdle ed 10 For.4-mor l-size befeatu I ratds). e info aatDeu SF 5) waterproof conn : .who th ful tsch -4™ wirma tion (80 width dual fla of 2-inch D.O.M .120-i cations tries t mild ste de with visit www ector and the low 3.3pli us oshi -cu ma ap nc.c Ind er ts d e quir om. un las es ad ere dle no M mo ed addi ow amp draw reus-al wiring harness or relay t style high-p towers. ntact W , precision ddleindtion . For more information o@we in dual eyele . Avis styled beam adormation co er tube ends infDelt a Tech k-p inf low ail lin al Indu on em strie ion e VW 1; s, contact dit ev (909 ns 66 on m. ad sle ) 673-1900, < tio co pli(805) 562-8>. mounts based mm or ½-inch I.D. op front end ap 74 ddleindustries. 562-8600; fax Upper shock ll 12 t for extend ts, b at www.we every (800) ntinues to torworks co s possibly for d restoration upgrades an on the we and thick wa ve super low adjustmen ng stops, damper moun; or 1-inch O.D. ha joint beams lude powdercoating, steeri k mount set ups. For ad justers. Balloc . inc sh om deluxe.c m options sions, coil cations. Custo and lower shock exten (303) 806-8062, www.23 ts at 74-75PARTS.indd off-road gusse ation contact 23 Deluxe 1 orm ditional inf FEBRUARY 2013 Continued on page 76 75 Mail CDs with New Product Releases to: 4 AM 11/29/12 9:4 .indd 2 74-75PARTS E-mail New Hot VWs Magazine Attn: New Products Editor P.O. 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Any changes made regarding the reserved ad space on the Hot VWs web-site by the Company, which will be submitting the artwork for the advertisement or branding opportunity, shall be reported to Wright Publishing and/or Hot VWs within one week of the date on the Insertion Order and/or one week prior to the start of when the artwork shall appear on the website. Wright Publishing Company and/or Hot VWs will do its best to make any changes requested by the advertising Company after the campaign has begun, but Hot VWs is not responsible for any artwork submitted by a “Company” and uploaded to the Hot VWs website, or errors made by the Company who is submitting the advertising artwork. 4. A Company submitting artwork that will be placed on the Hot VWs website for advertising and/or branding opportunities shall follow the guidelines specified on the artwork templates provided by Wright Publishing and Hot VWs. These templates will either be supplied by an advertising representative from Hot VWs, in the form of a web link sent in an e-mail, or they can be downloaded from our advertising specifications section on the Hot VWs website. In the event that a Company who choses to advertise on the Hot VWs website does not have the ability to create their own artwork, Hot VWs can perform this service as needed. Charges will apply for Online Services. These charges will be agreed upon when the Insertion Order is submitted to Wright Publishing Company. 5. The deadline for submitting artwork and Insertion Orders will be approximately 7 days prior to the date that the advertisement is scheduled to appear on the Hot VWs website. Submissions made within 7 days of the scheduled date will be accepted, however, Hot VWs will not be responsible for errors within the artwork or changes that need to be made to a Company’s artwork. 6. Wright Publishing Company and/or Hot VWs shall not be held responsible for any errors regarding artwork files, as well as grammatical or typographical errors. A Company submitting artwork agrees to submit artwork that is not offensive or obscene in any manner. Wright Publishing Company reserves the right to refuse artwork which is deemed offensive or obscene. If you have any questions about the style of artwork you intend to submit, please have it reviewed by a Wright Publishing Company representative beforehand. 