March 2016 - International School Eindhoven


March 2016 - International School Eindhoven
International School Eindhoven
March 2016
IN THIS ISSUE (click on table of contents)
Whole School News: ISE Primary News:
 ISE Calendar
 ISE Activity Calendar
 Seminar for Parents
 From The Head of
International Primary
From the Head of Primary
Dutch Department
Primary PC
Trousers Needed
Group 1
Group 2
Groep 3 & 4
Group 4
Groep 5
Group 5
Groep 6
Groep 8
Chess Tournament
April Fools’ Day
Koningsspelen 2016
Chinese Club
Library Corner
ISE Secondary News:
From Head of Secondary
Invitation to a tea party
Basketball Come & Support
Maths competition winners!
What’s Happening in the
 Mrs Prest’s Careers Corner
 Short Story: Rising Lotus
(click here)
ISE Primary News
(click here)
ISE Secondary News
(click here)
DP2 Mock exams until 4 March
Ski Trip until 4th March
London Trip until 4 March
Primary Traffic Week until 4 March
(Sec.) Basketball Match
8:30: (Prim.) Parents Information Session –
transition into Secondary (FOX Bldg)
17:30-20:00 (Prim.) Parents Evening
10-12 (Sec.) ESSL Basketball Tournament
19:00: (Sec.) Junior Prom
(Sec.) ‘Love is in the Air’ info evening for MP4
parents with GGD ZO Brabant in Auditorium
(pls register with school office)
14–18 (Prim.) Fathers Reading Week
(Prim.) parents information session—Little Village
(Fox Conference Room)
(Sec.) MP1to MP5 Maths Kangaroo Competition
(Prim) Bake Sale Group 2 International
Study Day (no school for students)
25-28 Holiday
(Sec.) Basketball Antwerp
(Prim.) Farm Visit at ISE
(Sec.) ISMTF Maths Competition
(Sec.) Senior Prom
12-14 Visiting Author, Christopher Lloyd
(Sec.) Softball, London
10:30 (Prim.) parent info session—
Maths (fox conference room)
11:30 (Prim.) Bake Sale
17:00-20:00 (Sec.) Parent-Teacher
Last day for DP2, Assembly/DP2 Break
(Prim.) Kings Day Celebrations
Going on
outside ISE
(click here)
Editors: Martine Revis & Rory Williamson (parent volunteers), Technical Assistant: Michelle Mondejar Revis, Liaison Officer: Jo Tubbs
ISE Activity Calendar
Boot Camp
Fit & Dance
starts at 14:15
(French &
Art Club
Chess Club
Chess Club
Hip Hop
(Girls &
Mother Tongue
(Spanish, Ko- Mother Tongue
Gymnastics rean, Polish,
Russian, Italian, Hindi)
Girl Scouts
Art Club
Irish Dance
Football (Boys
CONTACTS: Yoga – Reena Bhanot, Pilates – Lucy Gray,
Boot Camp – Ivo Recourt, Fit & Dance – Kai Tholen,
All Ages
Or contact
Jo Tubbs in
the school
Seminar for parents
Date, time and place: Tuesday, March 8, 2016 from 08.45-10:00
in the ISE Cafeteria.
Presenter: Daniela Jugo
Daniela Jugo has worked in marketing for several multinational companies such as PepsiCo, Autogrill, Exxon Mobil
and The NPD Group. Being an expat wife, Daniela decided
to combine these professional experiences with her Master
degrees in Marketing and Business Administration, to create
a more flexible online job to have a better work-life balance.
Daniela will explain and share:
blogging opportunities based on her own experience
why she is so passionate about this job
online opportunities for entrepreneurs through the e-commerce boom
the online world as an emerging market open to new ideas and businesses
how to be creative and open for new opportunities in the online world
how to build up an online reputation with regards to personal and professional
importance of social media and blogging for personal branding
Looking forward to see you at this seminar
Parents’ Committee
Next Seminar for parents:
“First Aid for children” by Cora Molenbroek, an experienced trainer in First Aid,
On March 22 in the ISE Cafeteria
Primary International
Dear Parents,
It was good to see so many parents attending
our two parent information sessions on reports
and assessment. Our Curriculum Coordinator,
Mrs. Spanbroek explained each section of the
report, the gradings and how the teachers
gathered the information to enable them to
write the reports. Parents were given the
opportunity to ask questions to clarify questions
and misconceptions.
A note from...
Joan Roach,
Head of Primary
During the month of March we hope that you will be able to attend the parent information
sessions on E safety and Little Village. Little Village is a programme which is used by students
who are new to English to help them with their acquisition of English. We are working hard to
improve the partnership between home and school by running a series of parent workshops so
that parents are better informed about the curriculum and resources for learning.
This month the planning for the start of the new school year will begin. An overview of the
school calendar for the 2016/2017 school year will be placed on the school website by the
end of this week. This week you will be asked to respond to an E mail indicating whether your
child/ren will be remaining at the ISE next school year or not. It is important that you respond by
return E mail even if you are unsure of your plans for the next school year in order to help us to
plan for the classes in each year group. We already have over sixty applications for the
2016/2017 school year.
This year we will again promote the importance of fathers reading to their children.
During the week beginning 14th March we would like fathers to volunteer to read a
story to the students in their child’s class. Please let your child’s class teacher know
if you are willing to read a story to the class.
Congratulations and well done to the four students who took part
in the school chess district championship. Ivan Ponomarev, Skanda Bhat, Ved Naik
and Nirupa Ganeshram did well in their first competition, achieving fourth place
out of eleven teams. We wish them all the best as they have qualified for the
next round in the 'Brabantse Championship’.
