Oct 2010b.pub - Rodney E. Thompson Middle


Oct 2010b.pub - Rodney E. Thompson Middle
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Thompson Middle School
75 Walpole Street, Stafford, VA 22554
Tele: 540-658-6420
Andrew Bathke, Assistant Principal
Dr. Andrew Grider, Principal
Fax: 540-658-6430
Carra Hesington, Assistant Principal
Issue 2: October 2009
Principal’s Message
The first month of school has flown, and it has been a great pleasure to meet so many wonderful students.
Thompson Middle School has an excellent reputation, and now I know first hand after working with the staff,
students, and parents why our school is so successful.
Our staff would like to extend a special thank you to our students and parents for such wonderful
attendance at our Open House and Back to School Nights. We believe in the importance of teachers, parents, and community members working together in support of our students. We encourage parents to
continue their involvement in school academics and activities. Students flourish when parents are active participants in their students’ academic lives, and we thank parents and the community for their continued
Our Thompson website is http://stafford.thompson.schoolfusion.us . School Fusion enables Thompson
Middle to implement communication solutions that have immediate impact. School Fusion enables parents to
take a proactive role in their children's education. Parents and students have one easy place to find homework assignments, upcoming test dates, class announcements, and the class calendar. Parents can click on
the announcements page to get information regarding the latest happenings and news effecting Thompson
Middle. New to the Fusion website is Oasis, the online system for reviewing students’ grades. Parents can
get more information regarding Oasis on the Thompson Middle School Fusion page.
On October 8th, interim reports will be distributed, and the first grading period ends on Monday, November
10th. Just a reminder, on Election Day, November 3rd, school will be closed. Parents can also check the Fusion calendar for upcoming events and sports. Our Jaguar Field Hockey and Football teams have started
their competitive seasons; we hope to see lots of support for our Jaguar teams. Finally, SCA elections were
held last week, and we congratulate our new SCA officers: President, Brittany Nealis; Vice-President,
Madison Eberhart; Secretary, Mackenzie Cox; and Historian, Lauren Donahue.
I thank all of our parents and community members for their support of our school. As always if parents have
questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact us. Have a GREAT year!!
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Upcoming Events
October 2009
Thurs 10/8
Thurs 10/15
Mon 10/19
Fundraiser kickoff Assemblies
(8th-8:30, 7th-11:30, 6th—9:10)
Field Hocky @ DSMS-3:45
All-County Chorus Auditions (Chorus, Band, Orchestra)
(3 pm-8:30 pm - In cafeteria)
Student Ambassador Meeting (Library 3-3:45)
Football @ DSMS –3:30
Field Hockey vs. SHMS-3:45
Interims Go Home
Focus Parent Forum @ SMS (6:30-8 pm)
Teacher Workday/No School for Students
SCA Spirit Week 10/13-10/16 (Details TBA)
Football vs. SHMS (3:30)
Field Hockey @ SMS (3:45)
All-County Chorus Rehearsal (3-4:30 pm)
Field Hockey vs. HHP (3:45)
Field Hockey vs. DMS (3:45)
PTO Meeting (PTO votes on class Grant)
Football @SMS (3:30)
Make-up Picture Day (during PE classes)
Field Hockey vs. AGW (3:45)
Think Tank Night hands-on Activities (5:30-7:30pm)
All-County Chorus Rehearsal (3-4:30pm)
Field Hockey Tournament (TBD) (4pm)
Fundraiser Orders Due
7th Grade Vision/Hearing Screening (8:30-2:30)
PTO Candy Grams 10/27-10/29
All-County Chorus Rehearsal (3-4:30pm)
SCA Pumpkin Walk (Details TBA)
Field Hockey Tournament (TBD) (4pm)
Football vs. HHP (3:30)
Field Hockey Tournament (TBD) (4pm)
PTO Candy Gram Delivery to Homerooms
PTO Harvest Dance
(6th Grade 3-5pm)/7th & 8th Grade 6-8pm)
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Lunch Prices
Ala Carte Lunch Prices
Ala Carte
$2.00 Entree Only (High) $1.85
Milk 8oz.
Reduced (All)
$2.10 Extra Entree w/
Orange Juice 8oz.
Breakfast Prices
Ala Carte Breakfast Prices Ice Cream
Breakfast Entree
Breakfast Entree
w/ meal
Premium Ice Cream
(Middle / High)
Main Office
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Your child’s attendance at school is important to their success. In the event your child is absent
from school, please call us between 7:15 a.m. and 10:00am to inform us of their
absence. We have had a significant number of absences due to the flu season, so please take a moment and call 658-6420 to inform us of your child’s absence. Additionally, we must receive writ-
ten documentation in order to excuse student absences.
Caller ID Calls??
