What`s Inside: An Honor to Serve


What`s Inside: An Honor to Serve
20 09 V O L U M E I
What’s Inside:
Letter from the President –
“An Honor to Serve”
“Chris Randolph –
A Life of Service”
Recent Events
Students and Alumni –
“Beyond Undergraduate”
Upcoming Events
Calendar of Events
An Honor to Serve
Dear Friends,
Over the past four years, I have
had the amazing privilege to serve as
President and CEO of the Marine
Corps Scholarship Foundation.
However, as many of you may
know, earlier this fall I received a
sudden diagnosis of brain cancer.
Back Row (l to r):
I am grateful to report that I am
Louise Formby-Tiedman, Ashley Avila, Mike Avila,
surrounded by the love of my family
Gebriel Girma, Reggie Higgs, Martha Hulse,
and many friends. With a wealth
Jennifer Goins, Bruce Hulse, David Chiang,
Brendan Hand, Katie Griffin Hand, Patrick Hand
of support from my wife, Patsy,
children, Kate and Christopher, my
Front Row (l to r):
Marine Corps family, the Foundation Clint Nesmith, Anne Nesmith, LtGen Jeffrey Oster
USMC (Ret.), Patsy Randolph, Chris Randolph,
staff, the Board, and friends, I am
Chris Oster
determined to battle this disease
with everything I have. For me, each of you has been an incredible source of
encouragement and inspiration.
The challenges wrought by my illness prompted my decision, effective
January 1, 2009, to step down as President and CEO of the Marine Corps
Scholarship Foundation – a position that has been my honor to hold since
December of 2004.
Leading this Foundation and serving the needs of our Marine families have
been a great privilege, bringing together so many important aspects of my life –
including my time in the U.S. Marine Corps (a transformational experience of
my youth), my profound belief in the power of higher education, and a focus on
family. After a career on Wall Street and in educational finance, I view my time
at the Foundation as a rare gift. I have always felt that, somehow, each day I was
doing God’s work to meet the needs of our remarkable Marine Corps families.
I’m extremely proud of the Foundation and its profound impact over the
past four years. The staff and leadership, with whom I have had the pleasure
of working, have been among the finest of my career. It has been a privilege to
serve with former Chairman (now Chairman Emeritus), LtGen Jeffrey Oster
USMC (Ret.) and Vice Chairman, Walt Havenstein, who created the vision and
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©2009. Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
President’s Letter
set the stage for what this foundation could become. And for the past two years, working under the
stellar leadership of Chairman, Gen William L. “Spider” Nyland USMC (Ret.) and Jim King, our
incredibly able Vice Chair, I have had the distinct opportunity of seeing their vision take shape.
When I joined the team in 2004, it was clear that the launch of the American Patriots Campaign
would bring challenges ahead. But through the extraordinary support of the Board and our patriotic
supporters, the Foundation awarded a record-setting number of scholarships, including more than
$4.5 million to nearly 1,400 students in the 2008-2009 academic year. Aside from our numbers,
for me, one of the most rewarding aspects of the job has been hearing from our students and alumni.
They remind us that we are not simply helping children attend college ... we are laying the paths for
future success.
But today the challenges that we forecasted five years ago are even more formidable than we
imagined. Obviously, the economy continues to be a load-bearing issue for both the work we do
and the families we serve. Marine families have been stretched to their limits, and they face few or
hard choices when it comes to educating their children. While we need to find new ways to get
our message out and raise critical funds, we always remember the true drivers of our mission –
the children in need and the immeasurable debt that all Americans owe to our brave servicemen
and women.
What keeps me awake at night is our task in hand – how, in the not-so-distant future, we can
ensure that critical funds are in place to help the children of Marines fighting in the War on Terror.
When they become college-ready, the demands will be unprecedented. To meet these needs, it is so
important that we maintain the upward momentum we’ve created and keep our faith in our ability
to meet our goals.
I know we can do it. From the American Patriots Campaign Cabinet members who contributed
more than $8 million to our campaign to a lone Boy Scout who sent in a hard-scraped donation, I’ve
heard from many who believe in our cause, and my sense of the American spirit is renewed daily.
I am a Marine. But one powerful conclusion from my work with the Marine Corps Scholarship
Foundation is that the Marine Corps community reaches far beyond those that have served in
uniform. From the tireless volunteers who are the backbone of the organization to everyday
contributors who want to make a difference – we are all Americans looking to honor our past,
preserve our ideals, and invest in our future.
