2016 April Shofar - Congregation Schaarai Zedek


2016 April Shofar - Congregation Schaarai Zedek
CO N G R E G AT I O N S C H A A R A I Z E D E K | T a m pa , F l o r i d a
APRIL 2016
Co n g r e g a t i o n S c h a a r a i Ze d e k , E n r i c h i n g Ta m p a’s R e fo r m J e w i s h H e r i t a g e fo r O ve r 1 2 0 Ye a r s
Jazz Shabbat | Friday, April 8 | 7:30 pm
Led by Guest Artist: Mark Bloom
Mark Bloom is a pianist, arranger, band leader, musical director, producer, service
leader, composer and performer. In 1990, he took on the task of arranging a Friday
evening Shabbat service with jazz orchestrations. His result was a spirited and
reverent mix of traditional melodies and modern rhythms.
Mark Bloom will be our musical guest on Friday, April 8. He will perform his
outstanding rendition of Jazz Shabbat accompanied by a jazz trio of musicians. Our
clergy will also participate in the service.
Plan to attend this unique musical Shabbat experience.
Passover Hike | Saturday, April 23 | 8:30 am
Join the Rabbis and Cantor to celebrate Shabbat and the first day of Passover with a morning
of hiking, prayer, song, and study in beautiful Hillsborough River State Park, located at 15402
N US Highway 301, Thonotosassa, FL 33592. End the morning with coffee and matzah with a
butter schmear. RSVP to the Temple Office.
Second Night Passover Congregation Seder
Saturday, April 23 | 5:00 pm
Member Prices: $30 per Adult | $15 per Child (ages 3-12) | Toddlers Free
Non-Member Prices: $45 per Adult | $30 per Child (ages 3-12) | Toddlers Free
Come to Schaarai Zedek for a participatory Seder led by our Clergy. Our Seder is fun for the
entire family. Paid Reservations are required. Seating is limited.
A Multimedia 20s+30s Passover Experience
Saturday, April 23 | 8:00 pm
$20 per person*
Join with other 20s+30s in our community for a special Multimedia Interactive Young Adult
Passover Experience. Make your own Charoset. Sample kosher wines and hors d'oeuvres
before the Seder Dinner begins. Enjoy Passover surprises throughout the evening.
*Adults Only (ages 21-39). Reservations are required. Seating is limited.
Pesach Yizkor Service | Friday, April 29 | 10:30 am
Remember deceased loved ones by attending the traditional
Pesach Memorial Service.
For more information or to RSVP, call the Temple Office
at (813) 876-2377 or email to office@zedek.org.
Pesach Begins
At Sundown
Friday, April 22
A Shabbat Service
Will Be Held
at 5:00 pm
Temple Phone: (813) 876-2377
Fax: (813) 873-1401
Email: office@zedek.org
Rabbi Richard Birnholz, Senior Rabbi
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 202 rbirnholz@zedek.org
The Shofar is published monthly by
Congregation Schaarai Zedek
3303 West Swann Avenue, Tampa
Florida 33609-4643
Volume 120, Number 9
View our new web site at...
Rabbi Nathan Farb, Assistant Rabbi
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 229 nfarb@zedek.org
Cantor Deborrah Cannizzaro, Cantor
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 216 dcannizzaro@zedek.org
Bob Tannenbaum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President
Richard Eggnatz . . . . . . . . . . Vice-President-Administration & Building
Meg Moskovitz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice-President - Fundraising
Mike Haber . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice-President - Religion, Education & Youth
Laura Salzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice -President - Membership & Programs
Sign Up for the CSZ E-News
Let us know your preferred email
and we will send you the most up-todate information about Schaarai Zedek
events and activities every Wednesday.
Call or email the Temple Office at (813)
876-2377 or email office@zedek.org to
let us know you want to receive the
CSZ "e-News".
Scott Shimberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer
Find Us on Facebook
Janet Kass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Financial Secretary
David Rosenbach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary
Marc LeVine, Exec. Director . . . . . . . . . Ext. 206 mlevine@zedek.org
Ming Brewer, Clergy Assistant . . . . . . Ext. 202 mbrewer@zedek.org
Sherry Stein, Membership & Programs
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 212 sstein@zedek.org
Barbara Keighley, Controller . . . . . . . Ext. 217 bkeighley@zedek.org
Teddi Bloomston, Bookkeeper . . . . . . Ext. 201 tbloomston@zedek.org
Lindsey Dewey, Youth Director . . . . . Ext. 221 ldewey@zedek.org
Congregation Schaarai Zedek
RAVAK of Schaarai Zedek
SchZFTY: Schaarai Zedek’s 9th-12th
Grade Youth Group
Jr SchZFTY (6th-8th Grade Youth
• Teenokot (ages 0-4)
• Sisterhood of Schaarai Zedek
• Brotherhood of Schaarai Zedek
Debra Zepeda, Admin Office Mgr . . . Ext. 234 dzepeda@zedek.org
Marilyn Moss, Programming Asst. . . Ext. 213 mmoss@zedek.org
Marty Wittek, Administration . . . . . . . Ext. 200 mwittek@zedek.org
Sarah Alexander, Administration . . . Ext. 203 salexander@zedek.org
Donna Wood, Religious School Director
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 210 dwood@zedek.org
Donna Birnholz, Assistant . . . . . . . . . . Ext. 215 dbirnholz@zedek.org
Preschool Phone: (813) 876-4867
Ian Bernstein, Preschool Director . . . Ext. 211 ian@zedek.org
Follow Us on Twitter
Do You Know Someone...
 New to Tampa?
 Not Affiliated with a Congregation?
 Just Married?
 Looking for Quality Jewish Schools?
