File - The American Legion Department of Alabama


File - The American Legion Department of Alabama
Department News
April 2016
American Legion, Department of Alabama (334) 262-6638 or (800) 234-5544
Department Convention
This year’s Department Convention will be held in Huntsville,
Alabama at the Huntsville Marriott. The room rate $102.00 for a standard
To make reservations please call 888-299-5174 and tell them you
want The American Legion rate. The hotel will accept reservations until the
cutoff of May 25, 2016. If you make your reservations after this date you
may or may not be given the special rate of $102.00.
Check-in time is 3:00 pm and check-out time is 12:00 am, so please
make plans accordingly.
We will also have a banquet on Saturday June 18, 2016, the cost is
$35.00 per person. Cutoff for ordering tickets is June 1, 2016. Please
adhere to this cutoff date so that we can provide the hotel with an accurate
number for planning purposes. The order form is enclosed in this
Should you have any questions before then, please do not hesitate to
call Christy at Department Headquarters.
Commander’s Corner
Fellow Legionaires(Comrades)
Time is sure catching up with us!!! As we're making plans for the State Convention, like MidWinter, we all want to make it the best ever. We are working the programs, but we can't help but
worry about membership.
National Commander, Dale Barnett, has expressed his trust and confidence in the department
of Alabama Legion,that he can count on us to meet our goal. Those of us who have been to a
National Convention can see how important membership is.
As your Department Commander nothing would please me more than to reach and exceed our
membership goal. If each one of us in leadership position would sign up at least one extra
member we could reach our goal. The veterans are out there; we only need to ask them to join us
and tell them about our programs and the opportunities they can have by joining us. Everywhere
I go I pass out cards, brochures, and shake hands. I never meet a stranger; veterans are not
strangers they are our brothers and sisters. So come on, Comrades, WE CAN DO!!!
It seems that our National Auxiliary President,Sharon Conatser, enjoyed her visit to our great
state of Alabama. She had praise and confidence that we would reach our goals. We had plenty
of food, a few dances, and even a joke or two. I would like to thank all of those who worked so
hard to provide great atmospheres to welcome her to the various posts, show off our State, and
make her visit a successful experience.
Please keep my family in your prayers and God Bless Each and Everyone of You.
David Hartline
Department Commander
Legionnaires it’s going to be tough if we are going to make our 95% goal for April 11th. We need 739
members by that date to make the 95%. Let’s get on those expired and get them back on board. Remember
Post 1983 are full of veterans expired and current. Posts 11, 911, 255, and 133 all have been successful
transferring members in, great job and keep up the good work. Now is the time to begin your plans for
membership drives for the next year. Let’s all try to hit the ground running and get our efforts started as early
as possible. Remember setting goals for sustainment will only lead to eventual decline. You must set goals of
growth sustain growth, don’t wait for the veteran to come to you.
I had a Colonel once that said the smartest thing I’ve heard an officer say, “an email sent is not an
action taken”. Just like any form of communication you have to ensure the message was received. I’m going to
give you all a little history on a famous Army term “HOOAH”. Often when you ask a soldier a question the
answer is “HOOAH Sergeant”, well many do not know the history or meaning of this phrase. In WWII during
basic training and communications training an acronym came to help soldiers learn the basics of
communication. H.U.A Heard Understood Acknowledge. This HUA meant that the soldier had 1. Heard the
message 2. Understood the message and 3. Acknowledged the message. So when any directions were given by
leadership the common slang response became “HUA!”. This acronym quickly transformed to the term we hear
today “HOOAH!” a sign of motivation and communication. So when communicating with your members
practice the HUA definition of communication.
Election season can sometimes be a daunting task. If you have any questions it is better to ask or refer
to your Constitution and Bylaws to ensure you care conducting the elections properly. Please review all of your
Constitution and Bylaws and ensure they are up to date and still pertinent to the operations of your posts.