The front office received a significant number of phone calls daily regarding someone calling their
home, but not leaving a message. Please understand we cannot direct your phone call to the appropriate person unless a message is left. It is highly disruptive to call the classrooms during instruction throughout the day trying to track down the originator of the phone call. Please remind
your child to leave a message in the event they call home during the school day.
Pre-Arranged Absences
Family trips/vacations which require students to be absent from school MUST by pre-arranged. The student must bring a note
to school 2 weeks prior to the scheduled absence in order to obtain a pre-arranged absence form with the principal’s approval.
Prompt arrival at school is expected of all students. Late arrival disrupts class and causes loss of instructional time.
Any student who arrives at school after 8:20am is considered tardy and must report to the main office for an admit
slip. An excuse note or parent signature must be given for each tardy in order for it to be excused. Repeated unexcused tardiness to school will be subject to disciplinary action.
Early Dismissals
If you plan on picking your child up early from school, please send a note stating their name, the time you will be
picking them up, and the reason for the early dismissal. Your student is responsible to bring that note to the front
office before school starts so that an Early Dismissal Pass can be issued. At the requested time, your child will be
waiting for you in the front office to be signed out .
Bus Passes
If a student is riding the bus home with another student, both students must have permission notes from their parent or guardian. All notes are to be brought to the front office upon arrival to school to obtain a bus pass.
Student Deliveries
Parents dropping off items throughout the day creates a disruption to classroom instruction; please keep deliveries
to a minimum.
Pre-arranged Rides
If your child is going to be a car rider, make arrangements with your child prior to that school day. Last minute phone calls do not guarantee your child will receive the message. We encourage you to contact the school no
later than 2:30 p.m. for student messages.
AM Drop Off and PM Pick Ups
When dropping off or picking up your student, please use the south entrance at the front of the school (closest to
Courthouse Road), Circle through the front parking lot to the front of the building and exit from the same driveway.
Please be courteous of students and staff as you drive through the parking lot. Students who arrive to
school prior to 7:30 a.m. are not permitted in the building until 7:30 a.m. and are not permitted to go to homeroom
7:50 a.m.
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Welcome to RTMS, returning students and new students for the school year 2009-2010.
We have survived the first month of school with some minor injuries, coughs and colds,
allergies, many viral illnesses, and all the anxieties of being in Middle School. Please do
be aware of the information that is in this newsletter regarding the Seasonal Flu, and the
H1N1 Flu viruses. This brochure will give parents information found helpful in treating
the various flu viruses that are now circulating in our community. It is most important to
prevent the spread of germs by keeping your student home from school with any of the
flu-like symptoms, as well as parents from going to work or out in the community when ill.
I encourage parents to see their medical physicans for any problems associated with illness during this flu season.
The State of Virginia mandates at the 7th grade level, that all students be tested for a vision/hearing screening. This involves your student coming to the library on the test date
with his/her glasses ready for a vision and hearing screening. The screening date has
been set for Tuesday, October 27, 2009, from 8:30 am-2:30 PM in the school Library. Students will be brought to the library by their designated teacher for the screenings. Please
note that if you request your student not to be screened, I must have a letter in writing for
opt out presented to the clinic prior to screening date. If the parent opts out of screening,
they must take their student to have this testing done by their own MD or medical facility
and documentation must be provided to the clinic. Any parents that wish to help with this
screening, please contact me in the clinic ASAP. Parent volunteers are utilized to do actual
screenings, and also to assist with crowd control. Please note this is a screening. If your
child receives a letter of referral to see their MD, please do so. We do not diagnosis the
problem, just screen and let the MD prescribe and make the diagnosis as followup.
As always, we kindly request that parents please keep the school informed of any and all
changes made in your Emergency Contact List. If both parents work OOT, please attempt to find a neighbor, friend or relative that is close by, to be placed on your contact list
for pickup of your child in times of illness and accident.
Robin Brown, RN
Flu information
What is the flu?
The flu (influenza) is an infection of the nose,
throat, and lungs caused by influenza viruses. Flu
viruses cause illness, hospital stays and deaths
in the United States each year. There are many
different flu viruses and sometimes a new flu virus
emerges to make people sick.
What is novel H1N1 flu?
Novel H1N1 flu is a new and very different
influenza virus that is spreading worldwide among
people. This new virus was called “swine flu” at
first because it has pieces of flu viruses found in
pigs in the past. However, novel H1N1 virus has
not been detected in U.S. pigs.
Influenza is unpredictable, but scientists believe
that the new H1N1 virus will cause illness, hospital
stays and deaths in the United States over the
coming months.This flu season, the new virus may
cause a lot more people to get sick than during a
regular flu season. It also may cause more hospital
stays and deaths than seasonal flu.
How serious is the flu?
The flu can be very serious, especially for younger
children and children of any age who have one or
more chronic medical conditions. These conditions
include asthma or other lung problems, diabetes,
weakened immune systems, kidney disease, heart
problems and neurological and neuromuscular
disorders. These conditions can result in more
severe illness from influenza, including the new
H1N1 virus.
