January 2016 Shofar - Congregation Schaarai Zedek
January 2016 Shofar - Congregation Schaarai Zedek
CO N G R E G AT I O N S C H A A R A I Z E D E K | T A M PA , F L O R I D A Co n g re g a t i o n S c h a a ra i Ze d e k , E n r i c h i n g Ta m p a’s R e fo r m J e w i s h H e r i t a g e fo r O ve r 1 2 0 Ye a r s Come join Professional Comedian and your Master of Ceremonies David Glickman for an Unforgettable Evening of Entertainment. It all takes place Saturday, January 23 at Schaarai Zedek. The festivities kick off at 7:00 pm with David’s always-entertaining musical comedy. PLUS, David has put together an incredible line-up of ‘Surprise Guests’….and other unexpected elements. And if that weren’t enough, following the show….you guessed it…… A Fabulous Dessert Buffet! Now we know you’d pay top dollar for an experience like this. And maybe even pay big bucks on StubHub to get good seats. Well, it’s your lucky day—because the evening is FREE to the congregation and the community. That’s right—Fun, Food….and FREE! Just (please) let us know you’re coming, so we can make sure we’re prepared for all of our guests. RSVP to the Temple at (813) 876-2377 or office@zedek.org. In This Issue Temple Office Directory . . . . . . .pg 2 From Rabbi Birnholz . . . . . . . . . .pg 3 Worship Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg 3 From the President. . . . . . . . . . . .pg 4 Torah Circle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg 4 From The Cantor . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg 5 Early Days of Schaarai Zedek . .pg 5 Sisterhood & Brotherhood. . . . .pg 6 Adult Learning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pg 7 Programs & Activities . . . . . . . . .pg 8 In Our Synagogue. . . . . . . . . . . . .pg 9 Youth Initiatives . . . . . . . . . . .pg 9-10 Temple Calendars . . . . . . . pgs 12-13 Temple Donations . . . . . . . . . . .pg 15 Schaarai Zedek Snap Shots . . .pg 16 TEMPLE OFFICE DIRECTORY Temple Phone: (813) 876-2377 Fax: (813) 873-1401 Email: office@zedek.org The Shofar is published monthly by Congregation Schaarai Zedek 3303 West Swann Avenue, Tampa Florida 33609-4643 Volume 120, Number 6 _________________________________ CLERGY GET THE CSZ eNEWS Rabbi Richard Birnholz, Senior Rabbi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 202 rbirnholz@zedek.org Rabbi Nathan Farb, Assistant Rabbi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 229 Do you receive “Congregation Schaarai Zedek Online,” our eNewsletter each week? nfarb@zedek.org Cantor Deborrah Cannizzaro, Cantor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 216 dcannizzaro@zedek.org If not, please send us your preferred email address. Every week we email the most upto-date information about Schaarai Zedek events and activities. We want to see you at Schaarai Zedek! TEMPLE OFFICERS Bob Tannenbaum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Mike Haber . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice-President - Religion, Education & Youth Sign up today…call or email the Temple Office at (813) 876-2377 or email office@zedek.org. _________________________________ Laura Salzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice -President - Membership & Programs View our new web site at... Scott Shimberg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer www.zedek.org Richard Eggnatz . . . . . . . . . .Vice-President-Administration & Building Meg Moskovitz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vice-President - Fundraising Janet Kass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Financial Secretary _________________________________ David Rosenbach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary ADMINISTRATION Marc LeVine, Exec. Director. . . . . . . . . .Ext. 206 mlevine@zedek.org Ming Brewer, Clergy Assistant . . . . . . .Ext. 202 mbrewer@zedek.org Sherry Stein, Membership & Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 212 sstein@zedek.org Barbara Keighley, Controller . . . . . . . .Ext. 217 bkeighley@zedek.org Teddi Bloomston, Bookkeeper . . . . . .Ext. 201 tbloomston@zedek.org Lindsey Dewey, Youth Director . . . . . .Ext. 221 ldewey@zedek.org Debra Zepeda, Admin Office Mgr. . . .Ext. 234 dzepeda@zedek.org Mary Braverman, Asst Director. . . . . .Ext. 243 mbraverman@zedek.org Marilyn Moss, Programming Asst. . . .Ext. 213 mmoss@zedek.org Marty Wittek, Administration . . . . . . .Ext. 200 mwittek@zedek.org Donna Birnholz, Administration. . . . .Ext. 247 dbirnholz@zedek.org Sarah Alexander, Administration. . . .Ext. 203 salexander@zedek.org RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Donna Wood, Religious School Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 210 dwood@zedek.org Marilyn Moss, Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ext. 215 mmoss@zedek.org AMY GAIL BUCHMAN PRESCHOOL Preschool Phone: (813) 876-4867 Ian Bernstein, Preschool Director. . . .Ext. 211 ian@zedek.org Congregation Schaarai Zedek Schaarai Zedek’s 20s/30s Connection Congregation Schaarai Zedek: RAVAK SchZFTY: Schaarai Zedek’s 9th-12th Grade Youth Group Jr SchZFTY (5th-8th Grade Youth Group) Teenokot (ages 0-4) Schaarai Zedek Sisterhood Schaarai Zedek Brotherhood _________________________________ Do You Know Someone... New to Tampa? Not Affiliated with a Congregation? Just Married? Looking for Quality Jewish Schools? Let us tell them about membership at Congregation Schaarai Zedek. Please call: Laura Salzer, Vice President of Membership and Programming (813-727-1567) or Sherry Stein, Director of Programming & Membership (813-876-2377, Ext. 212). You are invited to a Genizah Ceremony on Sunday, January 10, at 10:15 am at the Temple. Seeing such a ceremony is a treat and an experience every Jew should engage in at least once in a lifetime. A Genizah, in its narrowest definition, is a depository in which worn-out Hebrew texts, prayer books, religious JANUARY WORSHIP CALENDAR school books, talasim, yarmulkas, tephilin, and other Jewish ritual objects are placed once they can no longer be used. The meaning of the word “Genizah” depends on the way it is used. It can mean RABBI RICHARD BIRNHOLZ, “preservation”, “treasury”, or D.D., R.J.E. “hidden.” “Hidden” referred to depositories where the rabbis hid books from the public they considered heretical. FRIDAY, JANUARY 1 *5:30 pm - Shabbat Service, *Note time change Rabbi Birnholz will speak _____________________________________ Some Genizahs are special storage rooms housed in synagogues or buildings constructed for this purpose. Ours, like others, are below ground graves. FRIDAY, JANUARY 8 7:30 pm - 20s/30s Shabbat Service Rabbi Farb will speak _____________________________________ The Schaarai Zedek Genizah is located just south of our sukkah on Lincoln Ave. A marker notes its spot. There we will dig a large grave, and on that day students from the Flom Religious School will drop in items we have collected for the last 10 years. Please bring any used religious items you might want to deposit into the Genizah. SATURDAY, JANUARY 9 10:30 am - Benjamin Hochberg Bar Mitzvah 4:30 pm - Justin Greenberg Bar Mitzvah _____________________________________ SUNDAY, JANUARY 10 10:15 am - Genizah Ceremony _____________________________________ FRIDAY, JANUARY 15 7:30 pm - Shabbat Service Rabbi Farb will speak _____________________________________ SATURDAY, JANUARY 16 10:30 am - Aidan Gonzalez Bat Mitzvah 4:30 pm - Scott Abramson Bar Mitzvah _____________________________________ FRIDAY, JANUARY 22 5:30 pm - Friday Tot Shabbat 7:30 pm - Shabbat Service Rabbi Birnholz will speak _____________________________________ SATURDAY, JANUARY 23 10:30 am - Noah Halpern Bar Mitzvah _____________________________________ FRIDAY, JANUARY 29 7:30 pm - Grandparent's & PJ Shabbat Service Rabbi Birnholz will tell a story 1st and 2nd Grade students will participate. Youth Choir will sing. January Birthday Blessings. What makes this ceremony so rich and unique is that the ritual involves both wedding and funeral elements. A chupah (wedding canopy) is held over the grave to symbolize our love for and relationship with books and ritual objects. Yet Kaddish is said because we will miss having these companions with us. The ceremony starts in the sanctuary and continues with the blowing of the shofar as we proceed outside to the site. Several stops are made along the way to recite short psalms and to sing. Judaism has always had a high regard for protecting the dignity of the dead and dying. Our ancestors chose to extend this honor even to inanimate objects that remind us of God and God’s instructions. The Genizah Ceremony allows us to preserve this sentiment in a meaningful way. I hope you will make the time to be a part of this age-old tradition. From Rabbi Birnholz JANUARY Shabbat Candle Lighting Times Friday, January 1. . . . . . . . . . 5:23 pm Friday, January 8. . . . . . . . . . 5:28 pm Friday, January 15 . . . . . . . . 5:38 pm Friday, January 22 . . . . . . . . 5:44 pm Friday, January 29 . . . . . . 5:50 pm 3 We are entering a New Year 2016. How the last year flew by! Our year ended with increase in terrorism including a Russian plane being brought down in Egypt, the ISIS attack in Paris, and fourteen innocent people killed by a terrorist couple at a holiday party in California. The couple left their six month old baby with their relatives before they went on their deadly rampage. Where does this terrorist mindset come from, a mindset that says killing others is more important than taking care of your own child? Golda Meir, a former Prime Minister of Israel, talked about this when she said that peace will come when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us. While I wouldn’t paint with such a broad bush, I think her statement clearly applies to this terrorist couple. We see terrorism happening, and it seem incomprehensible to us. The terrorism which has swept the world raises a question which demands a reply. Is it okay to take a life in the name of religion? Most rational, civilized people know the answer. What can we do? We just have to make sure we are a little more vigilant when we travel, make smart choices, and support those who protect our liberties. In the end we can only do the best we can and hope God is watching out for us. I wish everyone a great year in 2016. Shalom, Bob Tannenbaum, President Nominating Committee Congregation Schaarai Zedek’s Nominating Committee is beginning its annual work of nominating new leadership. We welcome recommendations. If you or someone you know is interested in serving in a synagogue leadership capacity, please notify Alan Weiner, Nominating Committee Chair, a.weiner@focusmg.com. The new slate will be presented for approval at the Annual Meeting in early June 2016. The term of service begins July 1, 2016. Nothing is more critical to ensuring lifelong Jewish identity than a strong and creative religious education. Our Julia M. and Samuel L. Flom Religious School serves more than 350 students – from 4-year-olds through 9th graders – each week. The curriculum, recognized by the National Association of Temple Educators, includes