firepower - Hi
firepower - Hi
52 DENON AVR_X4OOO + Approx f,,t,2OO Fresh-faced firepower Denon wants to reinvigorate the humbte receiver with its AVR-X4000, but does this nextgeneration oflering live up to the legendary legacy of the brand? Steve May takes a listen DENON HAS HIGH hopes for its 2013 X-series of AV receivers, with the new range boasting an unapotogetica[[y modernistic feature set and some welcome refinements, inctuding a reworked user interface, ctearer front paneI disptay and hand-hotding Setup Assistant to demystify insta[lation. The model featured here tops the tineup, but at tl,200 and tipping the scales at l2.3kg, it's more cruiserweight than heavyweight. The AVR-X4O0O is a seven-channeI design, but supports nine-channeI processing shou[d you want to lace up an additional stereo power amp. ln the brand's AV stabte, it lords it over the lookatike AVR-X3000, cheaper at f,8OO, but looks up to the t2,300 AVR-4520. Neat design Cosmetica[[y, this receiver is slick without being idiosyncratic. The fascia itself has a neat, brushed finish and tlghtweight symmetrical control knobs that frame a central trapdoor. The roof of the AVR sports a couple of ptastic heat mats, secured over the front-facing vents with tittte plastic ctips. These stightty ugty toupees are designed to prevent the roof of the unit exceeding predetermined temperature leve[s when the receiver is run at high volumes. Overly cautious perhaps, but Denon and Marantz have been using them for years. Beneath the tid turks Denon's Dynamic Discrete Surround Circuit D.D.S.C.-HD tech, plus Denon Link HD anti-jitter wizardry - the [atter only comes into effect when partnered with a sibting Denon Link-toting Btu-ray p[ayer, and went untested during my audition. To optimise fidetity, signal paths have been minimised. The Tl PCM]690 DAC used within is common to most of the X-series models. The layout of the rear panel is measured and manageabte. The horizontaI speaker terminats are colour-coded and there's a sheet of matching labels provided in the box to help sort your cable spaghetti. The HDMI provision is generous, wlth six inputs (ptus a seventh around the front), coupled to lnstaPrevue HOME CINEMA CHOICE NOVEMBER 2O]3 POSITION: Leading the line of Denon's 2013 receivers, below the 2012-era AVR-4520 PEERS: Pioneer SC-1X57; Yamaha RX-A]030 thumbnait previews. There are three HDMI outs, two of which can serve the main viewing room, with an independent feed for a second zone (note that the lnstaPrevue doesn't function when this Zone 2 HDMI output is active). The receiver can also distrlbute audio only to a third zone. Room EQ is achieved via Audyssey's muttipte-position MuttEQ XT32 system and supplied mic. ln terms of distance and level it proved pteasingly accurate in my room, but I stitt fett the need to make my own extra manual adjustments. Another Audyssey offering on the AVR-X4O00 is LFC, which purports to controI the dispersion of deep bass without adversely impacting the LFE performance in room. The system has seven levets of 'tow frequency containment,' but my advice s to avoid all of them like an Uxbridge nightctub on a Friday night. When engaged, pretty much every thud of bass is exercised from the soundtrack, leaving nothing but shritt squawking. I may have been ptaying The Expendables 2 on the Blu-ray player, but my neighbours must have thought I was cutling parakeets. Thankfutty, there're ptenty of useful features on board, too, inctuding Apple AirPtay and Spotify (in itsetf a rather exctusive combination ). The latter's onscreen presentation is somewhat simptistic but it works wetI enough and for Spotify subscribers it'tt hit the right notes. Surround sound simplified 'There are ptenly cf usef i -j i featr-: reS,]r^r boarC, including bcth Appie AtrPiaV and r-n i-jsic service Spctify' The boffins at Denon ctaim they've taken big strides in making its AVRs more approachable. and they're hatf right. The setup and main menus of the AVR-X4O00 are easity navigated. enIivened with engaging graphics. But despite the refresh, some aspects of the receiver remain less than rntuitive; you'tt stitt need to consutt the manual, which is supptied as a PDF on a CD ROM or as a downtoad. The AVR-X4000 presentsa minimalist front fascia -a pull-down flap conceals USB and HDMI inputs NOVE^,'3ER 2OI3 HOME CINEMA CHOICE + Denon's AVR-X4O00 features a