monthly newsletter - International School Eindhoven


monthly newsletter - International School Eindhoven
International School Eindhoven
February 2016
IN THIS ISSUE (click on table of contents)
Whole School News: ISE Primary News:
 ISE Calendar
 Whole school notice
 School Production :Cloud
International Primary
From the Head of Primary
Dutch Department
Primary PC
Sabrinia’s Law
Humanity Foundation
Bijeenkomsten voor Ouders 
Koningsspelen 2016
Parent Info. Sessions
Groep 1/2
La Galette des Rois
Group 2
Groep 4
Groep 5
Klasse Klas
Groep 8
School Points
Polish Mother Tongue
Library Corner
 From The Head of
ISE Secondary News:
From Head of Secondary
Secondary notices
Mrs Prest’s Careers Corner
Museum visit
Cartoon & Illustration
 Short Story: Rising Lotus
 Library
ISE Primary News
ISE Secondary News
(click here)
(click here)
Secondary basketball match, Rotterdam
Parents’ seminar at 8:45 (Fox conf. room)
Carnival celebrations
Carnival holiday
Ski Camp parent information session at
18:00 (Auditorium)
Primary Group 3 bake sale at 11:30
Secondary Parent/Teacher Evening at
Secondary MP5 information session at
17:30 Fox conference room
Secondary Parent/Teacher Evening at
Primary Parent information session
TedX Event (organized by students)
Primary Parent information session
Secondary Study Afternoon: Students
finish at 13:15
Ski Trip departs (returns 4 March)
Primary school reports issued
Secondary Activities Week
Primary Traffic Week
Secondary London Trip Departs
Philips Orchestra Performance on ISE
campus, tickets at reception(see notice)
Secondary Last day of DP2 Mock Exams
Ski Trip Returns
Primary Parents Information Session –
transition into Secondary (FOX Bldg)
10-12 Secondary ESSL Basketball Tournament
Junior Prom
14–18 Primary Fathers Reading Week
Primary Bake Sale Group 2 International
Study Day
Secondary Basketball Antwerp
(click here)
Editors: Martine Revis & Rory Williamson (parent volunteers), Technical Assistant: Michelle Mondejar Revis, Liaison Officer: Jo Tubbs
Whole School Notices
MONTH at home time (15:00 TO
The gate on Oirschotsedijk is open for bikes at the
following times: 8:00 - 9:00, 15:15 -16:30
(Wednesdays 12:15 - 13:00 & 14:55-15:30)
The gate will be closed at other times.
in the school entrance
(ex: February 2nd, March 1st)
It has been drawn to our attention that some
parents are driving along the cycle path on the
Oirschotsedijk to
drop their children
off at school. This is
extremely dangerous particularly for
the cyclists and pedestrians who use
this path. The police
have been asked to
regularly check the
cycle path. We ask
you to refrain from
driving along this
cycle path in the
For latest information
check our Facebook
We need your trousers!
In the Primary school we often need spare trousers, leggings or jogging trousers if
children need a change of clothes. Currently we don't have enough spare pairs. If
your child has outgrown any please consider donating them. We are looking for sizes
suitable for children aged 3 to 7. Please give to your class teacher.
The School
Production at
ISE on Friday
29 January
ISE… more than a school
School Production
ISE… more than a
For Primary News read on. For Secondary News click here
Primary International
Dear Parents,
A note from...
Joan Roach,
Head of Primary
On Monday 1st February we opened our second
foundation group to accommodate the
increasing number of students. This group will
be full by the end of March. We are hopeful
that due to a high demand of places for
students that are four years of age that we will
be able to open a third foundation group later on in the year. Ms. Karin van der Heijden will be
the teacher for this group and Mrs. Shirley Souhoka will return to assist in this group.
On Friday 26th February you will receive your child’s first academic report for this year. We have
made some changes to the report to reflect the content of our curriculum. You will have an
opportunity to discuss your child’s report at the parents’ evening which is scheduled to take
place on Thursday 10th March. If you would like to give feedback on the changes that have been
made you can mail your comments to me at:
Congratulations to Mrs. Alice Haworth (multimedia assistant) who gave birth to a healthy baby
girl, Violet Emmy on January 10th. Mother and baby are both doing well.
Mrs. Spanbroek our curriculum co-ordinator has planned a number of parent workshops to enable
you to become more familiar with our curriculum. We hope that you will be able to attend some
of these workshops which will give you an insight into the learning that your child experiences.
Recently I was able to conduct a number
of assemblies where I explored the theme
of being different with the students. We
the fact that people are
different in many interesting ways and
that differences can be embraced and
Below the students are
shouting, “It’s okay to be different”.
I hope that the students enjoyed the
Carnival celebrations that took place this
week and that many parents were able to
support and cheer on the students dressed
in their colourful costumes during the parade. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all
an enjoyable and restful Carnival holiday. I hope that everyone returns well and healthy on
Monday 15th February.
Birthday treats
Most students bring a birthday treat to school for their classmates to celebrate their birthday.
We are happy for students to celebrate their birthday with their friends in a small way in school.
However, it has been drawn to our attention by both parents and teachers that some students are
bringing in big party bags packed with sweets. We would prefer that birthday treats are small
and that you consider sending in not only sweets but other items. We suggest one sweet item
e.g. a small packet of haribo or a small chocolate (no nuts of course) or a cup cake. It is all right
to have a small birthday treat. If you then want to send in another item, we suggest a small toy.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
Thank you,
Joan Roach
Primary Dutch Department
Beste Ouders,
Afscheid juf Iris
Op vrijdag 8 januari jl hebben we afscheid
genomen van juf Iris.
