Lake Rerewhakaaitu School .::. Welcome


Lake Rerewhakaaitu School .::. Welcome
Lake Rerewhakaaitu School
Wednesday 29th May 2013
Kia Ora ki a koutou, Kia Ora ana, Ta lofa
lava, Namaste, Hoi, Hallo, Hello …
Well done to everyone that participated in
the annual school cross country. The sun
shone and provided a little more
encouragement to get around the course.
Congratulations to those students that
placed in the top 2 or three for your age
Thanks too to the parents and students that
helped out with marshaling. Having more
students involved in marshaling this year
allowed more parents to enjoy watching
their children run. Thank You!
The following children have been selected
for the Reporoa Valley Cross Country. For
students in Year 4 and above, the Cluster
Cross Country is the pathway for talented
runners to earn a spot at the BOP Cross
Country which is held in Opotiki. We will
need parents to help out with marshaling at
the cluster event held here at the
Rerewhakaaitu Domain next Tuesday.
Yr 1 Girls – XRria Northcroft, Victoria
Yr 1 Boys – Max Fraser-Harris, Joshua
Williams, Quinn Morell
Yr 2 Girls – TeRaiwa Maki
Yr 2 Boys – Ashton Dodunski, Sam
Yr 3 Girls – Megan Pinder, Charlotte
Schweizer, Mangaia Simon
Yr 3 Boys – Joshua Schweizer, Michael
Hutchins, Neo Higgins-Ohlson
Yr 4 Girls – Olivia Schweizer, Stephanie
Schweizer, Riley Tadema
Yr 4 Boys – Stephen Robinson, Kaden
Ransfield, Broc Maki
Yr 5 Boys – Robbie Thomas, Maddox
Yr 6 Girls – Briarly Dodunski, Ellis Watson
Yr 6 Boys – Joshua Robinson, Meihana
McGee, Tukaha Kokiri-Tangaere
9 Ash Pit Road
RD 3, Rotorua 3073
P 3666814
F 3666600
Mobile Dental Unit
027 2718837
Absence Txt 021 628 716
Yr 7 Girls – Tasmin Wood
Yr 7 Boys – Kansas Fawcett
Yr 8 Girls – Claudia Thomas, Waitahi
McGee, Jessica Asplin
Yr 8 Boys – Joel Gisby
Last week we had a dismal turn-out to the
weekly Thursday parent interviews. Please
make sure you keep a copy of the schedule
handy and mark it on your calendar. (2
have been sent home so far this term and
reminder notes were sent home with
children last week.) If you are unavailable
on the Thursday afternoon, please phone
the office to re-organise your time. Robyn
or I will speak with the teacher/s concerned
and get back to you. Robyn will endeavour
to make reminder phone calls each week,
but time does not always allow this. A
timetable is included again with this week’s
From week 6 this term to week 5 in term 3,
the parent/teacher interviews will be our
written mid-year reporting to you in regard
to the National Standards. Please be aware
that teachers are committing a large chunk
of time to provide this half hour
conversation with each family each term.
We ask that you aim to stick within the half
hour and also encourage you to come
along with some questions and ideas to
share with the teacher during that time.
Shylah Halley got to play in the curtain
raiser for the Magic vs Steel netball game
in Rotorua during the weekend. What an
opportunity. He pai rawa atu Shylah.
See a recount of the event written by
Shylah Halley later in the newsletter.
Enjoy your week.
Together We Grow … Patricia McGee
Have a read of this – Ethan’s personal
voice and sense of humour come through
in his recount of the cross country.
Across Country! By Ethan Way
Heart thumping, feet ready … Go! I was
pulling away from the rest – the wrong
way… but I didn’t care. I just wanted to set
the best time I could.
I reached the hill. Everyone was cheering
for me. My mum cheered for me. I said,
“Not right now.” (It slows me down when
people cheer at me.)
I came bolting uncontrollably down the hill,
sliding around the corner, diving down
another hill. I just stare – hill after hill after
hill up ahead.
