ISE Newsletter January 2015 - portal


ISE Newsletter January 2015 - portal
International School Eindhoven
Whole School News:
ISE Calendar
Whole School Notices
Letter From The Director
For Parents By Parents
The school play: Arabian
 Parents Committee
ISE Primary News:
 From The Head Of
International Primary
From the Head Of Primary
Dutch Department
The MR of Primary School
The Logan Fund
French Classes
Reading App
Eggs! Group 3
Eggs! Group 4
Eggs! Group 5
Eggs! Group 6
Groep 5TP
Dank Je Sinterklaas
Study day—no school for students
CAS interviews all week (for MP5 Secondary)
Art Excursion Noordbrabants museum, Den Bosch
(MP3, DP VArts students, Secondary)
CAS interviews all week (for DP1 Secondary)
Deadline for Personal Project Product (MP5 Secondary)
Coffee Morning (Grp 4, Primary)
WINTER CONCERT (all Secondary)
8:45-10:30 Eating Habits (Primary Parents Info Ses
sion –in Dutch)
Ski boot fitting session
THIMUN departs for Model United Nations (Secondary)
Deadline for Personal Project Draft (for MP5 Secondary)
8:45-10:30 Eating Habits (Primary Parents Info Ses
sion-in English)
Short Day School finish at 13:45 (Secondary only)
Last day of THIMUN (Secondary)
 Letter from the Head of
Secondary School Notices
Assembly on last day
Ise Winter Fair photos
Model UN
Mr Zey Hi-Ed Corner
(click here)
ISE Secondary News:
(click here)
17:00-20:00 Parent Meeting evening (Secondary)
15:30-18:00 Parent Meeting afternoon (Sec.)
Short day—Secondary students finish at 13:15
Coffee morning (Grp 3)
Study afternoon
MYP Evaluation visit
Carnival celebrations
Carnival Holiday
Parents evening (Int. dept. Primary)
First day mock exams (Secondary)
Ski trip begins
(click here)
(click here)
Editors: Martine Revis & Rory Williamson (parent volunteers), Sub Editor (technical assistant): Sandra Mondejar Revis Dp2
Liaison Officer: Jo Tubbs
Whole School Notices
Therese Skarin MP3b
from Sweden
School Notices
Adina Mohammad
Faizal MP3c from
Willow Adams MP3a
from New Zealand
Rhiannon Adams MP5a
From New Zealand
For Primary
Braden Bedwell MP5
Blakeley Bedwell MP1
There will be a
showcasing of both
primary and secondary school lost
property on Friday,
23rd January 2015
at 16.00. Any items
that are not
claimed by this date
will be donated to
November 19. 2014
December 17, 2014
February 11, 2015
March 25, 2015
April 16, 2015 : SCIENCE NIGHT
When telephoning the school dial
040 251 94 37 and press 1 for
Primary or 2 for Secondary. If
you have an appointment at the
school Tanja Keffert, the receptionist, will gladly help
The gate on Oirschotsedijk is
open for bikes at the following
8:15 - 9:00
15:15 -16:15 (Wednesdays 12:30 13:00 & 14:45-15:30)
The gate will be closed at other
For more information contact: Rakhshan Fatima, Tabish Ahmad, Charlotte Philips, Rein Dunki Jacobs & Karen Volpert, ISE
subject head Science,
Useful links:
ISE Secondary picture portal site:
ISE Primary newsletters:
ISE Secondary newsletters:
Letter from Director of ISE
Dear Parents
Happy New Year – Welcome Back – Welcome New Families
I hope that you all had a peaceful break and that all our children are
back and ready to explore and learn. At the beginning of term I
gave a talk to staff about setting our own agenda. We seem to be
constrained all the time by ‘others’ who have said what we can and
cannot do. I made a promise to staff that we will actively set our
own agenda this year as this is an ideal opportunity with accreditation coming up for the whole school. We, the leadership team, will
set the road map with mileposts, this February. We will be getting
input from staff, parents, students, the consortium, our Stichting
(foundation) and then present a clear road map of where the school
is going fundamentally in an educational sense but also covering
other aspects that have an impact on what we can achieve.
David Gatley
For Parents By Parents At Ise Campus
5:30 - 7:00 pm
Open to all the ISE Community, to
dads, mums and even teachers! Come and
join us. At present we play badminton in
the big gym every Friday after work. If
there are enough people we will even
start games of bandy
I’ll be there Friday! Sjak
ISE… more than a school
What is going on at ISE
Campus for parents of ISE
with MABEL
Tuesdays & Fridays from 09.00 10.00
For more information email
Mabel on or ask
at reception
Whole School Notices
ISE… more than a school
The Parents’ Committees
Primary Parents’ Committee
Dear parents,
First of all The Parents’ Committee would like to say Welcome Back and wish you all a very happy
new year and extend a warm welcome to the new families that have joined the school.
