Annual Reports
Annual Reports
POWER OF COPPER group 2006 A N N UA L REPO RT MADENC‹L‹K SANAY‹ VE T‹CARET ANON‹M fi‹RKET‹ 2006 ANNUAL REPORT LABOUR FORCE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS group CONTENTS Message From The Chairwoman 04 Board Approval of the Annual Report 06 Brief History 08 Products 10 Our Mission, Vision and Values 12 Board of Directors 14 Board of Auditors 15 Ordinary General Assembly 16 2006 Annual Report 17 Independent Audit Report 22 Auditors Report 50 Declaration Pursuant to Article X/22-2/26 51 Corporate Governance Compliance Report 52 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRWOMAN Distinguished Shareholders, 2006 has been a year in which improvements in the Turkish economy went on. Inflation rose by 9.6% compared to the previous year, due to the adverse effects of the fluctuation in foreign exchange rates in the summer months. Despite such rate, the economic growth is expected to generate at a level of around 5%. Undoubtedly, the greatest improvement of 2006 was the budget deficit that remained below 1%. PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 04 2006 has as well been a year in which important steps were taken by our Company. Our copper mine, investment of which was initiated in Siirt Madenköy, was activated in the second half of 2006 and started to generate proceeds and turnover of our Company increased to NTL 40.1 million by 44.6% in 2006 compared to the last year. Increase in gross profitability was 27%. high. Results of our activities and our profitability for the year 2006 confirm our anticipation in this respect. We broke a new ground in 2006 due to revenues from the copper mine and we held an analyst meeting in order to share revenue and profit generation capacity of our Company with the investors in and at the end of 2007. Analyst meetings representing a new stage in our corporate governance understanding, which we started to implement in our Company and developed day by day with pleasure, will be maintained; and results of our activities and our expectations relating to the future will be shared with investors in detail and transparently. As a result of the strategic decision of the Group, our Company increased its pre-tax profit to NTL 40.2 million by a rate of 246% in 2006 compared to the last year due to the effect of the profit obtained from the sale of share held by our Company in Tufanbeyli Elektrik Üretim Anonim fiirketi. We are of the opinion that our economy will also be in progress in 2007 -election year - as it was in the last five years; provided that no concession is given relating to the budget discipline. Not only our Company but also the public believes that the budget discipline will be maintained and policies procuring lower inflation/higher growth balance in our economy will be sustained although election periods are evaluated to be in parallel with the increase of the ambiguity. Our Company, a leading Company in the relevant sector, targets to please its shareholders also in 2007 and contribute to the country's economy and employment in general terms. I dearly believe that this target will be achieved and I greet you all with due honor. On the other hand, our feasibility studies for two mining research licenses, owned by our Company in Gaziantep Islahiye, are still going on. Furthermore, our aim is to evaluate new investment opportunities in order to ensure revenue and profitability growth of our Company in the long term by realizing and enforcing sustainable vision of value creation, shared at all executive levels of our Company. In the last years, we stated that our investments in the mining field are long term investments and the proceeds and profit potentials of the mining activities are quite Nalan ERKARAKAfi Chairwoman of the Board of Directors PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 05 BOARD RESOLUTION ON THE APPROVAL OF THE ANNUAL REPORT Dated: 27 March 2007 Number: 2007/12 The Board of Directors of Park Elektrik Madencilik Sanayi ve Ticaret has convened on March 27, 2007 and resolved unanimously to approve the Annual Report of the Company for the year 2006 and to submit it to the review of Shareholders. Nalan ERKARAKAfi Ali Coflkun DUYAK Süleyman UYAN Chairwoman Vice Chairman Executive Member Fercan AYKUTLU Ömer YENEL Hulki YAKUPO⁄LU Member ‹nanç fiENEL Member Member Ferzan Ç‹T‹C‹ Member PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 06 Member Biltekin ÖZDEM‹R Member PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 07 BRIEF HISTORY Park Elektrik Madencilik Sanayi ve Ticaret was incorporated on March 18, 1994 in order to conduct activities in the textile sector. The Company offered to public its shares representing 29.16% of the capital in 1997. PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 08 Due to the crisis in the textile sector, the subject of activity of the Company was expanded on June 2, 2000 so as to enable the Company to operate in the new fields of activity, particularly in the fields of energy and mining. The Company started to extract and wash coal in the coal zone of Ankara Çay›rhan Thermal Power Plant as subcontractor as of July 2000. Afterwards, the Company completely left the textile sector and changed its commercial title into Park Elektrik Madencilik Sanayi ve Ticaret as of August 22, 2000. The Company ended its activities of extracting and washing coal, as a subcontractor in 2006. In the same year, the Company started production in the copper mine in Siirt Madenköy. On the other hand, the Company maintains its feasibility studies relating to its licenses for aluminum research in Gaziantep Islahiye. PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 09 PRODUCTS Coal Park Elektrik Madencilik Sanayi ve Ticaret started its coal extracting and washing activities in 2000. Fundamental aim of the Company is to be permanent in the energy and mining sectors and to grow and expand its activities in these sectors. In this respect, Park Elektrik will continue to participate in the tenders to be issued. The Company ended in 2006 its coal extracting and washing activities as a subcontractor in Çay›rhan. PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 10 Copper In 2004, Park Elektrik Madencilik Sanayi ve Ticaret obtained three different mining licenses; one for operating a copper zone in Siirt and the other two for mine researching in Gaziantep-Islahiye. Operating license for copper zone located in Siirt and belonging to Eti Holding was obtained at an amount of TL 7.9 trillion. As a result of the investments, maintained at full blast, the Company activated the copper zone in Siirt and started get proceeds therefrom in the second half of 2006. PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 11 OUR MISSION, VISION AND VALUES Our Company aims to create value for the Turkish Mining and Energy Sector by exploring, improving and converting the natural resources. In that respect, the mission, vision and values of our Company are summarized below. Mission • To pursue developments in world mining sector and to apply them to Company's operations, • To make each effort to reach ever better working conditions, • To increase productivity by motivating employees, • To construct secure working sites at low cost, • To make use of scarce resources in an effective and efficient manner, to prevent possible losses. Vision Uprising the Company as leader among the other companies operating in the same sector both in the country and abroad, providing the growth without making any concession from the quality, reflecting the effective and balanced growth to every activity of the Company, investing in appropriate areas, enabling the maximum profit for the investors by trying to get the highest efficiency through minimum cost. Values • Honesty- The Company abides on its promises. • Security and Environment- The security of our employees and the protection of the environment during our activities are ensured in maximum. • Appreciation - We appreciate our employees and treat them open and honestly. We give importance to teamwork and safe working environment. • Dividend - We seek the maximum profit for our shareholders from our Company's activities. • Technology - We enable the practice of high technology in our activities by following the high technology and improvements throughout the world. • Motivation - We provide a motivating working environment by being aware that this will increase the productivity. PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 12 PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 13 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairwoman Nalan Erkarakafl Vice Chairman Ali Coflkun Duyak Executive Member Süleyman Uyan Member Fercan Aykutlu Member Ömer Yenel Member Hulki Yakupo¤lu Member ‹nanç fienel Member Ferzan Çitici Member Biltekin Özdemir Authorities Chairwoman, Vice Chairman as well as Members of the Board of Directors are all empowered with the authorities set forth in the relevant articles of the Turkish Commercial Code and Article 13 of the Articles of Association. Duration 3 Years Ömer YENEL Ömer Yenel, firstly started to work in the State Planning Organization in 1973, served in several positions in the senior management cadres in the public authorities. Yenel, appointed to be member of the Board of Directors of Baflkent Elektrik Da¤›t›m in 1999, later served as Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Manager in the Turkish Coal Administration in 1999-2003. He has been member of the Board of Directors in Ciner Group companies since 2004. Nalan ERKARAKAfi Mrs. Erkarakafl, firstly started to work as specialist in the Capital Market Board 1983, served as senior officer and member of the board of directors in various banks and intermediary institutions in 1991-2001 and has been serving as the President of the Capital Markets Group in Park Holding since 2002 up to date. Mrs. Erkarakafl was found eligible by Young Businessmen Association of Turkey for the award of “Manager of the Year” in 1997. Erkarakafl additionally captured the award of “Successful Businesswoman of the Year” granted by Dünya Newspaper in 2000. Erkarakafl, the articles of whom were published in various newspapers and periodicals in the fields of capital markets and finance, is also member of the organizations such as TÜG‹AD (Young Businessmen Association of Turkey), TKYD (Corporate Governance Association of Turkey), KOTEDER (Association of Stock Exchange Quotation Partnership Managers) and Graduates of Faculty of Political Sciences of Ankara University. Hulki YAKUPO⁄LU Mr. Yakupo¤lu served as Press Consultant in the Prime Ministry in 1992-1995. He was appointed to be the member of the Board of Directors in various private companies and has been a Board Member in Ciner Group Companies since 1996. ‹nanç fiENEL Mr. fienel firstly started to work in Koç Group and worked in Koçbank and Koç Yat›r›m between 1994-1998, Koç Holding between 1998-2002. He has been serving as Finance Director and has been a member of the Board of Directors in Ciner Group Companies since 2002. Ali Coflkun DUYAK Mr. Duyak firstly started to work in the Engineering Department of PARSAN in 1988 and then served as Project Coordinator in YAZEKS in 1993-1997. Duyak, served as Assistant General Manager in Park Tekstil in 1997-2002, at the same time served as the vice chairman and member of the Board of Directors in Ciner Group Companies since then. Ali Coflkun Duyak is still the General Manager of Ceytafl Madencilik. Biltekin ÖZDEM‹R Mr. Özdemir firstly started to work as Finance Inspector in 1962 and served as senior staff in various public institutions and organizations. Özdemir, being Samsun deputy between 1995 and 1999, was appointed to be Chairman of the Plan Budget Commission of the Turkish Grand National Assembly in the same years. Then, he was appointed to be the Vice Chairman of the Banking Regulatory and Supervisory Agency. He has been independent member of the Boards of Directors of Ciner Group Companies since 2004. Süleyman UYAN Mr. Uyan firstly started to work in the field of investment banking and served as Investment Banking Coordinator in Kentbank, Assistant General Manager in Kent Yat›r›m, Member of the Board of Directors in Kent Portföy Yönetimi, General Manager and Delegate Member of the Board of Directors of Riva Menkul De¤erler since 1996. Süleyman UYAN is active in the executive management of Ciner Group Companies since 2002. Süleyman UYAN is a member of Corporate Governance Association of Turkey. Ferzan Ç‹T‹C‹ Ferzan Çitici worked in various judicial levels for long years. Then, he was appointed to be ‹stanbul-Sar›yer Chief Prosecutor in 19891994, then ‹stanbul fiiflli Chief Prosecutor in 1994-1996 and lastly ‹stanbul Chief Public Prosecutor in 1996-2003 and afterwards he retired. Mr. Çitici still serves as independent member of the boards of directors of Ciner Group companies. Fercan AYKUTLU Fercan Aykutlu, firstly started to work as Account Specialist Assistant in 1987, was appointed to be Account Specialist in 1991. Aykutlu, subsequently appointed to be Chief Account Specialist in 1998, serves in the executive management of Ciner Group companies as of 2002. He has one published book called “Foreign Trade and Capital Companies” and several published articles on vocational matters. PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 14 BOARD OF AUDITORS Hakk› GÜLTEK‹N Authorities As per Article 17 of the Articles of Association, duties, authorities and responsibilities of the Auditors are within the frame of the principles set forth in the relevant articles of the Turkish Commercial Code. Hakk› Gültekin, a graduate of Department of Economics and Finance of the Faculty of Political Sciences, served as Chief Account Specialist in the Board of Account Specialists of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Turkey in 1982-1997. Gültekin, being Certified Public Accountant since 1997, is still working as auditor in Ciner Group. Duration 1 Years PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 15 ORDINARY GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING FOR THE YEAR 2006 OF PARK ELEKTR‹K MADENC‹L‹K SANAY‹ VE T‹CARET ANON‹M fi‹RKET‹ AGENDA: (*) 15% income tax shall not be deducted from cash dividend payments made to the fully fledged taxpayer legal entity shareholders and limited fledged taxpayer legal entity shareholders obtaining dividend through a work place or its permanent agency in Turkey. These shareholders are required to evidence their legal statuses to our Company by the ways set forth in Section (c) of General Communiqué on Corporate Tax Series No. 81 and Circular on Corporate Tax dated 06.01.2006 and numbered 20 until the commencement of the dividend payments. Otherwise, 15% Income Tax shall be deducted from the dividend amounts to be distributed to these shareholders. 1- Opening and organization of the Presidential Board. 2- Authorization of the Presidential Board for execution of the General Assembly Meeting Minutes. 3- Presentation, to the Shareholders at General Assembly for ratification, of appointment of Hulki Yakupo¤lu to the vacant Board of Directors membership of Gürsel Usta within the year. 4- Reading, discussing and ratifying the Activity Reports of the Board of Directors and reports of the Board of Auditors with respect to the activities for the year 2006. 5- Reading, analyzing and ratifying the Balance Sheet and Profit/Loss Statements for the year 2006. 1. Documents relating to General Assembly including Activity Report of the Company, financial statements, articles of association, General Assembly informatory document, Agenda of Ordinary General Assembly and Form of Proxy for Ordinary General Assembly were made available for review of the Shareholders as of the date of announcement. Relevant documents may be accessed at the Headquarters and on the website ( of the Company. 6- Discharge by the General Assembly of the members of the Board of Directors and Board of Auditors from the activities of the year 2006. 7- Presentation, to the General Assembly, for ratification of the matters of; - Setting aside NTL 1,584,786.33 as the initial legal reserve; - Distribution, on May 31, 2007, of NTL 6,240,000.00 as gross cash dividend upon consideration of minimum dividend rate determined at Meeting dated 18.01.2007 and numbered 2/53 of the Capital Market Board and dividend policy adopted within the frame of Resolution of the Board of Directors dated May 3, 2006 and numbered 17 and Corporate Governance Principles, 2. Total number of shares is 4,800,000,000.- Number of Class A Shares is 600,000,000.-; number of Class B Shares is 4,200,000,000. 3. Operation of the General Assembly: a. Entire of the shareholders would have one vote for each share. The shares are composed of two categories: Class A and Class B - Setting aside NTL 384,000.00 as second legal reserve, b. Hulki Yakupo¤lu was appointed to the vacant Board of Directors membership of Gürsel Usta within the year as per Article 315 of the Turkish Commercial Code and this appointment shall be submitted to the shareholders at the General Assembly for ratification. - Transfer of the balance of NTL 23,486,940.31 to the extraordinary legal reserve; Out of the net period profit of NTL 31,695,726.64 remained after deduction of payable taxes and legal liabilities from the period profit set forth in the financial statements issued as of December 31, 2006 according to the Tax Procedural Code. 4. Rights of the Shareholders at the General Assembly: 5. a. Shareholders are entitled to vote in proxy. There is no limitation relating to the number of votes, which the shareholders might cast at the General Assembly meeting. The form of proxy relating to voting in proxy may be accessed at the Headquarters or on the website ( ) of the Company. Table of Cash Dividend to be Distributed to the Share Certificates Total Dividend Amount (NTL) Gross 6,240,000.Net (*) 5,304,000.- Dividend to be Distributed to Each Share Having Dividend Nominal Value of NTL 1 Payment Amount (NTL) Rate % Date 13 13 May 31, 2007 11.05 11.05 b. Recommendations made by the shareholders holding shares representing at least one twentieth (1/20) of the Company Capital are taken into consideration by the Board of Directors in case they apply before issuance of the agenda of the General Assembly (Article 11 of the Articles of Association). c. Call for the meetings is subject to the provisions of Article 355, 365, 366 and (368) of the Turkish Commercial Code, relevant provisions of the capital market laws and regulations as well as Communiqué regarding Corporate Governance Principles issued by the Capital Market Board. According to Article 11 amended by Law No. 4487 of the Capital Market Law, minority rights shall be exercised by the shareholders representing at least one twentieth (1/20) of the paid-up capital (Article 11 of the Articles of Association). 8- Presentation, to the General Assembly for information, of the donations and aids made by the Company in 2006. 9- Election of the new Board of Directors and determination of their terms of office. 10- Election of the new Board of Auditors and determination of their terms of office. d. Each shareholder may individually request from the General Assembly to appoint independent auditor for specific examination and clarification of a material event. In case of rejection of such request, shareholders holding at least one twentieth (1/20) of the Capital may apply to the Court for appointment of an independent auditor for examination and clarification of the relevant event (Article 12 of the Articles of Association). 11- Presentation, to the General Assembly for ratification, of Kavram Denetim ve Yeminli Mali Müflavirlik Anonim fiirketi, which was elected for the years 2007-2008 by the Board of Directors resolution. 12- Determination of the remunerations of the members of the Board of Directors and Board of Auditors. 13- Submission of the Company's Dividend Distribution Policies adopted by the Board of Directors for the information of the General Assembly within the frame of the Corporate Governance Principles and Letter dated 27.01.2006 of the Capital Market Board. 