Let us tell them about membership
at Congregation Schaarai Zedek.
Please call: Laura Salzer, Vice President
of Membership and Programming
(727-946-1567) or Sherry Stein,
Director of Programming & Membership
(813-876-2377, Ext. 212).
Last month I circulated a sermon voicing my concern
about missionary activity in our Hillsborough Public Schools.
Newspaper reports suggested that Superintendent Jeff Eakins
endorsed this activity when he made positive remarks about a
proselytizing group called First Priority.
faith-based like Young Life, First
Priority and many church groups are
run by adults. But as long as they
allow the students to run the clubs,
they are considered “student-led.”
The Jewish Community Relations Chair, Jon Ellis, and I have
since spoken with the Superintendent’s assistants. I am happy
to report they have been very responsive. One First Priority
representative was banned from school grounds for the year for
not following community volunteer guidelines. A church was
asked to limit its exposure because volunteers did not follow
all the District rules for such activity. School officials have also
agreed to pay closer attention to the Jewish holiday calendar
to limit conflicts. The situation is not perfect, but we are making
This distinction is pretty suspect.
It is hard to consider First Priority a
“student-led” club when local adult
leaders post instructions on their
website for student-to student
proselytizing. Yet, if students rather
than adults are making the contact,
that passes for “student-led.”
Part of the issue is that the School District must follow Supreme
Court rulings when deciding what to allow. For example, the
Court says students can form clubs (including religious ones) at
all schools. Once a club has a faculty sponsor and a designated
place and time to meet, its student leaders and outside guests
can gather before and after school and during lunch. These
clubs cannot invite the same adult guests repeatedly, and no
adult may proselytize at any time. Clubs must allow equal access
to all students and may engage in the passive distribution of
information. Clearly, community volunteer groups which are
7:30 pm - Star Wars Purim Spiel
Family Shabbat Service
Led by 4th Grade, Youth Choir Sings and
April Birthday Blessings.
7:30 pm - Jazz Shabbat
Guest Artist: Mark Bloom
10:30 am - Benjamin Hebert Bar Mitzvah
pm - MacKenzie Clark Bat Mitzvah
5:30 pm - Tot Shabbat
pm - SchZFTY Led Shabbat Service
pm - Audrey Adler Bat Mitzvah
5:00* pm - Passover Shabbat Service
*Please note time change
7:30 pm - Shabbat Service
Led by Rabbi Farb
D.D., R.J.E.
If you go to the Hillsborough County Public Schools website
and look under Families/Community Information/Volunteering
in HCPS/Documents and Forms/Guidelines and Assurances, you
will find the rules all volunteers must follow when interacting
with schools.
Sometimes the District does not follow its own rules or
interprets them differently than I would. But the Superintendent’s
assistants are taking a second look at their practices and have
asked us to let them know when we think rules are being
broken. Frankly, school principals have a great deal of leeway
when it comes to enforcing these rules. With a District this large,
it is hard to monitor every school for infractions. Knowing this,
the District is going to assign more supervisors to oversee the
volunteer initiative.
A rule of thumb in life is that you can only control your own
behavior. If Jewish parents provide an active Jewish role model
for their children, make the observance of Jewish holidays a
priority, and participate fully in Jewish life, they can rest assured
they have done more to protect their children from missionaries
than by enforcing all the religious separation rules in the world.
The Jews of the Old World said it right when they whispered in
Yiddish: The talk of the children in the street is the talk of the
parents at home.
From Rabbi Birnholz
Candle Lighting Times
 Friday, April 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 pm
 Friday, April 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:34 pm
 Friday, April 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:38 pm
 Friday, April 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:41 pm
 Saturday, April 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:36 pm
 Thursday, April 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:45 pm
 Friday, April 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:46 pm
So it's spring time again. My
eleven year old is playing baseball
again. The short Florida winter
is over. Flowers are blooming.
It’s primary season in a hotly
contested presidential election
with two diametrically opposed
candidates. It is Passover again. It
is time for Seders and time for me
and plagues and afikomen. I like
to recollect my childhood Seders
with my Grandpa Abe and Grandma Eva who lived in the
Bronx. My grandmother sure knew what the term fresh
fish was. She would have the whitefish carp swimming
around in her bathtub. They would have that reprieve
until it was ready for them to become gefilte fish. I won't
fill you in on that transformation; I will leave that for your
imagination. One time my grandfather forgot they were in
the tub and took a shower with the fish. Needless to say, my
grandmother became furious and we will not get into the
domestic violence that ensued. Needless to say, they both
survived but the carp fish did not.
Commission investigating an attack against Jews during
the British control of Palestine. Essentially, 300 years ago
there came to the new world a boat and its name was the
Mayflower. The landing of the Mayflower on Plymouth Rock
was a great historical event in England and America. But,
I'd like to ask any Englishman what day did the Mayflower
leave port … and I would like to ask the Americans the same
question. How many people were on the boat? Who were
their leaders? What kind of food did they eat? Does anyone
Now go back more than 3300 years ago long before the
Mayflower. Our people left Egypt in a hurry. Today, every
Jew in the world knows what day he left. And we know what
food they ate. And we still eat that food every anniversary.
And we know who the leader was. And we sit down and tell
that story to our children and our grandchildren in order to
guarantee that it will never be forgotten. And we recite and
remember our two slogans: “now we may be enslaved but
next year we will be a free people”. Ben Gurion got it right;
the task of the Passover Seder is to pass down those values
to the next generation through tradition and celebration.
I read an article written by David Ben Gurion that I would
like to share with you. Ben Gurion gave this to The Peel
Bob Tannenbaum, President
Thanks to the outstanding generosity of the Buchman, Rachelson and
Weiner families, we began this year with a tremendous boost to our
Torah Circle. The Buchman-Rachelson-Weiner Torah Circle Challenge Gift
provided $75,000 to match all new and increased Torah Circle donations.
