May - Fayette County - University of Kentucky


May - Fayette County - University of Kentucky
MAY 2016
Cooperative Extension Service
Fayette County Extension
1140 Red Mile Place, Lexington, KY 40504-1172
Phone (859) 257-5582
Fax: (859) 254-3697
Homemaker Annual Meeting Highlights
Club Membership Contest: Tartan Hills, 1st Place ~
Nicholasville Pike, 2nd Place ~ Palomar, 3rd Place
50 Year Member: Doris Strong, Clays Ferry
Pie Contest Winners: Iron Skillet Apple Pie - Minnie
Guilfoil, Clays Ferry, 1st Place ~ Sugarfree Peach Pie Jackie Brown, Zandale, 2nd Place ~ Blueberry Crumble –
Jo Neuzel, Tartan Hills, 3rd Place
Best Table Decoration: Little Miss Muffett, Tartan Hills
Volunteer Hours: 500 Hours: Charlotte Baker, Susie
Brown, Ann Chittenden, Shanna Corum, Barbara Ecton,
Dolores Guiler, Sandra Harrison, Valda Horne, Carol
Leinenbach, Barbara Marcus, Caltha Mikesell, Jo Neuzel,
Jane Osman, Peggy Patrick, Debbie Rice, Dorothy Rymer,
Bernadette Salone, Ruth Sharrard, Doris Strong, Renate
Votaw ~ 1,000 Hours: Marilyn Caudell, Florence Hewett,
Leela Von Behren, Barbara West ~ 1,500 Hours: Lorraine
Kilcoyne ~ 2,000 Hours: Jackie Brown
Gift Basket Raffle for Scholarships: $251.75
Pop Tabs Collect: 69.25 lbs.
Cultural Arts Contest Results: Renate Votaw, ApparelNovelty, Blue ~ Lee Clark, Apparel-Basic Sewing, Blue ~
Ashley Bandy, Apparel Accessory, Blue ~ Ashley Bandy, Art
3-D Sculpture, Blue ~ Vickie Gross, Basketry-Dyed Material,
Blue ~ Ashley Bandy, Basketry Novelty, Blue ~ Marilyn
Caudell, Ceramics-Hand Formed, Blue ~ Lee Clark, Ceramics
-Pre-made, Blue ~ Barbara West, Counted Cross Stitch-14
Count & Under, Blue ~ Barbara West, Counted Cross
Stitch-16-22 Count, Blue ~ Lee Clark, Doll/ToymakingCloth, Blue ~ Maxine Mullins, Embroidery-Ribbon, Blue ~
Ashley Bandy, Embroidery-Tatting/Lace Making, Blue ~
Maxine Mullins, Holiday Decorations-Spring, Blue ~ Barbara
West, Holiday Decorations-Summer, Blue ~ Ruth Sharrard,
Holiday Decorations-Winter, Red ~ Ashley Bandy, JewelryOriginal Design, Blue ~ Pam Hricenak, Jewelry-Beaded, Blue
~ Renate Votaw, Knitting-Hand, Blue ~ Rita Hardman,
Miscellaneous, Blue ~ Ruth Sharrard, Miscellaneous, Red ~
Pam Hricenak, Miscellaneous, White ~ Lorraine Kilcoyne,
Needle Point-Cloth Canvas, Blue ~ Rose Balcolm,
Painting-Oil, Blue ~ Sarah Bradley, Painting-Watercolor,
Blue ~ Marilyn Caudell, Painting-China, Blue ~ Jo Neuzel,
Photography-Color, Blue ~ Barbara West, Quilts-Hand
Appliqued (hand quilted), Blue ~ Rita Hardman, Quilts-
Machine Pieced (machine quilted), Blue ~ Ashley Bandy,
Quilts-Machine Pieced (machine quilted), Red ~ Ashley
Bandy, Quilts-Novelty (machine quilted), Blue ~ Ruth
Sharrard, Quilts-Hand Pieced (hand quilted), Blue ~ Ashley
Bandy, Quilts-Miscellaneous, Blue ~ Lorraine Kilcoyne,
Quilts-Miscellaneous, Red ~ Rita Hardman, Quilts-Machine
Applique (machine quilted) Blue ~ Pam Hricenak, Recycled
Art-Other, Blue ~ Jo Neuzel, Scrapbooking-Family Layout,
Blue ~ Ashley Bandy, Wall Hanging-Fabric, Blue
2015-16 Community Service Report:
*Membership of 432 - 2nd place KEHA State Membership
*Collected $559 to benefit our Ovarian Cancer Screening
*Volunteered 22,928 community leadership volunteer service
hours in Homemaker clubs, neighborhoods, schools,
churches and civic clubs.