How does flu spread?
Both novel H1N1 flu and seasonal flu are thought
to spread mostly from person to person through
the coughs and sneezes of people who are sick
with influenza. People also may get sick by touching
something with flu viruses on it and then touching
their mouth or nose.
What are the symptoms of
the flu?
Symptoms of seasonal flu and novel H1N1 flu
include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy
nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue.
Some people also may have vomiting and diarrhea.
How long can a sick person
spread the flu to others?
People infected with seasonal and novel H1N1 flu
shed virus and may be able to infect others from 1
day before getting sick to 5 to 7 days after. This
can be longer in some people, especially children
and people with weakened immune systems and in
people infected with novel H1N1 flu.
Protect your child
How can I protect my child
against flu?
Get a seasonal flu vaccine for yourself and your
child to protect against seasonal flu viruses.
Take everyday steps to prevent the spread of all
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose and
mouth. Germs spread this way.
• Teach your child to take these actions
• Try to keep your child from having close
contact (about 6 feet) with sick people,
including anyone in the household who is
• Keep surfaces like bedside tables,
surfaces in the bathroom, kitchen
counters and toys for children clean
by wiping them down with a household
disinfectant according to directions on
the product label.
• Throw away tissues and other disposable
items used by sick persons in your
household in the trash.
Is there a vaccine to
protect my child from H1N1
A vaccine against novel H1N1 flu is being
produced and will be available in the coming
months as an option for the prevention of the
new H1N1 flu. A vaccine against seasonal flu is
available each fall and winter. More information
about the new H1N1 flu vaccine and the seasonal
flu vaccine is available on the CDC Web site.
flu viruses. This includes:
• Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue
when you cough or sneeze. Throw the
tissue in the trash after you use it.
• Wash your hands often with soap and
water, especially after you cough or
sneeze. If soap and water are not
available, alcohol-based hand cleaners are
also effective. *
Is there medicine to treat
the flu?
Antiviral drugs can treat both seasonal flu and
the new H1N1 flu. These drugs can make people
feel better and get better sooner. But they
need to be prescribed by a doctor and they
work best when started during the first 2 days
of illness. These drugs can be given to children.
The priority use for these drugs is to treat
people who are seriously ill or who have a medical
condition that puts them at high risk of serious
flu complications.
What should I use for hand
Washing hands with soap and running water (for
as long as it takes to sing the “Happy Birthday”
song twice) will help protect against many germs.
When soap and running water are not available,
wipes or gels with alcohol in them can be used
(the gels should be rubbed into your hands until
they are dry).*
If your child is sick
What can I do if my child
gets sick?
If your child is 5 years or older and otherwise
healthy and gets flu-like symptoms, including
a fever and/or cough, consult your doctor as
needed and make sure your child gets plenty of
rest and drinks enough fluids.
If your child is younger than 5, or of any age and
has a medical condition like asthma, diabetes,
or a neurologic problem and develops flu-like
symptoms, including a fever and/or cough, call
your doctor or get medical attention. This is
because younger children and children who
have chronic medical conditions (like asthma
or diabetes) may be at higher risk of serious
complications from influenza infection, including
the new H1N1. Talk to your doctor early if you
are worried about your child‛s illness.
What if my child seems very
Even children who have always been healthy
before or had the flu before can get a severe
case of flu.
Call or take your child to a doctor right away if
your child of any age has:
Fast breathing or trouble breathing
Bluish or gray skin color
Not drinking enough fluids
Severe or persistent vomiting
Not waking up or not interacting
Being so irritable that the child does not
want to be held
Flu-like symptoms improve but then
return with fever and worse cough
Has other conditions (like heart or
lung disease, diabetes, or asthma) and
develops flu-like symptoms, including a
fever and/or cough.
Can my child go to school,
day care or camp if he or
she is sick?
No. Your child should stay home to rest and to
avoid giving the flu to other children.
When can my child go back
to school after having the
Keep your child home from school, day care or
camp for at least 24 hours after their fever is
gone. (Their fever should be gone without them
having taken a fever-reducing medicine.) A fever
is defined as 100°F or 37.8°C.
*Though the scientific evidence is not as
extensive as that on hand washing and alcoholbased sanitizers, other hand sanitizers that do
not contain alcohol may be useful for killing flu
germs on hands in settings where alcohol-based
products are prohibited.
For more information, visit
www.cdc.gov, www.flu.gov,
www.vdh.virginia.gov or call
Seasonal and
Novel H1N1
for Parents
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October Counseling News
October News
Schedule Change Requests
At this point in time, all schedule change requests have been reviewed and all possible changes completed. Please call your counselor directly if you have any
questions regarding your specific request.
