heartbeat fall 2015 - American Committee for Shaare Zedek Medical


heartbeat fall 2015 - American Committee for Shaare Zedek Medical
Fall 2015
Innovative Medicine in the Heart of Jerusalem
Shaare Zedek Celebrates the Opening of the
Nagel Family Inpatient Pavilion of
the Wilf Children’s Hospital
Gitta and Jack Nagel surrounded by four generations of their family at the gala dedication of the Nagel Family Inpatient Pavilion of the Wilf
Children’s Hospital at Shaare Zedek on August 20, 2015. See Page 4
Caring for our youngest patients has always been a priority at Shaare Zedek. In the above photo,
children being treated at the Hospital play outside, early 1900s.
Rachel Wolf, Chief Executive Officer
American Committee for
Medical Center in Jerusalem
Innovative Medicine in the Heart of Jerusalem
Menno Ratzker
Murray Laulicht
Laura Huberfeld
Michael G. Jesselson
Howard Jonas
Dr. Felix Glaubach
Deborah Kestenbaum
Vice President
Dr. Ronald Krinick
Alan Hirmes
Vice President
Seryl Kushner
Louise Kirschner Wolinetz
Esther Lerer
Abby Ellison Kanarek
Larry Magid
Stephen Matloff
Jack C. Bendheim
Dr. Larry Platt
Phil Friedman
Moshael Straus
Rabbi David Fuld
Aharon Watson
Francine Gani
Deborah Kestenbaum
Laura Huberfeld
Vice President
Marjorie Diener Blenden
Fran Kupietzky
Lee Weinbach
Paula Lev
Bassie Gold
Rama Seltzer
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Vice President
Sam Tuchman, Chief Financial Officer
Gregg Raderman, Controller
Robert L. Kern, Director of
Marketing & Communications
Phone: 212.764.8118
Morrie Libman, Director of Major Gifts
Sharon Goldwyn, Director
55 West 39th Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Phone: 212.764.8118
Deborah S. Gold, Director of Development
Aliza Ranish, Regional Director,
Director of Major Gifts
3275 W. Hillsboro Blvd., Suite 200
Deerfield Beach, FL 33442
Phone: 954.571.2446
Paul Jeser, Regional Director,
National Director of Major Gifts
Adam King, Community Campaign Director
8671 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 712
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Phone: 310.229.0915
Miriam Glaubach
Vice President
Robert L. Kern
Director of Marketing &
Design studio
Heartbeat is published by
the American Committee for
Shaare Zedek in Jerusalem,
a 501 (c) (3) organization.
Visit us online at:
Innovative Medicine in the Heart of Jerusalem
Paul Jeser, Regional Director
2625 Middlefield Road, Box 581
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Phone: 310.229.0915
Shaare Zedek Medical Center
PO Box 3235
Jerusalem 91031 Israel
Phone: 02.666.6622
Fall 2015
Inside Heartbeat
President’s Message
Dear Friends,
As Rosh Hashana and the year
5776 draw near, I would like to
reflect on the successes that we
achieved together during this
past year.
President’s Message
Opening of Nagel Family Inpatient Pavilion
As it has for more than 113
years, Shaare Zedek continues
to serve the medical needs
of Jerusalem’s unique and
diverse population. From
groundbreaking new surgeries
and treatments, including
Murray J. Laulicht
some that were performed
for the first time in Israel, to
significant medical research and development, Shaare Zedek has
distinguished itself both within Israel and throughout the world.
Shaare Zedek continues to provide its patients with “Innovative
Medicine in the Heart of Jerusalem,” along with its well-known
compassionate and individualized approach. Shaare Zedek is
indeed the “Hospital with a Heart in the Heart of Jerusalem.”
Building upon our achievements, we celebrated the formal
dedication of the Nagel Family Pediatric Pavilion on the 7th
Floor of our new Wilf Children’s Hospital. This magnificent
facility will enable us to take care of our pediatric patients using
the most modern equipment and therapies in a wonderful
environment. From the finest doctors and nurses, to classrooms
and books, to clowns and animals, the children will have it all.
Unfortunately, terror attacks in the Jerusalem area continued
throughout the past year and Shaare Zedek’s renowned
Weinstock Family Department of Emergency Medicine on the
Fanya Gottesfeld Heller Floor has responded by providing the
highest level of urgent care, saving the lives of many patients
who had been given little chance of survival.
Shaare Zedek’s outstanding reputation and record of success
enabled The American Committee for Shaare Zedek to achieve
one of the most successful years in its history. Thanks to our
extremely generous donors and our wonderful professional team,
we surpassed our campaign goal as we raised more than $22
million in our fiscal year ending June 30, 2015. As a result, we
transferred a record amount of money to the Hospital.
National Women’s Division Annual
Spring Luncheon
Women’s Health Day in NYC
Around the Regions
Visiting Shaare Zedek
Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Next Generation Building Sponsorships
Save the Dates
Spectacular Riverboat Cruise
This remarkable achievement was accomplished thanks to all of
you, our donors, large and small. From those who helped to build
our Next Generation Building to everyone who participated in
our active schedule of National, Women’s Division, Regional,
College and Next Generation events, as well as the NY City
Marathon and Triathlon. Your dedication and support made
our campaign success possible and, in turn, is responsible for
the continued growth and medical excellence of Shaare Zedek.
On behalf of the entire Shaare Zedek family, I want to wish you
and your loved ones a joyous and healthy Shana Tova. May the
New Year 5776 see the Hospital continue to grow and excel,
with no victims of war or terror to treat, and may it be a year of
peace and happiness for us and all Israel.
Down the Danube + 3 Days in Prague
August 19-29.2016.
Details to follow shortly
Murray J. Laulicht
Heartbeat American Committee for Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem
Shaare Zedek Celebrates the Opening of the
Nagel Family Inpatient Pavilion of the
Wilf Children’s Hospital
On August 20th, 2015 Shaare Zedek marked the opening of the
Nagel Family Inpatient Pavilion of the Wilf Children’s Hospital with
a gala dedication ceremony. The gift was made possible through the
generosity of Drs. Gitta and Jack Nagel of Los Angeles, who were
joined by four generations and over 40 members of their family.
