The 2nd Annual ITALIA GRI 2015 3-4 NOVEMBER MILAN Rosa Grand Milano Connecting Italian and Global Real Estate Leaders Investitori internazionali e operatori locali nel meeting immobiliare più esclusivo in Italia ENGLISH & ITALIAN PROGRAM PROGRAMMA INGLESE & ITALIANO 1 TIPS TIPS HERE ARE A FEW TIPS THAT MAY BE HELPFUL IN GETTING THE MOST OUT OF THE GRI... ALCUNI CONSIGLI UTILI PER PRENDERE IL MASSIMO DA GRI... GRI discussions are not panels. They are like after-dinner conversations in one’s own living room with good friends, under the guidance of a moderating Chair. I gruppi di discussione GRI sono come conversazioni dopo cena nel proprio salotto con buoni amici, sotto la guida di un moderatore. Everyone participates equally, not just the Discussion Chair & Co-Chairs. The job of the moderating Chair is to make everybody talk and engage. Discussion Co-Chairs sit scattered about the room and participate no more and no less than anyone else in the room. If connecting with new partners is useful, we encourage you to engage as vocally and actively as you might enjoy. This will enable others to get to know you and vice versa. Sei qui per entrare in contatto con gli altri, ti incoraggiamo a prendere parte attivamente ai gruppi, divertirti e a fare sentire la tua voce. Questo permetterá agli altri di sapere chi sei e viceversa. The Moderating Chair will address questions directly to participants by name or by gesturing towards them, not just to anyone in the room atlarge, as that is usually greeted with pregnant silence. Even so, you are encouraged to comment, question, dissent or otherwise interject. Il Moderatore fará domande direttamente a singole persone, indicandole possibilmente, e non lancerá un interrogativo vago a tutti i presenti in stanza (cosa che solitamente é seguita da silenzio). Anche se ció accadesse, ti invitiamo a candidarti a rispondere, commentare, dibattere, dissentire, concordare, rilanciare altre domande. As no one will prompt you, please join the discussion room of your choice in good time. Rooms tend to fill up after a discussion starts and you need not be concerned by a near empty room. This will quickly change. Nessuno ti solleciterá, quindi per favore scegli il tuo gruppo di discussione e raggiungi la stanza in tempo. Le sale tendono a riempirsi dopo che é iniziato il dibattito, quindi non ti preoccupare se all’inizio é quasi vuota. Il numero di presenti si modificherá rapidamente. Some participants speak so softly as to be unheard by most. Speak up and remind others to do so if you can’t hear them. Alcuni partecipanti parlano talmente sottovoce che é quasi impossibile sentirli. Per favore, alza il tuo tono di voce e chiedi di fare altrettanto se non riesci a sentire. Avoid monopolizing conversation, self-promotion or commercial pitches, as the Moderating Chair has been urged to cut them off. The GRI format was designed to enable senior industry leaders to share, learn and make friends in as natural, spontaneous and collegial a setting as possible. We welcome your suggestions as to how we can do better. 2 Non ci sono platee o relatori, tutti partecipano equamente, non solo i co-chair e il moderatore. Il compito del moderatore é di far partecipare e parlare tutti durante la discussione. I co-chair sono seduti in maniera sparsa nella stanza, e partecipano né piú e né meno degli altri. Evita di monopolizzare la discussione, di auto-promuoverti o presentare la tua azienda. Il Moderatore é stato ben ‘istruito’ a bloccarti subito nel caso. Il format GRI é stato pensato per permettere a leader senior executives di condividere, imparare, fare amicizia in un ambiente naturale, spontaneo e collegiale. Accogliamo i tuoi suggerimenti per migliorare sempre di piú il modo di farlo. MEDIA PRESENCE PRESENZA STAMPA While journalists may sometimes take notes during discussions, they only ever do so after signing a “Chatham House” confidentiality agreement under which they commit not to quote for attribution to a person or to a company, except with specific consent from the respective parties. In addition, students or other reporters may summarize most of the discussions and take notes that are subsequently distributed to all participants. I giornalisti possono prendere appunti durante i gruppi di discussione, ma hanno già firmato un accordo di confidenzialità per cui non possono pubblicare citazioni di persone o aziende, a meno che non ricevano esplicito consenso dai diretti interessati. Noterai la presenza di alcuni studenti che sono qui per prendere nota e scrivere un report riassuntivo delle discussioni che poi invieremo a tutti i participanti. WELCOME BENVENUTO Seniority of a Boardroom. Intimacy of your living room. Serietà di una sala riunioni. Intimità del vostro soggiorno. I’m delighted to welcome you to the 2nd Italia GRI. As you may already know, GRI events are different. The discussion groups are participatory affairs, not polite conversations. We encourage you to question, interrupt, disagree and generally let the world know what you think. Our aim is simply to remove the barriers that can often stop senior executives networking effectively. To GRI newcomers, welcome to an exclusive real estate club of like-minded peers. To old friends, welcome back. We wish you a great Italia GRI. Siamo lieti di darvi il benvenuto alla seconda edizione di Italia GRI. Come giá saprete, gli eventi di GRI sono particolari: i gruppi di scussione non consistono in timide conversazioni ma sarete incoraggiati a partecipare, facendo domande, interrompendo, dissentendo ed esprimendo la vostra opinione di fronte a tutti. Il nostro scopo é semplicemente la rimozione di quelle barriere che spesso ostacolano l’efficace creazione di relazioni tra i senior executive. Ai nuovi partecipanti, benvenuti a un club esclusivo di colleghi del settore Real Estate e ai vecchi amici, bentornati! Vi auguriamo un meraviglioso GRI. Henri Alster Chairman GRI Fulvia D’Ippolito Director, Italy GRI Maria Isidro Acting Director, Italy GRI 3 NOT FINAL at time of press Please check handout update TUESDAY • 3rd November 2015 NORMA Time/Room MANON TOSCA 13:00-14:00 REGISTRATION 14:00-15:00 ECONOMIC KEYNOTE - MARCO VALLI, CHIEF EUROZONE ECONOMIST, UNICREDIT 15:00-15:45 NETWORKING BREAK DISCUSSIONS 15:45-17:00 REAL ECONOMY VS FINANCIAL MARKETS Is change really happening? Who will be the next to make deals? IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF SPAIN How long will the window of opportunity stay open in Italy? THE ROLE OF BANKS Assuming no bad bank, what’s the future of NPLs? Alessandro Muccio Christoffer Lydiker Fabio Carlozzo Emilio Giorgi Andrea Clamer Blair Lewis Ramon CaminaMendizabal Luca Malighetti Andi Ballta Sameer Godbole Giovanni Gilli Giuseppe Puccia Mauro Savoia David Brogi Benedetto Mischi Giulio Passanisi Massimo Ruggieri Robert Cervinka Corrado Trabacchi Luigi Capuano Mario Pello Rupert Gill Andrea Cornetti 17:00-18:00 NETWORKING DRINKS 19:00 NETWORKING APERITIVO AT VISCONTI PALACE 20:00 GRI DINNER AT VISCONTI PALACE WEDNESDAY • 4th November 2015 NORMA Time/Room MANON TOSCA 09:00-10:00 REGISTRATION & PERSONAL NETWORKING TIME 10:00-10:45 KEYNOTE 10:45-11:30 NETWORKING BREAK DISCUSSIONS 11:30-12:30 12:30-13:45 GLOBAL EQUITY IN ITALY Core+, Value added, Opportunistic; how much risk are investors willing to take? RETAIL Shopping Centres, Retail Parks, High Street, Online; where will the best investment opportunities be? MILAN & ROME Too many eyes on too few assets? Daniel Buaron Benjamin Khafi Grynfas Nicola Zeni Marco Salvini Domenico Tulli Gabriele Peroni John Carrafiell Jay Kwan Martin Hellweger Tim Santini Alberto Agazzi Alberto Segneghi Matteo Cidonio Luigi Oliva Paolo Magnaschi Donato Saponara Mathieu Cassinis Vincenzo Zubbo Cyril Courbage Chris Papachristophorou Stefania Mazzilli Paulo Sarmento Ivan Mallardi Joseph De Leo Pierluigi Scialanga Marco Mutti Katrin Schmitt Marco Pellizzari Roberto Zoia LUNCH DISCUSSIONS 13:45-14:45 DEBT FINANCE What are banks lending to? And are alternative lenders viable? HOTELS Luxury, Mid, Budget, new developments: what’s the future for branded and family-owned hotels? SECONDARY REGIONS & CITIES Best deals yet to be realized? What’s the premium for first movers? Antonio Mazza Roberto Fraticelli Jon Schauder Alan Mantin Stefano Keller Massimo Cecchi Michele Monterosso Andrea Corsale Marco Polenta Jerry Boschi Eddy Cosenza Michele Russo Marco Sangiorgio Emanuele Dubini 14:45-15:15 Dieter Kornek Francesco Vago INVESTMENT VEHICLES SIIQ, SGR, SICAF; What’s new? How will it impact the players? OFFICES Which cities will occupancy rates and good tenants lead investors to? URBAN REGENERATION Will valuable public assets become available for private developments? Where? Luca Giacomelli Fabrizio Lauro Leopoldo Andreis De Gregorio Giovanni Maria Paviera Paolo Crisafi Gian Marco Nicelli Cristina Bianchi Davide Albertini Petroni Ivano Ilardo Luca Petrichella NETWORKING BREAK DISCUSSIONS 15:15-16:15 16:15-16:45 4 FAREWELL DRINKS The official language of the discussion groups will be English. | La lingua ufficiale dei gruppi di diiscussione sara' l'inglese ECONOMIC KEYNOTE DAY 1 14:00 - 15:00 FONTANA ITALY IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC CYCLE – Where do we stand? MARCO VALLI Chief Eurozone Economist UNICREDIT GRI DINNER AT VISCONTI PALACE DAY 1 The Networking Dinner is for registered dinner guests only. Please bring your invitation that you received at the registration desk to dinner. La Cena di Networking é riservata esclusivamente ai partecipanti registrati. Per favore, porta con te l'invito alla cena che ti abbiamo consegnato al banco registrazioni. MANON TOSCA TUESDAY • 3rd November 13:00 - 14:00 Registration 14:00 - 15:00 NORMA Economic Keynote 15:45 - 17:00Discussions Floor -1 17:00 - 18:00 Networking Drinks 19:00 - 20:00 Networking Aperitivo at Visconti Palace 20:00 GRI Dinner at Visconti Palace WEDNESDAY • 4th November 09:00 - 10:00 Registration & Personal Networking Time 10:00 - 10:45Keynote 11:30 - 12:30Discussions 12:30 - 13:45Lunch Ground Floor 13:45 - 16:15Discussions 16:15 - 16:45 Farewell Drinks FONTANA GRI Cafe ENTRANCE 5 DISCUSSIONS 3rd November • TUESDAY ECONOMIC KEYNOTE 14:00 - 15:00 FONTANA ITALY IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC CYCLE – Where do we stand? MARCO VALLI Chief Eurozone Economist UNICREDIT Marco is Chief Eurozone Economist at UniCredit. He has responsibility for the bank’s view on the euro area economy and ECB policy. REAL ECONOMY VS FINANCIAL MARKETS - Is change really happening? Who will be the next to make deals? ALESSANDRO MUCCIO Managing Partner ADIM PARTNERS Italy CHRISTOFFER LYDIKER Senior Director KENNEDY WILSON UK RAMON CAMINA-MENDIZABAL Founding Partner CALE STREET PARTNERS LLP UK LUCA MALIGHETTI Alternative Investments Real Estate VÄRDE PARTNERS EUROPE UK ROBERT CERVINKA Managing Director ARES MANAGEMENT UK MAURO SAVOIA Chairman & CEO THREE STARS CAPITAL Italy RUPERT GILL Managing Director, London LNR PARTNERS EUROPE UK CORRADO TRABACCHI Chief Investment Officer ORION CAPITAL MANAGERS Italy 15:45 - 17:00 NORMA Alessandro Muccio Ramon Camina-Mendizabal Robert Cervinka Rupert Gill Christoffer Lydiker Luca Malighetti Mauro Savoia Corrado Trabacchi Big Pic ture IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF SPAIN - How long will the window of opportunity stay open in Italy? FABIO CARLOZZO Managing Director INVESTIRE SGR Italy EMILIO GIORGI Chief Investment Officer ENPAM Italy ANDI BALLTA Managing Director NCH CAPITAL USA SAMEER GODBOLE Director, Investments TRISTAN CAPITAL PARTNERS UK DAVID BROGI Director Transactions GENERALI REAL ESTATE SGR Italy BENEDETTO MISCHI Director LNR PARTNERS EUROPE UK LUIGI CAPUANO Managing Director & Chairman PATRON CAPITAL ITALIA SRL Italy MARIO PELLO Head of Investment - Real Estate TIAA HENDERSON REAL ESTATE Italy Fabio Carlozzo ANDREA CORNETTI CIO PRELIOS SGR Italy 15:45 - 17:00 TOSCA Andi Ballta David Brogi Luigi Capuano Andrea Cornetti Emilio Giorgi Sameer Godbole Benedetto Mischi Mario Pello THE ROLE OF BANKS - Assuming no bad bank, what’s the future of NPLs? 6 ANDREA CLAMER Head of NPL Division BANCA IFIS Italy GIULIO PASSANISI Vice President TPG SPECIAL SITUATIONS PARTNERS UK GIOVANNI GILLI Head of Capital Light Bank (CLB) INTESA SANPAOLO Italy GIUSEPPE PUCCIA Director ETNA ADVISORS LTD UK BLAIR LEWIS CEO LNR PARTNERS EUROPE UK MASSIMO RUGGIERI Investment Professional ELLIOTT ADVISORS UK The official language of the discussion groups will be English. | La lingua ufficiale dei gruppi di diiscussione sara' l'inglese 15:45 - 17:00 MANON Andrea Clamer Giovanni Gilli Blair Lewis Giulio Passanisi Giuseppe Puccia Massimo Ruggieri DISCUSSIONS WEDNESDAY • 4th November KEYNOTE 10:00 - 10:45 FONTANA GLOBAL EQUITY IN ITALY - Core+, Value added, Opportunistic; how much risk are investors willing to take? DANIEL BUARON Chairman FIRST ATLANTIC REAL ESTATE Italy JOHN CARRAFIELL Founding Partner GREENOAK REAL ESTATE UK CYRIL COURBAGE Managing Director, Real Estate FORTRESS UK JOSEPH DE LEO Senior Partner, Investment Committee Member BENSON ELLIOT UK BENJAMIN KHAFI GRYNFAS Vice President & Senior Development Director IDI GAZELEY ITALY BROOKFIELD LOGISTICS PROPERTIES Italy JAY KWAN Partner ALPINE GROVE PARTNERS UK LUIGI OLIVA Head of Italy - Alternatives & Real Assets DEUTSCHE BANK Italy Daniel Buaron John Carrafiell Matteo Cidonio Cyril Courbage Joseph De Leo Benjamin Khafi Grynfas Jay Kwan Luigi Oliva Christophoros Papachristophorou Pierluigi Scialanga CHRISTOPHOROS PAPACHRISTOPHOROU Founder & Managing Partner INVEL REAL ESTATE UK PIERLUIGI SCIALANGA Head of Business Development TORRE SGR Italy RETAIL - Shopping Centres, Retail Parks, High Street, Online; where will the best investment opportunities be? MARCO SALVINI Country Partner LEGEND WESTERN EUROPE Italy MARTIN HELLWEGER CEO & Founder KRONBERG INTERNATIONAL GROUP Germany TIM SANTINI Director EUROCOMMERCIAL PROPERTIES Italy PAOLO MAGNASCHI Chairman MF REAL ESTATE ADVISORY Italy DONATO SAPONARA Head of Real Estate Asset Management ALLIANZ REAL ESTATE Italy STEFANIA MAZZILLI General Manager FINIM Italy PAULO SARMENTO Principal MEYER BERGMAN UK MARCO MUTTI Managing Director FORUMINVEST Italy KATRIN SCHMITT Director Mergers & Acquisitions ECE PROJEKTMANAGEMENT Germany MARCO PELLIZZARI General Manager SONAE SIERRA Italy ROBERTO ZOIA Director of Asset Management & Development IGD Italy 11:30 - 12:30 TOSCA Nicola Zeni Martin Hellweger Paolo Magnaschi Stefania Mazzilli Marco Mutti Marco Pellizzari Marco Salvini Tim Santini Donato Saponara Paulo Sarmento Katrin Schmitt Roberto Zoia Sec tors NICOLA ZENI CEO ANGULAR Italy Capital Markets MATTEO CIDONIO Managing Partner GWM GROUP UK 11:30 - 12:30 NORMA 7 DISCUSSIONS 4th November • WEDNESDAY Regions MILAN & ROME - Too many eyes on too few assets? DOMENICO TULLI Partner GIANNI, ORIGONI, GRIPPO Italy GABRIELE PERONI Co-head Real Estate Finance ING COMMERCIAL BANKING Italy ALBERTO AGAZZI CEO & General Manager GENERALI REAL ESTATE SGR Italy ALBERTO SEGNEGHI Head of Core Plus / Value Added - Fund Management BNP PARIBAS REIM SGR Italy MATHIEU CASSINIS Head of Italy, CIO STAM EUROPE France VINCENZO ZUBBO Head of Asset & Strategy Team FABRICA IMMOBILIARE SGR Italy 11:30 - 12:30 MANON Domenico Tulli Alberto Agazzi Mathieu Cassinis Ivan Mallardi Gabriele Peroni Alberto Segneghi Vincenzo Zubbo IVAN MALLARDI Head of Morgan Stanley Real Estate Investing MORGAN STANLEY Italy Capital Markets DEBT FINANCE - What are banks lending to? And are alternative lenders viable? ANTONIO MAZZA General Manager Italy AAREAL BANK Italy ROBERTO FRATICELLI Cfo Italy EUROCOMMERCIAL PROPERTIES Italy MASSIMO CECCHI Consultant, Italy LNR PARTNERS EUROPE UK MICHELE MONTEROSSO Co-head Real Estate Finance ING COMMERCIAL BANKING Italy 13:45 - 14:45 NORMA EMANUELE DUBINI CEO France & Board Member of Spain FREO GROUP FRANCE France Antonio Mazza Massimo Cecchi Emanuele Dubini Roberto Fraticelli Michele Monterosso HOTELS - Luxury, Mid, Budget, new developments: what’s the future for branded and family-owned hotels? Sec tors JON SCHAUDER Area Director, Europe TROON GOLF Switzerland ANDREA CORSALE Vice President ROUND HILL CAPITAL UK EDDY COSENZA CEO EUROTEKNA GROUP Italy DIETER KORNEK Managing Director Development FMTG FALKENSTEINER TOURISM GROUP Austria ALAN MANTIN Senior Development Director, Southern Europe & North Africa HILTON DEVELOPMENT Italy MARCO POLENTA Partner KERVIS ASSET MANAGEMENT Italy MICHELE RUSSO Vice President, Global Real Assets, Europe JP MORGAN UK Jon Schauder Andrea Corsale Eddy Cosenza Dieter Kornek Alan Mantin Marco Polenta Michele Russo Regions SECONDARY REGIONS & CITIES - Best deals yet to be realized? What’s the premium for first movers? STEFANO KELLER Managing Director FONCIÈRE LFPI ITALIA REIM Italy MARCO SANGIORGIO General Manager CDPI SGR Italy JERRY BOSCHI Managing Director ECE PROJEKTMANAGEMENT Italy FRANCESCO VAGO Head of Risk Management INVESTIRE SGR Italy Stefano Keller 8 13:45 - 14:45 TOSCA The official language of the discussion groups will be English. | La lingua ufficiale dei gruppi di diiscussione sara' l'inglese Jerry Boschi 13:45 - 14:45 MANON Marco Sangiorgio Francesco Vago DISCUSSIONS WEDNESDAY • 4th November INVESTMENT VEHICLES - SIIQ, SGR, SICAF; What’s new? How will it impact the players? FABRIZIO LAURO Head of Business Development INVESTIRE SGR Italy PAOLO CRISAFI Executive Director ASSOIMMOBILIARE Italy GIAN MARCO NICELLI Chief Executive Officer ANTIRION SGR S.P.A. Italy IVANO ILARDO CEO BNP PARIBAS REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT ITALY Italy LUCA PETRICHELLA Head of Fund Management FABRICA IMMOBILIARE SGR Italy Luca Giacomelli Paolo Crisafi Ivano Ilardo Fabrizio Lauro Gian Marco Nicelli Luca Petrichella OFFICES - Which cities will occupancy rates and good tenants lead investors to? Capital Markets LUCA GIACOMELLI CEO SERENISSIMA SGR Italy 15:15 - 16:15 NORMA 15:15 - 16:15 TOSCA LEOPOLDO ANDREIS DE GREGORIO Partner, Head of Italy BENSON ELLIOT UK Sec tors CRISTINA BIANCHI CEO FIRST ATLANTIC REAL ESTATE Italy Leopoldo Andreis De Gregorio URBAN REGENERATION - Will valuable public assets become available for private developments? Where? Cristina Bianchi 15:15 - 16:15 MANON GIOVANNI MARIA PAVIERA CEO CDP IMMOBILIARE Italy Regions DAVIDE ALBERTINI PETRONI Managing Director RISANAMENTO Italy Giovanni Maria Paviera Davide Albertini Petroni 9 SILVER SPONSOR Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners is a leading independent, international law firm. It includes 360 lawyers serving clients around the world through offices in Rome, Milan, Bologna, Padua, Turin, Abu Dhabi, Brussels, Hong Kong, London and New York. Domenico Tulli 10 Alessandro Stoppa The real estate team engages in a multi-disciplinary practice. With an integrated network of leading individuals, GOP has the resources and the know-how to successfully handle all aspects of a real estate transaction. Experts of corporate law and practice, zoning and building regulations, protection of the environment, corporate finance, tax laws, capital markets work together to get the deal done. Domenico Tulli Alessandro Stoppa Partner Partner T: +39 06 47 87 51 E: T: +39 02 763 741 E: BRONZE SPONSORS Blair Lewis CEO LNR Partners Europe (“LNR”), together with Hatfield Philips International (“HPI”), is a leading Non-Performing Loan (“NPL”) and Debt Advisory firm with best-in-class loan servicing capabilities. Over the past three years, our team has underwritten 55 NPL deals with circa £53.8 bn in UPB across 23 jurisdictions. One of our key differentiators is our ability to co-invest and put “skin in the game” alongside our NPL partners and originator clients. T: +44 (0) 20 7071 6022 E: Paolo Magnaschi Chairman MF Real Estate Advisory, with its sister company MF Law & Tax Firm, is a highly specialized boutique real estate company that integrates the activities of asset, property and facility management with legal and litigation counselling. Our business model and management strategy provides true added value to our Clients’ investments by integrating and different specialized professionals. T: +39 02 54 67 89 01 E: Diego Bortot Director of REAG Debt Advisory Services T: +39 039 64 231 E: REAG is the Real Estate Division of Duff & Phelps group, the premier global valuation and corporate finance advisor with expertise in complex valuation, dispute and legal management consulting, M&A, restructuring, and compliance and regulatory consulting. REAG pays the utmost attention to every project undertaken, while continuing to uphold the company’s philosophy of High Consulting. Total evidence on applied methodologies, tools, strategies and results in accordance with international professional and ethical standards. 11 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS ALBERTO AGAZZI DAVIDE ALBERTINI PETRONI CEO & General Manager GENERALI REAL ESTATE SPA SGR Italy Managing Director RISANAMENTO SPA Italy INVESTOR, FUND & ASSET MANAGEMENT DEVELOPER Generali Real Estate SGR is the Italian real estate integrated company of the Generali Group. Listed on the Italian stock exchange, Risanamento Spa plays a key role across Italian and French Real Estate market as Developer and Property Company. Since 2015 he holds the posts of CEO and General Manager of Generali Immobiliare Italia SGR S.p.A., asset management company specialized in Real Estate Funds of Generali Group. Since 2013 he is also the Managing Director of Generali Real Estate – RE Services Italy, a company which manages the real estate portfolio of Generali Group in Italy. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of other real estate companies owned by Generali Group and he is Chairman and CEO of Generali Properties Spa. Davide is Managing Director in Risanamento SpA since 2009. He joined Risanamento Group as Asset Management Director in 2005 and he is also CEO of all the subsidiaries in Italy and France. Previously, he worked at IPI Spa (Fiat Group) as Development Director in Turin being Administrator of the various subsidiary companies, with the purpose of enhancing the value of an investment property consisting of buildings and green fields. Prior to that, until 2000 Davide worked in Federici Group in Rome, where he managed the real estate portfolio of the industrial Group and also in Lodigiani Construction Company, based in Milan, where he was involved in the construction of infrastructural works in several European countries. LEOPOLDO ANDREIS DE GREGORIO ANDI BALLTA Partner, Head of Italy BENSON ELLIOT CAPITAL MANAGEMENT UK PRIVATE EQUITY PRIVATE EQUITY INVESTOR Pan-European * Office / Retail / Residential / Hotel / Industrial Up to euro 50mm equity investment in asset or debt purchase (land, retail, residential, business). Leopoldo has 16 years’ experience in the RE industry. After six years at Benson Elliot’s London office working on deals across Europe, Leopoldo relocated to Milan in July 2012 to focus exclusively on the Italian market. Prior to joining Benson Elliot, Leopoldo was a Vice President and senior Italian investment professional at Lehman Brothers, where he was responsible for originating, evaluating, structuring and negotiating transactions in Italy. Between 2002 and 2006 Leopoldo led transactions, representing total acquisition / development costs in excess of €1bn. Prior to joining Lehman in London in 2000, he worked in the asset management and valuation departments of Healey & Baker. Andi Ballta joined NCH Capital in 2008. Through June 2014, he was responsible for distressed investment opportunities in Western Balkans and Greece. During this time he led the acquisitions of and managed a regional portfolio of prime shorefront land for development. In July 2014, his primary focus shifted to establishing, managing and growing of NCH’s regional debt purchase, collection, and finance company, Tranzit Finance. During the past two years, Tranzit has successfully purchased bank and telco portfolios, and acquired servicing companies. Prior to joining NCH, Mr. Ballta worked for seven years with IDB Bank in Miami and NY as Senior VP-Head of Equity Sponsored and Syndicated Financing. CRISTINA BIANCHI JERRY BOSCHI CEO FIRST ATLANTIC REAL ESTATE Italy Managing Director ECE PROJEKTMANAGEMENT Italy ASSET MANAGER DEVELOPER Real estate advisory, investment and asset management firm. Shopping centres / Office buildings / Traffic properties / Industry properties / Logistics centres / Hotels Cristina Bianchi is the CEO of First Atlantic Real Estate (“FARE”), real estate advisory, investment and asset management firm re-founded by Daniel Buaron in 2014. From 2011 to 2013, she was director of M&A department in Prelios S.p.A. (formerly Pirelli RE S.p.A). Her career in FARE Group started in 2000, where she became Managing Director in 2006. In 2009, she became General Manager of FARE SGR, the fund management company. Since 2000, she has been closely involved in all the acquisitions and fund structuring (over 6 billion euro). Prior to joining FARE Group she worked in the Audit department of Reconta Ernst & Young. Ms. Bianchi obtained a First-Class degree in Business Administration & Finance from Bocconi University in Milan. 12 Managing Director NCH CAPITAL INC. USA Jerry Boschi is Managing Director, Development of ECE Projektmanagement Italia, the post he took up in January 2014. Previously, he was General Manager, Development for Sonae Sierra in Italy, a company he joined in 2002 as New Business Manager. He has a BSc in Civil Engineering and Master of Engineering from UMIST, University of Manchester, UK and an MBA from Cranfield School of Management, UK. DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS DAVID BROGI DANIEL BUARON Director Transactions GENERALI REAL ESTATE SPA SGR Italy Chairman FIRST ATLANTIC REAL ESTATE Italy INVESTOR, FUND & ASSET MANAGEMENT ASSET MANAGER Generali Real Estate SGR is the Italian real estate integrated company of the Generali Group. Real estate advisory, investment and asset management firm. Since 2008 to 2012 he was Director Investment & Business Development of Generali Immobiliare Italia SGR; from 2012 to 2015 he was Director Investment & Divestment in the same company, being in charge of the investment and divestment activities on the italian real estate portfolio of the Group. Since July 2015 he is Director Transactions in Generali Real Estate SGR, being responsible for all the acquisitions, sales and leasing transactions on behalf of the managed property funds and companies. Prior to Generali he was Head of Investments at AEW Italy in Milan, working on direct investments and advisory on third party funds. He gained also asset management experience in Archon Group Italy (subsidiary of Goldman Sachs). Daniel Buaron is the chairman of First Atlantic Real Estate (“FARE”), re-founded by him in 2014, two years after the sale of FARE Group to the DeAgostini Group (2012). FARE Group was founded by Daniel in 1998 and was the Italian operating partner of Goldman Sachs’ Whitehall Funds till 2007; in 2005, he founded FARE SGR which became the leading Italian RE fund management firm after the merger with FIMIT SGR (2011) with over 10 billion of AuM. Prior experiences include being the founder, CEO and Vice Chairman of Tradital S.p.A. and CEO of Metropolis S.p.A.. Mr. Buaron began his career with JP Morgan New York’s M&A department and received an MBA from Harvard Business School in 1976. RAMON CAMINA-MENDIZABAL LUIGI CAPUANO Founding Partner CALE STREET PARTNERS LLP UK Managing Director & Chairman PATRON CAPITAL ITALIA SRL Italy FUND ADVISERS RE INVESTMENTS European-focused real estate capital provider creating “onestop” solutions to best-in-class developers, operators and institutions. One of the leading opportunistic RE managers in Europe with offices in the UK and Luxembourg and operations in Germany, Italy, Spain and Poland. Ramón Camiña is a founding partner at Cale Street Partners LLP (Cale Street). Cale Street advises Cale Street Investments LP in providing creative one stop solutions for real estate investments in Western Europe across the capital structure (senior and mezzanine debt as well as equity). Cale Street was founded in 2014 and seeded with €1,100m from a sovereign wealth investor. Before joining Cale Street, Ramón spent 15 years at Goldman Sachs in London where he was the head of the real estate finance activity in EMEA. Ramón has a BA in Business from Universidad Comercial de Deusto in Bilbao, Spain. Mr. Capuano became an advisor to Patron in Jun/06, with an initial focus on institutional banking relationships. In 2010, he assumed day-to-day management of the Patron Italy team, with responsibility for new business and the management of existing investments. Prior to joining Patron, Mr. Capuano spent most of his professional career in the Italian banking system where, from 1990, he held senior management positions including General Director of San Paolo di Torino, Chief Executive of Banca Popolare di Novara, Chief Executive of Italfondiario, and Head of the Italian Bank Division of Group Banca Intesa. Since 2010 he was the President of the National Tax Collectors Syndicate and of SITEBA. He is also vice chairman of Primus Partners. FABIO CARLOZZO JOHN CARRAFIELL Managing Director INVESTIRE SGR SPA Italy Founding Partner GREENOAK REAL ESTATE UK INVESTMENT & ASSET MANAGEMENT INVESTOR & ADVISOR Leading independent real estate asset manager (€ 7 bn AuM), with primary focus on long-term institutional investors. Independent investment asset management advisory firm: principal investing strategic advice Since 2015 MD at InvestiRE SGR, a company set up in Jan/15 by the merger between Investire Immobiliare, Beni Stabili Gestioni and Polaris Real Estate. At Investire, he oversees the core business regarding the development of Social Housing investments. He currently manages six RE investment funds dedicated to Social Housing projects, where process innovation and environmental sustainability are of utmost importance. RE Director since 2009 and CEO since Mar/12, he led the start-up of Polaris RE SGR. Previously, he served as CEO at Amplus Italia (2007-2009), Project Director at Hines Italia (2005-2007), CEO at GE RE Italy (20022005), Business Development and M&A of GE Oil & Gas (19982002) and Corporate Strategy of Enel Spa (1993-1997). Founder and Managing Partner of GreenOak: $5.0 billion of AUM. Member of the Board of Klépierre. Sole Advisor in the $1.65billion recapitalisation of Songbird/Canary Wharf in 2009/10. Led the Take-Privates of: Saville Gordon/Industrious, UNIM (Italy), and Canary Wharf -- where he was Director and Chairman of its Audit Committee. John has previously served as a: Director of the Executive Board at EPRA; Trustee of ULI and member of its Finance, Foundation and Endowment Committee; Non-Exec Supervisory Board Director and member of the Audit Committee of (€8 billion REIT) Corio (2012-2015); Non-Exec, independent Director Board of Groupo Lar (2004-2014). John was at Morgan Stanley for 21 years as: Global Co-Head of Real Estate. 13 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS MATHIEU CASSINIS MASSIMO CECCHI Head of Italy, CIO STAM EUROPE France Consultant, Italy LNR PARTNERS EUROPE UK RE INVESTMENT MANAGERS INVESTOR Stam Europe acquires and manages real estate investments in Europe. LNR is a leading NPL and Debt Advisory Firm with best-in-class loan servicing capabilities. Mathieu has over 10 years of experience and expertise in managing several areas of Real Estate Investments, Asset Management such as Commercial, Logistics, Hospitality, High Street Retail, Shopping malls and also Residential Asset Management. He worked for 4 years in Archon Group - Goldman Sachs and then worked for 8 years with Schroders, now since 2011 Mathieu is in STAM Europe. In Archon Mathieu had dealt with RE portfolios, in Schroders Investments and Asset Management in core and core (about 2b of acquisitions and on the divestment program around 1.5b) in STAM he is dealing and managing investments (has developed an office building a retail park portfolio and a residential project including hotel). Massimo Cecchi, Managing Director of CAINVEST serves as consultant to LNR/HPI and is based in Milan. Mr. Cecchi bring to the firm over 25 years experience of the financial, real estate, hospitality and retail sectors across different products such as M&A, Financing, Structure Finance, Equity Investments and Capital Markets as well as General Management and Turn-around expertise. Prior to joining LNR/HPI, Mr. Cecchi held senior positions – inter alia - at Sansedoni SpA - General Manager reporting to the board -, JPMorgan - Head Real Estate Structure Finance Italy, ABN Amro – Head Italian Structured Real Estate Capital, and Banca Intesa San Paolo - Director of Structured Finance Real Estate & Head of Real Estate Advisory. ROBERT CERVINKA MATTEO CIDONIO Managing Director ARES MANAGEMENT UK Managing Partner GWM GROUP UK ALTERNATIVE ASSET MANAGER INVESTOR Ares Management, L.P. is a publicly traded, leading global alternative asset manager with approximately $86 billion of assets under management. Based in Luxembourg, GWM is an independent financial services partnership with representative offices around the world Mr. Červinka is a Managing Director in the Ares Real Estate Group, where he focuses on European real estate equity. Prior to joining Ares in 2013, Mr. Cervinka was a Managing Director at Deutsche Bank RREEF. Previously, Mr. Cervinka was a Managing Director at Cerberus. In addition, Mr. Cervinka was an Associate at Goetz Partner, formerly CEA. Mr. Cervinka holds an M.A. from the Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany) in Business Administration and Mechanical Engineering. Matteo has over 20 years’ experience in the real estate investments and finance sector. Prior to joining GWM Matteo was managing director of BNP Paribas, CIB division, heading the RE division for Europe ex-France and before that he held a similar role within the global RE group of Lehman Brothers. Matteo executed over €15 bn of RE transactions in Europe, including investments in offices, healthcare, retail, and residential asset classes and private and public debt and equity fund raisings. Matteo has executed over €7 bn of RE transaction in Italy, with counterparties including institutional investors, property companies, public entities, and professional investors. ANDREA CLAMER ANDREA CORNETTI Head of NPL Division BANCA IFIS Italy CIO PRELIOS SPA Italy BANK ASSET MANAGER Banca IFIS S.p.A., Mestre (Venice), listed on the Star segment of the Italian Stock Exchange Real estate asset management company 5.4 € bn of AUM 13 real estate funds. Head of Banca IFIS’ Non Performing Loans Division since 2012, he gained experience in major consulting companies in the banking and insurance sectors as Deloitte and SAP. In 2008 he joined Toscana Finanza, a company which was later acquired by Banca IFIS, where he became responsible for developing new markets. As well as Banca IFIS’s NPL Area, Andrea Clamer is Responsible for the brand CrediFamiglia, that deals with families with debts in the consumer credit sector through a sustainable way of collection. CrediFamiglia’s network is spread out all over Italy, with over 100 credit consultants and constantly growing. 