Een briefje van…
Daphne Dansen,
Hoofd Nederlandse
Juf Iris is een paar jaar geleden bij ons
begonnen als stagiaire. Vorig schooljaar is ze
bij ons afgestudeerd en in september is ze bij
ons komen werken als vervangster van juf Timea. Juf Iris kreeg op een andere school een full
time baan aangeboden. Omdat juf Timea langzaam aan aan het terugkomen is in de groep, heeft
juf Iris deze baan geaccepteerd.
Op vrijdag 8 januari heeft ze met een hapje, een drankje en een knuffel ( en ook een enkele
traan) afscheid genomen van groep 5.
Wij willen juf Iris bedanken voor al het harde werk in groep 5 en wensen haar veel plezier op
haar nieuwe school.
Verjaardagen vieren
Wij vinden het heel gezellig om de verjaardagen van de kinderen te
vieren. Uiteraard hoort daar ook bij dat kinderen trakteren. Deze
traktatie mag best iets lekkers zijn, iets gezonds vinden we uiteraard ook
prima. Wij merken steeds meer dat de kinderen hele grote traktaties
meenemen, zoals zakken snoep, gecombineerd met speelgoed etc. Dat
hebben we liever niet. We willen u nogmaals vragen hier echt op te
letten. Een kleinigheidje is voldoende om te trakteren.
Dank u,
Daphne Dansen
Primary Parents’ Committee
The Parents’ Committee has started the New Year with events organised by and for you!
The Coffee Morning was a great success; the next Coffee Morning in school will be on
February 17th at 11:15. We are looking forward to meeting you all! It is a great opportunity to mingle with other parents and enjoy food from all over the world.
We have a lot of seminars planned for you. Last week we had Reena Bhanot giving a
YOGA seminar, which was a huge success. Matthew Deal held our next
seminar with
the topic of Dynamic Body Alignment through imagery, on February 4th from 8:45 –
10:00. There is much more to come, so keep an eye on the screen in school, and keep
an eye out for emails.
We are working hard to make it a nice and happy place at school for both children and
parents. We need your helping hands to make it all happen. Reach out to one of the
Parents’ Committee members if you are able to do a job, big or small. We are happy with
all the help we can get.
Wishing you a pleasant stay at the ISE!
Sabrina’s Law
At the ISE there are a growing number of students who have a nut allergy. We have sent out
many reminders asking parents not to put items with nuts in their children’s packed lunches. However, we are still seeing students with nuts in their lunch. Please be aware that as
well as all tree nuts this also includes nutella, peanut butter, almond paste and pralines.
Below is an article which we hope puts our concerns into perspective for you.
Spotlight on Sabrina
On September 29th, 2003, Sabrina Shannon was a grade 8 high
school student in Ontario, Canada with an allergy to peanuts and
dairy. That day, during lunch time at school, she unknowingly ate a
trace amount of cheese which caused an anaphylactic allergic reaction. Over the course of the next hour, she began to have difficulty
breathing, lost consciousness and suffered a cardiac arrest. On September 30th, a day after her reaction, Sabrina was removed from
life support and died. She was 13 years old.
Sabrina became a catalyst for how food allergies are addressed in all schools across Canada
today. On January 1st, 2006, An Act to Protect Anaphylactic Pupils: Sabrina’s Law, came
into force in Ontario, Canada. This law was the first legislation of its kind anywhere in the
world. The law ensures all school boards have policies and procedures in place to address
reducing the risk of anaphylaxis in schools. One of the policies is to employ strategies that
reduce the risk of exposure to allergens in classrooms and common school areas.
While Sabrina’s Law does not apply outside of Canada, the strategies it employs are a valuable tool for schools everywhere. My own daughter was diagnosed with a peanut and tree nut
allergy at the age of 18 months in 2006. We were still living in Canada by the time she entered school in 2008. The rules and regulations in place at her school due to Sabrina’s Law
provided me with peace of mind. I felt that her health and safety would be as closely guarded in school as it was in our home and family life.
Fast forward to 2015. My husband came home from work on a Friday afternoon in late May
with news that he had been asked by his employer to consider relocating to the Netherlands.
As would most other families, we began the decision making process of whether or not to
accept the relocation by looking into the availability and suitability of housing and schooling.
For our family we had the additional task of ensuring that any school we considered be willing and able to provide our daughter with a safe environment as it relates to her allergy. We
visited Eindhoven and ISE in June where we had the opportunity to sit down and meet with
several staff members. The information they provided and the discussion that followed
around their policies addressing students with peanut and tree nut allergies were very positive and we felt confident that ISE would be a safe place to send our daughter. Our confidence was lifted yet further after classes began and my daughter’s teachers requested several meetings with me in order for them to fully understand her allergy. I was invited to come
into the classroom after school to speak with key stakeholders, and also given the opportunity to demonstrate how and when to properly administer her epi-pen.
However, to provide a truly safe environment for students, schools also need the support and
cooperation of all parents or guardians as well as the school community. Students are asked
to bring lunches and snacks free of peanuts and tree nuts and any products that may contain peanuts / tree nuts such as donuts, granola bars, etc. Please read food labels, checking for peanut / nut ingredients prior to sending them to school. If your child eats peanut
butter at home before school, please ensure his / her hands are washed thoroughly before
attending school. Truly, this is a life saving measure. If you have caregivers who provide
your children with lunches or snacks I encourage you to also share this information with
them. I realize this request may require added planning and effort on your part when packaging your child’s lunch and snacks. On behalf of all parents of children with peanut and
tree nut allergies, I wish to express my sincere appreciation for your support and cooperation.
