A mb itio n F le x ib ility In nova tio n


A mb itio n F le x ib ility In nova tio n
Ambition Flexibility Innovation
Branskamp 12
6014 CB Ittervoort - NL
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E info@brbbv.com
I www.brb-international.com
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BRB International is often described as a successful company. And for a good
reason: BRB is one of the largest privately owned companies in the world in the
field of silicones, lubricants, additives and chemicals.
Rob Kriegsman
Barry Reede
Within a relatively short period of time, we
They monitor quality, boost product aware-
have evolved from a small regional trading
ness and provide excellent customer service.
office to an international organisation offer-
Our second cornerstone is flexibility.
ing a huge range of products. We are often
We are able and willing to respond flexibly to
asked about the ‘secret’ of our success.
the market. Finally, we believe in innovation.
The answer is clear: we have the confidence to
R&D plays an essential role within our compa-
Graphic design an Layout
Angelique Falkmann
act. Back in 1999, we started to focus on niche
ny, leading to innovative products and appli-
markets and products, as well as targeting larg-
cations that give our customers a head-start.
Herman van der Veer
er accounts. We established an international
Edith Lancée
Account Managers
Mariejanne Degenkamp
Jos van der Gun
Renate van Keulen
BRB International
presence and set up new branches. The result:
In this magazine you can read more about our
massive growth. Our success is also thanks to
company and the way we work. Discover your-
the people who work for us. Our dedicated
self what BRB is all about.
employees believe in our three core values:
Paul van Delft
This magazine was made with the
co-operation of:
Blending Nederland B.V.
Boels Zanders Advocaten
DOW Corning/Xiameter
Euro Mouldings B.V.
Heuts Assurantiën
Kraton Polymers Nederland B.V.
RSM Wehrens, Mennen & De Vries
Shin-Etsu PVC B.V.
SWD Lubricants GmbH & Co. KG
Tholu B.V.
No part of this magazine may be published without the prior written permission
of the publisher. The editor cannot take
resposibility for any mistakes.
This magazine is printed on
environment friendly paper.
they are ambitious and guarantee a high level
Ralph Pinckaers and Tom Caris
of individual responsibility for, and commit-
Board of Management
ment to, their work. We can count on them.
Ambition Flexibility Innovation
BRB is wereldwijd een van de grootste privé-
leest u meer over ons bedrijf en de manier
ondernemingen gericht op Siliconen, Smeer-
waarop wij werken.
middelen, Additieven en Chemie.
Vanaf 1999 zijn we ons gaan richten op niche-
Ralph Pinckaers en Tom Caris
markten en -producten en tevens op grotere
accounts. We oriënteerden ons internationaal
en openden nieuwe vestigingen. Het succes is
ook te danken aan de ambitieuze mensen die
binnen ons bedrijf werken.
Een tweede peiler is onze flexibiliteit. En tot
slot staan we voor innovatie. In dit magazine
From this period onwards, BRB Inter-
An international presence
R&D, technical support and unique, tai-
national forged a new path. A greater
Currently BRB has a workforce of
lor-made products. The company’s
focus was placed on product develop-
around 120 employees, 90 of whom
motto at both a national and interna-
ment, international sales offices were
work in the Netherlands. The company
tional level is: ‘think global, act local’.
set up and new people joined the com-
also has branches in the US, Poland,
For instance, our international branches
pany. BRB entered into strategic partner-
China, Hong Kong and Singapore.
always recruit local people who are
ships with the aim of further increasing
Warehouses have been set up in the UK,
familiar with the language, culture and
its market share.
US, Thailand and Australia. BRB also has
situation within the country wherever
To create more space for production,
storage facilities at its joint ventures in
possible. Our corporate team also regu-
new premises were purchased in the same
Germany and Malaysia.
larly visits our branches outside the
business park, to house the sales office.