The day began with their son, Dr. Ronald Nagel leading ground
rounds with a lecture on childhood obesity. In the afternoon, the
family took a private tour of the new facility where they affixed a
mezuzah to the entrance of the unit and uncovered their plaques.
The Nagel grandchildren and great-grandchildren were each given
balloons and went door to door, presenting them to the children
being treated in the Hospital.
As part of the tour the family was able to see the extraordinary
attention to detail found throughout the Children’s Hospital,
including the aesthetic of the floor, as well as the focus on healing
the body as well as the soul of every patient. Escorted by Shaare
Zedek’s famed medical clowns, the tour included visits to the
pediatric intensive care unit, the pet therapy area, the music room,
the art therapy room, and the school created for children who
miss school because of their hospitalization or frequent visits. Jack
Nagel shared, “One of the things that impressed me most was the
availability of nine private sleeping quarters for parents of critically
ill children who live far from Jerusalem and cannot easily commute
three times a day. In addition, each patient room is equipped with
a ‘sleeping chair’ adjacent to the crib or bed of their loved one. The
understanding that treating a child means taking care of the entire
family unit was incredibly poignant and heartening.”
Following the visit, the family descended to the main floor for a
reception, followed by a celebratory dinner outside of the Children’s
Dr. Jack Nagel affixes a mezuzah to the entrance of the Nagel Family
Inpatient Pavilion
Hospital, which welcomed more than 150 guests. The evening was
full of surprises and emotion including fabulous clown emcees,
acrobats who performed daring rappelling moves off of the side
of the new building, a sand artist, a pyrotechnics juggling act, a
toast from the Nagels’ son David, addresses from the DirectorGeneral of Shaare Zedek Prof. Jonathan Halevy, Jerusalem Mayor
Nir Barkat, Deputy Minister of Health Yaakov Litzman, and
American Committee CEO Rachel Wolf. A presentation that
was especially meaningful was given by the Nagels’ granddaughter
Jessica Yunger. One of the most emotional moments of the evening
came when the mother of a child who had recently been treated on
the new floor came to the stage and thanked the Nagels for their
incredible dedication which helped heal her child in such a special
environment. The evening concluded with festive dancing with the
Israeli flag and finally the release of 100 dove balloons as everyone
sang the “Hatikvah.”
Gitta Nagel explained, “I don’t think there has ever been such a
show of magnificent fanfare, which combined excitement, warmth
and above all else, love. The new Nagel Family Pediatric Inpatient
Pavilion in Shaare Zedek’s wonderful new medical wonderland
is a place of life for the children of Jerusalem and the future of
Israel. How proud we can all be of this spectacular jewel that ranks
amongst the top hospitals anywhere in the world.”
In the coming months, the Friedman Family 6th Floor Outpatient
Pavilion will open, welcoming an exciting new future for the children of
Jerusalem and Israel. This gift was made possible through the incredible
generosity of Lea and Rabbi Jacob Friedman of Los Angeles, CA. There
will be a special dedication of the floor taking place over Chanukah,
which we will feature in our next issue of Heartbeat.
Drs. Gitta and Jack Nagel
The bright, child-friendly colors and layout of the Nagel Family Inpatient Pavilion were carefully designed to benefit patients, staff and visitors
Innovative Medicine in the Heart of Jerusalem
Nagel grandchildren and great-grandchildren visiting
children being treated
Jack Nagel, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, Gitta Nagel and Shaare Zedek Medical
Center Director-General Prof. Jonathan Halevy
The Next Generation Building, at right, houses many components
including the Wilf Children’s Hospital and the Nagel Family Inpatient
Jack Nagel celebrates
Shaare Zedek’s famed medical clowns emceed the gala reception
Acrobats rappelled down the side of the new Next Generation Building
Heartbeat American Committee for Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem
Gitta and Jack Nagel with the Hospital’s medical clowns
Pyrotechnics jugglers perform at the reception
Four generations celebrate
Dancing at the reception
A sand artist created an interactive portrait of the Nagels
Innovative Medicine in the Heart of Jerusalem
As guests sang the Hatikvah, 100 dove balloons were released
Shaare Zedek Personnel Save Lives in Earthquake-Ravaged Nepal
Under the command of Shaare Zedek’s Deputy Director-General
Dr. Ofer Merin, the IDF Field Hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal
opened its doors and began receiving patients on April 29th – just
four days after the 7.8 magnitude Nepal earthquake that ultimately
claimed the lives of more than 9,000 people and injured more than
Dr. Merin is a veteran of IDF medical relief operations, having
supervised field hospitals in all the recent overseas disasters as well
as the IDF Field Hospital which had been established on Israel’s
northern border for the treatment of victims of the Syrian civil war.
Also joining in the Shaare Zedek delegation to the IDF Hospital
in Nepal was Director-General Prof. Jonathan Halevy who was
charged with directing the Internal Medicine Wing within the IDF
Field Hospital. Shaare Zedek sent one of the biggest delegations
for this humanitarian effort.
During its 10 days of operation, the 60-bed IDF Field Hospital
treated 1,600 patients, performed 85 medical surgeries, delivered
eight babies and brought comfort to hundreds of people devastated
by this earthquake.
At the Hospital’s closing ceremony, the Nepalese Urban
Development Minister, Narayan Khan, expressed his government’s
thanks to Israel, saying, “Let me express our sincere gratitude to the
government of Israel and to the people of Israel for helping us during
these very critical hours for Nepal.”
Shaare Zedek personnel serving with the IDF Field Hospital in
Kathmandu. Back row: Dr. Harel Arzi, Orthopedist, Spine Unit; Dr.
Ofer Merin, Shaare Zedek Deputy Director-General and Director of
the IDF Field Hospital in Nepal; Prof. Jonathan Halevy, DirectorGeneral of Shaare Zedek and Director of Internal Medicine in Nepal;
Deganit Kovliner, Trauma Nurse in ER; Dr Tamar Lachish, Infectious
Diseases; and Sergei Nazarov, Operating Theater Nurse. Front row: Dr.
Avi Alpert, Emergency Medicine; Prof Amos Peyser, Director of the
Department of Orthopedics; Dr. Sefi Mendelovich, Pediatric Medicine;
and Dr. Giora Weiser, Pediatric Medicine.
Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin said, “Dear delegation, dear
commanders, rescuers - you are the pride of the country, all of you.”
He continued, “I have been following your impressive work from the
moment you landed on Nepal’s shaky ground and I have you in my
thoughts with both concern and pride. Your delegation embodies all
of the state’s universal values - giving, morality, loving every person
for their sheer humanity.”
USAID and Shaare Zedek Doctors Save Nepalese Boy
American emergency rescue workers dispatched to Nepal following
that nation’s devastating earthquake on April 25 pulled a “miracle”
survivor out of ten feet of rubble where he had been trapped for
five days.
The rescue workers, from Los Angeles and Fairfax, VA, were part
of the 130-member team sent by the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID). They worked with car jacks,
miner’s lamps, glow sticks and small blades to cut through the metal
and concrete to reach Pemba Tamang who was working in a sevenstory building when it collapsed.
USAID and Nepalese rescue workers removed Pemba Tamang after he
survived five days under a collapsed seven story building
Pamang was rushed to the IDF Field Hospital in Kathmandu where
Dr. Avi Alpert, from Shaare Zedek’s Weinstock Family Department
of Emergency Medicine on the Fanya Gottesman Heller Floor,
jumped into action. “He came to our Department and we stabilized
him quickly,” recounted Dr. Alpert. “We ran his blood tests and
ultrasounds. He was conscious . . . It’s a true miracle and we wish
him a lot of luck.”
This represents just another example of the incredible partnership
between Shaare Zedek and USAID.
Pemba Temang being treated at the IDF Field Hospital by Shaare
Zedek’s Dr. Avi Alpert
Heartbeat American Committee for Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem
Shaare Zedek Physician Named Ministry of Health Chief of Staff
Dr. Sefi Mendelovich, a senior physician in the Department of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at Shaare Zedek,
has been named Chief of Staff for the Director-General of Israel’s Ministry of Health. While serving in the
Ministry he will also retain his position at the Hospital.
For the past several months, Dr. Mendelovich has been an assistant to Shaare Zedek Director-General Prof.
Jonathan Halevy and was also a medical adviser to former Health Ministry Director-General Prof. Arnon Afek.
He started working at the ministry’s headquarters on July 1st.
“Sefi is a rising star in Israeli medicine,” said Prof. Halevy. “He is
an excellent physician and administrator, honest, devoted and a
man of values.”
Dr. Mendelovich is a physician in an elite reserve unit of the Israel Dr. Sefi Mendelovich
Defense Forces (IDF). He also founded the prestigious Inbar
program, which is developing a future generation of leaders for Israel’s medical system.
Dr. Sefi Mendelovich treating a baby in the
IDF Field Hospital in Nepal, May 2015
Dr. Mendelovich recently returned from Kathmandu, Nepal, where he was a member of the IDF Field
Hospital team that treated victims of that country’s massive earthquake in April. Mendelovich was
also part of the IDF team that established a Field Hospital in the Philippines in November 2013 after
it was devastated by Typhoon Haiyan.
A Thank You Letter to the NICU
This letter was written by an Arab mother whose newborn tragically passed away while being treated in the new Huberfeld Neonatal Intensive
Care Unit (NICU) in the Next Generation Building. We think you will agree that Shaare Zedek offers an “oasis of kindness” where differences
and conflicts are left outside the doors of the Hospital.
Jerusalem, February 2015
It is with a heavy heart that I’m writing you this thank you note. As you know, my precious baby
girl passed away six days before she turned a month old. Although we were all prepared for her
not to live a long life, we definitely were not expecting it to be this short, especially with the new
diagnosis we had been given. Yet, such is life.
A constant reminder of things we can and cannot control. Countless times I was told to abort
while pregnant, that her life expectancy was very short, if anything at all. For whatever reason, I held on to the hope that whatever was
meant to come from her life, no matter how short, would be for good. And good it was indeed.
I was shown a generosity and kindness that I can’t properly express in words. Inside Shaare Zedek, there was no Palestinian/Israeli
struggle. You all did your jobs like angels sent from G-d. My child was not shown any less love than the sweet Jewish boy next to her. You
smiled and loved my daughter like any other child being cared for. You all have restored my belief in the goodness of humanity, which we
are all working for the betterment of our children. Our daughter was named according to the Arabic word for faith, and it’s exactly what
gives meaning to our lives. Even in the darkest days, it’s our belief in faith that things will get better, that we can handle our sorrows, and
overcome the obstacles we face.
If I could thank each of you individually, trust me that I would. I grew so accustomed to seeing you all more than my own family. You will
never fully know the appreciation I have for the job that you do. There is a bond that grows between you all and the parents in the NICU,
no doubt about it. So if I happen to see you around sometime, don’t be surprised if I stop you to say hello! After all, you were such a huge
part of my life and for that I will forever be grateful.
Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for the kindness you not only showed me, my husband, and my family... but for your
unrelenting support and encouragement you gave to my precious baby girl, Faith.
Sincerely yours, N.N.
Innovative Medicine in the Heart of Jerusalem
New Ultrasound Installed
Thanks to USAID-ASHA
Shaare Zedek Wants its Newborns
to Arrive Home Safely
Shaare Zedek is pioneering a new car seat lending program to ensure that all babies born
at the Hospital go home safely.
Working with the taxi company, “Hapisga,” which has a station adjacent to the Hospital,
Shaare Zedek has initiated “Safe Taxi” (Monit Batucha) by providing a number of infant
car seats for newborns to use when they leave the Hospital for home. These “Safe Taxis”
display a special decal, stating that they transport children in child safety seats. The seats
are then returned at the end of the day.
Every new couple who leaves Shaare Zedek receives
a sticker to remind them to buckle up their babies.
Shaare Zedek also introduced another program,
which began last year, with 140 car seats
available for families to borrow by leaving a
deposit. The seats are to be returned within
six months.
Shaare Zedek Medical Center recently installed 20
state-of-the-art ultrasound devices throughout the
Hospital. They were acquired, in part, thanks to the
generous support of USAID/ASHA (United States
Agency for International Development/American
Schools and Hospitals Abroad).