We would like to invite all parents to the monthly Coffee Morning and bake sale at the school cafeteria on Wednesday 14th January from 11:30 to 12:30 hrs. The Group 4 International & Dutch will be
having their bake sale. All proceeds from the bake sale go directly to the class.
ISE Bake sales are a popular event, with plenty of tempting sweet and savory treats from all over the
world. Due to school policy all baking is NUT FREE. Come early for the best selection! The Coffee
Mornings provide a good opportunity to meet other parents at the school and catch up with friends.
The Parents’ Committee will be there serving complimentary coffee and tea, providing information
for new parents, and selling items with the school logo - gym bags, t-shirts, sweatshirts and a new
stock of library bags that arrived just before the break.
PC new members
We want to thank all the parents that replied to our call for new parent volunteers to represent both
the International and Dutch departments. We are looking forward to working with a reinforced team
this 2015. Our main job is to organise social events for the children and parents, and we also raise
money for the school’s Logan Fund, the school's parent-aided fund to 'enable potential'. It’s fun and
rewarding work and a great way to get involved in your child’s school.
Additionally, we’re here to help if you have any questions about living in Eindhoven, or the school,
and if we can’t answer them, we’ll do our best to put you in touch with someone who can. You can
contact us on:
Looking into the future
We’re already beginning to think about our school’s major event of the
year, the ‘Fun Fair’! This year it will be held on Saturday 18 April so
please circle the date in your diaries! All the money we raise at the
Fun Fair goes back to the school. Nearer the time we’ll be asking for
your help with organising the event, but there are some ways you can
help NOW:
Fun Fair
We’re beginning to contact potential sponsors, so if you know of any
sponsorship opportunity, or can put us in touch with the right contact
person at your company, we’d be very grateful. Let us know on:
If you’re moving on, or just having a clear out, please put aside any household items, clothing, books
or toys in good condition to donate to our various second-hand ‘shops’ at the Fun Fair.
If you have a stack of moving boxes that you don’t need any more we’d be grateful to have them to
start storing all our donations in.
Many thanks!
With best wishes,
The Primary Parents’ Committee
Primary International
Dear Parents,
A note from...
Joan Roach,
Head of Primary
Welcome back to the start of a new school term. I
would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a
happy and prosperous New Year. I hope that you had
a happy holiday and enjoyed a good time with your
friends and family.
I would like to
welcome the 54
who are due to
start at the ISE
January. I hope that these children quickly and
easily settle into our school and that their families
also enjoy a smooth transition as they move from
their home countries to Eindhoven.
I would also like to welcome the following new
members of staff:
Ms. Karin van der Heijden is the teacher for our
new upper foundation 2 class which will open on
Tuesday 6th January. Mrs. Shirley Souhoka and Ms.
Nancy Heijnen will work alongside Ms. van der
Heijden as the teaching assistants. Ms. Beverley
Ronalds is an experienced early years teacher
from the UK who joins our English as an Additional
Language (EAL) team as our lower school EAL
teacher. Ms. Ellen Mentink is our new cover teacher
for compensation days and BAPO.
Before the holiday, the Christmas market took
place. Thank you to all of you who came to support
this event. A total of €1383.00 was raised from the
sale of the items made by the children for the
Christmas market which will go to the Stichting
Kenya, “Why Not?”
This organisation supports
children in Kenya who have been rejected by their
community because they have a physical challenge.
The organisation helps the children to learn a trade.
Leave of Absence requests
This is a reminder that The
parents to ensure that their
children attend school.
Absence at will is not
permitted. The school and
the city are required to monitor attendance. An
exception can be made to this obligation under
exceptions and the applicable rules are described in
the school guide and in the parents’ information
booklet that was handed out to every parent at the
parent information evening at the start of the 20142015 school year.
Requests to take time off during regular school
hours must be made by completing the relevant
leave of absence request form. This leave must be
requested with at least one months’ notice unless it
is a family emergency. The leave of absence must
be requested before any flights are booked to avoid
disappointment in case the leave is not granted.
If your child takes leave without the permission of
the Head of Department or the Compulsory
Education Officer this is considered as absence
without leave. The Head of Department is obliged to
report this to the Compulsory Education Officer.
The latter decides if this will be recorded as an
Wet Mornings
In the mornings before the start
playground is supervised as from
8:15. If it is raining children are
asked to wait in the cafeteria.