7. The Company submitting artwork for the Hot VWs website will be billed on terms of net thirty (net 30) days. Discounts for payments made early are available. Please contact your Hot VWs Advertising Manager for more information about early payment terms. Signature Advertiser / Company Representative Signature Hot VWs Advertising Manager We accept payments made with major Credit Cards or Checks — Checks should be made payable to Hot VWs Please contact Sandy at (714) 979-2560 ext. 100 to pay with a Credit Card Scan and return 2-page Insertion Order Agreement, or return by Fax at (714) 979-3998 Contact: Marty Simurda • 714-979-2560 ext 101 • PRINT MEDIA GUIDE MARCH 2013 CARB TEST: EMPI’S NEW EPC-38 2-BARREL NEW BILLET BLOCK! STRONGEST EVER? Dune Buggies & Hot VWs Dune Buggies & Hot VWs 156 MPH GHIA AT BONNEVILLE! Dune Buggies & Hot VWs FEBRUARY 2013 ITRO! O NM ANA C T IO N VW BUGORA A BU GO RA M S LA S VE GA JANUARY 2013 son's tkin Jan A SALT ER SHAK HE VW /P OR SC RE UN ION 2012 HOLIDAY BUYER’S GUIDE BU S ... THE MO VIE OR TO CA LIF NIA N T R E F F EE C R U IS OR EG ON 239HP ON CARBS! cho CB/Ran MARCH 2013 OCK PRO STNALS! NATIO T LOS V IE WY: IN T E R CHERR SUMMER SHOWS: CHIEFS VW BASH EUREKA SPRINGS SIMPLE TRANSPORT 5 LY L E BUG-IN $4.99 US COLLECTION! RETAILER: DISPLAY UNTIL 03/05/2013 FEBRUARY 2013 SANDY, UT JANUARY 2013 DI RETAILER: DISPLAY UNTIL 02/05/2013 PA HAWAII’S SHAKA WEEKEND! IN AND HOT VWs DUNE BUGGIES CA 01MAR_2013_UScover1.indd 2 2 12/27/12 1:22 PM Dune Buggies & Hot VWs DY N O LOW PROFILE AIR FILTER SCREENS DECEMBER 2012 TE ST ! AL NOONRVC ERTIBLE C SCORE/TECATE BAJA 500! $4.99 12 R 20 MBE DECE DUNE BUGGIES AND HOT VWs 01FEB_2013_UScover1.indd 2 11/29/12 12:00 PM INTERVIEW WITH DARRELL VITTONE NOVEMBER 2012 e’s Alan For od Pro M Holder Record T TEST! FIRS DE’S NEW US $4.99 US 2012 TECH ARTICLE INDEX Mike Zine’s RETAILER: DISPLAY UNTIL 01/01/2013 Deluxe D-Cab 2 DUNE BUGGIES AND HOT VWs 01JAN_2013_UScover1.indd 2 11/1/12 2:31 PM WOW - TYPE 1 DUAL OVERHEAD CAMMER! OCTOBER 2012 Dune Buggies & Hot VWs ULA, Dune Buggies & Hot VWs A, AN TEMEC 2 $4.99 US ‘67 Bug Door Latch Mod! FUNFEST LARRY'S NATS WOODBURN SAND L! SPECIA SACRAM ENTO BUGORA MA MANASS AS BUG-OU T DECA RBS DUAL 40 CA /2012 /06 TIL 12 DARRELL VITTONE INTERVIEW: PART 2 COMPLETE ! GE RA VW CLASSIC WEEKEND! VE CO ILER: RETA AY UN DISPL FROM DUAL-SPORT. .. TO DYNAMITE NOVEMBER 2012 DUNE BUGGIES AND HOT VWs 2 01DEC_2012_UScover1.indd 2 DUNE BUGGIES AND HOT VWs RETAILER: DISPLAY UNTIL 11/06/2012 2 OCTOBER 2012 $4.99 US 2 2016 10/4/12 11:15 AM 01NOV_2012_UScover1.indd 2 9/4/12 3:07 PM 01_OCT_2012_UScover.indd 2 VISIT US ONLINE: $4.99 US DUNE BUGGIES AND HOT VWs RETAILER: DISPLAY UNTIL 10/02/2012 8/22/12 9:35 AM ‘VER AD RATES T W OOD IE! 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CONTACTS Advertising Director: Linda Dill, Ext. 102, Advertising Manager: Marty Simurda, Ext. 101, Art Director: Skip Coiner, Ext. 110, : M AG G IE VA LL EY EUREKA SPRING S COLORA DO BUG -IN $4.99 US 1/12-PAGE FOUR COLOR RETAILER: DIS 2 1 TIME 2990 2400 2080 1735 1530 1370 1200 RIDE FEBR L 4 TE FOUR COLOR* SIZE 1 PAGE 2/3 PAGE 1/2 PAGE 1/3 PAGE 1/4 PAGE 1/6 PAGE 1/8 PAGE NER = QUIET ER Dune Bu Effective January 2016 issue ADVERTISING RATES DEADE ggies & Hot VW s RATE CARD #26 SOUND Published By: Wright Publishing Co., Inc. 3176 Pullman ST. #107, Costa Mesa, CA 92628 PHONE: (714) 979-2560 FAX: (714) 979-3998 WEBSITE: 1. 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