Because of this Challenge, each new or increased dollar is worth two!
As we hoped, the challenge sparked a raft of new and increased
contributions. We want to thank all of those who have contributed to
Torah Circle so far this year. Thank you for your donations!
But we have not yet received enough contributions to capture our
target. There still is time before this fiscal year ends to help us reach our
target. We need the help of everyone in the congregation who is eligible.
If you have already given, please consider an increase. If you have not
yet made a contribution, please do so now. Your donation is critical to
making Congregation Schaarai Zedek the great place that it is for all.
The Torah Circle Committee
Zedek’s Nominating Committee
is concluding its annual work
of nominating new leadership.
We continue to welcome
If you or someone you know
is interested in serving in a
synagogue leadership capacity,
please notify Alan Weiner,
Nominating Committee Chair,
new slate will be presented for
approval at the Annual Meeting
on June 3, 2016. The term of
service begins July 1, 2016.
The Dispute of Elijah’s Cup
You’ve heard the old joke: If you ask two Jews the same
question, you’ll get three different answers! We are a people
who love to debate and express our ideas, and we don’t
always agree with one another. We argue over politics,
sports, community organizations, and on and on. What you
may or may not know is that our Jewish tradition teaches
us that disagreement can actually be a good thing. It is a
part of how God designed human beings to exist with one
another in the world and make each other better.
In Hebrew it’s called “machloket l’shem shamayim,” which
translates to “a dispute for the sake of Heaven.” Jewish
tradition is full of such disputes between the famous rabbis
of old. One of them revolves around the Passover Seder.
We pour four cups of wine over the course of the seder
to symbolize the four statements of redemption that God
made (in Exodus 6:6-8): “I will draw you out,” “I will deliver
you,” “I will redeem you,” and “I will take you as my people.”
However, some rabbis believed that there should be a fifth
cup in honor of the fifth statement, “I will bring you to the
For hundreds of years, the rabbis couldn’t agree on which
was right. The fifth statement speaks of arriving in the Land of
Israel, which some argued should not be included as part of
remembering the Exodus because it came later. Maimonides
wrote in the 13th century that the fifth cup was expected,
but optional. His own son later
recorded that Maimonides never
actually poured the fifth cup.
Eventually, our tradition came
to a decision – of a sort. We should
pour, but not drink the fifth cup.
It is said that one day the prophet
Elijah will come to announce the
coming of the Messiah, and at that
time he will also resolve all of the
remaining disputes. This is just one theory about why we
call it “Elijah’s Cup” (although there are other theories that
What is the point of this whole story? It is twofold. First, we
see that our religion, culture, and peoplehood can persist
and even thrive in the face of deep disagreements, so long
as we honor the opinions of others. Second, it reveals that
the outcome of a dispute is not measured by who wins or
loses, or even if the matter is resolved. Rather, one of the
most beautiful and cherished Passover traditions arose
out of the very fact that a dispute was never resolved. Our
disagreements and disputes enrich and strengthen us, so
long as they are conducted “for the sake of Heaven.”
Rabbi Farb
The Early Days of Schaarai Zedek
Excerpts from the minutes of the Temple Board*
February 26, 1905: An attempt at reconciliation
between SZ and Rodef.
“The President stated…at the request of co-religionists,
that Mrs. E.H. Steinberg had called upon him, stating that
Congregation Rodef Sholom intended purchasing a lot for
a synagogue but before this was done she decided to see
if ways and means could not be devised whereby the two
Congregations could become affiliated…”
1905-1906: Another attempt at cooperation between
SZ and Rodef.
Many meetings were held with Rodef Sholom about
the possibility of joint ownership and control of their
cemeteries. They concluded with a vote at a social meeting
on March 11, 1906. The vote was 4 in favor and 9 against.
“The President thereupon declared the Resolution lost.”
*These minutes were prepared by Dr. Carl Zielonka, Archives
Chair, for your information about our past history.
Weekly Torah Study:
Jewish Law for Modern Jews
Led by Rabbi Farb
Saturdays: April 2, 9, 16 & 30
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Does it count to attend Synagogue by Skype? What do you
do if your child has a tattoo? Is genetic engineering Kosher?
We will answer these questions and more as we study the
development of Jewish Law from ancient times until today
to find Jewish answers to modern questions.
For more information, contact Rabbi Farb at nfarb@
zedek.org or at (813) 876-2377, Ext. 229.
YES Fund Luncheon
Monday, April 4
11:00 am
Sisterhood Passover
Celebration Dinner
Monday, April 11 | 6:30 pm
Sisterhood Installation
Monday, May 2
10:30 am
Sisterhood Book Club
Monday, May 9
12:00 noon
“The One I Was” by Eliza Graham
Mah Jongg Monday & Asian Dinner
Monday, May 16
6:30 pm
Two Months at a Glance
On April 4, please join us for the YES Fund Luncheon. The YES Fund is a
Women of Reform Judaism fund that supports projects for youth, education of
rabbis and cantors, and special projects. This year, we will be honoring Lindsey
Dewey for all she has done for our youth! Each year, our Sisterhood joins
together to raise money for this important fund and at the WRJ Assembly, we
won the Avodah award from WRJ for the largest contribution in our membership
category. To attend, all we ask is that you make a minimum donation of $36 to
the YES Fund plus $18 for lunch. Higher levels are certainly welcome! Thank you
to Faith Alexander and her committee for organizing this event. Say Yes to YES!