At 8:15 an announcement will be
made indicating when the
children are permitted to go to
their classrooms. Please wait
for this announcement. Please
do not automatically go to your child’s class at 8:15
before this announcement is made as we need to
ensure the teachers are present before the
children can be sent in. We also ask that the
children go into their classes by themselves. It is
not necessary for parents to take their children to
their classes on a wet morning. Please say goodbye
to your child at the outer door. The class teacher
will be waiting by the classroom door to receive the
We are looking forward to a term of inspiring,
challenging and stimulating learning where children
will be encouraged to become independent and
confident learners. We hope that you will involve
yourself as much as possible in your child’ s learning
and contribute whenever possible.
Thank you,
Joan Roach
Primary Dutch Department
Een briefje van…
Daphne Dansen,
Hoofd Nederlandse
Beste Ouders,
Laat ik dit stukje in de nieuwsbrief beginnen met alle ouders en kinderen een heel fijn nieuw jaar toe te
wensen. Ik hoop ook dat jullie allemaal genoten hebben van de kerstvakantie en dat iedereen goed uitgerust
Ik wil ook van de gelegenheid gebruik maken om juf Saskia welkom te heten bij ons op school. Juf Saskia
gaat de lesgevende taken van juf Rianne over nemen. Juf Rianne geniet nu van haar welverdiende
zwangerschapsverlof. Juf Chantalle zal de taken van juf Rianne voor het project tweetaligheid van haar
overnemen totdat zij weer terug is. Hiermee wens ik haar succes.
Het zal tot de zomervakantie een jaar worden waarin er weer hard gewerkt gaat worden op school. Er zijn
een aantal ontwikkelingen waar we ons mee bezig gaan houden.
Allereerst zullen de kinderen van groep 8 de eindtoets niet meer in februari gaan maken, maar pas
halverwege april. De schooladviezen zullen wel veel eerder komen dan normaal. Hierover is op 7 januari een
voorlichting geweest voor de ouders van de kinderen van groep 7 en 8.
Verder zal het project tweetalig onderwijs verder ontwikkeld worden. Momenteel krijgen de kinderen in
groep 1-2 30% van de tijd les in het Engels. Na de zomervakantie komen hier groep 3 en waarschijnlijk ook
groep 4 bij. Hierover komt ook nog een bijeenkomst voor ouders.
Regen in de ochtend
De weken voor de kerstvakantie heeft het een aantal keer flink geregend als de kinderen
’s morgens naar school kwamen. De kinderen hoeven dan uiteraard niet buiten te
wachten totdat om 8.25 uur de bel gaat. De leerkrachten zullen dan in de groep op de
kinderen wachten. Als de kinderen voor 8.15 op school zijn, mogen zij in de kantine
wachten. Daarna kunnen zij zelf, als dat omgeroepen is via de intercom, naar de groep
lopen. Ook als de kinderen na 8.15 uur op school komen, willen wij graag dat zij zelf naar
de groep lopen en dat de ouders niet met de kinderen mee naar binnen gaan. Er staat
iemand bij de voordeur om de kinderen binnen te laten.
Dank u,
Daphne Dansen
Primary School MR
A note from...
News from the MR…
Joan Roach,
Best Wishes to all of you.
Head of Primary
Welcoming the new year,
it is a good tradition to look back and take stock. A year ago, we were still
getting used to the new campus. New buildings, other members of the ISE family suddenly sharing the
facilities and new ways
of doing things. Like a new coat that needs some wearing-in.
As an MR we have experienced that the ISE Primary is part of a complex environment with many different players. A Dutch Stichting (SPVOZN) that is primarily focused on secondary education, the many parties in the Public Private Partnership that takes care of the ISE facilities and financial structures that
have to comply with Dutch government regulation and at the same time have to live up to the expectations of the cross-border community of international schools.
During those lengthy discussions about structures, policies and finances, it is easy to forget what this is
all about: educating and developing children to be responsible citizens in global and local communities.
There are some signs that this year we will be able to focus a bit more on the things that really matter.
The school is slowly building its own identity and carving out a place in that complex environment. 2015
should be the year that a lot of the issues we are still discussing will be ‘put to bed’ and we can get back
to business as usual. Allowing us to focus on our children and how the school is taking charge of its own
In the mean time, as we speak, the MR is intensifying discussions with the Stichting to get a good understanding of the finances. This will allow us to make an informed decision on the upcoming school fee
With the festive last weeks of December just behind us, obviously things haven’t changed significantly
since the last newsletter. However, we are very disappointed that during the winter break nothing was
done to the road and the parking spaces. As Head of School, David Gatley mentioned in his weekly update before the festive holidays, we were part of a meeting with the ‘Beheersstichting’. Representatives
of that body agreed to solve some of the worst infrastructure issues during the winter break. This has
not happened and we will try and find out what went wrong and how we can ensure that from now on
expectations are aligned and deadlines are met.