Appointments with your child’s counselor
The counseling department recommends making an appointment if you would like to speak with your child’s counselor. The goal is for the counselor to be available when you come. Please call Mrs. Ortiz, counseling secretary, at 658-6420 to make an appointment.
Classroom Guidance News
* Classroom Visits
Counselors have completed classroom visits. Topics included Welcome Back, Guidance Orientation, Sexual Harassment, Bullying, and Decision Making.
* Jag Mailbox
This mailbox is located outside of the Counseling Center. It is easy to identify, blue and gold, and is designed to be a discrete way for students to communicate
with counselors and administrators. Students have been instructed to write a note, including their first and last name, and drop it in the mailbox. The Jag Mailbox
will be checked daily. The box is easily accessible and students may drop their notes at anytime of the day.
* Student Ambassadors
Student Ambassadors is a RTMS student-run organization (with adult supervision and guidance). We currently have 75+ student members and are looking forward to a year of fun, useful and informative activities. In addition to the activities, the Ambassadors are responsible for daily guidance announcements, new
student tours, holding the door and greeting students in the mornings, and modeling the Jaguar pride. Ambassadors may be called upon throughout the year for
special events and activity assistance.
** Our Next After School Meeting is October 7. Please have rides here by 3:45pm.
* Homework Help (formerly called Tutoring)
Homework Help will begin on OCTOBER 7, 2009 students planning to stay after school for help on their homework, must have a signed permission form on
file in the Counseling Center. Forms are available in the Counseling Center and on line. National Honor Society members from NSHS, NVHS, and CFHS will be at
Thompson to help RTMS students with their homework, classwork, and projects.
** Have rides here by 3:45pm.
Upcoming Fall Events
*November is National Career Development Month
The week of November 16-20 will be designated to highlight the importance of life long career development and the personal empowerment of all people. Events
and activities will be planned to help examine lives, careers, and the alternatives available to increase personal success and happiness. To “kick off” the week,
there is a POETRY and POSTER CONTEST. Please stop by the Counseling Center for additional information.
*Peer Mediator Program
TMS has trained Peer Mediators. We intend to have a “refresher” course for the Mediators this fall. We will be sure to notify the mediators of the place, time and
date very soon.
*Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon week is October 19-23. TMS will plan and implement activities centered on substance abuse prevention as well as safe, healthy, bully free and drugfree communities. We will renew our commitment to a healthy and drug-free lifestyle as we show our dedication to education and prevention efforts here at
*Career Night
SCPS will offer a Career Night on November 19 at Brooke Point High School. Additional information will be forthcoming.
*P.A.W.S. Award
This monthly award will be given to a Positively Achieving and Well Behaved Student nominated by his/her grade level teachers. Students will be showcased in
the display outside of the Counseling Center, and honored at the awards assembly at the end of the year.
*Resources and Workshops
Services are available at the Child and Family Counseling Center (CFCC) in Woodbridge. If you or your family would benefit from mental health, educational and or
substance abuse services, feel free to contact the counseling center for more information.
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First day of Homework Help is October 7th
Beginning October 7th, RTMS will be offering after school
Homework Help in our library from 3:00 until 3:45 pm to all
of our Thompson Middle School students for all subjects.
North Stafford National Honor Society, Colonial Forge High
School Students and Thompson Middle School National Junior Honor Society members, in addition to TMS faculty volunteers, are serving as our tutors. All students must have
rides available promptly at 3:45pm. Parents must come to
the LIBRARY EXTERIOR EXIT and sign students out. PLEASE
read the Homework Help rules on the application. The
yearly schedule will be published soon.
Signed parental permission forms are required for participation. The forms are available in the Counseling Center and
on the TMS web site in the Counseling section. Please send
completed forms to the Counseling Center prior to participation.
All students must have rides available promptly at 3:45pm.
Parents must come to the LIBRARY EXTERIOR EXIT and sign
students out. PLEASE read the tutoring rules on the application. The yearly schedule will be published soon.
Please contact Mr. Frank Stello at 658-6420 if you have any
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Eileen Godwin, Deborah Miller, &
Lisa Whitt
We are looking forward to another great school year. All of our students have now been through
library orientation, have their barcodes in their agendas, and are checking out books. Students also received a label for a website that Rodney Thompson Middle School provides: Student Resource Center, Junior contains 300+ full text magazine and newspaper articles, UXL Biography, Science, and
Authors, Junior Worldmark Encyclopedia of States, Nations, and Cultures, and primary source
documentation. Unlike Google, Yahoo and Jeeves, this web site contains only reputable information,
no popups or advertisements. This resource is accessible both at home and at school for RTMS students. The web address is: http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb/staf54659. See your child’s agenda for
the password. We hope our students find this resource helpful in completing school assignments.