This month, we continue the fun and camaraderie of Sisterhood with a
Women’s Passover Celebration. We are planning a fun evening of kosher wine
tasting (yes, there is more than Mogen David), sharing our own favorite food
(there may even be a prize or two), singing, laughing and celebrating being
Jewish women as we get ready for the holiday. We hope that you will join us for
this evening event on Monday, April 11!
Cindy Minetti
Pattie Schreiber
Sisterhood Co-President
Sisterhood Co-President
Please join us for our 7th Annual Brotherhood
Signature event, Saturday, April 30. Cruise on over
to the Temple at 7:00 pm for a memorable night
aboard The Love Boat. Come aboard for adventure
and exotic ports ... of food. This voyage promises
something for everyone including open bar, delicious food, entertainment and
dancing throughout the evening.
This fun and relaxing evening includes all of the benefits of cruising while
standing on solid ground: casual cruise attire, bountiful and savory food
catered by our own Culinary Creations, favorite and exotic cocktails from the
famous Brotherhood bar, cruising and schmoozing with new friends and old
acquaintances along with entertainment for one and all. Add a charitable cause
worthy of your support for a night to remember.
A special gift from the proceeds from the evening will go to the Community
Food Bank of Tampa Jewish Family Services.
Two Months at a Glance
Indoor Go-Carting
Thursday, May 19
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Chag Sameach Pesach! April in Florida celebrating the spring holiday of Passover,
and for those of us that still have children
in school, feeling like the summer is right around the corner. But no worries,
Sisterhood is still planning a few events to keep us connected!
Macher Sponsors* (Includes 2 tickets): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500
Mensch Sponsors* (Includes 2 tickets): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $250
General Individual Ticket Price: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $72
Brotherhood, Sisterhood or Temple member price: . . . . . $60
*If you would like more details about sponsor details, please call Anthony
Weiss at (813)-310-6987.
As always, we will provide free transportation home courtesy of the
Brotherhood as your safety and the safety of others is paramount.
Please save the date…make it a date night! Call the Temple office to book
your reservation now. (813)-876-2377.
Anthony Weiss
Lex Goldenberg
Brotherhood Co-President
Brotherhood Co-President
Mia Beth Blumenthal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daughter of Jamie and Russell Blumenthal
Jonah Lucas Chad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Son of Nancy and Richard Chad
Jacob Samuel Dayan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Son of Mellissa and Joseph Dayan
Jessica Fleeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daughter of Lori and Michael Fleeter
Parker Leigh Franklin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daughter of Mary Frances Holmes and Dean Franklin
Howard Glickman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Son of Susan and David Glickman
Hope Hellman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daughter of Jennifer and Steven Hellman
Lauren Cartwright Kelly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daughter of Kasey and Robert Kelly
Alexandra Kate Kinsley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daughter of Audra and Michael Rice
Jeremy Mikal Koch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Son of Cindi and Gary Koch
Ashleigh Koza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daughter of Sheryl Koza and Matthew Koza
Jakob Perris Kurtz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Son of Carolyn Kurtz and Leesa Moore
Lainey Markman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daughter of Lori and Stuart Markman
Griffin Armour Markowitz . . . . . . . . . . . . Son of Carla and Howard Markowitz
Alissa Rose Mellman
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daughter of Cindy and Mark Mellman
Melissa Harlie Miller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daughter of Michele and Mark Miller
Jack Mouch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Son of Adrienne and Jeff Mouch
Shoshana Michelle Newman . . . . . . . . . . . . Daughter of Lori and David Newman
Alexander Nieves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Son of Lynn Mendelsohn and Nicholas Nieves
Jonathan Pearl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Son of Liz Pearl and Joe Pearl
Julie Robyn Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daughter of Susie and Mitchell Rice
Benjamin Reuben Risin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Son of Jeri and Mark Risin
Madeline Paige Saft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daughter of Amanda and Stephen Saft
Isabella Rose Schlact . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daughter of Debra and Norman Schlact
Calder William Schwartz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Son of Elise and Gar Lippincott and Mark Schwartz
Jillian Leah Semmel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daughter of Meredith and Brad Semmel
Adam Shimberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Son of Heidi and Scott Shimberg
Emma Siegel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daughter of Karen and Peter Siegel
Jacob Max Wadler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Son of Joan and Marc Wadler
Michael John Alfred Wax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Son of Alexia and Samuel Wax
“My 3 Favorite Bible Stories in
Song and Word”
Wednesdays, April 6, 13, 20
7:00 pm - 8:15 pm
Teacher: Cantor Cannizzaro
Song is central to Judaism. We sing our
prayers and chant our Torah. Our sages were
known to call the Torah a song, and we can find
instances in Torah where our ancestors sang
unto God or were commanded to write a song.
Music speaks to something deeper than the mind and can open us to a
deeper understanding of the words we read, speak or hear.
Join Cantor Deborrah Cannizzaro as she takes a look at three instances
of song from Torah. We will look at the text, explore the portion from
which it comes, and listen to the many ways in which composers
understood its message. The words of Torah never change, but the music
can. It is through this musical interpretation that we can help make Torah
fresh and new for each generation.
RSVP to the Temple Office at (813) 876-2377 or office@zedek.org.
April 6: B’shallach is the parasha in which we find Shirat HaYam, the
Song that celebrates the crossing of the Sea of Reeds by the
Children of Israel. In this session, we will explore how this Song
has become central to our prayer service. We will explore the
special chanting of Shirat HaYam, and take a look at the many
melodies of the most famous quote from the Song of the Sea,
Mi Chamocha.
April 13: The Sh’ma is the first prayer taught to our children, and is the
last prayer we should utter before death. We are instructed to
recite it upon rising in the morning, and upon sleeping at night.
It declares the special relationship of God to the Jewish people
and is central to Judaism. In this session, we will explore the
origin of the Sh’ma, the different facets of God expressed by
the text, and the many musical settings that have been used to
express this declaration of faith.
