1 State Control of Fayette County , WV Schools 2009, Fayette
1 State Control of Fayette County , WV Schools 2009, Fayette
State Control of Fayette County , WV Schools 2009, Fayette County fails to pass a bond to close high schools and build new schools Feb. 2010, The WVBOE takes over the Fayette County School system citing facility issues, especially too many high schools, as well as curriculum. State Board removes Chris Perkins as Superintendent, appoints Dwight Dials Mr. Dials just left Mingo County, a state takeover county, where the state forced consolidation and built a new high school. Fayette Co. Starts the Energy management plan under Perkins, signs the contract under Dials. Fayette Co. citizens Develop the 2010-2020 CEFP under Mr. Dials leadership July 2010, Mr. Dials hires a Director of Operations, Ron Cantley Dec. 2010, Jan. 2011, Mr. Dials recommends and State Board votes to close Mt. Hope High School and send the students to Collins Middle school and Oak Hill High School. Jan. 2012, Mr. Dials recommends and State Board votes to close Danese Elementary and Nuttall Middle, sending students to Ansted Middle, Divide Elementary, Ansted Elementary and Meadow Bridge Elementary April 2012, Mr. Dials recommends building onto Midland Trail and moving Fayetteville High and Meadow Bridge High to Midland Trail. SBA denies funding for addition to Midland Trail High school to place Fayetteville High and Meadow Bridge High into Midland Trail June 2012, Dwight Dials Resigns July 2012, Keith Butcher becomes the new State appointed Superintendent for Fayette County August 2012, New County level position created. Associate Superintendent for Curriculum Mary Lou MacCorkle hired Nov. 2012, notes from Nov. County Board meeting March 2013, Notes from County Board meeting 1 April 2013, The State Board and State Superintendent Phares require Fayette County to work with Carolyn Arritt from Meadow Bridge and Paul McClung from Summers Co. to work to run a bond to keep all remaining schools in Fayette County open. Notes from County Board meeting May 2013, Notes from County Board meeting 2 June 2013, Fayette Co. steering committee opposes running a bond to keep all schools open. Sept. 2013, Gayle Manchin and Dr. William White of the WV State BOE attend the Sept. Regular Board meeting of the FCBOE with a contingent of Meadow Bridge citizens. Attached are excerpts of the Sept. 2013 County Board meeting 3 The State Board President Gayle Manchin, at the September State Board meeting in Romney, Directs Dr. Butcher to bring a CEFP amendment back in October to remove the closure of Meadow Bridge High from the CEFP. Oct. 2013/Nov. 2013, State Board votes to Remove Meadow Bridge from CEFP and study what is best for their students for one year. Approves amendment to build a pk-8 or pk-12 at Meadow Bridge Nov. 2013, Dr. Starcher reported Fayette County has received permission to pursue the closure of Gatewood Elementary School effective July 1, 2014. Nov. 2013, Dr. Butcher announced an information meeting will be held on Thursday, November 7, at Meadow Bridge High School and everyone is invited to attend. State Board President, Gayle Manchin, holds a community meeting at Meadow Bridge. This meeting was supposed to be the first of meetings for all areas. This is the only meeting that occurred with state board representatives Dec. 2013, Dr. Butcher announced that Fayette County will not submit a building project to the School Building Authority this year and will not run a bond in May 2014. He reported the current CEFP will be reviewed during the next six months. Dec. 2013, Dr. Butcher announces plan to study all schools in Fayette Co., not just Meadow Bridge Dec. 2013, Dr. Butcher announces Gatewood to remain open. January 2014, State Dept. of Education requires Fayette County to hire Dr. Larry Parsons as consultant to the CEFP process. February 2014, State Dept. of Education approves hiring an educational planner for a CEFP review February 2014, Drastic Reduction in force to bring personnel in line with State Aid March 2014, Dr. Butcher reported a certified educational planner will be used to help the committee review the current CEFP and also a study will be forthcoming on how we can improve secondary education in all high schools. March 2014, Meadow Bridge to receive extra funds from State Dept. to be matched by Fayette Co. at State Superintendents direction, $50,000.00 each. This is due to Gov. Tomblin’s veto of $100,000 for Meadow Bridge as an isolated school, requested by the WVBOE, in the Governor’s budget. 4 June, July 2014, Collins Band room deemed unfit for students. Band room gets moved to current art room and part of the current shop in the shop building. June 2014, Dr. Butcher resigns, takes Superintendents position in Nicholas County July 2014, Dr. Serena Starcher becomes interim Superintendent of Fayette Co. Schools Ron Cantley resigns to take position in Raleigh Co. August 2014, The State Board returns control of Policies to Fayette County Schools. David Keffer becomes Dir. Of Operations August 2014, At the direction of the State Board, Fayette County undergoes the review of the current CEFP October 2014, Ansted Heat system fails. Temporary heaters placed in all areas Nov. 2014, CEFP review committee votes down any changes to the current CEFP Dec. 2014, State Board meeting to present the results of the CEFP review, Wade Linger, State board member, discusses not closing Meadow Bridge High School even though it is not on the agenda. Dec. 2014, WV School Building Authority gives over $600,000 to replace boilers at Ansted Middle Dec. 2014, The Collins Middle Gymnasium building is deemed unfit for students, gym and wellness center vacated. Over 500 students and staff can no longer get treatment for medical, dental and behavioral health issues. Two classrooms displaced as well as all physical education. The Boys restroom in the 5th and 6th grade building determined unusable. To be bid out for repairs. January 2015, Collins Middle School remaining buildings inspected. Collins Middle School 7th and 8th grade building closed by the state superintendent. 