Eloy F Gutierrez Santa ROSA de lima catholic CHURCH
Eloy F Gutierrez Santa ROSA de lima catholic CHURCH
/ In In Loving Memory of Appreciation & Thanksgiving to all Celso M Gonzalez Jr. who helped with the Benefit Bingo on From my behalf —May God Bless you all / Santa ROSA de lima catholic CHURCH JANUARY 17, 2016 MISSIONS: SAN JOSE & SACRED HEART, REALITOS Elva C. Gonzalez & Family Alma, Susie & Jo Anna Caballero LOUIE’S BRUCE MENKING Century 21 Restaurant & Drive Thru Luis & Eva Pena Phone 361-256-4311 2041 East Main, #300 Alice, Texas 78332 Business 361-668.3300 Fax 361-664-2100 Mobile 361-701-8644 Res.- 361-664-9677 Hwy. 359 Benavides, Tx. 78341 Commercial/Farm & Ranch/Residential May God Grant that our Youth open their Hearts In Loving Memory of & Minds to the Holy Spirit JOSE OMAR HERNANDEZ D C ’S DRIVE THRU From 211 W Main—(361)256-3611 Wife & Family Benavides, Texas CAPSTONE PRESSURE WASHING Fence, Driveways, Homes, RV’s, Boats, etc. In Loving Memory of ARNOLD VALADEZ, Jr. Eloy F Gutierrez Cell: 361-219-6523 Office: 361-255-4555 969 FM 2295 By Wife & Family. In Loving Memory of ARNOLDO “Nono” M CANALES By Wife & Family IN LOVING MEMORY OF CHRISTIAN HUNTER MORRIS BY FAMILY ARROW DRILLING COMPANY, INC. Nestor, Luis & David Garza Benavides, Tx. 78341 P O Box 505 301 N Texas Blvd. david@arrowdrillingcompany.com – Benavides 361-256-4400 Fax: 361-256-4413 Laredo 956-725-9211 555N Carancahua St., 1400– Corpus Christi, Tx. 78401 361-256-4183 Fax: 361-256-4427 executiveoffice@ymail.com Santa Fe. Health Care, Inc. “Keeping Families Together” ATTORNEYS Office: 361-651-1000 Fax: 361-651-1001 Cell: 361-215-5581 Toll Free: 866-833-0088 Email: lelizondo@gelawfirm.com Office: 361-256-3354 Fax: 361-256-3914 Cell: 361-701-5290 dgarrow67@yahoo.com N.S.C.L. INC. —-Because we care IRMA P. GARZA C.E.O. Home Health PHC GOWAN ELIZONDO LLP Luis A. Elizondo Alice, Tx. 78332 Priscilla Ann Garza . Administrator/CEO P. O. Box 510 6262 Weber Rd., Ste. 302 Benavides, Tx. 78341 Corpus Christi, Tx. 78413 361-256-3980 361-853-3971 Fax: 361-256-3981 Fax: 361-853-4309 203 Santa Rosa de Lima St./PO Box W benavideschurch@yahoo.com Benavides, TX 78341 Pr iest Rector y # (512) 535-5701 Office Hours: 8:30am.-12:30pm. Church Office #: (361) 256-3427 Fax: (361)256-8000 (Church Website)http://www.santarosadelimachurch.org Pastoral Staff Fr. George Pastor CCD classes on Wednesdays 1st –3rd grade —4 & 5 pm. 4th-6th grade—5 & 6 pm. 7th –12th grade—7-8 pm. Englantina Casas Secretary/bookkeeper Idolina Garcia Assistant baptisms Any Saturday of the month after 6:00 pm Mass. Parents must come talk to the pastor. Quinceañeras SATURDAY MASS SCHEDULE: 6:00 pm Mass (Santa Rosa) SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE: 8:00am. Mass (Santa Rosa) 9:30am. Mass (Sacred Heart) 11:00am. Mass (San Jose) DIOCESAN SPECIAL COLL: Next-week-end...for NEW PARISHIONERS the Church in Latin Welcome to our Parish! America. To register, please come by the Parish Office Office Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:30am.-12:30pm. Let Us Pray for Our SANTA ROSA DE LIMA SANCTUARY LAMP: In Deceased; Jesus Thanksgiving by M/M Ovidio Sanchez. SAN JOSE MISSION SANCTUARY LAMP: For “Chick” Saenz. prayers and healing for Marleigh Martinez by her Friends. SACRED HEART MISSION SANCTUARY LAMP: .For All Parishioners. Mass - 2 years CCD & Retreat Confirmations Mass - 2 years CCD & Retreat Confessions Saturdays : 5:00 - 5:30 pm Weddings Contact the priest at least six months prior to Wedding Date. / / SANTA ROSA DE LIMA CATHOLIC CHURCH 16 Sat. 6:00pm Page 2 FOR ALL THE PARISHIONERS Page 3 Sunday Mass Collection: January 09/10, 2015: $ 1,356.30 Disaster Collectiion -$122.30 Thank you for your generosity. + VICENTE Guerrero Sr. (14th Anniv.) by Family. & + ARCADIO Garcia Jr. 17 Sun. 8:00am by Arkie, Sylvia & Mario Garcia. & + FRANK A Vaello Jr. by Idolina S Garcia, Yolanda & Kevin. & + MARCIANO Saenz by Family.+ TRINIDAD C Saenz by Family. & +ALVINO M Flores by Jr. by Esmeralda Labiniecki (Class of 66). & + OCTAVIO E Garcia Jr. by M/M Filiberto Carrillo. & For healing & well-being for MARLEIGH MARTINEZ by Friends. 9:30am. + ALVINO M Flores Jr. by Oscar V Salinas. & + FRANCISCO Vallejo by M/M Amando Vallejo. & + MARIA F Vallejo by M/M Amando Vallejo. 11:00am. + FRANK A Vaello, Jr. by Oscar & June Mendiola. & + LEONARDO B Chapa by M/M Roel Trigo & Family. 18 Mon. 8:00 am. 20 Wed. 8:00 am. + FRANK A Vaello, Jr. by Miguel A Garcia. + RAUL ‘SONNY’ Benavides Jr. (18th Anniv.) by Oscar & June Mendiola. & + AURELIANO Garcia Sr. by Elda G Vaello. 21 Thurs. 