Teaching a Dinosaur to Tango Everybody synchronize your babysteps! With a range of services as vast as ours, things get complicated. Commissions and (sub-)departments transform the municipality into a 100-headed dinosaur, and our job is to make it dance. We do this by talking to one head at a time. Micro-management? Yes - intentionally. The result is an agile process that allows us to be flexible, and react quickly to the world around us. While many companies consider user-centric design state-of-the-art, those of us who work in government have been doing it since our conception. Every day, we wake up to a job where our clients are also our employers. And everyone is our client. SITUATION This is the story of how we’re empowering individual units in the municipality. We’re fostering interactions between city and citizen, and stimulating innovation not just between departments, but between all stakeholders. US YOU HER Municipality of Rotterdam Communications + Ping-pong Design The end user, a citizen of Rotterdam Employee at Rotterdam’s Social Services This is you. You’re on welfare. You have trouble paying your bills. You’re down on your luck. At this point, letters from the government go straight to the bin. You have trouble understanding them. You know from experience that anything they send you is likely to be bad news, which you have more than enough of already. This is us. We’re the communication department of the municipality and a design agency. We’re here to get the message across to you, so you have an easier time talking to her. This is her. She’s a clerk at the Social Services in Rotterdam. She’s the one you should talk to when you need help. And it’s her job to help you. Problem WHAT IS NEEDED? The goal is to help YOU get back on YOUR feet. And SHE is here to help YOU with that. But before SHE can help YOU, YOU need to know how SHE can help. OBSERVATIONS So we start by talking to you. And her. And by observing how you talk to each other. You could call it a focus group, but we prefer having a coffee.This is where we first see what we call... “When I ask for help I feel like a beggar.” “I can’t just give away money, without being asked directly.” “THE MUTUAL PRIDE THRESHOLD” “I don’t know what I’m entitled to ask for.” “And I don’t have the energy to get an overview of my options.” Take a look at what's happening here. In order to change things we need to find out if increased accessibility means more scams. And we need to find out how we can make the whole thing more inviting for you. BARRIERS “It should be a bit difficult to apply. Otherwise, I will be exploited.” She’d like to help you, but she won’t do it out of the blue. You need help, but don’t want to feel like a looser. You're insecure about your language and reading capabilities. So although the information you need already exists (in the form of ordnances), there's only a slim chance that you'll ever read them. We’re in design and communication. Although we think we can change the world, the truth is that we only can do so much. Making real change will take more than clear and compelling visuals. We need her to teach us about the rules. And we need you to tell us about your situation. If she makes things too simple they won't be accurate. That's why all these texts and guidelines become so long. Isn’t it funny how ordnances tell YOU about YOUR possibilities by telling what YOU can’t do? WE think so. And WE’d like to transform this archive of limitations into a catalogue of opportunities. THE PROBLEM IN CONCLUSION Solution TEAM TABLETOP We assemble an interdisciplinary team consisting of independent experts within the fields required to complete the project. We invite everyone (including you) for a coffee around the same table. Get to know each other. The idea is to align our expectations. Through interviews and field trips we start creating a map of insights based on how each participant sees the world. PROCESS END USER M G IN AK LEGAL N IG Focus on possibilities rather than limitations Because you’re more interested in what you CAN do than what you CAN’T Next, we agree that we will solve one problem at a time. We deal with the issues on a pragmatic level. NOTEBOOK We manufacture a final dummy. A selected panel from our target group get’s to tear it apart one last time. The test results allow us to integrate adjustments before final deployment. PO L I C Y Overcome the mutual pride threshold Because your Mojo’s broken we’ll keep things simple We boil down the results to a central idea. How will we make what happen? Rapid design-prototypes are created. Rather than testing only on the target group, we involve all stakeholders. Result: A clear proof of concept. CLERK Focus on small problems rather than big ones Because your career starts with finding a clean shirt IDEA TO M E The municipality only exists as a result of the components of society that it represents. Therefore, we can’t successfully design manage without involving stakeholders beyond the municipality. We employ a decentralized approach to design management based on the realization that the organization is not a single body. CONCEPT & DESIGN In collaboration with our team, we define the core concept for the project. Based on our observations we know that the fundamentals should be: PH A I D O The process is mapped, so we ensure that each step in prototyping and production meets the standards required from the respective disciplines (design, legal, text, etc.). Milestones are set, so the end user is involved in the creation while we develop the project. ACTION DE S COPY Since we know you’re not the big reader, we transform the mountains of legal documents into simple flowcharts. And rather than throwing anonymous lab-rats into the charts, we focus on the person that we’re doing all this for: • Booklet that shows your possibilities in a flowchart based on