delight - Hi
delight - Hi
REVIEWS o^t#8HI#A-lR r,"u*/usB DAC e3ee Desktop delight Denon s latest compact integrated combines computer audio appeal with beautiful build James pa*er takes a listen trDEIAILS PRODUCT Denon PMA-50 ORIGIN China TYPE lnteglated amplifier/Us8 DAC wtrGlft 2.5k9 DU ENS|ONS WxHxD) 20Ox86x258mm FCAIURES Ouoted pow€r 2x 25W irno 8ohm6 a a Asynchtonous USB inptq 3x digital inpub; analogue esktop appears to be the buzzword of late for the D&M Group: staning with t}le litde Denon DA-300USB USB DAC and headphone amp (HFC 393), ir's gone on to launch the classyJooking Mamntz HD-DAC1 DAc^eadphone amp,/preamp, and most recently the battery-powered Denon DA-10, irs or y-slighrly-roobulfu ponable headphone ampljfier. All of these were launched at the companfs European conference last yeaf, where it was clear fiom the layout of rhe display that it is taking personal audio very seriously: while the AV receivers and rhe like were ananged around the sides ofthe exhibition space, the desktop products were quite literally placed centre stage. Now there's a fourth va ation on the theme, in r}te form ofDenon,s lFflgdc! MAY 2015 PMA-50, which is a compacr integrated amplifier complete with USB-B asynchronous digital input for that all-imponanr computer hook up, and aprx Bluetooth to enable wireless music playback fiom my'fiad smartphones, tablets and computers. Oh, and as well as pcM-based high-resolution content at up to 24-bitl192kH2, rhe pMA-50 will also handle DSD2.B and 5.6, which will keep even the most fanatical computer audio enthusiast happJa yes, DSD tends to divide opinions, with some safng it was a format of its time, and pointing to rhe paucity of downloads available, but in teims of box ticking with the 'Macs and DACS' brigade - those who play music fiom a direct-connected computer mther than going down the letwork sfieaming path - it is prefty much a must-have these days. lnpu$aptx Bluetooth . He€dphone amp DISTRIBUTOR Denon UK IEITPHON€ 02890?98:t0 wEESm,uk The Denon PMA-50 couldn't look much simpler from the front. having just *ree buftons (powet inpur selection ald Bluetooth), plus a volume control and 'prope/ 6.3mm headphone socket. The OLED display is hidden when the amplifier is switched off, and there's a touch poinr on fie lefthard side-panel for pairing with NFc-capable Bluetooth devices. like the DA-300USB, fte PMA-S0 can be used in horizontal orientation or veftically for example to save desk space. The feet ulscrew Iiom the base, and fit into four tireads on the right side panel, the display reorients itselJ when the amp is tumed venically ard lour caps a_re supplied to fill tlre holes left by the removed feet. Apan fiom that low-larencv aDrX Bluetooth input and rh" urln"hionnu" USB-B socket, r}le pMA-50 also has two optical and one coaxial digital input, a single set of analogue inputs, and a subwoofer ougut in addition to the speaker outs. Power output is quoted as 25W per channel into Bohms, doubling into 4ohms. A simple credit,card-sized remote handser is provided with tie amp, and further adjustments beyond the basic volume and inpur select on the front panel are available within the PMA-50's menu system. Balance and tone controls are available, with a 'source direcr'oprion ro blpass them; you can choose be(veen three gain settings for rhe headphone output; tum off Blueroolh completely to reduce inledbrence and enable or 'N r rGRA- rD defeat the power-saving auto standby function, designed to switch the amp off after 30 minutes of no signal. Sound quality The PMA-50 may only be 200mm wide and 86mm tall in horizontal orientation (or 80mm wide by 206mm tall when vertical, thanks to those rnovable feet), but for a tiddler it pack quite a surp singpunch.I use it botl in my desktop system and in a small-room setup, and never find it lacking for power or sriuggling to keep up with the demands that I place upon it. OK so it's not going to be the right choice for those with hulking geat floortanding speakers, cavernous rcoms or a haJrl(ering for club/iiont row of an arena gig sound prcssurc