We are pleased that we are able to offer a number of after school activities to encourage
students to grow and develop by enriching their learning experiences and widening their
horizons. If your child is signed up for an after school activity and they are unable to attend for
whatever reason, we ask that you inform the class teacher. Recently members of staff have
spent their time looking for a student after school who we were expected to attend an activity
only to find out that they had been taken home by their parents.
We are pleased that the cafeteria is being used after school for families to enjoy a snack and a
drink and also to spend time having a chat. Please can you ensure that children do not use the
cafeteria as a playground. It is not safe for children to run around and play games in the
The students are looking forward to the different activities that will be happening around the
campus as part of traffic week. On Friday afternoon we will end traffic week with students from
both departments working together in year groups on traffic activities which have been planned
by their teachers. We hope that a record number of students will cycle to school on Friday
Thank you,
Joan Roach
Primary Dutch Department
Beste Ouders,
Een briefje van…
Daphne Dansen,
Hoofd Nederlandse
Afgelopen week hebben de kinderen weer
rapporten meegekregen. Hierover zullen met
de ouders volgende week gesprekken gevoerd
worden. Voor sommige groepen is dat in het
kader van de middelbare school of de NSCCT al
gedaan. Wij vragen u zich echt aan de afgesproken tijd voor het gesprek te houden
In mei, als ook de entreetoets en de eindtoets van groep 8 geweest zijn, zullen we een
voorlichtingsbijeenkomst houden om te vertellen hoe wij als school omgaan met de toets
Momenteel hebben we te kampen met een flink aantal zieke leerkrachten. We
hadden te maken met een veel juffen die griep gekregen hebben. Bijna iedere
keer is het gelukt om een vervanger voor de groep te zetten, maar omdat er een
groot tekort aan vervangers is, hebben we ook een enkele keer een groep op
moeten splitsen. Gelukkig is daar iedereen inmiddels hersteld van de griep.
Helaas hebben we ook te maken met een aantal leerkrachten die langer afwezig zullen zijn. Wij
hebben heel erg ons best gedaan vervangers voor deze leerkrachten te vinden. Dat is gelukkig
gelukt. We wensen alle leerkrachten een spoedig herstel toe.
Ski kamp en activiteitenweek
Op vrijdag 26 februari is het merendeel van de kinderen van groep 8 meegegaan
op ski kamp. De kinderen zijn vergezeld door juf Marijn en juf Nicole. In de
volgende nieuwsbrief zullen een aantal kinderen vertellen over het kamp. De
kinderen die niet meegegaan zijn, zullen deelnemen aan de activiteitenweek van
de secondary school en een dagje naar de Efteling gaan. Ook hierover is de
volgende keer iets te lezen.
In onze vorige nieuwsbrief hebben we u ook al verteld dat de toiletten niet goed gebruikt
worden door de kinderen. De kinderen plassen tegen de muren, besmeuren de toiletbrillen en
maken een waterballet bij de wastafels. In de groepen is hier aandacht aan
besteed omdat het steeds moeilijker wordt om de toiletten schoon te maken. We
hebben de afspraak met het schoonmaakbedrijf dat de toiletten ook vaker
tussendoor gepoetst worden, maar het is af en toe zo vies, dat het bijna niet
meer schoon te krijgen is. In de student council is nagedacht over oplossingen en
de kinderen van de student council hebben posters gemaakt die in alle toiletten
opgehangen zijn. Ook zijn er plasstickers in de toiletpotten aangebracht. Wij
zouden u willen vragen het hier ook eens met uw kind over te hebben.
Volgende week begint er weer een nieuwe ronde vrijdagmiddagactiviteiten.
Wij zouden het leuk vinden als er ook dit keer weer ouders zijn die ons met een activiteit
zouden willen helpen. Vindt u het leuk om een aantal vrijdagmiddagen een activiteit met de
kinderen te doen, kunt u zich opgeven via:
Dank u,
Daphne Dansen
Primary Parents’ Committee
Trousers Needed
We need your trousers!
In the Primary school we often need spare trousers, leggings or jogging trousers if children need a change of clothes. Currently we do not have enough spare pairs. If your
child has outgrown any please consider donating them. We are looking for sizes suitable
for children aged 3 to 7.
Please give to your class teacher.
Group 1
We have been learning lots in 1PF. We really enjoyed
the snow that fell yesterday and went out to play for a
little while. We are still learning new sounds and practising all the numbers up to 20. Boys and girls in 1PF are
excellent singers and also very good at saying poems and
rhymes. We really enjoyed the Carnaval celebrations
and we also had a special visitor in, when Miss Esther’s
dog, Otto came to class! We are having such fun in
school and making lots of new friends! :)
Group 2
Group 2 are studying Toys in IC. On Friday we looked at
the history of Teddy Bears. Did you know that Teddy
Bears are 114 years old! We learnt the song “Teddy
Bears’ Picnic” and then we took our Teddy Bears for a
walk in the school forest. We all had lots of fun getting
some fresh air and full of mud! When we got back to
class we had our own Teddy Bears’ Picnic, with Teddy
shaped food. It was yummy!
Groep 3 & 4
Groep 3 en 4 hebben de
kinderboekwinkel 'De
Boekenberg' bezocht in het
kader van het thema: Zinnen
en Regels. Zo kregen we
er uitleg over de verschillende
soorten boeken. Voordat de
boeken in de winkel liggen
gaat er nog heel wat aan
vooraf: wat allemaal? En zijn
alle boeken geschikt voor elke
leeftijd? Ook werden we
voorgelezen door meneer Jos
Walta himself! Een hele
geslaagde middag!