BRB International was set up in 1981 as a trading company. In 1985, the
company started to produce lubricants at its site in Ittervoort, the province
of Limburg. As the range of products expanded, sales steadily rose.
The company took a new direction in 1999, when the shares were taken
over by Wiro Bakker and Ralph Pinckaers. They were entrepreneurs with
international ambitions, and broadened the company’s customer base
with larger international accounts.
The site also provided space for storage
and a small percentage of the compa-
BRB aims to close the gap between
ny’s production activities. In order to
major multinationals and their official
ensure that the organisational structure
distributors and/or customers. The com-
was as well-organised as possible for
pany achieves this through partner-
both customers and for BRB itself, the
ships, offering tailor-made products,
organisation was split into two divi-
innovation, and worldwide distribution,
sions: LAC (Lubricants, Additives and
as well as by guaranteeing high quality
Chemicals) and Silicones. This structure
and timely deliveries. BRB stands out for
enables BRB to provide its customers
its ability to respond quickly and offer
with an even more tailored service.
flexibility. The key focus areas include
Ambition Flexibility Innovation
BRB International werd in 1981 opgericht als handelsonderneming. In 1985 startte
het bedrijf in Ittervoort met de productie van smeermiddelen. In 1999 werden de
aandelen overgenomen door Wiro Bakker en Ralph Pinckaers.
Zij breidden de klantenkring uit met grotere internationale accounts en kozen voor
een professionaliseringsslag. Om meer ruimte te creëren voor de productie werd het
verkoopkantoor ondergebracht op een nieuwe locatie. Van hieruit wordt gewerkt
met twee sales-afdelingen: LAC (Lubricants, Additives en Chemicals) en Siliconen.
Anno 2010 heeft BRB wereldwijd zes vestigingen en vier warehouses. Ook werden
Joint Ventures gesloten met partners in Duitsland en Maleisië. BRB wil het gat dichten tussen belangrijke multinationals en hun officiële distributeurs en/of klanten en
onderscheidt zich door haar capaciteit om snel en flexibel te handelen.
Belangrijk is de focus op R&D, technisch support en unieke, op maat gemaakte producten. Binnen de strategie is ook besloten tot het creëren en implementeren van
een nieuwe global Corporate Identity. In 2010 heeft BRB een volledige metamorfose
ondergaan met behulp van een actieve marketing.
At the start of 2011, BRB was announ-
BRB: “We are a company that has the
with the help of RSM Wehrens, Mennen
ced the winner of ABN AMRO’s Jan
confidence to act. We currently do
& de Vries Accountants NV. We can now
Huygen van Linschoten export award.
business in 22 countries within the
refer to ourselves as one of the largest
The bank presents this prestigious
European Union and in 57 other coun-
independent companies worldwide in
award to the company that stands out
tries in the world. Our private share
our field of expertise, which makes us
most at an international level in terms
ownership makes us extremely flexible,
extremely proud. We have always had
of ambition, entrepreneurship, sales
which is of course unique for an organi-
big ambitions. Our next aim is to set up
concept, strategy and financial perform-
sation of our size. We are investing
more international branches to further
ance. The award is the crowning glory
large sums in new plans, according to a
consolidate our global position.”
of the last decades. Tom Caris, CFO at
sound strategy that we have developed
Paul van Delft Marketing and Sales Manager for LAC:
New corporate identity
As part of the strategy, we also decided to create
within LAC. Paul van Delft, Marketing and Sales
and implement a new global corporate identity.
Manager for LAC: “A new development within
2010 saw BRB undergo a complete transformation
BRB is the worldwide launch of one brand identi-
with the help of an active marketing campaign.
ty, created under the logo ‘BRB’.
The company has two marketing and PR employ-
This is helping to boost BRB’s profile even further
ees within both the Silicones business unit and
within its markets.”