April 20: Mah Tovu, Oh How Good. These words, from parasha Balak,
have long been a favorite text for synagogue composers to
set to music. In our third session, we will take at a look at the
dramatic story from which these words are drawn. Composers
have long realized that simply reciting these words could never
express the deeper emotional meaning they convey, nor the
dramatic physical and spiritual moment during which Balaam
first uttered them.
Social Action Mitzvah
Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful Thank You
On March 6, many congregants
volunteered to help clean up the Davis
Islands Seaplane Basin during the Great
American Cleanup. We would like to
recognize and give our thanks to:
• Maren Cohen
• Allison Polender
• Matthew Cohen
• Bryn Polender
• Katie Fischman
• Lily Polender
• Dennis Geagan
• Tammy
• Gayle Geagan
• Suzanne Gellens
• Andi Jacobs
• Austin Jacobs
• Jen Jonas
• Violet Jonas
• Blake Thompson
• Cooper
• Hanna Weiss
• Hana Yankowitz
• Jerry Yankowitz
Also, a special thanks goes to Dan
Lavender, who came by with donuts and
coffee for our volunteers, and Donna
Wood, Religious School Director for
coordinating this special event.
If you are interested in other social
action opportunities, please call Donna
Wood, Religious School Director, at
(813) 876-2377, Ext. 210.
Social Action Mitzvah:
Trinity Café
Trinity Café, located at 2801 North
Nebraska Avenue, Tampa 33602,
provides hot, chef-cooked meals to
those in need. Volunteer opportunities
are available to help serve on Mondays
through Fridays from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
and Saturdays and Sundays from 8:30
am - 11:00 am.
RSVP to Donna Wood, Religious School
Director, at (813) 876-2377, Ext. 210 or
Players Wanted
Senior Luncheon
Join Us for Lunch and a Movie
Thursday, April 21 | Seating - 11:15 am
Preschool singers – 11:30 am sharp
For Our
Congregation Schaarai Zedek
Co-Ed Softball Team
Join us for an afternoon of fun. AND plan for
lunch and a hilarious two-hour movie.
In this movie, Carl Casper quits his prestigious head chef job
in Los Angeles and finds himself in Miami where he launches a
food-truck business. The venture provides a chance to reignite his
passion for cooking - as well as his zest for life and love.
There is no charge for lunch.
RSVP to the Temple Office at (813) 876-2377 or
email office@zedek.org.
In Our Community
Hillels of the Florida Suncoast
Tikkun Hayam – Repair the Sea
Day Camp: June 19-24 | Overnight Camp: June 26 – July 1
Hillels of the Florida Suncoast is offering a unique summer camp
experience for middle school and high school students. Tikkun Hayam:
Repair the Seas Jewish Scuba Camp is a week-long summer camp to be
held at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg. Participants will receive an Open
Water Scuba Certification and will learn about Tikkun Olam (Repairing
the World) and other Jewish tenets.
Register at www.suncoasthillels.org/scubacamp. Registration deadline
is May 15. Questions: contact Linda Wolf, Suncoast Hillels Assistant
Director at (813) 899-2788 or shalom@suncoasthillels.org.
The Tampa JCC Annual Co-Ed
Softball Tournament
Sunday, April 17 • 11:45 am – 5:00 pm
At Ed Radice Park
---------------$30 per person
Paid to the Temple office by April 8
Includes: Snacks, Drinks &
Tournament T-shirt
• All you need is a glove. Bring a
regulation bat if you have one.
• We need Male & Female players
18 years old and above.
For questions, contact Rabbi Farb at
nfarb@zedek.org or (813) 876-2377, Ext. 229.
RSVP to the Temple Office at (813) 876-2377
• Sabrina Feldman, daughter of
Michelle and Mitch Feldman, won 1st
place in the Junior (middle school)
Individual Documentary category at
the Hillsborough County History Fair.
• Andrew Fruit was named a partner at
Shumaker, Loop + Kendrick, LLP.
• Gregory & Mandy Levy
• Jon Ruben
• Arnold & Ronni Simon
• Alyssa Blumenthal & Jesse Malin
• Ashley Kisner & Richard Bravata
• Chiya Berkovits
Sister of Michael Berkovits
• Belle Portnoy
Mother of Beth Gemunder
• Leah Emily Delgado
Great Granddaughter of Lynne &
Fred Merriam
• Mario Alberto Garcia, Jr.
Grandson of Diane & Peter
• Ari Stewart Gluck
Son of Amanda & Geoffrey Gluck
• Samantha Marie Perl
Granddaughter of Merrill and
Steve Marx
• Muriel Cohn Schwartz
Mother of Myra Wolfson
• Betty Taub
Mother of Brian Taub
Star Wars Purim Spiel
Family Shabbat Service
Friday, April 1
Friday, April 1 • 7:30 pm
Come to a “Star Wars Purim Spiel” to
celebrate Purim. A Purim Spiel is a short,
silly show which tells the story of Esther.
This year our theme is Star Wars, with
Esther as Princess Leia, Haman as Darth
Vader, and the list goes on.
Our Post-Purim Family Service will be
led by 4th graders. Our Youth Choir will
sing. And we will have April Birthday
Blessings, too! Plan to come in costume
for “lots” of fun.
Religious School Registration
It is time to register for the 2016-17
Religious School year! If your children
are currently enrolled in Religious School,
your registration materials can be picked
up on Sunday, May 1, from 8:45 a.m. –
11:45 a.m. If you do not pick them up
then, we will mail the forms to you later
that week.
If you do not receive registration
materials, please contact the Religious
School office (dwood@zedek.org or 813876-2377 ext. 210). The registration forms
are also available on line at http://www.