There is much work for us ahead. Although I will not be on the front lines with you, I remain
confident in your ability to honor our Marines, embrace their children, and share a legacy of the
thousands of men and women in the Corps, past and present. On a personal note, I want to thank
you for your continued support, prayers and well-wishes. They mean the world to me and my family.
Semper Fidelis,
Christopher Randolph
“Chris Randolph – A Life of Service”
From 1969 to 1970, Christopher Randolph served in the Marine Corps as
executive officer and commanding officer of Mortar Battery, 2d Battalion,
12th Marines in Vietnam and Okinawa. Following his tours, he finished a
Marine Reserve commitment in 1973 as a captain. For Chris, it was just
the beginning of a long, multi-disciplined career. For the Marine Corps
Scholarship Foundation it began the makings of a leader.
Thirty-five years later, in December of 2004,
Chris joined the Foundation as President and
CEO. Chris’s background made him one of the
most diversely qualified candidates to arrive at
the Alexandria, Virginia headquarters. While
forever a Marine, he also brought a unique,
22-year civilian career in investment banking
having worked as a vice president of Salomon
Brothers and as a managing director of Lehman
Brothers in public finance. Those roles yielded a
depth of experience in financing capital projects
for universities as well as student loans for state
authorities and finance companies. Following
his Wall Street career, Chris served as executive
vice president and director of Academic
Management Services, a leader in tuition
payment plans and student loans.
As the Foundation’s new head, Chris would
need to navigate complex financial, educational
and legal issues in addition to conveying a
thorough understanding of Marine culture.
His start was actually a return – Chris was
no stranger to the Washington, DC area.
Following his Marine Corps service, Chris
served as a finance director to United States
Senator Jacob K. Javits. It was there that he
met his wife, Patsy.
While Chris recently stepped down as President
and CEO due to illness, his four-year, indelible
mark on the Foundation began during a period
when the organization was poised to set a bold
new course.
Eric Candelori, a member of the Board and part
of the original executive search team recalls,
“Without a doubt, our organization focuses on
the Marine community, but at that point in our
evolution, the Foundation required someone
that could bring together and relate to many
constituencies from the Corps and civilian life
alike. That spans from the Board of Directors,
the leadership of the American Patriots
Cabinet, corporate and institutional supporters,
educational institutions, to the students and
families we serve. Chris truly was the right
person for the times.”
Prior to Chris’s arrival, the Foundation
awarded $1.7 million in annual scholarships
to approximately 1,000 students. What a
difference four years make. In the most recent
2008-2009 academic term, under his leadership,
the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation
distributed over $4.5 million to 1,400 students
with an average award of nearly $3,300.
“Indeed, our success is the product of the hard
work of many dedicated people,” says Katie
Griffin Hand, VP of Development. “It was
Chris’s leadership and ‘can do’ and ‘must do’
attitude that inspired each of us to reach higher
than ever before. The Foundation has truly
evolved to a new level under his guidance.”
His role in launching the American Patriots
Campaign, the critical campaign to raise $50
million in scholarship support by MCSF’s 50th
continued on page 4
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anniversary in 2012, included assembling the
broad roster of a campaign leadership cabinet.
Today, the group draws upon more than
fifty leaders from corporate America, politics,
the media, sports and entertainment, and
USMC leadership, including all living former
Commandants of the Marine Corps.
A major boost in the Foundation’s ability to
remain focused and achieve its mission has been
its thoughtful but modulated growth. Chris’s
grasp of external forces, such as in accounting and
legal matters regarding regulations for non-profits,
opened the doors for other experienced, seasoned
professionals to manage the organization’s
advance. Chris saw the necessity to build and
professionalize the Foundation staff to assist the
Board in meeting their fiduciary responsibility
and to accommodate the needs of increasingly
more sophisticated investors and stakeholders.
In four years, the Foundation personnel, between
two offices in Virginia and New Jersey, increased
from five to fourteen.
Alan Hammer, Secretary to the Foundation,
emphasizes Chris’s impact on a personal level,
“This Foundation is about people ... from the
patrons and volunteers that make things possible
to those our scholarships honor and help. He
is always the avuncular, pragmatic influence ...
the calm in the midst of the storm. I’m certainly
connected to him as a fellow Marine, but I think
that everyone feels that he is someone for whom
they want to do their best.”