In 2014, 22,417 babies were born at Shaare
Zedek, the most of any hospital in the western
The middle of the sticker reads “Safe Taxi.” The top of the circle states,
“This taxi only drives babies in a safety seat.” At the bottom, next to the
logo, “Shaare Zedek Medical Center is taking care of your baby’s safety.”
Jerusalem’s Busiest ER Treats Terror Victims,
Performs Miracles
A border policeman was critically wounded on Sunday, June 21st, when a terrorist stabbed
him at the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem’s Old City. The policeman, who managed to shoot
and kill his assailant, was rushed to Shaare Zedek in critical condition with wounds to his
neck and chest and placed in a medically-induced coma.
The next day Dr. Ofer Merin, Deputy Director-General and Head of the Trauma Unit at
Shaare Zedek shared with the media news of the miraculous recovery of the 20 year-old
border policeman.
Dr. Merin said, “I have seen thousands of wounded throughout my medical career and
I can tell you this is one of the most dramatic cases. He arrived here unconscious and
without blood pressure, after the stabbing punctured a hole in his heart. He was one step
from death, but he has recovered amazingly. He’s awake, communicative and is in good
and stable condition. There is no immediate danger to his life after he was on the edge
of the abyss. It is incredible. The quick diagnosis at the Hospital made the difference
between life and death.”
Wounded police officer, with Dr. Ofer Merin and
Rabbi Yehuda Glick, signal “thumbs-up” for his
On August 9th, an Israeli man was stabbed while checking the air pressure in his car’s tires.
The Israel Defense Forces said that the 26 year-old man, Yehuda Ben Moyal, was attacked
by four Palestinian assailants at a gas station on Route 443, near Modi’in. IDF soldiers
opened fire and killed one of the suspects as he tried to escape.
The victim, Yehuda Ben Moyal, who is married with four children, was stabbed five times.
He was transported to Shaare Zedek Medical in serious condition, but he is expected to
make a full recovery.
Yehuda Ben Moyal recovers at Shaare Zedek after
being stabbed five times by a Palestinian assailant
Heartbeat American Committee for Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem
Laughter May Well Be
The Best Medicine
A new study conducted at Shaare Zedek found that laughter might
very well be the best medicine.
Children undergoing outpatient urologic surgery at Shaare
Zedek were divided into two groups; in one group the surgical
team included
a “m e d i ca l
clown” in the
room, while
the other
group did
not have
clowns. The
results suggest
that a funny
can make a
serious impact by lessening the young patient’s anxiety before and
after the procedure, shortening the amount of time in the OR, as
well as lowering their levels of pain and shortening their hospital
The resulting reduction in surgery time and recovery time even led
to a cost savings of more than $461 per patient.
The study, by Dr. Stanislav Kocherov of the Department of Pediatric
Urology at Shaare Zedek, was presented by Prof. Boris Chertin
on Friday, May 15th, 2015 at the annual meeting of the American
Urological Association (AUA) in New Orleans.
Doctor Awarded
Yakir Yerushalayim Prize
Surgery at Shaare Zedek
While in the past, surgeons operated on patients to repair and
remove diseased or damaged organs, today more than 60% of
operations are performed by laparoscopy. Laparoscopic surgery
results in less pain and bleeding, minimal or no scarring and a
shorter recovery time for patients.
Shaare Zedek surgeons performing one of the nearly 30,000 operations
that took place in the Hospital in 2014
Prof. Jonathan Halevy, the Director-General of Shaare Zedek said,
“We have the largest surgical facilities in the capital and are among
the biggest in Israel.” Prof. Petachia Reissman, Chairman of the
Department of General Surgery at Shaare Zedek shared, “We deal
with 70 patients a day, with a team of 17 senior surgeons, 13 medical
residents, 41 nurses and auxiliary staffers, social workers, interns,
medical and nursing students and clinical dietitians. We recently
spent $30 million on building and equipping new operating rooms.
Ours is the only surgical branch in Israel to be invited to participate
in the prestigious Innovations in Surgery International Forum that
meets once a week by video conference.”
Anika Schwarz, the chief nurse in the surgical branch, explained
that Shaare Zedek gives a lot of personal attention to the patients
and their families. Nurses sit in groups and individually with each
patient, explaining what happens during an operation and how to
prepare and cope for the recovery both in the hospital and at home.
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doing this, you will receive updates in your News Feed as we post
them, and you can also go to our page and learn more about us.
Prof. Arie Leopold Durst was one of 12 people awarded the Yakir
Yerushalayim Prize (an annual citizenship award) on Jerusalem
Day, May 17, 2015. Prof. Durst was born in Poland and survived the
Holocaust. His medical career started 55 years ago during his army
service. Formerly the Head of Surgery at Bikur Cholim, today he
operates and consults on complicated surgeries at both Shaare Zedek
Innovative Medicine in the Heart of Jerusalem
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Go to our Twitter page and "Follow" us as we "tweet" developments
at Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem and information
about The American Committee for Shaare Zedek.
Recession-Proof Retirement
Ensuring Your Future is Just a Step Away
What is a Shaare Zedek Gift Annuity?
It’s a contract under which the American Committee for Shaare
Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem commits to paying a fixedrate lifetime annuity to one or two individuals in exchange for a
contribution of cash or marketable securities. The fixed annuity rate
is based on the age(s) of the annuitants and is drawn from Shaare
Zedek’s gift annuity tables for one life or two lives.
Why Purchase One Now?
In these difficult times, individuals need to be sure that their fixed
income investments are secure, and that the rates they receive are
high enough to help them with their costs of living during retirement. Solid charitable organizations like the American Committee have
been making regular and timely payments to annuitants for years
during all kinds of investment markets. Our gift annuity reserve
fund, required to be sufficient under regulations of the New York
State Insurance Department, assures our annuitants that their
payments will always be made.
What are the Shaare Zedek
Gift Annuity Rates?