*Sewed 50 Reach for Recovery Pillows for breast cancer recovery
*Distributed holiday gifts to nearly 820 nursing home
residents and their family/friends in 9 care facilities.
Fourteen clubs and 150 homemakers participated in the
annual Joy of Giving community outreach program for
*Collected 100lbs. of pop tabs. The monetary value per
pound of aluminum is donated to the University of Kentucky
Children’s Hospital for toys/activities for the waiting rooms.
*Donated $1,110 for 4-H Youth Camp Scholarships.
*Contributed $260.38 to Coins for Change.
*Supported Military Missions through volunteer service and
*Donated $555, 3797 diapers, 13,044 wipes and 27 tubes of
diaper rash cream to a local diaper bank.
*Made and donated 1,000 feminine products for Africa.
County Homemaker Offices for 2016-17: Carolyn Martin,
Nicholasville Pike ~ Alyce Emerson, Renaissance ~ Ruth
Sharrard, Bicentennial ~ Debbie Rice, Tartan Hills
Savings Lifestyle 101
“Coupon Club”
Get to Know Our Fayette County
Homemakers Clubs
June 6, 2016 - 6:30p.m.
Fayette County Extension Office
Gardenside Homemakers
The Gardenside Homemakers Club was started in early
1960, with about 20 young homemakers. They were all stay
at home moms with young children.
Invite a friend and join others that have an interest in
learning best practices in planning, budgeting, and saving
dollars when shopping for consumer goods and services.
Bring any extra coupons you have to share.
This is a fun way to network and save dollars.
Thank You
Dear Members of the Fayette County Homemakers,
Thank you for your generous donation of cards for care
packages. We are honored that you chose our organization
as your partner to show support for our troops. Your
generosity is greatly appreciated.
Military Missions, Inc. is a 501C3 nonprofit charity
established for the purpose of providing support to our
military, our veterans, and their families. Our organization
reaches Beyond the Yellow Ribbon in our
community! As our military personnel serve, providing
protection and safety for all of us, we work to give
something back to our troops, our veterans, and their
Military Missions, Inc. sends out care packages on a yearround basis to deployed military. Packages are sent out to
individuals as well as deployed military units. Our goal is to
provide a touch of home during long deployments. Your
donations make it possible to send these care packages.
Donations also make lives a little bit easier for those here
on the "home front," providing help for emergencies that
arise during a deployment. This support eases the minds of
our deployed military knowing that someone back home is
helping their family through a difficult situation. Our
bi-monthly support group meetings are also an important
element of encouragement to military family members.
Support also extends to our veteran community. Military
Missions, Inc. is honored to work alongside other
organizations in the community to support those who have
served to keep our nation free.
On behalf of the heroes who will be touched by your gift,
we are grateful. Thank you for partnering with Military
Missions, Inc. to support and encourage those that ensure
freedoms known only to Americans.
Linda Cummins
Military Missions, Inc.
The meeting place was in Gardenside Christian Church.
They would bring their children to the meeting. They had a
babysitter to watch the children. The women were all into
making crafts, that they would sell at the annual holiday
showcase at the Turfland Mall.