a rich mix of Jewish ritual, history, lore and Hebrew language. Students receive excellent preparation for Bar and Bat Mitzvah and Confirmation. For all our students, Congregation Schaarai Zedek’s Religious School offers a wonderful opportunity 4 to study and grow. For many, it is their primary opportunity to interact with other Jewish children and absorb the learning and culture of our ancestors. But not all families have the resources to pay Temple dues and Religious School fees. For them, support from Torah Circle is critical. Your gift to Torah Circle helps subsidize eligible families, opening the gates of study to all children in our synagogue. When you support Jewish education, you make a contribution to our Jewish future. Contributing to Torah Circle is truly no about raising money; it is about raising Jews. The Torah Circle Committee Melodies of Transformation Words without music are like a body without a soul. I am often asked by my B’nai Mitzvah students if it is easier to chant or read their portions. Many of my students find it easier to chant rather than read Torah. Why? Just as it is easier to recite a poem when it is set to a melody, the words of Torah are often easier to recall when they are set to music. How many of us can recite the words of our National Anthem out loud without singing it, at least in our heads? The concept of reading Torah in public is quite ancient. At the end of Deuteronomy, we are told that after writing out the words of his final song, Moses assembled the people of Israel and recited it to them (Deut. 31:19, 22; 30). We find more evidence of a public reading of Torah in the book of Nehemiah. After the Jews returned from Babylonian captivity, around 444 BCE, Ezra the Scribe stood on a high wooden platform on a street near the Water Gate and chanted Torah from dawn until midday. Beside him, several assistants translated from the archaic Hebrew into the more colloquial Aramaic (Nehemiah 8:1-8). The concept of “chanting” Torah developed over the next 1000 years until it was codified by the Masoretes (conservators of the tradition) around the middle of the first century CE. These scholars, recognizing that the knowledge of chanting Torah was in danger of being forgotten, incorporated the missing vowels, punctuation, and grammatical organization into the text using a set of 28 symbols called “neumes” (te’amim). Later, the te’amim were used to give musical direction to the person chanting the Torah, thus saving a tradition that was in danger of being lost. On January 23, we will be reading B’shalach, the Torah portion which contains Shirat HaYam (the Song of the Sea). This is the song the Israelites sang upon reaching the other side of the Sea of Reeds. It is special in Torah, as the text changes from the typical justified prose to a special symmetrical arrangement of text resembling wavy lines, and is thus reminiscent of the rolling waves of the sea. The beginning is chanting using typical Torah chant, but then incorporates a set of special melodies unique to this portion. Thus even those who do not have the opportunity to see the visual reminder by reading from the Torah know that this is a special section by merely listening. Why is the reading of this text treated so uniquely within our liturgy? Such a momentous event, one that transformed the Israelites from a rag-tag group of slaves into a unified people eager to receive God’s Law, is one that should never be forgotten. The rabbis knew this and made sure that we had ample opportunities to relive the experience: We regularly recall the Exodus when we lift our wine cups on Shabbat or a Festival evening, (zeicher l’tsiyat mitzrayim - in remembrance of the Exodus from Egypt); we remember God’s awesome power every time we recite Mi Chamocha (Who is like You?), words which come directly from Shirat HaYam; and this song has become a permanent part of our morning liturgy. Recently, one of our students was asked why he thought that the words of Shirat HaYam were written as a song. He replied, “It would be easier for the people to remember.” It is gratifying to know that songs have not changed. May this new year of 2016 be one of transformative joy to you and yours. Cantor Cannizzaro The Early Days of Schaarai Zedek The financial survival of the Temple was the most common recurring theme during the 1930’s Excerpts from the minutes of the Temple Board* November 4, 1934: “Upon motion of M. J. Mackler, seconded by Leo Weiss, and carried, it was decided to request the Sisterhood to attend to janitor arrangements with the understanding that the Temple would defray the cost of janitor service not exceeding $1.50 weekly.” *These minutes were prepared byDr. Carl Zielonka, Archives Chair,for your information about our past history. 