Tracie McConnell
Opbrengst Kerstmarkt
Op zaterdag 23 januari heeft een groep kinderen van de ISE de
muziekinstrumenten die we gekocht hebben van het geld van de kerstmarkt,
overhandigd aan de kinderen van de Orangerie. Er wordt een muziekruimte
gemaakt in het AZC, waar de kinderen muziekles en zangles kunnen krijgen. Dit wordt
verzorgd door vrijwilligers.
De ontvangst was allerhartelijkst. De hele middag werd omlijst met muziek van een jazz
band. Na een kort praatje hebben onze kinderen de instrumenten overhandigd.
We hebben de orangerie blij kunnen maken met:
3x een Cajon 2x een Djembe; 3x een Darbuka; 5x een Shaker; 2x een Cabassa /sheker (2x);
3x een Bodoran Hand drum 16’’; 2x een Marracas 2x een Bongo; een Grote trom 28’’; een
wood bongo, een timba wood; een Djembe supercussion tuneble; 2x een Beatring op steel;
een set timbalen 10/11 op stand + cowbel en 5x een beat ring.
Het was erg leuk om alle vrolijke gezichtjes te zien. De kinderen hebben even meegespeeld
met de band en daarna kregen we als bedankje nog een mooie dans aangeboden waar een
aantal van onze kinderen aan mee gedaan hebben.
On Saturday, January 23rd January,
a group of children from the ISE,
took the instruments to the Orangerie that were bought with the
money from the Christmas Market. The AZC has
created a music room for the children where they
can have music and singing lessons. The lessons
are staffed by volunteers.
The ISE students received a warm welcome.
They were able to enjoy music from a jazz band.
The instruments that were given to the Orangerie
included various percussion instruments such as
different drums, maracas and various bells.
It was very nice to see all the happy faces. We
received many thanks. A dance was also performed for the ISE students and they also joined
Humanity Foundation
Op donderdag 7 januari is juf Carolina
komen vertellen wat er met het geld
gedaan is dat we vorig jaar met de
sponsorloop opgehaald hebben.
Van het opgehaalde bedrag van € 4.238.79 is er
heel veel gedaan.
Er is een nieuwe kantine gebouwd voor de
kinderen, er is een nieuw lokaal bijgebouwd,
er zijn speeltoestellen voor buiten aangeschaft
en de school heeft nu een schoolbusje.
Juf Carolina heeft voor alle kinderen van de
groepen 3 t/m 8 een presentatie gegeven
waarbij ze heel veel foto’s heeft laten zien van
de school.
Nogmaals dank voor alle gulle donaties!
On Thursday, January 7th Miss Carolina came
to the school to tell the students how the money that was raised last year was spent. The
amount raised was € 4.238.79 .
A new canteen was built for the children, games were
purchased as well as a school van.
Miss Carolina gave a presentation to all of the students
in groups 3 – 8. She showed them lots of pictures of the
children and their school. Thanks again for all the generous donations.
Thema Bijeenkomsten voor Ouders
Voorlichting rekenonderwijs
Op woensdag 20 januari was de voorlichtingsbijeenkomst Rekenen. Tijdens deze ochtend is
verteld hoe het rekenonderwijs op de Nederlandse Afdeling eruit ziet.
Ook is gesproken over de leerlijnen van het rekenen. Wat leert een kind in een bepaalde
groep en hoe gaat de ontwikkeling van groep 1 tot en met 8?
De ouders zijn ook zelf met opdrachten uit de bovenbouw aan de slag gegaan. Daarbij werd
duidelijk dat het rekenonderwijs van nu niet meer uitgaat van alleen het antwoord: goed of
fout, maar dat er gekeken wordt naar het inzicht. Welke strategie gebruik je om tot het
juiste antwoord te komen?
Op onderstaande site kunt u per groep zien wat uw kind met rekenen leert.
groetjes Janneke Enting
Voorlichting lezen
Op 22 januari vond de
was het een geslaagde
bijeenkomst die volgend
schooljaar zeker herhaald
zal worden.
Bea ter Welle, leerkracht
taalcoördinator van de
Nederlandse afdeling, is
ingegaan op het belang
van (technisch) lezen en
noodzakelijk is en je daar
niet vroeg genoeg mee
kunt beginnen en niet
mee mag stoppen als het
kind zelf begint te lezen.
Hoe het voorbereidende lezen vorm krijgt in de groepen 1 en 2. Hoe het aanvankelijk
leesonderwijs eruit ziet in groep 3 en hoe het verder gaat met leesonderwijs tot en met groep
De aanwezige ouders hebben zelf even mogen ervaren hoe moeilijk het is voor kinderen om te
leren lezen.
En we hebben even stil gestaan bij de vele leesbevorderende activiteiten op onze school.
Daphne Dansen gaf vervolgens uitleg over het Begrijpend en Studerend Lezen.
Heeft u het dit jaar gemist? Let dan zeker op de agenda voor komend schooljaar. Ook dan
komen er weer meerdere interessante voorlichtingen aan.
Thema Bijeenkomsten voor Ouders
Voorlichting cybergebruik
Schoolmaatschappelijk werker van de ISE samen met
Jeroen van Keulen van de afdeling ICT een
voorlichting gegeven over de gevaren van Sociale
Media. Alle ouders van de groepen 5,6,7 en 8 van de
Nederlandse afdeling waren welkom.