Our rates are generous - among the highest available. Here are
some sample one-life rates:
Tax-free Portion
of Annual Annuity*
*assumes a contribution made in cash in September 2013
I set up a Shaare Zedek Charitable Gift Annuity together with my wife Trudy, z”l, because we wanted to
find a way to make a lasting difference for this vital institution in Jerusalem, while also making a smart,
mutually beneficial financial decision. Our motto has always been to give with “a warm hand”. The
American Committee for Shaare Zedek’s reputation for transparency, financial acuity and personalized
donor service allows me to have peace of mind knowing that my donation is in good hands and will be
used for years to its maximum capacity for the betterment of the people of Jerusalem and Israel.
Lou Kestenbaum
Los Angeles, CA
How Can You Find Out More:
Please call our Chief Financial Officer, Samuel Tuchman, at 212-764-8057, fax to 212-221-0958
or email stuchman@acsz.org, with your date(s) of birth and he will promptly send you
a confidential calculation of the benefits you will receive. That’s all it takes. No obligation.
Now, more than ever, a Shaare Zedek Gift Annuity may be the safe philanthropic
life-income investment you need to make.
Heartbeat American Committee for Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem
National Women’s Division
Annual Spring Luncheon
The National Women’s Division Annual Spring Luncheon was held on June 10th, 2015 at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in Battery Park, NYC.
The event, which honored Fran Kupietzky, who has been an active member of Women’s Division for 25 years; Marjorie Diener Blenden, Women’s
Division Co-Chair, and famed cookbook author and celebrity chef Susie Fishbein, drew a crowd of more than 250. Famed attorney Benjamin
Brafman, an eloquent voice for Israel and principal of the firm Brafman & Associates, P.C., , served as the engaging and dynamic keynote speaker.
CEO Rachel Wolf, Luncheon Chair Paula Lev, Honoree and
Women’s Division Vice President Fran Kupietzky, Women’s
Division President Debbie Kestenbaum, Honoree Susie Fishbein
and Director of the Northeast Region Sharon Goldwyn
Linda Laulicht and Marilyn
Alisa Sorkin, Marjorie Diener Blenden, Susan Goldsmith, Dr. Miriam
Glaubach, Bassie Gold and Pammy Salamon
Rebecca Rosenbaum, Rose Romerovski and
Fran Kupietzky
Lillian Adler, Linda Rothschild, Rita Schlussel, National Board Chair
Menno Ratzker and Renee Schreiber
Sharon Goldwyn, Fran Kupietzky and
Rachel Wolf
Greta Hirmes and Sharon Goldwyn
Innovative Medicine in the Heart of Jerusalem
Honorees Susie Fishbein, Marjorie Diener
Blenden and Fran Kupietzky
Fran Kupietzky, Helen Ratzker, Louise Wolinetz,
Renee Schreiber and Hadassah Bienenfeld
Honoree Marjorie Diener Blenden and Family
Dyana Beretz, Suzanne Beretz and Anita
Keynote speaker Benjamin Brafman, Fran
Kupietzky and Ingeborg Rennert
Barbara Zimet, Judy Tuchman, Maguy
Naparstek and Gloria Kaylie
National Board member Esther Lerer with
Fran and Jonah Kupietzky
Tammy Bryk, Monica Glaubach, Dr. Miriam
Glaubach and Ariel Glaubach
Honoree Susie Fishbein with family and friends
Esther Felsen, Hadassah Bienenfeld, Marisa Stadtmauer, Susie Fishbein
and Barbara Schlussel
Director of the
Southeast Region
Aliza Ranish and
Rose Zarucki
Dr. Monique C. and
Mordecai D. Katz
Dr. Fanya Gottesfeld
Heller and CEO
Rachel Wolf
Honoree Fran Kupietzky and Family
Carole Lowenthal, Yonina Gomberg, Dara Orbach, Gail Propp and Dr.
Rama Koslowe
Heartbeat American Committee for Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem
Michele Wolf and Rachel Wolf
Margie Hersch with Director of Major Gifts
Morrie Libman
Ellen Wasserman and Zelda Berger
Cheryl Gluck and Fran Kupietzky
Southeast Director of Major Gifts Debbie Gold and Ann Kuppermann
Tammy Shatz, Sandy Seligsohn and Harriet Schimel
Monica Glaubach, Gloria Kaylie and Melodie Scharf
Innovative Medicine in the Heart of Jerusalem
Paula Lev, Jeanine Schreiber, Renee Schreiber, Ruth Shapiro and Judy
Women’s Health Day in NYC
The annual Shaare Zedek Women’s Health Day was held on Wednesday, March 18th, 2015 at The New York Academy of Medicine. The event,
which was co-chaired by Randi Luxenberg, Gail Propp and Ruth Shapiro, drew a crowd of 230 women from throughout the tri-state area. A
highlight of the day was the keynote address by Dr. Ofer Merin, Shaare Zedek’s Deputy Director-General, who spoke about “Treating Victims
of Terror and Natural Disasters.” The informative and memorable day included breakout sessions with Dr. Burton Cohen (radiology), Dr. Victor
Fornari (eating disorders), Dr. Richard Grazi (fertility), and Dr. Fugen Neziroglu (behavioral therapy), as well as a delicious buffet lunch and
boutique vendors.
All proceeds from the event were dedicated to support the Wilf Children’s Hospital.