In his position, Chris personally invested in
the relationships he forged. Lindsay MacAdam,
Assistant Director of Scholarships admires his
leadership style, “Chris always makes you feel
comfortable and welcome in any situation. He’s
always positive and upbeat, approachable, and
accessible to everyone inside and outside of the
Foundation.” Linda Calehuff added, “He can
make you feel at ease with just a nod of his head.”
Under Chris’s tenure, the students were always
first. While he was comprehensively engaged
in all aspects of the Foundation, he cherished
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Long Island Golf Tournament – September 22, 2008
the process of reviewing student applications –
getting a hands-on feel for the families and their
unique situations, and being close to the complete
scholarship process.
Current chairman, Gen “Spider” Nyland USMC
(Ret.) agrees, “Chris Randolph is a leader, but
more than that, he is a people person. At the
Foundation, he always had time for anyone who
needed it and his mentorship and concern were
always on target, genuine and immediately felt.
He truly loves and cherishes the Foundation,
its people and his role. I’ve often heard him
say, ‘I have the best job in the world – I help
the children of Marines so that they may go to
college.’ His impact has been both significant
and lasting, and he leaves a wonderful legacy.”
LtGen Jeffrey Oster USMC (Ret.) recalls, “As
Chairman, I had the pleasure of working with
Chris from his first day with the Foundation
and have been continually impressed by his
enthusiasm, energy, and dedication. Under his
direction, the Foundation made significant strides
in communications, fundraising, and outreach,
and achieved, for the first time, a Four Star
Charity rating from Charity Navigator.”
Others have also benefited from his experience.
Chris provided senior leadership to the secondary
and higher education institutions from which he
graduated. He is a trustee and board chairman
of The Browning School, New York, NY and
the National Development Council of the
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC.
Additionally, he serves as a vestry member and
senior warden for St. John’s Church, Cold Spring
Harbor, NY.
l to r: George Sullivan, Chuck Mansfield,
Capt Edward Solis USMC, Terry Gardner,
Terri Murnane, LtGen Ronald S. Coleman
USMC, Jack Stillwaggon and Ed Aulman
Los Angeles Golf Tournament – September 22, 2008
After serving as the Founder and Chairman of the Los Angeles Golf Tournament for 24 years, GySgt
Charles L. Bergin USMC (Ret.) and his tireless committee continue to increase their support for the
Foundation year after year. With the donation of $180,000 from this years proceeds, this tournament
has raised almost $700,000 in the past five years alone. The 25th Annual LA Golf Tournament will again
be held at the Old Ranch Country Club, Seal Beach, CA, and we are grateful to Charlie for his lifelong
dedication to the Marine Corps and the Foundation.
Capital Area Golf Tournament – September 29, 2008
The renewed 4th Annual Capital Area Golf Tournament was
met with over 100 golfers eager to enjoy the great DC area fall
weather. Hosted by the Army/Navy Country Club in Arlington,
VA, a flawless event was managed by Tournament Co-Chairman
and MCSF Director Matt Carroll, Co-Chairman Mike Beatty, and
their committee members. Thanks to the major support of BAE
Systems and Arkel International among many other companies, this
event raised almost $60,000 this year! As with most of our events,
a highlight of the evening reception included hearing an emotional
speech from a current scholarship recipient. Kelley Mitchell thanked
the Foundation and its supporters while also honoring her parents
who were both in attendance.
2008 CAG Arkel International Foursome:
Rob Aiken, Johnny Fife, MCSF Director
LtGen Jan C. Huly USMC (Ret.), and
David Lane
Jersey Shore Golf Tournament – October 2, 2008
He and his wife, Patsy, reside in Cold Spring
Harbor, NY and Alexandria, VA. They have a
daughter, Kate, and a son, Christopher Jr.
Chris Randolph remains a relentless advocate for
the cause. The Foundation will always be better
for his kindness, service, and vision. The lives
of thousands of Marine children will be forever
changed by his hand.
