HAZEMAG Secondary Impact Crusher - HSI
HAZEMAG Secondary Impact Crusher - HSI
MINERALS HAZEMAG Secondary Impact Crusher - HSI Member of G HSI_en.indd 1 R O U P 19.12.13 08:45 HAZEMAG redefines the secondary crushing technology The new HAZEMAG concept unites our know-how of more than 60 years combined with the practical experience and the demands of the plant operators. The HSI series has been designed for the economic secondary crushing of soft and medium-hard bulk goods and hard rock. The HSI series is a modular system with the objective of fulfilling every scope of work in the bulk goods industry. The machine’s fittings as well as its control may be modularly adapted to the individual requirements and wishes of the operators – even up to a fully automatic mode. Depending on the properties of the feed material, the crushing ratio and the desired requirements on the product grain size, feed sizes of up to 450 mm and throughput rates of 750 t/h max. are possible. HSI_en.indd 2 Type Feed quantity [t/h] Rotor dimensions [mm] Installed capacity [kW] HSI 100 60…90 1.000 x 670 55…110 HSI 200 90…120 1.000 x 1.000 110…160 HSI 300 120…160 1.000 x 1.340 160…250 HSI 400 160…300 1.340 x 1.340 200…350 HSI 500 300…450 1.340 x 2.010 350…630 HSI 600 420…750 1.540 x 2.500 500…900 HSI 700 750...1.000 1.540 x 3.000 800...1.200 19.12.13 08:45 MINERALS Hydraulic suspension of the impact aprons Due to the hydraulic suspension of the impact aprons not only a simple and fast adjustment of the opening widths is guaranteed but also an overload protection. As soon as the crushing forces in the crushing chamber exceed a predefined limit value, the impact aprons retract and thus protect the built-in parts, such as rotor, blow bars and impact aprons, from potential damages. After the retracting procedure the impact aprons move back in a controlled manner into their original position, so that the crushing operation may be continued without interruption. In addition the hydraulic suspension offers the comfortable possibility of a simple readjustment and a quick on the spot-adaptation to the individual procedural conditions on the machine or from the switchboard. Wear parts – form follows function Even from the economic point of view the new design of the HAZEMAG HSI series incorporates a standardization of the wear parts. By using especially wear-resistant blow bar materials and forms with a degree of utilization of more than 50 per cent the operating and maintenance costs of the HSI series are clearly reduced. Grinding path Due to the application of the grinding path the oversize rate in the product is reduced and at the same time the production of a cubic, strainless and free of cracks-grain is supported. HSI - The new design HSI_en.indd 3 19.12.13 08:46 Grading HAZEMAG is the specialist Refuse (%) Passage (%) Secondary crusher without grinding path Secondary crusher with grinding path Grain size (mm) The new impact crushers of the HAZEMAG HSI series are „specialists“ for the production of aggregates and chippings. Depending on the type of material and feed grain size the HAZEMAG HSI impact crushers generate product fractions of 95% < 45 mm without a grinding path and 95 % < 35 mm with a grinding path. Member of HAZEMAG & EPR GmbH Brokweg 75 · 48249 Dülmen, Germany HSI_en.indd 4 +49 2594 77- 0 +49 2594 77- 400 info@hazemag.de www.hazemag-group.com G R O U P 19.12.13 08:46
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