14 Andrea Cornetti is the Head of Strategy and Business Development at Fimit SGR. He has been with Fimit since 2007, where he has followed numerous real estate transactions, including the launch of the Eta, Tau, Omega, Omicron Plus, Rho and Senior funds, for an overall value of approximately € 4 bn. He has a degree in Economics and Commerce and an MBA at St. John’s University. DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS ANDREA CORSALE EDDY COSENZA Vice President ROUND HILL CAPITAL UK CEO EUROTEKNA GROUP Italy INVESTMENT MANAGER INVESTOR & ASSET MANAGER Round Hill Capital is a fully integrated global real estate investment manager RE Investor, Asset and Project Management company investing in underperformed prime assets opportunities with value adding capabilities. Andrea joined Round Hill Capital in 2015 and is responsible for the company’s European investment strategy in the Hospitality sector. Andrea brings 13 years experience in RE and has worked of range of leading European firms. From 2004 to 2006 he was the Asset Manager of a closed-end RE fund managed by Pirelli RE SGR and regulated by the Italian financial authority. From 2006 to 2009 he was a director at Tishman Speyer where he was able to build on a strong pan-European operating expertise. Andrea also served as Director in the company’s Acquisitions and Fund Management division. Recently, he was a partner in the structured finance team of Chalkhill Partners and Managing Director of Brecon Capital, a UK focused investment management company. Eddy Cosenza has expanded Eurotekna’s activities leading the start-up and growth of the Milan headquarter over the past 15 years which has overseen transactions in excess of Euro 700m. In 2004, he was co-founder of Valore Reale Sgr SpA, an investment management company of real estate funds. In 2006 and 2007 he established JVs with Cargill and Revcap to target opportunistic developments in Italy. Since 2014, he has been operating as local partner and RE Advisor for prestigious institutional investors such as JP Morgan, BlackRock and Fosun, with whom he recently closed the transaction of Palazzo Broggi in Milan’s Piazza Cordusio. CYRIL COURBAGE PAOLO CRISAFI Managing Director, Real Estate FORTRESS INVESTMENT GROUP UK Executive Director ASSOIMMOBILIARE Italy INVESTOR ASSOCIATION/COMPANY Leading Diversified Investment Management Firm1,400+Institutional, Private Investors Worldwide-Private Equity,Credit,Liquid Markets, Traditional Fixed Income Assoimmobiliare seeks to contribute to the country’s economic growth and to the consistent and sustainable development of national territory. Cyril Courbage joined as a Managing Director of the Credit and Real Estate Funds in the London office in February of 2012. Mr. Courbage is responsible for debt and equity investing across the Credit and Real Estate Funds in Europe. Prior to joining Fortress in February 2012, Mr. Courbage spent 10 years at Deutsche Bank in London where he was the European head of the Commercial Real Estate group, an activity encompassing financing and special situation principal investments. Prior to that, Mr. Courbage spent six years at Merrill Lynch, initially in the Distressed Debt group and subsequently as a director of the real estate Global Principal Investment business. Paolo Crisafi, 45 years old, Managing Director of Assoimmobiliare and General Counsel of Federimmobiliare, FRICS RICS, Professor at Luiss University, Advisor to several pension funds and institutional/financial associations (ANCI, ADEPP, CONFINDUSTRIA, FEBAF, etc), Knight Commander of The Republic of Italy. JOSEPH DE LEO EMANUELE DUBINI Senior Partner, Investment Committee Member BENSON ELLIOT CAPITAL MANAGEMENT UK CEO France & Board Member of Spain FREO GROUP FRANCE France PRIVATE EQUITY PRIVATE EQUITY, ASSET & FUND MANAGEMENT Pan-European * Office / Retail / Residential / Hotel / Industrial FREO is a European private equity, asset and fund management company specialized in the acquisition and development of commercial real estate assets. He joined Benson Elliot in 2008. Previously, he was Managing Director of Fortress Investment Group, based in Frankfurt, where he directed all commercial real estate investment management activities in Germany. Mr. DeLeo has 17 years of private equity real estate experience in Europe and North America, and has been directly involved in the acquisition and management of more than €10 billion of real estate investments. The firm manages Benson Elliot Real Estate Partners II and III, pan-European private equity real estate funds, on behalf of a globally diverse group of pension funds, foundations, endowment funds and family offices. Emanuele Dubini is currently the CEO of France and Board member of Spain of FREO Group. Previously, he had joined GE Capital Real Estate Italy in 2008 as Head of Business Development. From end of 2006, he worked with Atisreal as Head of Investments adding to his responsibilities Advisory and Consultancy assistance for BNL Fondi Immobiliari as well as other institutional real estate Funds. From 2002 Emanuele participated in Pirelli Real Estate’s strong growth as Director of Asset Management. During this time he was also board member of selected JV’s between Pirelli Real Estate and Morgan Stanley. In April 2013, he joined the GECRE France team as Managing Director. 15 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS 16 ROBERTO FRATICELLI LUCA GIACOMELLI CFO Italy EUROCOMMERCIAL PROPERTIES Italy CEO SERENISSIMA SGR S.P.A. Italy INVESTOR ASSET MANAGER One of Europe’s most experienced property investors with a portfolio of shopping centres in France, Italy and Sweden Constitution and management of real estate investment funds. Roberto Fraticelli is Finance Director Italy and Company Secretary at Eurocommercial Properties NV (Amsterdam). Prior experiences include the “Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy” & “Subcommittee on Monetary Affairs” at the European Parliament in Brussels, the “International Business Unit” at Ernst & Young in Rome & the finance Department at Unilever (Elida Andrélon) in the Netherlands. Roberto is currently a committee member in several organisations (EPRA, CNCC, Assoimmobiliare). Roberto graduated in Business Economy at the LUISS in Rome and in Political Sciences at the University of Amsterdam in Amsterdam. Roberto also completed the Executive MBA at the Erasmus Business School in Rotterdam. Luca Giacomelli MRICS, has a degree in Jurisprudence. He has worked in the real estate sector for over 20 years having been a Partner of Hillier Parker’s (now CBRE) Italian division in the mid 1990’s. He has worked in the commercial real estate advisory and financing sector and has been involved in the development of real estate operations in Italy and abroad. After he was appointed General Manager Italy of Amstelland MDC, a multinational company quoted on the Amsterdam stock market which operates across Europe in retail real estate development. In 2004, he co-founded Serenissima SGR, initially joining the company as General Manager and subsequently becoming CEO and shareholder. RUPERT GILL GIOVANNI GILLI Managing Director, London LNR PARTNERS EUROPE UK Head of Capital Light Bank (CLB) INTESA SANPAOLO Italy INVESTOR SPECIAL NPL’S DIVISION LNR is a leading NPL and Debt Advisory Firm with best-in-class loan servicing capabilities. Capital Light Bank has to carry out a deleveraging of the segregated NPL’s portfolio minimising the P&L impact. Rupert Gill serves as Managing Director and Head of Debt Advisory and Transaction Management and is based in London. He brings to LNR more than twelve years of real estate lending experience in the U.K., Europe and the United States, primarily focused on the structuring and distribution of CRE loan exposures including high yield mezzanine as well as senior facilities. Prior to joining LNR in 2014, Mr. Gill spent three years at Lloyd’s, where he served as Director and ran the bank’s CRE Loan syndication team and was responsible for structuring, pricing and underwriting loans for the CRE businesses in Lloyd’s Commercial Banking division. During his tenure, Mr. Gill’s team led almost £3 billion of secured and unsecured transactions. Giovanni Gilli is since 2002 in the Intesa Sanpaolo Bank reporting directly to the CEO. Since Nov/14 Giovanni is the head of Capital Light Bank, a new business unit which will manage the reduction of a significant portfolio of the Bank’s non-core financial assets, including non-performing loans, repossessed properties, business units held for sale, holdings managed for eventual disposal and certain asset portfolios. Up to Nov/14, he has been head for the Strategic Operations and Special Projects Unit responsible for all M&A and Corporate Developments activities on behalf of the Institute. He previously worked at The Chase Manhattan Bank, McKinsey & Co., Euromobiliare and as CEO of the GabbianelliVogue Group. EMILIO GIORGI SAMEER GODBOLE Chief Investment Officer ENPAM FOUNDATION Italy Director, Investments TRISTAN CAPITAL PARTNERS LTD UK PENSION FUND INVESTMENT MANAGER €15bn European pension fund for 450,000 Italian doctors and dentists. It was founded in 1950 as a public institution and then privatised in 1995. Tristan Capital Partners is specialized in value-added real estate investment strategies in all property types across the UK and Continental Europe. Since Feb/14, CIO – Head of Endowment of Fondazione Enpam, the privatized Pension Fund of the Italian doctors. With more than 20 years’ experience in the financial field, Emilio oversees a teams of AM professionals to protect and manage the patrimony of the Foundation. He develops and leads the execution of global asset allocation strategies, the manager selection in all asset