new simptified Setup Assistant to demystify the receiver instatlation, However, the operating togic remaining inscrutabte and unintuitive at times - shame there's no printed manuaI supptied Yes. PLus Dotby Digitat With a name tike 'X4000' you'd expect this receiver to be ctad in spandex and boast secret superpowers, such as integrated Wi-Fi or Bluetooth streaming. But it doesn't. However, I suspect neither wi[[ be crucial to the type of serious home theatre buyer shorttisting this modet. And this doesn't diminish the receiver's connected performance - the Denon shines when networked. Setecting the Network input brings up a cotlection of icons representing internet radio,, Spotify, media servers and Flickr. lt's DLNA i.5 compliant and handtes disparate codecs weil; from USB and across a LAN it taps its feet to MP3, M4AIAAC, FLAC, WMA and WAV. Those running a music server NAS are wetl served. You can experiment with height and width exotica (DTS Neo:X, Audyssey DSX and Dotby Pro-Logic llz), atthough with on[y seven channels on hand, you'[[ need to forgo rear surround channets. The AVR atso features a variety of picture presets plus a user mode which altows you to tune contrast, brightness, saturation, hue and noise reduction. Personal[y, I fee[ your source and disptay are the more logical ca[ibration point. Positive performance The AVR-X4000's sonic characteristic is futt-btooded but sweet - it's the musical equivalent of a Ferrero Rocher box. Digitonal's electro bop Seraphim (Angel Mix),streamed as a FLAC Studio Master from Linn Records, is rich and gtuttonous. And catt me a heathen, but I preferred the receiver's multichanneI stereo presentation to its direct two-channel detivery, lndeed, the immersive nature of the AVR-X4000's surround (incluttered handsets compared to some AvR Gan also use the fiee app -you HOME CINEMA CHOICE NOVEMBER 2O'I3 t, The AVR-X4O00 has six lear HDMI inputs (and one on the fiont panel), plusthree HDMI outpu:J soundfield is a consistent joy. When tuned into Sky Sports' Fl HD race coverage, transmitted in Dotby Digitat 5.1, my viewing room sounded as if under siege from angry bees. Engines were panned front to back, teft and right, in a glorious cacophony. With pumped-up actioners, tike the aforementioned ...Expendables 2 and its DTS-HD MA 7l mix, the AVR-X4O00 stomps around tike a bettigerent teenager, kicking cans and debris into every corner of the room with gusto. As Sty and his team unteash their ordnance, the Denon responds with quick-fire transients. lt's impossible to suppress a grin at its antics, even though centre channel diatogue delivery occasional[y sounds a tad potite. Ctarity and definition remain admirable. The amplifier is rated at l25W (into Sohms) with at[ channets driven. Whi[e not an out-and-out votume monster, it doesn't strain when cranked toud; the integrity of the soundstage isn't compromised, remaining classy and controtled across the range. Overat[, the AVR-X4O00 delivers on its modern promise. lt may tack the witd invention of Sony's STRDA5800ES and the astounding dynamics of Arcam's FMJ AVR750, but both those modets compete in price divisions a magnitude higher than this weIt-behaved slugger. I would have tiked to see THX post-processing, and find the operating logic at times inscrutab[e, but this -cdet's forward-looking feature s3: .as undeniable appeat. And it s -: sputably a fine-sounding receive.':':re price I r',13i!'*5fi No No 7 x l25W (8ohms) Yes. Three zones Txinputs;3xoutputs 2xinputs:lxoutput 5 x composite; 4 x digital audio (2 x opticalandZxcoaxial) Yes. To 4K 434(w) x 378(d) Audvrr.vS x f,,f 187(h)mm rf teOf ii5g audio catibration and LFC; Audyssiy DSX . processing; HDMI passthrough; Appte iOS and An_droid control apps; DLNA l.5media ptayback; Eth_ernet; USB, AirPlay: vTuner; Spotify:-Ftickr; D.D.S.C-HD; Denon Llnk HD:A124 pr6cessine Ptus; HDMI lnstaPrevue; nine-channet pre-ouI Denon AVR-X4000 + fl,200 Approx + +Tet: (0)2890 279830 HIGHS: Engaging multichanneI delivery; generous c0nnectivity; exce[ent network streaming and content support; versatite multiroom options LOWS: At times, almost too refined; no Bluetooth; ugly remote; not quite as intuitive as Denon would have us believe; only seven channets of amplification Performance{f f, f --) -] o.rien **-tJ Features{a f }--) OveraltT*** |
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