levels. Howeve4 used within its limits, for fairly dose-up listening with speakers of reasonable-to-high A fres$l, clean and yetsubstantial soulrd. w{th! no hFnt o$ strugg$e Compact de6ktop amplifiersareallthe rage these days, NAD, for e)€mple, rcinvented its classic3020 amplifier as the D 3020 (HFC379), complote with digital inputs, striking asymmetdc styling and the same'vertical or ho rontal'choice off€red bythe Denon. And very good it sounds. too. lfyoullkething6 small but $rith more conventional look an obvious choice is theOuad V€na Group test $rinner (HFC39O) - i& mote expeNive at 0600, but has comiderable hi.ti credentials, or at a simllarpricepolnt to the Denon the Teac sensitivity (which covers most of the popular choices in the sub-f500 arena these days), it is capable of an attractively detailed and punchy sound, coupled with an inherent smootlness and refi nement. In absolute terms, the PMA 50 plays things slighdy safe, and there arc more conventionally proportioned amps available for not much more money capable of a sound with more attack and drive, if that's what you're after - although often this comes at the expense of subtlety which is something the Denon has in spades. The amplification here is digital, using a discrete output stage and CSRs Direct Digital Feedback Al.30lDA hlghly also comes recommended from the same test. Amplifier TechnoloS]a which compensates in the digital domain for distortions, output filter non-linearities and power supply variations. Ahead of that, the amp utiiises Denon's Advanced AL32 processing, which oversamples, interpolates and filteG incoming digital data, and tends to produce just the kind of well detailed but smooth and rich sound that's very much in evidence here. Howevel ifthat makes it sound like A\,lplrFrER,P,U3XBHSS REVIEWS you don't chance things with low-bitrate MP3 files, which sound horrible whatever you do with them. This is also a very accomplished headphone amp, as you might hope Siven Denon's rccent form in this area and the product's desktop ambitions: whether with a pair of easy going Bang & Olufsens or the rather more demanding Oppo PM-1s, it delivers a ftesh, clean and yet substantial sound, with no hint of a struggle however hard I push it. this is one for the armchair jazzers and chamber music enthusiasts, nothing could be furdrer ftom the tmth. Hooked up to a computer with a hefty slug ofhi-res and DSD content cued up on the hard drive, the PMA-50 proves morc than capable of gettilg tie air in tlle rcom moving with everytiing ftom the bass Iine on The Rolling Stones' SJ4npathy For The Deyil to a spot of atmospherically recorded cathedral organ, while at the same time rctaining fine control even with speakers much, much larger than you'd expect to find on the end of a dinky 2.5kg amplifier. And it can do the snarl and slam, too, crashing out those guitar windmills and machine-gun dmms on The Who's I4ont Get Fooled Again in some style. Agreed IVe heard Daltreys geat bellow and Moon's manic attack delivered with more conviction when handled at earthreatening levels by amplifiers costing twice as much as the Denon, but considering the compact dimensions, flexibility and affordable price, this is pretty impressive stuff. Nor are the other inputs just there to make up the numbers: I'm no great fan of Bluetooth, finding it often sounds rafier parched and anonlanous, but the Denon s bang-up-to-date implementation seems to deliver the goods rather better than some - at least provided O Asynchronous US&B pon O Digitalopticaland cooxhl inputs O Analogue line O Subwoofer O 4mm speaker binding posts inputs Gonclusion Sensibly priced, well equipped, neady designed ald with a sound tlat will have wide appeal, the ultra-compact Denon PMA-50 is far more than the novelty it may first appear: it's a real hi-fi amplifie4 and a very good one at tiat-just smaller r The leet cen be r€movod so that the A-sO can stand vertlcally P vA(uEroR MoNEY DtsLtxE:Nothino of anysqn,fcance - ***** preoutput ****t OVERALL MAY 2015 HifiqEb€ 59
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