Many of the issues I’ve seen these past 2 years have stemmed either from lack of knowledge or out dated
The Department Convention for 2017 will no longer be held on a Carnival Cruise. Due to concerns of the
membership we have cancelled the planning of the cruise for a convention. We are currently exploring the
possibility of conducting a cruise as a fundraiser (more details hopefully by the next newsletter). The 2017
Convention will be held at the Embassy Suites in Montgomery. Due to the cancelling of the cruise the dates we
had bids on were all takes except the Embassy. At our next DEC meeting we will have a list of proposals for
moving our conventions and conferences around the state. This should provide everyone an opportunity to
attend one of the meetings each year.
Our Veterans’ Retreat is fast approaching. We are scheduled to conduct the retreat from August 5-7
this year. Candidate for National Commander Denise Rohan and our National Vice Commander Jimmy Lane will
be attending this year. If you wish to take part whether it be donation, volunteer, participation, or all of these
please let us know. This year we have added Birmingham Medical Center to the rolls. It is shaping up to be
bigger this year than last. So please help out in one way or another. This type of program is how we stop the 22
a day loss of life.
Greg Akers
Department Adjutant
The American Legion Family,
The following paragraph is an excerpt from the Officer’s Guide. Spring is a season of planting, renewal
and growth that requires cleaning, maintenance and the nurturing of those things we wish to preserve and
grow. Have you – are you, applying this effort to The American Legion programs. These are the things
that the community notice, admire and remember.
April – Children & Youth Month. Coordinate Children & Youth activities and recognition with the post’s
Auxillary unit. Obtain Children & Youth Guide from department headquarters. Plan election of new
officers, summer Scouting activities and Boys State. How about an old timers’ night? Community service
will elevate your post’s standing in the community. Put American Legion Child Welfare Foundation Week
on the post calendar.
“ Don’t assume anybody knows anything unless you tell them yourself “ COL J.C. Hardee USMC
April thought: “ You must embrace change before change erases you “ – Rob Liano
Jim Jeffries
Sr. Vice Commander
The American Legion
Department Of Alabama
From The Chapel
It would seem that, everyone I speak with is really down about our
country-our government-our national department and just about
everything else but, the number one thing they are down about is our
politics. I have been really surprised at the number of people in this little
town that are buying gun safes. These folks are convinced that the worst
is yet to come. Most trust in the Lord but, they all are keeping their
powder dry. Guns and lots of ammo seems to be the answer. I continually
ask them to pray for our country but, I realize I need to be more specific.
Every morning I start by thanking God for the day. To bless my efforts
and to guide me as I try to guide others. I agree with them that I also
have never seen politicians carry on the way they are and I keep
wondering is their one somewhere who can pull this country together.
The answer is apparently no. This is what we get for shutting God out of
everything and I believe we are at the point where only God can help us.
SO--that is what I will be praying for! ---and I ask all of you to join me.
My prayer is usually very simple. --"Holy Father just hang on to me-please don't let go"
God Bless Us Everyone
Shipmates-please pray for our
From the Desk of the SAL Detachment of Alabama Adjutant
Membership and Renewals
Congratulations to our Detachment, our membership for the year is looking good. We
have been making all of our Target Date goals at National. You should be very proud of that. We
are currently at 88.8% and our next Target Date is 90% by APRIL 13, 2016. We are well on our
way and I have no doubt that we will make it.
Some of our Squadrons are still struggling for membership. There are fifteen (15) of our
active Squadrons that are below the 70 percentile. These Squadrons have 30 to 100% of their
membership that have not renewed for 2016. Seven (7) of these Squadrons are below the Charter
strength of ten (10). We need to help these Squadrons get to Carter strength.
Based on our last renewal report our renewal rate is 67%. The Detachment has 552
renewals from 2015 members that have not been paid.
If a Squadron is in need of membership, look at your renewals. These are people who are
already members. All you have to do is ask them to renew.
Our membership year is rapidly coming to an end. We need to start working on getting
our membership in. If your Squadron has already done this, we thank you.