Groep 4 KO ging op uitje naar de
Boekenberg. Een kinderboekenwinkel
in het centrum van Eindhoven. We
kregen daar een leuke rondleiding en
we werden heel leuk voorgelezen. We
hebben een hele leuke middag gehad.
Group 4
4YT has been researching why the Nile
River was so important
for Ancient Egyptians.
They worked in teams
to create posters and
presentations to share
with their classmates.
Group 4
Maya, 4AG
Mantnalaya, 4AG
Oirschotsedijk 14b
5651 GC
Dear Group 4AG,
Thank you very much for your letter requesting permission to go on
an adventure to the Amazon River. Sorry that I have taken so long
to reply. I have been so busy running the school that I haven’t had
any time to reply until now.
Firstly, I must say that I was so impressed with your letter. The
handwriting was excellent and I like the way that you organised
your writing in paragraphs. You also had some really good reasons
for wanting to go to the Amazon river.
I think it would be a really good idea to go to the Amazon river to
experience it for yourself. However, it is a long way to South America. It would take a long time to get there and you would need to
fly in an aeroplane. It is not possible for me to give Mrs. Geenen
permission to take you on such a long trip. I don’t think that your
parents would allow you to go either.
What I suggest is that you go on a pretend journey to the Amazon.
Maybe you could ask Mrs. Geenen to take you through the woods in
the play area and you can imagine that this is South America. The
other idea that I have is that you can experience what the Amazon
River is like by watching a video clip about it.
Looking forward to hearing what you decide to do. I hope that your
IC topic goes really well.
Yours Sincerely,
Mrs. Roach
Groep 5
Betoverende sneeuwvlokken
op een
stoel, je
vast wel
wat ik
De juf
kwam met een goed
iedereen neemt zijn
knuffel mee.
Een stoel voor hen
maken van papier,
dat bracht een
middag vol plezier!
Groetjes groep 5TB
Group 5
During the Group 5 IC unit, Dinosaurs, the
children made their own clay models of dinosaurs. They also used plasticine and plaster
of Paris to make their own dinosaur fossils.
Group 5 also had fun investigating cam mechanisms. They designed their own which
had to include a moving dinosaur. Everyone was successful!
Groep 6
Journalistiek van groep 6
Wereldwijd word er teveel suiker
gegeten. Dat zegt de
wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO).
Van onze correspondent, Annette
De wereld eet teveel suiker,
uit onderzoek blijkt dat geen enkel land zich
aan de afspraak van 5% (25 gram)
suiker gehouden heeft.
Iedereen eet suiker. De
Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO)
vindt dat we veel minder suiker moeten
eten. Na jarenlang doorzetten, een hele
lange tijd, bracht de WHO deze week een
richtlijn uit waarin staat dat we niet meer
dan 10 procent van onze dagelijkse
energiebehoefte uit suikers moeten halen.
Dat komt neer op ongeveer 50 gram per
dag. De rest van de energie moet uit
zetmeel, vetten en eiwit komen. Nog beter
vindt de WHO het om die dagelijkse
hoeveelheid suikers nóg eens te halveren
tot 5 procent, dus maximaal 25 gram.
Bij een grens van 50 gram kan een blikje
traditionele cola (met 35 gram suiker) of
een pakje appelsap (37 gram suiker) nog
net, maar als WHO zijn zin krijgt word het
teveel voor een dag.
50 gram suiker komt overeen met 10 tot 13
Een Brits kind eet per jaar zelfs zijn/haar
eigen lichaamsgewicht aan suiker op!
Jaarlijks krijgt een kind tussen 5 en 10 jaar
5.500 suikerklontjes binnen dat is gelijk aan
22 kilogram.
Maar kaas is toch gezond? of toch
Van onze verslaggever Lieve Stark
Ik denk dat iedereen wel iemand kent die
weleens kaas eet, of misschien eet je zelf
wel kaas. Diegene (of jij zelf) zal ook
weleens een boterham met kaas eten,
maar of het gezond is?
Kaas lijkt gezond. Mensen denken vaak dat
kaas gezond is omdat het van melk gemaakt
word en dat is meestal gezond. Die
personen hebben aan de ene kant wel
gelijk, want er zitten heel veel vitaminen A
&vitaminen D in. Maar aan de andere kant is
het fout, want er zit erg veel vet en zout in.
Kaas bestaat vooral uit vocht maar ook erg
veel uit vet. In één plakje belegen kaas zit al
een halve gram zout! je kunt het
verminderen door magere kaas te eten. In
kaas zit calcium dat is goed voor je botten en
gebit. Dus kaas is aan de ene kant wel
gezond maar aan de andere kant weer niet!!!
Food & drink lovers krant (f&dlk)
Groep 8
Februari was een leuke en spannende maand in groep acht. Iedereen heeft zijn advies
gesprek gehad. Het was heel spannend maar tegelijkertijd leuk om te weten wat je
advies is. Bij het advies zijn je ouders, jij zelf, juf Anne en juf Daphne of juf Karin
aanwezig. Je krijgt dan eerst je advies en daarna ga je praten over waarom je dat
advies hebt gekregen. Maar er was ook iets anders spannends, namelijk SKI KAMP!!!!