We hebben het gehad over de verschillende vormen
van Sociale Media die populair zijn bij kinderen en
jongeren van nu. Door middel van een aantal
filmpjes hebben we laten zien wat de gevaren en de gevolgen kunnen zijn, en waarom kinderen
deze gevaren en gevolgen nog niet goed kunnen overzien.
Het was een interactieve bijeenkomst waar ouders de gelegenheid kregen om hun vragen te
stellen en hun zorgen te delen. Met name onderwerpen als “hoe bescherm ik mijn kind”, “wat
zijn de gevaren van Facebook, Instagram en Snapchat” en “wanneer is mijn kind oud genoeg
voor bepaalde vormen van Social Media” hielden de erg ouders bezig.
Door het interactieve karakter van de bijeenkomst gingen ouders met elkaar in gesprek, konden
ze leren van elkaars ervaringen en kregen ze tips en adviezen van elkaar.
Jeroen van Keulen van de afdeling ICT sloot de voorlichting af met informatie over hoe je je
kind daadwerkelijk kunt beschermen. Welke programma’s bestaan er om zicht te krijgen op wat
je kind online doet? Welke websites bezoekt je kind, en hoe zorg je ervoor dat ze geen websites
bezoeken die jij als ouder niet geschikt vind? Wat kun je als ouder doen om up-to-date te
blijven, en waarom is dat zo belangrijk?
Een belangrijk onderwerp voor ouders van nu wat ons heeft doen besluiten deze voorlichting
later dit jaar nogmaals aan te bieden. We hopen dan nog meer ouders te kunnen verwelkomen
zodat we ons als ouders en school samen verantwoordelijk voelen voor dit belangrijke thema.
Koningsspelen 2016
Koningsspelen 2016
22 april 2016 is het weer zover: de Koningsspelen!
Koning Willem Alexander heeft deze dag in het leven
geroepen om kinderen een sportieve, gezellige en gezonde
dag te laten beleven.
Vandaar dat wij hier graag aan meedoen.
Voor deze dag zijn we op zoek naar ouders die ons op deze
dag zouden willen en kunnen helpen.
Ben (of ken) je iemand die:
- een leuke (sport) workshop kan geven?
- wil helpen met (oud Hollandse) spelletjes spelen?
- kan helpen met knutselen, schminken, etc?
- als clown of goochelaar kan spelen?
- bij een activiteit wil begeleiden?
Dan horen we graag van u door middel van een email naar:
Dank u wel alvast!
Wij hebben er al zin in, u ook?
Parent Information Sessions
During the coming months we have organised some parent information/workshop sessions. The
idea of these sessions is not only to give you information but create a platform where your
questions can be answered and parents get a better understanding of how our curriculum
works. We invite you to join these sessions, making sure to sign up so we know how many people to expect. Each month we will highlight which sessions will take place and what the focus
will be. The sessions may be run by ISE staff or by an external company. We would also love to
hear your ideas regarding which workshops you would be interested in following.
Reports and Assessment
Find out about our new reports and how we assess in the international department. Your parent teacher consultation meeting only lasts for 10 minutes. You will be given the opportunity
to ask questions regarding the reports so when it comes to parents’ evening you can talk to
your child’s teacher about your child and not ask questions about the format of the report.
Hopefully this session will give you an insight on how to read the report. There will be two sessions. One for the foundation group and group 1 (19/02/2016 @ 8:45) and another session
for groups 2-7 (24/02/2016 @ 8:45).
Little Bridge (16/03/2016 @ 8:45-9:30)
Recently, we have purchased a new programme for our EAL students. Our EAL coordinator will
give a demonstration of this software and give you more information as to how it can be used
at home. This session is for parents from group 4-7.
Esafety (23/03/2016 @ 8:45-9:30)
Issues with safety and unpleasantness/bullying via various forms of electronic media are becoming increasingly prevalent. As adults (parents and teachers) it is demanding more and more
of our time and consideration.
We have arranged a workshop on this topic together with one of our ICT technicians to inform
you about this topic and give tips and techniques in keeping your child safe.
Maths resources
Since September we have started using a new resource for teaching maths in the international
department. Even though we have purchased a considerable amount of resources there are a
number of resources that we still need to make. We are looking for a group of parents that
have a spare few hours a week to cut, stick and laminate these resources. Please contact
Heather Spanbroek if you would like to help (
Groep 1/2
Thema dieren groep 1-2
Alle kinderen uit groep ½ A brachten een
knuffeldier mee naar school. Ze hebben
allemaal hokken gemaakt voor de dieren en
hebben geleerd wat de dierentuindieren,
boerderijdieren en huisdieren eten en hoe ze
groeien. Ze hebben ook geleerd naar
overeenkomsten en verschillen te kijken. Ze
vonden het ook erg leuk om over hun eigen
knuffeldier te vertellen.
Groep 1-2 B
De kinderen in ½ B maken zelf foto’s met
de I-pad.
Ze zijn extra trots op hun werkjes.
Het maken van een foto is nog best
moeilijk !
La galette des rois
Mercredi 13 janvier,c’est avec 19 petits ,moyens et grands…..même un opa et oma que nous
avons fêté la galette des rois .Merci au traducteur Floris!
C’est une tradition qui actuellement s’étale en France tout le mois de janvier.
La galette des rois est un moment convivial en famille, entre amis,à l’ecole ou au travail.
Et qui a eu la fève dans son morceau de galette?
La maman d’Agyles et de Ravindra est devenue la reine… le papa de Sarah est devenu le
Je profite de ce petit mot pour vous souhaiter une très belle année 2016!
Group 2
Magical Snow
Written by 2LG
Snow is cold, soft and white,
Let’s play and have a snowball fight.