Nassau Country Club in Glen Cove, NY was host to the 2nd Annual
Long Island Golf Tournament. An increased number of golfers from
last year enjoyed a great round followed by a cocktail reception, buffet
dinner, silent auction, and rousing remarks from military guest of honor
LtGen Ronald S. Coleman USMC. After their great success the past two
years, Tournament Chairman Chuck Mansfield and his large committee
are dedicated to selling out this event in the future, and creating a longstanding tradition at this historic golf club.
l to r: Jim Morrison, Gene Harcsar,
MajGen James E. Livingston USMC (Ret.),
and Richard Liebler
As the largest attended Foundation golf tournament, with over 225 golfers
spread out over 3 courses, the 10th Annual Jersey Shore Golf Tournament
was once again an inspiring success! Medal of Honor recipient MajGen
James E. Livingston USMC (Ret.) was the guest of honor at the large
buffet dinner held at Deal Country Club in Deal, NJ. Preceding the
dinner was an uplifiting concert performed by the Quantico Marine
Band. In his fifth and final year as Tournament Chairman, Pete Morley
was saluted for his devotion to the Marine Corps and the Foundation
before it was announced that a gift of over $100,000 was received by
the tournament committee that day. Special thanks to Pete and his wife
Regina for their longstanding dedication to the tournament’s success!
(continued on page 8)
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Students & Alumni
Beyond Undergraduate
While we often hear uplifting stories from newlyawarded scholarship recipients, it is often the postundergraduate reports that most clearly illustrate
the opportunities that the Marine Corps Scholarship
Foundation provides. Their updates serve as a reminder
that our scholarships touch the lives of so many in the
Marine Corps community – the Marines that they
honor, the students eager to carry on their legacy, and
the supporters that believe in preserving their ideals.
and it really made the difference. Without it, I would
have had to work full-time, and school would have
been much more difficult. But the scholarship does
not just represent financial support, it cemented
my plans to follow in my father’s footsteps ... and
it reminds me that there is a community out there
that believes in my capabilities and is willing to
support me.”
the scholarship, he was unbelievably grateful for the opportunity that
it afforded me.” In that spirit, following his father’s passing, donations
were directed to the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation.
Behind each scholarship that you support are real people
experiencing the success and challenges of life. They go
on to a full range of illustrious careers and carry on the
core values of the Marines regardless of whether or not
they serve. Most importantly, these scholarships create
options ... the opportunity and choices to fulfill their
dreams and reach their full potential.
Vincent Asaro’s
father, Joseph Asaro,
served two tours in
Vietnam and retired
as a master gunnery
sergeant. While he
finished his twenty-year
career before Vincent
was born, the Marine
culture had a profound
impact on their family.
Vincent explains, “He
instilled in us a love
Vincent Asaro
for the Corps and for
our country. Growing
up, one of the most powerful messages that I received
... was to take pride in my job, friendships, and
family ... in every facet of life.”
Brandon Cotter, from Oak Lawn, IL, had limited choices as high
school graduation neared in 2001. Without some kind of academic
or athletic scholarship, attending the college of his choice would be
difficult if at all possible. He and his mother found the Marine Corps
Scholarship Foundation, and his father, a retired Marine, qualified him
to apply.
Hope Hicka received a scholarship from the
Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation for all four
years of college. She graduated from her Orlandoarea high school in 2001 and went on to attend
the University of Central Florida. After graduating
with undergraduate degrees in political science
and criminal justice, she earned a Masters degree
in Criminal Justice and is now working
on a second Masters in
Public Administration.
Her father, a 100% disabled
Vietnam-era veteran,
inspired her career. Once
she earns her MPA, Hope
will be joining the Coast
Guard. After serving, she
would like to secure a
position in criminal justice
or an agency such as the
FBI. Her brother also served
five years in the Air Force,
and her younger sister is
a high school junior now
applying for scholarships.
Hope Hicka
While her father does not often discuss his Marine
past, he was extremely proud of her scholarship and
the fact that his service made it possible. Hope recalls,
“The scholarship was by far the largest that I received,
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After Vincent graduated from high school in
Massapequa, NY, he became the first in his family
to attend college. With the help of the General
and Mrs. Graves B. Erskine Memorial Cornerstone
Scholarship from the Marine Corps Scholarship
Foundation, the largest of his scholarships, he
graduated in 2000 with an undergraduate degree
in public policy from Duke University. He then
attended Duke Law School and passed the New
York State Bar. Today, Vincent is 18 months into
a career in commercial real estate law, working for
a firm in downtown Manhattan.