In the next few weeks we will be introducing the 2009-2010 Virginia Readers’ Choice Program to
our students. This year’s titles include: The Black Book of Secrets by F.E. Higgins, Book of a Thousand Days by Shannon Hale, First Light by Rebecca Stead, Keeper by Mal Peet, Lawn Boy by Gary
Paulsen, London Calling by Edward Bloor, Miss Spitfire: Reaching Helen Keller by Sarah Miller, Savvy
by Ingrid Law, Uprising by Margaret Peterson Haddix, The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt . Students who read at least four of these titles will be eligible to participate in our pizza lunch on March 2,
2010. Look for information on a new program that the library is starting. Battle of the Books is a countywide program open to students in grades 6-8.
Thank you to those who have agreed to volunteer in the library media center this year. Volunteers are an integral part of the library program and provide so many services to our students and faculty, such as shelving books, filing catalogs, processing new materials, creating bulletin boards and displays, etc. If you have any questions concerning our programs, or if you are interested in volunteering,
please feel free to contact us at 658-6420.
Fundraiser information will be sent home:
October 5, 2009
Orders are due:
October 20, 2009
Our fundraiser this year will be with Great American. The catalog consists of jewelry, gift items and
magazines. There will be a website for this company. The school will receive a portion of the proceeds. Please support RTMS with this worthwhile
fundraising project.
Please call Mrs. Godwin or Mrs. Miller at 6586420.
We have a webpage under the Rodney E. Thompson Middle School site. Check it out! It includes
links to the public library, Virginia Readers’
Choice, and the Student Resource Center. Handy
resources include a bibliography form, and additional resources for our students’ use. We will be
updating and adding to the current information as
needed, so check our site regularly for changes.
Don’t throw away your used cartridges from your
printer. The library accepts ink cartridges and cell
phones to turn in to recycle.
Please call Mrs. Godwin at 658-6420
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Back to School Reading and Beyond...
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I am Ms. Korzen, the Reading Specialist at RTMS. I would like to share some tips for back to school reading.
As family schedules are reorganized to begin the school year, what better time than
now for kids and parents to ensure they incorporate reading into their daily routines. Research shows that parental involvement in developing their child’s love of
literature is critical to raising lifelong readers. Here are a few ideas to make reading a normal and natural part of family life, encouraging kids to be reading – ready
in the classroom as they prepare to dive into books all year long.
A special place - Create a special place for you and your child to read. It could
be a favorite chair, a couch or even under a tree!
For all ears – Read aloud to your child, teenagers like to hear old favorites.
Even though they read in class, spending additional time reading with you is also
Building a library- Scout for things your child might like to read. Leave all
sorts of reading materials including books, magazines and newspapers in conspicuous places around your home. It does not matter if they are new, used or
Caught in the act! – Show your child that reading isn’t just for the class-
room. Let your kids catch you reading whenever possible. Make it a game! Create “I
caught you reading!” coupons. Each time they “catch” a family member reading
they receive a coupon. At the end of each week, hold a drawing to award prizes.
Everyday opportunities- Newspapers, magazines, and books may be obvious
reading choices, but don’t dismiss road signs, menus, billboards, cereal boxes
and lots of other everyday items.
Read aloud anything with words and present reading as a
way to discover the world!
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The SCPS countywide Middle School debates will be held at Shirley Heim
Middle School this year on Tuesday, November 10th from 6:30 pm—8:00
pm. Parents are invited to attend.
Veterans Day falls on a student/teacher holiday this year, so we will have
our Annual “Bring Your Veteran to Lunch Day” on Monday, November 10,
2008. Students are encouraged to bring their parents or grandparents who
veterans to lunch that day.
The Focus Parent Forum is going to be at Drew Middle School on
Thursday, November 13th
Yearbooks For Sale
Yearbook order forms are being mailed home. There will also be an online
link our school fusion in the next few weeks for your convenience.
The NJHS is doing a Rappahannock River Cleanup on October 24th from
10-1 at the
Old Mill Park in Fredericksburg
RTMS Annual Think Tank Night
Thursday, October 22, 2009
5:30-7:30 p.m.
ALL RTMS students are invited to
explore with their minds and wit .
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Activities to experience:
PUMPKIN SMASH – Opening event held outside
Ping Pong Station – Test your skills at Ping Pong
Mind Games – Chess and other mind-boggling board games
Karaoke – Can you sing or think you can?????
Dance Land – Fun dances and demos
Improv – Can you act or are you the class clown???
Guitar Hero/Rock Band – Are you better at this than some of your teachers?
Watercolor Station – Express yourself in color
Library Scavenger Hunt – This was a “huge” hit last year and they have prizes !!!
Mini-Catapults – How are your engineering/blasting skills??
***Snacks and Drinks will be for sale by the National Junior Honor Society***
No one will be allowed in until 5:30 so please do not plan to stay after school and then attend
My, son/daughter ___________________________________________ has permission to attend RTMS Think Tank
night on October 22, 2009.
