September - Fayette County
September - Fayette County
FAMILY & C ONSUMER SCIENCES N EWSLETTER Financial Affairs “How Full is Your Piggy Bank?” Leader Lesson How much money in your “piggy bank” is influenced by many expected and unexpected factors. Values, goals, personal choices, major life events, lifestyle conditions and needs (both planned and not planned) influence financial planning. However, for the most part, certain age groups tend to have the same life cycle needs. SEPTEMBER 2016 Cooperative Extension Service Fayette County Extension 1140 Red Mile Place Lexington, KY 40504-1172 Phone (859) 257-5582 Email: The 3rd Annual Eye Opening Symposium Thursday, October 6, 2016 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Fayette County Extension Office 1140 Red Mile Place Lexington, KY 9 a.m. - Registration and Exhibits 9:30 a.m. - Let’s Talk About Glaucoma Dr. Sheila Sanders, VA Medical Center Despite your life stage, it may likely seem that there is never enough money in the bank. Therefore, you need to plan. Financial planning will help you be able to make large purchases without adding to the financial stress in your budget, help you protect your personal household against the unforeseen loss of income, and in the case of successful aging, help you retire with enough money to meet your expenses. Budget development, money management, wise credit use, and consumer protection can contribute to successful financial management. 10:30 a.m. - Accessibility in Action Bluegrass Council of the Blind Please join us at the Fayette County Extension Office on September 26th at 6:00 p.m. to learn more about Financial Affairs and how you can begin stuffing your “piggy bank”. 2:15 p.m. - Macular Degeneration – Speaker TBA To RSVP call (859) 257-5582. 11:15 a.m. – Panel: Coping with Vision Loss at a Young Age Sarah Borders & Kathy Mullen, Tess Flynn, Sam Seavey Noon - Lunch and Exhibits 12:30 p.m. - Retinal Treatments Dr. Romulo Albuquerque, Retina Associates of Kentucky, University of Kentucky 1:15 p.m. – Panel: Coping with Vision Loss Later in Life Avery Baggett, Eugene Warner 3 p.m. - Visit Exhibits and Network For more information and to register for this FREE event visit: CEUs for CRC, ACVREP, LSW, CSW, LSCW, CTRS Join us at the next meeting of the Kentucky Krafters, Monday, September 26, 6:00-8:00 p.m. Ky Krafters is a crafting group that meets on the 4th Monday of each month from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Each month we make one or two projects with a goal for everyone to have completed projects at the end of the night. This year we have worked on paper crafts, wreaths, up-cycling, beading, and more! Our meeting in September will have a Halloween themed craft and in October we will make something for fall/Thanksgiving. November and December will be dedicated to some great holiday crafts that you can keep for yourself or give as gifts! We try to keep our project costs to $10 each month. If you are looking for a place to craft to your hearts content while spending time socializing with others who enjoy crafting then KY Krafters is the place for you! If you are interested in joining Krafters you can contact the Fayette County Extension Office, (859) 257-5582 for more information! If you would like to attend we ask that you RSVP with the extension office by the Friday before we meet. We hope to see everyone there! Please note that in December, Kentucky Krafters well be meeting on the 12th, as we have rearranged our schedule to accommodate fore the holidays. ITS BACK! - “Open Sewing ROOm” will meet on Tuesday, September 13th and 20th, 10am-5pm. Master Clothing Volunteers will be available as their schedule allows. If you need specific help please email ( several days (the sooner the better) in advance and we will work out a time for one or two of them to be available. FALL PREVENTION LUNCH AND LEARN The Fall Prevention Lunch and Learn scheduled for September 30 has be postponed. Watch future newsletters for the new date. Paper Craft Group Do you already Love to make cards, scrapbook, or paper craft? Want to learn from others how to make beautiful cards and picture layouts? Would you love to get together with a group of others who love and want to learn how