Commander Gibson is asking for everyone’s help to get membership in.
All Officers, please pass this information on to your Squadrons.
Your 2016 membership needs to be; in to Department by April 30th, in order to insure
processing at National before our MAY 11, 2016 Target Date of 100% and before new cards are
Detachment Vice Commanders, please reach out to your Squadrons. See what you can do
to help get their membership in.
Thank you for your help,
Andrew Cherry, Adjutant/Finance Officer
Sons of The American Legion
Detachment of Alabama
Gifts for Vets
“Hopping Down The Bunny Trial”
Here is Detachment of Alabama Commander Gibson, spreading Easter cheer and good well to
the Veterans at the Tuskegee VA Nursing Home.
Let us remember that our Veterans in our nursing homes need our help all year long.
If any individual, Squadron or Post would like to help support Commander Gibson's Project,
Gifts for Vets or have any questions, please contact
Detachment Commander, Jeffrey L. Gibson Sr. 334-614-4777
You may send donations to:
Sons of The American Legion
Detachment of Alabama
Gifts for Vets
PO Box 1069
Montgomery, Al 36101
Sons of the American Legion
Detachment of Alabama
P. O. Box 442
Seale, Alabama 36875
Detachment Commander Jeffrey L, Gibson Sr,
A message from the commander of the Sons of the American Legion
Actions Speak Louder (by Ken May)
A few years ago, I was with my Army unit on a training rotation at Fort Irwin, California. As we prepared to return
to our home station, we loaded our military vehicles on a train, and then had to get on the bus that would take us
back to the base camp.
The Sergeant First Class in charge asked us to get in a formation, and there was a group of soldiers being slow
about complying. He admonished them to hurry, and one soldier responded with a particularly poor attitude.
Every time the Sergeant gave an order, the soldier responded, "Hoo-ah, Sergeant." But he shouted it in a
challenging way, so it came out more like "HOO-AH, SERGEANT!" It was a disrespectful tone, and needless to say,
a good relationship did not exist between this soldier and his leader.
Respect in relationship builds bridges between you and the other person. This means the relationship flourishes
because of increased trust and mutual admiration. You will find this especially true of your relationships with
supervisors (leader). You communicate with more than just your words. Even while technically saying the right
things, your tone and actions can communicate a very different message. This kind of implied contempt crumbles
the foundations of relationships.
If you want to build bridges with your leadership rather than burn them, shape every word and action with respect.
Show proper respect to everyone... 1 PETER2:17
Service to our Veterans, Pass, Present and Future
For God and Country
Jeffrey L. Gibson Sr.
Detachment Commander
Sons of the American Legion
Sons Membership Transmittal Form
American Legion
P.O. Box 1069
Montgomery, AL 36101
(Fill out Completely)
Transmittal Number:
Only those paying members will be included in your totals on the Membership Report.
Paid Renewals
Paid Transfers
Need Membership Card and MDF before we can process
Paid New Members
We need just the MDF on this member to process
Total Enclosed
For Office Use Only
Total Renewals
Renewals to Date
Total New MembersTotal
New to Date
Total Renewing
TransfersTotal Renewing to Date
Total Nonpaying
TranfersTotal Nonpaying to Date
As the year comes to an end it's time to submit reports and
recommendations for awards. The Detachment has
developed an award the coincides with the SAL National
VA&R award. Please use the form included to recommend
someone from your squadron. Please follow the
instructions. The winner’s recommendation will be
forwarded to National for the national award.
Please send the application to:
Thomas Glander, SAL VA&R Chairman
2150 County Rd 57
Muscadine, Al 36269.