All children who will be 4 years old by
September 1, 2016, are eligible to attend
Religious School.
Café CSZ
Sunday, April 3 • 11:00 am* - 1:00 pm
Sundays, April 3, 10 & 17
9:00 am - 11:00 am
Open During Religious School
Games... Activities... Fun for all! No charge for lunch and unlimited
games. Enjoy Brotherhood’s delicious hot dog lunch. Games and
activities organized by our Temple youth group. Inflatable attractions,
*Please note, early dismissal from Religious School.
Have a bagel and a cup of coffee at Café
CSZ in the Schaarai Zedek Sisterhood
Meeting Room on Sunday morning.
News From The Amy Gail Buchman Preschool
Interested in Teaching or
April 4: Silly Sam performs
April 18: Grandparents’ Teas (times below)
9:00 am–10:00 am: Infants-2 Year Olds
10:15 am: 3 Year Olds & Pre-K
April 19: 9:00 am–11:00 am: Grandparents Seminar
April 22: 3:00 pm: Erev Passover, Early Dismissal
April 25: 9:30 am: Passover Play followed by Classroom Seder
Join the conversation... Greet friends,
fellow parents, and other congregants...
Café CSZ will be open during Religious
School. Drop off the kids. Drop in for
bagels and coffee. See you there!
Would you like to spend time with great
children and further Judaism? Then come
spend Sunday mornings at the Flom
Religious School! We supply the lesson
plans and materials!
Please contact Donna Wood, Religious
School Director, at 813-876-2377 ext. 210
or dwood@zedek.org.
Youth Events
6 & 7 Grades End of the Year Extravaganza
Captain Memo’s Pirate Cruise and Dinner
Saturday, April 2 • 3:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Join us for a Pirate Cruise on the Gulf and Dinner on Clearwater
Beach. Cruise includes crafts, face painting, pirate jigs, storytelling and
$20 per person – RSVP TODAY! Tickets are REQUIRED to Cruise.
Purim Carnival
Sunday, April 3 • 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
All 8-12 graders are invited to volunteer to help run our annual Purim
Carnival! RSVP today and request which booth you would like to
work! Service hours offered if your school will accept them.
Teenokot Crafting for Mom and Dad
(ages 0-4 and caregivers)
Thursday, April 14 • 10:30 am - 12:00 noon
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are just around the corner. Join us for a
morning at Color Me Mine in Hyde Park for handprint art! PERFECT for
gifts for mom, dad, grandma, grandpa and beyond! Trained artists at
Color Me Mine will help with all of the logistics. Temple will cover the
studio fee, families cover the cost of their pottery.
SchZFTY Led Shabbat Service
Friday, April 15 • 7:30 pm
Join members of our high school community for a high-spirited
Shabbat evening experience complete with reflections and writings
from our high school students. If you are interested in participating in
the service, please contact Lindsey for more information!
SchZFTY at Relay for Life
Saturday, April 2 • 2:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Join SchZFTY as we sponsor a booth at USF’s Relay for Life. We will
fundraise while onsite at Relay to help support the search for a cure
so we can Celebrate More Birthdays.
K-5 End of the Year Event
Sunday, April 17 • 11:30 am - 2:00 pm
We will bring all of our families together for an afternoon of excitement
and fun! Stay tuned to your mailbox for more information.
SchZFTY Banquet and Installations
Wednesday, April 20 • 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Come for dinner and reflection as well as end of the year merriment
as we give our seniors an opportunity to share and reflect on their
SchZFTY experience and install our 2016-2017 SchZFTY board! Dress
is dressy-casual and dinner will be served.
(Children 0-5 years, and siblings of all ages)
Friday, April 15 • 5:30 pm
(followed by a complimentary dinner)
Come enjoy our interactive Shabbat activity
for families with young children. Experience
Shabbat rituals and have “a ton of fun.” We will
have Shabbat Dinner, too, at no cost to you! This
is a great time to meet other families with young
children.RSVP to the Temple Office at (813) 8762377 or office@zedek.org.
Audrey Adler
Daughter of
Pamela & Joshua
MacKenzie Clark
Daughter of
Thea & David
Benjamin Hebert-
Son of
Heather & Carl
To sign up or for info about any youth event, please contact Lindsey
Dewey, Youth Director, at ldewey@zedek.org or (813) 876-2377,
Ext. 221.