6:00pm. + GERTRUDIS Saenz by Englantina Casas. & + PETE DANNY Dominguez by M/M Alonzo Saenz. 22 Fri. + OCTAVIO Garcia Jr. by M/M Frank Garcia Sr. 23 Sat. 6:00pm. 6:00pm. + LAMAR G Vela by Irma Vela Wassner. & + ELOY Gutierrez by M/M Baldemar Gutierrez. & + LOLO Soza by Alma G Caballero. & + ARNOLDO M Canales by M/M Joe Estraca. & + JESUS “NINO” Hernandez by Elda P Chapa. & + IGNACIA “NACHITA” Garcia by by M/M Lito Guajardo. & + FRANK A Vaello by Alma De Los Santos. & + LUCINDA G Ramirez by M/M Israel Gonzalez. & + ALVINO M Flores Jr. by Amando Gonzalez. & + OCTAVIO E Garcia Jr. by Rebecca A Carrillo. & + ANGELINA Perez by Alicia Barrosa & Family. 24 Sun. 8:00am. FOR ALL THE PARISHIONERS. 9:30am. + ALVINO M Flores Jr. by Oscar V Salinas. 11:00am. + ALEJO Lopez by M/M Armando Lopez. + FRANK A Vaello Jr. by Alma & Armando Lopez. & + LEONARDO B Chapa by M/M Ramiro Perez. LECTORS: Sat. 16: Bruce & Virginia Menking-Sun. 17: Grace Redner-Bessie Gonzalez. Sat. 23: Elma StockwellSun. Rose M Gonzalez-Ana Cavazos COUNTERS:(18)Alicia Lopez (25) Alma Lopez (01) Idolina Garcia (8) Angie Guerrero LET US PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Adela Espinoza, Leonel Saenz Sr., Mary Garza Pena, Cruz Vallejo, Shelby J Ramirez, Jaime E Carrillo, Joshua Lopez, Maria A Morales, Marleigh Martinez, Anita S Perez(from CC), Mary G Yzaguirre, Rodolfo “Foyo” Gamez, Rudy Rodriguez, Elva Martinez, Virginia Leal, Conrado Perez, Ercilia Vallejo, Noe Cantu, Sr., Ella Elizondo, Noe Garcia, Sr. Rodolfo Lopez., Anita Garcia(from the Valley), Aristeo Garza, Pat Curry, Natie Salinas, Tivita Charo, Nina Saenz, Bea Canas, Rodolfo Couling, Irma P Garza, Laurita Yzaguirre, Elizabeth B. Sanchez, Andy Contreras, Christine Canas, Carol Fielder, Jose Martinez, Leila Lacefield, Gloria Hernandez, Jeremy Lee Hernandez, Henry Ramirez, Margarito (Beco) Ruiz, Jose A Garcia, Guadalupe Guerrero , Bruce Menking, Carlos Gonzalez, Trinidad Perez, Celeste Ramirez, Robert Ibanez, Jacob Goldapp, Oscar & June Mendiola, Kaitlin Ramirez, Hilario Arredondo, Carlos Roel Canales, Diana C Lopez, ————————————— —cont’d of heaven for his sly and wicked ways and is now the joker of eternal hell. The Queen stands for the Virgen Mary. And the King is our Lord Jesus Christ. I count the dots on all the cards, I come up with 365 total,...one for every day of the year. There are a total of 52 cards in a deck; each is a week—52 weeks in a year. The four suits represent the four seasons of: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. Each suit has thirteen cards. There are exactly thirteen weeks in a quarter. So, when I want to talk to God and thank Him, I just pull out this old deck of cards and they remind me of all that I have to be thankful for.” The sergeant just stood there. After a minute, with tears in his eyes, and pain in his heart, he said, ”Soldier, can I borrow that deck of cards?” *** THE DECK OF CARDS *** It was quiet that day, the guns and mortars, and land mines for some reason hadn’t been heard. The young solder knew it was Sunday. The holiest day of the week. As he was sitting there, he got out an old deck of cards and laid them out across his bunk. Just then, an army sergeant came in and said, “Why aren’t you with the rest of the platoon?” The soldier replied,”I thought I would stay behind and spend some time with the Lord.” The sergeant said, “Looks to me like you’re going to play cards.” The soldier said, “No, sir. You see, since we are not allowed to have Bibles or other spiritual books in this country. I’ve decided to talk to the Lord by studying this deck of cards” The sergeant asked in disbelief, “How will you do that?” “You see the Ace, Sergeant? It reminds me that there is only one God. The Two represents the two parts of the Bible, Old and New Testaments. The Three represents the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Four stands for the Four gospels: Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. The Five is for the five virgens that were ten but only five of them were glorified. The Six if for the six days it took God to create the Heavens and Earth. The Seven if for the day God rested after making His Creation. The Eight is for the family of Noah and his wife with their three sons and their wives-the eight people God spared from the flood that destroyed the earth. The Nine if for the lepers that Jesus cleansed of leprosy. He cleaned ten, but nine never thanked Him. The Ten represents the Ten commandments that God handed down to Moses on tablets made of stone. The Jack is a reminder of Satan, one of God’s first angels, but he got kicked out HAVE A BLESSED WEEK , Fr. George Thomas