Parent Signature/Date
II would like to participate in the Think Tank Night event:
_________ volunteer with setup, snacks, or cleanup
_________ assist with one of the activities
Parent Name
Drop permission
and volunteer section in Think Tank
box outside Ms.
***Students must
RSVP to attend.
Contact Number
Minds will be sparking at RTMS on Think Tank Night,
please join the fun and let’s synergize!
Page 12
Do you like to build, act, or design? Do you like to come up with new
and inventive ways to solve problems? If so, Odyssey of the Mind
might be fun for you.
Why Odyssey of the Mind is Good for Kids
The Odyssey of the Mind teaches students to learn creative problem-solving methods while having fun in the process. For more than twenty-five years, this unique
program has helped teachers generate excitement in their students. By tapping into
creativity, and through encouraging imaginative paths to problem-solving, students
learn skills that will provide them with the ability to solve problems -- great and
small -- for a lifetime. The Odyssey of the Mind teaches students how to think divergently by providing open-ended problems that appeal to a wide range of interests. Students learn how to identify challenges and to think creatively to solve those
problems. They are free to express their ideas and suggestions without fear of criticism. The creative problem-solving process rewards thinking "outside of the box."
While conventional thinking has an important place in a well-rounded education,
students need to learn how to think creatively and productively. (http://
RTMS is looking for students to participate in the 2009-2010 competitions. The first
meeting of the year will be on Tuesday, October 6 from 3 – 4 in room 220. If you
are interested in participating, please stop by that day to learn more information
and to test your problem solving skills. Please have your parents email Elyce Sikora
at sikoraem@staffordschools.net giving you permission to stay after school that
day and that someone will be at Thompson to pick you up at 4pm.
Parents, we need coaches!
Coaches are responsible for holding gatherings at their homes for the students to practice and build. If you are interested in
being an OM coach, please email Elyce Sikora at sikoraem@staffordschools.net for
more information.
Odyssey of the Mind, the Odyssey of the Mind logo, and OMER are federally registered trademarks of Creative Competitions, Inc. ©copyright
2006 Creative Competitions, Inc
Page 13
Congratulations to the 2009-2010 SCA Officers:
President – Brittany Nealis
Vice-President – Madison Eberhart
Secretary – Mackenzie Cox
Historian – Lauren Donahue
All the students running for an office did a fantastic job running their campaign and presenting their speech to a live audience of our 7th and 8th graders. The race was close
and extremely challenging! Great job, Jags!!
Here are some important October dates for
SCA to remember:
Spirit Week – October 13th – 16th
Pumpkin Walk – October 28th from 3-5pm near the flag pole
Harvest Dance – October 30th
If you are interested in helping your child’s homeroom get prepared for the Pumpkin
Walk, please contact the homeroom teacher directly. We are really hoping for a large
turn out this year. We always have so much fun and the winning class gets great
Our very first SCA meeting of the year will be held October 1st during 6th period. I am
very excited about meeting our new homeroom representatives and getting the year
As always, the SCA welcomes parent volunteers. Your time will help expand our possibilities and give our students the chance to do more for our school and community. Just
email Mrs. Duckworth at duckworthsn@staffordschools.net
Rodney Thompson Middle School
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October Chorus Notes
Christine Stanley, Choral Director
Auditions October 6 at RTMS Please go to School Fusion for details.
All County Chorus is Wed., November 4 at North Stafford H. S.
For all performances, all chorus
students will wear the traditional
RTMS chorus shirt plus khaki
pants (tan colored) and white tennis shoes. [No skirts, shorts or
Capri pants.] The shirts are purchased through the school.
Please make checks payable to
RTMS. Deadline was Tuesday,
Sept. 30th to turn in orders. Shirts
will arrive right after Thanksgiving
$20 for special chorus polo shirt embroidered with the Rodney E.
Thompson Chorus logo.
$23 if you want your first name embroidered on the other side.
WINTER CONCERTS for 6th, 7th, 8th
Tuesday, December 15, 2008 – RTMS Cafeteria
Dear Parents,
We have been spending our time getting organized and getting familiar with the chorus class
routine. We started out with the Chorus Syllabus, Chorus Uniform, Chorus Class Routine, Student Code of Conduct, Chorus Class Rules, Responsibilities and Classroom Management. Time
Outs are used for students who are disruptive to instruction. Students have been practicing the
routine of what to do in class, beginning with the “Chorus Information Station.” Every day we
start with warm-ups. The second part of the chorus rehearsal is a Solfege, rhythm, pitch or music
notation activity. On Wednesdays we usually do some sort of worksheet or writing activity for
part of the class period. On Fridays, we do music testing, except for the last Friday of the month,
which is Karaoke Friday. After warm-ups and Solfege, we rehearse repertoire for our concerts.