With the money earned, they would buy toys and 1 year a
T.V. for the Children’s Hospital and St. Joseph.
In later years we would have a plant sale and were able to
make donations to different charities, such as Salvation
Army, Ronald McDonald House, the Nest, The Galilean
Children’s Home, God’s Pantry and more.
We are also making recovery pillows, care bears, blankets
for the Linus Project, wheelchair bags for the Veteran’s
Home in Wilmore.
We are still a group of 20 members and are now meeting at
the Gardenside Baptist Church. We have, following the
lesson, a monthly potluck meal. The club also takes one
month a year to go to the Christian Towers to present the
lesson for that month and make some crafts with the
women there. We also do the Joy of Giving every year.
For social activities we go out to lunch and play cards at
different places. We have lost a few of our members and
added some new one over the years. We are very close and
good friends with one another and hope to be able to carry
on for a long time to come.
Tartan Hills Homemakers
Tartan Hills began in 1963. We meet at 7:00 in member’s
homes. This year we began meeting at 6:00 and having a
potluck dinner before the meeting. This gives us time for
fellowship before the meeting.
In the past we have had as many as 18 members, but we
now have 6 members; 3 of which are sisters. Even though
we are a small group, we always present a lesson and
participate in the Joy of Giving and other county activities.
Tartan Hills has had several members that have been
county officers. We have had several county presidents, vice
presidents, and treasurers from our club. The current
FCEH treasurer, Debbie Rice, is one of our members.
We would welcome new members into our group.
May is National Physical Fitness
Fayette County Cooperative Extension is supporting the
President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition in honor
of National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. During the
month of May, we challenge all adults to get 30 minutes of
physical activity every day.
Did you know that regular physical activity increases your
chances of living a longer, healthier life? It also reduces your
risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, and some types
of cancer. Yet in Kentucky nearly 59% of adults don’t get
the recommended amount of physical activity and nearly
30% report they do not participate in any physical activity.
The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend
that adults:
Aim for 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate aerobic
activity each week. Moderate activity includes things like
walking fast, dancing, swimming, and raking leaves.
Do muscle-strengthening activities – like lifting weights
or using exercise bands – at least 2 days a week.
Physical activity is for everyone. No matter what shape you
are in, you can find activities that work for you. Together,
we can rise to the challenge and get more active during the
month of May!
Quilter’s Guild Quibble
Spring Meetings 2016
If you have an interest in learning how to make quilts
or improve your quilting and patchwork skills, we invite
you to join us at the Quilters Guild of the Bluegrass.
Our meetings include a Sit and Sew session at 6:00
followed by a short business meeting and the program
at 7:00 p.m. The monthly program provides us with
new skills and/or insights into different types of quilts
and quiltmaking. Members are encouraged to bring
completed quilts (and quilt tops) for Show and Tell.
Here’s what’s planned for the upcoming meetings:
June 14th: Judy Rector from Berea will bring her
collection of antique depression era quilts and tell us
about the history of kit quilts in the Midwest. Members
are invited to bring examples of old quilts and possible
kit quilts for discussion and Show and Tell.
You are welcome to come to our meetings at the
Fayette County Extension Building on the second
Tuesday of every month year round. Mark your
calendar and join the fun and education related to the
art of quilting.
For more information on the Guild or their programs,
please contact Sierra Smith at (859) 296-4278 or
Nancy Craft at (859) 276-4289.
Submitted by Faith Fiene
Support Group Meeting
Third Thursday of the Month at 6:30p.m.
Fayette County Extension Office
1140 Red Mile Place, Lexington, KY
Join us at Grandparents and Caregivers Raising Children
or Relatives monthly support group meetings to:
 Learn about resources available to you
 Meet others in similar situations
 Receive assistance in gaining access to services
 Provide caregiver training for this type of “new”
Meetings are open to citizens of Fayette County as well
as all surrounding counties. Everyone is welcome!
For more information contact the Fayette County
Extension Office at 859-257-5582.