14- Resolution by the General Assembly on enabling the Members of the Board of Directors to enter transactions and compete with the Company as set forth in Articles 334 and 335 of the Turkish Commercial Code. 15- Wishes and Closing. Regards, PARK ELEKTR‹K MADENC‹L‹K SANAY‹ VE T‹CARET PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 16 Park Elektrik Madencilik Sanayi ve Ticaret Annual Report 2006 9. There has been no material action filed against our Company. Our Company has not been exposed to any warning, notice or administrative fine by the public authorities. I. INTRODUCTION 1. Period of the Report 01.01.2006 - 31.12.2006 10. There has been no conflict of interest between the Company and institutions and organizations which offered services on the matters such as investment consultation, investment analysis and rating. 2. Commercial Title of the Company Park Elektrik Madencilik Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim fiirketi 3. Amendments to the Articles of Association within the Relevant Period a. No amendment was made to Articles of Association of the Company within the relevant period. b. No penalty was given to the Company for implementations contrary to the provisions of the laws and regulations within the relevant period. II. SECTORS IN WHICH THE COMPANY IS ACTIVE AND SHARE OF THE COMPANY IN THE RELEVANT SECTOR Global Copper Sector and Share of Park Elektrik in this Sector: COPPER Cooper, being a conductive raw material, has important rate of utilization in many sectors from construction to electronics and automotive to energy. In this sense, global copper production, with higher consumption demands, increased by 12.5% in 2000-2006. 4. Capital, Dividend Rates, Shareholding Structure • Registered Capital: NTL 60,000,000 • Issued Capital: NTL 48,000,000 a. Changes in the Capital Structure - No change in the capital structure within the relevant period. Distribution of global copper production on continental basis is as follows: North and South America realized 59.3% of global copper production in 2005. b. Changes in the Shareholding Structure - Shareholding structure was changed within the relevant period as follows: CONTINENTAL DISTRIBUTION OF GLOBAL COPPER PRODUCTION There is no reciprocal participation relation in our Company. Shareholding structure is as follows: Shreholding Structure 31/12/2006 Share Rate Park Holding Park Enerji Ekip. Mad. San. ve Tic. Others Total 43.94% 24.50% 31.56% 100.00% 18000 16000 31/12/2005 Share Rate 45.89% 24.50% 29.61% 100.00% 5. Istanbul Stock Exchange (ISE) and Park Elektrik in 2006 The ISE-100 Index started the year at 39,778 in 2006 and followed a rising trend within the first months of the year. The volatility in the FX rates in May and June led to a retreat in the ISE and the second half of the year witnessed consolidation back to the former highs. All in all, the ISE-100 index closed the year with a minor retreat at 39,117. The ISE-100's highest level within the year was 47,728, while its lowest level was 31,920. Total trade volume realized as NTL 313,831,565,567 and total number of shares traded was 88,901,416,303. 14000 Others 12000 Africa 10000 Asia 8000 Europe 6000 America 4000 Australia 2000 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Copper Production (000 tons) When considered the distribution of copper production in countries, Chile is the largest copper producer of the world and realized alone 35.8% of the global copper production in 2005. And Peru, a South American Country, increased the copper production at a higher level of 82% in 2000-2006. A closer look at the production trend in 19852005, reveals that while the share of Australia and America continents is increasing, share of Asia, Europe and Africa is declining. The shares of Park Elektrik followed a similar route, seeing their lowest level of the year at NTL 4.90 by the end of June. The share price was NTL 6.85 at the end of the year. The highest level reached for Park Elektrik shares was NTL 10.30 within the year. DISTRIBUTION OF COPPER IN COUNTRIES 12000 Trade volume in Park Elektrik shares realized as NTL 3,243,759,902. Number of Park Elektrik shares traded in the ISE was 412,471,074. Trade volume and number of shares traded in Park Elektrik rose 30.8% and 5.2%, respectively, in 2006 compared to the previous year. 10000 Australia 8000 Peru 6000 Indonesia 4000 USA 2000 6. Dividend Rates of the Last Three Years No dividend was distributed in the years 2004, 2005 and 2006. 0 Chili 2000 2001 Copper Production (000 tons) 7. Issued Securities None. 8. Rating of a Rating Agency There is no rating issued for our Company by any rating agency. PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 17 2002 2003 2004 2005 COPPER PRICES The general upward trend in commodity prices after 2002 also positively affected the copper prices; and in global markets, the price of the copper with an average of 2,866 USD/tons in 2004, increased to an average of 6,726 USD/tons in 2006. Although the copper price, which increased to 7,670 USD/tons, its highest level of the recent years, in the third quarter of 2006, regressed a little in the last quarter of 2006, the average of November 2006 reached 7,029 USD/tons and this average remained quite higher than that of 2005. AVERAGE COPPER PRICE 9000 8000 US$/tons 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2004 2005 2006 3Q05 4Q05 1Q06 2Q06 3Q06 Sep. Oct. Nov. 2006 2006 2006 Park Elektrik, in the second half of 2006, started to derive revenues from its copper mine, investments in which were initiated in Siirt Madenköy in 2004. Target of the Company is to reach copper concentrate production of 100,000 tons per annum. Copper concentrate of 9,271 dmt was shipped from Madenköy facilities in 2006. PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 18 2. Sales of our Company in 2006: 2. ACTIVITIES A- Investments: Our Company focused on its investment relating to copper ore extraction and processing, which started in 2004 in Siirt Madenköy, and commenced its concentrate copper production facilities in May 2006. January 1December 31, 2006 Coal Extraction Tons Coal Washing Tons Concentrate Copper Dmt (dry metric tones) The amount of the investment in Siirt Madenköy rose to NTL 49,709,322 as of year-end 2006 and NTL 6,764,673 of this amount is pre-production and development expenditure. The capacityincreasing investments are maintained. Incentive certificate, obtained for such purpose, was revised for an additional investment for capacity increase; list of machinery and equipment supplied in the country and amounting to NTL 19,872,911 and list of machinery and equipment supplied from abroad and amounting to USD 37,924,239 were ratified within the scope of the incentive certificate. Amount of the investment made within the scope of incentive by the date of December 31, 2006 reached NTL 2,723,789 and USD 11,830,613.- SALES PROCEEDS Domestic Sales - Coal Extraction Process - Coal Washing Process -Others Exports - Concentrate Copper Total Investment expenditure of total NTL 33,446,543, including the following items, was capitalized: NTL Lands : 199,000 Underground and Aboveground Arrangements : 2,342,106 Buildings : 5,670,736 Machinery-Facilities-Fixtures : 21,926,063 Transfer Vehicles : 211,827 Other Fixed Assets : 2,968 Special Costs : 668.054 Rights : 11.237 Research Expenditure : 343.682 Pre-Production and Development : 2.070.870 1,314,767 1,066,223 -19,6% -60,3% 12,600 - - - - Jan. 1, 2006 Dec. 31 2006 Jan. 1, 2005 Dec. 31, 2005 Change in % 23,370,657 19,124,391 1,476,662 2,769,604 16,723,115 16,723,115 40,093,772 27,729,925 22,004,466 3,585,009 2,140,450 27,729,925 -15.7% -13.1% -58.8% 29.4% 44.6% Liquid assets and net worth of Park Elektrik rose significantly in 2006. While 38.4% of the total assets were composed of current assets at the end of 2005, this rate increased to 72.1% at the end of 2006. On the other hand, net worth of the Company increased by 29.9% to NTL 129.9 million as a result of both Company's operations and the profit obtained from the sale of the shares in an affiliate. 1. Production of our Company in 2006: 1,057,536 423,047 9,271 The Company recorded a profit of NTL 37.6 million as a result of sale of its 45% stake in Tufanbeyli Ekektrik Üretim in Adana, Tufanbeyli. This sale positively affected the profitability and net profit of the Company for the year 2006 increased by 235% to NTL 31.7 million. B- Activities regarding Production of Goods and Services Our Company initiated in 2006 concentrate-copper production by firstly starting test production in May upon completion of the facilities where the copper ore, extracted from the mining zone in Siirt Madenköy, would be processed. In the meantime, our Company ended its coal extracting and washing activities in Çayirhan/Ankara upon termination, respectively on August 1, 2006 and December 1, 2006, of the agreements entered with the relevant companies. No change was made to the prices and conditions of the sale of the services compared to the previous years. Coal Extraction Tons Coal Washing Tons Concentrate Copper Dmt (dry metric tones) -19.6% -60.3% On the other hand, as a consequence of the increase in the operating expenses caused by initiation of production by the new facilities, net operating profit of the Company declined by 29% to NTL 6.1 million compared to 2005. EBITDA of the Company rose 10.1% to NTL 13.7 million in 2006. Our Company sold off, in May 2006, its 45% stake in Tufanbeyli Elektrik Üretim Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim fiirketi, resident in Ceyhan Town of Adana Province and planning to generate electricity through an electricity generation license for 30 years by establishing a Thermal Power Plant with a capacity of 300 MW. Change in % 1,314,767 1,066,223 C. INFORMATION ON FINANCIAL STRUCTURE Turnover of Park Elektrik increased by 45% to NTL 40.1 million compared to the year 2005. The Company ended, respectively on August 1, 2006 and December 1, 2006, its coal extracting and washing activities, which it conducted in Ankara-Çay›rhan as a subcontractor. The Company started production in the copper zone in Siirt Madenköy in 2006 and shipped out copper concentrate of 9,271 dmt in 2006. Considerable increase in the operating line originates from the proceeds gained from the copper zone in Madenköy where the Company had made investments in the past years. At the end of 2005, NTL 8,804,358, the amount of continuing investment, decreased to NTL 1,319,237 due to capitalization at the end of 2006. January 1December 31, 2005 1,057,536 423,047 Distribution, on the basis of product categories, of the sales made in the relevant year (NTL): Investments made in 2006: (NTL) January 1December 31, 2006 January 1December 31, Change in 2005 % PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 19 IV. BOARD OF DIRECTORS RATE AND AMOUNT OF SHAREHOLDING IN THE COMPANY'S CAPITAL MEMBERS DUTIES MEMBERSHIP PROFESSIONAL CATEGORIZATION EXPERIENCE CURRENT DUTIES Nalan ERKARAKAfi CHAIRWOMAN NON-EXECUTIVE • CMB (Capital Market Board), Specialist • Kentbank Assistant General Manager • Kent Yat›r›m General Manager • Riva Menkul De¤erler Chairwoman of the Board of Directors President of the Capital Markets Group in Park Holding and Chairwoman of the Board of Directors in Ciner Group Companies NONE Ali Coflkun DUYAK VICE CHAIRMAN NON-EXECUTIVE • Parsan Engineering Department • Park Tekstil Assistant General Manager Vice Chairman and Member of the Board of Directors in Ciner Group Companies and General Manager of Ceytafl NONE Fercan Aykutlu MEMBER NON-EXECUTIVE • Assistant Account Specialist, Account Specialist and Chief Account Specialist Member of the Boards of Directors of Ciner Group Companies NONE Süleyman UYAN MEMBER EXECUTIVE • Kentbank Investment Banking Coordinator • Kent Yat›r›m Assistant General Manager • Riva Menkul De¤erler General Manager and Member of the Board of Directors Member of the Boards of Directors of Ciner Group Companies NONE Hulki YAKUPO⁄LU MEMBER NON-EXECUTIVE • Press Counsultant of the Prime Ministry • Member of the Board of Directors in various companies Member of the Boards of Directors of Ciner Group Companies NONE Biltekin ÖZDEM‹R MEMBER NON-EXECUTIVE • Undersecretariat of Finance and Customs • Samsun Deputy • Vice President of the Banking Regulatory and Supervisory Agency Independent member of the Board of Directors of Ciner Group Companies NONE Ferzan Ç‹T‹C‹ MEMBER NON-EXECUTIVE • ‹stanbul Sar›yer Chief Prosecutor • ‹stanbul fiiflli Chief Prosecutor • ‹stanbul Chief Public Prosecutor Independent member of the Board of Directors of Ciner Group Companies NONE ‹nanç fiENEL MEMBER NON-EXECUTIVE • Worked in various positions and cadres in Koçbank • Koç Yat›r›m • Koç Holding Finance Director of Ciner Group NONE Ömer YENEL MEMBER NON-EXECUTIVE • Erke Mühendislik Chairman of the Board of Directors • Baflkent Elektrik Da¤›t›m Member of the Board of Directors • Association of Turkish Agriculture Cooperatives, Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Manager Member of the Boards of Directors of Ciner Group Companies NONE PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 20 a. There is no commercial or non-commercial business or transaction entered by the members of the board of directors, managers and shareholders directly or indirectly holding at least 5% of the Company capital with the Company and the other companies controlled by the Company. • Acts carefully and selectively in personnel employment; pays utmost attention to employment of the convenient candidates within the frame of the written and determined criteria; • Evaluates performance and awards higher performances; makes studies on increase of the efficiency; • Gives importance to training of the personnel; for this purpose makes training planning; • Procures secure work environment and conditions; • Use contemporary communication means to the maximum extent in order to increase communication with the personnel; • Makes career planning for its employees. b. Duties and responsibilities of the members of the Board of Directors are set forth in the Articles of Association. c. There is no contradiction with the rules established by the Company relating to the duties assumed by the members of the board of directors outside the Company. Human Resource Profile Profile of 354 employees working in our Company is as follows: d. Biltekin Özdemir and Ferzan Çitici are independent members of the Board of Directors of the Company as per the Corporate Governance Principles of the Capital Market Board. Declaration regarding independence of the relevant members is included in the Report of Compatibility with the Corporate Governance. 15% e. Monthly net salary of NTL 2,000 is paid to the independent members of the Board of Directors of the Company. 30% 55% f. Members of the Board of Directors do not hold capital market instruments issued by the Company. Education of the Personnel Others Lycee University g. There is no action filed against the members of the board of directors and managers relating to the activities of the Company. 3% h. There is no payment made or interest offered to the non-executive dependent members of the board of directors in cash such as salary, bonus, other regular and irregular payments and in kind such as share certificates, derivative instruments based on the share certificates, call options given within the scope of plans for offering share certificates to the employees, house or car the ownership of which is given and/or which is allocated for use. Female Male E- ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITIES Executive Staff of the Company: Title 97% Manager Appointment Date of Executive Member Süleyman UYAN Vice General Manager Tacigül ERDEM Investor Relations Director Bu¤ra BABAN Operations Manager ‹smail Hakk› ‹ÇYÜZ 06.10.2004 07.10.2002 26.04.2005 30.08.2006 Personnel and Worker Movements: Number of the Employees Dec. 31, 2006 Dec. 31, 2005 Siirt Madenköy Çay›rhan Merkez Edirne TOTAL Gender of the Personnel 334 10 10 354 Age of the Personnel 52 116 102 19-25 26-30 31-40 40-60 84 185 261 10 12 468 Collective Bargaining: The Company entered a collective bargaining agreement for the term between 01.01.2006 and 31.12.2007 with the Turkish Pitmen Trade Union relating to the workers in Çay›rhan Facilities, which were later on transferred to the group companies in 2006. There is no collective bargaining application in the other work places of the Company. F- HUMAN RESOURCE POLICY Human Resource Department is authorized to carry out works and studies relating to Human Resources. The department, in general terms, acts on the matters of human resources planning, training, career planning, personnel budget, employment-appointment, severance, performance evaluation, remuneration according to performance and measurement of the employee satisfaction. Rights and Benefits Provided to the Personnel and Workers: The personnel are provided with social benefits such as meal (at the work place), transportation (service) vehicle, payment during leave, fuel, marriage, birth, death and work place uniform benefits besides salary. 3- CONCLUSION The Company, within the scope of human resource policy implemented through its Human Resource Department; Net profit of our Company for 2006 was NTL 31,706,936 according to the financial statements issued based on international accounting standards. • Offers equal opportunities to all of its personnel and deals fairly with them PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 21 INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT ABOUT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR JANUARY 1, 2006 - DECEMBER 31, 2006 ACCOUNTING PERIOD OF PARK ELEKTR‹K MADENC‹L‹K SANAY‹ VE T‹CARET NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2006 (Amounts are expressed in New Turkish Liras unless otherwise indicated) PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 22 TABLE OF CONTENTS BALANCE SHEET INCOME STATEMENT STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY CASH FLOW STATEMENT NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 1 THE ORGANIZATION AND FIELD OF ACTIVITY OF THE COMPANY NOTE 2 THE FUNDEMANTALS OF THE DISCLOSURE OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 3 ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES AND VALUATION METHODS IMPLEMENTED NOTE 4 LIQUID ASSETS NOTE 5 MARKETABLE SECURIT‹ES NOTE 6 FINANCIAL LIABILITIES NOTE 7 TRADE RECEIVABLES AND PAYABLES NOTE 8 LEASES NOTE 9 RECEIVABLES DUE FROM/PAYABLES DUE TO RELATED PARTIES NOTE 10 OTHER RECEIVABLES AND PAYABLES NOTE 11 LIVESTOCK NOTE 12 INVENTORIES NOTE 13 RECEIVABLES AND PROGRESS PAYMENTS FROM ONGOING CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS NOTE 14 DEFERRED TAX ASSETS AND SHORT/LONG-TERM LIABILITIES NOTE 15 OTHER CURRENT/NON-CURRENT ASSETS AND SHORT/LONG TERM LIABILITIES NOTE 16 FINANCIAL ASSETS NOTE 17 POSITIVE/NEGATIVE GOODWILL NOTE 18 INVESTMENT PROPERTY NOTE 19 TANGIBLE ASSETS NOTE 20 INTANGIBLE ASSETS NOTE 21 ADVANCES RECEIVED NOTE 22 RETIREMENT PLANS NOTE 23 PROVISION FOR LIABILITIES NOTE 24 MINORITY INTEREST/MINORITY PROFIT-LOSS NOTE 25 CAPITAL/CAPITAL ADJUSTMENT FOR MUTUAL INVESTMENTS NOTE 26 CAPITAL RESERVES NOTE 27 PROFIT RESERVES NOTE 28 PRIOR YEARS' LOSSES NOTE 29 POSITION OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE BALANCES NOTE 30 GOVERNMENT INCENTIVES AND GOVERNMENT ASS‹STANCE NOTE 31 PROVISIONS, CONTINGENT ASSETS AND LIABILITIES NOTE 32 MERGERS NOTE 33 SEGMENT REPORTING NOTE 34 EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE SHEET DATE NOTE 35 DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS NOTE 36 OPERATING REVENUES NOTE 37 OPERATING EXPENSES NOTE 38 REVENUES/PROFIT OR EXPENSES/LOSSES FROM OTHER OPERATIONS NOTE 39 FINANCIAL EXPENSES NOTE 40 NET MONETARY GAIN/LOSS NOTE 41 TAXES NOTE 42 EARNINGS PER SHARE NOTE 43 CASH FLOW STATEMENT NOTE 44 OTHER IMPORTANT MATTERS THAT CARRY SIGNIFICANCE AND AFFECT THE EXPLICITNESS, INTERPRETABILITY AND COMPREHENSIBILITY OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 23 24 26 26 27 28 28 28 28 31 31 31 31 32 32 39 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 43 43 43 43 44 44 44 45 45 45 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 46 47 47 47 BALANCE SHEET AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2006 AND DECEMBER 31, 2005 NOTE REFERENCES CURRENT PERIOD DEC. 31, 2006 PREVIOUS PERIOD DEC. 31, 2005 ASSETS Current Assets Liquid Assets 4 Marketable Securities (Net) 5 Trade Receivables (Net) 7 Financial Leasing Receivables (Net) 8 Receivables Due From Related Parties (Net) 141.266.882 43.731.242 19.514.709 34.136.716 43.423 2.220.902 682.683 9 100.312.160 5.334.411 Other Receivables (Net) 10 714 43.990 Livestock (Net) 11 Inventories (Net) 12 6.822.534 923.045 Receivables From Construction Contracts (Net) 13 Deferred Tax Assets 14 545.451 253.285 Other Current Assets 15 Long-Term Assets - 11.850.412 2.313.689 54.590.009 70.098.844 Trade Receivables (Net) 7 425 425 Financial