Our main activities so far have been assigning everyone a cubby slot assignment for their chorus
binder, starting our Warm-ups Routine, turning in shirt orders (due September 30), returning
Syllabus Forms, seating assignments according to voice part, All County Chorus Auditions and
explanation of Karaoke Fridays and our planned Karaoke Concert April 14, 2010. Our first
concert is planned for December 15, and this year I am trying staggered performances for the
first time, with the sixth grade chorus going first, followed by an audience shift to the parents of
7th and 8th grades. The December concert is the Semester exam I for seventh and eighth graders. I am hosting All County Chorus Auditions this year on October 6th. The auditions will start
right after school and run until approximately 8:30 p.m. I need parent volunteer help with
selling pizza and soda, and being available to help with organizing the flow of people in and out
of the cafeteria, as all eight middle schools will be coming here on that day. All County Chorus
is scheduled for November 4th at North Stafford High School. All RTMS students who are selected through the audition process will have three after school rehearsals here at RTMS to prepare the music. After school rehearsal dates for All County Chorus are October 15, 23 and 28.
My plan is to have all my handouts and activities placed in School Fusion for your review
through the year. I hope that you will visit my page often and view your child's grades in my
IGPro Grade book. I welcome your calls, E-mails or classroom visits. Thank you.
Please visit my school fusion site for details of all events and
student classroom handouts
E-mail: stanleycl@staffordschools.net
Fusion school webpage: http://chorus.stafford.thompson.schoolfusion.us
Page 15
October Band
A Note from the Band Room...
Band News
We have been super busy in the band room so far this year! Here’s a little recap on what’s happened so far and what to
look forward to.
6th grade band
We are so excited about the large 6th grade class and their progress so far. Everyone has learned how to put their instruments together, maintain their instruments, and play the first three notes in the book. We will be playing Hot Cross
Bun in no time!
Please make sure your child is practicing at home to reinforce what he learned in class. This is the key to success!
7th grade band
7th grade just completed their first playing test of the year. We are going to be focusing on major scales for the month
of October. We would like to ask all parents to please continue to support your child with home practice. Practice
cards have been underway for a few weeks now, so please make sure you are seeing it every week. We have lots in
store for 7th grade this year; they are a strong group of musicians!
8th grade band
Our 8th graders that joined Colonial Forge’s marching band on Friday, September 25th had a blast! Our students were
able to play fun stands tunes during the game, get more information about marching band from the actual members, and
saw two different marching shows. Thank you to Mrs. Serraro, Mrs. Piner, and Mrs. Berry for accompanying our group
as chaperones. What a night to remember!
Dates to remember for 7th & 8th Grade:
All County Band auditions – Monday, November 2nd at Shirley Heim M.S.
All County Band event – Friday and Saturday November 13th-14th at Stafford H.S.
Fall desert fundraiser kick off – November 16th, 2009
All-County is not required, but highly encouraged. Our students have always placed well and we fully prepare the
children in class.
Thank you to all our students for a great start to this new school year. Please feel free to contact either directory for
Timothy Turner
Surima Duckworth
Page 16
Spotlight on Drama
Support Thompson Drama
Buy a Drama T-Shirt $15
See any drama class fusion page for an order form
Or email Mrs. Stone at stonem@staffordschools.net
Page 17
Head Coach: Mark Walker
Assistant Coach: Jon Barr
Assistant Coach: Jeff Fields
Head Coach: Laura Bayne
Assistant Coach: Laura Eley
Field Hockey
Sep 30
Oct 7
Oct 14
Sep 29
Oct 5
Oct 7
Oct 20
Oct 14
Oct 28
HH Poole
Oct 16
HH Poole
Nov 4
Oct 19
Nov 10
AG Wright
Oct 21
AG Wright
Practice is from 3:10—5:00
♦ Players should be picked up by 5:30
B Game Begins @ 3:30 p.m.
A Game Begins @ 4:00 p.m.
Admission—$2.00 Students/Adults
Non-elementary/Senior Citizens FREE
Any questions, contact Angela Harding, Athletic Director @
Page 18
PTO Pages...
PTO Calendar-Upcoming Events
October 19-PTO Meeting @ 6:oo p.m.