If you would like to contact the MR,
either catch one of us while we are
on the campus, or email us at:
Thank you!
The Logan Fund
What is the Logan Fund??
The Logan Fund was established over 10 years ago in the name of one of the families who attended the Regional International Primary School. It is funded from money raised by the Parents’ Committee from events
like Crazy Hair Day, Sporty Day, and selling hot chocolate and ice lollies.
The aim of the fund is to help children at the school fulfill their potential. There are two forms of award
that can be given out:
A small amount of financial assistance (sponsorship) for a child to undertake extraordinary, or highlevel extra-curricular activity, for example, attending a national championship in sport, chess etc. Parents can apply to the school for confidential consideration for such an award which is decided by the
Logan Fund Board.
End of year awards given to celebrate the children who have made an exceptional effort in any aspect
of schooling over the year. Teachers are asked to nominate children that they feel deserve special
recognition, for instance for working hard to overcome a difficulty, or setting a wonderful example to
other children in their class. Last year seven Logan Fund End of Year prizes were awarded – three from
the Dutch and four from the International Department in the lower and upper classes of the school.
More information about the Logan Fund, the full details of the Fund, its procedures and parameters, are
available at Reception.
If you have any questions about the Logan Fund you can contact the Parents’ Committee at:
French Classes
The French Alliance of Eindhoven will provide 2 to 3 hours weekly French classes at
the ISE campus.
Please contact Sophie Hery at Alliance Francaise: for more information.
The classes will start in the first week of 2015 and seats are limited to 3 students so
act fast. Classes are limited to maximize the pupils’ experience.
The classes will follow the CNED curriculum and the students will receive an official French Academic certificate to enable them to pursue their studies in France or in a French school system.
The fee is eur25 per hour per student.
Registration on the CNED registry is not included.
Reading App
Looking for new ways to get your child excited to read and write?
Mr. Glue Stories is a free interactive reading app with books aimed at 4-10 year olds.
As if by magic, children get to create their own unique story with them at the centre of it ...excited to turn
each page to find out what happens to them, what they will get to choose next and of course to draw and add
recordings, which they can then share with friends and family.
The creator will also be introducing printed books - where a child's unique story with all their drawings can be
received back as a fully fledged high quality paperback - with the child credited as being the author on the
back of the book!
Check it out at:
Ik heb bij de vrijdagmiddag activiteiten gekozen voor metselen.
Het was leuk, je kon lekker kletsen, en natuurlijk ook metselen.
Mijn huis was ingestort dat was geen pretje, want toen moest ik op nieuw
Gelukkig was het allemaal gelukt het werd een mooi groot huis ( zonder
Uit eindelijk moest je het huis slopen, en dat was jammer (maar wel leuk).
En toen opruimen, opruimen, opruimen, opruimen, opruimen, opruimen,
opruimen, opruimen, opruimen.
We zaten onder het cement en de vloer ook.
Uiteindelijk moesten wij opruimen toen iedereen op zij/haar stoel zat.
oh ja, we moesten eerst een ontwerp maken dat was
saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ( zo saai zelfs dat ik het ben vergeten het een beetje naar voren te zetten).
~Annette Schuman
Ik heb bij de vrijdag middag activiteiten gekozen: metselen
We konden kletsen als de besten en ook konden we metselen best logisch
We moesten op het laatst erg hard poetsen.
Wat erg jammer was dat je op het laatst je huis moest slopen
We waren super vies maar dat hoort er bij ha ha.
Dirk kon het super mooi
Op het laatst was de grond erg vies
O,ja en eerst moesten we een ontwerp maken erg saai
Lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol !!!!!!!!
Voor vrijdagmiddagactiviteiten heb ik metselen gekozen.
Het was heel leuk de laatste dag was het wel heel veel opruimen maar we kregen drie snoepjes.
Het was best mooi geworden ook al zeg ik het zelf.
Ik was net klaar en toen moest ik hem slopen dat was wel jammer.
Ik had een deur en een raam.
Het was best wel moeilijk maar het was wel mooi geworden.
Mij handen zaten helemaal onder de cement ze waren heel vies.
Toen iedereen klaar was moest ik, Annette en Lieve moesten nog
Ik was best moe .
We moesten alles op een rijtje legen dat was moeilijk .
En daar na moest ik naar huis het was wel leuk.