Ambition Flexibility Innovation
BRB won begin 2011 de Jan Huygen van Linschoten prijs van ABN AMRO voor haar
internationale prestaties. Tom Caris, CFO bij BRB: “We zijn een bedrijf dat durft te
ondernemen. Dankzij het private aandeelhouderschap zijn we erg flexibel. En dat
is met onze omvang natuurlijk uniek. Inmiddels mogen we ons wereldwijd een van
de grootste onafhankelijke spelers noemen in ons vakgebied.”
BRB International wordt geadviseerd door RSM Wehrens, Mennen & de Vries
Accountants NV. Leo van Wersch, partner binnen RSM, is de vaste adviseur van BRB
International als het gaat om bedrijfseconomische zaken. Zijn collega Lucas
Janssen richt zich op de fiscale aspecten. Van Wersch: “Wij zijn zeer betrokken en
hebben de organisatie in de afgelopen jaren goed leren kennen. Op die manier
kan ik mijn adviezen op de juiste manier onderbouwen. BRB is een belangrijke en
zeer boeiende klant. Het is een mooi bedrijf dat bewust onderneemt en net als wij
goede relaties belangrijk vindt.”
BRB has a strong international reputation when it comes to the development and production of silicones. Silicones are synthetic polymers
produced from natural materials. The key basic material is quartz or
silicon metal.
As ‘silicones’ is often used as a generic
Personal care
term to refer to all substances that contain
BRB International offers a comprehensive
a silicon atom, a more accurate descrip-
range of silicone products for various
tion is a completely synthetic polymer
applications. A key market is Personal
containing a Si-O backbone.
Care. Silicones are used in this sector as
Organic groups are often added to this
glazing agents but also as carriers for
backbone. The best known example is
active ingredients. They are also used as
poly(dimethylsiloxane) or PDMS.
an aesthetic agent.
This polymer has a repeating (CH3)2SiO
Silicones are added to hair-care products
unit. These materials are the basic buil-
as volume boosters, shine enhancers,
ding blocks of the silicone industry, and
additives or foam control agents. They
can be used to make a number of im-
are also used in skin care products, for
portant commercial products such as
instance as a moisturiser or skin protec-
fluids, emulsions, anti-foam agents,
tor. Silicones also help to keep skin sup-
elastomers, greases and pastes, rubbers,
ple and radiant.
lubricants, resins and silanes.
Ambition Flexibility Innovation
Bas Bollen, verantwoordelijk voor de afdeling siliconen:
“Silicones are excellent products with a wide
This department is also constantly working on
“Met siliconen hebben we een heel mooi en
Deze afdeling werkt bovendien continu aan nieu-
range of applications. They offer endless possibil-
new applications and improvements, which we
breed toepasbaar product in huis. Het biedt tallo-
we toepassingen en verbeteringen die we onze
ities, which means that our clientele also vary
present in turn to our customers.”
ze mogelijkheden. We maken toevoegingen voor
klanten vervolgens weer aanbieden.”
widely. We produce additives for a wide variety of
een grote variatie aan producten.
products. The number of applications is also con-
En het aantal toepassingen neemt steeds verder
stantly rising. Customers come to us with new
toe. Klanten komen met nieuwe vragen waarmee
requirements and our R&D department is always
onze R&D afdeling vervolgens aan de slag gaat.
keen to accept the challenge.
Ambition Flexibility Innovation
Bas Bollen, Vice president Siliconen division:
BRB heeft wereldwijd een grote reputatie als het gaat om de ontwikkeling
en productie van siliconen. Omdat de term ‘siliconen’ vaak gebruikt wordt als
algemene aanduiding voor alle stoffen die het silconenenatoom bevatten, kunnen
we beter spreken van een volledig synthetisch polymeer met een Si-O basis.
Het meest bekende voorbeeld is poly(dimethylsiloxane) ofwel PDMS.
Dit polymeer heeft een repeterende (CH3)2SiO unit. Deze materialen vormen de
bouwstenen van de siliconenindustrie waarmee een aantal belangrijke commerciële producten kunnen worden gemaakt.