to paper craft? If you answered yes to any of these, let us know so we can get a paper craft group started. Getting started with paper crafting is easy and with a few small supplies you can make cards and other items you would be proud to give as a gift. Contact the Extension Office at (859) 257-5582 or email Sewing Club The Sew-Mores Club meets on the first Saturday of the month. Club members connect, work and share practical and creative sewing projects. This is an open invitation to all levels of sewers. Please enter the extension building through the back double doors. Saturday, October 1st - 9:00 a.m. Saturday, November 5th - 9:00 a.m. Sew-Mores Club fees are $8.00 per year. Please bring or mail a check made payable to Fayette County Homemakers, 1140 Red Mile Place, Lexington, KY 40504 For more information contact - Loretta Haley or call 859-608-2860. Quilters Guild Quibble Summer Meetings 2016 If you have an interest in learning how to make quilts or improve your quilting and patchwork skills, we invite you to join us at the Quilters Guild of the Bluegrass. Our meetings include a Sit and Sew session at 6:00 p.m., followed by a short business meeting and the program at 7:00 p.m. The monthly program provides us with new skills and/or insights into different types of quilts and quilt making. Members are encouraged to bring completed quilts (and quilt tops) for Show and Tell. Here’s what’s planned for the upcoming meeting: September 13th: Presentation by Ashley Bandy October 11th: Presentation by Twila Brooks You are welcome to come to our meetings at the Fayette County Extension Building on the second Tuesday of every month year round. Mark your calendar and join the fun and education related to the art of quilting. For more information on the Guild or their programs, please contact Cathy Fieseler at (859) 879-3228 or Faith Fiene at (859) 254-7581. Submitted: Eve Adams Homemaker Membership Contest Again this year! Following the State-wide Membership Contest we are asking that you help us GROW Fayette County Extension Homemakers. Last year we grew our membership enough to win the 2nd largest percentage of growth in the STATE! Once again we are asking each person to give one membership to a new person. They can be associate members for your club or just as an associate in general. Where else can you get this value ($8 per person) for all our programs. Also Homemaker members get 1/2 off class fees. Call Alyce Emerson, County Vice President, for more details, but if EACH ONE GIVES ONE we can be top dog in the state contest next year! Please make sure to fill out a membership form for all new or renewing members and mark it as a gift! Now don’t you know a child, grandchild, neighbor or friend who needs to join in with Homemakers! Fayette County Homemaker Gift Membership Please make checks payable to: Fayette County Extension Homemakers Name: ________________________________ Address: _______________________________ City: ________________ State: ____ ZIP: _____ E-mail Address:__________________________ Daytime Phone: ( ) _____ - ___________ Return form and payment to: Fayette County Extension Homemakers c/0 Fayette County Extension Office 1140 Red Mile Place Lexington, KY 40504-1172 Gender: ____ Female ____ Male Ethnic Group: ___Hispanic ___Not Hispanic Race: ____ White ____ Black ____ Asian Other (list):___________ 2016 Cultural Arts Workshops Thursday, September 15, 2016, 10:00 a.m. ~ “Hilltop Laundry Basket”: Basket measures 18” x 15” x 9”H and is woven on a 15” x 10” oval base. S/S weaving with dyed reed overlays and bushel handles. 7 mm weavers make this a very sturdy basket. Skill Level: Advanced beginner, Cost: $65.00 SUPPLIES YOU MUST BRING FOR BASKET CLASSES: Water container (bucket/bowl), small towel, scissors (garden type preferable), small flat head screwdriver, 2 dozen snap type clothespins, tape measure, pencil, pocket knife (good sized), sandpaper, weights (unopened soup cans work) and a small spray bottle. PACK A LUNCH/SNACKS, you will be working thru lunch. Please indicate with a checkmark the classes you are registering to attend and circle time. Total Amount Enclosed $____________ Name:______________________________________ September 15: “Hilltop Laundry” Basket, Cost: $65.00 BASKET CLASSES SIZE ARE LIMITED TO 14, REGISTER EARLY! Please note: Supplies are specially cut for each basket two days prior to class If you need to cancel your class, please call us 72 hours prior to receive a full refund. There will be no refund after that time. NO EXCEPTIONS! Address: ____________________________________ City______________ State ______ Zip ___________ Phone: _____________________________________ E-Mail______________________________________ Checks for these classes are payable to: Community FCS Program Fayette County Extension Service 1140 Red Mile Place For more information, call: 859 257-5582 Lexington, KY 40504 Legal and Financial Planning Savings Lifestyle 101 “Coupon Club” October 3, 2016 - 6:30p.m. Fayette County Extension Office Invite a friend and join others that have an interest in learning best practices in planning, budgeting, and saving dollars when shopping for consumer goods and services. Bring any extra coupons you have to share. This is a fun way to network and save dollars. If you or someone you know is affected by Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, the time for legal and financial planning is now. This workshop is for anyone who would like to know more about what legal and financial issues to consider and how to put plans in place. Guest speaker will be attorney, Mary Patton. Sponsored by the Alzheimer's Association. The program will be held on Wednesday, September 7th, from 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. at the Woodford County Cooperative Extension Office, 184 Beasley Road, Versailles, KY 40383. Registration is required. Please contact 1-800-272-3900. Join us for Job Club this Fall! The Fayette County Cooperative Extension Services, University of Kentucky (UK) Alumni Association, , and UK Human Resources Staff Career Development are pleased to announce the fall 2016 Central Kentucky Job Club schedule. The purpose of the Job Club is to provide a positive environment for motivated job seekers to meet, connect, share and learn. The free group is open to the public and meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, from 9:00–10:15 a.m. at the Fayette County Cooperative Extension office, 1140 Red Mile Place, Lexington, KY. Business attire is encouraged. Convenient, free parking is available. Job Club is for you if you are motivated and currently out of work, underemployed or looking to make a career transition. In addition, recruiters and employers are always welcome and introduced to Job Club attendees. For more information, call the UK Alumni Association at 859-257-8905, the Fayette Cooperative Extension office at 859-257-5582, or the UK Staff Career Development Office at 859-257-9416. Additional information including testimonials from former Job Club participants can be viewed at: Job Club Meeting Schedule*: September 13: Building Cathedrals: The Power of Purpose and Your Career - Presented by Greg Coker September 27: The Bottom Line: Resume and Interviewing Essentials - Presented by Diane Kohler, UK Staff Career Development and Caroline Francis, UK Alumni Career Services October 11: Working With Five Generations in the Workplace - Presented by Beth Hanneman, UK Career Center October 25: Uncover Your Career/Life Sweet Spot - Presented by Melanie Traicoff, Executive Coach *FREE resume reviews immediately following Job Club* November 8: Election Day (no meeting) November 22: Using Job Trends to Pave the Way to Employment - Carla Hunter, President Career Span December 13: Wellness in Your Job Search and When to Seek Help – Presented by Julie Gosky, M.Ed., LPCC, and Shannon Sell, Hub Administrator, * Snow Policy: If Fayette County Public Schools are closed or on a delay, Job Club will not meet. Grandparent/Caregiver Support Group Meeting Third Thursday of the Month at 6:30p.m. Fayette County Extension Office 1140 Red Mile Place, Lexington, KY Join us at Grandparents and Caregivers Raising Children or Relatives monthly support group meetings to: Learn about resources available to you Meet others in similar situations Receive assistance in gaining access to services Provide caregiver training for this type of “new” parenting Meetings are open to citizens of Fayette County