Health Day Co-Chair, Committee Chair, Vendor Chair and Women’s
Division Board Member Randi Luxenberg and NY Regional Director
Sharon Goldwyn
Women’s Division President Deborah Kestenbaum and Women’s
Division Board Members Arielle Tradburks and Atara Chesir
Back Row: Women’s Division Board Members Pamela Salamon, Rama
Koslowe and Rose Friedman and Erika Sauerhoff Front Row: Women’s
Division Vice President Bassie Gold, Women’s Division Board Member
Gabrielle Propp, Rosalie Margolis and Women’s Division Co-Chair
Marjorie Blenden
Sophia Gomberg, Women’s Division Board Member Yonina Gomberg,
Marci Lefkovits, Women’s Division Board Member Dara Orbach,
Barbara Listhaus and Liat Matthew
Rachel Lyons, Women’s Division Board Member Tiki Lyons and
Women’s Division Executive Vice President Fran Kupietzky
Health Day Community Chair Rhonda Luxenberg, Debbie Alpert, and
Etty Levy
Heartbeat American Committee for Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem
Back Row: Michelle Spiegel, Esther Lipner, Shirley Podolsky, Health Day
Co-Chair, Committee Chair, Vendor Chair and Women’s Division Board
Member Randi Luxenberg, Health Day Community Chair Peri Lyman,
Sharon Greengrass and Debbi Ehrman Front Row: Joan Luxenberg,
Meryl Arbisfeld, Lauren Tabaksblat, Rebecca Fischman and Gail Steiner
Back Row: Malky Spector, Health Day Community Chair Ann Cohn,
Lisa Kirschner, Health Day Community Chair Beth Alter, Diane
Rosenthal, Judi Eisenman, Shevi Cohen, Wendy Riback and Blanche
Schnee Front Row: Sheri Fisch, Daniela Fisch, Loren Daitch and Gail
Women’s Division Board Member Elissa Ordan, Adrienne Goldfeder,
Alice Lebowitz and Eliane Schoenbach
Johanna Guttman, Alyssa Zanger, National Board Member Laura
Huberfeld and Judith Goldberg
Back Row: Chaya Weinreb, Tova Feiner-Saks and Rivka Feiner
Front Row: Mimi Weingarten and Health Day Community Chair
Phyllis Weingarten
Back Row: Women’s Division Board Members Careena Parker and
Esther Lerer and Michelle Weitzner Front Row: Roni Blinder, Women’s
Division Board Member Drorit Ratzker and Jill Schwalbe
Women’s Division Board Member Tammy Shatz, Sandy Trencher and
Gloria Levenfus
Dr. Ofer Merin
Innovative Medicine in the Heart of Jerusalem
Health Day speaker Dr. Fugen
Neziroglu with Health Day
Co-Chair and Women’s Division
Board Member Gail Propp
Around the Regions
Northeast Region
Celebrate Israel Parade 2015
On May 31st, a festive group of Shaare Zedek supporters
floated down Fifth Avenue during the Celebrate Israel Parade
2015, wearing our signature doctor shirts, while waving to the
cheering, flag-waving crowds . We were honored to be joined
by Director-General Prof. Jonathan Halevy.
Avi Jacobowitz, Ellie Karp, Naomi Goldman, Rachel Wolf,
Andrew Borodach and Stacey Karp
Ilana Mendelsberg, Yosef Mendelsberg, Aharon Watson, Sammy
Salamon, Jason Salamon and Willie Salamon
The Shaare Zedek Float
Morris Bildirici and Susan Canter
The Tuchman Family carrying the banner
Back Row: Rae Herschmann, Linda Laulicht, Louise and Harvey
Wolinetz and National Board President Murray Laulicht
Front Row: Helen and National Board Chair Menno Ratzker
American Committee President Murray Laulicht with DirectorGeneral Prof. Jonathan Halevy
Heartbeat American Committee for Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem
Around the Regions
Northeast Region
Team Shaare Zedek
NYC Triathlon
Team Shaare Zedek successfully completed this
year’s Panasonic NYC Triathlon that took place
on July 19th, 2015. Our triathletes finished a
1,500m swim, 40k bike ride and 10k run, while
raising funds for Shaare Zedek.
We thank our team members Ran Kaufman,
Jordan Kestenbaum and Ashley Small, as well
as Brandon Schwartz, who represented Shaare
Zedek in the Ironman 70.3.
Ran Kaufman
Around the Regions
Jordan Kestenbaum
Ashley Small
Brandon Schwartz
Southeast Region
Dessert Reception Features Dr. Wollschlaeger
On June 1st the Southeast Region hosted a Dessert Reception at the home of Moj and Robert Danial. Members of the Host Committee
were Johana and Jackie Abraham, Michelle and Matan Ben-Aviv, Sharon and Michael Budwick, Jennifer and Joshua Dobin, Shoshana and
Dr. Daniel Robbin and Suzy and Scott Wagner.
The guest speaker for the evening was Bernd Wollschlaeger, MD, FAAFP, a board-certified family physician with a private practice in Aventura
whose father was a highly-decorated Nazi officer and tank commander during World War II. Dr. Wollschlaeger, who grew up and attended
medical school in Germany, eventually converted to Judaism and emigrated to Israel where he completed his medical training and served in
the IDF as a Medical Officer. He authored the book, “A German Life: Against All Odds Change is Possible,” which describes his struggle
growing up in Germany in the shadow of his father.
Debbie Gold presented an update on the Shaare Zedek doctors and nurses who took part in the IDF humanitarian medical mission to Nepal,
following the April 2015 earthquake and a report on the new Next Generation Building.
Mojgan Kagan, Moj Danial and Matan and
Michelle Ben-Aviv
Host Committee members Matan and Michelle
Ben-Aviv and Suzy and Scott Wagner
Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger
Innovative Medicine in the Heart of Jerusalem
Mog Danial with Sharon and Michael
Lily and Elliot Hahn with guest speaker Dr. Bernd Wollschlaeger
Around the Regions
Western Region
Israel: What Happens Now?
The Western Region sponsored a post-election panel discussion,
“Israel: What Happens Now?” on April 15th, 2015 at the Luxe
Sunset Boulevard Hotel in Los Angeles.
Susan Freudenheim, Jewish Journal Executive Editor, served as the
evening’s moderator. The panel, featuring Jewish Journal Editor-in
Chief and Publisher Rob Eshman, Journal president David Suissa
and Journal Senior Political Editor Shmuel Rosner, captivated the
audience of 200 with their often differing assessments of Israel, US
politics and world events. During the discussion, Mr. Rosner offered
insights into the politics of coalition building while Mr. Eshman
and Mr. Suissa took opposite stances in discussing the potential US
deal with Iran.
The event, which was cosponsored by the Luxe Hotels and LA Jewish
Journal, was hosted by Efrem Harkham, CEO of Luxe Hotels and
chaired by Barak Raviv, Shaare Zedek’s Western Region Campaign
Advisory Council Chair.
Reception for Director-General
Prof. Jonathan Halevy
Longtime friends and supporters,
Drs. Gitta and Jack Nagel and Lou
Kestenbaum, hosted an informal
reception and dinner for Shaare
Zedek Director-General Prof.