Van Britt Verstralen.
Incredible Eggs!
On Wednesday 26th November, we had a very mysterious event in the school grounds. Pupils, teachers and
parents woke up that morning thinking it would be a normal day but on arrival at school they discovered a
mystery giant nest containing 5 huge eggs, causing much speculation and chatter about what kind of animal
or bird could have made it and why it chose the grounds of our school. Many children reported unusual
sightings the night before; some had heard strange noises, while others had seen nest materials scattered
around the playgrounds. Full scientific observations were carried out at the scene and all the classes had
the chance to look at some specimens under the microscope. Some children saw movement under the
microscopes, and some observed scale-like matter. Investigations were inconclusive and the creature
responsible remains a mystery. Of course, we could not possibly continue with normal lessons on that day,
so many classes chose to write up their hypotheses, create narratives, artwork or news reports about the
We saw big eggs
Where are they from
The scieiehtists
Loo ked at theeggs
Welooked at the
Eggs witg amicroscope
Afifa, 3KV
Claire, 3KV
Kaito, 3KV
What we saw
We saw 5 eggs near hedgehog we saw eggs the 4 scientist
were testing the eggs.The eggs were moving we saw them
move.They found some more things form the eggs.They
found shells and blud form the eggs.
What place in school
big eggs
The egg
big eggsnumber is
five in eggs is birds
and birds big birds
and big birds dad is
big and mum.
Haw big
Daniel, 3KV
Its big es my car. Its way big
The eggs seting
Kanav, 3KV
Medha, 3KV
The mistre egg
Claire saw the eggs first
but the eggs were bay
hedgehog bidillng. Netx
the eggs wibod and I
think it´s a lisrd
They was big as our
Kolten, 3KV of the egg had a
red thing. they are whit.
they gave as what they
found. and they gave as a
What they looked like.
mikroskop. when we
look at it looks like it is
They look like white bumpy rocks
gooey and we so germs.
Whats amaising about it
and in the next day it
It´s improbable but it´s truo
was gone and the yellow
How big they are
and black thing.
The mystery
They are
Sudarshan, 3KV
Leyton, 3KV
Amazing Eggs!
Mystery Eggs
My Imagination
Once upon a time there are 5 egg on the ISE. Some
people think they are dinosaurs. One egg is little
bit pink, the big people don’t know what is it.
Maybe is a dinosaur who lives under ground. Maybe
it was moving yesterday. It was not there but this
morning it was there.
Today I see dinosaur egg it’s so
big, black and white.
Today it was the 26th November. I went to
school and I saw 5 huge eggs. They were
so big that even I could fit inside! I
thought they were real because the scientist were going serious with those eggs.
They showed us red and very slimy things.
I was very scared, my mum have seen the eggs
when I seen it. The people saw a feather, it has
Eggs is little bit big, this egg is
white. Eggs is little bit moving.
Aoi Higuchi – 4YS
Group 4
Annalise P Andersen – 4YS
Big Fat Eggs
Mystery Eggs
Today I saw massive eggs and 1 bleeding
one and it didn’t hatch luckily!!! Aditi said
“it’s an ostrich egg” but me and Vinay said
“no, it is not an ostrich egg”.
When we were about to start writing there
was a message saying “the eggs is moving!!!” so all of the people in Group 4
rushed to get their jackets on and then just
went down the stairs and out of the building and nobody waited for the teachers
instructions they just went out!!!
The eggs were outside where the two trees
are and next to where we line up! I did not
see it because I was a little late so I rushed
past at lining up time. I think only the primary English came.
Sam Mitchell – 4YS
I actually had no idea if it was real or not.
Everyone was saying “It’s not real!” But
me, I had no idea what’s going to happen.
I thought it was going to be a dragon but
everyone told me “dragons don’t exist!” I
thought it could be a dinosaur. People
were saying “that’s not real at all!”
All along I was using my imagination.
Today we saw giant eggs and I think
they are fake because the teacher
said the eggs were moving but they
were not moving and other people
thought they were real because the
scientist were going crazy on it. Some
people thought there is a dinosaur in
the egg also it’s five times bigger than
us and other people thought there’s
an ostrich in the eggs. But I think
nothings inside it because I think it’s
And animals have to be inside or lots
of birds if there’s a person in it then
he’ll not breath. Nobody knows
what’s in the egg not even the scientist but I think the scientist does
Once I saw the eggs move but that
was my imagination, well at least I
Rayan Mirza – 4YS
The Huge Eggs
The huge eggs didn’t move but Kevin
thinks it moved. The eggs were like
the eggs in Jack and the Beanstalk. I
noticed something, one egg had a
crack and another egg had a hole.