October 27-October 29—Candy Grams
October 30—Harvest Dance
The PTO Nominating Committee is looking for interested volunteers to fill positions for the 20092010 PTO Executive Board. The offices of the PTO are as follows:
President– Kelly Elliott
Vice President, Fundraising—Position Open
Vice President, Membership– Debbie Duvane
Secretary - Kim Baird
Treasurer– Lori Ulizio
Executive Vice President—Dr. Andrew Grider
Facult Representative– Eileen Godwin
All “A” Honor Roll– Mary Ellen Hutcherson
Annual Fundraiser—Lori Hunter
Baking—Meredith Smith
Book Fair-Debbie Duvane
CandyGrams-Julie Platt
Box Tops/Newsletter/Nominating-Terri Everhart
School Dances-Janet Bautch
School Store-Angie Weigert
Science Fair-Ken Hutcherson
Spirit Wear—Mary-Ellen Samuelsen
Staff Appreciation Website– Tina DeBoeser
2009-2010 PTO Business Members
Monarch Pool Care
Greystone Masonry
The Log Cabin Restaurant
Rappahannock Orthodontics
Amyclae Dance Academy
Lupi Orthodontics
Stitches By Julie
A7C Travel Services
Naturally Chiropractic
Wen McNally Photography
Page 19
“Did You Know?”
Did you know Stafford County has a Parent Resource Center
and you can use it too?
What is a Parent Resource
The Parent Resource Center (PRC) is an information center for Stafford County families and others concerned
with the education and care of children with disabilities.
The center is open to any family who resides in Stafford
County. The primary goal of the PRC staff is to promote the parent/teacher partnership in all activities.
The PRC provides:
• Workshops for families and educators
• Newsletter to inform families of current issues in
special education and resources available locally
• Referral services to help families locate local, state,
and national agencies
• A lending library of books, DVDs, videotapes, and
information on various disabilities
Support through listening and problem-solving with
The Parent Resource Center is located at
37 Stafford Ave.
Stafford, VA 22554
(540) 658-6710
(540) 658-6455 fax
The PRC is open when SCPS schools are in session.
8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
4th Saturday of the month (by appointment)
9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Feel free to call for an appointment or stop by for a
PRC Resources and
What we can do for
We maintain a lending library that serves as a resource
to parents, staff and students. Approximately 2,000
books, DVDs and other materials addressing various
topics and disabilities are available to be checked out.
Our materials cover the following topics:
Asperger’s Syndrome
Behavioral Problems
Disability Awareness
Down Syndrome
Early Childhood
Emotional Disturbance
Leukemia, Cancer
and other diseases
Family Life
Gifted students
Learning Disabilities
Hearing Impairments
Special Education Law
Mental Health- OCD, Bipolar,
Other disabilities:
Tourette’s, Fragile X, Central
Auditory Processing, Nonverbal Learning Disorders,
Response to Intervention
Self Esteem
Sensory Integration
Severe and Multiple Disabilities
Social Skills
Study Skills
Vision Impairments
The PRC also offers yearly workshops on various topics. Our workshops this year include topics such as:
Homework Doesn’t Have to be a Hassle
Invisible Disabilities
The PRC has two staff members, an Educator Coordinator and a Parent Coordinator.
Special Needs Trusts
Rebecca Leggitt, the Educator Coordinator, has been
with the PRC since 2000. She has ten years of teaching
experience in Special Education. She has taught elementary through high school Special Education and has
worked in the fields of Cognitive Disabilities, Learning
Disabilities, Medically Fragile, and Twice Exceptional
(gifted with learning and/or behavioral problems). She
is also the proud mother of a son with special needs.
Planning for the Summer
Monthly “Brown Bag” lunch workshops covering a variety of topics
Bi-Monthly and by appointment- Boardmaker training
One on one “Understanding the IEP Process”
Let us introduce ourselves
Joyce Resh, the Parent Coordinator, has been with the
PRC since 2003. Her background includes being the
proud mother of two sons, both of whom, receive Special Education services through SCPS.
There will also be additional workshops added
throughout the year. We also maintain a list of
tutors in our county. The lists are divided into K-2,
3-5, middle school and high school. Call us and
we will email you a current list .
Page 20
Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
2009-2010 Meeting Dates
Sept. 14
Feb. 2
Oct. 6
Nov. 3
Dec. 1
Jan. 5
March 2
April 13
May 4
June 1
Alvin York Bandy Administrative Complex
Professional Development Center
31 Stafford Avenue, Stafford, VA 22554
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
We welcome you to join us. The Special Education Advisory Committee meets monthly to address
the needs of students with disabilities in our schools. The Committee also assists in the
development of long range plans and may advise the school board on the educational needs of
these students. All meetings are open to the public.
Brian Alden, Chair 540-374-1065
Garrisonville District
Jeff Spinnanger 540-368-1968
Falmouth District
Jennifer Lockwood (540) 720-0734)
Garrisonville District
Teresa O’Meara, Vice Chairman 540-659-5488 Tara Taffera, Secretary 540-657-5338
Rockhill District
Aquia District
Denise Thornton 540-659-9730
Griffis-Widewater District
Ellyn Beiler 540-899-2950
George Washington District
Kim Lett 540-834-7104
Hartwood District
Angela Lundy (540) 720-2061
Griffis-Widewater District
Page 21
Rodney E. Thompson Middle School
75 Walpole Street
Stafford, VA 22554
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