His father passed away on September 1, 2008.
Vincent remembers, “He did whatever it took to
put me in a position to attend college and pursue
an education. As someone himself that did not have
that opportunity, he understood its value ... and he
worked hard to achieve that for me. When I received
While the financial support was for Vincent’s undergraduate studies, its
impact extends to today. “I can’t say enough how the scholarship made
it possible to not only attend college, but also served as a springboard
for a cascade of other opportunities. I owe a great deal to the generosity
of the Foundation and its supporters.”
Through scholarships for each of his four years, Brandon attended
DePaul University, where he majored in psychology with a concentration
in human development. After his undergraduate degree, he attended
National-Louis University and earned a Masters in Educational
Psychology, and then spent two additional years earning his
accreditation as an Educational Specialist.
During school, he interned at a local
Chicago high school, which led to a
permanent job as a school psychologist.
Today he works full-time in this
position while earning a second Masters
degree in Educational Administration
from Concordia University.
Brandon’s father enlisted in the Marines
right out of high school and did a tour
in Guantanamo Bay. He went on to be
a career police officer. Sadly, he passed
away on January 21, 2009. Brandon
says, “My father was proud that his
service, something that benefited him
as a young man, also helped me.
Our Commitment
to the Global War
on Terror Casualties
Brandon Cotter
“Without people willing to support the Marine Corps Scholarship
Foundation I would not have been able to chart the course that I
did,” Cotter explains. “And I am not alone. The choices that Marines
make come with a fair share of sacrifice, obviously much of that is
financial. I’m not only grateful for the help that I received, but also that
Americans have a way to show how appreciative they are for all that
Marines do.”
As of January 31, 2009, we
have lost 1,105 Marines and
Corpsmen serving with
the Marines. Within those
numbers, 233 Marines leave
397 children behind, and 11
Corpsmen leave 20 children
behind. We are committed
to providing Heroes Tribute
Scholarships of up to $30,000
over four years to all of these
children of our fallen heroes
in the Global War on Terror.
If you would like to help support
our Heroes Tribute Scholarships,
please contact the Foundation
at (866) IWOJIMA (496-5462).
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Recent Events (cont.)
2008 Marine Corps Marathon – October 26, 2008
Dalai Lama Invitational – October 3, 2008
Chairman Hector Pendergast has been bringing “enlightenment” to many golfers for the past 27 years with his
annual Dalai Lama Invitational Golf Tournament. This year was no exception as his efforts and those of his
loyal golfers raised $25,000 for the Foundation while enduring blistery cold winds all day at the Dedham Golf
and Country Club in Dedham, MA. This unique tournament included a golf ball drop raffle from a fire truck
and a joyous dinner reception and silent auction. The tournament winners received a 4-foot tall trophy and
gave a heartfelt speech on their enlightened sense of accomplishment.
DFW Golf Tournament – October 13, 2008
The renewed Annual Dallas/Forth Worth Golf Tournament at
Cowboys Golf Club in Grapevine, TX included special guests Gen
James T. Conway USMC, Commandant of the Marine Corps, Hall
of Fame Quarterback Roger Staubach, and a command performance
from the “Commandant’s Own” U.S. Marine Drum and Bugle Corps.
Through the great work of Chairman and MCSF Director Bob Lund,
MajGen Don Lynch USMC (Ret.), and their supportive committee,
this tournament greatly increased their golfer attendance and corporate
sponsorships from their 1st tournament in 2007. Net revenue increased
by 20% from last year and included funds from a popular silent auction
of commemorative sports memorabilia.
Drum & Bugle Corps with a Marine
Color Guard and Humvee at the 2008
DFW Golf Tournament
West Coast Marine Scholarship Ball – October 25, 2008
The St. Regis Monarch Beach Resort in Dana Point, CA was host to the 22nd Annual West Coast Ball. Under
the direction of Alice Marshall, Military Committee Chair and Michael Hall, Executive Committee Chair, the
Ball raised over $700,000 for the Foundation. All attendees enjoyed hearing remarks from Gen James F. Amos
USMC, Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps, and a performance by the 1st Marine Division Band.
We congratulate the 2008 honorees: Jack H. Brown, Semper Fidelis Award; Richard Bertea, Globe and Anchor
Award; and John W. Hamilton, John Wooden Sportsman Award.