Sliding on our sled down the hill,
Is so exciting, it gives me a thrill.
My dog comes for a walk with me,
Watch out for the yellow pee!
Making snow angels is lots of fun,
Do you want to help me make one?
We can make a snowman with a scarf,
Isn’t he funny? Does he make you laugh?
Snow is great and snow is cool,
If enough of it falls there will be no school!
We love snow
In groep 4 en 5 hebben we nieuwe woorden en
zinnen geleerd bij het thema ‘het weer’. We hebben
het thema afgesloten met het maken van
windmolens. In Nederland zijn er heel veel
windmolens te vinden! Het was niet makkelijk om windmolens
te maken, maar het is ons gelukt! We zijn erg trots op ons
In group 4 and 5 we have learned new words and
sentences about ‘the weather’ (het weer). We have
completed this topic by making our very own
windmills (de windmolens). In Holland you will find lots of
windmills throughout the country. It wasn’t easy to make our
own windmills, but we succeeded and we are very proud!
Groep 4
Afgelopen maand hebben we bezoek gehad van een klasgenootje van vorig jaar toen we in
groep 3 zaten. Elisa is in de zomer naar Spanje gegaan en kwam ons als verrassing
opzoeken. Het was leuk om haar weer te zien en om haar verhalen te horen.
Ook hebben we de bakesale gehad, waar we veel lekkere dingen verkocht hebben. Met het
geld kopen we mooie spulletjes voor de klas zoals boeken en spelletjes.
De laatste weken is groep 4 met de toetsen bezig geweest, wat hebben we hard gewerkt!
Heel fijn dat het bijna Carnavalsvakantie is! Wij wensen bij deze iedereen een fijne vrije
groetjes van groep 4
Groep 5
Door Kirill, 5TB
Door Allie, 5TB
Klasse Klas
We hadden bij gym een hele
mooie cool gemaakt van de juf en
we mochten niet praten want dat
was een leuke opdracht ik was
met Maxim Dani Hans Andrew en
wij werkten goed samen en toen
ging we naar buiten
Wij hebben klasseklas om ons sfeer te
Ik vind het heel leuk omdat we veel
dingen doen bijv. spellen dat wij
moeten dansen en als de muziek stil
staat moet je ook stil staan als je af
bent moet je dat eerlijk zeggen:
zeggen dat je af bent en je moet
zitten, als iemand anders zegt dat jij
af bent is hij zelf af. We doen ook
dingen zoals je moet een maatje
kiezen en een tekening maken met
een thema bijv. carnaval en je moet
het zonder geluid maken. En aan het
eind doen we een gekke 5 min.
Daarom vind ik het leuk.
Het leukste van klasse klas vond ik het begin van
klasse klas. Gewoon simpel complimenten geven
het geeft een fijn gevoel omdat het gaat over jou
en ze zeggen iets goeds. Maar later gingen we iets
doen dat was in de sloot uit de sloot en je mocht
alleen maar met je zelf bemoeien dat vond ik het
leukst. De gym had ook iets te maken met Klasse
Klas. Dat was dat we allemaal een paar
opdrachten moesten doen. De meeste waren dat
we een letter of een cijfer moesten schrijven. En
op het laatste moesten we met ze alle het woord
cool opschrijven met alleen ons zelf en
geluidloos. Maar ja ik hoop dat klasse klas heel
lang blijft want zoals het nu gaat is het een grote
We hebben veel gedaan bij klasseklas. De
juffen die met ons klasseklas doen heten juf
Caroline en juf Yvette. Klasseklas is zo´n
uurtje dat die juffen proberen onze sfeer in
de klas te verbeteren. Het eerst om de
namen te weten deden we zo´n spel dat een
kind een naamsticker van zijn buurman of
vrouw krijgt en dan het op haar of hem moet
plakken en dan een compliment naar hem of
haar moet geven. Dat was best leuk. De
tweede keer gingen wij een van die spelletjes
spelen waar je in de sloot of op de kant moet
als de juf het zegt. Maar als je bijvoorbeeld in
de sloot gaat terwijl de juf aan de sloot zegt,
ben je af. Maar natuurlijk ga je niet echt in
een sloot. Het was ook leuk.
Groep 8
Afgelopen zaterdag waren er een aantal kinderen mee naar de Orangerie, het
asielzoekerscentrum in Eindhoven. Ieder jaar hebben we een kerstmarkt en het geld gaat
naar een goed doel dat met kinderen te maken heeft. Dit jaar hadden de kinderen gekozen
om de kinderen van de vele vluchtelingen het goede doel te laten zijn. de school belde de
Orangerie en vroeg wat ze nodig hadden. Het azc wilde een muziekhoek maken, dus al het
geld werd gespendeerd aan muziekinstrumenten. Toen we binnenkwamen hoorden we al
wat muziek uit de recreatiezaal komen want er was een blaaskapelletje komen spelen. Juf
Daphne hield een klein toespraakje en daarna mochten de kinderen die waren meegekomen
de instrumenten uitdelen aan de andere kinderen. Die begonnen meteen uitbundig op de
trommels te slaan en met de tamboerijnen te schudden. Het was een kabaal van jewelste,
maar de kinderen hadden heel veel plezier!
Ik vond het heel indrukwekkend en mooi.
Deze kerst hebben wij als school weer geld ingezameld
tijdens onze jaarlijkse kerstmarkt.
Het geld gaat altijd naar een goed doel wat te maken heeft met kinderen.
Dit jaar is het gegaan naar het asielzoekerscentrum in Eindhoven, onze school
heeft instrumenten gekocht voor de kinderen in dat asielzoekerscentrum.