Leasing Receivables (Net) 8 - 1.714.660 Receivables Due From Related Parties (Net) 9 977.227 Other Receivables (Net) 10 - - Financial Assets (Net) 16 15 26.742.773 Positive / Negative Goodwill (Net) 17 - 450.746 Investment Property (Net) 18 - - Tangible Assets (Net) 19 40.153.377 27.199.973 Intangible Assets (Net) 20 12.799.218 12.871.878 Deferred Tax Assets 14 592.815 1.079.036 Other Long-Term Assets 15 Total Assets The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 24 66.932 39.353 195.856.891 113.830.086 BALANCE SHEET AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2006 AND DECEMBER 31, 2005 NOTE REFERENCES CURRENT PERIOD DEC. 31, 2006 PREVIOUS PERIOD DEC. 31, 2005 56.882.091 8.321.167 LIABILITIES Short Term Liabilities Financial Liabilities (Net) 6 36.994.100 - Principal Install. and Interests of Long Term Loans (Net) 6 735.854 735.854 Payables of Leases (Net) 8 - - Trade Payables (Net) 7 6.671.541 3.910.057 Payables Due to Related Parties (Net) 9 479.726 632.045 Provision for Liabilities 23 10.685.200 2.052.647 Defferred Tax Liability 14 - - Other Liabilities (Net) 10 1.315.670 990.564 Long Term Liabilities Financial Liabilities (Net) 6 9.065.815 5.523.607 977.227 1.714.660 Payables of Leases (Net) 8 - - Trade Payables (Net) 7 5.149.576 2.322.226 Payables Due to Related Parties (Net) 9 - - Provision for Liabilities 23 2.939.012 1.486.721 14 - - Defferred Tax Liability MINORITY INTEREST 24 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Capital 25 129.908.985 99.985.312 48.000.000 48.000.000 Capital Adjustment of Mutual Investment 25 - - Capital Reserves 26 41.882.550 41.882.545 41.882.545 41.882.545 Issue Premium From Participations Equity Translation Differences 26 5 - Profit Reserves 27 8.319.499 1.275 Legal Reserves Extraordinary Reserves Special Reserve Net Period Profit/Loss Prior Years' Profit/Loss 28 Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 25 451.154 - 7.867.370 - 975 1.275 31.706.936 9.451.812 - 649.680 195.856.891 113.830.086 INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE PERIODS JANUARY 1-DECEMBER 31, 2006 AND JANUARY 1-DECEMBER 31, 2005 NOTE REFERENCES OPERATING REVENUES Sales Revenues (Net) Cost of Sales (-) Other Revenues From Operations (Net) GROSS OPATING PROFIT / LOSS Operating Expenses (-) NET OPERATING PROFIT / LOSS Revenues and Profit From Other Operations Expenses and Losses From Other Operations (-) Financial Expeneses (-) / Revenues (+) OPERATING PROFIT / LOSS Net Monetary Gain / Loss MINORITY PROFIT / LOSS EARNINGS BEFORE TAX Taxes NET PERIOD PROFIT / LOSS EARNINGS / LOSS PER SHARE The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. CURRENT PERIOD JANUARY 1 DECEMBER 31, 2006 40.093.772 40.093.772 (21.389.177) 109.897 18.814.492 (12.715.716) 6.098.776 42.344.514 (6.083.084) (2.058.012) 40.302.194 40.302.194 (8.595.258) 31.706.936 0,00661 36 36 36 37 38 38 39 40 24 41 42 PREVIOUS PERIOD JANUARY 1 DECEMBER 31, 2005 27.729.925 27.729.925 (13.065.231) 166.482 14.831.176 (6.232.986) 8.598.190 2.772.506 (3.872.962) 4.138.563 11.636.297 11.636.297 (2.184.485) 9.451.812 0,00197 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2006 Balance as of Dec. 31, 2005 Adjustments Reserves Consolidated Profit/Loss Adjustment of Participation Issue Premium From Participations Net Period Profit (or Loss) Dividends Distributed Revaluation Fund Amortization of Reval. Fund Balance as of Dec. 31, 2006 Capital Equity Translation Differences Issue Premium From Part. Reval. Fund Legal Reserves 48.000.000 41.882.545 - 1.275 451.154 Extraor. Reserves Net Period Profit (or Loss) Prior Years' Profits 7.867.370 (1.782.968) 5 48.000.000 41.882.545 (300) 975 5 451.154 7.867.370 Total 10.101.492 99.985.312 (8.318.524) (8.318.524) 8.318.524 (1.782.968) 31.706.936 5 31.706.936 9.451.812 (300) - 129.908.985 STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2005 Balance as of Dec. 31,2004 Adjustments Net Period Profit (or Loss) Dividends Distributed Revaluation Fund Amortization of Reval. Fund Balance as of Dec. 31, 2005 Capital Equity Translation Differences Issue Premium From Part. Reval. Fund Legal Reserves Extraor. Reserves 48.000.000 41.882.545 - - - - 48.000.000 41.882.545 1.500 (225) 1.275 - PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 26 - - Net Period Profit (or Loss) Prior Years' Profits Total 649.680 90.532.225 9.451.812 9.451.812 9.451.812 1.500 (225) 99.985.312 649.680 CASH FLOW STATEMENT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2006 Note Ref. Current Period December 31, 2006 A- CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 1- Net Profit Previous Period December 31, 2005 (29.517.204) 42 2- Depreciaton Expense 75.127.243 31.706.936 9.451.812 7.628.255 3.872.898 Depreciation of Tangible Assets 19 4.461.353 2.748.070 Depreciation of Intangible Assets 17-20 3.166.902 1.124.828 3- Provision for Severance Pay + Vacation Rights 23 1.452.291 4- Provision for Doubtful Receivables 7 - 5.000 (110.667.989) 59.028.916 (5.237.353) (429.905) 6.802.639 6.617.270 - - 5- Change in Trade Transactions and Other Receivables 6- Chamge in Inventories 7- Change in Trade Payables 8- Change in Working Capital 9-Income From Long-Term Investment 10- Taxes and Similar Liabilities Paid 23 11- Gain/Loss on Sale of Tangible Assets 12-Adjustment Differences of Goodwill and Participation 38 396.159 40.437.708 - (1.979.503) (1.586.553) 339.812 6.222 - (1.782.967) 13- Changes in Marketable Securities - (43.391) 14- Changes in Other Assets - (408.218) B- CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES (19.997.503) (41.638.751) 1- Purchases of Tangible Assets 19 (19.639.378) (13.265.566) 2- Purchases of Intangible Assets 20 (2.164.388) (3.443.736) - (25.410.542) 1.806.263 481.093 3- Changes in Other Investment Activities 16-17 4- Cash Inflows From Sales of Tangible Assets 5- Net Book Value of Tangible Assets Sold 19 - - - - C- CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES 36.256.668 798.885 1- Net Changes in Financial Liabilities 36.994.100 - - - 6- Net Book Value of Intangible Assets Sold 2- Interest Received 3- Interest Paid - - 4- Dividends Paid - - 737.432 (798.885) (13.258.039) 32.689.607 34.136.716 1.456.659 (1.363.968) (9.550) 19.514.709 34.136.716 5- Cash Payment For Bank Loans Received NET INCREASE / DECREASE OF CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS BEGINNING BALANCE OF CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 4 Effect of Foreign Exchange Differences and Interest Accruals on Cash and Banks ENDING BALANCE OF CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 4 PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 27 Offsetting The assets and liabilities in the financial statements are not eliminated for each other excluding the situations permitted and obliged in The Communique Serial: XI Number: 25. The revenue and expense items are eliminated for each other only for the situations stated in accounting standards. NOTE 1- THE ORGANIZATION AND THE OPERATIONS OF THE COMPANY Park Elektrik Madencilik Sanayi ve Ticaret (the Company) was founded in 1994 and its field of activity is to explore and extract as well as to process all kinds of mines, ores and their derivatives; to process, purify and refine all kinds of metals and materials produced from metals; to set up and operate cogeneration power stations in order to meet the need for electricity, energy and steam, to sell the energy surplus, to produce all kinds of fibers from glass metal and metal derivatives and to manufacture all kinds of products from these fibers, to set up, operate, cause to be operated or sell power stations for the generation and distribution of electricity. Classifications In the previous periods' financial statements some classifications are made in order to provide consistency with current period. NOTE 3- ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES AND VALUATION METHODS IMPLEMENTED The significant acconting principles implemented in the preparation of financial statements are as follows: 29,17% of the shares of the publicly held Company is traded on the ‹stanbul Stock Exchange (ISE). Revenue Revenue is recognized when the delivery is performed, when the amount of revenue can be measured reliably, and when it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the entity. Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable on accrual basis. Net sales item is calculated as the deduction of sales returns and sales discounts from sales item. In export sales the significant risks and rewards are transferred with delivery. However in domestic sales, the significant risks and rewards are transferred with delivery or when the legal title passes to the buyer. Interest revenue is recognized using effective interest method, dividend revenue is recognized when the shareholder's right to receive payment is established. (Note:36). The Company has service sales of coal extraction, coal washing and other labour operations for January-December period of the year 2006, which constitute 57% of gross sales. The legal headquarters of the Company is at Paflaliman› Caddesi No:73 Üsküdar/‹STANBUL. As of December 31, 2006, the Company has 354 employees and it has a branch established on 05.04.2006 at the address of Madenköy-fiirvan/S‹‹RT under the name “Park ElektrikMadencilik Sanayi ve Ticaret Madenköy Branch” to produce concentrated copper and an idle textile plant located at Kap›kule yolu üzeri ED‹RNE. (Number of employees as of December 31, 2005: 468) Shareholders holding 10% and more of the capital of the Company are - Park Holding - Park Enerji Ekipmanlar› Madencilik San. ve Tic. The controlling shareholder of the undertaking is Park Holding with a capital share of 43,94%. In the revenue item of the Company, potential losses of guarantee costs and revenues generated by barter is not available. NOTE 2-THE FUNDEMANTALS OF THE DISCLOSURE OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Inventories Inventories are measured at the lower of cost assigned by using weihted average method and net realizable value. (Net realizable value is the estimated selling price less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs necessary to make the sale). Cost involves cost of direct materials, labour and manufacturing overhead, whereas it does not involve borrowing costs. (Note:12) The Accounting Principles Implemented The legitimate records of the Company are kept in conformity with Turkish Commercial Code and the accounting principles determined by tax legislation. The attached financial statements as in conformity with Serial: XI No:25 with the purpose of disclosure include some adjustments and classifications including the changes in the purchasing power of New Turkish Lira. With the decree dated March 17, 2005, CMB announced that the implementation of inflation accounting is no longer necessary beginning from January 1, 2005. The financial statements and footnotes are prepared in conformity with the forms that are put in force to be implemented by the announcement of CMB dated December 20, 2004. Tangible Assets The tangible assets are disclosed with their inflation adjusted values (to December 31,2004) according to acquisition date. Tangible assets excluding Land are carried with cost method according to the 7. section of The Communique Serial: XI Number: 25. Tangible assets are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment loss. Depreciation is calculated over the adjusted values of tangibles, excluding land having an infinite useful life, on straightline basis. Tangible assets are depreciated over the following useful lives: (Note:19) The Communique Serial: XI Number: 25 on “The Accounting Principles In Capital Markets”, issued in November 15, took effect on the date it was published to be valid from the first intermediate financial statements that expired after January 1, 2005. The attached financial statements were prepared according to the provisions of the said communiqué. Buildings Underground and Aboveground Structures Property, Plant and Equipment Vehicles Furniture and Fixtures Other Tangible Assets There are no periodical or seasonal changes that could have a significant effect on the operations of the Company. The Company has prepared the comparative balance sheet as of December 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005, the comparative income statement for the period January 1 - December 31, 2006 and for January 1 - December 31, 2005 and comparative statement of changes in shareholders' equity and comparative statement of cash flow for the period January 1 - December 31, 2006 and for January 1 December 31, 2005. Useful Life 10-50 Years 8-20 Years 4-15 Years 4-12 Years 4-16 Years 4 Years The gain or losses arising from sale of tangible assets are included in the related revenue and expense accounts. The charges of maintenance and repairment can be recognized as expenses while the expenditures that increase the performance of tangibles are capitalized. PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 28 Intangible Assets The intangible assets are disclosed with their inflation adjusted values (to December 31,2004) according to acquisition date. Intangible Assets are carried with cost method pursuant to 7th section of The Communique Serial: XI Number: 25. Intangible assets are carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment loss. Depreciation is calculated over the adjusted values of intangibles on straight-line basis. Intangible assets are depreciated over the useful lives: (Note: 20) Financial Assets: For the financial instruments traded in the stock exchange, the fair value is determined by using the value in the stock exchange market or market value. Within this framework, pursuant to the CMB letter dated May 18, 2005 number 288-12335, the securities and other financial instruments are to be measured with the prices published by the ISE. For the instruments the market value of which is not known, the fair value becomes the book value. The financial assets are recorded with their book values on the basis of their transaction date. Useful Life During the reporting periods following the first date of entry, those financial assets which the Company has the intention and power to hold until maturity are valued at their discounted acquisition values to account for any impairment. Rights (Trademarks, licences, copyrights, patent, softwares etc.) Special Costs 2-16 Years 3-25 Years Impairment Impairment loss is calculated when the estimated replacement value of an asset or a cash-generating unit exceeds the recorded value of tangible and intangible assets. The estimated replacement value of an asset or a cash-generating unit is the higher of its sales value and its value in use. Value in use is the present value of the sum of future cash flows expected to be derived from an asset or cash-generating unit and sales value at the end of useful life. The financial assets not classified as held-to-maturity assets are investments for ordinary purchase-sale and available-for-sale financial assets and they are measured with the carrying value in the balance sheet date. The unrealized gains and losses on investments for ordinary purchase-sale are disclosed in period profit or loss, whereas, unrealized gains and losses of available-for-sale financial assets are disclosed under equity section until it is decided whether to sell or bear continuous impairment. In case of sale or impairment, the cumulative profit or loss previously realized is transferred to period profit or loss. Borrowing Costs The interest expenses directly related with the purchase, construction and production of the qualifying assets (The assets, which require substantial time for rendering ready for use and sale) should be involved in the cost of that asset until the asset is ready for use or sale. Trade receivables and trade payables: The trade receivables, in the scope of 11th section of the Communique Serial: XI Number: 25, are disclosed as the net realizable value measured with effective interest method less provision for doubtful receivables. The provisions of doubtful receivables are calculated by taking into consideration the uncollected receivables, guarantees received, the previous experiences and current economic circumstances. The receivables the collection of which has become doubtful, should be realized as loss during the year such doubtful state has emerged. All the other financial expenses are disclosed in the income statement at the date of occurance. Financial Instruments The financial instruments are to be measured at fair value in conformity with the 11th section of the Communique Serial: XI Number: 25. Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm's length transaction. The market value of a financial instrument, in the availability of an active market, is equal to the amount to be received in sale or to the loan received to finance the purchase. Receivables Due From/Payables Due to Related Parties: The carrying values of such receivables and payables are assumed as the realistic values. Loans: Bank loans are recorded as the amount of loans less transaction expenses as of the date they are obtained. Bank loans are recorded at discounted acquisition value with effective interest method later on. After the transaction expenses are deducted, the difference between the residual amount and the discounted acquisition value is disclosed in the income statement as financial cost during the period of the loan.The financial cost arising from loans are disclosed in the income statement. (Note.6) The fair value of financial instruments are determined by the Company by using market information and applicable valuation methods. However, interpretation of financial data used in the determination of the fair value is required. Therefore, the estimates presented in this report may not correspond to such values the Company may obtain under current market conditions should it dispose of its assets The Company uses financial instruments that carry off-balance sheet risk like letter of credit, etc. during its ordinary operations. The possible losses which the Company may sustain from these instruments is equal to the contract value of these financial instruments. Bank deposits, receivables, contingent commitments such as letters of guarantee and letters of credit, and other financial instruments such as forward transactions are significant financial instruments that can affect the financial position of the Company negatively in case the other party does not fullfil the contractual provisions. Below are the methods and assumptions taken into consideration in determining the fair value of financial instruments: Foreign Currency Denominated Transactions: The foreign currency denominated transactions are translated to NTL with the foreign exchange rate prevailing at the date of transactions. The monetary assets and liabilities are translated by using foreign currency buying rates fixed by the Republic of Turkey Central Bank at the date of the balance sheet. The revenues and expenses are included in the financial revenue and expense items. (Note: 4 ,6, 7) Cash and Banks: Cash and banks account comprise of cash, demand and time deposits in banks. In case the cash and banks account is denominated in foreign exchange, it is expressed in NTL translated with the foreign exchange rate at the end of the period. The current value of cash and deposit in banks reflect the fair value of the stated assets. Risk of Collection: The risk of collection mainly arises from trade receivables. Trade receivables, are calculated by taking into consideration the prior experiences of the Company with the customers and the current economic circumstances, that will provide the disclosure of net value of trade receivables with the provision for doubtful receivables recognized. The book value of some financial assets that equal their acquisition value, is assumed to reflect the fair value because they are short-term assets. PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 29 Price Risk: The Company is exposed to foreign exchange rate flactuations. The export and import transactions of the Company are performed with foreign currencies. The interest rates of the bank loans received change in parallel with the market interest rates. This exposes the Company to interest rate fluctuations in domestic and foreign markets. When the change in the accounting policy affects the current term or the previous terms, such policy change shall be applied to the financial statements retrospectively. Certain financial statement items also include