Included in the over 35,000 runners in the
2008 Marine Corps Marathon and 10K were
40 members of the Foundation Marathon Team
who crossed the finish line. Many of them ran
their first races ever and were proud to run in
support of raising scholarships for children of
Marines. Over $80,000 was raised by over 60
runners from across the country, including
current scholarship recipient Zane Shelley
who recently graduated from the University
of Wisconsin-La Crosse. Special thanks to all
who helped support these great runners including
Jarhead Red Wine, our marathon team sponsor.
Although a few runners were unable to participate
due to injuries, we thank all who competed
and ran on behalf of the Foundation: Margaret
Angell, Ashley Avila, Lucas Bamford, Matt
Carroll, Jon Cunningham, Laura Cunningham,
Tim Curtis, Ean Dervin, Kristi Dulaney, Nate
Fick, Adam Firestone, Nick Firestone, Ian Fitch,
Brendan Fogerty, Catherine Foot, Ahlam Ghadry,
Ryan Goins, Colleen Gottlieb, Steven Gottlieb,
Members of the 2008 Foundation Marathon Team
Philip Grathwol, Lori Iden, David Jamieson,
Theo Milonopoulos, Eric Nelson, Chau Nguyen,
Claire Nicholson, Mark Nicholson, Quang Pham,
Nicola Platzer, Hallie Preston, Rose Rocklein,
Nathan Rocklein, Brad Rosenberg, Joel Schmidt,
Rob Schuster, Zane Shelley, Rowan Smith, Jaclyn
Strife, Will Wennberg, and Johanna Willer.
Salut! To The Corps Wine Tasting – November 9, 2008
Parris Island Golf Tournament – October 27, 2008
The Parris Island Golf Tournament has sold out each year and the 3rd annual tournament was no exception.
Strengthened by over 20 committee members, Chairman, and MCSF Director, Don Drobny has quickly
created a South Carolina golfing tradition while supporting the Foundation. With a clear focus on raising
scholarship revenue, this event has generated net revenue over $350,000 in just 3 short years thanks to a very
charitable community who support their local Marines.
Carolina Classic Golf Tournament – November 1 and 2, 2008
The Carolina Classic Golf Tournament committee ensures their yearly success by focusing on building
relationships with their corporate sponsors and golfers. The 10th annual
tournament began with a wonderful sponsors’ dinner at the Camp
Lejeune Officers’ Club where many longtime donors were celebrated
for their commitment to the Foundation and this event. Using both the
Camp Lejeune and Cherry Point Golf Courses, this unique two day golf
tournament was masterfully executed by the original creators of this event,
Sonny and Tay Roberts, MCSF Director Dave and Diana Jones, and
Ken and Dianne Powell. Thank you all very much for leading a skillful
and dedicated volunteer committee and raising over $600,000 for the
MajGen Richard T. Tryon USMC,
Sonny Roberts, Dianne and Ken Powell,
Foundation since 1999.
and Dave Jones
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2008 Salut! to the Corps Volunteers
The newly formed Houston Volunteer
Committee, under the direction of Co-Chairs
Steve Hamblin and John Griffin, had lofty
goals to create a first year event and raise over
$100,000. Instead of creating a golf tournament,
they directed their efforts towards a wine and food
tasting event. Hosted at One Houston Center,
this large and elegant office building lobby was
the perfect location for over 300 wine enthusiasts
to learn more about the important work of the
Foundation while enjoying a wonderful evening.
With a live auction that included golf and
vacation packages worldwide, this inaugural event
raised $160,000 in net revenue. Congratulations!
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upcoming events
Philadelphia Ball – April 17, 2009
As the birthplace of the U.S. Marine Corps, Philadelphia has a long tradition of
supporting Marines and their families. This tradition will continue with the 34th
Annual Philadelphia Ball, to be held at the Loews Philadelphia Hotel. This year,
along with a command performance from the U.S. Marine Drum and Bugle Corps,
the following honorees will be presented with awards: Scott Donnelly, COO of
Textron Inc., Semper Fidelis Award; Roy and Gretchen Jackson, Owners of Lael
Stables and 2006 Kentucky Derby Winner Barbaro, Globe
and Anchor Award; and Daniel “Lake” Staffieri, Football
Game-Day Coordinator, University of Pennsylvania,
Sportsman of the Year Award. For more information,
please contact Tom Agnew at (610) 644-1942.