Personal care
BRB International biedt een zeer breed assortiment siliconen producten voor verschillende doeleinden. Een belangrijke markt is Personal Care. Siliconen worden
hier ingezet als glansmiddel maar ook als dragermateriaal voor actieve ingre-diënten. Daarnaast worden ze gebruikt als esthetisch middel bij haarverzorgingsproducten of huidverzorgingsproducten.
The LAC division stands for Lubricants, Additives and Chemicals. Under
the heading of LAC, our company manufactures around 500 products for
various applications. The experts at BRB are always able to offer customers a tailor-made solution.
Even before the advent of the car,
BRB produces a wide range of oil addi-
petroleum was used to lubricate engin-
tives for the purpose of turning base oil
es and machines. Later, as the number
into a high quality lubricant. The same
of motor vehicles grew, lubricants start-
base stock can be used to make various
ed to play an increasingly important
oils, all with their own unique proper-
role. Car engines became more advan-
ties. Additives are used in almost all
ced, resulting in a need for special lubri-
engine oils currently available on the
cating oils. BRB produces these oils.
market. The additive used is determined
The company manufactures a wide
by the application. BRB offers a wide
range of lubricants at its own producti-
range of additives.
on facility in Limburg as well as at
Viscotech in Germany. The lubricants
Leo van Wersch of RSM Wehrens, Mennen & de Vries Accountants NV:
are used in cars, fork-lift trucks and
“We are closely involved with our clients”
numerous types of engines.
Ambition Flexibility Innovation
BRB International is advised by RSM Wehrens, Mennen & de Vries
“It’s a conscious decision on our part”, he explains. “In practice I visit
Accountants NV. The firm specialises in providing accountancy services
BRB at least every fortnight. I attend meetings and study the develop-
and tax advice, and has offices in Maastricht, Heerlen, Roermond,
ments in depth. I also keep in close contact by telephone. A sound
Eindhoven and Venlo. Its clients include organisations of various sizes,
knowledge of all the facts gives me a strong basis for my recommen-
primarily based in Limburg and South-East Brabant, but also throughout
dations. It also makes my work enjoyable.
the Netherlands and further afield.
BRB is an important and very interesting client. It is a great company
with sound business practices and that values strong working relation-
RSM Nederland is part of the international RSM network. The firm’s
ships just as much as we do. Within RSM, Lucas Janssen also advises BRB.
employees have in-depth knowledge and experience in the field of
He focuses on tax issues.
accountancy, taxation, payroll and personnel, subsidies, management
consulting and financial services.
Together we form a team. We separated business economics from taxation as this allows us to keep a sharp eye on both aspects. This is vital, par-
Leo van Wersch, a partner within RSM, is BRB International’s regular
adviser on business economics. He is closely involved and has come to
know the organisation inside out over the past few years.
ticularly in the case of larger, internationally oriented clients such as BRB.”
developed to tackle contamination
for cleaning process equipment and
BRB’s activities also include the produc-
against which other cleaning agents
pipelines among other things, but also
tion of chemicals. Our range varies
are ineffective. This is because our prod-
on oil rigs. Our customers are leading
from coolants, antifreeze screen-wash
ucts are user-friendly, environmentally
companies that benefit from the quality,
and solvents to highly advanced prod-
friendly and non-flammable.
logistics services and expertise offered
ucts such as paint additives or special
What’s more, they are water-based.
by BRB.
and biodegradable industrial cleaning
The cleaning products are frequently
agents. This product range has been
used by companies such as refineries
Roger Dohmen, Vice President of LAC:
Roger Dohmen, Vice President LAC:
“LAC offers a very wide range of products.
try. We have extensive in-house knowledge in this
99% reliability of supply. The fact that LAC is
“LAC heeft een zeer breed productgamma.