Charles B. Rigsby
Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation
Volunteer of the Year Award
Section I – General Data
Nominee:____________________________________________ _____________
(name, address, city, state, zip code)
Squadron #:________________________________________________________
(name, address, city, state, zip code of Squadron)
SAL Card #:____________________________ Detachment of _______________
Section II – Total VAVS Hours and Visits
Number of Hours Volunteered: _______________ Number of Visits:___________
Section III – Remarks
Volunteer Activities :_________________________________________________
Location of Volunteer Performance (VA Homes and Hospitals):_______________
General Remarks: ___________________________________________________
Section IV – Certification
Submitted by:_____________________ Title:_______________ Date:________
Attested by:_______________________ Title:_______________ Date:________
Section I – General Data
Squadrons should submit their nominee, if available, to the
Detachment Adjutant. During the Detachment Convention, the
appropriate Detachment officials should select one nominee,
from all requests, as the nominee from the Detachment and send
it to National Headquarters no later than thirty (30) days prior to
the National Convention. Only one nominee per Detachment can
be submitted to National Headquarters.
Section II – Total VAVS Hours and Visits
The period of this volunteer award should be from Detachment
Convention to Detachment Convention. Overlapping periods
should not be counted.
Section III – Remarks
This section should be completed in detail as to the types of
volunteer activities (what the nominee actually did) that were
performed. If additional space is required, please use additional
paper stapled to the original form.
This section should list the locations (names of hospitals and
homes) and location of where the nominee’s volunteer work was
actually performed.
Section IV – Certification
The report can be submitted by any SAL or Legion Family
member (must not be related) who belongs to the same
Squadron or Post. The report should be “Attested” to by the
Squadron or Post Commander.
SAL National Liaison
American Legion National Headquarters
P.O. Box 1055
Indianapolis, IN 46206
SAL Consolidated Squadron Reports
The Consolidated Squadron Report (CSR) blank forms are forwarded to each Detachment
and/or Department in January of each year for distribution by the Detachment/Department to
the various Squadrons.
It is the most important document your Squadron can complete. The data gathered from these
reports is combined with that of other Squadrons and compiled into a single report used by The
American Legion, which is subsequently sent to Congress. Although not every Squadron is able
to participate in all aspects of Americanism, Children and Youth and Veterans Affairs and
Rehabilitation, the key is to report all that the Squadron has accomplished during the current
membership year.
The report is a single page and two copies along with a cover page with instructions. The
original and second copies are to be forwarded on to Detachment Headquarters by the date
the Department/Detachment specifies but no later than June 30th. The last copy is retained by
the local organization. Detachments shall forward the National copy on to National
Headquarters no later than 30 days prior to the National Convention.
The CSR is the basis by which the National Awards under the programs of Americanism,
Children and Youth and Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation are determined each year.
Only originals from the triplicate legal sized form will be accepted.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please send your CSR forms to Department by June 1st.
If you need another copy of the CRS form, please contact Department to have one sent to you. If
you are signed up for My SAL you can fill the CSR form out online. If you use My SAL, you
will need to make two copies, one for the Squadron and one to be mail to Department. Let the
Department know you filed online.
Thank you,
For God and Country,
Andrew Cherry, Adjutant/Finance Officer
Sons of The American Legion
Detachment of Alabama
A Salute to Korean Veterans
Sunday, March 20, 2016 The American Legion Post 255 Fultondale, Alabama held
“A Salute to Korean Veterans” thanking them for their service in the Korean War
by honoring them with a pin, plaque, certificate, and dinner.
Front Row: Far left Wayne Thacker, received a certificate for his help with the 14th Annual Don Vaughn
Memorial Easter Egg Hunt that was held at the Black Creek Park on March 26th. 2nd from left Korean
Veterans: Floyd McClume, J. Wesley (Wes) Stubert, Paul Simpson, Charles H. Richards, Greer Perrymon,
Harvey Dial, and Don Ashworth.
Back Row: (From Left to Right): post Adjutant, Phillip “Mike” Edwards; Post Commander, George Krigbaum;
21st District Commander, Crystal Jones; State Commander American Legion Department of Alabama, David L.
Hartline; Post Finance Officer, Ron Haygood.