Scholarship Balls
New York Leatherneck Scholarship Ball – April 24, 2009
The New York Hilton Hotel will once again be the host of the 47th Annual
Leatherneck Ball. As the flagship event for the Foundation, Ball President and MCSF
Director Peter DePaola invites everyone to attend and help raise over $1,000,000.
This year’s honorees will include Walter P. Havenstein, President and CEO of BAE
Systems, Semper Fidelis Award; William H. Swanson, Chairman of the Board and
CEO of Raytheon Company, Leatherneck Award; and Mike Waufle, Defensive Line
Coach for the New York Giants, Lifetime Achievement Award. A memorable musical
performance will be presented by the “Commandant’s
Own” U.S. Marine Drum and Bugle Corps. For more
information, please contact Marylou Amarosa of
Projects Plus, Inc. at (212) 997-0100.
(counterclockwise from top left: Walter P. Havenstein,
William H. Swanson, Mike Waufle)
Washington Scholarship Gala – June 6, 2009
The 23 Annual Washington Scholarship Gala will be held at the Capital Hilton Hotel on Saturday, June
6, 2009. A wonderful dinner and remarks from Washington dignitaries and honorees are planned as well as
a heartwarming speech from current scholarship recipient Kyle James, who tragically lost his father, Major
Brian James USMC, during a Quantico training mission in 1992. Chairman Dan O’Brien and his dedicated
volunteer committee invite you to attend and help continue the tradition of Honoring Marines by Educating
Their Children™. For more information, please contact Melissa Fildes of Hayes & Associates at
(703) 288-8692.
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The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation and the Special Operations Warrior Foundation invite you to
attend the Tribute to Naval Special Warfare and USMC at the Loews Coronado Bay Resort near San Diego,
CA. This event will honor all Special Operations Forces that are comprised of 48,000 Marine, Army, Navy,
and Air Force personnel. Invited guest speakers are Gen James T. Conway USMC, Commandant of the
Marine Corps, and ADM Eric T. Olson USN, Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command. For more
information, please contact Kevin Harty of Meeting Sites Pro at (858) 560-4677.
We hope you will attend one of the Foundation’s scholarship balls, special events or golf tournaments!
Visit us online at www.mcsf.org for updated information.
(clockwise from top right: Scott C. Donnelly, Roy and Gretchen Jackson,
Daniel “Lake” Staffieri)
Tribute to Naval Special Warfare and USMC – June 12, 2009
April 17, 2009 – Philadelphia, PA
Contact: Tom Agnew, (610) 644-1942
June 12, 2009 – San Diego, CA
Contact: Kevin Harty with Meeting Sites Pro, (858) 560-4677
April 24, 2009 – New York, NY
Contact: Marylou Amarosa of Projects Plus, Inc., (212) 997-0100
October 17, 2009 – Dana Point, CA
Contact: Amy Chou with Mahan & Nash, (310) 821-1040
June 6, 2009 – Washington, DC
Contact: Melissa Fildes with Hayes & Associates, (703) 288-8692
Golf Tournaments and Special Events
March 30, 2009 – Tampa, FL
Tampa Palms Golf and Country Club
Contact: Gene Deegan, (813) 968-9635
August 3, 2009 – Aurora, CO
Heritage Bend Golf and Country Club
Contact: Craig Sundquist, (303) 660-3841
April 20, 2009 – Sarasota, FL
Mission Valley Country Club
Contact: Roger Grenier, (941) 302-0058
September 11, 2009 – Indianapolis, IN
Twin Lakes Golf Club
Contact: Larry Slaugh, (317) 872-4951
May 11, 2009 – Glenn Dale, MD
Prince Georges County Trap
and Skeet Center
Contact: Mike Beatty, (202) 546-4196