En wij gingen de instrumenten afgeven.
Zondag 23 jan. in de middag zijn we naar het asielzoekerscentrum gegaan.
Eenmaal aangekomen was er een gezellige sfeer mede dankzij het blaasorkestje.
Wij zochten allemaal een plaats en gingen zitten, even later kondigde juf Daphne wat wij
voor de kinderen daar hebben gedaan.
Daarna mochten wij aan de kinderen al onze gekochte instrumenten uitdelen.
En speelden de kinderen mee met het blaasorkestje en dat vonden ze heel leuk.
En toen als bedankje hebben de mannen een traditionele dans gedaan en moesten wij ook
En toen we weggingen had ik een goed gevoel en blij dat we dit hebben gedaan
Jan Isphording
School Points
De afgelopen weken hebben we
met uw hulp kunnen sparen voor
Jumbo punten.
In het totaal hebben we een bedrag van 302
euro bij elkaar gespaard.
Voor dit bedrag hebben we een aantal dozen
speciale waskrijtjes, een Engels spel en
strijkkralen besteld. Binnenkort worden de
spullen bij ons bezorgd.
Bedankt voor iedereen die meegedaan heeft
met sparen!
In recent weeks, with your help,
we have been able to save
points from Jumbo.
In total, we have saved up EUR 302 .
For this amount we ordered some special
boxes of crayons, an English game and
string beads. Soon the items will be delivered to the school.
Thanks to everyone who helped to save up
the points.
Polish Mother Tongue
Dear Parents,
Last year we started Polish mother tongue language lessons in our school.
Once a week on a Wednesday children of various ages meet in STAG 101
with Ms A. Kelso. Through school work and play we try to develop language skills and knowledge of the origin and culture of our children.
Standard fee of 10E apply.
For more information email to address below.
Drodzy Rodzice,
W zeszłym roku rozpoczęły się w naszej szkole (raz w tygodniu) lekcje języka polskiego,
prowadzone przez Panią Agatę Kelso w środy w godz.12.30-13.30 (STAG 101).
Wiek dzieci jest zróżnicowany, wspólnie uczymy się polskiej mowy,historii i kultury
poprzez zabawę i pracę szkolną. Odpłatność wynosi 10E za godzinną lekcję.
Serdecznie zapraszamy!
Pytania? Napisz do:
Library Corner
E Book News Facts and Tips
We currently have 248 books available to loan on our E books. We have had a great start to E
book loaning. In December there were 103 loans and in January there were 197 loans.
Some of our popular titles are:
You can reserve a book
if it is out.
You have the book on
loan for two weeks and
then it is automatically
It is possible to return
the book before the two
weeks under my shelf
`Return this Loan`.
You can have offline
storage and the book
can be read without access to wifi.
Have a look:
Go to
And go to books on the menu page to find information how to set up an e reader app. We will
be adding new books over the next few months and more to cover interests and needs of our
students. For group 2-7 International department their password and user name is their abacus
maths number. All others please email to obtain your child’s code. ( It is
their library number).
Enjoy this new facility designed to give your children the best in children’s literature wherever they are.
We have two E book sources in the library, our own E book lending facility and also a subscription to the Tumble Book Library. You can choose the
from the resources page of
the Library website, and login with the Username: Eindhoven and
Password: books. Tumble Books have recently added lots of titles and you will find a great
selection of Medal Winning books and lots of exciting fiction, picture books, graphic novels and
We hope you will really enjoy reading from the Tumble Book Library.
letter from the head of
ise secondary...
Dear Parents
This week students received their first full
report cards of the year, the Mid-Year Reports. For the first time, we issued report
cards digitally via ManageBac. Students also
received appointment cards for the ParentTeacher meeting held on 17 and 18 February. We issued these appointment cards
some time ago so that your child could start
to arrange meetings as soon as possible.
Many teachers appointment cards fill up
quickly, so please continue to remind your
child to make the appointments you have
Over the last, and upcoming period, we
have a number of activities taking place.
Last week a group of DP1 students represented Columbia in The Hague at the Model
United Nations; an event that attracts students from all over the world. Later this
month, our annual Activities Week will take
place. During this week all usual lessons
stop and students in MP1 to 5 are exposed
to lots of different opportunities.
75 students will be travelling to Austria for the ski
trip and 12 students will
go to London. During this week, the
focus for DP is academic with time
put aside for extended lessons for
some subjects as well as a workshop on the
Extended Essay. In March, we have
student’s representing the school
at Maths competitions in Zoetermeer and Vienna and we hope we
will have a group of students who will take
part in a Theory of Knowledge conference in
Maastricht. Our sports teams have also been
busy competing and we are looking
forward to hosting our first ESSL
basketball tournament here at
the ISE. This tournament has attracted about 6 schools from
across Europe. In an age where the
competition for university places is at a
high, being able to talk about the various co
-curricular experiences will certainly boost
university applications. I am proud of the
ISE… more than a school
fact that we can offer such a varied
number of activities and events at
our school. Giving students opportunities to perform using talents
that go unseen in the usual classroom setting is essential if we want to provide students with a holistic education.
I am happy that Ms Baaijens continues to
reintegrate positively by taking on her DP1
Chemistry class this month. I am also happy
to announce a new member of our teaching
staff. Ms Bellasis has been appointed as a
English Language Acquisition teacher. Ms
Bellasis is originally from the UK, but has
had extensive international experience including having lived for a number of years in
Vietnam. I would also like to congratulate
Mr. Daems who has recently taken on the
newly established role of Extended Essay
Coordinator. I am confident that he, in
this role, will be able to add to supporting
the students in their understanding and
completion of this important component of
the Diploma programme.