8th grade being sent to OHHS. 7th grade being sent to FHS Collins Middle School 5th and 6th grade building to stay open Collins Middle School Shop/Band building to stay open, converted to cafeteria/gym space Over 400 children displaced to other campuses, 400+ left in school on a campus with three of 5 buildings condemned. January 23, 2015, FCBOE requests the State Dept. of Education authorize structural reviews as well as air quality reviews of the remaining buildings in the Fayette county School System that serve staff and students. January 2015, The State Board of Education sent a request to the governor of $100,000 for Meadow Bridge, to be included in the Governor’s FY 2016 budget. Those funds were to be included in SB 233 and HB 2016 (Section 47, Fund 0313, Appropriation 99600). The text: "$100,000 for Meadow Bridge" was omitted from the bills. February 2015, Air quality and structural inspections of the remaining facilities get underway the first week of Feb. February 12, 2015, State Board of Education and State Superintendent Dr. Martirano gives approval for Fayette County to move forward with a bond proposal based on the current CEFP. 5 March 2015, Remaining structural reviews close one classroom of Mt. Hope Elementary school and the second floor of Meadow Bridge High is deemed unsuitable for occupancy or storage. The first floor of MBHS is left open for students. Many air quality reports are substandard. March 2015, State Superintendent signs and County Commission approves bond call to be placed in front of voters June 13, 2015, to build a new CMS, new MHES, renovate and consolidate MTHS with 9-12 population of FHS and MBHS. March 2015, State Legislature restores funding in the state budget for Meadow Bridge to be designated Isolated school and receive 100,000 dollars. May 2015, Patsy Holliday, Fayette County Board Member tells the WVBOE in their monthly meeting, Collins Middle School students do not need a new school. June 13, 2015, Citizens of Fayette County overwhelmingly reject the school bond. June 2015, State Superintendent Martirano appoints Terry George, Current Superintendent of Randolph Co. to become State appointed Superintendent of Fayette County. Dr. Starcher returns to her role as Associate Superintendent. http://www.wboy.com/story/22185874/interim-superintendent-terry-george-to-become-randolph-county-schoolssuperintendent http://wvmetronews.com/2015/02/24/randolph-county-board-of-education-working-to-return-all-remaining-harmanstudents/ http://www.register-herald.com/news/randolph-county-superintendent-to-take-over-fayette-schools-helm/article_7cfc69bc1465-11e5-a308-93cafc3b71e0.html https://wvde.state.wv.us/news/3176/ June 29, 2015, Terry George becomes Superintendent of Fayette County Schools Mr. George begins studying all aspects of the Fayette Co. School System to come up with a long term plan to make our buildings sustainable over the next 25 years. August 27, 2015, Mr. George reveals a long term plan for the future of Fayette County. The plan closes six schools, builds one high school and significantly upgrades the facilities for Fayette County. Opposition to the plan made to the state BOE at a meeting held on Sept. 8, 2015, in Fayetteville was mainly from Meadow Bridge citizens. September 9, 2015, After much discussion about Meadow Bridge, The WV State BOE voted 6-3 to approve Fayette County’s CEFP amendment to request money from the WV School Building Authority in October to fund the new plan. http://www.wchstv.com/news/features/eyewitness-news/stories/School-Board-Votes-To-Consolidate-Four-FayetteCounty-High-Schools-202145.shtml#.VgmSrflViko Sept. 28, 2015, in a not very publicized meeting of the WVSBA, the WVSBA rejected Fayette County’s amendment to the CEFP which means Fayette County cannot present the project to the SBA on Sept. 29, like originally scheduled. The SBA cited the need for Fayette County to pass a bond to close the high schools even though in Mingo Co. and Lincoln Co. the state forced consolidation and built each county a new high school. This means the children of Fayette County continue to suffer at not only the hands of those who are supposed to provide for them in their own county, but also at the hands of the State Board of Education, the State School Building Authority and all the political players who would rather pander to a chosen few, then do what is right by all the children in the county. Fayette County children should not continue to suffer for circumstances out of their control. 