Jonathan Halevy on Wednesday,
June 3rd when he visited Los
Angeles. The event was attended
by several Western Region donors
and leadership.
Prof. Halevy spoke about the
newly-opened Wilf Children’s
Hospital and thanked the Nagel
Family, as well as Rabbi and Mrs.
Jacob Friedman and others for
helping to make the new facility
a reality. In addition, he provided
an update on other wonderful
and important changes at Shaare
Zedek and shared his unique
experiences in Nepal as a member
of the IDF’s Field Hospital, where
he served as Director of Internal
Lou Kestenbaum
Shaare Zedek Director-General
Prof. Jonathan Halevy
Moderator Susan Freudenheim, Barak Raviv and panelists Shmuel
Rosner, David Suissa and Rob Eshman
Event Chair Barak
Raviv with Host
Efrem Harkham
Drs. Gitta and Jack Nagel
An Evening with Shaare Zedek’s
Prof. Avraham Steinberg
Barbara and Alan Gindi hosted an evening of study at their home with
Prof. Avraham Steinberg, Senior Pediatric Neurologist at Shaare Zedek,
on Wednesday, April 29th. Prof. Avraham Steinberg is the author of the
Encyclopedia of Jewish Medical Ethics, head of the editorial board of the
Talmudic Encyclopedia and one of the foremost authorities on Jewish
medical ethics.
Shaare Zedek Senior
Pediatric Neurologist
Prof. Avraham Steinberg
Alan Gindi
Heartbeat American Committee for Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem
Visiting Israel
Please visit Shaare Zedek - “The Hospital with a Heart”
If you are going to be in Israel, please join us for a private tour of the Hospital.
Prior to your visit, contact the National or local Shaare Zedek office (see page 2 for listing).
In Israel, call 02-666-6622 or email rd@szmc.org.il to set up an appointment.
Visiting Shaare Zedek Medical Center
Adam, Wendy, Julia and Dylan Modlin of New York City visited Shaare Zedek
this past Pesach to see the plaque in her honor. Dylan celebrated her Bat Mitzvah
in April 2012 with a Basketball Chesed Event at Ramaz and dedicated an
emergency bed stretcher and wheelchair to Shaare Zedek.
Dr. Robert Menachem Cooper, a doctor specializing in geriatrics,
and his wife, who is also an MD, visited Shaare Zedek in June.
The couple, who live in Baltimore, were visiting their daughter
who recently made aliya and is five months pregnant. They toured
the Medical Center, including the Geriatrics Division and were
especially interested in the advanced monitoring unit, the NICU,
the new maternity units and the new Wilf Children’s Hospital.
Because they were also interested in emergency medicine, they visited
the Pediatric and general ERs. While at Shaare Zedek, the Coopers
ran into one of Robert’s colleagues from home whose daughter had
just given birth to twins.
Patrice and Charles Katz with their twin sons Austin and Jordan,
visiting Shaare Zedek in June. The boys raised funds to donate two
wheelchairs to the Wilf Children’s Hospital.
Innovative Medicine in the Heart of Jerusalem
Gideon, Joshua, Hudi and Lawrence Askowitz of White Plains, NY visited
Shaare Zedek during Pesach. Hudi is a Women’s Division Board Member.
Gideon is planning to do a Bar Mitzvah Chesed Project to support the Hospital.
The Zigelman family visited Shaare Zedek to see the plaque dedicated in memory
of Rabbi Avraham Zigelman z”l, a longtime friend and supporter of Shaare
Zedek. We thank Aviva Zigelman for continuing her father’s legacy and for
arranging this visit. Shown are Moshe Zigelman, Michelle Zigelman, Aviva
Zigelman, Shaare Zedek clown and cousin Aharon Naiman, Reena Zigelman
and Shaindy Zigelman.
Heidi Rothberg, who
was featured in Profiles
in Giving (Heartbeat,
Fall 2014), recently
visited Shaare Zedek. She
particularly enjoyed the
pet therapy and music
therapy rooms, both
located in the Lincoln
David Abraham Pediatric
Educational Institute,
located at the center of the
Nagel Pediatric Inpatient
Chemda, Shaare Zedek’s Pet Therapist,
introduced Heidi to one of the parrots
Heidi visiting the Rothberg Pediatric
Nephrology Institute
We thank the Szlezinger family from New York and London who dedicated a Giraffe
Incubator to celebrate Joseph Szlezinger’s 80th Birthday. Pictured are Louise Szlezinger,
Kathrin Szlezinger, Gaby Szlezinger, Brooke Szlezinger, Joseph Szlezinger, Leon
Szlezinger and Jennifer Dorfman.
Terry and Joel Storch of Los Angeles visited Shaare Zedek
for the first time in June. They were particularly touched
to see the plaque dedicated to their grandparents.
Terry organized and has been running an on-going
project which, to date, has delivered more than 100 lbs.
of blankets, hats, mittens, and sweaters, knitted and
crocheted by Los Angeles area friends of Shaare Zedek for
some of the thousands of babies born at the Hospital.
During their tour, they distributed hats and booties in the
Huberfeld Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
Declan Joyce, an actor and producer who has appeared in 25 films and TV shows, recently
traveled to Israel and toured Shaare Zedek. While there, he also took time to visit patients
in several departments.
Heartbeat American Committee for Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem
Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Celebrating with Shaare Zedek
Choose Shaare Zedek Medical
Center for your Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Chesed Project
Shaare Zedek is known for its reputation of treating
patients with the highest level of care.
Austin and Jordan Katz of Los Angeles, twin sons of Patrice and Charles
Katz, held a Lemonade and Cookie Mitzvah Sale in honor of their Bar
Mitzvah at the Brentwood Farmer’s Market on Sunday, May 31st. They
also raised funds at www.acsz.org/katz and dedicated two wheelchairs to
the Wilf Children’s Hospital when they visited Shaare Zedek in June.
Your Bar/Bat Mitzvah Chesed Project can really make
a difference!
Shaare Zedek receives no government funding for new
equipment and facilities, so we rely solely on our donors’
generosity to operate this important facility in the heart
of Jerusalem. Doing a Bar/Bat Mitzvah Chesed Project
is a meaningful and fun experience that you will always
Choose a project that you will enjoy – you can also do
it with a friend!