as well as all surrounding counties. Everyone is welcome! For more information contact the Fayette County Extension Office at 859-257-5582. Food for Thought Classes Food for Thought classes are designed to teach you everything you need to know about making your favorite dishes. These comprehensive cooking classes are made available through the Fayette County Extension Family and Consumer Sciences program. Each class will teach the core techniques behind classic food to provide tasteful recipes that can duplicated at home. All classes will all be held at the Fayette County Extension Office. Registration fee is $10.00 per class or $5.00 if a current Fayette County Extension Homemaker member. The option to become an associate Homemaker member is available on the registration form. Membership benefits include class discounts, newsletter and relevant consumer information. Tuesday, September 20: Beans: New Ideas for an Old Staple - Recent health recommendations encourage eating less meat, but many people are concerned about getting enough protein. Beans, lentils and other legumes are great sources of protein, as well as fiber and vitamins. Learn how to cook different varieties of beans, ways to add to your existing recipes and new main dishes. Doraine Bailey is a home cook, vegetarian for over 30 years and WOW Homemaker Club President. 6:00 p.m. Thursday, October 27: Gratins & Casseroles - Nothing says warmth and comfort like creamy gratins and casseroles fresh out of the oven. These satisfying dishes are perfect for entertaining or family meals. FCS Agent, Diana Doggett, shares easy to assemble ahead of time recipes. 6:00 p.m. Food Preservation Class Food preservation continues to be more and more popular as consumers continue to seek out new interests or simply wish to maintain more control over the foods they eat. Check out the class opportunities that are available through the Fayette County Extension Family and Consumer Sciences program. Class will all be held at the Fayette County Extension Office, 1140 Red Mile Place. Class Time Choice: 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. or 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. Limit: 12 people per class. Pre-registration is required. Registration fee is $15.00 per class or $10.00 if a current Fayette County Extension Homemaker member. The option to become an associate Homemaker member is available on the registration form. Membership benefits include other class discounts, newsletter and relevant consumer information. Thursday, September 29 ~ Drying 2016 Food for Thought Classes Registration Form Name: _______________________________________________________ Phone: _________________________ E-Mail:_________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________City: _______________________ Zip: __________ Please remember that classes are limited. Register early to assure a spot in the class. We suggest that you call the Fayette County Extension, (859) 257-5582, to inquire about the status of classes before registering. Class Cost September 20 ~ Beans: New Ideas for an Old Staple ~ Cost $10 ($5 Homemaker Member) ~ 6 p.m. September 29 ~ Drying ~ 6:00p.m. ~ Cost $15 ($10 Homemaker Member) ____10 a.m. ____ 6 p.m. October 27 ~ Gratins & Casseroles ~ Cost $10 ($5 Homemaker Member) ~ 6 p.m. Homemaker Membership Dues -$8 TOTAL FEE DUE: $ Please make check payable to: Community FCS Programs Mail to: FCS Classes, Fayette County Extension Office, 1140 Red Mile Place, Lexington, KY 40504-1172 The Next Best Years of Your Life: Living the Good Life! Celebrating our 21st year! Friday, September 23, 2016 8:30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. The next best years of your life can be the best years if you take the time and effort to recognize needs and seek answers. Join us for a day of discovery -- and challenge yourself to learn, create and enjoy! SCHEDULE 8:30 WELCOME 9:00-10:00 WHY ELDER ABUSE PROSECUTION IS A PRIORITY TO THE COMMONWEALTH ATTORNEY Ray Larson, Fayette County Commonwealth Attorney 10:15 to 10:45 MUSIC THERAPY AND MUSIC FOR WELLNESS Olivia Swedberg Yinger, PhD MT-BC Lorna Segall PhD, MT-BC 11:00-12:00 LETTING GO OF THE REINS Adult children learning to balance care giving