class globally, risk management and hedging strategies in accordance with the mission expressed by the Board. Previously he served in Merrill Lynch International as portfolio manager and investment advisor, bringing a long track of international business experience having worked for leading investment banks in London, including Morgan Stanley and Citigroup. Sameer Godbole works as an Executive Director of Investments for Tristan Capital Partners and brings a 10 year track record of operating in the European real estate markets. Sameer is primarily responsible for origination in Italy. Previously, Sameer was a Vice President for acquisitions at JP Morgan Real Estate. At JP Morgan, Sameer focused on sourcing and executing potential investment opportunities primarily in the Southern European markets. Prior to JP Morgan, Sameer was an Associate Director at Curzon Global Partners which he joined at its inception and during his time with the company had the opportunity to work on transactions across Europe. Sameer received his B.A. in Economics from Boston University. DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS LEON GOLDWATER MARTIN HELLWEGER Chairman EUROPE REAL ESTATE CEO & Founder KRONBERG INTERNATIONAL GROUP Germany MEDIA & MARKETING INVESTOR / DEVELOPER Europe Real Estate (REP) is a multinational, independent commercial real estate media and marketing company with a pan-European scope and an international orientation. Residential investor with over 5100 units - Transaction advisor and co-investor - Asset Management - Development Leon Goldwater is the chairman of Real Estate Partners (REP), a commercial real estate news, marketing and publishing platform which is currently in redevelopment to include e a real estate innovation incubation platform, creating the next generation of real estate companies. The innovation hub include companies such as Crowded-RE. com (a crowdfunding platform, BrandSpots pop-up shop and city styling agency, a global Real Estate job board and Office-in-Office a airbnb type platform dedicated to the office and workstation market. Dr. Martin Hellweger is the CEO and Founder of the Kronberg International Group, which has several co-investments with, among others, conwert Immobilien Invest SE (Vienna) und Prelios S.p.A. (Milan). He has successfully concluded property and finance businesses with a transaction volume of 2.2 Billion Euros. In 2002 he established together with CONWERT a Joint Venture for purchase of property portfolios in Germany. In 2005 he established through a joint venture with PRELIOS S.p.A. a cooperate management platform. 700 Million euros were invested in apartment complexes, especially in Berlin. In the course of these Joint Ventures, KRONBERG have gained 450 Million Euros with Prelios, Conwert and Eco Business Property AG (Vienna). IVANO ILARDO STEFANO KELLER CEO BNP PARIBAS REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT ITALY Italy Managing Director FONCIÈRE LFPI ITALIA S.R.L. Italy ASSET MANAGER RE INVESTOR Property Fund and Asset Management Services, mixed use, 6bn/Eur AUM, core to value added investments. LFPI Italia Reim is a long-term investment company mainly focused on the Italian real estate market. Ivano Ilardo is Chief Executive Officer of BNP Paribas Real Estate Investment Management Italy. Ilardo was named CEO in Italy in April 2011, and before joining was head of fund management at Generali Group. Previously, Ilardo served as director of Strategy and Business Development team for IPI S.p.A. (Italian listed property and management company) and he was member of the Corporate Finance and Real Estate department of SDA Bocconi business school. Ilardo owns a degree in Business Administration at Bocconi University in Milan. He is a Fellow of RICS. Stefano Keller graduated in Economics & Financial Markets (CLEFIN) at Bocconi University, Milan (Italy). He served as an Asset Manager at T&S - Asset Management Company of Merrill Lynch/Colony Capital - and GE Real Estate between 2002 and 2007. At that date, he joined Generali Immobiliare Italia as Chief Investment Officer and then was nominated also Key Account Manager of the Group. At the end of 2010, he joined LFPI Italia Reim as Managing Director. BENJAMIN KHAFI GRYNFAS DIETER KORNEK Vice President & Senior Development Director IDI GAZELEY France Managing Director Development FMTG FALKENSTEINER TOURISM GROUP Austria INVESTOR & DEVELOPER HOTEL DEVELOPMENT A leading investor and developer of logistics warehouses and distribution parks near major markets throughout North America, Europe and Asia One of the leading regional providers and developers of tourism products and services in Central Europe. He graduated in Economics and International Relations at the University of Milan and immediately afterwards he joined the FIAT Group as a Junior Manager, assisting with the streamlining of the sales network in southern Europe. It was during this period that he came into contact with the real estate sector, when he was asked to deal with the re-allocation of the industrial assets of some companies belonging to the Group. In 2004 he started to become involved with logistics real estate, firstly for the Goodman global fund (in the Brussels and Milan offices) and later in 2007 for Gazeley, as Development Director for Italy. This year he became vice-President and Director of IDI Gazeley Italy. Dieter Kornek, since October 2013 Managing Director Development at the Falkensteiner Group, is responsible for the expansion strategy. The development of the group aims geographically in the direction of new markets as Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. Dieter Kornek’s tasks also include the development of the existing markets. After his degree in Business Administration and various professional experiences, Mr. Kornek worked as Head of Development for Accor Hotel Company in Germany. In addition, he was active for Motel One Munich as Director of Development Germany and Europe too. Just before he joined FMTG Dieter Kornek worked at TUI AG, as Development Manager. 17 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS JAY KWAN FABRIZIO LAURO Partner ALPINE GROVE PARTNERS UK Head of Business Development INVESTIRE SGR SPA Italy INVESTOR INVESTMENT MANAGER Global real estate private equity investing, specifically through platforms. Leading independent real estate asset manager (€ 7 bn AuM) with primary focus on long-term institutional investors. Jay Kwan is based in Europe, where he is responsible for developing new business, after having lived and worked in five countries over his career including U.S., Japan, Germany, Russia and U.K. Prior to Alpine Grove, Mr. Kwan managed investments at Grove International Partners for over 12 years, and started his career the Real Estate Private Equity Group of Lehman Brothers. Mr. Kwan has 15 years of industry experience. Fabrizio began his career in 1998 with General Electric, where he held various leadership positions in Europe in the Finance and Business Development functions until 2006. He subsequently worked for eight years in the investment management sector, first as Head of European Asset Management at D.B. Zwirn & Co., then as CFO and Chief Operating Officer of Spazio Investment NV and, finally, as CEO of Arkos Capital SA, a Swiss hedge fund manager for institutional clients. He joined InvestiRE SGR in 2014 as the Head of Business Development & Fund Raising of the new merged entity. He holds a MSc degree in Economics from the University of Genoa, where he graduated cum laude in 1996. BLAIR LEWIS CHRISTOFFER LYDIKER CEO LNR PARTNERS EUROPE UK Senior Director KENNEDY WILSON EUROPE UK INVESTOR RE INVESTMENT LNR is a leading NPL and Debt Advisory Firm with best-in-class loan servicing capabilities. Real Estate Investment and Management of a variety of real estate such as commercial, hotels, residential. Blair Lewis is Chief Executive Officer and oversees the strategic direction and overall operations of LNR. With more than 19 years of experience in the structured finance markets, Mr. Lewis brings to the firm significant experience in CRE loan origination, syndication, portfolio management and restructuring. Mr. Lewis joined LNR in 2014 from The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), where he most recently served as a Managing Director and Head of the Non-Core Real Estate Portfolio in the U.K. and Europe. In this position, Mr. Lewis led a team of nearly 70 people which formulated and executed the deleveraging strategy for more than £20 billion of non-core property lending across nine jurisdictions. Chris Lydiker joined Kennedy Wilson Europe as Senior Director in August 2014, focusing on origination and execution of investments in Europe. Prior to that he was co-head of the directs and primaries real estate team at Partners Group. Chris spent the first 10 years of his career with Morgan Stanley, acquiring and managing €5.0bn of NPLs and distressed corporate debt in Italy and Spain. Chris holds a MBA from University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelors of Arts degree in Economics and Italian from Rutgers University in New Jersey. PAOLO MAGNASCHI LUCA MALIGHETTI Chairman MF REAL ESTATE ADVISORY Italy Alternative Investments Real Estate VÄRDE PARTNERS EUROPE LIMITED UK ADVISOR AND INVESTOR INVESTOR Highly specialized boutique RE company that integrates the activities of asset, property and facility management with legal and litigation counselling Värde Partners is a privately held, registered investment advisor specializing in alternative investments. Paolo Magnaschi is founding partner of MF Real Estate Advisory and of MF Studio Legale Tributario. He has matured, personally and through his entities, a consistent and highly qualified experience in all sectors of the Italian real estate market including retail, commercial, industrial, logistics, hospitality, leisure and residential. Paolo holds a JD with full marks at the University of Parma and he’s admitted at the Milan Bar Association since 1997. Paolo was lecturer in Tax Law at the University of Bergamo from 1994 to 1999, as well as speaker on various occasions at real estate conventions and events and lecturer at CUOA University master’s programs in real estate. Paolo is a RICS member since 2012. 