September 14, 2009 – Camp Pendleton, CA
Marine Memorial Golf Course
Contact: Rene and Bob Tilley, (760) 728-0139
May 18, 2009 – Amherst, NH
Amherst Country Club
Contact: Roger Loos, (603) 624-0962
June 29, 2009 – Mashpee (Cape Cod), MA
Willowbend Country Club
Contact: Dick Murphy, (508) 359-6772
July 13, 2009 – Wethersfield, CT
Wethersfield Country Club
Contact: Marty Carroll, (860) 830-3897
July 20, 2009 – Paoli, PA
Waynesborough Country Club
Contact: Tom Agnew, (610) 644-1942
October 8, 2009 – Deal, NJ
Deal Golf and Country Club
and Hollywood Golf Club
Contact: Jim Lloyd, (732) 389-8601
or (732) 616-8893
October 12, 2009 – Grapevine (DFW), TX
Cowboys Golf Club
Contact: Don Lynch, (214) 682-1738
September 21, 2009 – Overland Park, KS
St. Andrews Golf Club
Contact: Bill Clinton, (913) 484-3078
October 24-October 25, 2009 – MCAS
Cherry Point/MCB Camp Lejeune, NC
Cherry Point Golf Course and Camp Lejeune
Golf Course
Contact: Ken Powell, (252) 634-9468
September 21, 2009 – Glen Cove, NY
Nassau Country Club
Contact: Chuck Mansfield, (516) 741-1443
October 25, 2009 – Washington, DC
Marine Corps Marathon
Contact: Clint Nesmith, (703) 549-0060
September 21, 2009 – Los Angeles, CA
Old Ranch Country Club, Seal Beach, CA
Contact: Gordon Hanscom, (949) 283-4029
October 26, 2009 – Parris Island, SC
Legends Golf Club
Contact: Don Drobny, (843) 686-3785
September 28, 2009 – Arlington, VA
Army Navy Country Club
Contact: Matt Carroll, (949) 689-4948
or Mike Beatty, (202) 546-4196
November 1, 2009 – Houston, TX
Salut! to the Corps Wine Tasting
Contact: Steve Hamblin, (281) 370-6625
July 27, 2009 – Chicago, IL
Boulder Ridge Country Club
Contact: Dick Sebion (847) 516-3773
or Doug Raupp, (847) 516-3773
page 11
Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation
121 S. Saint Asaph Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-3119
Phone: (703) 549-0060
Toll-Free: (866) IWO-JIMA (496-5462)
Email: mcsfva@mcsf.org
Fax: (703) 549-9474
Web: www.mcsf.org
Gen William L.
“Spider” Nyland
USMC (Ret.) (FL)
Ronald Armstrong (FL)
Charles W. Babcock (PA)
Gary J. Beban (IL)
Richard Bertea (CA)
Robert K. Brooks (CO)
Eric J. Candelori (VA)
Matthew J. Carroll (VA)
Catherine D. Chase (TX)
MajGen Andrew B. Davis
USMCR (Ret.) (VA)
MajGen Gene A. Deegan
USMC (Ret.) (FL)
Peter DePaola (CT)
Donald D. Drobny (SC)
Nathaniel C. Fick (DC)
Patrick J. Finneran Jr. (MO)
Michael E. Gallagher (CA)
Richard C. Hartnack (MN)
LtGen Jan C. Huly USMC
(Ret.) (VA)
David A. Jones (NC)
P.O. Box 3008, Princeton, NJ 08543-3008
Phone: (609) 921-3534
Toll-Free: (800) 292-7777
Email: mcsfnj@mcsf.org Fax: (609) 452-2259
Eric J. Candelori
Interim President and CEO
Alan A. Hammer
Katherine Griffin Hand
VP for Development
Martha R. Hulse
VP for Finance/Treasurer
June Hering
Scholarship Program
Jennifer Goins
Director of Campaign
Leadership Giving
Clinton W. Nesmith
National Director of
Volunteers and Event
CFC #11284
Marine Corps
Scholarship Foundation
Honoring Marines by Educating Their Children
121 S. Saint Asaph St.
Alexandria, VA 22314-3119
Vice Chairman
James D. King (IL)
General Counsel
L. Morgan
Porter, Jr. (IL)
Robert P. Kudwa (SC)
MajGen Kevin B. Kuklok
USMCR (Ret.) (TN)
Robert E. Lund (TX)
R. Bradford Mills (PA)
BGen Michael P. Mulqueen
USMC (Ret.) (IL)
John M. Rouse (PA)
Joseph A. Russo (IN)
Sarah Stokes (TX)
Brooks D. Tucker (MD)
Owen O. West (NY)
Chairmen Emeriti
LtGen Stephen G. Olmstead
USMC (Ret.) (VA)
LtGen Jeffrey W. Oster
USMC (Ret.) (VA)
President Emeritus
Dr. James R. Weinlader
randolph MA