Ook per land zijn de eisen weer anders. Wij heb-
Specialists work in various fields within our
field, starting with our account managers, who
experiencing such strong growth and success is
Binnen onze afdeling werken specialisten op ver-
ben op dit gebied veel kennis in huis en kunnen
division. Environmental policy and delivery per-
are each responsible for a specific region and
due not only to our quality, but also to this serv-
schillende gebieden. Een belangrijk onderdeel is
grotere spelers bieden wat zij nodig hebben.
formance are key elements. Larger customers in
know their territory well. There is also a wealth of
ice-oriented approach. At our company it’s all
naast leverbetrouwbaarheid ook het milieubeleid.
We staan voor onze afspraken en kennen een
particular have their own internal standards,
knowledge within our R&D department.
about the customer.”
Met name grotere klanten kennen hun eigen
leveringsbetrouwbaarheid van 99%.”
which requires a customer-specific approach.
We can offer major companies what they need.
The requirements also differ again in each coun-
And not only that: we keep our word and offer
Dat vraagt om een klantspecifieke benadering.
Ambition Flexibility Innovation
De afdeling LAC staat voor Lubricants (smeermiddelen), Additives (toevoegingen)
en Chemicals (Chemicaliën). Onder de noemer LAC worden zo’n 500 producten
Het assortiment chemicaliën varieert
gemaakt voor diverse doeleinden.
van koelvloeistoffen, ruitensproeierantivries en oplosmiddelen tot zeer
In Limburg in de eigen productiehal en in Duitsland wordt een grote diversiteit aan
toevoeging of speciale en biologisch
smeermiddelen gemaakt. Ze worden gebruikt voor zowel automobiel als industriële
markt en het portfolio bevat zowel oliën als vetten in verschillende verpakkingen.
middelen. Deze productrange is ont-
wikkeld om vervuilingsproblemen op
te lossen die andere reinigingsmidde-
BRB produceert in Nederland, maar ook in Duitsland bij de Viscotech, verschillende
len niet aankunnen. Klanten zijn grote
olieadditieven om van basisolie een kwalitatief hoogwaardig smeermiddel te
spelers die profiteren van de kwaliteit,
maken. Vanuit een bepaalde basis kunnen verschillende oliën worden gemaakt,
logistieke dienstverlening en expertise
allemaal met hun eigen, unieke eigenschappen. In bijna alle motoroliën die op dit
van BRB.
moment verkocht worden, zijn additieven verwerkt.
Ambition Flexibility Innovation
Freecor QRC
A new technology of coolants introduced by BRB BV
through its cooperation with Arteco
Since many years BRB and Arteco have been cooperating to market coolants which carry approvals
of many car and heavy duty (truck) manufacturers. Product names include Havoline XLC (of which
the red version is approved for VW TL774 F) and Havoline AFC ( a.o. approved to TL 774-C).These
products classify under the technologies called “OAT” coolant (XLC) and “Hybrid” coolant (AFC).
Every order handling process starts in the sales division and ends at the
logistic department. Staff with extensive business expertise visit our
customers to advise them. Our comprehensive range means that BRB is
able to respond to many needs regarding existing products.
A new type of coolant was developed recently, which has been approved to the new TL774-G0
specification of Volkswagen, applicable to all cars produced as of 2008.This classifies as a “Lobrid”
coolant called Freecor QRC, also known as “G12++”.
This coolant is retro-compatible with all existing coolants according to the Volkswagen specifications, and protects the metals and plastics used in the modern VW engines.
As these engines have a high energy-density and use state-of-the-art light metal alloys, sometimes
developed by VW themselves, this coolant is an absolute necessity to protect the car owner to
become victim of a voided warranty in case another coolant or non-approved coolant is used.
Another novelty that was introduced is Freecor DSC, approved according to the latest specification of Peugeot-Citroën and Freecor NRC approved for Renault cars.Therefore please turn to your
BRB representative to discuss the availability of the new Lobrid coolant Freecor QRC or other
coolants available from Arteco, and don’t hesitate to visit the website www.arteco-coolants.com
to stay on top of the latest developments in the coolants industry.