estimated amounts due to prevailing uncertainties in the activities of the undertaking. Estimates are revised in case a change occurs in the conditions under which such estimation is made or new information is acquired or any further developments emerge. In the event the effect of such change in the accounting estimate relates only to a single term, it is reflected on the financial statements during the current term such change is made and in the event it relates to future terms, it is reflected both during the term such change is made as well as in future terms prospectively in a manner to be taken into account for determining the net term profit or loss. Liquidity Risk: The Company provides funds by converting its shortterm financial instruments into cash (eg. collection from customers, disposal of marketable securities). The proceeds are recorded with their realistic values. Offsetting: Financial assets and liabilities are disclosed after reciprocal elimination if one of the following circumstances exists: In case the Company has the right to offset legitimately, or it can be provided with net amount, or the collection is possible, or the acquisition of asset and fulfillment of the liability are performed simultaneously. Errors may include mathematical errors, misapplication of accounting policies, misinterpretation of or inattention to information relating to the financial statements of the Company. In case the Company becomes aware of a potential error, the corrected amount of the relevant error is adjusted on the financial statements retrospectively. Mergers: None. (December 31, 2005; None.) The Effects of Changes In Foreign Exchange Rates In the legitimate records of the Company, the transactions recorded with foreign exchanges (currency units other than NTL) are translated into New Turkish Liras at the exchange rates at the dates of the transactions. Assets and liabilities in foreign exchange are translated into New Turkish Liras at the closing rate. The resulting foreign exchange gains and losses due to the translation and the collection and payment of foreign currency transactions are disclosed in the income statement. Leases The Company recognizes financial leases as assets and liabilities in the balance sheet at the lower of the fair value of the leased property or the present value of the minimum lease payments. When calculating the current value of the minimum lease payments, the implicit interest rate applicable to the leasing is primarily taken as the basis and in the event no such implicit interest rate can be determined, the marginal borrowing interest rate of the lessee is taken as the basis. As of December 31, 2005, the Company does not have any leased properties. Earnings Per Share Earnings per share is calculated by dividing profit or loss attributable to ordinary equity holders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding. Related Parties In the financial statements, the shareholders of the Company, the companies in which they have ownership, the directors, and the other groups known to be in relation are defined as “related parties”. (Note: 9) Events After The Balance Sheet Date Events after the balance sheet date are those events, favourable and unfavourable, that occur between the balance sheet date and the date when the financial statements are authorized for issue. The two types of events that should be explained in the notes are as follows: Segment Reporting The Company is predominantly operating solely in the mining sector and is engaged in coal mining-cleaning and concentrated copper production at home. All the assets and production facilities of the Company are in Turkey. The Company does not effectuate any foreign sales in connection with concentrated copper. (a) Those that provide evidence of conditions that existed at the balance sheet date (adjusting events after the balance sheet date) (b) Those that are indicative of conditions that arose after the balance sheet date (non-adjusting events after the balance sheet date) Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets Provisions are calculated in the circumstances when there is a present obligation arising from past events, the settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow from the entity of resources embodying economic benefits. (Note:31) Government Grants and Government Assistance The Company includes all governmental incentives including those non-monetary governmental incentives that are followed up over their fair value as and when there is reasonable assurance that such incentives can be obtained. Even when they are obtained in cash or in such manner so as to decrease any liability towards the government, governmental incentives are shown on the financial statements in the same manner. Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets; The possible assets and liabilities that arise from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurance or non-occurance of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the entity are not dislosed in financial statements. (Note:31) Income Taxes Income tax item comprises of the aggregate changes in respect of current tax and deferred taxes. The Company calculates the current and deferred taxes in conformity with the 28th section of the Communique Serial: XI Number: 25 Accounting Policies, Changes In Accounting Estimates and Errors The Company may make changes in its accounting policies in the event the effects of the transactions and events on the financial situation, performance or cash flows are of a nature that shall result in a more convenient and reliable presentation of financial statements. When the implementation of such change affects the future terms, such policy change shall be applied to financial statements during the term the change is made. In the financial statements presented, tax provision is calculated over the Income Tax liability estimated from the results of the period. The Income Tax liability is to be calculated over the tax base after the addition of expenses that are not permitted to be deducted from tax base by tax legislation and the deduction of exceptions and allowances that the tax legislation permits. PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 30 Deferred tax assets and liabilities are the amouns of corporate income taxes that should be realized in respect of the taxable temporary differences. Deferred tax liability, is recognized for every taxable temporary differences, whereas, deferred tax asset is recognized only if the resultant asset is expected to be recovered or settled, and a taxable profit is expected to be realized in the future. Deferred tax asset and liability is calculated as the liability which has to exist on the basis of timing differences which arise due to different evaluation of certain income and expense items in respect of accounting and taxation. Deferred tax liability is calculated for all taxable timing differences that may arise whereas the deferred tax asset is recorded only when such asset to arise is expected to be redeemed and a taxable profit is expected to be generated in the future. Deferred tax is calculated over the tax ratios applicable during the term the assets emerge or liabilities are discharge and recorded on the income statement as an expense or income. Provided they are subject to the tax legislation of the same country and in the event a legally enforceable right exists to set off current tax assets from current tax liabilities, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are set off mutually (Note: 14). Of the long-term bank loans, totaling 36.994.100 NTL, 36.691.896 NTL is transferred to the use of Park Holding, 1.713.081 NTL long-term bank loan and principal and interest payments of the longterm loan is transferred to the use of the Group Company, Park Teknik Elektrik Madencilik Turizm Sanayi ve Ticaret The principal and interest payments are reflected to the above mentioned companies. Therefore, no related revenue and expense items are recognized in the attached financial statements. The short-term bank loans are as follows: Foreign Currency USD USD Interest Rate % 8,00 8,37 Amount of Foreign Currency 26.104.081 215.000 Dec. 31, 2006 36.691.896 302.204 36.994.100 The principal installations of long-term bank loans are as follows: Employee Benefits: Provision for severance pay expresses the present value of expected future liabilities that will occur with the retirement of employees as embodied in Turkish Labour Law. (Note:23). For the vacations not used, provision for vacation rights are calculated and presented in the attached financial statements. Retirement Plans: None. (December 31, 2005; None.) Foreign Currency USD Amount of Foreign Currency 461.472 Dec. 31, 2006 735.854 735.854 Foreign Currency USD Amount of Foreign Currency 461.472 Dec. 31, 2005 735.854 735.854 Agricultural Activities: None. (December 31, 2005; None.) Long-Term bank loans are as follows: Cash Flow Statement The cash flows of the period are reported as operating, investment and financing activities Foreign Currency USD Interest Rate % 7.50 Amount of Foreign Currency 615.284 Dec. 31, 2006 977.227 977.227 Foreign Currency USD Interest Rate % 7.50 Amount of Foreign Currency 1.076.756 Dec. 31, 2005 1.714.660 1.714.660 NOTE 4- LIQUID ASSETS Dec. 31, 2006 Cash 5.355 Demand deposits in NTL 14.105 Time deposits in NTL 2.181.105 Demand deposits in foreign exchange 407.443 Time deposits in foreign exchange 16.896.701 Other Liquid Assets 10.000 Total 19.514.709 Dec. 31, 2005 885 6.968 6.505.076 4.083.397 23.540.390 34.136.716 NOTE 7- TRADE RECEIVABLES AND PAYABLES (NET) Short-Term Trade Receivables Trade Receivables Notes Receivable Rediscount on Receivables Deposits and Guarantees Given Other Trade Receivables Doubtful Trade Receivables Provision for Doubtful Trade Receivables Total NOTE 5 - MARKETABLE SECURITIES As of December 31, 2006 the Company does not have marketable securities with the intention of buying-selling. December 31, 2005 Type of Marketable Security Mutual Fund Method of Valuation Acquisition (Effective Interest Cost Method/ Fair Value) 43.391 Fair Value Amount After Valuation 43.423 Dec. 31, 2006 36.994.100 Dec. 31, 2005 - 735.854 977.227 38.707.181 735.854 1.714.660 2.450.514 Dec. 31, 2005 132.538 556.353 (8.654) 1.997 449 118.778 (125.696) 2.220.902 (118.778) 682.683 Provision is calculated for the collections which are not expected to be fulfilled. The movements of provision for doubtful receivables are as follows: Dec. 31, 2006 Dec. 31, 2005 Beginning Balance 118.778 131.437 Period Expense Collections in the Period (5.000) Receivables Abandoned (3.157) Foreign Exchange Difference 6.918 (4.502) Ending Balance 125.696 118.778 Appreciation 32 NOTE 6- FINANCIAL LIABILITIES Short Term Bank Loans Principal Installations and Interests of Long-Term Loans Long-Term Bank Loans Total Dec. 31, 2006 2.152.781 70.380 (30.811) 28.191 361 125.696 The cheques received and term receivables are rediscounted based on the rates specified in the contract / market interest rates / the effective interest rate of the government securities as of the balance sheet date in case they are denominated in NTL and based on the LIBOR RATE in case they are denominated in foreign exchange. PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 31 Information relating to the rediscount calculation is as follows: Cheques NTL Receivables USD Receivables EUR Rediscount Base 70.380 1.517.351 619 Rediscount Rate The Eff. Int. Ra. of Gov. Sec. and LIBOR The Eff. Int. Ra. of Gov. Sec. and LIBOR The Eff. Int. Ra. of Gov. Sec. and LIBOR Rediscount Amount 1.322 29.398 91 30.811 Long-Term Trade Receivables Deposits and Guarantees Given December 31, 2006 425 425 December 31, 2005 425 425 Short-Term Trade Payables Short-term trade payables Rediscount on payables Other trade payables Total December 31, 2006 6.750.912 (87.962) 8.591 6.671.541 December 31, 2005 3.912.956 (11.490) 8.591 3.910.057 The term payables are rediscounted based on the rates specified in the contract / market interest rates / the effective interest rate of the government securities as of the balance sheet date in case they are denominated in NTL and based on the LIBOR RATE in case they are denominated in foreign exchange. Information relating to the rediscount calculation is as follows: Term Payables -NTL Term Payables -USD Term Payables -EUR Long Term Trade Payables Long-Term Trade Payables Rediscount on Payables Total Rediscount Base 3.413.670 27.032 1.397.675 Rediscount Rate The Eff. Int. Ra. of Gov. Sec. and LIBOR LIBOR The Eff. Int. Ra. of Gov. Sec. and LIBOR and Contract Interest Rate December 31, 2006 5.376.238 (226.662) 5.149.576 Rediscount Amount 21.560 1.215 65.187 87.962 December 31, 2005 2.479.975 (157.749) 2.322.226 The cheques given, term payables, and notes payable are rediscounted based on the rates specified in the contract / market interest rates / the effective interest rate of the government securities as of the balance sheet date in case they are denominated in NTL and based on the LIBOR RATE in case they are denominated in foreign exchange. Information relating to the rediscount calculation is as follows: Term Payables -EURO Rediscount Base 2.903.720 Rediscount Rate Contract Interest Rate Rediscount Amount 226.662 226.662 NOTE 8- LEASES As of December 31, 2006; the Company does not have any lease receivables and payables. (December 31, 2005;None.) NOTE 9-RECEIVABLES DUE FROM/PAYABLES DUE TO RELATED PARTIES a. Receivables Due From and Payables Due to Related Parties: The receivables due from and payables due to related parties disclosed in current and long-term assets are as follows: aa)Current Assets: Receivables Due From Related Companies/Parties Name-Surname/Title Park Holding Park Enerji Ekip. Maden. San. Tic. Tufanbeyli Elektrik Üretim Park Termik Elektrik San ve Tic. Park Demir Maden Tic. Park Teknik Elekt. Maden. Turizm San.Tic. Nature of Relationship Shareholder Shareholder Participation Investment Group Company Group Company Rediscount Total PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 32 December 31, 2006 91.521.068 37.850 405.075 364.596 8.814.743 101.143.332 -831.172 100.312.160 December 31, 2005 328.616 17.876 35.539 1.774.385 282.145 2.956.963 5.395.524 -61.113 5.334.411 The explanations about the calculation of rediscount on related party balances in the current assets are as follows: Rediscount Base 45.062.625 USD Rediscount Rate The Eff. Int. Ra. of Gov. Sec. and LIBOR Rediscount Amount 831.172 831.172 The term receivables are rediscounted based on the rates specified in the contract / market interest rates / the effective interest rate of the government securities as of the balance sheet date in case they are denominated in NTL and based on the LIBOR RATE in case they are denominated in foreign exchange. ab) Long-Term Assets: Receivables Due From Related Companies/Parties Name-Surname/Title -Park Teknik Elekt. Maden. Turizm San. Tic. Nature of Relationship Group Company December 31, 2006 977.227 977.227 December 31, 2005 1.714.660 1.714.660 December 31, 2005 137.747 40.570 312.763 491.080 (11.354) 479.726 December 31,2004 449.955 53.925 141.088 644.968 (12.923) 632.045 ac) Current Liabilities: Payables Due to Related Companies/Parties Name-Surname/Title -Ceytafl Madencilik Tekstil San. ve Tic. -Havafl Turizm Seyahat ve Kargo Tafl›mac›l›¤› -Park Sig. Ara. Hiz. Ltd. fiti. Total Rediscount Total Nature of Relationship Group Company Group Company Group Company Information relating to the rediscount calculation on related party balances in the current payables are as follows: Rediscount Base 126.862 USD 312.763 YTL Rediscount Rate The Eff. Int. Ra. of Gov. Sec. and LIBOR The Eff. Int.Ra. of Gov. Sec. and LIBOR Rediscount Amount 2.358 8.996 11.354 The term payables are rediscounted based on the rates specified in the contract / market interest rates / the effective interest rate of the government securities as of the balance sheet date in case they are denominated in NTL and based on the LIBOR RATE in case they are denominated in foreign exchange. b. Amount of Guarantees and Mortgages Received or Given In Favor of Related Parties There is no amount of guarantees, warranties and subscriptions received or given in the favor of related parties (December 31, 2005-None) PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 33 c. Amount of Bailment, Warranties and Subscriptions Received or Given In The Favor of Related Parties December 31, 2006 Bailment/ Nature of Received/ Warranty/ Related Party Relationship Given Subscription -Park Holding - Park Enerji Ekip. - Turgay Ciner Shareholder Received Bailment - NTL -Park Holding - Park Termik Turgay Ciner Shareholder Group Company Received Bailment - USD -Park Holding - Park Teknik Shareholder Received Bailment - USD Turgay Ciner - Ceytafl Group Company Received Bailment - NTL -Park Holding - Park Termik Shareholder Park Teknik - Turgay Ciner - Ceytafl Group Company Received Bailment - NTL -Park Holding - Park Termik - Park Teknik Shareholder Bailment - NTL -Turgay Ciner - Park Yat›r›m Holding Group Company Bailment - USD Park Enerj Ekipmanlar› Mad. Received Bailment - EUR Bailment - CHF -Park Termik Park Teknik Shareholder Received Bailment - NTL Turgay Ciner Group Company Bailment - USD -Turgay Ciner Shareholder Received Bailment - NTL Total Received Bailment - NTL Total Received Bailment - USD Total Received Bailment - EURO Total Received Bailment - CHF -Park Holding Shareholder -Park Enerji E. Mad.San. ve Tic. -Turgay Ciner -Park Teknik Elekt. Mad. Turizm Tic. Shareholder Shareholder Group Company -Merkez Yay›n Holding Group Company -MTV Merkez Televizyon -Park Denizcilik Hopa Liman ‹fll. -Park Termik Elektrik Tic. -Park Yat›r›m Holding Group Company Group Company Group Company Group Company -Eti Soda Üretim Total Total Total Total Group Company Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 34 Amount 300.000 Risk Amount 93.135 23.000.000 10.447.500 1.230.501 1.076.756 12.609 600.000 22.000 279.500 8.917.876 1.623.000 50.000 36.886.770 7.150.000 9.352.501 70.613.770 8.917.876 1.623.000 8.800 215.000 4.301.395 466.527 26.104.081 5.000 119.544 27.395.837 4.301.395 466.527 Bailment - USD 20.918.252 Bailment - EURO 16.310.211 Bailment - NTL 250.000 Bailment - USD 16.684.889 Bailment - NTL 4.800.000 Bailment - USD 15.175.000 Bailment - EURO 6.287.367 Bailment - USD 4.981.725 Bailment - EURO 1.143.360 Bailment - CHF 22.120 Bailment - NTL 75.370 Bailment - EURO 2.830.000 Bailment - NTL 18.000 Bailment - USD 140.375.000 Bailment - USD 4.000.000 Bailment - NTL 600.000 Bailment - USD 6.240.000 Bailment - USD 208.374.866 Bailment - EURO 26.570.938 Bailment - CHF 22.120 Bailment - NTL 5.743.370 9.434.869 2.400.000 2.500.000 794.744 18.000 23.364.394 1.750.000 4.200.000 39.449.263 794.744 2.418.000 PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 35 December 31, 2005 Related Party -Park Holding - Park Enerji Ekip. - Turgay Ciner -Park Holding - Park Termik - Turgay Ciner -Park Holding - Park Teknik Turgay Ciner - Ceytafl -Park Holding - Park Termik Park Teknik - Turgay Ciner - Ceytafl -Park Holding - Park Termik - Park Teknik -Turgay Ciner - Park Enerj Yat›r›m Holding Park Enerj Ekipmanlar› Mad. -Park Holding - Park Teknik - Turgay Ciner -Turgay Ciner Total Total Total -Park Holding Nature of Relationship Shareholder Shareholder Group Company Shareholder Group Company Shareholder Group Company Received/ Given Received Received Bailment/ Warranty/ Subscription Bailment - NTL Bailment - USD Amount 300.000 23.000.000 Risk Amount 93.135 - Received Received Bailment - USD Bailment - NTL 10.447.500 1.230.501 1.538.228 - Received Bailment - NTL 600.000 - Shareholder Group Company Shareholder Group Company Shareholder Received Received Bailment - NTL Bailment - EURO 22.000 8.794.876 8.800 2.549.020 Received Received Received Received Received Bailment - NTL Bailment - NTL Bailment - NTL Bailment - USD Bailment - EURO 50.000 7.150.000 9.352.501 33.447.500 8.794.876 49.927 5.000 156.862 1.538.228 2.549.020 Bailment - USD 20.918.252 Bailment - EURO 16.310.211 Bailment - NTL 250.000 Bailment - USD 16.684.889 Bailment - NTL 4.800.000 Bailment - USD 15.175.000 Bailment - EURO 6.053.367 Bailment - USD 4.981.725 Bailment - EURO 1.143.360 Bailment - CHF 22.120 Bailment - NTL 75.370 Bailment - EURO 2.830.000 Bailment - NTL 18.000 Bailment - USD 140.375.000 Bailment - USD 4.000.000 Bailment - NTL 600.000 Bailment - USD 6.240.000 Bailment - USD 208.374.866 Bailment - EURO 26.336.938 Bailment - CHF 22.120 Bailment - NTL 5.743.370 11.434.869 2.400.000 