18 Luca Malighetti is a Director at Värde Partners Europe where he joined in October 2014 to run the real estate business in Italy. Prior to joining Värde Luca spent 11 years at The Carlyle Group, in the pan European real estate department. He earned a Bachelor of Science – Economics from University of Bergamo, he also attended one academic year at University of Reading. DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS IVAN MALLARDI ALAN MANTIN Head of Morgan Stanley Real Estate Investing MORGAN STANLEY Italy Senior Development Director, Southern Europe & North Africa HILTON WORLDWIDE Italy INVESTOR HOTEL OPERATOR MSREI has been one of the most active RE investors, acquiring approximately $190 billion of assets in 36 countries. Leading global hospitality company, from luxury and full-service hotels and resorts to extended-stay suites and focused-service hotels. Ivan Mallardi is Head of MSREI for Italy. Ivan, since joining Morgan Stanley in 2002, has been actively involved in the Firm’s real estate business. Ivan successfully participated in the closing of a variety of complex transactions in the Italian market, in Poland (20062008) and France (2008-2010). Prior to joining Morgan Stanley, Ivan worked for Deloitte & Touche and for Credit Suisse First Boston. Ivan graduated cum Laude at University of Economics in Turin, Italy in 2006 having previously obtained in 2002 a French Degree in Paris “Diplome de Grand Ecole de Commerce”, a German Degree in Berlin “Diplome Kaufmann” and an English Degree in Oxford “English Master in Management”. A former marketing director with pan-European brand experience, Alan joined the Hilton Development team in 2005 to build the Hilton portfolio of hotel brands throughout Southern Europe and Africa. Based in Rome, Alan’s focus is on the southern European area, developing long-term relationships with developers, investors and partners in the region. In his spare time, Alan hugely enjoys traveling with his family, and in particular exploring new destinations with his young son. In between trips, he also enjoys the occasional game of golf. ANTONIO MAZZA STEFANIA MAZZILLI General Manager Italy AAREAL BANK Italy General Manager FINIM SPA Italy BANK DEVELOPER, PROMOTER Focused on the commercial property sector & the housing industry, Aareal Banks is active in Europe, North America & Asia. Italian real estate group specialized in the promotion and management of shopping centers. Antonio is General Manager of “Aareal Bank AG – Italy” and board member of several Italian companies within the “Aareal Group”. Antonio has been working for almost 25 years in the real estate market for both Italian and foreign banks (namely Cariplo, Banca Intesa, Barclays Group, DEPFA Bank AG and Aareal Bank AG). Antonio is Teaching Fellow at SDA Bocconi School of Management and member of the RICS. Following a law degree in 1989, he gained an Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) at MIP – School of Management – Politecnico di Milano. He is coauthor of two books on property finance: “Finanziamento Immobiliare” ( Egea, Milan 2010) and “Property Finance – An international approach” (Wiley, London 2015). Stefania Mazzilli is Property Development Manager of Finim Group. Previously, she was the Director of Corporate Affairs and Finance for the same Group. Stefania followed, all around, the real estate development of the Finim Group and in particular, she was responsible for the gathering of financial resources related to the same initiatives. Stefania managed the start up of joint ventures with new partners and all disposals of Finim Group assets; she has also managed the incorporation of a commercial centre fund. Stefania has 29 year experience of real estate investment and development in Italy as well as relations with institutional and opportunity investors. BENEDETTO MISCHI MICHELE MONTEROSSO Director LNR PARTNERS EUROPE UK Co-head Real Estate Finance ING COMMERCIAL BANKING Italy INVESTOR LENDER LNR is a leading NPL and Debt Advisory Firm with best-in-class loan servicing capabilities. Among global top 20 financial institutions is present in over 40 countries serving over 33 million private, corporate and institutional clients. Benedetto Mischi serves as Director in the NPL Advisory business and is based in London. He joined LNR in 2005 as an Analyst on the team managing Lehman Brother’s global commercial real estate debt exposure across Europe. Mr. Mischi was then transferred to Special Servicing as a Vice President, managing and executing work-out strategies on a large number of nonperforming CMBS loans across multiple European jurisdictions and is now focused on underwriting NPL transactions on behalf of LNR’s clients. Prior to joining the firm, Mr. Mischi held previous posts as an Asset Manager at Prelios in Milan and as an Associate in the private banking group of Intesa Bank in Luxembourg. Michele joined ING in late 2006 to contribute in the start-up of the RE Finance platform in Italy and played an important role in the growth of the unit, with focus on origination, execution and mngt of a commercial RE portfolio that reached a €1.8 B peak exposure in 2012. Since Jul/12, he has been active also for RE&Other arm of the bank, where has been is in charge of the wind-down of a combined Italian RE portfolio in excess of €4.0 B (Lease and RE Development equity positions). Michele started his career as analyst in KPMG and in the valuation department of DTZ. Member of the RICS, he is involved in research topics within Property Finance and Investment pathway and occasionally lecturer at Bocconi University and University of Bergamo. 19 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS ALESSANDRO MUCCIO MARCO MUTTI Managing Partner ADIM PARTNERS Italy Managing Director FORUMINVEST ITALIA S.R.L. Italy ASSET & INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT ASSET DEVELOPMENT Active and strategic management of buildings and portfolios. Consistent support for value added investments acquisition in Italy. Development, Asset, Rebuilding Italian and Netherland market on Shopping Center and Retail Parks. Alessandro Muccio is founder of ADIM Partners, boutique of asset and investment management that currently has ca. € 100 mln of mix use assets under management and acts as local investment partner for family offices and private equity funds in Italy. He has 18 years of RE advisory, investment and development experience, 12 of which accrued to JLL where leaded the Italian opportunistic and value added investment services. He is Managing Partner of ADIM and Board member of companies focused on management and development of RE properties. He holds a degree in Business Administration and an Executive MBA at SDABocconi. Marco Mutti is the Managing Director of Foruminvest Italia srl , a property investment and development company since the company’s conception in 2004. With over 25 years of development experience in the commercial real estate sector, 4 years in Cushman & Wakefield as advisor of the great international retail groups, 4 years in AIG Lincoln as development director, he also is the president of the team who won the Italian championship of Football. GIAN MARCO NICELLI LUIGI OLIVA Chief Executive Officer ANTIRION SGR S.P.A. Italy Head of Italy - Alternatives & Real Assets DEUTSCHE BANK UK INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT BANK Antirion Core Fund: AUM € 730 mln; 10 office buildings in Milan and Rome. Antirion Retail Fund: AUM € 230 mln; 3 shopping centers in Italy. As a strategic pillar of the Deutsche Bank Group, we manage EUR 955 billion of assets. Gian Marco is CEO of Antirion SGR, a leading independent SGR active in the set-up and management of closed-end RE funds, reserved to institutional investors. Gian Marco has many years of experience in the RE sector in Italy and in Europe, serving at Aedes SpA as General Manager and at Pirelli RE Residential Investment GmbH (Berlin) as Managing Director and as Member of the Management Board of Pirelli RE Deutschland (Hamburg). Previously involved, for more than one decade, in the financial sector on paneuropean scale, as Head of M&A and Strategic Alliances at Sanpaolo IMI Internazionale, as Board Member and Member of the Executive Committee of Sanpaolo IMI Bank Romania (Bucarest), and in the Investment Banking at Banca IMI as Senior Banker. Joined the Company in 2008 with 11 years of industry experience. Prior to joining, Luigi served in Real Estate at Chiomenti Studio Legale, Banca Esperia SpA, Oliva & Partners Law Firm and at Santangelo - Tirone - Restaino - Napoli Degree (‘Laurea’) in Jurisprudence and Graduate Degree in Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences from the University of Naples Federico II CHRISTOPHOROS PAPACHRISTOPHOROU GIULIO PASSANISI Founder & Managing Partner INVEL REAL ESTATE PARTNERS UK INVESTOR INVESTOR Corporate restructuring and repositioning, acquisition of portfolios on a sale and lease back and acquisition nonperforming loans across Europe. TPG Special Situations Partners (“TSSP”) is the dedicated special situations and credit platform of TPG. Christophoros is Managing Partner of Invel Real Estate, which owns 66% of NBG Pangaea, the largest Greek REIT, with a portfolio value of circa Euro 1.7bn. During 2014 Pangaea has completed and or committed to acquire properties worth €600million, in Greece and Italy. Prior to Invel, he was MD of Deutsche Bank and Global Head of RREEF Opportunistic Investments. At RREEF, Chris managed investments totalling $20b+ GAV, including the restructuring and repositioning of the department stores Le Printemps and La Rinascente; as well as the acquisition, restructuring and subsequent sale of the real estate subsidiary of Enel. Chris holds degrees from the London School of Economics and the Business School of Bocconi. 20 Vice President TPG SPECIAL SITUATIONS PARTNERS UK Giulio focuses on real estate-related and financial services investments across Europe. His experience includes acquisition and management of direct real estate assets, performing and non-performing loan portfolios, servicing and loan origination platforms Prior to join TPG in 2013, Giulio spent over 6 years at Archon (Goldman Sachs RMD) in Italy, Germany and Australia. DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS GIOVANNI MARIA PAVIERA MARCO PELLIZZARI CEO CDP IMMOBILIARE Italy General Manager SONAE SIERRA Italy INVESTOR DEVELOPER Owned by Italian State, CDP supports Italy’s growth through investing postal savings in infrastructure and economic development International shopping centre specialist with an integrated approach including ownership, development and management activities Giovanni Maria Paviera is Head of Real Estate of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and CEO of Cdp Immobiliare. Previously was CEO and Managing Director of Generali Immobiliare Italia SGR, asset management company specialized in Real Estate Funds of Generali Groups and Ceo of City Life the development project on Milan’s historic former trade fair grounds, the Fiera Milano. He has a degree in Business and Economics at the University of Turin and he is a Professor of Real Estate for the School of Corporate Management at the Bocconi Univerity. He is Board Member of Assoimmobiliare and Member of Executive Committee of ULI Italia. Marco joined Sonae Sierra in 2014. He developed all his career in the real estate sector with experiences in Design, Project and Construction Management, Property Development, Asset M, Property M, Business Development, Advisory and Transaction. Before joining Sierra, he has worked for more than 10 years to the development of BNP Paribas Real Estate Italian branch, where he held responsibilities in different business areas from Asset M. to Investment & Advisory. Previously he has spent several years as Real Estate Development Manager in primary international real estate and retail companies like Pirelli Real Estate, Blockbuster, Decathlon and Gruppo Edilnord. MARIO PELLO GABRIELE PERONI Head of Investment - Real Estate TH REAL ESTATE ITALY Italy Co-Head Real Estate Finance ING COMMERCIAL BANKING Italy INVESTOR LENDER Specialized in RE, equity and debt investment worldwide, TH Real