your life • Tip a friend via a selection of insert postcards • Revised (improved) categorization of your possibilities • Word-count reduction by app. 80% • Look & feel emulates the accessibility of a mail-order catalogue YOU Hoera! een baby extra geld = gewoon meedoen BRUG 2009 Yeah, that’s right buddy. Verhuisd? wist je dat...? extra geld = gewoon meedoen Ik heb een bijstandsuitkering van SoZaWe. nee › Ik ben alleenstaand. › Mijn inkomen is ongeveer € 1.000,- netto per maand en mijn vermogen* is lager dan € 5.480,-. of ja › Ik ben een alleenstaande ouder. › Mijn inkomen is ongeveer € 1.270,- netto per maand en mijn vermogen* is lager dan € 10.960,-. of › Mijn partner en ik zijn jonger dan 57 jaar*. › Ons gezamenlijke inkomen is niet hoger dan € 1395,- netto per maand. › Eén van ons tweeën is tussen de 57 en 65 jaar*. › Ons gezamenlijke inkomen is niet hoger dan € 1475,- netto per maand. BRUG 2009 voor mama › Eén van ons tweeën is 65 jaar of ouder*. › Ons gezamenlijke inkomen is niet hoger dan € 1535,- netto per maand. * De leeftijd van de oudste partner geldt. 88 Verzekering voor ziektekosten € 128,-* € 52,-* voor jou voor jou ja Ik kan een bijdrage vragen bij de gemeente (SoZaWe). › Zilveren Kruis Achmea kan mij vertellen wanneer de verzekering kan ingaan. voor de baby € 120,-* € 196,-* voor jou voor jou voor jou kraampakket babypakket Dat zijn kleren die ik tijdens mijn zwangerschap kan dragen. Dat zijn spullen die ik nodig heb voor de bevalling. Ik krijg geen vergoeding van mijn ziektekostenverzekering. In het pakket horen luiers, hemdjes, een bad, kruik, matras, deken, lakens en/of een babydraagzak. babybedje 6 Verzekering voor ziektekosten 89 € 131,-* € 72,-* € 398,-* voor jou voor jou › Ik ben ouder dan 17 en jonger dan 21 jaar. Ik kan zelf bijzondere bijstand aanvragen. Wel gelden wat andere regels: mijn eigen inkomen is belangrijk. En het is belangrijk hoeveel inkomen en spaargeld mijn ouder(s) of verzorger(s) hebben. Ik kijk op pagina 8. Kosten voor kinderopvang Mijn inkomen Mijn inkomen Ik werk of volg een traject voor scholing, re-integratie of inburgering. Mijn kinderen gaan dan naar een kinderdagverblijf, gastoudergezin of naar de buitenschoolse opvang. De Belastingdienst betaalt een deel van de kosten voor de opvang. Ik kan van de gemeente ook een bijdrage krijgen om de opvang te betalen. commode voor jou ja * Mijn vermogen is de optelsom van mijn spaargeld, de waarde van mijn auto, eigen huis of andere bezittingen. Van die optelsom mag ik schulden aftrekken, zoals een lening bij de bank. Geld dat ik apart heb gezet voor uitvaartkosten telt niet mee als eigen vermogen. Ben ik alleenstaand, dan mag ik maximaal € 6.400,- apart zetten voor uitvaartkosten. Ben ik gehuwd of woon ik samen, dan mogen we daar samen maximaal € 12.800,- voor apart zetten. Ik kijk op pagina 90 en 91 € 391,-* of LET OP! Voor sommige regelingen gelden andere inkomensgrenzen: - toelage kinderen van 4 tot en met 17 jaar (p. 35) - toeslag 65-plussers (p. 55) - langdurigheidstoeslag (p. 105) › Ik kan de verzekering van mijn keuze zelf afsluiten bij Zilveren Kruis Achmea. positiekleding › Aanvragen? Kijk op pagina 10. › Ik ben getrouwd of woon samen. › Ons inkomen is ongeveer € 1.400,- netto per maand en ons vermogen* is lager dan € 10.960,-. Ik kan kiezen uit twee verzekeringspakketten. ... de gemeente Rotterdam extra geld betaalt voor de gordijnen in een nieuw huis? Het is maar één van de regelingen voor mensen met een laag inkomen. Wil je weten of je recht hebt op extra geld? Of welke andere voordelen je kunt verdienen? Vraag dan de BRUG 2009 aan. Bel gratis 0800-1545. Kijk op of op Ik ben alleenstaand en kijk op pagina 86. ja wist je dat...? Gezondheid! nee Ik woon samen of ben getrouwd Kom ik in aanmerking? babybox kinderstoel kinderwagen * De genoemde bedragen zijn een maximale bijdrage. wist je dat...? 50 Bijdrage babyuitzet Bijdrage babyuitzet 51 132 Kosten voor kinderopvang 133 Outcome US WHAT’S NEW? YOU HER Structure Using design as a central ingredient in the communication of public policy. Clarity We’ve tamed the paper tiger, and replaced it with a more instinctive language of communication. Yes-factor A paradigm-shift in focus from limiting restrictions to empowering possibilities. WHAT CHANGED? All aboard We bring all stakeholders (including you) to the table, and simplify things. What was complex becomes simple. You’re invited You no longer feel excluded: When you receive an invitation, you’re more likely to show up. And you can’t complain if you don’t. She get’s it We express ourselves through visuals that are as simple as road signs. Although the communication is not created for her, it’s inevitable that she sees it, and thus understands her work better. HOW WAS THE CO-ORDINATION? Reality-check Radical change can only be achieved by working in incremental steps. We’re fixing one thing at a time, and empowering cells consisting of the stakeholders. Identification Since you were involved, the scenarios described are ones that you recognize. This means less theory, more practicality: Think laser surgery. Overview Because of our deployment and development plan, we launch one element at a time, rather than everything at once. She likes this. Success (management) We’re now armed with a roadmap that involves all stakeholders in future projects. Success (life) You’re back on track (to getting back on track). Success (work) You know what you can ask for, which makes her job easier. DID IT WORK? And not just us Other municipalities are using the model as well. And not just you Applications for support have increased. And not just her Dramatic reduction in administrative spending. SoZaWe Gemeente Rotterdam | | Librijesteeg 4 | 3000 BA Rotterdam | +31 (0)10 453 39 74 | Mrs. Lucienne Ruhulessin | Ping-pong Design | | Havenstraat 23a | 3024SG Rotterdam | +31 (0)10 436 57 44 | Mr. Barry de Bruin | 7