Het grootste deel van groep 8 ging/gaat mee en de rest blijft op school. De kinderen
die op school blijven mogen workshops doen op de secondary school, meehelpen in de
onderbouw van de primary en gaan een dagje naar de Efteling. Dat vonden/vinden wij
allemaal heel leuk. Op de dag van het vertrek was het knuffel dag in groep 8 omdat
iedereen elkaar ging missen, en omdat ze het spannend vonden. Ook was het de
laatste dag van Gabriël. Dat was heel jammer. Daarom hebben we als afscheid
spelletjes gedaan en hebben we een vriendenboekje gemaakt voor hem.
Geschreven door: Naut en Barthe
Chess Tournament
On Wednesday, 24th February Ivan (4GB),
Skanda (4GB), Ved (5KF) and Nirupa
(4GB) played in 'Eindstand districtkampioenschappen representing ISE with the
team name 'Chess champ ISE'.
There were 11 teams in the tournament.
Our 'Chess champ ISE' team secured 4th
place with 7 match points and 13 Board
points. With this result they have qualified
to play in the next round in 'Brabantse
Kampioenschappen' on 3rd April. They had
an opportunity to play with very good
chess opponents who are playing at world
championship level. The children enjoyed
the game and the environment. It certainly inspired them.
April Fools’ Day
April Fools' Day is also
known as All Fools' Day
and is celebrated each year on
the first day of April. It has been
popular since the 19th century and
is well known in Europe, Australia,
Canada, Brazil and the United
States. It is celebrated as the day
when people play practical jokes
and tricks on each other.
Did you know:
No one knows exactly where, when or why April Fool’s Day began, however the most
popular theory has to do with a change of calendar
It is believed that April Fool’s Day may have started in France when Pope Charles IX
changed the calendar to go with the Roman calendar. In France before 1582 the new
year started on April 1st. It was changed to January 1st in 1582. The people who failed
to keep up with the change and continued to celebrate the New Year during the week
that fell between March 25th and April 1st, had jokes played on them. Pranksters would
secretly stick paper fish to their backs. The victims of this prank were called Poisson
d’Avril, or April Fish, which is the French term for April Fools
Joseph Boskin, a professor of history at Boston University provided a different
explanation for the origins of April Fools’ day. He stated that it began during the reign
of Constantine. A group of court jesters and fools told the Roman emperor that they
could do a better job of running the empire. Constantine, amused, allowed a jester
named Kugel to be king for one day. Kugel passed an edict calling for silly tricks on that
day, and the custom became an annual event.
In France, Italy and Belgium people celebrate April Fools by trying to stick paper fish on
someone without them noticing then yell April Fish in their language.
In Scotland April Fools is called Hunt-the-Gowk Day. A day of pranks and jokes
In Denmark April Fools is celebrated on May 1st and is called Maj-Kat.
Watch out on April Fools’ day. You never know what could happen!!!
April Fools day Facts for Kids
1 april is een dag waarop men elkaar voor de gek houdt. Tegenwoordig komen de
grappen vaak voor in groepen waar men elkaar kent, zoals in familie, tussen
vrienden, op school of op het werk. De traditie om op 1 april grappen te maken
bestaat niet alleen in Nederland. De grap komt op ongeveer dezelfde manier in
grote delen van Europa voor en is ook bekend in Amerika, Rusland, Australië en NoordAfrika. Duitsland en Oostenrijk spreekt men van Aprilscherz, in Brazilie
en Portugal: dia da mentira (dag van de leugen); Canada, GB en USA:
April Fool's Day. In Schotland sprak men vroeger van gowk of cuckoo
maar deze traditie is stilaan aan het verdwijnen; in Frankrijk,
Zwitserland en Franssprekend België spreekt men van poisson d'avril
(aprilvis); Italië volgt deze traditie en spreekt van pesce d'aprile
Stars in Brussel.
Op donderdag 18 februari zijn Puck en
Mijntje, twee van de winnaars van de
Reflection Poster wedstrijd naar Brussel
geweest. Zij werden begeleid door twee
juffen, Mrs. Corinne Kemperman en Mrs.
Heleen de Rijke en door de vader van de
winnaressen dhr. Goossens.
In Brussel werden ze eerst ontvangen met een
lunch in het Parletarium, toen ging het lopend
door Brussel naar het Science museum en
daarna met de stadsbus naar een fietsfabriek in
het centrum van Brussel.
Het belangrijkste van de dag was natuurlijk het ontvangen van de trofee en het
certificaat, die we als school gewonnen hebben.
Stars is een Europees project, dus er waren ook winnaars uit andere landen, waaronder
Engeland, Spanje, Italië, Hongarije, Duitsland en Polen. Het was geweldig leuk om met
zoveel verschillende kinderen en volwassenen samen door Brussel te struinen en
natuurlijk om te praten over het belang van veilig verkeer en hoe dat op de scholen
vorm gegeven wordt.
Het STARS project wordt in juni afgesloten en we hopen als school dan een zilveren ster
te halen, waarmee we aangeven dat we als school aan bewustwording in het verkeer
On Thursday 18th February Mrs. De Rijke and Mrs.
Kemperman along with Puck, Mijntje and their father
visited Brussels. This was for the STARS traffic
It was a busy day with lots of walking but it was great fun.
They visited a dinosaur museum and a cycle factory before attending the award ceremony. The ISE was awarded the “Best
Performing School in the Netherlands” for the Reflection Day
poster competition innovation.
Koningsspelen 2016
Hulp gezocht! Koningsspelen 2016
22 april 2016 is het weer zover: de Koningsspelen!
Koning Willem Alexander heeft deze dag in het leven
geroepen om kinderen een sportieve, gezellige en gezonde
dag te laten beleven.