Scientist came, they looked at the
eggs. Some boys were shouting “open
the eggs!” The scientist took a tool
and took something from the egg
which had a hole, it was pink and red.
The scientists told that they would
take that pink and red thing to their
lab. The nest was wider than a truck!
Vinay Nair – 4YS
Davon Burnett – 4YS
Group 5
Big eggs at the ISE campus
On the 26th of November 2014 five out sized eggs were found at the ISE campus. Lots of people crowded
around the eggs. It was a very unnatural thing to see. They were found under two trees laying down in a
hay nest. Scientists came to get samples from the eggs and the hay nest. They found pieces of cracked egg
shell, pinkish blood, twigs, scales and leaves. Scientists took the samples then they brought it to their lab.
After the lab test all the classes received the results of the test. The classes wrote about the five out
sized . eggs. The next day the eggs were gone.
Article by:
Zoya Frumau and Gabrielle Dumaya
More Amazing Eggs!
Groep 5TB
Zaken van zwijsen
Onze namen in het oud Grieks
Bij dzvz hebben wij geleert onze naam in
het oud Grieks te schijven.
Waarom hebben wij dat gedaan.
Omdat ons thema over de Grieken en de
Romeinen ging.
Wij schrijven met het Romeinse schrift en
de Grieken schreven met het runenschrift.
Chloé Ronchi
Dank Je Sinterklaas!
Before the December holiday...
...Group 3
students wrote
thank you
letters to
after a visit to
his castle in
...while Dutch primary
students played in the
Wednesday Kids Golfclub!
Every Wednesday afternoon, after school, all the children from 6 years and older are
very welcome at Golf Course Welschap to play golf & learn to play golf.
Golf professionals Stein Vugts & Rinse Schuurman are specialized in fun lessons for children/youth and they are waiting for you on Wednesday afternoon.
‘Fun’ is the most important during the lessons. The lessons for the youngest are focused on games with light weight and colorful materials. The lessons for the older
youth are focused on specific skills, talent, fun & social environment.
We’re going to start with a new package of 10 golf lessons, 11 hours [incl. 2 course lessons of 1,5 hours], with the same group as the last 10 lessons, but we have places available! The lessons are in line with the last 10 lessons but with this package, they’ll also
get lessons on the 18 holes course!
The ISE Youth package 2 contains:
10 weekly golf lessons [11 hours]
Rental golf clubs
Rental exercise golf balls
One sleeve golf balls, a pitchfork and some tees for the course lessons
Every day access to the training facilities during the 3 months of lessons
A healthy snack and a drink before & after the lessons in our clubhouse
ISE Youth package: € 275,00 per person
Taxi service:
We will arrange a taxi service. The total costs for this service are about € 55 per person.
The program will be the same:
14:55 Secondary school finishes
15:15 – 15:30 We will receive the children from primary school at
Golfbaan Welschap and they’ll receive drinks and a healthy snack
15:30 Start golf lesson
16:30 Golf lesson finishes
The professional will bring the children to our clubhouse where they can meet their
parents again
Drinks for the children
The course lessons will have different times, you can see them in the schedule
GOLFBAAN WELSCHAP B.V. Welschapsedijk 166 · 5657 BB Eindhoven · T +31(0)40
251 57 97 · ·
letter from the head of
ise secondary...
Dear Parents
I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!
We start the New Year with several changes to our faculty. Unfortunately, Ms
Riou has had to take early maternity leave, and is now resting at home to wait for
the birth of her first child. We welcome Ms Vermeulen who joins our SEN department as an Education Assistant. Ms Vermeulen will support our SEN students. She is originally from India but has been living in The Netherlands for several years. We also welcome
Ms Menting who joins our Design department. Ms Menting is Dutch but has also spent some
time living in Asia. Ms Stybert will join our Science department. Ms Stybert is originally from
Australia and has worked at several international schools around the world. She has recently returned to live in The Netherlands.
Two of our teachers became fathers recently. Mr Daems welcomed his second daughter,
Mare, on 26 November and Mr Hendrikx welcomed his first child, Daan, into the world on 4
December. Congratulations to both.
Recently, I read an article by a teacher called Alexis Wiggins who wrote about her experiences of going back to the classroom for 2 days to experience what students go
through at school. This lead to a discussion with Ms Cloutier which ultimately ended in us
both making the brave decision that we should have a ‘back to school’ day. So, both of us
scheduled a day out of our usual busy schedules to spend a full school day following a
I had expected my findings to be similar to that of Ms Wiggins. Following her experience,
her key points were that students sat all day, listen 90% of the time and often felt like nuisances as they were constantly told to be quiet and pay attention. To be honest I also
thought this is what I would experience – this description certainly reflected how I had experienced life as a student many years ago!