Estate manages €76.5bn (c. 82.4bn) of RE assets across c.50 funds and mandates. Among global top 20 financial institutions is present in over 40 countries serving over 33 million private, corporate and institutional clients. Mario Pellò is the Head of Investment, Italy of TH Real Estate Italian office. With over 12 years’ experience, he supervises and coordinates activities for the several Italian properties within existing funds. He is also responsible for Italian investment advisory and strategic asset management, working with leading European developers and sector specialists of the market.Mario previously worked at Aedes Spa, an asset and fund management company leader in the Italian real estate market, where he was responsible for the management of a retail portfolio of 13 assets and the analysis and evaluation of investment opportunities. Mario has a degree in Economics from the University of Piacenza. Gabriele joined ING REF in early 2006 to assist with the development of the Italian real estate loan portfolio. He is responsible for the origination, execution, and portfolio management of the real estate loans. Between 2011 and 2014, he was also Deputy Head of REF Italy with the responsibility of coordinating front office, portfolio management and operations activities and since July 2015 is now being promoted to Co-Head of Real Estate Finance. After having graduated in 2003 in Business Administration at the Bocconi University in Milan, Gabriele worked for 3 years as financial analyst for the US real estate developer AIG/Lincoln for which evaluated commercial real estate investments. LUCA PETRICHELLA MARCO POLENTA Head of Fund Management FABRICA IMMOBILIARE SGR S.P.A. Italy Partner KERVIS ASSET MANAGEMENT Italy FUND MANAGEMENT OPERATING PARTNER / INVESTOR Manages both dedicated and multi-investors funds in traditional and niche sectors (student housing, nursing homes, etc.). Kervis currently advise and manage more than €1bn of real estate assets in Italy on behalf of international partners. After having worked in RE civil engineering projects at the department of Civil Engineering of La Sapienza University, he worked as project manager for a major construction company. From 2006, at Fabrica Immobiliare SGR, he worked initially as a Fund Manager and since 2008 as Head of a Fund Management Team. Now he is the Head of Fund Management and member of the SGR Management Committee. He carried out investments, rentals and disposals of core and value added assets, in different sectors (office, retail, residential, hotel and university buildings, hospitals, student houses and nursing homes), and also managed RE development projects in these sectors. Currently member of the Italian Board of RICS for the second consecutive term. Marco Polenta is founding partner of Kervis Asset Management. Over the last few years has been sourcing and executing transactions in partnership with Private Equity funds and Hedge funds. Marco focus on sourcing transaction, leading the acquisition effort and coordinating the asset management activities according to international standards. He has 17 years of experience in the RE investing activites having completed in excess of € 10bn of RE transactions across Europe and in Italy. Marco gained a wide range of expertise both in the private and public RE space leading first the Italian and later the European business of Morgan Stanley Real Estate Investing. 21 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS GIUSEPPE PUCCIA MASSIMO RUGGIERI Director ETNA ADVISORS LTD UK Investment Professional ELLIOTT ADVISORS HK LIMITED UK INVESTMENT ADVISORY ASSET MANAGER Investment advisory, deal execution and portfolio management services in real estate and non-performing loan transactions across Europe. An investment advisory firm that together with certain affiliated companies has more than $25 billion in assets under management (December 31, 2014) Giuseppe Puccia is an investment professional whose experience ranges from NPLs to direct real estate acquisitions, having completed transactions involving asset, corporate share and loan acquisitions, joint ventures, public to private and preferred equity structures across all real estate product classes. Before founding Etna, Giuseppe was a senior member of Marathon’s Investment team in London and a principal at Peakside Capital. His experience also includes working in the Principal Investment team of Merrill Lynch in London and at Archon Group where he also helped in the start-up of a loan servicing platform. Giuseppe graduated with a degree in Finance and Business Administration from the Bocconi University in Milan. Massimo Ruggieri is an investment professional at Elliott Advisors UK, where he focuses on structured credit investments such as real Estate, non performing loans and other financial assets. Before joining Elliott, Massimo spent 8 years at Deutsche Bank as Managing Director. At Deutsche, he was part of the group responsible for arranging and investing into credit products, including illiquid assets and non performing loans. Prior to joining Deutsche Bank, he spent several years at UBS and Morgan Stanley working in the securitisation groups of these banks. MICHELE RUSSO MARCO SALVINI Vice President, Global Real Assets, Europe JP MORGAN ASSET MANAGEMENT UK Country Partner LEGEND WESTERN EUROPE Italy ASSET MANAGER INVESTOR, DEVELOPER One of the largest asset and wealth managers in the world, with assets under management of $1.7 trillion. Develop & manage real estate properties. European market. size from 50,000 sqm. Residential / Offices / Retail / Logistics Michele Russo, an Italian citizen, is based in London and serves as Head of Acquisitions and Asset Management for Italy, Spain and Portugal. Prior to joining the firm in January 2006, Michele worked at BNP Paribas REIM in Milan where he was responsible for sourcing and underwriting office and hotel investment opportunities in Italy. Michele holds a B.A. (cum laude) in Economics from Bocconi University. He is fluent in Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and English. Marco Salvini graduated in Architecture from Milan Universtiy. Marco has over 20 years of experience in the Real Estate sector and has worked for companies such as Jones Lang Lasalle, McDonald’s Italia, Amplifon Group and Babcock & Brown. Marco’s present position is Managing Partner of Legend Western Europe (formerly AIG/Lincoln). AIG/Lincoln had developed in Italy projects as follows: 1) Innova Business Park in Arese (Milan) 2) Market Central DaVinci in Fiumicino (Rome) 3) Fiano Logistics Park in Fiano Romano (Rome). Currently focusing in the acquisition of new projects, backed by the financial strength and resources of the parent company AIG. MARCO SANGIORGIO TIM SANTINI General Manager CDPI SGR Italy Director EUROCOMMERCIAL PROPERTIES Italy INVESTOR INVESTOR CDP Investimenti SGR is a Real Estate Management Company owned by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti SpA. One of Europe’s most experienced property investors with a portfolio of shopping centres in France, Italy and Sweden Since 2002 Marco has been focusing his activity on asset management and RE funds. He was General Manager of Fimit SGR until 2007. From 2008 to Jan 2010, MD of Europa Risorse SGR (Doughty Hanson UK) and Garda SGR. Since 2010 he is General Manager of CDP Investimenti SGR, the RE asset management company controlled by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A., that manages the fund “Fondo Investimenti per l’Abitare” (2 billion euro), a closed-end real estate fund dedicated to social housing investments, and the fund “Fondo Investimenti per la Valorizzazione” (1.2 billion euro) dedicated to the acquisition from public entities of RE to be developed. 22 Tim Santini joined Eurocommercial in 1994 and is responsible for the Italian activities of the Company where he has over 20 years of market experience. He has also worked on assets in France, Spain, Belgium and The Netherlands. Prior to joining Eurocommercial he was with a major international property consultant in London working on projects in the UK and continental Europe. Tim read modern languages at UEA, is a Chartered Surveyor and speaks French, Italian and English. DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS DONATO SAPONARA PAULO SARMENTO Head of Real Estate Asset Management ALLIANZ REAL ESTATE Italy Principal MEYER BERGMAN UK INVESTOR, LENDER ASSET MANAGER Leading international real estate investment and asset manager, Allianz Real Estate has approximately €33 bn assets under management. Meyer Bergman targets retail investment opportunities in Western, Central and Eastern Europe with transaction values from €40m to €350m. Donato Saponara is the South European head of Allianz Real Estate asset management since March 2014. On his role he manages a multibillion portfolio, including all asset classes, directly and indirectly (trough Fund and JV) held by Allianz. Since his arrival he has been responsible of the acquisition of Isozaki Tower in Milan, the sale of the Alloro portfolio (142 assets sold to Cerberus), the management of the retail shopping centers Porta di Roma, Fiumara, Ipercity and Le Brentelle, in addition to the definition of all asset management strategies for the Allianz real estate portfolio. Prior to join Allianz, Donato was an Executive Director of Morgan Stanley acting as Co-head of Morgan Stanley Real Estate Investing Italy. Paulo Sarmento is a Principal with Meyer Bergman, a retail real estate fund management company. Paulo has 19 years experience in international real estate retail development, management and investment., having worked in real estate retail projects and companies in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia and Brazil, in the areas of retail development, retail leasing, property management and asset management. As Principal of Meyer Bergman, Paulo is focused on retail acquisitions across Western Europe, involving development and refurbishment management, leasing and centre repositioning, as well as due diligence and asset management. He has an MBA from Universidade Nova de Lisboa. MAURO SAVOIA JON SCHAUDER Chairman & CEO THREE STARS CAPITAL PARTNERS Italy Area Director, Europe TROON GOLF Switzerland FINANCE FACILITY MANAGERS The company specializes in real estate finance and investments, occasionally proposing small co-investments and advisory on asset management strategy. The world’s largest luxury golf development, marketing and management company with over 250 properties worldwide in 28 countries. Mr. Savoia has over 20 years of experience in finance and real estate and closed deals for over Euro 5 billion covering capital markets, M&A, real estate and structured debt. He is Chairman and CEO of Three Stars Capital Partners. Mr. Savoia also headed Merrill Lynch Real Estate Finance in Italy. Before then, Mr. Savoia worked at Morgan Stanley, in M&A, Securitization and Real Estate. He also spent 3 years at Dresser Industries in Houston (TX). Mr. Savoia graduated from Università Cattolica Milan and was awarded with Premio Gemelli as “Best Graduate of the 1995 Class”. He also holds an MBA in Finance from HBU in Houston (TX). Jon Schauder has spent the past 14 years in