Media Advisory
Birmingham Vet Center
400 Emery Drive, Suite 200
Hoover, Al. 35244
For Further Information Contact:
Tia Martin, Team Leader
Birmingham Mobile Vet Center (MVC) at the Hero 2 Hired Job Fair at Gardendale, AL
Birmingham Mobile Vet Center
Tuesday, 12 April 2016, from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Gardendale First Baptist Church, South Campus Fellowship Hall
940 Main St, Gardendale, Al. 35071
On Tuesday, April 12th from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., the Department of Veterans Affairs Birmingham
Mobile Vet Center (MVC) will be at the Hero 2 Hired Job Fair at Gardendale, AL. The Mobile
Vet Center is an Outreach program of the Vet Center. The event is open to the public.
“The Birmingham Vet Center, which provides readjustment counseling and outreach services to
combat veterans and their families, is an important resource for Alabama area veterans,” said
Tia Martin, Birmingham Vet Center Team Leader. “Our center is currently staffed by four
counselors, outreach specialists and other specialists, many of whom are combat veterans
themselves,” said Martin.
The Vet Center provides counseling on mental health and employment, plus family and
marriage counseling, education, bereavement and outreach to combat veterans and their
The Vet Center program was established by Congress in 1979 in recognition that a significant
number of Vietnam veterans were still experiencing readjustment problems. Today, all veterans
and active duty personnel who served in a combat theater are eligible for care at the
Birmingham Vet Center at no cost, as are their families for deployment-related issues. Currently
the VA maintains over 300 Vet Centers in all 50 states and some U.S. Territories.
Media RVSP/Contact: Tia Martin,; (205) 212-3122
Media Advisory
Birmingham Vet Center
400 Emery Drive, Suite 200
Hoover, Al. 35244
For Further Information Contact:
Tia Martin, Team Leader
Birmingham Vet Center‘s Mobile Vet Center (MVC) coming to the “Hooked on Decatur”
Team Bass Fishing Tournament
Birmingham Vet Center’s Mobile Vet Center
Saturday, 16 April 2016, from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Ingalls Harbor
701 Market St NW
Decatur, AL 35601
The Birmingham Mobile Vet Center joins our grateful Nation in thanking and honoring
our Veterans and their families for their service, valor, and sacrifice.
On Saturday, April 16th from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., the Department of Veterans Affairs Birmingham
Mobile Vet Center (MVC) will be stationed at Ingalls Harbor, Decatur AL. The event is open to
the public and the Mobile Vet Center is an Outreach program of the Vet Center..
Both the Birmingham and Madison County Vet Centers provide readjustment counseling and
outreach services to combat veterans and their families. They are an important resource for
Alabama area veterans and each Vet Center is staffed with counselors, outreach specialists and
other specialists, many of whom are combat veterans themselves.
The Vet Center provides counseling on a variety of mental health issues including employment,
family and marriage counseling, education, bereavement and also conducts outreach to combat
veterans and their families. Your local Vet Center can be reached at these phone numbers:
Birmingham Vet Center: (205) 212-3122
Madison County Vet Center: (256) 539-5775
The Vet Center program was established by Congress in 1979 in recognition that a significant
number of Vietnam veterans were still experiencing readjustment problems. Today, all veterans
who served in combat are eligible for care at a Vet Center at no cost, as are their families for
military-related issues. Currently, VA maintains 300 Vet Centers in all 50 states and some U.S.
Media RVSP/Contact: Tia Martin,; (205) 212-3122
12 Year old Scout Matthew Miller of Boy Scout Troop 8 held a
Flag Retirement Ceremony on April 2. His goal was 100 he
retired 679 American Flags and several Alabama Flags.
Department Convention
Tentative Agenda
June 16 – 19, 2016
Thursday, June 16, 2016
9:00 am to 4:00 pm
12:00 pm to 5:00 pm
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Post Veteran Service Officer Training
Legion and SAL Registration - $15.00
Legion Training Classes
Friday, June 17, 2016
8:00 am to 4:00 pm
9:45 am to 11:30 am
11:30 am to 12:30 am
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Legion and SAL Registration - $15.00
Joint Session
Commander’s Luncheon – (All PDC’s, District Commander, Department
Officers, and Division Commander Candidates are invited.