responsibilities with good self care. Marie Smart Family Care Specialist at Sanders Brown Center on Aging 12:00-1:15 LUNCH AND ACOUSTIKATS 1:15-1:45 PLAYING IT SAFE IN THE KITCHEN Diana Doggett, MS Fayette County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences 2:00 - 2:30 CHAIR YOGA Rebecca Hannifan, AFAA Certified Group Exercises Leader 2:30-3:00 CLOSING, DOOR PRIZES AND EVALUATION SPONSORS: Fayette County Cooperative Extension Service UK Elder Care Program Senior Helpers of the Bluegrass Bluegrass Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living Lifeline Home Health Care Sayre Christian Village The Willows at Hamburg The Next Best Years of Your Life: Living the Good Life! Celebrating our 21st year! Friday, September 23, 2016 Fayette County Extension Center 1140 Red Mile Place (859) 257-5582 The Extension Center is located on Red Mile Place. This street is on the south side of Red Mile Road between Fayette Seed and Central Equipment. You can reach Red Mile Road from Versailles Road or Broadway. Turn on Red Mile Place and go past the Family Care Center. You will find the Extension Center on your left. Please park in the rear of the building and enter through the double doors. Workshop Registration for The Next Best Years of Your Life Registration Deadline: Friday, September 16, 2016 Notes: We are unable to adjust the temperature of the meeting room. Please bring a sweater or jacket for your comfort. Please park behind the Extension Building. You may be towed if you park in the Family Care Center lot and asked to move if you park in front of the Extension Building. Name: _______________________________________________________________ E-mail: ______________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________ City: ____________________________________________ Zip: _______________________ County: _____________________________ Person to Call in Emergency: ____________________________Relationship: ______________Phone: _________________ Cost: $12.00 (includes continental breakfast, lunch, and materials) Make checks payable to: Community FCS Program Clip form & send check to: Next Best Years of Your Life Conference Fayette County Extension 1140 Red Mile Place, Lexington, KY 40504 * Acrylic Flower Painting * Pen & Ink * Altered Altoid Tin Mini Album * Rubber Stamping Card Making * Autumn Greetings Sign * Soda Can Angel * Clothespin Pot * SOS Pillow * Christmas Bells Ornament * Snowflake Ornament * Cone Wreath (Holiday Theme) * Snowman Head Basket * Framed Squares Quilt * Star Mini Album (Baby Theme) * Hairpin Lace * Tote Bag * Leather & Links Bracelet * Tote Basket * Matchbox Advent Wreath * Tulleymore Basket * My Personal Sewing Space * Webster Spider Basket * Paint without a Pattern * Wood Burning Contact the Fayette County Extension Office at 859-257-5582 or visit us on the web at for a Craft Catalog 6/2016 Name: County: Address: Phone: Friday, October 14 Class 9:30 am (start time) Saturday, October 15 Amount Due Class 9:30 am (start time) Acrylic Flower Painting - $25.00 Autumn Greetings Sign - $10.00 Holiday Theme Cone Wreath - $15.00 Framed Squares Quilt - $5.00 Leather & Links Bracelet - $20.00 Hairpin Lace - $0 Pen & Ink - $20.00 My Personal Sewing Space - $5.00 Pin Pot - $6.00 Paint without a Pattern - $20.00 Rubber Stamping Card Making - $15.00 Rubber Stamping Card Making - $15.00 Snowflake Ornament - $5.00 Snowflake Ornament - $5.00 Soda Can Angel - $2.00 Star Mini Album (Baby Theme) - 15.00 Boy Girl (please circle) SOS Pillow - $5.00 (Need Selvages?) Yes No (please circle) Tote Bag - $20.00 2:00 pm (start time) Tulleymore Basket - $30.00 2:00 pm (start time) Christmas Bells Ornament - $12.00 Altered Altoid Tin Album (Christmas) $10.00 Webster - $12.00 Hairpin Lace - $0 Snowflake Ornament - $5.00 Snowflake Ornament - $5.00 Amount Due Match box Advent Calendar - $15.00 Total Cost for Saturday Classes Snowman Head Basket - $25.00 Tote Basket - $35.00 Total Cost for Friday Classes: Wood burning - $15.00 (Need wood burner?) Yes No (please circle) Total Cost for Saturday Classes: $ Total Cost for Friday Classes TOTAL ENCLOSED : Make check payable to: Bluegrass Area Homemakers $ $ Bluegrass Area Homemakers Annual Meeting October 21 We are Kentucky Proud! Don’t