July – Sept 2013 - American Legion Cherry Hill NJ Post 372


July – Sept 2013 - American Legion Cherry Hill NJ Post 372
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July—September 2013
American Legion Post 372, 1532 Martin Ave., Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
July—September 2013
PERMIT No. 258
1532 Martin Ave
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002-2060
American Legion
please thank him and his Boy
Scout troop for the cleanup work
they performed outside on the
grounds of the post.
I was told of a story about a
Ghost Army and found it to be
quite interesting and would like to
share a part of it with you. The
Ghost Army was a United States
Army tactical deception unit during
World War II officially known as
the 23r Headquarters Special
Troops. The 1,100 man unit was
given a unique mission within the
Army to impersonate other U.S.
Army units to deceive the enemy.
From a few weeks after D-Day,
when they landed in France, until
the end of the war, they put on a
traveling road show, using inflatable tanks, sound trucks, phony
radio transmissions and playacting. They staged more than 20
battlefield deceptions, often operating very close to the front lines.
Their mission was kept secret until
1996, and elements of it remain
classified. For more information on
this true WW II action referencing
the Ghost Army go to Wikipe-
Inside this issue:
Commanders Message
Don’s Data
SALs Message
Riders Message
Ladies Message
Once more I have been given the
elected honor to serve as Commander for the year 2013-2014 and
I will try to serve to the best of my
ability and with the help of our Auxiliary, Sal’s and Riders we can
make it one of our best years.
Have a safe summer; enjoy your
vacation with family and friends.
As a final statement please keep
our veterans in your thoughts and
prayers, those who are still living
and those who rest in peace and
who are now serving our country
may God grant them a safe return
for their call of duty.
For God and Country,
Commander Bill Quinn
Cherry Hill Memorial Post 372
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As we
come to the
end of my
first year as
of Post 372
we find ourselves in
one of the
most active
times of the year. Included are the
flagging of Chapel Avenue, the
flagging of the graves at Locust
wood Cemetery, and Memorial
Day Services at the Municipal
Building. I would like to thank all of
those that participated in these activities this is part of being a legionnaire.
I would also like to take this time to
thank past commander Tom
Hoskins for being Post Honor
Guard on Memorial Day and a big
thank you to Russ Smith for all his
time and effort in making Boys
State a big success—these events
sometimes pass without anyone
being aware of how much our people put into these events and the
next time you see Martin Catalano
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A few columns
back, we
got a
great response
who liked and used our popular
Household Hints. Here's some
more goodies...
These are handy to reprint and
keep for future reference.
and cup of milk of magnesia, soak
for 20 min and let dry, will last for
* A Slinky will hold toast and
* To keep goggles and glasses
from fogging, coat with Colgate
* Stay-Free Maxi Pads-clean
window, floors, just stick to the
palm of your hands and work! Can
also be used as a knee pad.
* Sunburn - empty a large jar of
Nestea into your bath water.
* Minor burn - Colgate or Crest
* Burn your tongue? Put sugar
on it!
* Arthritis? WD-40. Spray and
rub in to skin to kill insect sting.
spray on wasps nests -- paralyzes
* Bee stings -- use meat tenderizer.
* Chigger bite -- use Preparation
* Puffy eyes -- use Preparation H
* Paper cut - crazy glue or chap
stick. (Glue is used instead of sutures at most hospitals lately.)
* Stinky feet -- use Jell-O!! (Put
your feet in a pan of Jell-O!)
* Athlete's feet -- use cornstarch.
* Fungus on toenails or fingernails -- use Vick's Vapo-Rub.
* Kool-Aid or Tang to clean
dishwasher pipes. (Put in like
detergent and run a cycle, also
cleans toilets.)
* Peanut butter -- will get scratches out of CD's! Wipe off with a
coffee filter paper.
* Sticking bicycle chain -- use
Pam no-stick cooking spray.
* Pam will also remove paint,
and grease from your
hands! (Keep a can in your garage for your hubby.)