Legion Opening Session
Saturday, June 18, 2016
8:00 am to 9:00 am
8:00 am to 12:00 pm
9:00 am to 11:00 am
11:00 am
11:30 am
11:30 am
1:00 pm Sharp
6:00 pm
7:00 pm to 10:30 pm
Legion Finance Meeting
Legion and SAL Registration $15.00
Legion Meetings Resume
Division Caucus
Break for Lunch
Boys State Commission Lunch Meeting Legion Elections
Reception to Honor all Elected Officers
Banquet $35.00
Sunday, June 19, 2016
8:30 am to 9:30 am
Memorial Service
Legion DEC Meeting Immediately following the Memorial Service
2016 Banquet Ticket Order Form
Saturday Night, June 18, 2016
________ @ $35.00 Per Person
Make all checks payable to American Legion and mail to P. O. Box 1069,
Montgomery, Alabama 36101. Deadline for orders is June 1st.
The Ninety Eighth Annual Department Convention of the American Legion, Department of
Alabama, Inc., is hereby called, and in conformity with the action of the 98th Annual Convention
and the Department Executive Committee, will be held in Huntsville, Alabama, Friday, June 17,
2016 through Sunday, June 19, 2016.
PURPOSE: The Convention is called for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year,
hearing and considering resolutions, and for the transaction of such other business as may be
deemed necessary to come before the Convention.
The Department Commander, Department Adjutant, Department Senior Vice
Commander, Department Junior Vice Commander, National Executive Committeeman and
Alternate National Executive Committeeman shall be delegates to the Convention.
Each post shall be entitled to three (3) delegates and an additional delegate for
each fifty (50) paid-up members or fraction thereof, based on the membership recorded in
Department Headquarters as of May 31st, of the current year and one alternate for each delegate.
Each delegate shall be a member of the Post he/she represents, providing that no voting privilege
shall exist from a Post that has less than charter strength. All Past Department Commanders in
good standing shall be delegates to the Department Convention with voice and vote, provided,
however, that no delegate shall have more than one vote. The Chairman of Post Delegation may
cast the votes of all registered delegates for his post.
registering in advance must register their delegates/alternates by June 10,
2016. Post’s Adjutants should submit a list of their delegates/alternates
along with a $15.00 registration fee per person.
LATE REGISTRATION – You can register delegates/alternates after the
deadline of June 10, 2016 up until 12:00 noon on Saturday June 18,
2016. Late registration will be an additional $15.00 per
delegate/alternate. You must pay full delegate strength to be able to vote.
Voting. Each registered delegate shall be entitled to one (1) vote. Registered
alternates shall have all the privileges of the delegates except that they may vote only in the
absence of the delegates from the convention hall.
(d). No Post shall be entitled to representation at any Department Convention until all
debts to the Department Headquarters has been satisfied.
Department Convention may elect as may Delegates and Alternates from the state at large as may
be necessary to fill a quota of delegates as authorized by the National Organization. The
Department Commander, Immediate Past Department Commander and Department Adjutant
shall be delegates from the state at large to the National Convention. The Immediate Past
Department Commander shall, at his option, be Chairman of the delegation and the Department
Adjutant shall be the Secretary of the delegation. Each District is entitled to one delegate and one
alternate. The Department Commander shall be Chairman in the absence of the Immediate Past
Department Commander. All vacancies for delegates or alternate delegates to the National
Convention shall be filled by appointment of the Chairman of the delegation.
Section 2 – All delegates shall carry out the will of the Department Convention
and the Department Executive Committee insofar as the same has been duly expressed and
notified to them.