the specialised golf course development and management industry with Troon Golf, almost exclusively focused on their international interests. He began his Troon career abroad seconded to Kerzner at the One&Only Palmilla in Mexico before moving to EMEA in 2010 to assume the role of Director of Business Development where he was responsible for conducting and closing transactions in over 19 countries in multiple languages. Currently serving as Europe Area Managing Director, Jon is responsible for the existing European portfolio along with the analysis and development of new contracts and investment opportunities for the company. KATRIN SCHMITT PIERLUIGI SCIALANGA Director Mergers & Acquisitions ECE PROJEKTMANAGEMENT G.M.B.H. & CO. KG Germany Head of Business Development TORRE SGR Italy INVESTOR INVESTOR Hamburg-based European market leader of shopping centers, currently 196 centers in management, 15 under construction. Long-term investor. One of the main RE fund managers in Italy, with total AUM of €1.5b and 13 managed funds. Katrin Schmitt is a Director M&A at ECE and responsible for retail investments in Southern Europe as well as disposal transactions of office, hotel and industrial assets in Germany. With its 196 shopping centers under management in 16 countries and an asset capacity of 27 billion Euros, ECE is the European market leader in the field of downtown shopping centers. ECE has been developing, building, managing and investing in large commercial properties in business areas such as shopping, office and industrials since 1965. Katrin has 10 years of experience in European real estate transactions. Prior to joining ECE, Katrin worked for Doughty Hanson Real Estate in London, UK responsible for Germany. Head of Business Development Department and Investment Analysis Head of Business Development (Fortress and Unicredit JV), leading Italian Asset Management Company with €1.5 bln real estate assets under management. Responsible of origination and structuring of new funds and Real Estate Investments, in 2007 actively contributed in Torre start up and in increasing assets under management. Has over 10 years of experience in structuring and originating alternative investments in Italy and previously worked for Beni Stabili and Banca IMI. Holds a degree in Industrial Engineering at Tor Vergata University in Rome, and is a CFA charter holder since 2009. 23 DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS 24 ALBERTO SEGNEGHI CORRADO TRABACCHI Head of Core plus / Value added - Fund Management BNP PARIBAS Italy Chief Investment Officer ORION CAPITAL MANAGERS Italy ASSET MANAGER INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Property Fund and Asset Management Services, mixed use, 6bn/Eur AUM, core to value added investments. A European real estate investment firm. Orion’s business is commercial REIM on behalf of major investors from around the world Alberto Segneghi is currently Managing Core Plus - Value Added Funds of medium-high risk level and particularly disposal projects carried out by public and Welfare Organizations. Since Jan/07, he is the Head of Core Plus & Value Added Funds at BNP REIM, managing 13 office, industrial and residential funds (AUM di € 3 BL) to gradually disposed; up to 2006, he was CEO of Patrigest, part of Gabetti S.p.A., a company specialized in providing Real Estate Management services, Advisory, Real estate Valuation as well as RE Due Diligence. Up to 2000, he worked at Jones Lang LaSalle S.p.A. (Milan), where he was the Head of Valuations and Asset Management department. He obtained his Bachelor degree in Architecture from the Politecnico di Milano. Corrado Trabacchi is an Investment Director at Orion Capital Managers and is based in Milan. He is mainly responsible for the acquisition and asset management of properties across Italy. Since joining Orion in 2003, he has been involved in Orion’s Italian investments and sales with an aggregate value of over €1 Billion. This has included office refurbishment projects, logistics investments, and shopping centre acquisitions. Mr. Trabacchi has a degree in Finance from Bocconi University in Milan, where he specialized in Real Estate Private Equity Funds. DOMENICO TULLI FRANCESCO VAGO Partner GIANNI - ORIGONI & GRIPPO - CAPPELLI PARTNERS Italy Head of Risk Management INVESTIRE SGR SPA Italy LAW FIRM INVESTMENT MANAGER Founded in 1988, the firm has offices in Rome, Milan, Bologna, Padua, Turin, Abu Dhabi, Brussels, Hong Kong, London and New York. Leading independent real estate asset manager (€ 7 bn AuM) with primary focus on long-term institutional investors Domenico Tulli is the head of the real estate department of Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners since 2001. Graduated in law cum laude in 1984 and admitted to the Rome bar, he was also conferred a Master in Comparative Jurisprudence at the New York University. Domenico Tulli practised law in Rome, Milan, Chicago and New York before joining Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners where he is a resident partner of the Rome office. I’m a credit risk professional with more than 15 years’ experience gained in the financial services industry with major focus on real estate principal and debt - NPLs businesses as well investment management and fund rising industry. Having spent most of my professional career at GE Real Estate with different roles in real estate acquisition and real estate lending across Europe, I currently hold the Head of Risk Management role for Investire, one of the largest investment management player in the Italian real estate industry with more than €6 Bn under management to date. MARCO VALLI NICOLA ZENI Chief Eurozone Economist UNICREDIT Italy CEO ANGULAR Italy BANK INVESTOR / DEVELOPER UniCredit is a leading European commercial bank with an international network spanning 50 markets. Retail - Italy - Retail parks / Shopping malls - Development and/or Revamping - Opportunistic / Value added investments Marco Valli is Chief Eurozone Economist at UniCredit. He has responsibility for the bank’s view on the euro area economy and ECB policy. Marco’s analyses and comments are often quoted on financial media like the FT and Bloomberg. Marco holds a degree in Economics at Bocconi University (Milan, 2000), and a master degree in Quantitative Finance (Bocconi, 2002). Marco coauthored the study “Global Inflation - The Ghost in the Machine?” which was awarded the Rybczynski Prize for the best piece of business economics writing in 2007 by the Society of Business Economists. Owner and CEO of Angular, a privately-held company specializing in large-scale, retail developments around the world. Prior was partner at DLA Piper, and in 2006 Italian EU Director on Real Estate Tax; promoted legislative changes in Italian Real Estate tax law. In 2007 founded Zeni & Partners, a firm focused in italian and international tax law. The firm manages the financial aspects of structuring international mergers and acquisitions, real estate and project financing investments and strategic alliances. The firm’s client include Orion Capital Managers, EuroHypo AG and more. Mr. Zeni launched and is President of the Italian Diabetes Foundation. DISCUSSION (CO-)CHAIRS ROBERTO ZOIA VINCENZO ZUBBO Director of Asset Management & Development IMMOBILIARE GRANDE DISTRIBUZIONE SIIQ SPA Italy Head of Asset & Strategy Team FABRICA IMMOBILIARE SGR S.P.A. Italy INVESTOR FUND MANAGEMENT IGD acquires and manages properties, mainly hypermarkets and malls - property portfolio valued at about €1.95 billion. Manages both dedicated and multi-investors funds in traditional and niche sectors (student housing, nursing homes, etc.). Roberto’s career has been entirely focused on the retail segment of the real estate sector. In 1986 he is already part of Coopsette where, as a Business Manager, he is responsible for complex projects involving, above all, shopping centers. In 1999 he joins the GS Carrefour Italia Group as Head of Hypermarket and Shopping Center Development and in 2005 he becomes Head of Asset Management and Development. He is IGD’s Director of Asset Management and Development since 2006, among its responsibilities are investments and divestments as well as the enhancement of the existing portfolio through asset management activities aimed at the management of restyling, refurbishment and expansion in Italy and Romania. Graduated in Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, he has an MBA in Construction Project Management in addition to being an MRICS member. After a period of involvement in production activities in the field of real estate construction, he has gained solid experience in developing and managing significant real estate portfolios, first in Pirelli Real Estate Spa and later in Idea Fimit SGR and Tosinvest Real Estate SpA. He is currently Head of Asset&Strategy team. 25 The 9th Annual GRI BRITISH 2016 Connecting British and Global Real Estate Leaders LO N D O N | 26-27 A P R I L The 3rd Annual GRI ESPAÑA 2016 Connecting senior Real Estate Investors, D evelopers and Lenders active in Spain MA D R I D | 25 -26 MAY 26 UPCOMING GRI EVENTS COLOMBIA CHILE GRI PERU 2015 RUSSIA GRI2015 Deutsche GRI Wohnen 2015 INDIA GRI2015 RUSSIA GRI 2015 Moscow, 10 November T H E G R I CHAIRMEN’S RETREAT GRI CHAIRMEN'S RETREAT 2016 St Moritz, 14-17 January COLOMBIA, CHILE & PERU GRI 2015 Bogota, 11-12 November INDIA GRI 2015 Mumbai, 18-19 November BRAZIL GRI 2015 São Paulo, 17-18 November MEXICO ASIA GRI2016 WEST AFRICA GRI2016 GRI2016 WEST AFRICA GRI 2016 Lagos, 17-18 February MEXICO GRI 2016 Mexico City, 27-28 January ASIA GRI 2016 Singapore, 12-13 April TÜRKİYE TURKEY GRI2016 TURKEY GRI 2016 Istanbul, 19-20 April CEE EAST AFRICA DEUTSCHE GRI2016 GRI2016 GRI2016 ESPAÑA BRITISH GRI2016 BRITISH GRI 2016 London, 26-27 April DEUTSCHE GRI WOHNEN 2015 Berlin, 25-26 November GRI2016 DEUTSCHE GRI 2016 Frankfurt, 9-10 May GRI AFRICA SUMMIT 2016 GRI AFRICA SUMMIT 2016 Johannesburg, 20-21 October EAST AFRICA GRI 2016 Nairobi, 30-31 May ESPAÑA GRI 2016 Madrid, 25-26 May GRI EUROPE ITALIA GRI 2016 SUMMIT2016 GRI EUROPE SUMMIT 2016 Paris, 14-15 September ITALIA GRI 2016 Milan, 1-2 November CEE GRI 2016 Prague, 6-7 June RUSSIA GRI 2016 RUSSIA GRI 2016 Moscow, 10 November GRI meetings provide a forum for the world’s leading real estate players to develop valuable relationships, find new business partners, and strengthen their global networks. At GRI meetings there are no speakers or panellists, just informal discussions in small groups, where everyone participates equally. We welcome you to join us! Gli appuntamenti GRI sono forum annuali per i leader globali del mercato immobiliare. Occasioni uniche per sviluppare relazioni di valore, trovare nuovi partner commerciali e rinforzare il proprio network internazionale. Agli appuntamenti GRI non ci sono relatori, platee o slides. Solo discussioni informali in piccoli gruppi, dove tutti partecipano equamente. Ti aspettiamo! Global Real Estate Institute @RealEstateGRI Secure your place now | | Tel: +44 20 7121 5060 | Fax: +44 20 7388 8740 27 Silver Sponsor il Quotidiano Immobiliare Association Partner Industry Partner Online Partner ® Research Partner Media Partners W W W. G LO B A L R E A L E S TAT E . O R G 28