5 SISTERHOOD EVENTS Two Months at a Glance JANUARY Sisterhood Book Club Meeting Monday, January 11 12 noon -1:00 pm @ CSZ Past President Brunch Tuesday, January 12 10:00 am Dutch Treat Dinner Event Wednesday, January 13 6:00 pm Challenge For Hunger Sunday, January 24 9:30 am FEBRUARY Sisterhood Shabbat Dinner Friday, February 19 6:00 pm Sisterhood Shabbat Service Friday, February 19 7:30 pm Hamantaschen Baking Wednesdays, February 17 & 24 & 28 9:30 am Sisterhood Book Club Meeting Monday, February 22 12 noon -1:00 pm @ CSZ On Monday, January 11, Book Club will take place from 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm at Congregation Schaarai Zedek. We will be discussing The Nightingale by Kristen Hannah. If you want to get a head start for February, the book will be Molokai by Alan Brennert. Thank you to Barbara Shine Hicks for organizing the Book Club. Join us on Wednesday evening, January 13, 2016 from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm for a Dutch Treat Dinner at Del Frisco's Grille on Boy Scout Boulevard. We have invited Esther Happle and Career Strategist Robyn Winters from Tampa Bay Job Links to give a timely and informative presentation about the local job market and the specifics of networking that help land a job. This presentation should not be missed. Thank you to Dana Gruman for organizing this. On Monday, January 20, Sisterhood will hold its annual Staff Appreciation Luncheon for the Temple Staff. We are so thankful for the year round support we receive from this top notch team. Thank you to Stephanie Tannenbaum for planning this. Sisterhood’s annual “Challenge for Hunger” which takes place during Religious School and benefits Tampa Jewish Family Services’ Food Bank starts January 24 with food collection on January 31. Students are asked to bring in one nonperishable food item for every lap they complete on the Challenge for Hunger Course. Last year we collected over 450 lbs. of food. Thank you, Lara Zielin for being the Chair of this wonderful event and Diana Bloom our Youth and Education VP. Cindy Minetti Sisterhood Co-President cminetti@tampabay.rr.com On Wednesday, January 20, from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm we are embarking on one of the hottest trends in Tampa: Top Golf. You don’t have to be a golf enthusiast to enjoy this treat. We will have dinner and 2 hours of golf. Brotherhood members pay the discounted price of $40 while non-members pay $60. Top Golf is the premier golf entertainment complex where the competition of sport meets your favorite local hangout. You can challenge your friends and family to addictive point-scoring golf games. Just picture a 240-yard outfield with dartboard-like targets in the ground. The closer to the center or “bull’s-eye” you get and the farther out you hit your microchipped balls, the more points you receive. Give it a shot! On Thursday, February 11, we have reserved dinner and a tour of Pané Rustica. While everybody knows the great food, what many may not realize is that this operation runs 24/7. Pané Rustica Wholesale bakery delivers 7000 pounds of bread per week to discerning restaurants in the Tampa Bay Area starting at 4:00 am each day. Kevin Kruszewski, the owner, chef and founder, will give us a detailed insight into this operation. Anthony Weiss Brotherhood Co-President 6 Pattie Schreiber Sisterhood Co-President pattieschreiber@yahoo.com BROTHERHOOD EVENTS Two Months at a Glance JANUARY Top Golf Wednesday, January 20 7 pm FEBRUARY Pané Rustica Thursday, February 11 7 pm Parables of the New Testament: How They Are Viewed Today And How They Were Understood During The Time of Jesus Teacher: Bill Kalish, (Jewish Bible Scholar and Attorney) Wednesdays, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm January 6 - Introduction, Overview and a Parable-Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) January 13 - Good Samaritan (Luke 10:29-37)-Judge/Poor Woman (Luke 18:1-8) January 20 - Adulterous Woman (John 7:53; 8:1-11)- Pharisee/Tax Collector (Luke 18:9-14) In this series, Bill will explore the different ways the New Testament parables have been understood through the centuries. During the time of Jesus, the parables were understood by Jews from the social, historical, and religious standpoints of the First Century Temple period. After the destruction of the Temple in 70 C.E., the parables were understood in Christological and eschatological interpretations. In later centuries, the parables were repeatedly interpreted by key theologians and academics. Participants are encouraged to bring the Bible with which they are comfortable to class. There will be Hebrew Bibles available at the class. Bill Kalish has been teaching interfaith Bible classes at Schaarai Zedek for 19 years. You do not want to miss this opportunity to study with him. RSVP to the Temple Office at (813) 876-2377 or office@zedek.org. Weekly Torah Study Led by Rabbi Farb Saturdays: January 2, 9, 16 & 23 9:00 am - 10:00 am Join us anytime for fun and learning. For more information, contact Rabbi Farb at nfarb@zedek.org or at (813) 876-2377, Ext. 229. Jewish Pirates Of the Caribbean Wednesday, January 27 7:00 pm Teacher: Meg Moskovitz In the 16th century, the knownworld doubled in size. Jews scattered and formed a global network based on shared language, heritage and a hatred of Spain. Jews became pirates, spies and privateers. In celebration of Tampa’s Gasparilla tradition, come and learn about this exciting time in Jewish history when a kosher pirate ruled the seas. RSVP to the Temple at (813) 876-2377 or office@zedek.org. Save The Dates Jewish Messiahs Through History Teacher: Rabbi Farb Wednesdays, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm February 10 - From Cyrus to Jesus: What is a Jewish Messiah Anyway? February 17 - Simon Bar-Kochba and More: Rabbis, Rebellion, and Warrior Kings February 24 - Shabbatai Zvi, Frank, and Controversial Others: Medieval and Modern Mystical Messiahs Who is the “real” messiah? Where did the idea of the Savior-Messiah first come from? Throughout Jewish history, ideas about the Messiah have changed, and many individuals have claimed the title over the years. This series will examine some of those individuals and the historical settings in which they lived. RSVP to the Temple Office at (813) 876-2377 or office@zedek.org. 7 