* Heavy dandruff -- pour on the
*To Preserve newspaper clippings - large bottle of club soda
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SO...I can see it now... Here's
the scenario:
We're cleaning our house in the
She has beer in her hair and has
coated her face with Elmer's glue,
which is drying... I have WD 40
sprayed on my joints and Preparation H under my eyes.. She has
green Kool-Aid soaking in the toilet. My glasses are coated with
toothpaste I have Pampers upside
down several places on the carpet .. and two pans soaking and
fizzing in the kitchen sink.. Since
it's summer in Cherry Hill, it's
HOT, so I have a Maxi-Pad for a
sweat band under my hat. In addition, I have a Maxi-Pad on each
palm as I wash the windows and
floors, with Maxi-Pads for knee
cushions. Just imagine that eyepopping picture!
July—September 2013
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July—September 2013
* One day I came home early from
work ... I saw a guy jogging naked. I
said to the guy, "Hey buddy, why are
you doing that?" He said "Because
you came home early."
* It's been a rough day. I got up this
morning ... put a shirt on and a
button fell off. I picked up my briefcase, and the handle came off. I'm
afraid to go to the bathroom.
Editors: Sue Quinn-Morris, Don McDonough, Jim Arcinese.
Design, Layout & Publishing: Sue Quinn-Morris
Printing: Main Street Graphics, Maple Shade, NJ
Advertising: Charles Alberti
Mailing: Jim Arcinese & Charles Alberti
* I was such an ugly kid...When I
played in the sand box, the cat kept
covering me up.
For questions or to advertise in The Scoop, please contact Charles Alberti.
* I could tell my parents hated
me. My bath toys were a toaster
and radio
* I'm so ugly...My father carries
around a picture of the kid who
came with his wallet.
* I'm so ugly...My mother had morning sickness...AFTER I was born.
Plenty of Proven Proverbs from
the Post Pub Patrons...
Just ask them!
A penny saved is a government
The older you get, the tougher it is
to lose weight, because by then your
Remembering the great Rodney
body and your fat have gotDangerfield:
ten to be really good friends...
* I was so poor growing up ... if I
wasn't a boy ... I'd have had
nothing to play with.
* A girl phoned me the other day
and said, "Come on over; nobody's home." I went over. Nobody was home.
The easiest way to find something
lost around the house is to buy a
If you think there is good in everybody, you haven't met everybody...
If you can smile when things go
wrong, you have someone in mind
to blame...
* During sex, my girlfriend always
wants to talk to me. Just the other
night she called me from a hotel.
The sole purpose of a child's middle
name is so he can tell when he's
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July—September 2013
The Legion Hall is available for rental for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings,
parties, etc. For more information, contact Charles at 856-482-6855
If you know of any Veteran, or a family member of a Veteran who is hospitalized,
or is in need of Assistance, please call the Post Chaplain, Chester Malik at 856427-4223
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really in trouble...
any time.
Did you ever notice: When you
put the 2 words "The" and "IRS"
together it spells "Theirs"...?
How does Moses make his tea?
Hebrews it.
Now Making the "Rounds" at
Post #372: "Pun"-ography:
I changed my iPod name to Titanic. It's syncing now.
I tried to catch some fog. I mist.
When chemists die, they barium.
Jokes about German sausage
are the wurst.
Federal Benefits for Veterans,
Dependents & Survivors
Online Edition
I know a guy who's addicted to
brake fluid. He says he can stop
July—September 2013
I stayed up all night to see
where the sun went. Then it
dawned on me.
I'm reading a book about antigravity. I can't put it down.
I did a theatrical performance
about puns. It was a play on
words .
