NEC DSX Frequently Asked Questions.
NEC DSX Frequently Asked Questions.
NEC DSX Frequently Asked Questions Q: A: What's size configurations will the DSX hardle? The DSX-40has up to 34 total ports, including24 digitalstationports. The DSX€0/160 has up to 144 totatdigitralports and up to 32 Volp ports. Q: What features are available for the DSX telephones? Telephonesare availablewith backlitdisplayand illuminateddial pad,and all phonesare equippedwith a largedisplay,a hands-freespeakerphone and built-inwall mounUadjustable desk stand. In ad'dition, all Key Telephoneshave a modularheadsetjack, eliminatingthe need for a separateadapter. A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Does the DSX have Voice Over lnternet Protocol (Volp) capabilities? Yes, the DSX offerctwo modelsof VolP Telephones,for on or off-premiseapplications. Does the DSX offer fullduplex speakerphone capability? Yes, one of the digitaltelephonemodels,the new DSX SuperDisplayTelephone(1090023& 1O9OO28), is equippedwith a full-duplexspeakerphone.The two DSX VolP telephonesare alsofull-duplex. Are there color optione for DSX Telephones? Yes, phonesare availablein Blackor White. Q: A: ls there an Automated Attendant (AA) available? There is a two port automatedaftendantbuilt into every DSX system.Use this AA to answerand route calls to extensionsor departmentsin Day mode, NightMode or Overflow. There is nothingextra to purchasefor basicAA operation. Q: A: ls Voice Mail(VM) available? The abilityto add VM is builtintoeveryDSX and only requiresan IntraMailcompactflashcard to activate. IntraMailis a full-featuredVM/AA systemthat will transfercallercand recordVM messages. Thereare two versionsof InhaMail. The standardversionis availablein (3) sizes: 2-PorU8-Hour, 4-PorU8-Hour, and 8-PorU16-Hour. The enhancedIntraMailPro is availablein (2) sizes: 4-PorU16Hour and 8-PorU32-Hour. Q: What are some of the advanced features of the DSX IntraMail and the enharred lntraMail Pro? ConversationRecord;recorda callinto a predeterminedmailbox. Messaoeon Hold; recordyour own on hold companymessage. QhgctorvDialino;dial a name insteadof a numberto reachyour party. CallerlD; CID informationis audiblyprovidedwith a voicemailmessage. UessaoeNotiftcation;you can receivea callwhen new messagesanive. Call Screen:listenas live callersleave messagesand pick up only the calls you want to answer. Messile QgnlerKgy; notifygroupsof extensionsthat importantvoice messagesare waitingfor responses. Visual indicationwill alert everyonein the group of a new message,the first one to retrievefhe new' messagewillautomatically extinguishthe messagecenterkey. Multiolecomoanv Greetino;up to I uniquecompanygreetingscan be recorded. PersonalGreetino;up to 3 personalgreetingscan be recordedper mailbox. A: Our DSX IntraMailPro is an enhancedversion,whichoffersthe followingadditionalvoicemailfeatures: Email Notificationsendsan email noticethat a voice messagehas been left in the user'smailbox. The messagecan be attachedto the email messageas a .wav file. Laroer storne capabilities.l6 and 32-hours CascadinoMessaqeNotiftcation,IntraMailPro will try to reach a user at up to (5) numbers. Find Me FollowMe, helps an AutomatedAttendantcaller locatean extensionuserwho is not at their desk. Q: A: Can the DSX,40 be used in residential applications? Yes, the DSX-40is FCC class B for residentialuse. Residentialfeatures include:Room Monitor,GroupCallerlD (all phonesshowcallerlD even phonesthat don'tring),GroupMailbox(singlemailboxsharedby multiplephones),MessageCenterKeys(centralize voicemailboxes to one phone,and give mailboxesto guests/nanny,etc.), 2 built-indoorboxports on DSX40 KSU:w/relays,2 built.inanalog ports on DSX-40for standardanalogtelephoneequipment(fax, standardcordless,etc). NECCorporation of America Shelton,CT 0eA4 80G365-1928 NEC DSX Frequently Asked Questions Q: A: ls Caller lD (ClD)Supported? CID supportis builtintoeveryDSX system. SinceeveryDSX KeyTelephonehasa large3Jinedisptay, CID numberand name(if available)can be viewedpre or postanswerin additionto maintainingsoit displaykey functions. Q: A: ls CallWaiting Caller lD supported? Yes, this is a new featureof the DSX. Q: ls Caller lD sent to analog station ports? Yes, CID information (name,number,& time/date)for externaland intercomcallsis sentto analog stationports,for use with customerprovidedCID accessories. A: Q: A: ls there a Caller lD log? Yes,the CID information for eachoutsidecall that ringsan extensioncan be viewed. This informationcan be savedand easilyredialed. Q: Does DSX support T1/PR|? Yes, supportfor T1lPRlis availableon the DSX€0/160. A: Q: A: Do I need a CSU for the TllPRl? We recommendit, and in someareas,a CSU may be requiredby the canier. We recommendthe KentroxSatellite932 CSU, or equivalent. A: How is DSX programmed? Thereare two waysto program: by telephoneor PC. PC programming is via built-inUSB and/or Ethernetports and can be accessedlocallyor remoteover lp. Q: A: Do any of the DS1000/DS2000 componentsoperateon the DSX? Yes, manyof the cunentDS componentscan be usedon the DSX. Q: Can I reuge my existing DS1000/DS2000 Telephoneson the DSX? Yes, the DS200016-PortDigitalStationCardcan be installedin the DSX€0/160system. DSIOOo/2OOO telephonescannotbe usedin the DSX*40system. Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: Q: A: ls there an irilegrated cordless phone? Yes, there are two integratedcordlessphonesthat connectdirectlyto a digital stationport: The CordlessDECTand the CordlessLite ll. Both have displaysthat will show CID and have functionkeys (with LEDs)that can be programmedthe sameas the functionkeys on the DSX key telephones,i.e. line,DSS/tsLF,parkorbit,record,etc. Must I be certified to installthe DSX? No, certification is not mandatorybut it is recommended. Certificationis requiredfor the ChannelResellerto qualifyfor rebate. How can I become certified? Easy. Msit,for the self pacedon-linenanated certificationcourse. The first module shouldtake approximately90 minutesand will providethe informationand test necessaryfor certification. How do I determine which system I need between the DSX-40,80, & 160? Firstyou needto determinethe cunent systemcapacityrequirements(lines,digitalstations,VolP stations, and analogstations).Thenyou needto determinethe growthyou want to allowwhilestayingin the initial KSU. Typical configuration guidelines: (Up to 32 VolP sfafions can be added to each configuration.) - DSX40: Maximumof 8 CO Lines(T1lPRlnot offeredon the DSX-40); Maximumof 26 analog/digital stations(2 of the 26 must be analog). - DSX€O: Maximumof 'tGCO Linesor 1 T1lPRlcircuitwith maximumof 32 digitalstations. - DSX-160:Maximumof32COLinesor2Tl/PRlcircuitswithmaximumof g6digitalstations. MoreCO linescan be added,if lessthat 96 stationsare used. Where can lget more information? or call NEC SalesSupportat 800-365-1928. An easy to use DSX systemconfiguratoris availableon the DSX Website: vl 1ol09 NECGorporationof America Shelton, CT 06484 800-365-1928 wum.necdsx.oom