I start my jog. It was shorter than I thought
– not puffed for some reason. I carry on
seeing a whole group of year 7/8 girls
ahead. My first attempt failed. They just
sprinted away. Feeling puffed all of a
My second attempt was successful. I
passed them. By then I had reached the
iron gate. Dad said, “Don’t let them catch
up.” I said, “They won’t.” Bolting around the
corners, passing all of the year 7/8 girls
except Claudia and Waitahi (and Tasmin) –
down across the field and done.
It was all over!
Jun 3 to 7 – OPC
Jun 4 – Life Education caravan here
Jun 6 – BoT Meeting
Jun 11 – Cluster Cross-Country @ LRS
Jun 12 – Library bus
Jun 13-16 - Possum Punishment
Jun 21 – Cultural Festival
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
I regularly have a pile of damaged library books
that need to be repaired. If there are any
parents who are able to either come into
school or take home a pile, please touch-base
with me and I will show you the box and tape
for repairs.
Also, if you have a spare 20 minutes a week,
we need some help sorting and organising
books both in the library and book resource
room. In the library it would be great to have a
parent help to check shelves are tidy and in
numerical and alphabetical order.
If you are keen to help in the library – please
see Hayley Coleman
If you are keen to help in the resource room –
please see Lynda Bullock
Thanks for your support .
Hayley Coleman
Curtain Raiser by Shylah Halley
During the “Queen’s Birthday” holiday, my rep team
was honoured to play before the Magic game –
which is known as the “curtain raiser”.
When our coach heard the news, the message was
out as quick as possible. We arrived at the events
centre all geared, ready to play.
For the game, we played the year 6 rep team. It was
quite a challenge but we managed to beat them by
one point. We were amazed at how fast they caught
up in the second half. The game ended with a score
of 28-27 to us.
Excitement struck through me as we got off the
court. Our seats felt special because we got to sit
right beside the court. We hope we get gifted with
another invite to play a curtain raiser!
Any additions/alterations to
our local phone list should be
directed to Mary Burge
3666 506 or
Cut-off date for changes is
Friday 14 June.
Yummy, low fat mince pies!
$3.00 each
Orders taken FRIDAY
morning for Friday lunch
See Meihana and Storm in the library
before school to place your order.
Butterflies – Ct16 @ 10.45am v RI Yr7 deThierry
Kiwis – Ct19 @ 11.30am v Reporoa Juniors
Flamingoes – Ct4 @ 12.15pm v Aorangi Eagles
Yay … congratulations to Flamingoes who have
made A Grade this year in the U11 group which is
testament to having played together for a season or
two – and their coach Angela! Well done girls.
Kiwis had an awesome night out on the ANZ Bank
(thank’s heaps Lynette for organising this) at the
Magic v Steel game on Sunday night. Macca’s was
our meeting & eating place and then it was a very
raucous and excited bunch of girls in their netball
dresses who cheered Magic on to a fabulous 58-52
win! Did you see us all on the tele?
Draw Wednesday 5th June
Lakers – Ct2 @ 6.00pm v Hurunga Huia
Draw Friday 7th June
Rockets – Ct3 @ 6.00pm v Otonga Dunkers
Rere Lakers played Ruamata Waenganui 1 last
Wednesday. The game got off to a slow start but
again the Lakers controlled their dribbling better and
got on top of defence to haul in the score finishing
17-13. Player of the day went to Joel Gisby who is
growing in confidence on defence – stealing plenty of
ball and scored 2 baskets this week. This week’s
game is at 6.05pm.
Rere Rockets – We have a tough game on Friday
night, with our first lost 28 – 18. It was a really hard
fought match with some awesome attack and
defence. I would like to mention the great team work
from Josh who took the ball right up court and when
he could passed it to the younger boys for them to
take a shot, Well Done Josh.
POD went to the two youngest members of the
team Te Atarau McGee for his first game of the
season and he showed all round great team work,
and Stephen Robinson for his awesome defence
and continuous work up and down the court.
