Here - Society of International Economic Law


Here - Society of International Economic Law
 Via Sarfatti 25 20136 Milano Milan, October 2014
Dear Colleague,
The PhD in Legal Studies, curriculum in International Law and Economics, is a 3-year
program, entirely in English, and is organized in courses, specialized seminars and working
groups at Bocconi. Participation to relevant conferences, courses and seminars at other
qualified institutions is encouraged.
In the first three semesters students have to take courses and seminars for a total of about 300
hours. From the fourth semester PhD candidates are invited to spend a period as a visiting
researcher in universities, international institutions and research centers outside Italy, focusing
on the drafting of the final thesis that shall be delivered at the end of the third year. In
exceptional cases extension to a fourth year can be granted.
A streamlined and revised set of courses will be at the core of the new curriculum
covering all the main areas of international law and economics. Here following the main
innovations introduced in the framework of the new PhD:
The courses offered in the previous program, i.e. international economics, WTO
law, international monetary and financial law, international business law, international
investment law, international protection of intellectual property, competition law,
international taxation law, market and environmental regulation and comparative public
law and economics, will also provide an insights focused on the “policy implications”
Two new subjects will be offered: “EU economic law” and “Settlement of
international economic disputes”
A semester will be dedicated to specific methodological subjects, i.e. “Theory and
techniques of legal interpretation”, “Law and economics”, “Empirical methodology for
legal researches”, “the Law and Policy of EU Institutions”
The candidates will also be offered two methodological seminars, on legal research
and on legal writing.
As testified by the present position of PhD graduates, doctorate candidates are prepared for a
career in universities, international organizations, public administrations, multinational
corporate consulting and research centres.
The Faculty includes professors from Bocconi and from other Italian universities, as well as a
group of visiting professor from prestigious foreign Universities, international organizations
and Governments.
Professors from Bocconi: Giorgio Sacerdoti (former member of the WTO Appellate Body),
Carlo Altomonte, Fabrizio Onida, Donato Masciandaro, Claudio Dordi, Giuseppe Franco
Ferrari, Fabrizio Fracchia, Carlo Garbarino, Eliana La Ferrara, Anna De Luca, Laurent
Manderieux, Paola Mariani, Alberto Monti, Laura Resmini, Carlo Secchi, Yane Svetiev.
Professors from other Italian Universities: Giovanna Adinolfi, Manlio Frigo, Mario
Molignoni and Mara Valenti, Milan State University and Alberto Malatesta, University of
Visiting professors of the last few years:
Reuven Avi-Yonah (University of Michigan), Eric Biber (University of California), Tomer
(Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Daniel Farber (University of California at Berkeley), Chiara
Giorgetti (University of Richmond), Philipp Graf Wrangel (lawyer in Germany), Daniel
Gutman (University of Paris), Ioannis Kokkoris (City University Law School), Rick Krever
(Monash University, Australia), Jurgen Kurtz (University of Melbourne), Peter Jonathan
Leyland (London Metropolitan University), Gabrielle Marceau (WTO), Judge Moavero
Milanesi (EU Tribunal of First Instance, now Italian Minister of EU Policies), Bernard
O’Connor (World Trade Institute, Berne), Luca Rubini (Birmingham University), Karl Sauvant
(Vale Center, Columbia University), Friedl Weiss and Christina Binder (University of Vienna),
Alec Sweet Stone (Yale Law School), Steve Ratner (Institute Universitaire de Haute Etuded
Internationales), Larry Di Matteo (University of Florida), Robert Kaczorowski (Fordham
University School of Law).
Each year a number of scholarships are available, depending on the number of PhD students
satisfying the admission criteria. Last year four students benefited from scholarships.
I would be grateful if you could bring our Program to the attention of your best current or
recent graduates.
We are now enrolling for the next Academic Year 2015-2016. The deadline for
submitting applications is January 15th, 2015.
The full official call for admission is available at
More information on the Program and its structure you can visit the following page:
Clarification questions may be addressed to
Thank you for your attention
Prof. Claudio Dordi