Sewing Club
The Sew-Mores Club meets on the first Saturday of the
month. Club members connect, work and share practical
and creative sewing projects. This is an open invitation to
all levels of sewers. Please enter the extension building
through the back double doors.
Saturday, June 4th - 9:00 a.m.
Sew-Mores Club fees are $8.00 per year. Please bring or
mail a check made payable to Fayette County
Homemakers, 1140 Red Mile Place, Lexington, KY 40504
For more information contact - Loretta Haley or call 859-608-2860.
Another Opportunity to Save on
Auto Insurance
Taking the AARP Smart Driver Safety
Course could earn you a discount on your
automobile insurance premiums for three
to five years, and you will be a better driver.
The AARP Smart Driver Safety Course will
be held at the Fayette County
Extension Office, 1140 Red Mile Place, Lexington. The
class is from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Thursday,
May 26th. Feel free to bring a snack or lunch which you
can enjoy during class time. The AARP Smart Driver
Safety Program is a classroom course for drivers aged 50
and over. The course identifies many of the changes
which occur as we age and suggests strategies for
accommodating to those changes for safer driving. There
will be NO exams. Participants who complete the course
will receive a certificate which many car insurance agencies
honor with a discount. A small fee covers course
expenses: $15.00 for AARP members, $20.00 for
Save the Date
July 8 & 9, 2016
Hold these dates for a fun time, getting ready for the
holidays. There will be sewing, crafting and making
gifts! If you have something you would like to make
or share, please let us know. Handwork, sewing, and
other types of crafts will be offered. We will start on
Friday afternoon and finish on Saturday. More
information will be coming in June newsletter and on
Fayette County Cooperative Extension Family &
Consumer Sciences
Fayette County Extension Homemakers
Seating is limited. Pre-register by
calling the Fayette County Extension
Office at 859-257-5582.
Plate it Up! Kentucky Proud Recipes
Whether it’s spring, summer, fall or winter, you can Plate It Up with delicious recipes that put a new twist on your favorite
Kentucky Proud foods! More recipes like the one on the right can be found on our website:
Asparagus Tomato Stir-Fry
3/4 pound fresh asparagus
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1 teaspoon cornstarch
1 1/2 cups fresh mushrooms
1/4 cup chicken or vegetable broth
1 clove garlic, minced
4 green onions
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon light soy sauce
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
2 roma tomatoes
Yield: 4, 3/4 cup servings
1. Trim asparagus and cut into 1 inch pieces.
2. Combine broth, soy sauce, ginger, garlic, pepper and cornstarch in a small bowl to make sauce.
3. Chop green onions and tomatoes into 1/2 inch pieces. Slice mushrooms.
4. Pour oil into a wok or large skillet and preheat over medium-high heat.
5. Add asparagus and green onions; stir-fry 4 minutes.
6. Add mushrooms; stir-fry 1 additional minute or until asparagus is tender-crisp.
7. Push vegetables to the outer sides of the wok. Add sauce in center, cook unitll thick and bubbly. Add tomatoes.
8. Stir well and heat through.
Nutritional Analysis: 70 calories, 4 g fat, 0.5 g saturated fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 210 mg sodium, 7 g carbohydrate, 2 g fiber,
3 g sugar, 3 g protein
Join us for Job Club this Spring!
The University of Kentucky (UK) Alumni Association, Fayette County Cooperative Extension
Services, and UK Human Resources Staff Career Development are pleased to announce Job
Club’s schedule. The purpose of the Job Club is to provide a positive environment for
motivated job seekers to meet, connect, share and learn. Job Club is for you if you are currently
out of work, underemployed or looking to make a career transition. In addition, recruiters and
employers are always welcome and introduced to Job Club attendees. The free group is open to
the public and meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, from 9:00–10:15 a.m. at
the Fayette County Cooperative Extension Office, 1140 Red Mile Place, Lexington, KY. Convenient, free parking is
available as well as coffee.