miss our guest speaker, J. Larry Hood with “What is a Kentuckian?” Georgetown College Conference Center 100 Crawford Drive, Georgetown, KY 40324 Menu Mixed Green Salad Fried Chicken Whipped Potatoes & Gravy Buttered Corn & Country Green Beans Honey Biscuits Assorted Desserts Registration deadline: October 1st Make $15 checks payable to: Fayette Co. Homemakers Mail to: Fayette County Extension, 1140 Red Mile Pace, Lexington, KY 40504 Bluegrass Area Homemaker Annual Meeting Registration Form Name________________________________________ Phone________________ Antique Classes Wednesdays, September 28 - November , 2016 Mornings (10:00 a.m.—Noon) Evenings (6:30—8:30 p.m.) Fayette County Cooperative Extension Office 1140 Red Mile Place Lexington, KY 40504 (859) 257-5582 Dr. R.E. Wells, noted antique authority from Versailles, Kentucky will be at the Fayette County Extension Office on Wednesdays to present an 8-week course on “Antiques”. Topics will include: September 28 October 5 October 12 October 19 October 26 November 2 November 9 November 16 Introduction Antique Buttons Wills and Estates Fancy Victorian China Victorian Silver Dolls and Teddy Bears American Glass Roadshow Eight-week course for only $45. Limited class size, first sign-up basis. Make check payable to: Community FCS Programs and return to Fayette County Extension, 1140 Red Mile Place, Lexington, KY 40504-1172, by September 21, 2016 and select morning or evening session. You may bring one item to be appraised each week. Name________________________________________ Daytime Phone_________________ Address______________________________________________________________________ City________________ State____ Zip _______ E-mail________________ I will attend the: ______ Morning Session ______ Evening Session ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Fayette County 4K for 4-H Registration Form Event Date: 10/16/16 Fee: $10.00 Adult/ $5.00 Kid/ 4-H members FREE! Make checks payable to: Fayette County 4-H Return to: 1140 Red Mile Place Lexington, KY 40504 YOU MUST TURN IN WAIVER , PAYMENT, AND REGISTRATION FORM TO BE ENTERED! Deadline to register is 9/23/16!!!!! PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~Please print legibly so all information can be clearly read ~ Name_____________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________ City____________________________ T-Shirt Size (Circle) Adult Child State________ Small Zip____________ Medium Large XL Phone # ________________________________________ Emergency #_____________________________________ Email ______________________________________________________________ XXL XXXL NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID LEXINGTON KY PERMIT 112 Fayette County Cooperative Extension 1140 Red Mile Place Lexington, KY 40504-1172 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Fayette County Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Newsletter Diana Doggett Liz Kingsland County Extension Agents for Family and Consumer Sciences Fayette County Extension Service 1140 Red Mile Place Lexington, KY 40504-1172 (859) 257-5582 Office Hours: 8:00am - 4:30pm - Monday-Friday UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, KENTUCKY STATE UNIVERSITY, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, AND KENTUCKY COUNTIES, COOPERATING Fayette County Cooperative Extension Family & Consumer Sciences Fayette County Extension Homemakers Educational programs of Kentucky Cooperative Extension serve all people regardless of economic or social status and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, national origin, creed, religion, political belief, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, marital status, genetic information, age, veteran status, or physical or mental disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, contact Tim West, UK College of Agriculture, 859-257-3879; Terry Allen or Patty Bender, UK Office of Institutional Equity and Equal Opportunity, 859-257-8927; or the USDA, Director Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W Whitten Bldg., 14th & Independence Ave. SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 (202-720-5964).
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