Schaarai Zedek’s 20s & 30s Connection Tu BiShvat Wine and Cheese Tasting at Cheese Please Sunday, January 24 6:30 pm Koleinu Choir Welcomes New Members Koleinu, our adult volunteer choir, welcomes new members. It is not necessary to know how to read music or to read Hebrew. We work as a team. We love to sing and we learn the music together. Added benefits of the choir are gaining an understanding of Shabbat and High Holy Day liturgy and translating the prayers we sing. Participation is open to anyone post Bar/Bat Mitzvah – 13 years old and older! Please contact Cantor Cannizzaro, at dcannizzaro@zedek. org, with any questions. Social Action Mitzvot Trinity Café Trinity Café, located at 2801 North Nebraska Avenue, Tampa 33602, provides hot, chef-cooked meals to homeless and others in need. Volunteer opportunities are available to help serve on Mondays through Fridays from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm and Saturdays and Sundays from 8:30 am - 11:00 am. Congregation Schaarai Zedek will send a group to volunteer on Saturday, January 30, 8:30 am 11:00 am. We hope you will want to help us on this date. RSVP to Donna Wood, Religious School Director, at (813) 876-2377, Ext. 210 or dwood@zedek.org. Mitzvah Dreidel Collection News Thank you to all who participated in the TJFS MITZVAH DREIDEL PROJECT! We had a record number of participants who helped fulfill the needs of and brought happiness to the clients of Tampa Jewish Family Services. 8 Centuries ago Jewish mystics paired wines of different colors with the four seasons. They also paired these wines with different species of tree fruits to observe the Jewish New Year of the Trees called Tu BiShvat. Join us at Cheese Please, the top rated wine and cheese shop in Tampa, to celebrate this holiday with an exciting wine and cheese tasting event. To RSVP or with questions about any Schaarai Zedek 20s/30s event, contact Rabbi Farb at (813) 876-2377, Ext. 229 or nfarb@zedek.org. Senior Luncheon Guest Speaker: Gary Gould Thursday, January 21, 2016 Seating - 11:15 am Preschool singers – 11:30 am sharp Gary Gould is CEO of the Tampa Jewish Community Center and Federation and a Schaarai Zedek member. He is also Regional CEO of the Tampa-OrlandoPinellas Federation Alliance. As one of the key leaders developing the new Bryan Glazer Family JCC, Gary will be talking about the role and importance of the JCC/Federation plus giving us a preview of the how the new JCC will play a transformative role in our community. There is no charge for lunch. RSVP to the Temple Office at (813) 876-2377 or email office@zedek.org. Save The Date Ravak Purim Party BBQ & Movie Night (Jewish Singles 40 & Beyond) Thursday, March 24 6:30 pm until… It’s time for Friends, Food, and Fun. It’s Purim. Rabbi Birnholz will be cooking his famous oak-smoked, barbequed salmon (and chicken, too) for your dinner. We will have an Ice Cream Sundae Bar with Hamantaschen for dessert. Get ready to laugh at antics in a very funny film (TBD). A brief discussion led by Rabbi Birnholz will follow the movie. There will be Purim fun for all at no charge to anyone. For more information, call or email the Temple Office at (813) 876-2377 or office@zedek.org. Schaarai Zedek’s 20s & 30s Connection 20s/30s Shabbat Reception & Service Friday, January 8 6:30 pm - Reception, 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Join us at 6:30 for a pre-service reception just for 20s/30s. Enjoy a glass of wine. Meet some new friends. Then we’ll join the congregation for the Shabbat service. To RSVP or with questions about any Schaarai Zedek 20s/30s event, contact Rabbi Farb at (813) 876-2377, Ext. 229 or nfarb@zedek.org. Genizah Ceremony Friday, January 29 - 7:30 pm Sunday, January 10 10:15 am-11:15 am On Sunday, January 10, you will have the opportunity to participate in a very unique worship service—a Genizah. A Genizah Ceremony is the burying of worn-out Jewish ritual objects—a prayerbook, a tallit, a kipah (yarmulke), etc. As Jews, we do not simply discard worn objects that have been a part of our worship. We bury them with a brief service that is part wedding (celebrating the joy the objects have given) and part funeral (saying farwell to the objects). The ceremony culminates with a burial of the objects on our synagogue grounds. Participating in a Genizah Ceremony is a rare opportunity. You will want to be a part of this special service. MAZEL TOV Congregants Melinda Sheer (Congregation Schaarai Zedek), Lynne Merriam (TOP Jewish Foundation), Debbie Taub (Florida Holocaust Museum), Rande Weissman (Tampa Jewish Federation) received the Bobbe Karpay Women of Distinction Award from the Tampa JCC and Federation. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Jolene & Neil Fabricant Katie & Josh Neiman Sam Osnos Carolina & Jonathan Strosberg Children...Invite your grandparents to our annual Grandparents’ / PJ Family Shabbat Service. Grandparents and their grandchildren will be blessed together as part of the Shabbat Service worship. First and Second Grade students will participate in our January 29 Grandparents’ / PJ Family Shabbat Service. We will have birthday blessings under the Birthday Chuppah. Our Youth Choir will sing and we will enjoy a bedtime story, too. Make your grandparents a part of these special Schaarai Zedek traditions. All generations are welcome! BIRTHS Jack Spencer Altman Son of Andrea & Eric Altman Granddaughter of Betty Goldenberg, Great Niece of Ann & Lance Goldenberg and Eileen & Bruce Goldenberg Reese Jessica Eidelman Great-Granddaughter of Doris and Frank Rosenblatt