As a courtesy to our speakers and other attendees, we ask that you arrive on time and encourage you to wear business attire.
For more information, call the UK Alumni Association at 859-257-8905, the Fayette Cooperative Extension office at
859-257-5582, or the UK Staff Career Development Office at 859-257-9416. Additional information including testimonials
from former Job Club participants can be viewed at:
Job Club Meeting Schedule:
May 24: Panel of Job Club Success Stories
*Attendance at all sessions is not required but is recommended.
Attention Crafters! An evening of Fun, Fellowship and Creativity awaits you!
Join us at the next meeting of the Kentucky Krafters,
Monday, May 23, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
The Kentucky Krafters is a special interest homemakers group that meets the fourth Monday of each month
at the Fayette Cooperative Extension Office from 6:00-8:00 pm. And the fun is not taking a summer
vacation! That’s right – we will be meeting monthly, as usual, through the summer months of May, June, July
and August!!
Plan now to join us! We definitely have a “the more, the merrier” attitude in our group and new members are
always welcome to join in! If interested in attending a Kentucky Krafters meeting, all we ask is that you call
the extension office, 859-257-5582 to inform us. This will provide assurance that there are adequate materials
for the craft of the month that a teacher or the office might be supplying. Official club members are provided
a supply list for next month’s project by email/snail mail. Members can always contact the office with any
questions about listed supplies. Club membership is $8.00 per year. Please bring to the meeting or mail a check
made payable to Fayette Co. Extension Homemakers , 1140 Red Mile Place, Lexington, KY 40504. Current
Fayette Co. Extension Homemaker members will not be charged an additional fee to belong to this club. Why
not ask a friend to join you on Monday, May 23 from 6:00- 8:00 p.m. to join the fun!
2016 Cultural Arts Workshops
Thursday, May 26th, 10:00 a.m. ~
“Patches” Basket: The basket is
woven on a 8” x 10” oval wood basket
with push-in handle. Offered in pastel
and natural reed. Skill Level: Advance
Beginner, Cost: $48.00
Thursday, June 16th, 10:00 a.m. ~
“Magazine” Basket: This basket is
woven on a 12” x 9” wooden base and
stands 15” high. 4 ‘legs’ are added as well
as bushel handles. Skill Level: Advance
Beginner, Cost: $54.00.
CLASSES: Water container (bucket/bowl), small
towel, scissors (garden type preferable), small flat head
Please indicate with a checkmark the classes you are
registering to attend and circle time.
Total Amount Enclosed $____________
May 26: “Patches” Basket, Cost $48.00
June 16: “Magazine” Basket, Cost $54.00
screwdriver, 2 dozen snap type clothespins, tape
measure, pencil, pocket knife (good sized), sandpaper,
weights (unopened soup cans work) and a small spray
bottle. PACK A LUNCH/SNACKS, you will be
working thru lunch.
Please note: Supplies are specially cut for each
basket two days prior to class If you need to cancel
your class, please call us 72 hours prior to receive a
full refund. There will be no refund after that time.
Address: ____________________________________
City______________ State ______ Zip ___________
Phone: _____________________________________
Checks for these classes are payable to:
Community FCS Program
Fayette County Extension Service
1140 Red Mile Place
For more information, call: 859 257-5582
Lexington, KY 40504
Friday, May 20, 2016
NorthEast Christian Church
990 Star Shoot Parkway
Lexington, KY
The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Challenges and
Opportunities of Aging will be a fun and
informational day with excellent speakers, exhibits,
food and friendship. NorthEast Christian Church
is an accessible facility with on-site parking.
The 2016 Conference will offer workshops
emphasizing health and wellness, education,
gardening, fun things to do and safety.