Vandaar dat wij hier graag aan meedoen.
Voor deze dag zijn we op zoek naar ouders die ons op deze
dag zouden willen en kunnen helpen.
Als u tijd en zin heeft om ons te komen helpen, email dit dan
Dank u wel alvast!
Wij hebben er al zin in, u ook?
Chinese Club
Library Corner: Book Awards
Each year there are many awards that are given for picture books and fiction, nonfiction
and special categories.
Some are chosen by Librarians, some by children, some by panel of children´s literature
experts, some for popular books, some for literary worth or excellence in illustration.
Some are for an author or illustrator for their body of work. They can be from any country.
In the library we try to keep abreast of all the awards and purchase major award winning
books from the USA, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and from languages
other than English.
So I am going to share an award that has recently been awarded and one that is about to
be shortlisted and links to other awards. If you are looking for the best in children´s books
these books will provide you with a rich foundation.
United States
United Kingdom
The Newbery Medal was named for eighteenth-century British bookseller John Newbery. It is awarded annually by the Association for Library Service to Children, a division
of the American Library Association, to the
author of the most distinguished contribution
to American literature for children.
The shortlist for the Carnegie Medal
(novel) and Kate Greenaway Medal
(illustrator) are being announced on 15th
March and there is a long list at the moment. The Carnegie medal is mainly for
older children and young adult and Kate
Greenaway is awarded to an illustrator.
My favourites at the moment from the
long list are:
The 2016 medal winner is
Last Stop on Market Street: written by Matt de la Peña, illustrated by Christian Robinson:
The Caldecott Medal was named
in honor of nineteenth-century
Caldecott. It is awarded annually by
the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association, to the artist of the most distinguished American picture book for children.
Randolph Caldecott Medal 2016
Finding Winnie: The True Story of the
World’s Most Famous Bear, illustrated by Sophie Blackall, written by Lindsay Mattick and published by
Little, Brown and Company, a
division of Hachette Book
Group, Inc.
Kate Greenaway Medal
House illustrated and written by Bob Graham
The Sleeper and the Spindle illustrated
by Chris Riddell, written by Neil Gaiman
The Carnegie Medal
The Lie Tree by Frances Hardinge
Five Children on the Western Front by
Kate Saunders
Links to awards:
Library Corner
Three times a year the school sends home Fun Fare/Book Zone.
This is a book club that we have been participating in for a number of years.
It enables parents to purchase for their children a range of books from the best of publishing in the United Kingdom.
An added benefit is that the school receives books to the value of 20% of the order.
Children will receive a brochure and order form Monday 7th March.
This current Fun Fare/BookZone is due back at school by Friday 11 March
Please use the form on the back of the booklet to order and
return the order form and money in an envelope (with the class and child´s name
on it) to your class teacher.
Happy book buying!!
Lynne Starrenburg
Primary Librarian
Library Corner
The library subscribes to two online encyclopedias which our students use at school but
which you can also access at home via the Library’s website.
Has information for students in Groups 1-3
Information is divided into five areas for easy searching; Animals, Science, Biography, Social Studies and Dinosaurs and
there is a ‘read along’ audio option for each page.
Username: ise Password: library
Provides information for groups 4 and above.
There are three different levels of information
available; Foundation for Groups 4-6, Intermediate for 7 and 8 and Advanced for Secondary or
parents wanting to find information themselves.
Britannica is an excellent source of information
for school projects and presentation but also an interesting place for curious minds to
browse. Image Quest is a great additional resource of the Britannica website. Look for
the link in the top right corner of the homepage.
ID number: isecampus
You can open both from the Resources page of the Library’s website:
Ready to Grow/World Book Day
Read to Grow is a Dutch charity which provides books in
English and French to people in other countries who would not
otherwise have access to them. They collect and distribute donated books to create school and community libraries throughout the world. ISE has supported Read to Grow for many years
and this year we are going to participate in their World Book
Day Action. In the week before World Book Day (18th – 22nd
April) we will ask you to bring in any English or French books that you no longer
need that can be donated to Read to Grow.
Read to Grow will have a display at school during this week too, so you can read
more about their work around the world.
We will send more information nearer to the time, but look forward to receiving your
book donations in April.
You can find out more about Read to Grow at
letter from the head of
ise secondary...
This week I am in the Austrian mountains on a ski trip with ISE students.
I would like to congratulate all the TEDx team. We are extremely proud of your achievements:
Marcella Watts
ISE… more than a school
TEDx Speakers
ISE… more than a school
First ever TEDx at ISE,
solely organised by ise
students—Well Done!
Below is an article by one of the TEDx organisers:
By Evie Gilbert DP1
When I got a message from Xavier Weiss (the
brains behind TEDxStrijp) saying, “Hi Evie,
want to help organise a TEDx event at
school?” I never imagined the enormity of
the eight month journey I would be embarking on. Perhaps this should have dawned on
me after walking into our first meeting and
seeing a group of five, tired students with a
rather official license document in front of
them. Nonetheless, we decided to embrace
the challenge of scouring the Netherlands to
find the most interesting minds, and bring
them together in front of an audience of 100
interactive guests.
But the reality of our efforts only dawned on
me at 7am on Saturday morning, when I
woke up and realised I would have
the honour of spending my whole
weekend at school, running
through the technicalities of the
event we had spent so long planning. Yet when I walked through
the school doors into an empty
canteen, the stage set up with a
red carpet and the TEDxStrijp sign
on it, I felt proud. The endless
emails and exhibitions, the 50 interviews of the prospective speakers, the pressure and preparation;
they had all paid off.