The Department Convention shall elect a Department Commander, Department Senior Vice
Commander, Department Junior Vice Commander, and three (3) Department Division Commanders, to serve
without seniority, one of which shall come from each of the Divisions of the Department
(b). The Department Convention shall elect one (1) National Executive Committee Person and one (1)
alternate to serve for a period of two (2) years as provided by the National Constitution.
One Department Division Commander shall be elected from each of the three (3) Divisions of
the Department by a vote of those delegates from the Division, which they are to represent; and such election
shall be made on the floor of the convention. Each of the said three (3) Department Division Commanders
shall reside in and be a member in good standing of a Post located within the Division they represent.
Post Number:
, Alabama
Post Commander
Post Adjutant
contact email:
American Legion Baseball teams are forming for the 2016 season. The Baseball program offers
opportunities in four age divisions: 13 Prep, 15U, 17U (High School Eligible players) and 19U. Registration
information can be found on the website:
The American Legion will observe a January 1st cut-off date. Thirteen (13) year olds are the youngest
players in American Legion Baseball with a date of birth in 2003.
American Legion Baseball has a long history in Alabama. The league strives to provide a good mix of
flexible schedules and good competition. The season typically begins after the school academic year ends
which is near the Memorial Day holiday weekend. The district and state tournament are normally held in
mid-July. American Legion Baseball offers a full Summer League that includes the opportunity to advance
to the State tournament. The possibility of advancing to the American Legion World Series tournament
is available to 19U teams that can advance through the tournament levels. The season offers both full
and part time play. The program has league focused teams, tournament teams and hybrid organizations.
The geographic region for most games are in the State of Alabama. The American Legion is run as a not
for profit league with the goal of improving our young people within a positive, competitive environment
while preparing our players for high-school level play.
The 2016 Alabama American Legion state tournament is hosted by Birmingham Southern College. The
tournament will be played at Birmingham Southern College, the Hoover Met, Pelham High School, Spain
Park High School and other high school and college fields in Jefferson and Shelby counties on July 14-17,
2016. The 19U Division will play a double elimination format while the High School Eligible, 15U and 13
Prep Divisions will play a 4 four minimum game with pool play format.
•Thursday 14 July 2016 - Saturday 16 July 2016
•Saturday 16 July 2016
Free Concert at Oak Mountain Amphitheater, amusement events, ice skating at Pelham Civic
Complex available to all American Legion baseball participant and families to participate as their
schedule will allow.
•Sunday 17 July 2016
Championship Games at the Hoover Met Stadium
The American Legion Riders will host a motorcycle ride that culminates at the stadium
Need Workers? We Can Help!
My name is Renee Smith, I am the Founder of a non-profit organization in
Clanton, Alabama. We help individuals with barriers to employment find
jobs. The name of our organization is Kelsey's Place and you can find us on
facebook. Any time you have a job to offer I would LOVE for you to post that
job on our page. You may also contact me directly at,
by phone at 205-755-7101 or 205-999-0190, or by fax at 205-755-7102.
Pigs for Child Welfare
Please remember to bring your pigs to the Department Convention.
Special awards will be presented to the Post with the most pigs. We
will also be having an auction on the Convention Floor this again this
year. The Children and Youth Committee is extremely proud of
everyone that has supported The Child Welfare Foundation, and
Children and Youth Programs at the post and district level.
Grand Prize Mossberg 5.56mm MMR
Runner Up Beretta ARX .22cal
2nd Runner Up Mossberg 500 3 in 1
Must be 21 to enter raffle.
Tickets are at a recommended donation of 1 for $5 or 7 for $20.
Drawing will be held at Department Annual Convention during the banquet.
Proceeds will be split 50-50 between Legacy Scholarship and Veterans Retreat.
Must be an Alabama resident to facilitate transfer and meet all Federal
regulations to posses a firearm.
6) Winners will have until Leadership Conference to claim the prizes. If not
claimed the prize will roll over to the next year.
7) Only one winner will be drawn for each prize.
8) For any questions contact the Department at 334-262-6638
*All Products are Made in USA