Introduction and Acronyms
Chapter 1: VA Health Care Benefits
Chapter 2: Veterans with Service-Connected Disabilities
Chapter 3: VA Pensions
Chapter 4: Education and Training
Chapter 5: Home Loan Guaranty
Chapter 6: VA Life Insurance
Chapter 7: Burial and Memorial
Chapter 8: Reserve and National
Chapter 9: Special Groups of Veterans
Chapter 10: Transition Assistance
Chapter 11: Dependents and Survivors Health Care
Chapter 12: Dependents and Survivors Benefits
Chapter 13: Appeals of VA Claims Decisions
Chapter 14: Military Medals and Records
Chapter 15: Other Federal Benefits
VA Facilities
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July—September 2013
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July—September 2013
WWII DOG TAGS added to the Dog Tag Return
I would like to start off
by thanking everyone
for their active participation with our organization and I am looking forward
to another year as your SAL
squadron commander. It is an
honor to be your commander
and we take great pride in representing our post to being the
best we can be as well as helping our fellow service members
and those in need. If it were not
for the kind hearts and willingness of all that contribute to this
organization we would not be
able to stay as strong as we are
Elections were recently held in
April for our new squadron officers. I would personally like to
welcome our new officers; Mike
Lobascio (Sgt at Arms), and Jim
Arcinese (Membership/Finance)
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aboard. Your new Sons of The American legion Executive Board stands as
Commander: Tim Viguers
Sr. Vice Commander: Rich Derer
Vice Commander: Mike Lalena
Finance/Membership: Jim Ihlenfeld &
Jim Arcinese
Historian: Fran Keashen
Sgt at Arms: Mike Lobascio
The American legion convention
was held from June 13-15. This is our
annual state wide meeting where fellow legionaries from across the state
get together to discuss statewide
events, receive awards, and oh yea,
even party a little. This year we decided to turn it up a notch and enter a
float in the parade. Our “Hounds for
Heroes” float was a great success
and was well represented. I am truly
proud and grateful for all those that
helped out to make this the FIRST
float ever representing Cherry Hill in
the Wildwood parade. Great job
The 4th of July is soon upon us
and so is the annual parade in Erlton. The Parade will be held on
July 3rd and starts at Jefferson and
Park Dr at 7pm. We have always
received a good turn out for this
and are encouraging all to attend.
So it’s that time of year
again….YES Family Day!!! The
time of year we have all been waiting for. Great food, beer, DJ, raffle
prizes, and most off all a good time
with great friends. Family day will
be held on September 14th at our
post. Ticket prices remain the
same. $20 per person & $35 a couple in advance. Hope to see you all
For God and Country,
Tim Viguers
Jack Hutchings, a prominent
businessman in Florida, had
been traveling on his yacht in the
Solomonian Islands. There, the
villagers gave him some American WWII dog tags they had
found. He brought them home in
hopes of getting them returned to
the veterans/families.
Upon returning home, he stumbled across a newspaper article in
the Orlando-Sentinel about the
dog tag return to USMC Vietnam
veteran, James Alderman. This
prompted him to send the dog
tags to the POW/MIA Awareness
Committee in hopes they could
locate and return them to the veterans or their families.
The first set of dog tags were
identified. Unfortunately, the veteran, Gordon Spencer, passed
away in 1980, as did his wife.
However, one of his two sons,
Stanley, was located in upstate
NY. Spencer’s dog tags were
hand delivered by the Nam
Knights MC in West Chazy, NY.
Additionally, over the last couple
of months, another 5 dogt tags
from the original dog tag collection
from Vietnam have made their
way home.
Members of the Delaware Valley
Chapter of the Nam Knights of
America MC returned the dog tag
of KIA James Golding to his widow and daughter in Branford, CT
in April.
Dog tags were also hand delivered to Vietnam veteran Carl Morton in Tappan, NY.
And in Nashua, NH another dog
tag was delivered to the sister of
Vietnam veteran, Edward Raiche,
who passed away iin 1973 in a
boating accident while duck hunting.
Other dog tags that made their
way home were to the widow of
James Buckman in KY, John
in MO, and
Broussard in
more dog tag returns are in processing, which will be taking place
in NM, KS and MO.
have made their way home. been
Hundreds of dog tags made it
back to the United States in 1993
with Ray Milligan, a Vietnam
USMC veteran and retired police
chief. Milligan was in Vietnam with
a group called Operation Smile. He
was there as logistics support coordinator for the project’s medical
program. In the small shops lining
the street outside his hotel, he saw
that vendors were selling what appeared to be old, rusty American
dog tags as souvenirs. He bought
350 of them and in 2010 he gave
them to the POW/MIA Awareness
Committee of New Jersey to locate
and return the dog tags to the veterans.
A member of the POW/MIA
Awareness Committee, Sue Quinn
-Morris, is also a member of our
American Legion in Cherry Hill.
There are still many dog tags to
return. There is a full list of dog
tags on the website. Have a look
and see if you may know one of
the veterans !