Sawyer Steinberg Son of Sophie & David Steinberg Adalynn Lilli Neiman Daughter of Katie & Josh Neiman Leonard Morton Anton Father of David Anton Ethan Reid Peerless Son of Amanda Sergay & Eric Peerless and Grandson of Jane & Steve Sergay Lyla Joyce Pikelney Granddaughter of Susie & Lex Goldenberg, Great- DEATHS Assy Arnsdorf Cousin of Edith Sanders and Cousin of Roy Sanders Barrett Spahn Brother of Cindy Spahn Sheldon Sper Brother of Paul Sper 9 ────── SAVE THE DATE ────── Saturday Tot Shabbat Winter Wonderland Event (Children 0-5 years, and siblings of all ages) Saturday, February 6 3:30 pm (Children 0-5 years, and siblings of all ages) Friday, January 22 5:30 pm (with a complimentary dinner) Come enjoy our interactive Shabbat activity for families with young children. Experience Shabbat rituals and have “a ton of fun.” We will have Shabbat Dinner, too, at no cost to you! RSVP to the Temple Office at (813) 876-2377 or office@zedek.org. Yes, it snows in Tampa (or at Congregation Schaarai Zedek)! Once again, it is time for our annual Winter Wonderland Tot Shabbat Havdalah for families with young children. We will be joined by our Teenokot friends as well. Put on your mittens and jackets. Come to Schaarai Zedek to play in the snow. We will have juice, cookies, and pizza, too. To RSVP or for more information, call the Temple Office at (813) 876-2377. Friday Night Tot Shabbat News From The Amy Gail Buchman Preschool Jan 1: School closed for all students Jan 4: First day back for all students Jan 18: Dr. Martin Luther King Day: School closed for all students Jan 22: Gasparilla Children's Parade & all School Shabbat Jan 25: Tu BiShvat Jan 25-28: Donuts with Dad & Special Friends. Specific split room classes will have an alternate schedule that will be announced. Jan 25 - 9:00 am Infant & Toddler Jan 26 - 9:00 am 2 Year Olds Jan 27 - 9:00 am 3 Year Olds Jan 28 - 9:00 am Pre-K Gesher L’ Mishpacha: Jewish Family Fun Join the fun... Create Jewish family memories with “Gesher L’Mishpacha… Bridge to the Family” activities. Families of all makeups and sizes will enjoy completing 18 simple activities from a list of over 70 items. Last year, 7 families were “Gesher Graduates.” Add your name to the 2016 Gesher Graduation List. Watch for information about the Gesher program so your family will be on the 2016 Gesher Graduation List. For more information, call Donna Wood, Religious School Director at (813) 876-2377, Ext. 210. 10 FLOM RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Café CSZ Youth Events SchZFTY (grades 9-12) Open House Wednesday, January 6 6:30 pm Join us for a night of relaxation, friends and maybe even some homework time. Please RSVP so we order enough for dinner. Sun, Jan. 10, 24 & 31 9:00 am - 11:00 am Open During Religious School SchZFTY (grades 9-12) Mismatched Dinner on the Town Have a bagel and a cup of coffee at Café CSZ in the Schaarai Zedek Sisterhood Meeting Room. Join the conversation... Greet friends, fellow parents, and other congregants... Café CSZ will be open during Religious School. Drop off the kids. Drop in for bagels and coffee. See you there! Interested in Teaching or Substituting? Would you like to spend time with great children and further Judaism? Then come spend Sunday mornings at the Flom Religious School! We supply the lesson plans and materials! If you would like more information about teaching or substituting, please contact Donna Wood, Religious School Director, at 813-876-2377 ext. 210 or dwood@zedek.org. Saturday, January 9 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Please bring $20 in cash for a night of adventure before dinner at a local restaurant. Jr. SchZFTY (grades 6-8) Third Annual Day at the Park Sunday, January 10 11:30 am - 6:30 pm $75 Play for the DAY and PLAY ALL YEAR with your Busch Gardens year pass! Jr. SchZFTY will hit the park for a day of fun! We will have Chaperones in the park and scheduled group check-ins. Yeladim (grades K-2) Late Night PJ Party Friday, January 22 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm $10 covers dinner, projects and snacks Come in your PJs for a night of dinner, projects and a late night movie with friends. Chaverim (grades 3-5) PK’s Playzone Sunday, January 24 11:30 am - 2:30 pm $20 per child We will play Laser Tag, Sky Trail, arcade and MORE! Lunch and all activities included. Drop off and Pick Up at Temple. Teenokot (ages 0-4) Baby Yoga Thursday, January 28 10:30 am – 12 noon Come join us for a morning with Lucky Cat Yoga. Bring a mat or a towel. All skill levels welcome. To sign up or for info about any youth event, please contact Lindsey Dewey, Youth Director, at ldewey@zedek.org or (813) 876-2377, Ext. 221. Aidan Gonzalez Justin Greenberg Noah Halpern Benjamin Hochberg Son of Deborah & Marc Abramson Daughter of Kim & Albert Gonzalez Son of Michele & Lee Greenberg Son of Silvia & David Halpern Son of Lauri & David Hochberg B'NAI MITZVAH Scott Abramson 11 February 2016 at-a-Glance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 In memory of: Amnon Schwartz From Mrs. Edith Sanders Bruce Breslow From Mr. John Sternberg & Mrs. Brenda Breslow Ephraim Moses Borkowf From Drs. Maurice & Kailie Shaw Sam Shaw From Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Goldsmith Christopher Cotton Robert Cotton From Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Poch Rose Leah Snydman From Mr. & Mrs. Howard Adlin Clara F. Gilbert Louis J. Buchman From Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Gilbert JULIA M. & SAMUEL L. FLOM RELIGIOUS SCHOOL SPECIAL PROJECTS FUND