800 kids displaced into three buildings, 2 schools partially condemned, 2 more schools on the verge of failure. http://www.register-herald.com/news/sba-rejects-fayette-s-consolidation-plan-county-back-to-square/article_cc026f226607-11e5-bd74-0322bc7994df.html 6 October 20, 2015, The Fayette County Commission and citizens filed a lawsuit trying to get Fayette Co. back on the SBA agenda to be heard. Nov. 9, 2015, WV School Building Authority reconsiders and approves the Fayette County CEFP amendment. Nov. 10. 2015, Mr. George presents the plan to fund one school and correct the most pressing problems in Fayette County with the one plan. SBA grills him for over an hour although they were allotting 15 minutes. Most of the grilling had to do with the Meadow Bridge and Summers Co. children. News reports covering the meeting had no mention of questions from the SBA board concerning the 800 children from Collins Middle displaced or on a partially condemned campus ,much less the 1400 students affected in the schools Collins was displaced to as well as the other schools on the verge of failure. http://www.register-herald.com/sba-probes-george-s-plan-considers-options-for-meadow-bridge/article_0bb8d99e87dc-11e5-82f5-4717d0c5a929.html Despite Midland Trail, Fayetteville and Oak Hill high schools as well as several elementary schools slated for closure under the plan, authority members' questions centered only around consolidation concerns for the Meadow Bridge community. Board member Tom Lange asked how George came up with that travel time. The transportation department took a bus out and ran the routes, said George. Lange asked if George knows Mistie Richmond. She has said that a trip down Backus Mountain Road in a car takes 75 minutes, Lange said. Lange asked, if the second floor of Meadow Bridge is condemned, why would the county continue to allow Summers County students to attend there? "If we are concerned with the health and safety and well-being of students, why would you keep them there?" Lange asked. Board member Steve Burton then asked what it would cost to add classrooms onto Meadow Bridge Elementary to house the high school students. Lange said he wants to see the SBA staff work with Fayette County and help develop a better plan or ascertain if George's plan is best. "I'm confident in our staff putting a plan together to benefit the entire community. There is one community down there that feels excluded. There are other options and they haven't all been explored. It's bee rushed," Lange said. Attending the meeting by phone, SBA member Tom Campbell said he doesn't believe the county has community support. George said the SBA received a packet of information with letters of support from nearly every elected official in the county, many residents and many organizations. "I recognize we have people in the Meadow Bridge area who disagree," said George. "I respect them fighting for their school, but I have to do what's best for all the students of Fayette County, not isolated pockets." http://wvmetronews.com/2015/11/10/fayette-school-superintendent-grilled-with-questions-during-constructionproject-request-to-sba/ http://www.wvgazettemail.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20151110/GZ01/151119950#sthash.3NcOhlyL.gbpl&st_refD omain=www.facebook.com&st_refQuery=/ Tom Lange, an SBA board member who voted against Fayette’s consolidation plan in September before voting Monday to allow it to be considered for funding, said he didn’t think the plan was the best option, saying was it composed in a rush. -----------------Many opponents of closing Meadow Bridge High have raised issue with increased bus rides for students currently attending Meadow Bridge High, located about 35 miles southeast of where the consolidated high school would be located. 7 While George noted that students from the area would have the greatest travel time to the new high school, at about an hour and 20 minutes on the longest routes, he said a majority of juniors and seniors at Meadow Bridge High already travel from the school to Oak Hill to take classes at the local tech school — which the new school would be built next to. He also said he’s spoken with the school superintendents of neighboring Raleigh, Summers and Greenbrier counties, and has assurances that Meadow Bridge students would be able to cross county lines to attend schools about 30 minutes away in those counties. Meadow Bridge is near the Fayette/Summers line, at the southeastern edge of Fayette County. Support from the county https://issuu.com/nrgrda/docs/fayette_co_schools_-_information_pa/1?e=0 My Thoughts So Mr. Lange says Mr. George’s plan was rushed. Does he think it should be studied more? Lets recap. 1990’s committee of 21 recommends school closures, addition built onto OHHS for MT. Hope 2001 unsuccessful bond Here is what happened right before state control to today: 2009 unsuccessful bond 2010 CEFP updated (1000’s of man hours) 2013 State board mandated “grassroots” campaign to keep all schools open (1000’s of man hours) 2014 School study 2014 CEFP review (1000’s of man hours) 2015 unsuccessful bond In the meantime, we have had 3 buildings on one campus fail, 2 buildings with partial failures and at least 3 close to failure. While Mr. Lange feels the process is rushed, I say it has been studied out and needs acted on before we end up with another school failure or worse. It was posed to me today that why not use Fayette Co. as a case study about what happens when you do not consolidate and use your resources most efficiently. Pretty simple 8