For more information about this
project, go to http://
www.powmiaawareness.org or
contact Sue at
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July—September 2013
American Legion Post 372 Wins 2nd Place
The Cherry Hill American Legion members
partnered with Hound for Heroes to build a
float for the 93rd Annual Legion Convention
Parade this year.
The Parade was held on June 15th in
Wildwood. We are happy to report that we
came in 2nd Place !
In appreciation of all the efforts in making
this happen, the Legion had a party on June
21st, featuring a nice buffet and happy hour
A great time was had by all !
Plans for next year are underway!
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July—September 2013
Riding season is
in full swing.
Please ride safely.
Jim is working on
having lawyer,
Jerry Friedman,
back in to talk to us about his services in the event we need him.
An email will be sent out once he is
We have had a few good rides
already. Father Paul's "Blessing of
the Bikes" was a success and is
always a nice event.
A group of the Riders participated
in the escort of the traveling Vi-
etnam Wall.
Tickets are available at the Legion
for the upcoming Riders Rodeo.
Please come out—It will be a great
Our next meeting is July 22nd.
Gary Gottron
ALR Director
2014 Membership DUES
General Members—$30
July- Narciso, Frank
August- Smargisso, Nicholas
September- Henderson, Sam G.
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July—September 2013
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July—September 2013
As we close out another year of service,
we as a Unit, a part of
the Legion Family,
have a lot to be proud
of. This year we have had more
participation in the activities, we
are responsible for. We have
worked hand in hand with our Legion Family in flagging Locustwood, Chapel Ave and various
activities in our community. Participating in Veteran ceremonies,
household item and food drives.
Veterans Haven, and the new
Home for the Brave in Camden.
We have helped our community as
in previous years but this year we
stepped up to do much more.
Colestown Cemetery was flagged
for the first time in at least the 10
years I have been a member of
the Unit by Auxiliary members
Donna, Mary and myself. This is
where many of our towns founding
families are laid to rest, as well as
Veterans from the Civil War
through the present. Our post has
also partnered with a local Boy
Scout troop. The troop spent an
evening with our Veterans learning
about our organization and what
we do. The Boy Scouts also spent
an evening sprucing up our post
grounds under the guidance of
Sandy our incoming Vice President and her husband Tim, Senior
Vice Commander. Later in the fall
the Boy Scouts will be learning
about the Colestown Cemetery
with the help of some Auxiliary
members. Hopefully in the future
we can partner with other groups
to explain to them why it is important to get involved with such
This year our Legion Family has
partnered with a wonderful organization “Hounds for Hero’s” a
Greyhound Adoption group located in Pennsauken. Veterans are
helped with the monetary end of
adopting a new friend. Greyhounds who have been retired
from the racing life are a perfect
match for a Veteran who would
like a pet. They are calm by nature, low maintenance and the
unconditional love any dog gives
is special, but for someone suffering from Post Traumatic Stress
they could be a great help in
dealing with the issues of the disorder.
Our Legion Family will also be
entering a float in the Wildwood
Parade for the first time. We are
working together on this project
with Bill, a new member, from
Hounds for Hero’s. Our plan is to
kick things up by having members in uniform with dogs on a
float being towed by a truck
(donated by Cioffi’s Towing,
Thanks Fred!) which will have members of all aspects of our family waving. Other members will be walking
along side handing out candy and information about the dogs. This is a
true Family effort which is what we
have needed in order to make it happen. Look in this issue to see our results. Who knows our first time out if
we win anything, but either way it has
been fun working together.
In closing, I will be President 1 more
time, but this year we will also have a
co-chair each month to learn what is
now needed as a President and the
Unit as a whole. Many things have
changed in the Auxiliary in the last 510 years. The dynamics of our organization have had to keep up with the
world around us. We are now the
American Legion Family and must
work as such to survive in our current
capacity. We need to encourage people to join in each part of the family
and hopefully they will start to participate in the organization activities.
Sometime in August Auxiliary members will receive a postcard regarding
our September meeting on 9/9/13.
Please try to come out and meet our
members. You will also be able to pay
your dues $21.00 at that time if you
choose. I hope to see a lot of new faces at the meeting.
For God and country,
Carol Colucci
All Organizations are encouraged to SUBMIT their Upcoming Events on the Community Calendar
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