I would like to commend all
the students who performed in
our school production ‘Cloud
Busting’ on 29 January. They
all did an amazing job none
more so that their Director, Ms Malone. A
big round of applause for all of the members
of the cast and crew!
I would like to end with a few reminders of
important dates.
Ski information evening Monday, 15 February at 18:00
Parent-Teacher meetings will be held on
Wednesday, 17 February from 15:30
to 18:00 and Thursday, 18 February
from 17:00 to 20:00.
Diploma information session for MP5 parents on Wednesday, 17 February at
Tedx Strijp event at the ISE on Sunday,
21 February
Early finish (13:15) for secondary students on Thursday, 25 February
I wish each of you a safe and enjoyable carnival break.
Marcella Watts
Secondary notices
Michael Scott
ISE Secondary
Mrs Prest’s Career Corner
to all involved. Well done to anyone who
has submitted applications or who is well
on the way with the process. If anyone
DP2 News
January has been yet another busy month has questions to ask, or needs support,
please e-mail me to make an appointsupporting DP2 students with UCAS (UK
ment as soon as possible……..
university) applications (deadline 15th
January) and more recently Dutch, American and Japanese university applications. The majority have required inputs
from the students, teachers (advice and
references), parents/ guardians
(discussions and support), and myself the
Careers Counsellor (counselling, references, grade transcripts, feedback on letters of motivation, and producing correspondence for the universities). A situation requiring real teamwork, and thanks
Dear Parents and Students,
ISE… more than a school
ISE Secondary
Mrs Prest Career Corner cont.
DP1 News
DP1 students have also been busy
making appointments to discuss career options and university admissions
procedures. DP1 is an ideal time for
visiting universities, checking out prospectuses and admissions conditions,
speaking to teachers, parents/ guardians and myself about career options
and relevant courses, checking the
careers resources in the library, and
using social media to contact students
already at university. Open days,
‘student for a day’ or ‘taster’ programmes, summer courses and similar
can be valuable sources of information and experience. For students
who need relevant work experience
for applications, think about how this
might be achieved, possibly over the
summer break. Also study as hard as
possible for the DP1 examinations in
June. Many universities ask for DP1
grades as part of the admissions process, and students need to ensure
that their grades reflect their true
abilities. The clearer we are about
our own ambitions, strengths, interests and abilities, the easier it is to
identify the ‘next step’ wherever that
may be.
also offering the option for students
(initially for MP5 but with the aim of
expanding this option in the future)
to sit a more detailed careers profiling test in March. This secondary test
has a charge, representing the cost to
the school. Please could any interested parties register with me by 18th
February, to help with our planning.
MP5 News
As MP5 students and their parents/
guardians will be aware, we recently
introduced a short career profiling
test for the MP5 students as part of a
programme to support subject choices for the IB Diploma for the next academic year. If any MP5 students wish
to make appointments to discuss the
outcomes of the test, please contact
me via mail. Similarly if anyone
missed the test and still wishes to
take it, please contact me. We are
We wish our DP2 students success in
their forthcoming mock examinations
and university applications, and DP1
and MP5 students success in their
studies and careers research. I can be
contacted via e-mail on or tel: 0031 (0)
40 251 9437 ext 3141 for further information.
ISE… more than a school
Summer Courses
Finally, a word about summer courses. In the Careers Office we are starting to receive prospectuses and emails advertising summer courses,
and this is a good time to think about
how to complement academic programmes /support university applications /provide work experience/ or
expand student CVs. Some courses
provide experience, and others (for
example revision courses) support academic learning. I shall be displaying
relevant information in the DP students’ study area after the half term
break, so for MP5 and DP1 students in
particular, it is worth taking a look at
the displays or conducting their own
research to identify activities that
suit their own situation and ambitions.
Best wishes to all,
Mrs Prest
with the students of MP3 and DP Art students
The Cartoon &
Illustration workshop, during Art Club
19 & 26 Jan. 2016
Example of an MP5 Personal Project: ‘RISING LOTUS’
(a short story about an exchange student) by Olivia Roach
Chapter Seven
grateful. A lot of eyes were following her and it made her uncomfortable, unsure of how to hold
I can’t believe they don’t have
herself. When they finally found
squatty potties here. Jessie
their seats she breathed a sigh of
typed the words into her phone
and sent them to Li. Imagine that!
“Hello class. I am April Clay, an
Everyone’s unmentionables
artist you may or may not have
touching the same toilet seat in
heard of. Today, I am going to talk
public. How dirty. My mother
about depth and perception in art,
would be shocked out of obliviwhich I try to include in each and
every art piece I create, whether
“You do use your phone an aw- it is a sculpture, painting or a simful lot,” Emma commented as they ple sketch. It’s the key to capturwere walking back to the aparting something pin point, and if you
ment from the underground. It had have it nailed down, the viewers
been a long and exciting day, and are going to love it. Here’s a few
everyone was tired now.
of my own pieces.”
“Everyone uses their phone a
lot here too,” Jessie shrugged.
“But you use it a lot more than
anyone I’ve ever known. True, you
may be away from home, but every five minutes it’s back out of
your pocket.”
Jessie couldn’t believe how
outright Emma was being on the
subject, but instead of arguing she
complied and slipped the phone
away. “I think it might be a habit I
picked up back home.”
“No worries,” Daisy said, joinThe petite ginger haired woming in the conversation. “It doesn’t
an moved to the side so the beammatter too much.”