The theme of the event was Reconciling the Future, meaning that
ISE… more than a school
it was centred around preparing to meet the
challenges that the world will throw at us in
the years to come. This meant we were able
to invite a wide variety of speakers to TEDxStrijp, topics ranging from the “Secrets of
Superhero Science”, to “The Caveman
Brain”. We provided a platform for speeches
about migration, education, and memorisation, all within the context of reconciling
our future.
We would like to say a huge thank you to
everyone involved, be it as volunteer,
speaker, performer, host, or audience member. For those of you who were not able to
be involved in the dynamic event, we will
be releasing the speeches shortly, so keep
an eye on either our Facebook page or our
Youtube channel (TEDxStrijp).
Those who contributed:
The Core Team:
Bharadwaj Viswanathan - Financial Overseer
Veronika Varga - Media Guru
Xavier Weiss - Recruiter
Merel Turksema - Speaker Coordinator
Evie Gilbert - Storyteller
The Film-Makers:
Anastasia Arsentyeva
Jim Barbat
Sydney van Gelder (ISE alumni)
The Support Team:
Atharva Kale
Yana Onuskina
The Media Team:
Karis Grellman
Rachel Brunnen
Dry Run and On-The Day Contributors:
Roos Heeringina- Slide executor
Rens Tesink- Stage Hand
Solely On-The-Day Contributors:
Patrick Lavois- Stage Hand
Isabella Zweep- Hospitality Team
Ariel Rong Huang- Hospitality Team
Cheryl Laguardia- Hospitality Team
JaeYun Lim- Handyman
Carlos Checa Vioque- Catering
Edward Na- Handyman
Suyash Shretha- Catering
Chaitanya Schoka- Handyman
Special thanks to Mr Gerrit van Gelderen
and Mrs Aditi Chattereji who were also a
fundamental part of the support team
ISE… more than a school
Tea Party
April 5th
In the foyer (cafeteria upstairs)
Starts at 14:30
For all Secondary
parents and Group 7
parents whose children
are going into MP1 next
year. Come and mingle.
Ms Watts will be
ISE Parents’ Committee
Come and support our ISE Teams
Under 18 Basketball Tournament at the ISE Campus
Friday 11th and Saturday 12th March between 08:30 and 17:00
You are very welcome to come and support our students as
they compete in the ESSL Basketball Tournament here at the
ISE. They will be competing against visiting International
Schools from Stockholm, Geneva, Nice, Basel and Switzerland.
Finals on Saturday:
Girls at 14:45
Boys at 15:45
ISE… more than a school
Secondary Maths Competition
For latest information
check our Facebook
The official ISE Facebook looks like this:
Leaving ISE this month
Satoka Oka of MP1
Hiroto Miyata MP1
Dhrithi Mallur MP4
Jeanette Solli DP1
ISE… more than a school
What is Happening in the
Visiting Author
Christopher Lloyd
We are delighted to announce
that Christopher Lloyd, author of
the best selling book: “What on
Earth Happened: The Complete
Story of the Planet” will be visiting us here at the ISE on Wednesday 11th April.
Christopher Lloyd is a historian, educationalist and author, best known for his
sweeping narratives on big history. He
will be talking to MP1 to DP1 students
and taking them on a cross-curricular
journey stopping off at key moments in
the history of planet, life and people.
Using a series of everyday objects,
picked from a coat of many pockets by
the audience, the story of 13.7 billion
years is threaded together into a single
sweeping narrative with a giant edition
of the the What on Earth? Wallbook as
a stunning backdrop.
For more information visit
ISE… more than a school
Mrs Prest Career Corner
As a school the ISE is registered
with the Admissions Testing
Service to supervise a number
DP2 News
of these tests. See http://
Our DP2 students are sitting their mock IB -takers/ for further information, costs and
Diploma exams as I write this article, and
dates. Please speak to myself or Mr Bailly if
we wish them success. The results of these there are further questions about tests in
exams can provide valuable feedback on
the ISE. Tests may also be taken at a varieareas for more intensive study for the final ty of locations in the Netherlands or furexams in May and are an important step in ther afield.
preparing for the final IB Diploma exams.
For anyone still considering college or uni- Courses outside school (Grandparents,
versity applications these results can pro- parents, older brothers and sisters,
vide a valuable area for reflection. If any- teachers, please note!)
one would like career support, guidance or In my previous newsletter I discussed the
a sounding board for their plans at this
value of summer courses in providing expestage, please feel free to contact me via e- rience, new skills, an opportunity to exmail ( to make an ap- pand a student’s CV, and to support acapointment.
demic learning. Now I would like to mention MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)
DP1 News
and other similar online courses: in many
In last month’s newsletter I discussed recases free, part time courses provided
searching career and study options as prep- online by well- regarded universities in a
aration for applications in the school year range of different countries. (Final certifi2016/2017. This is a good time to research cates can often be provided if required,
but at an extra cost.) Many of these coursopen days (see the link https://
es are short and involve a number of hours per week, making it possible to comuniversity/open-days-tips for useful tips),
bine with work, study or household comtaster programmes, summer courses and
similar, and for students to work on developing a good understanding of their ambi- The Future Learn (owned by the Open Unitions, strengths, interests and abilities. As versity) website https://
part of this process it is important to check provides a
useful overview of courses on offer. See
the deadlines for applications. For examdifferent categories on https://
ple, the UK deadline for applications to the the,
Conservatoires is 1st October 2016, and for and their range of partner universities on
Oxford, Cambridge and for many courses in .
medicine, dentistry and veterinary mediYou may find interesting and relevant ideas
cine/ science it is 15 October 2016, short- for the whole family. See, for example
‘How to Succeed at: Interviews’ and How
ly after the summer vacation. Students
need to plan ahead carefully to be sure to to Succeed at: Writing Applications’ from
the University of Sheffield, or ‘A Beginner’s
meet any admissions requirements.
