April 2015 Newsletter - American Legion Post 21


April 2015 Newsletter - American Legion Post 21
PO Box 442
Moorhead, MN 56561-0442
Non-Profit Org.
Moorhead, MN
Permit #355
Space Available for
Call club and ask for
Gary Woodward
Space Available for
Call club and ask for
Gary Woodward
Saturday Night Menu
Time: 5:30 - 8:00 PM
What: Hot Dog
Polish Dog
Baked Potato Bar
Cost: $3.00 per item
$5.00 for any 2 Combo’s
Noon Lunches - 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Come down Monday - Friday for some great lunch specials.
Make sure you get a punch card as every tenth punch is a free meal.
Monday is double punch day!. Bring a friend & enjoy a great lunch!!!!!
The Hearl Herald
Melvin E. Hearl Post No. 21 - 303 30th St N.
Phone: 233-1297 •
Fax: 233-6872 •
Moorhead, MN 56560
www.legionpost21.com • APRIL 2015
We are into the last week of March (3-20) and the luck of the Irish is still with us – NO BLIZZARDS. Let's hope the luck stays with us
through the REST of Spring.
March activities at the club were well attended. Legion Baseball breakfast was a little slow but donations keep coming in. Dave &
Jenny's Corned Beef and Cabbage was as good if not better than any other in the area and the Birthday Dinner on the 29th looks to be
another success for our kitchen staff as we have over a hundred who have made reservations by the 20th of this month.
April promises to be a busy one also. Baseball breakfast on the 12th, Yellow Ribbon fund raiser on
the 19th and a benefit on the 26th helping out an area resident with health problems. Throw in some
bingo and a couple of late night sessions, some delicious dinners coming from the kitchen window
and we have the making of a very busy month again.
Keep in mind that the club will be closed Easter Sunday. Please have a joyous holiday.
Please pray for those in uniform who keep us safe!
What’s Cooking in June
Fargo is now an official hub of Honor Flight
Network! The official launch date for media
release is tentatively set for March 31st.
April 19th – Fundraiser for upcoming Honor Flights @ Post Home, jointly with the Yellow
Ribbon of Moorhead, Fargo DAV Chapter 1, Vietnam Veterans of American Chapter 941,
Dilworth VFW Post 1223 & Moorhead Legion Post 21. There will be a Pig Roast with salad,
Beans, French Bread & desserts (Free will donation), Silent Action of Military Patriotic items
at the American Legion in Moorhead from 12 - 3 PM. The Hjemkomst Center will be open at
Noon with all Veterans getting in for ½ price. Currently there is a WW II exhibit on display.
Auxiliary Sisters
Now that we are officially into Daylight Savings Time, we
are hopeful that we have a nice Spring and Summer. I
know the Golfers are ready to play.
Time to write another article for the
Hearl Herald. What beautiful weather
we are having as I write this article.
St Patrick's Day at the Legion had a nice (large) lunch
crowd, and my grade on the Corned Beef & Cabbage was a
ten (10). Very, very delicious. Hope you came.
The Blues/Golds Legion Baseball Fund Raiser's and their
Breakfasts are doing quite well; although more hungry Parents,
Grandparents, and Friends would help the teams cover some of their
If you didn't attend our Membership Dinner held March 29th, you not only
missed a good meal (our Kitchen staff is the best), but the Program was
great. Peggy Moon, our State Commander was the main speaker and she
always has a good message. The NDSU ROTC performed their Ceremony,
and they will do the Military proud. Thanks to 3rd VC Marvin Nicklay who
arranges these events, he is our Legion's Person in charge.
Another highlight of our Program was honoring Legion members with 50,
60, & 70 years continuous service. Oren Erickson (50 yrs); Morris Cossette,
Vern Nolting (very active Color Guard, Parades, Funerals, etc), Floyd
Overson, Lloyd Paulson, Dale Smith (60 yrs); and a very long time, James
Mortenson, Arnold Strom, James Sundahl, who sad to say passed away 28
Feb 15, he would have been 97 on 14 Mar, these are (70 yrs) Continuous
Members, and our thanks go out to these Legion men for their loyal service
in support of the American Legion.
I hope everyone has a Happy Easter, and we would appreciate everyone's
support on a Fund Raiser being held 19th April, planning a pig roast, to help
sponsor an Honor Flight to Washington, DC. This is for our Korean and
Vietnam Veterans who served in the Military during that time period.