They walked back to the apart- er could reveal her stunning art
ment in silence, everyone thinking pieces. The paintings were amazabout their own things. The dinner ing, ranging from simplistic to
meal was small, and Jessie hardly complex and confusing. Although
Jessie couldn’t deem the message
tasted it as she longed for sleep.
She sighed with happiness and fell from each, she could understand
how each piece must’ve taken preasleep the moment her head
cision and care to make. And true
touched the pillow.
to her word, each piece did some***
The next day Jessie went to an how contain some depth and perart lecture with Emma. She could- ception to it.
Unlike the lectures at her
n’t wait to go, opting to go with
school, the teachers didn’t drone
Emma instead of Daisy so she
on and on for hours, leaving your
would be able to know what it
would’ve felt like to have selected hand sore from taking notes. Instead, there was a lot of discussion
the major she wanted to.
which involved the student’s opinIt was Jessie’s first time on
campus. In comparison to her uni- ions, and April took breaks in her
presentation to ask if anyone had
versity in Xi’an, this one seemed
any questions. Although Jessie didalarmingly small with a dull grey
exterior that didn’t catch her eye. n’t have the courage to draw atShe couldn’t help frowning at the tention to herself and ask quesbuilding and lowering her expecta- tions, Emma was unafraid to every
tions for the lecture.
Then, once the lecture was
“We’re going to have April
over, each student was given a
Clay, a famous artist speak to us
small canvas and told to pull out
about depth and perception in
their painting set.
paintings. My professor even told
“We can share,” Emma whisme that we’re going to try and
pered, placing hers on the table.
make our own paintings with her
“Thank you,” Jessie whispered
there!” Emma bubbled with anticiback, and began to paint.
Whenever Jessie painted, she
The lecture hall was small and
filled with students who were pull- always managed to lose herself in
the focus of creating what she
ing out notebooks or flipping
wanted and the way the brush
through books. Emma said a few
seemed to stroke the canvas. This
quiet hellos but mostly stuck to
time she tried to pinpoint everyJessie’s side, for which she was
thing about London she loved.
That didn’t just mean the land,
but the culture, the food, the attitude of the people and the way
the lectures went. Most of all, she
wanted to capture her new best
friends in there, as well as including what she had just learnt about
depth and perception.
Emma’s gasp drew her back
into the real word.
“What a lovely painting. The
depth and perception is shining
through it,” April said, who had
somehow appeared in front of her.
“I like yours too,” she murmured,
gazing at Emma’s work. Without
saying anything, she picked up the
two paintings in front of her and
raised them to the class. “These
are perfect examples of what I
was referring to! Make sure you
check them out before you leave.”
Returning the paintings to their
owners, she continued down the
aisle and commented on other
works. Emma practically glowed.
Jessie knew that this major
was what she wanted to do with
her life.
As she saw people leave, she
nudged Emma.
“Why are they going?”
“Lecture is over. We can hang
around if you want, or go meet
Daisy in the apartment. She should
be done by now as well,” Emma
“But how will those people
know what homework to do? They
haven’t stayed to hear if there will
be a reflection, essay or some other assignment based on today’s
“That’s because there isn’t
any. April would’ve already said.”
“There isn’t any?”
Jessie laughed and shook her
head. “At my university there is
always work to be done after every lecture we have. You guys must
have so much free time!”
Emma chewed on her bottom
lip, thinking about how she usually
stressed over what work she did
get and had a hard time keeping
up already. She couldn’t imagine
how terrible it would be to have
homework for every lecture she
sat through.
“Let’s go find Daisy,” Emma
Have you had a look at the secondary library’s website yet?
This is the easy way to access your library account, borrow e
-books and use the subscribed databases!
Use your first name as username and your student number as
password to access this wealth of information!
Do you need help to log-in? Drop by in the library or send us
an e-mail:
To be continued next month
The Philips Symphony Orchestra presents:
Latin Swing.
1st March @ the ISE Auditorium.
Time to shake off those dark wintery days and enjoy the warmth of LatinAmerican sounds. Imagine you are in Zorro territory, surrounded by cacti,
horsewomen, freedom fighters, lots of sun, or among gauchos, rum or ci-
gars. Feel the passion bursting from stage. Performance by 80 musicians, including extra brass and 5 non-stop percussionists, playing typical Latin instruments such as bongo, claves, güiro (“ratchet”) and maracas (“samba
balls”). The harp will show itself from an entirely new, robust side. Save the
Philips Symphony Orchestra conducted by Jules van Hessen with harp soloist
Oxana Thijssen, compositions by Piazzolla, Marquez, Ginastera and others.
Date: 1st March
Time: Auditorium will be open at 19:30, Concert begins at 20.15
Ticket price:
€5,- pre sale
€7,50 door sale
Tickets now available at the reception of the ISE!
Notices for International Community
Outside ise
Calling all expat badminton
players (men and women) The
International Badminton Group
are always keen to greet new
We play every Friday from 8
to 10 pm at ’t Hazzo, Trolliuslaan 7, Waalre
FOR YOUR INFORMATION: New health center opened
for international citizens of Eindhoven and surroundings
SGE International health care
Strijp-S Videolab 4.042
Torenallee 20
5617 BC Eindhoven
The Netherlands
The medical team has been
trained to understand the
needs of people from different international backgrounds
The standard is intermediate,
games are competitive but we
are not in a league. Our aim is
to enjoy our sport – and afterwards there is the opportunity
for some refreshments and a
Interested? Contact Sandra
Nolan –
Check out THE HUB
during Carnival week

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