8:30a.m. - 9:00a.m. - Registration (Breakfast provided by Price Catering)
8:30a.m. - 2:15p.m. - Exhibits
8:30a.m. - 12:00p.m. - Volunteer Fair
9:00 a.m. - KEYNOTE
Joel Bennett,
Lifeline Home Health
10:00 – 10:45 a.m. - SESSION ONE WORKSHOPS
1. Zumba for Seniors
Jode Rose, Licensed Zumba Instructor, Recreation
Assistant at the Lexington Senior Center
2. Gardening with Grandkids
Kelly Weber, MSW, Master Gardener, Executive Director
at Ashland Terrace
3. Using Leftovers to Make Healthy Meals
Joseph Bookwalter, Food & Beverage Director, Lafayette
Retirement Community
4. Questions? We Have Answers at the Fayette County
Cooperative Extension
Elizabeth Kingsland, Family & Consumer Sciences
Extension Agent
Jamie Dockery, Horticulture Extension Agent
11:00 - 11:45 a.m. - SESSION TWO WORKSHOPS
5. World Disorders
Dr. John D. Stempel, Senior Professor of International
Relations Emeritus, University of Kentucky
6. Safety
Officer Bige Towery, Fayette County Police Department
7. Nutrition
Jennifer Kraschnewski, Baptist Health Diabetes and
Registration Cost: $10
Registration Deadline: May 12th
For complete program and
registration forms visit:
or call: (859) 257-5582
to have the program packet mailed
Welcome & Greetings
Chris Ford, Commissioner of Social Services
Lexington - Fayette Urban County Government
1:00 - 2:15 p.m. - SESSION THREE WORKSHOPS
8. Fashion Show
Pamula Honchell, Owner of Fashionable Measures
9. Life Story-What Is It and How Do You Write It?
Diana Doggett, Family & Consumer Extension Agent for
Fayette County
10. Importance of Estate Planning-Let’s Draft a Living Will
Melissa J. Crump, Elder Law Attorney, Partner at the
Offices of Johnson Crump
What is Everyone Talking About?
What is an
your life
Healthy eating
and cooking
Gardening with
your grandkids
Challenges & Opportunities of Aging presented, in part, by support from
Division of Aging and Disability Services, Lexington-Fayette Urban County
Government, Bluegrass Area Agency on Aging & Independent Living, University of
Kentucky—Fayette County Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture
Food and Environment
and these generous sponsors:
Accessible Home Care
Mayfair Village
Briarwood Apartments
The Willows at Hamburg
Highgrove at Tates Creek
Senior Helpers
Lexington Senior Center
2016 “FOOD FOR THOUGHT” classes
Food for Thought classes are designed to teach you everything you need to know about making your favorite
dishes. These comprehensive cooking classes are made available through the Fayette County Extension Family
and Consumer Sciences program. Each class will teach the core techniques behind classic food to provide
tasteful recipes that can duplicated at home.
All classes will all be held at the Fayette County Extension Office. Registration fee is $10.00 per class or $5.00 if a
current Fayette County Extension Homemaker member. The option to become an associate Homemaker member
is available on the registration form. Membership benefits include class discounts, newsletter and relevant consumer
2016 Food for Thought Classes
Tuesday, May 24: Asian Greens - Local food markets offer many interesting, available and delicious greens.
Once you become familiar with the variety of options, you can easily include this healthy vegetable into meal plans.
Marisa Aull will lead this class that includes quick and easy recipes. 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, June 23: Beef Up Grilling - Summer time means one thing to most, grilling
season. Ever wonder how to cook a complete, nutritious meal all on the grill? This program will
cover selecting beef cuts for grilling, how to properly grill, and how to plan a healthy
all-in-one grill meal. Niki Ellis, KY Beef Council, will demonstrate the thrill of the grill.
6:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 19: Delicious Cool Desserts - Ice cream, ice box pies, gelato! All these wonderfully cool foods will
be discussed during this session. Come listen, learn, taste and cool off as FCS Agent, Liz Kingsland, shares
appealing recipes. 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, August 25: Pasta, Homemade Please – Lesme Romero, Lexington Pasta, prepares
all types of pasta every day for customers. Share in this unique opportunity as Lesme shares his
simple recipe and cutting techniques. Be the judge by sampling fresh pasta topped with freshly
prepared Primavera Sauce. 6:00 p.m.