I could not have been more wrong.
The unlucky students who had to put up with me for a day were MP4s. The first amazing
thing about the day was how easily the MP4 students accepted me; they immediately
greeted me as if it were a daily occurrence that I was sitting next to them in class. When I
asked the girls if I could spend the whole of morning break with them, they didn’t even bat
an eye. It was a privileged 30 minutes where I heard a lot of teenage gossip – but as
promised, what I heard will stay with me until the grave!
My timetable for the day covered many different classes; from Geography to Drama, Spanish, Dutch and Maths. I can honestly say that I did not relate to anything Ms Wiggins experienced. I was active throughout each lesson. Each lesson had a variety of different activities planned which didn’t allow any time to be sitting passively. I enjoyed an interactive environment where the teacher and the students spoke equally.
ISE… more than a school
What was so pleasing was the experience of seeing the students actually having fun – they
were enjoying learning. I saw students being given the opportunity to take an active role in the
lessons. They were asked for their opinions and were listened to by both the teacher and their
fellow students.
I have always known and appreciated that we have a great set of teachers at the ISE, but seeing it from the other side was very special. My appreciation for my colleagues has risen even
higher since my ‘back to school’ experience.
However, what struck me the most about my experience was our students. Seeing at first-hand
how they interact with each other and the life-skills that they have been allowed to develop is
heart-warming. Our students are not only given the opportunity to reflect on their own and
others’ work, but they do so with such maturity. I also experienced how supportive and inclusive they are with each other. I saw the students being encouraging and giving feedback to
each other in such a positive way. I also saw, over and over, students taking the time to discuss and explain concepts to their classmates when one of them was struggling in their learning.
So I would like to end this month’s column by saying a big thank you to MP4 for allowing me to
join their class for the day. I would also like to take my hat off to all our teachers and commend them for doing such a fantastic job! I enjoyed the experience so much that I have decided that this has to be a regular occurrence and I will be joining another class very soon!
Marcella Watts
Secondary School Notices
Dear Parents/Guardians
After school Art Club takes place on Thursdays at 16.00 in room Bat01 and will continue until
The club is a great way for students to develop creative thinking skills, learn new techniques, work
collaboratively with other students interested in art, and to receive feedback to develop their ideas.
All students from the secondary school are welcome to join. Students from group 6 onwards from
the primary section are also welcome. The Art Club will be in English and has a maximum members limit of 15 students. The cost to join the school Art Club is €55 which includes all materials.
During the Art Club, students will be under the supervision of Ms. Bolwerk, secondary school Visual Arts Teacher, and in addition they will also be supported by several Diploma students as part of their CAS commitment.
The intention is to have an exhibition at the end of the year and to have a link on
the school’s website to showcase the students’ work.
Students can sign up for the activity in room 0.01 in the Bat building, which is also
where the activity takes place. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via the school office.
With kind regards, Ms. Bolwerk, Visual Art Dept.
ISE… more than a school
Assembly on Last Day Before
Christmas Holidays
ISE… more than a school
ISE Campus Winter Fair
Market stall
Book stall
The charities
Henna painting
Craft table
ISE… more than a school
ISE Winter Fair Sunday 30 Nov
Market stall
Christmas pudding
Food stall
Indian food stall
ISE… more than a school
Model United Nations
At the beginning of
October, 21students
from MP5, DP1 and
DP2 went on the
annual trip to the
Model United
Nations Conference
at The International
School of The
Hague, known as
At this conference
students represent a
country and debate
varied issues of global importance. This year
ISE students represented Albania, Gabon and
Two of our students, Abhash Bhattarcharya
(DP2) and Noel Coenraad (DP2) went to the
conference as Deputy Presidents of a commission. This means that they had to oversee the
debate involving around 100 delegates; a very
responsible and rewarding position.
Here is an account of his experience by
speaking into a microphone directing debate
and making sure all
goes well.
Honestly, that is the
best experience I have
ever had, but that position is not handed to
you on a silver platter.
This journey to becoming a President started
with the application
form, almost half a
year earlier, then once
the application is accepted and you are appointed to a particular
position, you have to start writing your research reports. These reports are very important as they give the delegates all the
background to the issues up for debate.
Then the day arrives: the first day of the
conference. You have to go the Student Officer briefing 2 hours before the conference
opens, you are given the details of the day’s
events and then you are finally set.
To any students that are reading this now, I
encourage all you to sign up for a
This month a group of ISE students par- would
position like Deputy President and
ticipated in the Model United Nations of the experience
MUN from a different viewpoint.