However, customers regularly also come
department. They schedule production
also have dispatch, which ensures that
to us in search of a new product or with
and identify the raw materials needed.
the materials are available for each part
a specific request. It is at this point that
Tom Caris, CFO: “The planning and con-
of the process. The production depart-
we call in the R&D department to
trol department acts as a lynchpin.
ment also has a special EX-room that
investigate the options. Vice President
It liaises closely with the sales depart-
has been specifically equipped for work
of R&D Rob Houben: “The R&D staff
ment and production, but also with pur-
involving flammable and explosive
create customer-specific products based
chasing and logistics. The dynamics
materials. This room features fully
on requirements. The options are dis-
within the company mean that this is
adapted lighting, machines and equip-
cussed with production even at this
very precise work.”
ment. Finally, the department also has
early stage.”
its own technical service for performing
Planning and control department
Production is made up of a number of
Once an order has been signed off, it is
elements. There is a split between the
submitted to the planning and control
mixing line and the filling line. Then we
the world, sound expertise in the field
Once the production process is comple-
of export and customs is essential. BRB
te, the products are sent to the logistics
transports its products by both road and
department. This department is also
water. In some cases we also opt for air
highly specialised. Tom Caris: “BRB deals
transport. The basic principle is to res-
with hazardous goods and must comply
pond to our customers’ needs as flexibly
with complex laws and regulations.
as possible.”
As our customers are located all around
Rob Houben, Vice President of R&D:
“The R&D department has evolved considerably
focus on research and new product development
activities. For instance, we investigate whether
over the past few years, just like the rest of the
in response to market trends. This involves liste-
products can be manufactured safely on a larger
company. We now have a double office and two
ning carefully to the findings of our sales depart-
scale. We also regularly visit customers to exami-
high tech laboratories in which eight people are
ment. Our staff are all-rounders and have expert
ne their processes and give them advice.”
working on innovations and improvements day in
knowledge of all of our products. One staff mem-
and day out. We have the very latest equipment.
ber specialises in legislation and regulations.
As well as demand-led development, we also
As well as development, we also carry out other
Ambition Flexibility Innovation
Iedere opdracht begint op de afdeling sales. Medewerkers met veel kennis van
zaken bezoeken klanten om hen te adviseren. Wanneer klanten een nieuw product zoeken of een specifieke vraag hebben, wordt de afdeling R&D ingezet
om de mogelijkheden te onderzoeken. Is een opdracht getekend, dan komt
het bedrijfsbureau in beeld. Zij plannen de productie in en bepalen welke grondstoffen nodig zijn.
De productie bestaat uit verschillende onderdelen. Er is een tweedeling tussen de
mengerij en de afvullerij. Dan is er nog de expeditie die zorgt dat de materialen
voor ieder onderdeel van het proces klaar staan. De afdeling productie heeft ook
een speciale EX-ruimte die geschikt is gemaakt om te werken met brandbare en
explosieve materialen en een eigen technische dienst voor het onderhoud.
Is de productie afgerond, dan komt de afdeling logistiek in beeld. Ook deze afdeling is zeer gespecialiseerd. BRB heeft te maken met gevarengoederen en een
gecompliceerde wet- en regelgeving. Uitgangspunt is om zo flexibel mogelijk in te
spelen op de vraag van de klant.”
expresses gratitude to all who enabled
the issue of this magazine
Rob Houben, Vice President R&D:
wil graag iedereen bedanken die het mogelijk
heeft gemaak dit magazine te realiseren
“De afdeling R&D is de afgelopen jaren sterk uitgebreid. Naast het ontwikkelen op vraag, richten
we ons ook op onderzoek en de ontwikkeling van
nieuwe producten.
Dat doen we op basis van de behoeften in de
markt. Onze medewerkers zijn allround en hebben kennis van al onze producten.”
Produzent von
und Spezialitäten
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