(Continued on back)
Tuesday, September 20: Beans: New Ideas for an Old Staple - Recent health
recommendations encourage eating less meat, but many people are concerned about getting
enough protein. Beans, lentils and other legumes are great sources of protein, as well as fiber and
vitamins. Learn how to cook different varieties of beans, ways to add to your existing recipes
and new main dishes. Doraine Bailey is a home cook, vegetarian for over 30 years and WOW
Homemaker Club President. 6:00 p.m.
Thursday, October 27: Gratins & Casseroles - Nothing says warmth and comfort like
creamy gratins and casseroles fresh out of the oven. These satisfying dishes are perfect for
entertaining or family meals. FCS Agent, Diana Doggett, shares easy to assemble ahead of
time recipes. 6:00 p.m.
2016 Food for Thought Classes Registration Form
Name: ____________________________________
Phone: ________________________
Address: ____________________________________City: _______________ Zip: __________
Please remember that classes are limited. Register early to assure a spot in the class. We suggest
that you call the Fayette County Extension, (859) 257-5582, to inquire about the status of classes
before registering.
Cost per class:
$10 or $5 for homemaker
May 24: Asian Greens
6:00 p.m.
June 23: Beef Up Grilling
6:00 p.m.
July 19: Delicious Cool Desserts 6:00 p.m.
August 25: Pasta, Homemade Please
6:00 p.m.
September 20: Beans: New Ideas for an Old Staple
6:00 p.m.
October 27: Gratins & Casseroles
6:00 p.m.
Homemaker Membership Dues -$8
Please make check payable to: Community FCS
and mail: Food for Thought Class
Fayette County Extension Office
1140 Red Mile Place
Lexington, KY 40504-1172
Food Preservation Classes ~ 2016
Food preservation continues to be more and more popular as consumers continue to seek out
new interests or simply wish to maintain more control over the foods they eat. Check out the class
opportunities that are available through the Fayette County Extension Family and Consumer
Sciences program. All classes will all be held at the Fayette County Extension Office, 1140 Red Mile
Place. Pre-registration is required and some classes have a limited group size.
Sign up early to reserve your spot!
Basic Food Preservation ~ Lecture ~ Monday, May 16 ~ 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Basic food preservation information regarding water bath canning, pressure canning, freezing and
drying. Completion of this class or 2015 Basic Food Preservation class is required prior to
enrolling in any Hands-On Food Preservation class listed below. Cost: FREE. Limit: 50 people.
**The Ball Blue Book, a great food preservation reference guide, will be available for those that
preorder at a cost of $15.00. Book orders must be received by May 1.
Hands-On Food Preservation Classes (Basic Food Preservation Class required)
Registration fee is $15.00 per class or $10.00 if a current Fayette County Extension Homemaker member.
The option to become an associate Homemaker member is available on the registration form.
Membership benefits include other class discounts, newsletter and relevant consumer information.
Class Time Choice: 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. or 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Limit: 12 people per class.
Participants will participate in workshop, receive handouts/recipes
and take home product.
Tuesday, May, 31 ~ Jams and Jellies
Tuesday, June 21 ~ Pickles
Monday, June 27 ~ Tomatoes
Monday, July 11 ~ Pressure Canning
Thursday, July 28 ~ Unusual Preserved Foods
(6:00pm Class is full)
(Vinegar, Salsa, Cabbage Slaw, BBQ Sauce, etc.)
Monday, August 29 ~ Relishes
Tuesday, September 6 ~ Chutneys
(6:00pm Class is full)
Thursday, September 29 ~ Drying
2016 Food Preservation Classes Registration Form
Name: __________________________________________
Phone: _________________________
E-Mail: __________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________ City: _______________________ Zip: _____________
Please remember that classes are limited. Register early to assure a spot in the class. We
suggest that you call the Fayette County Extension, (859) 257-5582, to inquire about the
status of classes before registering. Hands on classes have a limit of 12 participants.