Guide to Writing in English for University
Study’ from Reading University. Other
Where applicable, students may need to
register to sit selection tests in advance of online providers include US-based
applications. Examples are the US SATs and Coursera, Udemy, Udacity and EdX, and
ACTs; the UK’s Bio Medical Admissions Test Australian-based MOOEC, but the list is
(BMAT), UK Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT), growing all the time. I wish everyone happy
aptitude tests, Thinking Skills Assessments, learning! Learning.
language tests, Physics tests, and Mathematics tests; and a number of similar tests For any students requiring counselling, inin the Netherlands. The UCAS site provides formation or guidance, please contact me
a comprehensive list of UK-related tests on via e-mail on or tel:
0031 (0)40 251 9437 ext 3141.
the link
undergraduate/getting-started/entryWith best wishes to all,
Mrs Prest
ISE Secondary
Dear Parents and Students,
ISE… more than a school
Example of an MP5 Personal Project: ‘RISING LOTUS’
(a short story about an exchange student) by Olivia Roach
away out of sight. Jessie corner where Emma was seated to let the line of conversation
Chapter Eight tucked
was surprised that they were
alongside three other people
eating something like this at
who Jessie didn’t know. There
“How rude!” Jessie said,
“Happy birthday Emma!” Daisy exclaimed, jumping
on her friend’s bed. Emma
groaned, cracking an eyelid
open and grinning sleepily at
her friend.
“Thanks, Daisy,”
she said, her voice slurring
groggily. “Now let me sleep!”
“Nope,” Daisy giggled, and threw back her covers, doing the same to Jessie’s
and waking her up too. “This
occasion calls for celebration,
and after our classes, I am determined to make it worth your
When Jessie fully
woke up she took in the streamers that decorated the bedroom
and the balloons in the corner.
She could never remember having this done on her own birthday, and was surprised to see
how much effort Daisy had gone
into. Did everyone celebrate
their birthday this much in Britain? And how early had Daisy
woken up to get this all done?
“Do you like it?”
Daisy asked, directing her question at Jessie.
“I love it,” Jessie
said, her voice firm. “I can’t
believe you’ve done all this just
for her birthday.”
“Just a birthday?
Birthdays are the best celebration of them all. What do you
usually do for yours?” Jessie
glanced at Emma as she slunk
off to take a shower.
She thought back to
her birthday on the first day of
summer: how Li had wished her
a happy birthday and then she’d
been off to her classes. The
room looked exactly as it had
the day before. True, she’d
taken a trip to the book store
for herself, but that wasn’t like
her friend decorating the room
for her. Her parents didn’t even
do much else than usher a few
words in congratulations and
then pester her about studies
and health.
“I never really do
much,” Jessie shrugged, and
then decided to quickly change
the subject. She wasn’t comfortable talking about this.
“Will I be going to classes with
one of you two this morning?”
“I’m afraid not,”
was Daisy’s answer. “We
thought it might be worthwhile
if you studied here today instead. You know how there are
only a certain amount of lectures you’re allowed to attend
with us according to the exchange student rules, and all.”
“Yeah, got it,”
Jessie said, but she couldn’t
help the small feeling of disappointment that settled into her
bones. She’d had so much fun
with Emma last time when they
took the lecture from April Clay
that she wished she could do it
all again. But it didn’t look like
The three friends
ate an expertly made cake for
breakfast which Daisy had hidden at the bottom of the fridge,
breakfast, but Daisy simply
winked when she inquired about
it and said it was ‘all for the
celebration.’ Emma did look
happy, so she didn’t say anything more.
The girls went off
to their classes, and Jessie
stayed in the apartment, tackling some more journals about
her time here for university and
the discoveries she had made.
She wrote about the class and
how different it had been from
the way she was used to experience lectures, and how much
she had enjoyed her tourist day.
The thing that she marveled
about the most, though, was
the amazing view and how clean
and beautiful the place was.
Jessie loved every moment
After she had completed some work she still had
an hour to kill before her hosts
came home, Jessie decided to
further clean the apartment.
There were a few dishes
stacked to one side which she
cleaned as she switched on the
television, watching the British
news. She couldn’t help thinking about what a privilege it
was to have a television for use
while being at university.
“Anyone home?”
Emma called as she poked her
head around the door. “There
you are Jessie!”
“Doing dishes?”
Daisy scoffed, surprised to see
their guest cleaning again. “You
really have to leave the cleaning to us!”
“Hmm,” Jessie
mused, knowing that if she
didn’t do it herself, it probably
wasn’t going to be done at all.
“Anyway, we wondered if
you would like to go out to dinner. To a restaurant with a few
of our friends to celebrate Emma’s birthday,” Daisy explained. The prospect at meeting more of their friends intrigued Jessie and made her
nervous at the same time. What
if they didn’t like her, or found
her English strange? And yet,
she didn’t want to spoil what
was obviously turning out to be
a brilliant birthday for Emma.
“I’ll come,” Jessie said,
more perplexed by her answer
than she thought she would be.
“Thank you!” Emma
squealed, throwing herself at
Jessie and wrapping her up in a
big hug. “This is turning out to
be the best birthday ever!”