APRIL 2016 at-a-Glance
7:30 pm Star Wars
9:00 am Torah Study
Purim Spiel Family 1:00 pm 6 & 7 Grades
Shabbat Service
Jr. SchZFTY Event
9:00 am Religious
(Early Dismissal)
11:00 am SchZFTY
Purim Carnival
9:30 am Sisterhood
Board Meeting
6:30 pm SchZFTY
Open House
7:00 pm Adult
Learning with
Cantor Cannizzaro
11:00 am Sisterhood
YES Fund
7:30 pm Jazz Shabbat
Service with
Mark Bloom
9:00 am Religious
6:30 pm Brotherhood
Board Meeting
11:30 am B’nai
Mitzvah Club
6:30 pm Sisterhood
9:00 am Religious
7:00 pm Board of
Trustees Meeting
11:30 am B’nai
Mitzvah Club
Pesach ►
10:15 am Teenokot
5:30 pm Tot Shabbat
Service & Dinner
7:30 pm SchZFTY led
Shabbat Service
9:00 am Torah Study
4:30 pm Audrey Adler
Bat Mitzvah
2:00 pm SchZFTY Event
23 1st Day of Pesach
6:00 pm SchZFTY
11:15 am Senior Lunch Temple Office Closed
5:00 pm Shabbat
7:00 pm Adult
Learning with
Cantor Cannizzaro
11:30 am Grades K-5
End of Year
7:00 pm Adult
Learning with
Cantor Cannizzaro
10:30 am
Benjamin Hebert
Bar Mitzvah
4:30 pm
MacKenzie Clark
Bat Mitzvah
6:30 pm Executive
9:00 am Torah Study
First Night Seder
8:30 am Passover
5:00 pm Second Night
8:00 pm 20s+30s
Passover Seder
30 8th Day of Pesach
10:30 am Pesach
Yizkor Service
9:00 am Torah Study
7:30 pm Shabbat
7:00 pm Brotherhood
Signature Event
MAY 2016 at-a-Glance
9:00 am Religious
9:30 am Sisterhood
Board Meeting
6:30 pm SchZFTY
Open House
10:30 am Sisterhood
7:30 pm Off to Camp
Family Shabbat
9:00 am Torah Study
6:30 pm Brotherhood
Board Meeting
12:00 noon Sisterhood
Book Club
6:30 pm Executive
10:00 am Confirmation
6:30 pm Sisterhood
Mah Jongg Monday
with Asian Dinner
10:15 am Teenokot
5:30 pm Tot Shabbat
Service & Dinner
8:00 am SchZFTY
Mystery Bus
7:30 pm Shabbat
9:00 am Torah Study
10:30 am
Emma Gofter
Bat Mitzvah
7:30 pm Shabbat
9:00 am Torah Study
11:15 am Senior
6:00 pm Brotherhood
Indoor Go-Cart
7:00 pm Board of
Trustees Meeting
30 Memorial Day
Temple Office Closed
7:30 pm Shabbat
9:00 am Torah Study
10:30 am Maya Li
Bat Mitzvah
Congregant Condolence Notices
When a congregant passes away, the Temple offers the family of the deceased the option
of having an email notification of the passing sent to all congregants.
The sending (or not sending) of this condolence notice email is at the choice of the family
of the deceased congregant to protect privacy for the family.
Tree of Life
Celebrate special occasions
in your life and honor
friends by purchasing a leaf
($250) on our “Tree of Life”
in the Buchman-Rachelson
Social Hall.
Call Debra Zepeda at the
Temple Office for details at
(813) 876-2377, Ext. 234.
Clergy Visits to
Assisted Living,
Nursing Home &
Do you have family
members who are in
assisted living facilities,
nursing homes, or are
homebound? Our Clergy
want to visit them. We
also plan to offer special
facility for our congregants’
or their families.
Please call the Clergy
Assistant, Ming Brewer
(813-876-2377, Ext. 202),
with the names and
telephone numbers of
members or the family of
members who may live in
one of these facilities. We
want to make sure they are
included in our planning.
A Contribution to One of Our Temple Funds is a
Wonderful Way to Make a Tribute to a Loved One or a Friend.
Please check which fund you wish to donate towards.
____ Rabbi Birnholz’ Discretionary Fund
____ Chair of Rabbinics
____ Rabbi Farb’s Discretionary Fund
____ Amy Gail Buchman Preschool Endowment Fund
____ Cantor Cannizzaro’s Discretionary Fund
____ Audrey E. Messerman Scholarship Fund for ____ Rabbi Richard & Donna Birnholz Education Fund
____ Charles and Barbara Adler Fund
____ Bernie & Betty Epstein Religious School Fund
____ Food Bank Fund
____ Brotherhood Youth Endowment
____ Interfaith and Outreach Fund
____ Duglin Family Camp Coleman Scholarship
____ Library Fund
____ Hirsch Family Torah Fund
____ Prayer Book Fund
____ Lawrence David Hoffman Mitzvah Fund
____ Rabbi David L. Zielonka Camp Coleman Scholarship
____ Lillyan D. Neusner Fund for Leadership ____ Samuel & Julia Flom Religious School Scholarship
____ Samuel & Julia Flom Religious School Special Fund
____ Mack Perlman Award
____ SchZFTY Fund
____ Meyer Kotler Memorial Lecture Series
____ Sustaining Fund
____ Sadie Zbar Family Memorial Scholarship
____ Tree of Life ($250)
____ Samuel L. Flom NFTY
____ Memorial Plaque ($500)
____ Saul Rachelson Endowment
____ Amy Gail Buchman Preschool Fund
____ Schaarai Zedek Seniors
____ Annual European Exchange Fund
____ Ruth E. Wagner Jewish Cultural Endowment
the Amy Gail Buchman Preschool
Development and Long Range Planning
____ Zbar Youth Programs
Name ______________________________________________________________________
Amount $____________________
Billing Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________
City ___________________________________________________
State ____________________
Zip ___________________
In Memory of ________________________________________________________________________________________________
In Honor of _________________________________________________________________________________________________
We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who remember and honor their loved ones
------------------------------------------------- and friends through contributions made to our Temple Funds. ------------------------------------------------RABBI BIRNHOLZ’
In honor of:
•Rabbi Birnholz’ help with and
preparation for Shea Greenberg’s
Bar Mitzvah
From Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Greenberg
•Rabbi Farb’s help with and
preparation for Shea Greenberg’s
Bar Mitzvah
From Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Greenberg
•Rabbi Birnholz’ recognition at the
Hillel Academy Gift of Gold Gala
From Mr. & Mrs. Hinks Shimberg
From Mr. & Mrs. Otto Weitzenkorn
•Rabbi Birnholz
From Dr. & Mrs. Alvin Felman
From Dr. & Mrs. Gary Moskovitz
From Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Zivitz
•Conversion of Amber Lewis
From Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Zivitz
•Upcoming Wedding of Rebecca
Sergay & Brian Canning
•Upcoming Wedding of Kara Hendel
& Aaron Feldman
From Mr. & Mrs. Joel Singer
•80th Birthday of Dr. Walter Woolf
•Marriage of Daniel Singer & Holly
From Mrs. Adrianne Sundheim
In memory of:
•Dora Hurwitz
From Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Hammeroff
•Betty Taub, Mother of Brian Taub
From Dr. & Mrs. Gary Moskovitz
From Elana Rickel & your AIPAC
In honor of:
•Rabbi Birnholz’ recognition at the
Hillel Academy Gift of Gold Gala
From Mr. & Mrs. Mark Wiskup
•Rabbi Birnholz
From Dr. & Mrs. David Rosenbach
In honor of:
•Cantor Cannizzaro’s help with and
preparation for Shea Greenberg’s
Bar Mitzvah
From Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Greenberg
In memory of:
•Belle Portnoy, Mother of Beth
From Mr. & Mrs. Joel Mish
In memory of:
•Dorothy Snyder Ginsburg
From Mr. & Mrs. Ted Taub
•Harold Markman
From Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Gilbert
In honor of:
•Drs. Paula & Carl Zielonka’s Tikkun
Olam Award
From Steve, Debbie, Andrew &
Daniel Rovner
From Mr. & Mrs. Mark Wiskup
•80th Birthday of Dr. Walter Woolf
From Mr. & Mrs. Joel Karpay
From Drs. Carl & Paula Zielonka
•Birthday of Meg Moskovitz
From Dr. & Mrs. David Rosenberg
•Birthday of Audrey Shine
From Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Bloom
In memory of:
•Sylvia Lovinger, Mother of Rich
Lovinger and grandmother of
Courtney Lovinger
From Leo, Brett, and Alexa
In honor of:
•Drs. Paula & Carl Zielonka’s Tikkun
Olam Award
From Mr. & Mrs. Saul Straus
•Betty Taub, Mother of Brian Taub
•Belle Portnoy, Mother of Beth
From Drs. Carl & Paula Zielonka
•Birthday of Debbie & Brian Taub
From Mr. & Mrs. Barry Meyerson
In memory of:
•Betty Taub, Mother of Brian Taub
From Mr. & Mrs. Joel Karpay
In honor of:
•Recovery of Isaac Netzer
From Dr. & Mrs. Owen Linder
In memory of:
•Alexia Wax
From Mr. & Mrs. John Li
In honor of:
•80th Birthday of Dr. Walter Woolf
From Marla Merken
In honor of:
•Birth of Samantha Perl
•Engagement of David Moskovitz
and Rachel Dietrich
From Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kass
In memory of:
•Belle Portnoy, Mother of Beth
From Mr. & Mrs. Emile Lewkowiez
•Alexia Wax
From Mr. Eric & Mrs. Lyris Newman
•Howard Gobioff
From Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Gobioff
In memory of:
•Joan Lee Richards
From Mr. & Mrs. Jerome
In memory of:
• Joseph Schocken
From Dr. & Mrs. Mark Schocken
• Rose Moore
From Dr. David Moore & Ms.
Marianne Fisher
• Alexis Morgan Saunders
• Rachel Leah Borkowf
From Drs. Maurice & Kailie Shaw
• A. Robert Lapinsky
From Dr. & Mrs. Owen Linder
• Hilna Wolper
From Ms. Rosemary Perfit
• Gilbert Lean
From Dr. & Mrs. David Solomon
• Stanley H. Cohen
From Mr. & Mrs. Rafael Ribas
• Murry Schulman
From Michael & Harriet McCraine
• Sue Becker
• Gary Schlact
From Mr. & Mrs. Norman Schlact
• Albert Zamore
• Geri Ann Zamore
• George Pegler
• Lorayne Pegler
From Dr. & Mrs. Gary Zamore
• Joe Scionti
From Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin
• Joan Saul
• M. William Saul
From Mr. Mark Sena & Mrs. Linda
• Benjamin Adlin
• Lillian Levy
• Edmund Levy
From Mr. & Mrs. Howard Adlin
• Sally Cushing
From Dr. & Mrs. Albert Saphier
• Moses Reiber
From Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Reiber
• Charles Berlin
From Mr. & Mrs. Marc LeVine
• Stanley Dreier
From Mr. & Mrs. David Kushner
From Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Dreier
• Ruth Zack
From Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Feldman
• William Loewenthal
From Mrs. Martha Loewenthal
• Ruth D. Weitzenkorn
From Mr. & Mrs. Otto Weitzenkorn
• Michael Mendelsohn
From Mr. Nicholas Nieves & Ms.
Lynn Mendelsohn
March Senior Luncheon with Guest Speaker: Mayor Bob Buckhorn
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Allison Roper
Betsy Sevilla
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Brett Witkowski
Brian Palmer
Carolyn Galcik
Colleen Patterson
Damarys Vega
Dania Seranno
Yard Art
Daniel Bowles
Darren Turner
Daylen Diaz
Deborah Rosenthal
Don Rhomberg
Fazal Dasankop
Jason Michaels
Jennifer Feldman
Jennifer Rhomberg
Kelly Jones
Kelsey Yorke
Kyle Huber
Kyle Wright
Larry Rowe
Lou Tilchin
Marc Ardizzone
Mari Gonzalez
Michelle DeGenova
Mike DeGenova
Miranda Gutierrez
Mirza Baig
Omar Rahman
Rene Tilchin
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Scott Jaffe
Scott Jones
Terry Garrett
Victor Mandia
Vince Ruilova
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Congregation Schaarai Zedek
3303 West Swann Avenue
Tampa, FL 33609-4643
The Congregation Schaarai Zedek Shofar is published
monthly by Congregation Schaarai Zedek.
phone: (813) 876-2377
fax: (813) 873-1401
April 1, 2016 DATED