From Introduction to Judaism Class In honor of: Ann Rubin Goldman’s Special Birthday From Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Bloom AMY GAIL BUCHMAN PRESCHOOL FUND In honor of: Marriage of Sarah Kanes & Matt Johnston From Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kass Bernard Kantor Leonard Morton Anton, father of David Anton From Mr. & Mrs. Burt Haskins Speedy Recovery of Michael Kass From Mr. Brian Lamb From Ms. Ann Allen From Mr. & Mrs. James Desmond In memory of: Barrett Spahn, brother of Cindy Spahn From Mr. Frederick & Dr. Debbie Hoffman BERNIE & BETTY EPSTEIN RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND Brian Knowles, brother of Gail Fischer From Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sherman Eric Newman From Mrs. Lyris Newman In memory of: Evelyn Zuckerman From Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Gobioff In honor of: Bat Mitzvah of Maya Fisher From Mr. & Mrs. Warren Fisher Ian Lynne From Ms. Barbara Bond AMY GAIL BUCHMAN PRESCHOOL ENDOWMENT FUND In honor of: 100th Birthday of Doris Verkauf From Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Buchman In memory of: Shirley Solomon From Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Buchman Bernard Kantor From Mr. & Mrs. Saul Rachelson Albert Kalmus From Dr. & Mrs. Lee Grossbard Rabbi Theodore S. Levy Milton E. Greenberg From Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Levy A Contribution to One of Our Temple Funds is a Wonderful Way to Make a Tribute to a Loved One or a Friend. Please check which fund you wish to donate towards. TEMPLE FUNDS ENDOWMENT FUNDS ____ Rabbi Birnholz’ Discretionary Fund ____ Chair of Rabbinics Celia Kaplan From Dr. & Mrs. Alan Saunders ____ Rabbi Farb’s Discretionary Fund ____ Amy Gail Buchman Preschool Endowment Fund ____ Cantor Cannizzaro’s Discretionary Fund Eve Scher Roberta Golding From Mr. & Mrs. David Scher ____ Rabbi Richard & Donna Birnholz Education Fund ____ Audrey E. Messerman Scholarship Fund for the Amy Gail Buchman Preschool ____ Charles and Barbara Adler Fund ____ Bernie & Betty Epstein Religious School Fund ____ Food Bank Fund ____ Brotherhood Youth Endowment Hannah Miller From Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Miller Fay Nachumson From Ms. Arlene Berkowitz ____ Interfaith and Outreach Fund ____ Duglin Family Camp Coleman Scholarship ____ Hirsch Family Torah Fund Marilyn Morse From Mrs. Barbara Ingber ____ Library Fund Marcia Yankowitz From Dr. & Mrs. Jerome Yankowitz ____ Rabbi David L. Zielonka Camp Coleman Scholarship Mary Safer From Mrs. Carole Cherry ____ Samuel & Julia Flom Religious School Special Fund ____ Meyer Kotler Memorial Lecture Series ____ SchZFTY Fund ____ Sadie Zbar Family Memorial Scholarship ____ Sustaining Fund ____ Samuel L. Flom NFTY ____ Tree of Life ($250) ____ Saul Rachelson Endowment ____ Memorial Plaque ($500) ____ Schaarai Zedek Seniors ____ Amy Gail Buchman Preschool Fund ____ Ruth E. Wagner Jewish Cultural Endowment ____ Annual European Exchange Fund ____ Zbar Youth Programs Louis J. Buchman From Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Gilbert Tree of Life Celebrate special occasions in your life and honor friends by purchasing a leaf ($250) on our “Tree of Life” in the Buchman-Rachelson Social Hall. Call Mary Braverman at the Temple Office for details at (813) 876-2377, Ext. 243. ____ Prayer Book Fund ____ Samuel & Julia Flom Religious School Scholarship ____ Lawrence David Hoffman Mitzvah Fund ____ Lillyan D. Neusner Fund for Leadership Development and Long Range Planning ____ Mack Perlman Award Name ______________________________________________________________________ Amount $____________________ Billing Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________________________ State ____________________ Zip ___________________ In Memory of ________________________________________________________________________________________________ In Honor of _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14 We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who remember and honor their loved ones and friends through contributions made to our Temple Funds. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- RABBI BIRNHOLZ’ DISCRETIONARY FUND From Mr. James Shimberg, Jr. & Mrs. Elizabeth Shimberg In honor of: Rabbi Birnholz From Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Rubin Naming of Finley Scott Philipson From Mr. & Mrs. Saul Rachelson Dr. & Mrs. Walter Woolf's support of "Forbidden Music" From Ms. Betty Shalett Audrey Shine’s “8 Over 80” Award From Mr. & Mrs. Michael LeVine Bat Mitzvah of Maya Fisher From Mr. & Mrs. Warren Fisher B'Nai Mitzvah of Bryan Miller & Ross Miller From Mr. Mark Miller & Dr. Michele Fleeter Birthday of John Dingfelder From Mrs. Adele Baydin Speedy Recovery of Michael Kass From Mrs. Ruth Adrian In memory of: Bella Tresser, mother of Dr. Steven Tresser From Mr. & Mrs. Albert Wagner From Mrs. Ruth Adrian From Mr. & Mrs. Richard Leisner Bernard Kantor From Mr. Mark Miller & Dr. Michele Fleeter Susan Madry From Mr. & Mrs. Diego Smude Assy Arnsdorf, cousin of Edith Sanders and Roy Sanders From Mrs. Edith Sanders Leonard Morton Anton, father of David Anton From Mr. & Mrs. William Gruman From Mr. & Mrs. Richard Leisner Sandra Bruck, wife of Dr. David Bruck From Dr. David Bruck From Mr. & Mrs. Richard Teitelbaum Herbert Epstein From Mr. & Mrs. Richard Teitelbaum Sheldon Sper, Brother of Paul Sper From Mrs. Ruth Adrian Barrett Spahn, brother of Cindy Spahn From Mr. Michael Bille & Ms. Lois Greenbaum RABBI