2.500.000 1.713.635 18.000 35.579.839 2.500.000 144.039 4.200.000 56.214.708 1.713.635 2.562.039 Shareholder -Park Enerji E. Mad. San. ve Tic. -Turgay Ciner -Park Teknik Elekt. Mad. Turizm San. ve Tic. Shareholder Shareholder Group Company -Merkez Yay›n Holding Group Company -MTV Merkez Televizyon -Park Denizcilik Hopa Liman ‹fll. -Park Termik Elektrik Tic. -Park Enerji Yat›r›m Holding Group Company Group Company Group Company Group Company -Eti Soda Üretim Total Total Total Total Group Company Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given Given PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 36 d. Provision For Doubtful Receivables From Related Parties There is no provision for doubtful receivables from related parties. (December 31, 2005-None) e. Sales to Related Parties December 31, 2006 Related Party -Park Holding -Park Enerji Ekip.M. San. ve Tic. -Tufanbeyli Elektrik Üretim (*) -Ceytafl Mad. Tekstil San. ve Tic. -Havafl Turizm Sey. ve Kargo Tafl. -Park Demir Maden San. ve Tic. -Park Hav. Tafl›ma. San. ve Tic. -Park Tek. Mad. Turz. San. ve Tic. -Park Termik Elektrik San. ve Tic. -Park Makine Yedek Parça San. -Silopi Elektrik Üretim TOTAL Nature of Relationship Shareholder Shareholder Participation Group Com. Group Com. Group Com. Group Com. Group Com. Investment Group Com. Group Com. Goods 3.252 27.349 92.965 3.223 126.789 Services 57.820 10.563 791 19.376.618 3.298.219 9.806 673 22.754.490 Tangible Asset 136.000 600.000 736.000 Interest Rent 3.639.159 1.096 745 29.335 2.856 123.159 105.320 1.751 903.015 97.911 16.331 4.815.358 105.320 Other Total 397 3.639.556 6.842 69.010 11.308 692 30.027 2.549 5.405 7.521 400.140 1.751 7.795 20.980.393 6.980 3.406.333 26.137 673 32.776 28.570.733 (*) Tufanbeyli Elektrik Üretim The Company has signed a share transfer agreement with Enerjisa Enerji Üretim of Sabanc› Group regarding the sale of its 45% equity stake in Tufanbeyli Elektrik Üretim Thus, the Company has no shareholder relationship with the mentioned Company any more. The sale of goods and services to Tufanbeyli Elektrik Üretim as shown in the table above comprises transactions during the period January - May 2006. December 31, 2005 Nature of Related Party Relationship -Park Holding Shareholder -Park Enerji Ekip. Mad. San. ve Tic. Shareholder -Ankara Enerji Üretim Group Com. -Ceytafl Mad. Tekstil San. ve Tic. Group Com. -Havafl Turizm Sey. ve Kargo Tafl. Group Com. -Merkez Yay›n Holding Group Com. -Merkez Reklam Paz.Dan›fl. San. Tic. Group Com. -MK Merkez Ka¤›t Tic. Group Com. -Park Demir Maden San. ve Tic. Group Com. -Park Havac›l›k Tafl›ma. San. ve Tic. Group Com. -Park Enerj Yat›r›m Holding Group Com. -Park Teknik Mad. Turz. San. ve Tic. Group Com. -Park Termik Elektrik San. ve Tic. Affiliated Com. -Park Makine Yedek Parça San. Group Com. -Tufanbeyli Elektrik Üretim Participation -Silopi Elektrik Üretim Group Com. TOTAL Goods 16.002 1.740 2.139 23.220 2 53 43.156 Services 2.965 11.502 3.799 9.126 22.106.669 5.202.765 15.097 23.199 27.375.122 Tangible Asset 1.400 327.540 11.000 339.940 PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 37 Interest Rent 95.227 70 75.509 2.109 198 1.873 65 8.837 153.367 1.430 2.047 1.884.927 558.074 1.739 1.334 2.631.566 155.240 Other Total 3.078 98.305 20.437 77.249 15.750 439 4.436 1.873 65 351 351 21.177 543.267 1.430 273 2.320 903 24.003.501 233 5.761.072 683 17.519 5.881 30.414 53 33.018 30.578.042 f. Goods and Services Received From Related Parties December 31, 2006 Related Party -Park Holding -Park Enerji Ekip. M. San. ve Tic. -Ceytafl Mad.Tekstil San. ve Tic. -Eti Soda Üretim Paz. Nak. San.Tic. -Havafl Turizm Sey. ve Kargo Tafl. -Merkez Rek.Paz. Dan›fl. San.Tic. -Merkez Matbaa. Yay. San. Tic. -Park Demir Maden San. ve Tic. -Park Yat›r›m Holding -Park Havac›l›k Tafl›mac›l›k ve Tic. -Park Tek. Mad. Tur. San. ve Tic. -Park Ter. Elektrik San. ve Tic. -Park T›p Sa¤l›k Hiz. ve Tic. Ltd. fiti. -Park Makine Yedek Parça San. -Park Sigorta Arac›l›k Hiz. Ltd. fiti. -Lares Turizm ‹nfl. Taah. San. ve Tic. -Ciner Turizm Tic. ‹nfl. Servis Hizm. -Silopi Elektrik Üretim TOTAL Nature of Relationship Shareholder Shareholder Group Com. Group Com. Group Com. Group Com. Group Com. Group Com. Group Com. Group Com. Group Com. Affiliated Com. Group Com. Group Com. Group Com. Group Com. Group Com. Group Com. Goods Services - 3.739.565 5.113 6.374 702 7.599 39.097 495 1.688 155.131 61.226 - 7.316.472 5.027.291 74.493 69.944 127.875 14.368 135.966 22.072 514.893 2.000 5.395.931 11.926.433 Tangible Asset Interest - 6.683.497 44.091 2.878 46.417 4.780 35.746 66.385 7.723 50.289 1.158.678 2.338 380.651 5.078 22.888 24.576 30 162.118 8.373.927 Rent 250.872 3.964 4.226 106.688 18.376 258.113 7.981 600 650.820 Goods 686 38.247 5.933 220 4.790.060 34.741 45.138 265 4.915.290 Tangible Asset Interest 10.244 41.403 90 84 29 298.369 13.830 717 15.567 7.437 168 2.120 18.339 895.344 824 210.942 875 754 1.300 30 376.677 1.141.789 Rent Other Total 122.273 2 472.152 44.658 297 3.933 10.909 9.500 381.262 40.465 8.536 75.289 3.000 28.937 388 242.159 244.279 7.762 87.533 25.410.542 32.712.776 419 25.432 299.529 14.405 50.041 265 2.355 34.299 850 2.180 507.132 25.446.866 34.382.428 Other Total - 10.673.934 52.082 56.755 4.928 12.806 170.970 495 1.688 336.864 - 7.316.472 265.836 692 6.319.424 22.497 603.905 14.368 186.004 6.821 521.714 2.000 24.576 30 42.816 26.552.045 December 31, 2005 Nature of Related Party Relation. -Park Holding Sharehol. -Park Enerji Ekip. Mad. San ve Tic. Sharehol. -Tufanbeyli Elektrik Üretim Participat. -Ankara Enerji Üretim Gro. Com. -Ceytafl Mad. Tekstil San ve Tic. Gro. Com. -Havafl Turizm Sey. ve Kargo Tafl. Gro. Com. -Merkez Reklam Paz. Dnfl. San. Tic. Gro. Com -Park Demir Maden San. ve Tic. Gro. Com -Park Enerji Yat›r›m Holding Gro. Com -Park Havac›l›k Tafl›mac›l›k ve Tic. Gro. Com -Park ‹nfl. Turizm Maden San. ve Tic. Gro. Com -Park Teknik Mad. Turizm San. ve Tic. Gro. Com -Park Termik Elektrik San. ve Tic. Affiliated Com. -Park T›p Sa¤l›k Hiz. ve Tic. Ltd. fiti. Gro. Com -Park Makine Yedek Parça San. Gro. Com -Park Maden Enerji San. ve Tic. Ltd. Gro. Com -Park Sigorta Arac›l›k Hiz. Ltd. fiti. Gro. Com -Silopi Elektrik Üretim Gro. Com TOTAL Services 339.635 2.479 213 6.947 21.316 25.571 3.000 7.762 1.510.958 27.171 14.405 3.274 31.944 1.994.675 PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 38 NOTE 10- OTHER RECEIVABLES AND PAYABLES Other Receivables Dec.31, 2006 Other miscallenous receivables 714 Other doubtful miscallenous receivables 29.041 Provision for other doubtful miscallenous receivables (29.041) Rediscount Total 714 Dec. 31, 2005 44.324 Other Payables Dec. 31, 2006 Tax and similar liabilities payable 137.842 Social security premium payable 502.600 Payables to personnel 620.074 Expense accruals 42.559 Other miscallenous payables 12.595 Total 1.315.670 Dec. 31, 2005 106.920 379.779 474.817 12.410 16.638 990.564 NOTE 13- RECEIVABLES FROM CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS AND PROGRESS PAYMENTS RECEIVED There is no receivables from construction contracts and progress payments received (December 31, 2005; None.) NOTE 14- DEFERRED TAX ASSETS AND LIABILITIES (334) 43.990 Accounting for the deferred tax asset and liability is performed for temporary differences arising from the differences between financial statements prepared in conformity with tax legislation and with CMB Communique Serial:XI Number:25. The mentioned differences arise from the timing differences between legitimate records of some revenue and expense items and their amounts according to CMB Communique Serial:XI Number:25. The timing differences arise from the differences between acconting purpose and tax purpose revenue and expenses. The timing differences are calculated over tangible and intangible assets, inventories, adjusted deferred income, rediscount on receivables, provision for severance pay, rediscount on payables, prior years' losses and the investment allowance that the Company will benefit. The tax rate used in the calculation of deferred tax assets and liabilities during the current term is 20%. (December 31, 2005; 30%.) NOTE 11- LIVESTOCK None. (December 31, 2005; None.) NOTE 12- INVENTORIES Raw materials Finished goods Other inventories Provision for impairment of inventories Total Dec. 31, 2006 2.270.483 4.507.001 135.184 Dec. 31, 2005 577.418 (90.134) 6.822.534 (752.270) 923.045 1.097.897 The items that will comprise the deferred tax and current tax are as follows: Deferred Tax Assets a- Provision for severance pay and leave b- Provision for doubtful receivables c- Rediscount on receivables d- Raw materials-Finished Goods e- Provision for imp. of inventories f- Tangible assets g- ‹ntangible assets h- Provision for liabilities and expenses Total Temporary Differences Dec. 31, 2006 Dec. 31, 2005 Deferred Tax Asset (Liability) Dec. 31, 2006 Dec. 31, 2005 2.939.012 76.931 861.983 1.320.875 90.134 848.858 668.317 6.806.110 1.486.721 47.890 68.155 15.071 752.270 2.290.633 16.533 28.750 4.706.023 587.802 15.386 172.397 264.175 18.027 169.772 133.663 1.361.222 446.017 14.367 20.447 4.521 225.681 687.190 4.960 8.625 1.411.808 Deferred Tax Liabilites a- Prepaid exp. (short-term/long-term) b- Rediscount on payables c- Intangible Assets Total 229.021 325.978 559.780 1.114.779 82.792 182.162 24.838 54.649 264.954 45.804 65.195 111.957 222.956 Net Deferred Tax Assets 5.691.331 4.441.069 1.138.266 1.332.321 PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 39 79.487 To be used within a term less than one year To be used within a term more than one year Total net deferred tax assets Dec. 31, 2006 Dec. 31, 2005 545.451 253.285 592.815 1.138.266 1.079.036 1.332.321 The movement of deferred taxes are as follows: Balance as of December 31, 2005 Deferred tax corporate income of the period Balance as of December 31, 2006 NOTE 15- OTHER CURRENT/NON-CURRENT ASSETS AND SHORT/LONG TERM LIABILITIES 1.332.321 (194.055) 1.138.266 Other Current Assets Prepaid expenses Income accruals VAT transferred VAT receivable Prepaid taxes and funds Job advances Advances given to personnel Total Dec. 31, 2006 477.401 325.925 2.494.642 332.251 8.181.641 28.069 10.483 11.850.412 Dec. 31, 2005 167.766 10.612 2.100.546 17.085 17.680 2.313.689 Other Long-Term Assets Prepaid expenses Total Dec. 31, 2006 66.932 66.932 Dec. 31, 2005 39.353 39.353 NOTE 16- FINANCIAL ASSETS Participations and Affiliates Company Nature of Shareholding - Park Termik Elektrik San. ve Tic. - Tufanbeyli Elektrik Üretim December 31, 2006 Rate % Amount Investment Participation - December 31, 2005 Rate % Amount 15 15 45 10 26.742.763 26.742.773 NOTE 17- POSITIVE/NEGATIVE GOODWILL NOTE 19- TANGIBLE ASSETS The Company does not have any goodwill account for the sale of participation acquired in April 1, 2005. (December 31, 2005; 450.746 NTL.) Of the depreciation expense of tangible and intangible assets as of December 31, 2006, NTL 7.628.255; the transfers to specific accounts are as follows: NTL 131.756 to Cost of Goods Sold, NTL 1.002.016 to General and Administrative Expenses, NTL 1.211.108 to Expenses and Losses of Idle Capacity, NTL 133.840 to Preparation and Development Costs and NTL 300 is deducted from revaluation fund item. As of December 31, 2006 and 2005, a mortgage with the amount of NTL 27.000.000 in favor of ‹fl Bankas› on the plant located in Edirne is outstanding. NOTE 18- INVESTMENT PROPERTY The Company does not have any investment property. (December 31, 2005-None.) Underground and Aboveground Land Structures Book Value January 1, 2006 Beginning balance Purchases Disposals Transfers December 31, 2006 Ending Balance Buildings Property, Plant and Equipment 95.841 199.000 (194.841) 26.894 148.562 2.193.544 14.705.558 (14.725) 5.880.302 32.418.085 8.045.870 (17.897.469) 13.225.123 100.000 2.369.000 20.571.135 35.791.609 17.636 285.352 - 4.974.807 764.082 - 28.700.760 3.251.907 (16.675.076) 302.988 5.738.889 2.066.012 9.258 Accumulated Depreciation January 1, 2006 Beginning balance Period Expense Exp. of Prev. Per. Disposals December 31, 2006 Ending Balance Net Book Value as of December 31, 2006 100.000 Net Book Value as of December 31, 2005 95.841 Vehicles Furniture Other and Tangible Fixtures Assets Construct. In Prog. Advanc. Given Total 347.415 3.569.492 211.827 643.934 (48.699) (1.682.902) 11.136 8.804.358 4.503.647 64.471.290 2.968 14.619.826 (4.217.884) 19.639.378 - (19.629.070) - (22.104.947) (989.683) 510.543 2.541.660 2.968 296.634 3.281.480 29.338 130.056 (76) (48.699) (1.670.281) 618 - 37.271.317 4.461.353 (76) (18.394.056) 15.277.591 277.273 1.741.179 618 23.338.538 14.832.246 20.514.018 233.270 800.481 2.350 1.319.237 285.763 40.153.377 9.730.751 3.717.325 50.781 288.012 - 8.804.358 4.503.647 27.199.973 PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 40 1.319.237 285.763 63.491.915 NOTE 20- INTANGIBLE ASSETS Rights Special Costs Exploration Costs Preperation and Development Costs Total 10.224.573 11.237 10.235.810 946.808 8.750 659.304 1.614.862 143.466 343.682 487.148 4.693.803 1.800.719 270.151 6.764.673 16.008.650 2.164.388 929.455 19.102.493 3.085.127 - - 979.953 4.065.080 51.645 (399) 118.914 170.160 - 2.068.035 2.068.035 3.136.772 (399) 3.166.902 6.303.275 Net Book Value as of December 31, 2006 6.170.730 1.444.702 487.148 4.696.638 12.799.218 Net Book Value as of December 31, 2005 7.139.446 895.163 143.466 4.693.803 12.871.878 Book Value January 1, 2006 Beginning Balance Purchases Transfer From Constr. in Progress December 31, 2006 Ending Balance Accumulated Depreciation January 1, 2006 Beginning Balance Prior Period Expense Period Expense December 31, 2006 Ending Balance For the year 2006, the corporate tax to be accrued using a tax rate of 20% is 8.401.203 NTL, and the provision is recorded in financial statements. Rights item comprise of operating license of Siirt Madenköy Copper Field and mine exploration license of Gaziantep-Islahiye and computer programmes. In the table above, the preparation and development costs, NTL 6.764.673 expresses the expenditures related with copper extraction in Madenköyfiirvan/Siirt and extraction costs, NTL 487.148 expresses the expenditures in Gaziantep-Islahiye field. The special costs item represents the social facilities constructed in Siirt field which is depreciated over 25 years in accordance with lease term of the land where the facilities are located. Losses can be carried forward for at most 5 years to be deducted from the taxable profit to emerge in the forthcoming years. However, losses may not be deducted retrospectively from profits of previous years. In Turkey, there is not a definite reconciliation procedure relating to tax evaluation. The companies prepare tax returns to present between the first day and the twenty-fifth evening of the fourth month. The returns and the related book records can be changed by the Tax Authority, as a consequence of a tax investigation in five years. By tax Authority, these statements and the accounting records is amendable in 5 years. NOTE 21- ADVANCES RECEIVED As of December 31, 2006 the Company has no advances received. (December 31, 2005; None.) Withholding of Tax Through the Board of Ministers' Decree number 2006/10731 published on the Official Gazette dated 23/07/2006 issue number 26237, Income Tax withholding which was applied at a rate of 10% in the profit distribution of Joint Stock and Limited Liability Companies, became 15% as of 23/07/2006 after which date an Income Tax Withholding in the rate of 15% shall be applied over the profit to be distributed in the case of any such profit distribution to take place by the companies and declared with a withholding tax return until the 20th day of the following month and paid in full on the 26th of the same month. (The addition of the profit to the capital shall not be considered profit distribution). NOTE 22- RETIREMENT PLANS As of December 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005, the Company has no retirement benefit plans and related assets. NOTE 23- PROVISION FOR LIABILITIES However, there still has to be imposed a tax deduction of 19,8% over the amount of investment discount used as per the investment incentive certificates that are obtained prior to April 24, 2003. PROVISION FOR LIABILITIES Dec. 31, 2006 Dec. 31, 2005 (Short-Term Liabilities) Corporate income tax provision (*) 8.401.203 1.979.503 Provision for personnel expenses 1.168.515 Other provisions 1.115.482 73.144 Total 10.685.200 2.052.647 Inflation Adjusted Tax Computation With the exception of those cases where tangible and intangible fixed assets and accordingly their depreciations were subjected to annual revaluation during the year 2003 and previous terms; taxable term profit was not computed over its inflation adjusted amount. Law number 5024 published on the Official Gazette dated December 30, 2003 issue number 25332 requires that inflation accounting be implemented in Turkey in a manner to take effect from 2004 and forthcoming terms in the event the inflation rate reaches such limit that is stipulated under laws. Since the required conditions did not emerge, the Company did not subject its financial statements dated December 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005 to adjustment within the relevant provisions of Tax Procedures Law relating to inflation accounting and it calculated the tax base for the current term over these financial statements. Corporate Income Tax (*) The Company is subject to corporate income tax according to tax legislation. The corporate tax to be accrued over the taxable income of the corporation is calculated over the tax base after the following additions and deductions: the expenses that are not deductible from tax base are added; the dividends received from domestic companies, the revenues not subject to tax and the investment allowances not benefitted are deducted. Provisional tax is calculated and accrued quarterly. With effect from April 24, 2003, the provisional tax rate was increased from 25% to 30%. This rate was determined as 20% to be valid for the second provisional tax term of 2006 and subsequent terms. PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 41 PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 42 PROVISION FOR LIABILITIES (Long-Term Liabilities) Provision for Severance Pay Provision for Leave Claims Total Dec. 31, 2006 Dec. 31, 2005 2.792.612 146.400 2.939.012 1.433.976 52.745 1.486.721 The following actuarial assumptions were used during the calculation of the total severance pay obligation in light of explanations under Communiqué Series Number XI/25: Discount Rate (%) Rate of Potential Retirements CALCULATION OF PROVISION FOR SEVERANCE PAY According to the Turkish Labor Law, the Company is under the obligation to pay severance pay to its personnel who have completed one year in the service of the Company and whose relation with the Company is discontinued or who retire, who complete 25 service years (20 service years for women and those working underground) and become entitled to retirement (58 years of age for women and 60 years of age for men), who are mustered into military service or who die. Following the amendment in legislation on May 23, 2002, certain transitional term clauses relating to the service term prior to retirement were revoked. Dec. 31, 2006 5,71 99,80 Dec. 31, 2005 5,45 99,80 The basic assumption is that the ceiling provision determined for each annual service increases in proportion to the inflation rate. Therefore, the discount rate shows the actual rate free of the anticipated effects of inflation. Within this framework, the total severance pay obligation was computed by using the annual 5,71% real discount rate which was determined by estimating an annual 5% inflation and 11% discount rate. The movements of the provision for severance pay account is as follows: Severance pay to be paid corresponds to about one-month salary for each service year and such limit has been limited to NTL 1.857 (December 31, 2005: NTL 1.727) as of December 31, 2006. January 1, 2006 Paid Within The Year Increased Within The Year December 31, 2006 Since there is no legal obligation to create any funds for the severance pay obligation, no special funds are allocated on the financial statements. 