International school of The Hague. Most of
lot of work, but if you ask me it
the students from the ISE went as delegates was completely
worth it because you are rerepresenting various nations. However the
experiences and new
school also took two DP2 two students, Abfriends.
hash Bhattacharya and myself, Noel
Coenraad. Our positions during the conference were not as delegates, but as deputy
presidents of commissions.
For those who are not familiar with the setup of a MUN conference here is a brief explanation. The UN tackles lots of different issues and these issues are organized into different commissions. These commissions have
delegates which debate and provide solutions to solve the issues and these debates
are run by a President and a Deputy President.
I was the Deputy President of the 3rd General
Assembly, in which forum we debate political, religious and cultural issues. As a delegate in these commissions, you are but one
of the voices in the rows of delegates focused on the issue and ready to make your
remarks. As a President of a commission, a
whole different side of the conference
comes to life. You sit on a platform in front
of around one hundred delegates, while you
ISE… more than a school
Where to go from here?
Tips From Mr Zey, ISE Career Counsellor
January 8, 2015
Mr Zey Hi-Ed Corner
Look back,
Hotel-school visit to the ISE
Above: Susanne Reimering, Hotel-school of the
Hague and Amsterdam
On Wednesday 26 November we hosted a visit by the Hotel school of
the Hague/Amsterdam. This is a 4-year bachelor programme which has
the potential to set up students as hotel managers.
Such a course is ideal for social, enterprising students who enjoy interacting with people and providing them a good service. Parents were
also welcome to attend, but unfortunately there were no parents attending this time. Incidentally, students can choose to opt for Dutch or
English as the medium of instructions.
There were in total 9 participating DP students. Here below are some
images of those attending and a video clip as well:
Maastricht University
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Tilburg University
Universiteit Twente
Universiteit van Utrecht
Tuesday 3 February and
Wageningen University
Thursday 5 February 2015
Where? At the Stedelijk College Eindhoven,
Defensie (only for those who have Dutch citizenship)
Henegouwenlaan 2, Eindhoven.
University College Roosevelt
The time: 19.00, 19.50 en 20.40 hour.
You must pre-register by clicking on the link:http:// Politie You should register as soon as possi- Projects Abroad
ble. The last day of registration is January 21.
Universiteit Antwerpen
Universiteit Leuven
Participating universities:
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Don’t miss this opportunity. Unfortunately the medium of
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
communication will be in Dutch. Those who do not have suffiTechnische Universiteit Delft
cient competence in Dutch, could obtain English language
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Universiteit Leiden
information from the university web-sites.
Mr Zey’s Hi Ed Corner
Dear reader,
This is the last installment of Mr Zey’s Hi-Ed-corner. By the time you read this I would have
retired and my successor appointed.
Please meet Mrs Anne Prest, your new careers counsellor. She is an experienced counsellor
who substituted for me for about 6 months in 2005 when I had a major medical operation.
It goes without saying that I will miss teaching and interacting with the ISE students and fellow teachers. I wish everyone a happy, successful 2015!
Useful Links
For UK universities. Click on the link below to search a subject for university studies:
How to write a good personal statement
Top 200 universities in the World:
League table of UK Universities, subject-by-subject:
For course and grade requirements and eventually on-line UK application procedure:
Useful short video clips about how the UK universities application is organised:
Dutch Higher Education Links
Search engine for English-medium courses in NL:
Dutch University Counselling service:
Mr Zey's Hi-Ed site, with links to the popular NL universities:
To access the links of this section of the newsletter, you should click on the line below:
ISE… more than a school
Ads & Notices (A-Z)
Classified Section
C For independent private lessons in :
or Chemistry
r at MYP or DP level you can call
or 0625307862 or
s 0653865693email:
Club for women from all over the world who
have come to the Eindhoven area to live.
For further information see http://
Singing For Parents
Sports For Parents
Calling all expat badminton players (men and women) The International Badminton Group are always keen to greet new members.
We play every Friday from 8 to 10 pm at ’t Hazzo, Trolliuslaan 7, Waalre
The standard is intermediate, games are competitive but we are not in a league. Our aim is to enjoy our sport – and afterwards there is the opportunity for some refreshments and
a chat.
Interested? Contact Sandra Nolan –
Join us!
Every Sunday morning 9.15 am until 11 am at High Tech Campus, Eindhoven
We have a wide range of players –
some have played for many years, some have started recently –
we currently have English, Scottish, Italian, Spanish, German, Polish, Dutch, French and Chinese so why not come and join us.
Contact Patrick Nolan for further details -