Don’t forget your $1 ref fee and a drink!!
Good luck and enjoy your games!
Pre-order your hangi meal before Friday
7th June for collection at Possum
Punishment, Sunday 16th June – contact
Angela 3666 697.
$10 per meal.
The first meeting of the new Board is
TOMORROW at 7.30pm, Thursday 6 June
in the school staffroom. Anyone is
welcome to attend but only elected
Board members can participate in the
discussion, unless others are invited to
speak by the Chair. If you have
something you would like raised at the
Board meeting please contact the
current chair, Jo Doherty (366 6055).
Jo Doherty
This is our second largest
annual fundraiser – please
get your teams together
and entry to Angela
Robinson, Rachel Thomas or drop it into
the school office before June 11.
Rerewhakaaitu Domain
Tuesday 11 June
Come along to support our competitors
and bring your spare change for
Phone Charlotte 3666922
Week Five – CULTURES
Monday 3 – Queens Birthday
Tuesday 4 – Trip – Seasons Show
Thursday 6 – Chantelle & Sarah
Friday 7 – Celeste & Jamie
Monday 10 – Jo Rogers & Carla
Thursday 13 – Vanessa
Friday 14 – Hayley & Amanda
Playcentre would like to share your
favourite recipes in our community
cookbook fundraiser and to celebrate
anniversary. Contributions of any type
of recipe or 'helpful hints' would be
Please email to
Tuesday Night Badminton,
Table Tennis & Cards
At the Rerewhakaaitu Domain Sportscentre -+
0commencing 7.00pm. Adults and Secondary
School children welcome. $1.00 per night
Contact Lea 3666 854 or Lynda 3666 846
TENDERS for Rerewhakaaitu Domain
10.5 hectares for grazing only between
June 15 and August 15. Tenders to be
with Pauline Blackburn by June
7th - 261 SH38.
Any queries 3666 733
UNDERCOVERWEAR EVENING of fashion clothing,
lingerie, sleepwear and swimwear. All ladies
welcome. BYO drink if you desire. RSVP to:
Aimee 0277463863
443 Ash Pit Rd (Michelle’s new home)
Saturday 29 June at 6.00pm
DESIEL TANK FOR SALE – 400 litre, 3 leg stand
$100. Ph 3666 074
HEIFERS – 32 available for free lease. Contact
Marcus 0274288313
FOR SALE – 3 x tantalised round poles 180ml width
(No.3), 3.6m long $35 ea / 1 x roll farm fence netting
hingelock, s-wire, 950ml high, 50m unused, $150 /
Timber, 12 lengths of 6x2, 4.8m, tantalised, sold as a
bundle, $300 / Old angle iron structurs to make farm
building $150 / 2 x pods 100l – only used for water.
$50 / Trailer 6x4, old, tired, but still useful. $90.
Phone Murray 3666 033
WORK WANTED - house cleaning & gardening.
Phone Rachel Riini 3666 688
FOR SALE - Concrete posts $1.00 each
Old used wooden posts $1.00 each
Approx 50 old waratahs and rammer $100
Moss covered rimu gates $20 each
Timber,dismantled sheep yards, $50 the lot.
Interlocking docking gates, 4, could be used to divide
calf pens $300
Old cdax sprayer 30 litre $50
Bloat trough dispensers and 4 litres bloatenz $35
Kiwi shearing plant with 3 point plug $250
Hand piece with worn but sharp comb and cutters
Prices plus GST with invoice, Robert 0274402068
WORK WANTED – stacking wood, mowing lawns
and/or othe odd jobs. Willing and able, I am
available Friday afternoons and weekends. Contact
Danté Colbert 3666 631 or 0274729659
The winter cold is approaching and with
it Iceworld NZ is proud to return the
centre piece for the Rotorua’s Fire and Ice
festival. The temporary ice skating rink will
be located on the village green, corner of Tutanekai
St & Whakaue St. The rink will be partly sheltered by
a marquee to allow the ice rink to be open rain or