Jessie wiped her hands on
her jeans, trying to wipe away
some of the sweat that coated
them. She glanced towards
Daisy who nodded at her assuredly as she led her to a table.
“It’s going to be alright,”
she whispered. “Everyone is
going to love you. Don’t worry
about it.”
Jessie wasn’t too sure, but
she tried to smile at her friend,
even though she didn’t know
how it looked.
The two gradually approached a table set up in a
were two boys and another girl,
and they all looked kind
enough. The only trouble was
knowing if she was going to be
accepted or not.
“Hi,” Daisy said once they
had seated themselves. “This is
Jessie, the exchange student
who has come for the summer
to learn more about Britain and
how things work here.”
“Jessie, this is Dave,” Emma explained, pointing towards
the guy with a short beard and
glasses. He smiled and greeted
her politely before Emma
moved on. “Leo.” That was the
other guy, with light brown skin
and a smooth face. Jessie had a
hard time moving her gaze from
his skin – she had seen so few
people with a dark tone like his.
“And lastly, this is Kim.” Kim
smiled up at her and spoke to
her in Chinese.
“How do you like it here?”
she asked.
“Fine, thanks,” Jessie replied in Chinese. “How do you
know the language?”
Kim had to think a bit before she could answer this time.
“I’m taking a course on Chinese
culture and language. I am hoping to live there in the future.”
“You’ll have to stop by
Xi’an for a bit, and visit me and
my friend.”
Jessie hadn’t realised how
much she missed speaking in
her own language. It sounded so
much smoother to her ears than
the rough and broken English
that continued to leave her
mouth. She itched to pull out
her phone then and there and
text Li all about meeting Kim,
but she knew it was Emma’s
birthday and she didn’t like her
pulling it out too often.
“Let’s go back to English,”
Kim decided, switching languages. “We don’t want all the
others to feel left out.”
Then the dinner began.
Everyone was allowed to order
what they wanted because each
was paying their own way. The
only one who wasn’t paying was
Emma, and all the other guests
pooled together their money to
treat her to the meal. They
sang happy birthday to her as
they waited for the meal to
arrive and shared jokes. Jessie
didn’t say much, but listened
intently as the others conversed
and told stories about past adventures they’d had together.
Jessie could tell this was a
group of close friends and was
happy to see them enjoying
each other’s company, even if
she couldn’t quite join in as
much as she wanted to.
“Where’s the food?” Emma
said at some point. It was taking the food a long time to arrive, but Jessie was surprised to
see her speak out about it.
“It is taking a long time,”
Dave agreed quietly, and began
to change the subject.
“Restaurants should be able
to feed their customers faster
than this. We didn’t order anything that should take too long
either,” Emma added, refusing
the words slipping out of her
mouth before she could stop
All eyes swiveled to her,
and she found herself blushing.
“I – I didn’t mean…”
“You might want to explain,” Daisy said.
“Well, in China,” Jessie
began, mortified at how hard it
was to get the words out when
they had escaped only moments
before. “It’s rude to be so impatient. Patience is seen as one
of the highest virtues a human
can have, and everyone tries to
practice it as much as they can.
I’m just not used to people
speaking out impatiently. I’m
sorry, just – just ignore that
The table was quiet for a
while afterwards, and Jessie
couldn’t look in Emma’s direction at all. What if she had ruined the entire meal?
“Well, to each their own
culture,” Kim said. Then she
started gabbling about her parents and how annoying they
could be. Once everyone was
significantly distracted and
continuing the conversation,
Jessie shot her a grateful smile.
Kim nodded, and returned to
the conversation as Jessie
slipped into the bathroom.
Jessie texted Li all about
Emma’s birthday and how much
everyone celebrated them here:
with meals, balloons and other
decorations. She also mentioned
the new people she had met,
especially Kim, and how kind
she was. It was surprising to
know someone who had never
set foot in China could speak
their language so well.
A quick fire text returned
from Li mentioning how Jessie
knew English pretty well and
she hadn’t been to England
before then either. Jessie
smiled at her smart friends
remark and made her way back
to the table, just as a waitress
came over with a milkshake
that was overflowing with lit
Everyone cheered and sang
for Emma one last time. There
were tears in her eyes as she
thanked her friends when they
left. Walking back to the apartment, Emma singled Jessie out
for a bit.
“Thanks so much for agreeing to come to dinner,” Emma
said. “I know you were super
shy at first.”
“It was a nice meal. You
have some really good friends.”
“I hope we can be good
friends as well, Jessie. I mean
it. If you will accept my impatience and all,” Emma teased,
pinching her arm playfully.
“Ow! Of course I can, Emma. I never said I didn’t like it;
it’s just different. This place is
a whole lot for me to get used
to in one go,” Jessie said.
“But you like it?” Daisy
spoke up from behind them.
“I love it here,” Jessie said.
And that was the complete
Notices for International Community
Outside ise
Calling all expat badminton
players (men and women) The
International Badminton Group
are always keen to greet new
We play every Friday from 8
to 10 pm at ’t Hazzo, Trolliuslaan 7, Waalre
FOR YOUR INFORMATION: New health center opened
for international citizens of Eindhoven and surroundings
SGE International health care
Strijp-S Videolab 4.042
Torenallee 20
5617 BC Eindhoven
The Netherlands
The medical team has been
trained to understand the
needs of people from different international backgrounds
The standard is intermediate,
games are competitive but we
are not in a league. Our aim is
to enjoy our sport – and afterwards there is the opportunity
for some refreshments and a
Interested? Contact Sandra
Nolan –

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