1.433.976 (78.496) 1.437.132 2.792.612 NOTE 24- MINORITY INTERESTS / MINORITY PROFIT / LOSS The provision for severance pay is calculated by estimating the present value of the potential obligation which has to be paid in the event the employees retire. None (December 31, 2005; Since the Company prepares consolidated financial statements according to the equity method; there is no minority profit or loss) NOTE 25- CAPITAL/ MUTUAL CAPITAL ADJUSTMENTS FOR PARTICIPATIONS Capital The capital structure of the Company as of December 31, 2006 and December 31, 2005 is as follows: Shareholders -Park Holding -Park Enerj. Ekip. Mad. San. ve Tic. -Turgay Ciner -Others Historical Value of Capital (%) 43,94 24,50 0,83 30,73 100,00 December 31, 2006 21.093.383 11.760.000 400.000 14.746.617 48.000.000 The Company has subjected its capital as of December 31, 2003 and December 31, 2004 to inflation accounting. The resulting adjustment, NTL 41.517.913, is recorded as “Equity Translation Difference” (%) 45,89 24,50 0,83 28,78 100,00 December 31, 2005 22.029.385 11.760.000 400.000 13.810.615 48.000.000 NOTE 27-PROFIT RESERVES LEGAL RESERVES/EXTRAORDINARY RESERVES Legal reserves comprise first and second tier legal reserves that are allocated according to the Turkish Commercial Code. First tier legal reserves are allocated as 5% per annum from the commercial profit of the previous term until 20% of the historical capital paid up is reached. Second tier legal reserves are set aside in the annual rate of 10% over all dividend distributions in cash after first tier legal reserves and dividends. NOTE 26- CAPITAL RESERVES EQUITY TRANSLATION DIFFERENCES The Company has made a deduction of its prior years' losses amount in the year 2004. After the deduction transaction of capital reserves from prior years' losses the equity translation differences is 41.882.545 NTL in December 31, 2006. (December 31, 2005-41.882.545 NTL.) Since the Company realized the setting off transaction of the loss for the previous years resulting from inflation adjustment, there are no legal reserves nor extraordinary reserves as of 31 December, 2004 and 31 December, 2005. In the General Assembly relating to the activity of the Company during 2005, a resolution was adopted for not distributing the profit generated on the financial statements for the year 2005 since it remained 5% of the issued capital. Pursuant to the resolution adopted, distributable profit in the amount of 7.867.370 NTL which was generated after the allocation of legal reserves in the amount of NTL 451.154 was transferred to extraordinary reserves. ISSUE PREMIUM FROM PARTICIPATIONS The Company took part in the capital increase of its participation Park Termik Elektrik Sanayi ve Ticaret which is shown as an affiliated security pro rate its share and reported the amount of NTL 5 obtained which corresponds to the amount of bonus share certificates under the Equity account group on the balance sheet as “Participation Issue Premium”. (31 December, 2005-None.) PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 43 SPECIAL RESERVES Profit in the amount of NTL 1.500 which was generated through the sale of a portion of the fixed assets during 2005 was not recorded as profit pursuant to tax legislation and was transferred to special reserves under the title of renewal fund. The depreciation for the fixed asset which was obtained in place of such fixed asset sold during the year was deducted from such account in the amount of NTL 225 during 2005 and NTL 300 during December 31, 2006. As of December 31, 2006, the account amounts to NTL 975. (December 31, 2005- NTL 1.275.) NOTE 28- PRIOR YEARS' PROFIT/LOSS As of December 31, 2006, there is no profit/loss of the previous year. The profit of the previous year appearing on the financial statements of the firm which were consolidated according to the equity method as of 31 December 2005 amounts to NTL 10.101.492. Pursuant to the resolution adopted in the General Assembly for the year 2005 held in 2006, NTL 451.154 of the profit of the previous years was transferred to legal reserves and NTL 7.867.370 to extraordinary reserves whereas the remaining portion of NTL 1.782.968 is the portion of such profit deducted in 2006 as corresponding to the participation of the Company, Tufanbeyli Elektrik Üretim, based on the financial statements which were consolidated in 2005 according to the equity method due to the sale of the said participation in May 2006. NOTE 29- POSITION OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE BALANCES December 31, 2006 Assets: Liquid assets Trade receivables Receiv. due from related par. Other current/noncurrent assets Order advances given Liabilities: Financial liabilities Prin. inst. and int. of L-T. loans Trade payables Payables due to related parties Provision for liabilities Other liabilities Long-term bank loans Net foreign exch. Position December 31, 2005 Assets: Liquid assets Trade receivables Receiv. due from related par. Order advances given Liabilities: Prin. inst. and int. of L-T. loans Trade payables Payables due to related parties Provision for liabilities Long-term bank loans Net foreign exchange position USD Original Amount USD Original Amount NTL EURO Original Amount NTL Total NTL 12.310.841 1.517.351 72.510.647 11.013 86.349.852 17.304.119 2.132.788 102.120.559 16.575 121.574.041 14 619 63.545 64.178 25 1.147 120.815 121.987 17.304.144 2.133.935 102.120.559 137.390 121.696.028 26.319.081 461.472 181.959 126.862 1.005.874 26.071 615.284 28.736.603 57.613.249 36.994.100 735.854 256.190 178.317 1.413.857 36.645 977.227 40.592.190 80.981.851 4.308.765 4.308.765 -4.244.587 7.977.679 7.977.679 -7.855.692 36.994.100 735.854 8.233.869 178.317 1.413.857 36.645 977.227 48.569.869 73.126.159 NTL EURO Original Amount NTL GBP Original Amount NTL Total NTL 20.537.832 394.523 4.965.383 100.000 25.997.738 27.553.247 529.370 7.049.070 131.700 35.263.387 44.435 81.794 169.519 295.748 70.540 129.848 284.461 484.849 - - 27.623.787 659.218 7.049.070 416.161 35.748.236 461.472 315.535 367.619 6.393 1.076.756 2.227.775 23.769.963 735.854 423.384 493.272 8.578 1.714.660 3.375.748 31.887.639 2.449.352 2.449.352 -2.153.604 3.888.347 3.888.347 -3.403.498 5.824 5.824 -5.824 13.466 13.466 -13.466 735.854 4.325.197 493.272 8.578 1.714.660 7.277.561 28.470.675 NOTE 30- GOVERNMENT INCENTIVES AND GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE Pursuant to Law on Encouragement of Investments and Employment dated January 29, 2004 number, the Company benefits from tax and insurance premium incentives for its personnel employed at Siirt/ Madenköy Copper enterprise. Pursuant to the same law, the Company made a request for Power Support and realized an income accrual of 325.440 during the term of June-December 2006 and deducted such amount from the account of general production expenses. The Company has an incentive certificate for an investment amount of NTL 21.000.000 valid until August 31, 2007. Within the scope of the incentive certificate, Value Added Tax Exemption is provided for the purchase of domestic and foreign investment goods and customs duty exemption for imported investment goods. PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 44 NOTE 31- PROVISIONS, CONTINGENT ASSETS AND LIABILITIES December 31, 2006 FOREIGN EXCHANGE NTL Guarantees Given Letters of guarantee given Mortgages given Total Guarantees Received Letters of guarantee received Cheques in guarantee Notes in guarantee December 31, 2005 FOREIGN EXCHANGE NTL NTL NTL - 208.687 27.000.000 27.208.687 - 162.484 27.000.000 27.162.484 EURO EURO NTL USD 837.500 800.000 301.780 4.608.103 1.550.631 1.481.200 1.152.090 424.182 837.500 1.300.000 1.294.500 1.329.531 2.063.750 898.375 1.736.960 6.028.616 Total As of December 31, 2006, the total risk of lawsuits filed and continuing against the Company amounts to NTL 655.317 and a provision in the amount of NTL 655.317 was recorded. (December 31, 2005; NTL 28.750.) foreign machinery and equipments amounting to USD 19.451.274 FOB and domestic machinery and equipments amounting to NTL 15.116.030 which was certified before is cancelled and the new list of foreign machinery amounting to USD 21.240.884 FOB and domestic machinery and equipments amounting to NTL 18.085.497 gained validity. NOTE 32- MERGERS There is no business combination as of December 31, 2006. (December 31, 2005-None.) The shareholder of the Company, Park Holding, realized a sale transaction of 360.000 shares between February 7, 2006 - March 6, 2006 and as a result of the said transaction, 45,89% share percentage of the affiliate became 45,21%. NOTE 33- SEGMENT REPORTING The Company is operating in a single branch of business and a single geographical region With the Board of Directors Meeting dated March 27, 2006, the Company has taken the decision of establishing a branch in Madenköyfiirvan/S‹‹RT that will conduct the operations related with the copper mine. Basic Reporting Method - Geographical Regions: The Company produces its goods and services domestically and realizes its services production (coal mining - cleaning) for domestic firms and its goods production (concentrated copper) for foreign firms. Accordingly, the Company does not further carry out any reporting on the basis of geographical regions. NOTE 35- DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS The Company discontinued its coal cleaning activity which it carried out in Çay›rhan/Ankara from August 1, 2006 and coal mining activity from December 1, 2006. As of December 31, 2005, it does not have any discontinued activities. Secondary Reporting Method - Industrial Regions: The field of activity of the Company is coal mining and cleaning and the production, marketing and sale of concentrated copper. Within this framework, the Company realized the copper cleaning activity which it carried out in Çay›rhan/Ankara until August 1, 2006 and coal mining activity until December 1, 2006 (Notes: 35-36). The production of concentrated copper was started from May 2006 whereas its sale from August 2006. The Company which was active solely in the mining sector in 2006 did not carry out any reporting on the basis of industrial regions as its field of activity does not cover different risks and revenues. NOTE 36- OPERATING REVENUES SALES REVENUES Jan. 1, 2006 Dec. 31, 2006 Jan. 1, 2005 Dec. 31, 2005 23.370.657 19.124.391 1.476.662 2.769.604 16.723.115 16.723.115 40.093.772 27.729.925 22.004.466 3.585.009 2.140.450 27.729.925 Jan. 1, 2006 Dec. 31, 2006 Jan. 1, 2005 Dec. 31, 2005 1.057.536 423.047 9.271 1.314.767 1.066.223 - Jan. 1, 2006 Dec. 31, 2006 Jan. 1, 2005 Dec. 31, 2005 Domestic Sales - Coal Extraction - Coal Washing - Other Foreign Sales - Concentrated Copper Total NOTE 34- EVENTS AFTER THE BALANCE SHEET DATE SALES AMOUNTS December 31, 2006: Effective from January 1, 2007, the ceiling of severance pay is increased to NTL 1.961. Coal Extraction (Ton) Coal Washing (Ton) Concentarted Copper (Dmt) December 31, 2005: Effective from January 1, 2006, the ceiling of severance pay is increased to NTL 1.771. COST OF SALES With the Board of Directors Meeting held in January 2, 2006, Fercan AYKUTLU has been appointed to replace Ali Ergin fiAH‹N, the Member of Board of Directors and Supervisory Board. Cost of Finished Goods (-) Cost of Services Rendered (-) Cost of Commercial Goods Sold (-) Cost of Other Sales (-) Total The investment incentive certicificate dated September 14, 2004 Number 76903, has been revised to meet the technological need of copper mine extraction and floatation facility in progress and was approved by the Turkish Treasury in February 2006. The list of PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 45 8.422.871 11.532.301 213.309 1.220.696 21.389.177 12.614.664 31.174 419.393 13.065.231 OTHER REVENUES FROM OPERATIONS Rent Revenues Jan. 1, 2006 Dec. 31, 2006 Jan. 1, 2005 Dec. 31, 2005 109.897 166.482 EXPENSES AND LOSSES FROM OTHER OPERATIONS Goodwill amortization amount Participation adjustment expense Expenses and losses of idle capacity 5.755.806 Prior periods' expenses and losses 6.285 Other extraordinary expenses and losses 320.993 Total 6.083.084 NOTE 37- OPERATING EXPENSES (-) Marketing, Sales and Distribution Expenses General Administrative Expenses Total Jan. 1, 2006 Dec. 31, 2006 Jan. 1, 2005 Dec. 31, 2005 1.010.038 11.705.678 12.715.716 6.232.986 6.232.986 Material Expenses Transportation Expenses Export Expenses Other Total Jan. 1, 2005 Dec. 31, 2005 39.871 479.293 406.233 84.641 1.010.038 - Financial Expensess Expense for interest elimination in forward purchases Due date differences expense Interest expense on loans Foreign exchange loss Rediscount expenses Other Total Financial Revenues B- Detail of General Administrative Expenses Material Expenses Personnel Expenses Amortization Expenses Consultancy Expenses Rent Expenses Provision for Severance Pay and Leaves Provision for Lawsuits Others Total Jan. 1, 2006 Dec. 31, 2006 Jan. 1, 2005 Dec. 31, 2005 13.238 2.006.358 1.002.016 3.463.715 697.845 483.295 1.730.602 1.187.705 432.598 634.940 1.530.787 669.308 2.322.411 11.705.678 438.036 1.325.810 6.232.986 Due date differences revenues Interest revenues from banks Foreign exchange gain Rediscount income Total Net financial expense Jan. 1, 2006 Dec. 31, 2006 Jan.1, 2005 Dec. 31, 2005 Revenues from participations Goodwill revenues Commission revenues 308.600 Provisions no longer required 844.467 Gain on sale of marketable securities 1.406 Other revenues and profit 96.427 Prior periods' income and profit 11.988 Revenues from sale of participations 40.437.708 Other extraordinary revenues and profit 643.918 Total 42.344.514 2.018.295 530.290 92.950 2.370 28.422 7.736 - Jan. 1, 2006 Jan. 1, 2005 Dec. 31, 2006 Dec. 31, 2005 304.660 120.331 6.566 15.724.284 1.044.145 163.694 17.363.680 73.891 22.035 2.620.559 89.173 57.382 2.863.040 Jan. 1, 2006 Jan. 1, 2005 Dec. 31, 2006 Dec. 31, 2005 1.895.747 2.561.902 10.451.940 396.079 15.305.668 2.058.012 1.427.590 485.537 2.597.309 2.491.167 7.001.603 (4.138.563) NOTE 40- NET MONETARY GAIN/LOSS The CMB announced on March 17, 2005 that the practice of inflation adjustment of financial statements was terminated. Since no inflation adjustment was made from January 1, 2005, no monetary gain / loss emerged in 2006. NOTE 38- REVENUES/PROFIT OR EXPENSES/LOSSES FROM OTHER OPERATIONS REVENUES AND PROFIT FROM OTHER OPERATIONS 79.544 686.074 2.479.663 5.979 621.702 3.872.962 NOTE 39- FINANCIAL EXPENSES/FINANCIAL REVENUES A- Detail of Marketing, Sales and Distribution Expenses Jan. 1, 2006 Dec. 31, 2006 Jan. 1, 2006 Jan. 1, 2005 Dec. 31, 2006 Dec. 31, 2005 NOTE 41- TAXES The corporation tax rate for 2006 is 20% (2005: 30%). Such rate is applied to the tax base which is reached by adding to the commercial earnings such expenses which may not be deducted pursuant to tax legislation and by deducting exemptions (such as exemption of participation earnings) and discounts. The tax provision amount disclosed in financial statements for the period ended in January 1-December 31, 2006 and January 1-December 31, 2005 is as follows: 92.443 2.772.506 Tax : - Corporate Income Tax of Current Year (-) - Deferred Tax Expense (-)/ Revenue (+) PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 46 Jan. 1, 2006 Dec. 31, 2006 Jan. 1, 2005 Dec. 31, 2005 (8.401.203) (1.979.503) (194.055) (8.595.258) (204.982) (2.184.485 - In the board of directors meeting dated 01 December 2006 of the Company; it was resolved to terminate with effect from 01 December 2006 the contract which was concluded on July 1, 2000 with Park Teknik Elektrik Madencilik Turizm Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim fiirketi related to coal mining activities in line with the resolution of the said Company to execute the coal mining activity within its own facilities as the result of the activity and efficiency assessment on coal mining fields and to transfer 166 employees who were hired in connection with this activity to the said Company. NOTE 42- EARNINGS PER SHARE For the year 2005 and 2004, the weighted average of Company shares and unit earnings per share is as follows (it is assumed that increases in cash do not include any bonus shares): Jan. 1, 2006 Jan.1, 2005 Dec. 31, 2006 Dec. 31, 2005 -Net period profit 31.706.936 9.451.812 -Recordable legal reserves (1.584.786) (451.155) -Profit share of participation (1.332.221) -Distributable profit 30.122.150 7.668.436 -Weighted average number of shares 4.800.000.000 4.800.000.000 -Net profit/loss per share in NTL 0,00661 0,00197 - On November 2, 2006, the Company made an engagement for the export of 30.000 DMT of copper concentrate for the period of December 2006 - September 2007. The approximate value of the export engagement over the prices applicable on the date is USD 36.000.000. 31 December 2005 - On March 21, 2005, a contract in the amount of USD 250.000 was signed with the “Russian National Aluminum-Magnesium Institute (JSC VAMI)” Public Joint Stock Company concerning the formation of a detailed flow chart for the bauxite ore enrichment process and the development of a process for metallurgical alumina production with respect to mining fields located within the district of GaziantepIslahiye. In the event net distributable profit arrived at according to CMB arrangements can not be met from net distributable profit written in the legal records, the entirety of net distributable profit written in the legal records has to be distributed. Within this framework, net distributable profit in the amount of NTL 30.110.940 which is written in the legal records of the Company shall be taken as the basis. NOTE 43- CASH FLOW STATEMENT - In the Board of Directors meeting dated 29 April, 2005, it was resolved to apply a VAT inclusive discount in the amount EUR 410.000 with respect to the receivables of the Company from Aslan Tekstil Sanayi ve Ticaret concerning the sale of the Company's machinery and equipment available in its plant set up in Edirne by taking into account the conditions of the market and the said firm. The discount value in the amount of NTL 616.981 was recorded in the financial statements that were drawn up as of September 30, 2005 under the account of Other Extraordinary Expenses and Losses (NOTE: 38). Cash flow statement is disclosed with other financial statements. NOTE 44- OTHER IMPORTANT MATTERS THAT CARRY SIGNIFICANCE AND AFFECT THE CLEARANCE, INTERPRETABILITY AND COMPREHENSIBILITY OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 2006 - In the Board of Directors Meeting dated May 9, 2006, of the Company, it was resolved, due to the abandonment of the Company's operation in the textile sector in 2002, to sell from among the idle machinery available in the facility set up in Edirne, the group of machines comprising the drum folder, fabric spread and cut bench, drying machine, samming machine, beam dyeing apparatus, confection and sewing assembly for a value of NTL 224.00 and to sell all the remaining machinery, fixtures and inventories as scrap for NTL 1.016.000 to be paid in advance. After such sale, the profit in the amount of NTL 607.570 obtained from the sale of machinery was recorded in the financial statements under the account of other extraordinary revenues and profits within the account group of Revenues and Profit from Other Operations. The loss in the amount of NTL 839.092 resulting from the sale of inventories is posted within gross operating profit / loss whereas the provision for impairment in the amount of NTL 752.270 is recorded as provisions having no specific subject under the account of Revenues and Profit from Other Operations. - The Company participated in Tufanbeyli Elektrik Üretim Sanayi ve Ticaret by 45% through the purchase of shares on April 1, 2005. The participation amount was recognized in the financial statements according to the equity method. - On July 19, 2005, a technology transfer agreement in the amount of EUR 3.350.000 was signed with Outokompu Technology Minerals Oy in line with the resolution adopted in the board of directors meeting dated July 5, 2005 of the Company concerning the investment undertaken in the province of Siirt district of fiirvan locality of Madenköy. - On August 25, 2005, a letter of guarantee in consideration of advance payment to be made in the amount of EUR 502.500 as issued by Nordea bank Finland PLC for the said firm and a performance bond in the amount of EUR 335.000 was received as stipulated in the agreement. - In the Board of Directors meeting dated May 18, 2006 of the Company; Park Yat›r›m Holding was mandated to evaluate of domestic and foreign bids related to the sale of the Company's 45% equity stake in Tufanbeyli Elektrik Üretim with a view to financing the Company's activities in the mining sector. With respect to the sale of the Company's 45% stake in Tufanbeyli Elektrik Üretim on May 22, 2006, a share transfer agreement was signed with Enerjisa Enerji Üretim, a Sabanc› Group Company. Pursuant to the contract, an adjusted