Current or previous Food Preservation Basics Class required for any Hands-On Class.
Cost per class:
$15 or
$10 for homemaker
May 16 ~ Food Preservation Basics
May 31 ~ Jams and Jellies
June 21 ~ Pickles
June 27 ~ Tomatoes
July 11 ~ Pressure Canning
July 28 ~ Unusual Preserved Foods
August 29 ~ Relishes
September 6 ~ Chutneys
September 29 ~ Drying
Homemaker Membership Dues -$8
Ball Blue Book $15
(must be ordered by May 1st)
Please make check payable to: Community FCS
and mail: Food Preservation Classes
Fayette County Extension Office
1140 Red Mile Place
Lexington, KY 40504-1172
Antique Classes
Wednesdays, June 1 - July 20, 2016
Mornings (10:00 a.m.—Noon)
Evenings (6:30—8:30 p.m.)
Fayette County Cooperative Extension Office
1140 Red Mile Place
Lexington, KY 40504
(859) 257-5582
Dr. R.E. Wells, noted antique authority from Versailles, Kentucky will be at the
Fayette County Extension Office on Wednesdays
to present an 8-week course on “Antiques”.
Topics will include:
June 1
June 8
June 15
June 22
June 29
July 6
July 13
July 20
Grandmothers China
Period furniture
American Glass
Yard Sales
Antique Books
Collecting Small Antiques
Eight-week course for only $45. Limited class size, first sign-up basis.
Make check payable to: Community FCS Programs and return to
Fayette County Extension, 1140 Red Mile Place, Lexington, KY 40504-1172,
by May 27, 2016 and select morning or evening session.
You may bring one item to be appraised each week.
Name________________________________________ Daytime Phone_________________
City________________ State____ Zip _______ E-mail________________
I will attend the: ______ Morning Session ______ Evening Session
* Acrylic Flower Painting
* Pen & Ink
* Altered Altoid Tin Mini Album
* Rubber Stamping Card Making
* Autumn Greetings Sign
* Soda Can Angel
* Clothespin Pot
* SOS Pillow
* Christmas Bells Ornament
* Snowflake Ornament
* Cone Wreath (Holiday Theme)
* Snowman Head Basket
* Framed Squares Quilt
* Star Mini Album (Baby Theme)
* Hairpin Lace
* Tote Bag
* Leather & Links Bracelet
* Tote Basket
* Matchbox Advent Wreath
* Tulleymore Basket
* My Personal Sewing Space
* Webster Spider Basket
* Paint without a Pattern
* Wood Burning
Contact the Clark County Extension Office at 859-744-4682 or visit us on the
web at for a Craft Catalog
Cooperative Extension Service
University of Kentucky
Fayette County Cooperative Extension Service
1140 Red Mile Place
Lexington, KY 40504-1172
Official Business
Fayette County Extension
Family and Consumer Sciences Newsletter
Diana Doggett
Liz Kingsland
CEA for Family and Consumer Sciences
Fayette County Extension Service
1140 Red Mile Place
Lexington, KY 40504-1172
(859) 257-5582
Office Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm - Monday-Friday
Educational programs of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension
Service serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, disability or national origin.
The Cooperative Extension Service
prohibits discrimination in its
programs and employment on the
basis of race, color, age, sex, religion,
disability, or national origin.
To file a complaint of discrimination,
Rosemary Veach, UK College of
Agriculture, Lexington, KY 40546, or
Terry Allen, Associate Vice President
of Institutional Equity , Lexington,
KY 40546, or the Secretary of
Agriculture, USDA Director, Office
of Civil Rights, Room 326-W Whitten
Bldg., 14th and Independence Ave.
SW, Washington, D.C. 20250.

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