RICHARD & DONNA BIRNHOLZ EDUCATION FUND In memory of: Sandra Bruck, wife of Dr. David Bruck Barrett Spahn, brother of Cindy Spahn Bernard Kantor Seymour Saks From Judge Herbert & Mrs. Gloria Berkowitz RABBI FARB’S DISCRETIONARY FUND From Mr. & Mrs. Eric Altman In honor of: Installation of Rabbi Farb From Mr. Russell LaFuente Bat Mitzvah of Maya Fisher From Mr. & Mrs. Warren Fisher In memory of: Murray Puterman From Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Puterman CANTOR CANNIZZARO’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In honor of: Bat Mitzvah of Maya Fisher From Mr. & Mrs. Warren Fisher In memory of: Barrett Spahn, brother of Cindy Spahn From Dr. Sarah Kline From Mr. & Mrs. Richard Chad Maxwell Bentley Harriet Kessel Eleanor “Ellie” Tepper From Mrs. Judith Rosenkranz Freeda Puterman From Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Puterman Sandy Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sherman MEYER KOTLER LECTURE SERIES ENDOWMENT FUND In memory of: Jo Zimmer Franzblau From Mr. & Mrs. John Osterweil SCHZFTY FUND In honor of: Bat Mitzvah of Carly Kohn From Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kittredge FOOD BANK FUND In memory of: Severino LaFuente From Mr. Russell LaFuente SUSTAINING FUND In honor of: Birth of Jack Charles Wright From Mr. & Mrs. Eric Gruman Eleanor “Ellie” Tepper From Mr. & Mrs. Albert Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Eric Gruman From Mrs. Barbara Ingber Sheldon Sper, Brother of Paul Sper From Mr. & Mrs. Joel Karpay From Dr. & Mrs. J. Justin Older Speedy Recovery of Michael Kass From Mr. & Mrs. Byron Verkauf Lillie K. Kessler Mr. Jerome Schine Seymour Saks Bernard Kantor From Dr. & Mrs. J. Justin Older Barrett Spahn, brother of Cindy Spahn From Dr. & Mrs. J. Justin Older From Mr. & Mrs. William Paul JACOBSON LIBRARY FUND In memory of: Jacob Yessenow From Mr. & Mrs. Saul Straus In memory of: Barrett Spahn, brother of Cindy Spahn From Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Titen From Mr. & Mrs. Eric Gruman Leonard Morton Anton, father of David Anton From Mr. & Mrs. Eric Gruman RUTH E. WAGNER JEWISH CULTURAL ENDOWMENT FUND In memory of: Bernard Kantor From Dr. & Mrs. Rudolph Acosta MEMORIAL FUND In memory of: Honey Gallin From Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Hameroff Sandra Bruck, wife of Dr. David Bruck From Dr. & Mrs. Steven Field Bruce Breslow From Ms. Rhea Hurwitz Barrett Spahn, brother of Cindy Spahn From Dr. David Moore & Ms. Marianne Fisher Bernard Kantor From Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rosenblatt From Mr. Richard Rudolph From Mr. & Mrs. Otto Weitzenkorn SENIORS ENDOWMENT FUND In appreciation of: Senior Luncheon From Mr. & Mrs. Joe Jany In honor of: 90th Birthday of Dick Falk From Mr. & Mrs. Milton Zamore Birth of Avery Marie Scherzer Birth of Brooks Arnold Brereton Birth of Azure Orion Scher Birth of Hartley Merrill Hyman From Dr. & Mrs. Robert Scherzer CEMETERY FUND From Mrs. Diane Goldfeder RABBI DAVID L. ZIELONKA CAMP COLEMAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND In honor of: 50th Wedding Anniversary of Paula & Carl Zielonka From Judge Herbert & Mrs. Gloria Berkowitz In memory of: Bernard Kantor From Drs. Carl & Paula Zielonka From Dr. & Mrs. Sanford Dolgin Dorothea Dubler From Dr. & Mrs. Sanford Dolgin Leonard Morton Anton, father of David Anton Abraham Karpay From Mr. & Mrs. Joel Karpay Barrett Spahn, brother of Cindy Spahn From Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kass 15 ALL THE ADVICE, SERVICES AND PRODUCTS YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS D OW N TOW N TA M PA Mention shofar for a one time 15% discount tampa-allegra.com 813-228-8800 Alan Gutierrez Allison Werda Betsy Sevilla Bob Bray Brett Witkowski Colleen Patterson Damarys Vega Dania Seranno Daniel Bowles Darren Turner Debbie Johnson Deborah Rosenthal Don Rhomberg Fazal Dasankop Jennifer Feldman Jennifer Rhomberg Kandice Andux Kelly Jones Kyle Huber Kyle Wright Larry Rowe Linda O’Connor Lou Tilchin Marc Ardizzone Mari Gonzalez Mariette Rake Michelle DeGenova Mike DeGenova Michael Kriz Miranda Gutierrez Mirza Baig Mony Rodon Omar Rahman Ret Tanner Rick Happle Rodger Elgar Rolando Carbonell Scott Jaffe Scott Jones Tejas Patel Terry Garrett Thomas Blake Tim LaCouture Victor Mandia Vince Ruilova Yaixy Cabrera Securities offered through Comprehensive Asset Management and Servicing, Inc.(“CAMAS”), 2001 Rt 46 – Suite 506, Parsippany, NJ 07054, 1-800-637-3211 Member FINRA/SIPC/MSRB. Advisory services offered through Jaffe Tilchin Investment Partners, LLC. Jaffe Tilchin Investment Partners LLC is independent of CAMAS. Congregation Schaarai Zedek 3303 West Swann Avenue Tampa, FL 33609-4643 The Congregation Schaarai Zedek Shofar is published monthly by Congregation Schaarai Zedek. www.zedek.org phone: (813) 876-2377 fax: (813) 873-1401 January 1, 2016 DATED DELIVERY ISRAEL Rabbi Birnholz’ Israel Trip – June 20-30, 2016 Organizational and Information Meeting with David Magen from ARZAWorld Tuesday, January 19, at 7:00 pm At Schaarai Zedek This is an opportunity for those already signed up for the trip to learn additional details and to hear about all the places we will visit. It is also the perfect time for those considering the trip to ask questions and get excited. We still have places left on the trip but they will not last long. Please let Rabbi Birnholz know if you are even thinking about going on the trip so we can consider you in our count. RSVP to the Temple for this meeting at (813) 876-2377 or office@zedek.org.