additional purchase value of NTL 18.384.152 was determined in addition to the share value in the amount USD 35.100.000 USD and the share value was collected in cash and in full. The profit in the amount of NTL 40.437.708 obtained after the sale is recorded in the financial statements under the account of other extraordinary revenues and profit within the account group of Revenues and Profit from Other Operations. - In the board of directors meeting dated August 24, 2005, it was resolved to provide a letter of commitment for the payments of principal and installments for the foreign Exchange indexed loan in the amount of USD 4.800.000 to be extended to Eti Soda Üretim Pazarlama Nakliyat ve Elektrik Üretim Sanayi ve Ticaret, a Ciner Group Company, by T.Vak›flar Bank Kavakl›dere branch. - In the board of directors meeting dated September 13, 2005, it was resolved to import equipment, machinery and spare parts of various type and capacity and in the amount of EUR 3.797.010 related to the investment carried out in the province of Siirt district of fiirvan locality of Madenköy from Atlas Copco Makineleri ‹malat - The Company signed on September 16, 2005 a Non-cash Loan Contract in the amount of EUR 8.637.863 with Vak›flar Bank Kavakl›dere Branch due to the import in the total amount of EUR 6.644.510 to be made from the companies Outokompu Technology Minerals Oy and Atlas Copco Makineleri ‹malat with respect to its investment carried out in the province of Siirt district of fiirvan locality of Madenköy. - The test production of the Copper Concentrate Facility located in the Company's branch in Siirt Madenköy where the copper ore extracted from the mining field shall be processes was concluded and in 2006, foreign sales in the quantity of 9.271 DMT was realized. - In the Board of Directors Meeting dated July 27, 2006 of the Company; it was decided to cancel with effect from August 1, 2006, the contract which was concluded on July 1, 2000 with Park Termik Elektrik Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim fiirketi related to coal washing and homogenization activities upon a resolution adopted by the said Company to continue the mentioned activities within its own facilities due to the reduction in geological problems concerning the coal structure and a quantitative decrease in washing as the result of a more homogenized coal quality. - On October 7, 2005, an agency contract was signed between the Company and the Belgium firm SA Sogem NV concerning the sale of copper to be produced in Siirt Madenköy. - The Company initiated negotiations with the Mineworkers' Union of Turkey for the renewal of the collective bargaining agreement which ended on 31.12.2005 at the workplace with respect to coal mining and cleaning activities. Negotiations are still under way as of the date of the report. PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 47 Adres : Tel. : (0.212) 246 70 71 Koca Mansur Sokak (0.212) 246 70 54 No. 139 fiafak apt. Daire 6 (0.212) 241 19 96 fiiflli - ‹STANBUL Fax : (0.212) 232 23 56 e-mail : KAVRAM BA⁄IMSIZ DENET‹M ve YEM‹NL‹ MAL‹ MÜfiAV‹RL‹K TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF PARK ELEKTR‹K MADENC‹L‹K SAN. VE T‹C. INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT ABOUT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR JANUARY 1 - DECEMBER 31, 2006 ACCOUNTING PERIOD We have audited the balance sheet of Park Elektrik Madencilik San. ve Tic as of December 31, 2006, the income statement and related statement of income and cash flow statement for the year then ended and the summary of financial policies and footnotes. The Responsibility of Management of Administration About The Financial Statements The management of administration is responsible for the preparation and honest presentation of financial statements according to the financial reporting standards issued by Capital Markets Board. This responsibility includes the preparation of financial statements with wrongnesses because of error and/or fraud and irregularity, and to provide the honest reflect to provide the internal control plan, perform and attendance, to make the accounting estimates and to choose the most appropriate accounting policies. The Responsibility of Independent Audit Firm Our responsibility, is to declare an opinion about the financial statements following our independent audit. Our independent audit is suitable to independent audit standards issued by Capital Markets Board. These standards, require the adaptation of ethic principles and require the independent audit to execute whether the financial statements honestly externalizes the truth. Our independent audit, involves the employment of independent audit tecnics about the amounts and footnotes of financial tables to collect independent audit evidence. The choice of independent tecnics including whether the financial statements include risk assessment about error and/or fraud and irregularity are carried according to our occupational opinion. In this risk assesment, the internal control of the Company is taken into consideration. But, our aim is not giving opinion about the internal control, but rather to plan the independent audit tecnics according to suitable circumstances, apply the relationship between the financial statements prepared by the management and internal control. Our independent audit involves the important accounting estimates made with accounting principles embraced by the management of administration and the financial statements. The independent audit evidence, that we obtained during our independent audit, provides adequate and suitable support to form our opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements referred to below present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Park Elektrik Madencilik San. ve Tic. as of December 31, 2006 and the results of its financial operations and cash flows, in the frame of financial reporting standards issued by Capital Markets Board. ‹stanbul, March 2, 2007 KAVRAM BA⁄IMSIZ DENET‹M VE YEM‹NL‹ MAL‹ MÜfiAV‹RL‹K PARTNER Ö. FA‹K YILMAZ PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 48 PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 49 AUDITOR REPORT AUDITOR REPORT TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF PARK ELEKTRIK MADENC‹L‹K SANAY‹ VE T‹CARET THE COMPANY; TITLE : PARK Elektrik Madencilik Sanayi ve Ticaret MAIN OFFICE : ‹stanbul REGISTERED CAPITAL : 60.000.000-YTL ISSUED CAPITAL : 48.000.000.-YTL FIELD OF ACTIVITY : The field of activity of the Company covers searching and extracting, processing every kind of mine, mineral and mine derivations, refining, fining down and processing every kind of element both produced or obtained, constructing, operating cogeneration power plants to meet the need of electricity, energy and steam, selling the excess energy, producing every kind of fiber from glass, mine and mine derivations and producing every kind of product from fiber, constructing, operating or selling power plants regarding electricity production and distribution. Name of the Auditor and Auditors, Duration and Shareholder Status Duration : Hakk› GÜLTEK‹N 1 year No shareholder. The Number of Supervisory Board Meetings and the Number Meetings of Board of Directors Being Participated : The Audit Board met 5 times and the audit board has participated in 8 meetings of Board of Directors. The Extent of the Investigation on the Accounts and Books and Documents of the Partnership, the Dates of the Investigations and the Outcome : At the end of my examinations I have performed on 30.03.2006, 28.06.2006, 29.09.2006, and 29.12.2006 to have information regarding the Company transactions and related points of field of activity and enable the books and registers to be duly kept, it is determined that the legal registers and balance sheet and Profit/Loss statements are in accordance with the valid documentation and accounting procedure and principles. The Number of the Enumeration Done Due To Column 1 Paragraph 3 of Article 353 of Turkish Commercial Code At the Partnership Cashier and Its Outcome : At the end of my examination performed on 30.03.2006, 28.06.2006, 29.09.2006, and 29.12.2006 at the cashier of the partnership, the assets such as the cash, documentary stamp, revenue stamp and share certificates in the cashier is counted and registered and it is determined that there is no lack or irregularity with respect to the conformity of these assets with legal books. The Outcome of the Investigation Done Due To Column 1 Paragraph 4 of Article 353 of Turkish Commercial Code : It is determined, through monthly examination on the registers and cash register of the Company that the assets such as checks, bonds, title deeds, investment incentive licenses were duly kept and there is no deposition and escrow at the cash register of the Company. It is determined that there is no deposition and escrow at the cash register of the Company. Incoming Complaints and Corruptions and Processes Against Them : During my examination, it is determined that there was no complaint regarding the partnership and corruption notices by anyone and any corruption notice issued by us and any corruption found by us I have examined the account transactions of PARK ELEKTR‹K Madencilik San. Tic. for the term of 31.12.2006 in accordance with the Turkish Commercial Code, Articles of Association and other legislation and related generally accepted accounting principles and standards. Due to my opinion, balance sheet as of 31.12.2006 reflects the financial situation of the partnership and the income statement for the term of 01.01.2006 - 31.12.2006 reflects the results of the activities of the related term, all in correct and accurate. I present the Balance Sheet and Income Statement to your approval and request the acquitting of the Board of Directors. PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 50 DECLARATION PURSUANT TO ARTICLE X/22-2/26 BOARD RESOLUTION ON THE APPROVAL OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Dated: 02 March 2007 Number: 8 OUR DECLARATION PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 2/26 OF THE COMMUNIQUÉ SERIE X, NO. 22 BY CAPITAL MARKETS AUTHORITY We hereby declare that; A) We have examined our Company's financial statements and footnotes for the period 31.12.2006, B) Under the information possessed by our Company within the sphere of duty and liability, the report does not contain any false explanation on important issues or any incompleteness that may be misleading as of the date when such explanation was made, C) Under the information possessed by our Company within the sphere of duty and liability, financial statements and information related to other financial issues accurately reflect the truth with regard to our Company's financial condition and activity results beginning from the period referred to in the report. Süleyman UYAN Member of Board PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 51 Tacigül Erdem Vice General Manager PARK ELEKTR‹K MADENC‹L‹K SANAY‹ VE T‹CARET CORPORATE GOVERNANCE COMPLIANCE REPORT INDEX 1- CORPORATE GOVERNANCE DECLARATION CHAPTER I - SHAREHOLDERS 2- Investor Relations Unit 3- Exercising the Shareholders' Right to Obtain Information 4- Information Concerning General Assembly 5- Voting Rights and Minority Rights 6- Profit Distribution Policy and Profit Distribution Date 7- Transfer of Shares CHAPTER II - PUBLIC DISCLOSURE AND TRANSPARENCY 8- Company Disclosure Policy 9- Material Disclosure 10- Company's Internet Website and its Content 11- Disclosure of Real Person Shareholder(s) Holding Final Dominant Share 12- Disclosure of Persons Who May Obtain Information From Inside CHAPTER III- BENEFICIARIES 13- Providing Information to Beneficiaries 14- Participation by Beneficiaries in Management 15- Human Resources Policy 16- Information Concerning Affairs with Customers and Suppliers 17- Social Responsibility CHAPTER IV- BOARD OF DIRECTORS 18- Structure, Formation of the Board of Directors and Independent Members 19- Qualification of the Board of Directors Members 20- Company's Mission, Vision and Strategic Goals 21- Risk Management and Internal Audit Mechanism 22- Duties and Liabilities of the Board of Directors' Members and the Directors 23- Operation Principles of the Board of Directors' Members 24- Business with the Company and Competition Restrictions 25- Ethical Rules 26- Number, Structure and Independence of Committees Formed in the Board of Directors 27- Financial Rights Granted to the Board of Directors PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 52 and to provide communication between the Company management and the shareholders. 1- CORPORATE GOVERNANCE DECLARATION This Corporate Governance Declaration has been prepared for disclosing to public the commitments by Park Elektrik Madencilik Sanayi ve Ticaret concerning its compliance with Corporate Governance Principles, its level of compliance with such principles and its reasoning where not complied with. Director of Investor Relations Unit is Mr. Bu¤ra Baban and he reports to the Chairman of the Corporate Governance and Appointment Committee. During his career in investment banking, Mr. Baban has worked in the Research and Corporate Finance Departments of Korfez Yat›r›m, ‹ktisat Yat›r›m, Kent Yat›r›m and Riva Securities. Contact with Investor Relations Unit can be established through Company's website or e-mail address or at +90 216 531 24 00. Park Elektrik Madencilik Sanayi ve Ticaret commits to have faith in principles of transparency, equality, responsibility and accountability for increasing the Company's value, and to act in compliance with such principles in the management of the Company. Contrary to many companies traded in the stock market, Park Elektrik is one of the rare companies that has handed over the management of the Company entirely to professionals. Board of Directors entirely consists of professionals and this situation fully complies with corporate governance principles. Park Elektrik is in the nature of a study covering Corporate Governance Principles published by Capital Markets Board on July 2003 as well as international principles and sector applications. After being discussed, the study has been approved in the Company's General Assembly Meeting dated June 14th, 2005. An analyst meeting has been held at Company Headquarters on September 29, 2006 by the Investor Relations Unit with the participation of 26 analysts from 25 different intermediary institutions. 3- EXERCISING THE SHAREHOLDER'S RIGHT TO RECEIVE INFORMATION Website built in April 2005, has been effectively prepared to provide the investors with the most information within shortest time in a coordinated, accurate, rapid, complete and understandable manner. Website is under the responsibility of Investor Relations Unit and is being updated constantly. Company has established its disclosure policy and this policy has been approved by the shareholders in the ordinary General Assembly. Questions raised by shareholders are responded effectively and rapidly by means of investor relations unit established within the Company. Request of appointing a private auditor has been arranged as a right in Article 12 of the Company's renewed articles of association. However, this right has not been exercised yet. In line with this study, the Company's top management and all of its employees have quickly adopted the “Corporate Governance” system formed within the Company and its mechanisms. Company has amended its Articles of Association in line with Corporate Governance Principles in the Ordinary General Assembly on June 2005. In summary, the renewed articles of association include arrangements concerning rights granted to minority shareholders, freedom of share transfer, independence of the Board of Directors, order of the Board of Directors meetings, formation of secretary, formation of committees and their independency, election criteria concerning members of Board of Directors and arrangements concerning General Assembly. Permanency of Corporate Governance Principles will be ensured by such amendments to the Articles of Association. 4- INFORMATION CONCERNING GENERAL ASSEMBLY Park Elektrik has realized its Ordinary General Assembly for 2005 on June 9th, 2006. General Assembly has convened with a participation rate of 70,08% and number of total votes casted in the meeting was as many as 3.363.721.600. Though the General Assembly meeting was open to media and beneficiaries, no participation has been made by them. Company has made arrangements in the Board of Directors with a view to increasing its efficiency. Number of Board of Directors members was increased from 5 to 9, two independent members have been assigned, and the structure of the Board of Directors has complied with corporate governance principles. Election of independent members as committee members, and consequently, presence of independent members in committees has been ensured. A secretary under the Board of Directors has been formed in order to keep and archive the minutes of Board of Directors meetings and enable the members of the Board of Directors easy access to Company information. Invitation to General Assembly meeting has been made prior 30 days before the meeting date in accordance with Corporate Governance Principles of the Capital Markets Authority. General Assembly has been announced through Istanbul, Dünya and Turkish Trade Registry Gazette newspapers. A three-week period has been given for registration to share book in order to ensure that registered shareholders participate into the General Assembly. No different period has been given for this matter and the provisions of Turkish Commercial Code and Capital Markets Authority have been taken as a basis. Annual Report and Financial Statements have been made available to the shareholders in the Company's head office and holding center before the General Assembly begins. Company's Articles of Association have been conveyed to the requesting investors. Apart from other items of agenda in the General Assembly, information has been conveyed to shareholders as to the grants made by the Company in 2005. The representative of BONY/ING International Small Cap Growth Fund, Mr Nur Sümen and the representative of The Pfizer Master Trust, Mr Ugur Taban, stated that the Groups they represent object to such grants as a general principle. Henceforth, the grants made by the Company have been accepted with 3,335,458,600 votes in favor versus 28,263,000 votes against. Other items in the agenda were accepted with unanimous votes. There is no provision in the Company's Articles of Association stating that important decisions such as “spin-off, sale/purchase, and lease of properties with significant values” shall be rendered in the General Assembly Meeting. The reason is that the Company frequently chooses to purchase, sale or lease properties as required by its sector and field of business. To make profit from tenders concerning such sale/purchase, such information is kept at the Board of Directors level. It is obvious that the Company and therefore its investors may endure losses if this “Commercially Confidential” information is disclosed to shareholders and public in the General Assembly. As per Article 3 of the Communiqué Series X, No. 19 by Capital Markets Authority, certain arrangements have been realized in line with Corporation Governance Principles, by increasing the effectiveness of Audit Committee, which was established before. As a secondary committee under the Board of Directors, a Corporate Governance and Appointment Committee has been formed, its working principles have been determined and its members have been appointed. All beneficiaries have been given the right to access information in an equal, complete, coordinated and rapid manner by building a website for the Company under the principles of transparency and disclosure to public. It is aimed by such disclosure that a management creating responsibility and value is ensured. Corporate Governance Principles are aimed at s trengthening and increasing the confidence of our existing and potential investors, our employees, regulatory authorities and international and national public opinion. CHAPTER I- SHAREHOLDERS 2- INVESTOR RELATIONS UNIT Company established an Investor Relations Unit as of April 26th, 2005 in order to ensure that the rights of the shareholders are used PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 53 Important decisions such as spin-off, sale/purchase, and lease of properties with significant values cannot be rendered in General Assembly due to the Company's activities. Company has made a 30 days' prior notification before the meeting date to increase the shareholders' participation to the General Assembly and to enable them to make enough preparation for the meeting. according to the Tax Procedural Code. will be presented to the 2006 General Assembly Meeting. Minutes of the General Assembly are kept available to the examination of the shareholders in the Company's Head Office and Holding's Head Office and the Company's website. CHAPTER II- PUBLIC DISCLOSURE AND TRANSPARENCY 7- TRANSFER OF SHARES There is no limitation regarding the transfer of shares in the Articles of Association. 