The money you raise will support the Hospital and give
patients the care they need.
Here are ideas of what other B’nai and B’not Mitzvah have
done to help save lives at Shaare Zedek. Choose from this
list, or use your imagination and come up with your own.
Gabi Mogilner celebrated her Bat Mitzvah on May 17th with a “Beary
Special Bat Mitzvah Chesed Project.” Gabi, who is the daughter of Dr.
Alon and Myra Mogilner of New Rochelle, NY, and her friends made
100 stuffed animals during her “Build-A-Bear Chesed Project.” Gabi
also had a Bat Mitzvah website at www.acsz.org/gabi and raised funds
for a cancer recliner, two baby bassinets and one phototherapy mattress for
the Huberfeld Family Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
Car Wash
Bake Sale
Tehillim or Divrei Torah Learning Campaign
Once you choose your project, you can decide which
department to support or piece of equipment to dedicate.
Below are some suggestions:
Sarina Cohen of Brooklyn, daughter of Aaron and Felicia Cohen,
celebrated her Bat Mitzvah on April 19th with a “Build-A-Bear
Chesed Project.” Sarina, at bottom left, and her friends, heard a special
presentation about Shaare Zedek and then made stuffed animals
which will be delivered to children who are patients at the Hospital. In
addition, funds which were raised by Sarina and her friends, as well as
through her special Bat Mitzvah webpage www.acsz.org/sarina, will be
used to purchase wheelchairs for the new Wilf Children’s Hospital.
Innovative Medicine in the Heart of Jerusalem
Maternity and Pediatrics
Emergency Medicine
Cardiac Care
Any other specialty or area of medicine you’d like
For more information and for your chesed project, contact
your local ACSZ office.
Next Generation Building Sponsorships
Please help provide world-class Neonatal, Pediatric, Infertility and Women’s Health Services to the people of Israel by sponsoring a facility
or equipment in the beautiful, new eight-story, 230,000 sq. foot Next Generation Building in memory or in honor of loved ones.
Number Payable Over
Small Incubator
In-Vitro Fertilization Unit
1 Payment
Nurses’ Blood Test
Pediatric Day Hospital in the Wilf Children’s Hospital
Up to 3 Years
Pediatric Dialysis
Samuel Rothberg Department of Pediatric Nephrology in the Wilf
Children’s Hospital
Up to 3 Years
Treatment Room
Shapiro Hochstein Maternity D in the Wilf Children’s Hospital
Up to 4 Years
Social Worker’s Room
Breast Health Clinical Center in the Jack & Candee Klein
Comprehensive Breast Health Complex
Up to 5 Years
Gynecology Exam
Shapiro Hochstein Maternity D in the Wilf Children’s Hospital
Up to 5 Years
Open Incubator
Huberfeld Family Neonatal Intensive Care Complex in the Huberfeld $25,000
Family Birthing Center
1 Payment
Head Nurse’s Room
Pediatric Day Hospital in the Wilf Children’s Hospital
Up to 5 Years
Examination Room
Pediatric Gastroenterology
Up to 5 Years
Dialysis Machine
Samuel Rothberg Department of Pediatric Nephrology in the Wilf
Children’s Hospital
1 Payment
2 Bed Patient Room
Shapiro Hochstein Maternity D in the Wilf Children’s Hospital
Up to 5 Years
Examination Room
In-Vitro Fertilization Unit
Up to 5 Years
Examination Room
Pediatric Outpatient Clinics in the Wilf Children’s Hospital
Up to 5 Years
Breast Feeding Room
Huberfeld Family Neonatal Intensive Care Complex in the Huberfeld $50,000
Family Birthing Center
Up to 5 Years
Breast Imaging Work
Mammography Clinic in the Diagnostic Breast Imaging Center in the $50,000
Jack & Candee Klein Comprehensive Breast Health Complex
1 Payment
Anesthesia Machine &
In-Vitro Fertilization Unit
1 Payment
Huberfeld Family Neonatal Intensive Care Complex in the Huberfeld $63,000
Family Birthing Center
1 Payment
Triage Area
Huberfeld Family Neonatal Intensive Care Complex in the Huberfeld $75,000
Family Birthing Center
Up to 5 Years
Diagnostic Work
Mammography Clinic in the Diagnostic Breast Imaging Center in the $80,000
Jack & Candee Klein Comprehensive Breast Health Complex
1 Payment
6-Crib Area
Harvey Felsen Neonatal Intermediate Care Unit in the Huberfeld
Family Neonatal Intensive Care Complex in the Huberfeld Family
Birthing Center
Up to 5 Years
Conference Room
Jack & Candee Klein Comprehensive Breast Health Complex
Up to 5 Years
Operating Table
In-Vitro Fertilization Unit
1 Payment
Examination Room
Mammography Clinic in the Diagnostic Breast Imaging Center in the $100,000
Jack & Candee Klein Comprehensive Breast Health Complex
Up to 5 Years
For further information, contact your local American Committee regional office, listed on the inside front cover of this issue of Heartbeat
Heartbeat American Committee for Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem
American Committee for
Medical Center in Jerusalem
55 West 39th Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10018
NOVEMBER 1, 2015
TCS NYC Marathon
New York, NY
Call 212.764.8062 for more information
NOVEMBER 10, 2015
Southeast Women’s Fall Luncheon
Call 954.571.2446 for more information
NOVEMBER 14, 2015
9th Annual Children’s Champions Event
Bowlmor Times Square
222 West 44th Street
New York, NY
Call 212.764.8062 for more information
NOVEMBER 18, 2015
ACSZ National Dinner
Honoring Linda & Murray Laulicht,
Gabriel Shore and Bella Klein
Guastavino’s NYC
409 East 59th Street
New York, NY
Call 212.764.8116 for more information
FEBRUARY 21, 2016
Southeast Region Annual Sunset Dinner Cruise
Hollywood, FL
Call 954.571.2446 for more information
AUGUST 19-29, 2016
Spectacular Riverboat Cruise
Down the Danube
+ 3 Days in Prague
Call 212.764.8116 for more information
For more information, visit www.acsz.org

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