8- COMPANY DISCLOSURE POLICY In order to enable each and every shareholder and beneficiaries to follow the developments about the Company in an equal and impartial manner, a disclosure policy based on transparency and honesty is constituted. 5- VOTING RIGHTS AND MINORITY RIGHTS Number of the members of the Board of Directors have been increased to 9 upon the amendment to the articles of association in the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting. In this regard, A and B Groups will nominate the members of the Board of Directors as the following: While disclosing information to public, the Company shall comply with the Capital Markets Law, and arrangements of Capital Markets Authority (SPK) and Istanbul Stock Exchange (IMKB). Besides, the Company shall exercise due care for realizing Capital Market Authority Corporate Governance Principles within the Company. GROUP A stocks elect 6 members out of 9. GROUP B stocks elect 3 member out of 9. Minority shares are not represented in management. However, the Company has appointed two independent members to ensure that minority shareholders are equally represented in the Board of Directors. Board of Directors shall prepare the disclosure policy and announce it to public. Board of Directors shall be liable to follow, review and improve the Disclosure Policy. Corporate Governance Committee will provide the Board of Directors, Audit Committee and Financial Affairs Unit with the information as to subjects concerning “Disclosure Policy”. Bu¤ra Baban, Director of the Investor Relations Unit, is responsible for observing and following up the disclosure policy. As a necessity of the sector and the structure of the Company, it is required for the Board of Directors to take fast and effective decisions. By the aggregating voting method, the decision period will be slowed down, in case the new shareholders face adaptation problems to the sector and the Company, and this will cause losses by preventing the Company to take the decisions on time. By taking these probabilities into account the aggregating voting method is not used. Persons Responsible for Disclosure Policy and Their Duties: Nalan Erkarakafl Ali Coflkun Duyak Süleyman Uyan Fercan Aykutlu Ömer Yenel Hulki Yakupo¤lu ‹nanç fienel Ferzan Çitici Biltekin Özdemir Bu¤ra Baban 6- PROFIT DISTRIBUTION POLICY AND PROFIT DISTRIBUTION DATE In line with corporate governance principles and the Comminuque of the Capital Markets Authority dated January 27, 2006, our Company has decided to determine its profit distribution policy to be presented for Shareholders' approval at its ordinary General Assembly as follows: • Profit distribution will be realized at an amount not to be lower than the minimum dividend ratios and amounts decided by the Capital Markets Authority and in line with the procedures set forth by Turkish Commercial Code, Capital Markets Authority Comminuques and our Articles of Association within the predetermined time period as foreseen by law. • Profit distribution to shareholders, also taking the growth and financing needs of the Company in the sector into consideration, will be realized by distributing cash dividends, stock dividends or a combination of both cash and stock dividends. • Profit distribution policy will be continued unless there is an extraordinary unfavorable development in the economy. • Profit distribution policies for the year 2006 and thereafter has been announced to our shareholders at the 2005 General Assembly Meeting in 2006. • The ratification of the matters of; - Setting aside NTL 1,584,786.33 as the initial legal reserve; - Distribution, on May 31, 2007, of NTL 6,240,000.00 as gross cash dividend upon consideration of minimum dividend rate determined at Meeting dated 18.01.2007 and numbered 2/53 of the Capital Market Board and dividend policy adopted within the frame of Resolution of the Board of Directors dated May 3, 2006 and numbered 17 and Corporate Governance Principles, - Setting aside NTL 384,000.00 as second legal reserve, - Transfer of the balance of NTL 23,486,940.31 to the extraordinary legal reserve; Out of the net period profit of NTL 31,695,726.64 remained after deduction of payable taxes and legal liabilities from the period profit set forth in the financial statements issued as of December 31, 2006 Chairwoman of the Board of Directors Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors Executive Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Investor Relations Unit Director 9- MATERIAL DISCLOSURE In 2004, the Company has made 40 material disclosures and sent these to Capital Markets Board and Istanbul Stock Exchange. As the Company is not quoted in foreign stock exchanges, there was no special case explanation with respect to foreign countries. Tacigül Erdem, Vice General Manager, and Investor Relations Unit Director Bu¤ra Baban are responsible for the special case explanations and that all explanations are done on due time. There is no sanction of the Capital Markets Board for the special case explanation that was not timely made. 10- COMPANY'S INTERNET WEBSITE AND ITS CONTENT The detailed, effective and updated website of the Company has been designed in April 2005. The website address is All of the information cited in Corporate Governance Principles of Capital Markets Board II. PART Article 1.11.5 are present at the website in detail. 11- DISCLOSURE OF REAL PERSON SHAREHOLDER(S) HOLDING FINAL DOMINANT SHARE There is no dominant real person shareholder in the Company. However, the shares of Turgay Ciner at Park Holding are 85% and his shares in Park Enerji Ekip. Mad. San. is 67%. These ratios, belonging to Turgay Ciner, have been indicated separately in the annual reports but not cumulatively present in order to explain the dominance status. PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 54 17- SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Company continues to perform its activities within the framework of environmental policy and in accordance with the protection of nature and environment, and inspection reports prepared for mining and production fields are present. As for social responsibility, the Group, as a whole, contributes to projects that are realized under the title “Ciner Group”. Such contributed projects are given below: 12- DISCLOSURE OF PERSONS WHO MAY OBTAIN INFORMATION FROM INSIDE Company has disclosed to public through its website, the list of persons who may obtain information from inside. Persons who may obtain information from inside are listed below. Nalan Erkarakafl Chairwoman of the Board of Directors and Audit Committee Ali Coflkun Duyak Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and General Manager Süleyman Uyan Executive Member ‹nanç fienel Member Ömer Yenel Member Hulki Yakupo¤lu Member Fercan Aykutlu Member Ferzan Çitici Member Biltekin Özdemir Member Hakk› Gültekin Auditor Orhan Yüksel Park Holding Vice General Manager Tacigül Erdem Vice General Manager- FinancialAffairs Director Bu¤ra Baban Investor Relations Unit Director Murat Çolak Chief of Accountancy Department Hanen Hayfavi Board of Directors Secretary Ayhan Sami Ça¤atay Park Holding Finance Manager Faik Y›lmaz Kavram Independent External Auditor Kurtbay Öncü Kavram Independent External Auditor Bünyamin Kalyoncu Kavram Independent External Auditor Mustafa Tatl›dil Kavram Independent External Auditor Yasemin Y›lmaz Kavram Independent External Auditor Ayhan Öztürk Kavram Independent External Auditor Yasin Ayd›n Kavram Independent External Auditor - Education and rehabilitation program applied to 101 students of Çeltiksuyu Boarding Elementary School that was damaged during the earthquake in Bingöl. - Constructions of 10 education boards have been completed and delivered to the Ministry of National Education. All demands necessary for educating the students have been met. This number is planned to be increased to 50. - Educated children of the martyr personnel of the Turkish Armed Forces and the Ministry of Interior are provided with scholarship. Scholarship is being provided to the children of total 100-martyr family. - 100 Beypazari houses have been restored as a contribution to the country's culture. No harm has been given to environment during period and no lawsuit has been filed against the Company. CHAPTER IV- BOARD OF DIRECTORS 18- STRUCTURE, FORMATION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND INDEPENDENT MEMBERS Company's Board of Directors has 9 members. 1 out of these members is executive while the remaining 8 members are not. CHAPTER III- BENEFICIARIES 13- PROVIDING INFORMATION TO BENEFICIARIES Corporate Governance Principles and its mechanisms have been formed within the Company in 2005 and a disclosure policy also covering the beneficiaries has been built in this line. Under the disclosure policy, meetings for beneficiaries (analyst meetings, quarterly evaluation meetings for employees and periodic meetings for employees) have been decided to be made. Announcement for such meetings and then meeting reports will be announced also in the Company's website. The Company has undertaken an analyst meeting on September 19, 2006 and the related presentation has been made available to public on the same day at the Company's website. Chairwoman of the Board of Directors is Nalan Erkarakafl and she is not executive. Head of Execution of the Company is Tacigül Erdem. Chairman of the Board of Directors and Executive Chairman are different persons. Majority of the Board of Directors members are not executive. Title and qualification of the Board of Directors Members are given below: Nalan Erkarakafl Ali Coflkun Duyak 14- PARTICIPATION BY BENEFICIARIES INTO MANAGEMENT Beneficiaries do not participate in management in person. However, in certain periods the Company personnel are invited to the Board of Directors to make explanations and express ideas on the subjects related to their unit. Süleyman Uyan Fercan Aykutlu Ömer Yenel Hulki Yakupo¤lu ‹nanç fienel Ferzan Çitici Biltekin Özdemir 15- HUMAN RESOURCES POLICY Company has built the Human Resources Policy in writing in line with the principles concerning employment, promotion, dismissal and performance measures of employees and made it public through the website. Moreover, all processes related to each unit and each duty was constituted in writing. In order to maintain the relations with the personnel there are union representatives in charge. The employees have filed no complaint concerning discrimination. Chairwoman of the Board of Directors Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors Executive Member Member Member Member Member Member - Independent Member Member - Independent Mamber Two independent members have been appointed to the Board of Directors. Independence criteria is fulfilled by independent members as set forth in Capital Markets Authority Corporate Governance Principles. 16- INFORMATION CONCERNING RELATIONS WITH CUSTOMERS AND SUPPLIERS As the Company has rendered services to other group companies in 2006, it has no external customers. Therefore, there was no need to make such a study as to customer satisfaction. Copper concentrate, the Company's main product is being exported and its price is determined in the London Metal Exchange. Since copper is a commodity and differentiation is unattainable, there has been no need for a study to determine customer satisfaction. The Company has undertaken its responsibilities arising from exports and no complaint or dissatisfaction has been made known from the Company's customer. In relation to the Board of Directors' Members who work outside the Company, the independent members are not restricted while the others are. Members of the Board of Directors of the Company who are not executive are working heavily because they have assumed other duties within the Holding. Such restriction is applied due to the reason that duties outside The Group would limit the time they should spend for the duties in the Company and Holding and decrease their productivity. PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 55 19- QUALIFICATION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEMBERS The minimum qualifications of the members of the board are indicated in the article 11 of the Articles of Association. It is in accordance with the articles 3.1.1, 3.1.2 and 3.1.5 of IV. PART of Corporate Governance Principles of Capital Markets Board. of the Board of Directors. The agenda and the information and reports concerning the agenda is provided to the members of the Board of Directors by means of secretary at least 1 week prior to meetings. Reasonable and detailed cross-vote justifications in relation to issues discussed during the meeting are recorded to the minutes of meeting and conveyed to the Company auditors in writing. Cross-vote justifications concerning the issues, for which the independent members to be appointed explained a different opinion, will be disclosed to public. Questions raised by the members and their answers are recorded in the minutes of meeting. The Company is ready to develop educational programs for the members who do not have some qualifications but there was no need to have such programs. However, compliance programs are planned for the new members of the Board of Directors by the Corporate Governance Committee. 20- COMPANY'S MISSION, VISION AND STRATEGIC GOALS The mission, vision, goals and values of the Company are explained at the website. Members' actual participation is ensured for the articles to be voted by the Board of Directors members who will actually participate into the Board of Directors meetings as set forth in Article 2.17.4, Chapter IV. of Capital Markets Authority Corporate Governance Principles. Mission of the Company: • Following the technology and recent developments and implement these to every stage of business • Working to maintain ever better working conditions • Increasing the efficiency by motivating the personnel • Construction of secure working sites at low cost • Avoiding loss by making use of resources effectively and efficiently Including the Chairwoman, no member of Board of Directors is given the right of weighted voting and/or negative veto. 24- BUSINESS WITH THE COMPANY AND COMPETITION RESTRICTIONS For members of the Board of Directors, there was no transaction with the Company or unfair competition within the term. Vision of the Company: • Leadership - Uprising the Company as leader among the national and international companies in the same sector. • Quality - growth of the Company without any concession from quality. • Growth - reflecting the effective and balanced growth to every activity of the Company and investing in appropriate areas. • High performance - enable the investors to reap maximum profits by maintaining the highest efficiency at lowest cost The Board of Directors approves the strategic goals constituted by the executives. 25- ETHICAL RULES The ethical rules are constituted by the Board of Directors regarding the Company and its personnel and disclosed to public through the website. 26- NUMBER, STRUCTURE AND INDEPENDENY OF COMMITTEES FORMED IN THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS An audit committee has been formed in order for the Board of Directors to fulfill its duties and responsibilities in a duly manner. Chairman of the Audit Committee is Biltekin Özdemir and the other members are Fercan Aykutlu and Süleyman Uyan. Biltekin Özdemir is an independent member of the Board. Fercan Aykutlu and Süleyman Uyan are Board Members. Park Elektrik has increased the efficiency of the Audit Committee that has been formed in accordance with Article 3 of the Communiqué Series X, No:19 by the Capital Markets Authority and has realized the operations aiming its formation in accordance with Corporate Governance Principles. The cited strategic goals are prepared and approved through the proposals and opinions of the related units, by the Board of Directors. The studies for the implementation are started immediately after the approval of the goals. The attainment level is measured by tracing the results in the financial statement periods and at the end of the year. To overview the attainment level, activities and past performance of the Company the Board of Directors is made subject to evaluation once a year. It is planned to make the investigation in accordance with the performance, attainment level, effectiveness of the activities and compliance with the Corporate Governance principles of the Board of Directors during the annual evaluation. Besides, a Corporate Governance and Appointment Committee as a secondary committee under the Board of Directors has been formed. Chairwoman of Corporate Governance and Appointment Committee is Nalan Erkarakafl and the other members are Ferzan Çitici and Ali Coflkun Duyak. 21- RISK MANAGEMENT AND INTERNAL AUDIT MECHANISM Board of Directors has formed a risk management mechanism in relation to existing and potential risks to the Company. Risk management system defines the maximum risks that each unit of the Company may undertake, percent realization of risk occurrences, precautions and control mechanisms against them. Internal audit mechanisms are exercised for following risk management. Efficiency of risk management is periodically reviewed and deficiencies and faults determined are corrected within shortest period. As applied by the Board of Directors beginning from the year 2005, the Audit Committee will convene quarterly at least 4 times a year while the Corporate Governance and Appointment Committee will convene at least 3 times a year. Procedures to be followed by the committees during their activities have been formed in writing and disclosed to public. Provisions entailing that the Board of Directors members will not perform duty in more than one committee have been set forth in the Articles of Association. Qualifications of the Committee Members are set forth in Article 10 of the articles of association and such members will have the same qualifications as the members of the Board of Directors. 22- DUTIES AND LIABILITIES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEMBERS AND THE DIRECTORS Duties and Liabilities of the Board of Directors Members have been added upon the amendment to the Company's Articles of Association. Duties and Liabilities of the Board of Directors Members are also mentioned in the Company's website. 27- FINANCIAL BENEFITS GRANTED TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Rights, benefits and salary provided to the Board of Directors members will be given in line with performance criteria applied to the Board of Directors. Company has not lent money or provided credit to any Board of Directors member or any of its directors. 23- OPERATION PRINCIPLES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEMBERS Agenda of the Board of Directors meetings are determined in line with demands from its chairman and members. Demands by the managers have an effect on the determination of the agenda. Board of Directors meetings shall convene at least 12 times a year as mentioned in Article 12 of the articles of association. The provision concerning absence stating, “a member of Board of Directors who fails to join in three consecutive meetings shall be deemed to have resigned.” is set forth in the articles of association. A secretary unit under the Board of Directors has been formed in order to keep and archive the minutes of Board of Directors meetings and provide the members of the Board of Directors with coordinated information and Hanen Hayfavi has been appointed as the Secretary Nalan Erkarakafl Chairwoman of the Board PARK ELEKTR‹K 2006 Annual Report 56 Süleyman Uyan Member of the Board group HEAD OFFICE: Paflaliman› Caddesi No:73 34670 Paflaliman› Üsküdar ‹STANBUL - TURKEY Tel. : (+90 216) 531 24 00 Fax : (+90 216) 531 25 71 E-mail : BRANCH: Madenköy fiirvan S‹‹RT - TUREY Tel. : (+90 484) 517 21 36 Fax : (+90 484) 517 20 73