Time to start thinking about our Annual Election of any members that
might want to be an Officer. It will be held in June, and the period covers 1
Jul 15 thru 30 Jun 16. Our Legion Nominating Committee is now accepting
applications to anyone that might be want to be on the ballot. If interested,
please contact Scott Moen.
The Legion Birthday was March 29th,
what a great turn out we had.
On April 19 we are having a pig roast as a fund raiser for
the Honor Flight to send Vietnam and Korean War
Veterans to Washington DC. What a great opportunity
for them. Need a great turnout to help raise the funds.
There will be a silent auction with a military theme
Our Membership stands at 223.We need to contact
those who have not paid their dues yet. Contact Becky
Olson (233-5130) to see if you can help out.
Poppy Day is coming up on May 2nd. Please contact Judy
Videen (233-4390) or Lori Ishaug (233-7489) if you have
a few hours to help distribute poppies.
We will be sending 4 girls to Girls State this year. Great
Job, Shirley!!
Nominating Committee is looking for ladies to step up
and help out as officer's for the coming year. Contact
Shirley Bergquist or Doris Huber if you would like to
help out.
Thank you to everyone who turned in their Year end
reports. Have to be to District and Department
Presidents by April 15th.
Next meeting on April 6 at 6pm.
We are still in need of contributions to help pay off the debt on our parking
lot. Thank you.
DeLyle C. Ishaug, Commander
Email: yeanorske@midco.net
Phone: H: 218-233-7489
Cell: 701-361-3652
Space Available for
Call club and ask for
Gary Woodward
Space Available for
Call club and ask for
Gary Woodward
Please remember our troops and their families in your
Wishing everyone a Blessed Easter.
Until next time
Linda Gibson ,Unit 21 President
Bob Grantham
(218) 236-5422
FAX 236-5425
CELL 790-5422
Email: becky@cuseyrealestate.com
Moorhead, MN 56560
Hello to all Squadron 21 members,
During the month of MARCH:
This is the birthday month of The American Legion and an
appropriate time to study “Legionism” covering such items as
the organization and history of The American Legion, its national
programs and local community service projects, as well as the
Preamble of the SAL Constitution.
The Emblem (continued)
From the last newsletter, I started to explain the five points of the star which
represents the Five-Point Program of the Sons of The American Legion and now I will
continue with the Ten Points of the emblem represent the Ten Ideals of every Legion
A national award of recognition may be presented to those who have completed the
Ten Ideals Program. This medal is available through National Emblem Sales, The
American Legion, PO Box 1050, Indianapolis, Ind. 46206. More information is
available at www.legion.org/sons
The Ten Ideals:
PATRIOTISM; Turn out for Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Veterans Day
parades and ceremonies. Learn the proper display of the flag. Learn the “Pledge of
HEALTH; Write an essay on how to maintain sanitary conditions to promote health
in: (1) your home (2) in the post home (give examples of sanitation and safety
standards in your post home), and (3) in camps and outdoors in general. Explain what
you do daily to keep fit.
TRAINING; Become a squadron officer, or assist a squadron officer(s) during and
between meetings and activities.
KNOWLEDGE; Maintain a passing mark in school. Know the instructions for the ten
ideals and five points of service. Explain what each individual part means. This may
be written or oral. Know what the SAL emblem stands for. Explain orally what each
part of the emblem stands for. If possible, use an emblem which comes apart so that
the emblem can be put together as it is being explained.
HONOR; Honorable service in the squadron over a period of six months shall qualify
you for this award. Honesty of action and purpose, and truthfulness will help you
achieve this.
FAITH; Good conduct and willingness to obey instructions over a period of six
months will earn the squadron's recognition of your faith in its leadership and ideals.
HELPFULNESS; Develop reasonably consistent attendance at meetings and other
functions. Volunteer for tasks for the good of the squadron and be reliable in carrying
out your part. Help promote your squadron by signing up at least one new member,
and help collect dues from existing members.
COURTESY; Apply yourself diligently to show you are polite and respectful to your
comrades, officers, Legionnaires and others with whom you come in contact.
REVERENCE; Show where you are a member of some religious organization. Aid in
placing markers and flowers on veterans' graves.
COMRADESHIP; Show the tie that binds you to the squadron and to the Legion by
helping in the annual Poppy Sale, thus aiding disabled veterans. Help cheer some
veteran in a hospital or in his home.
##Thank you for renewing your dues and supporting Sons of American Legion. I'd
like to welcome our newest member Roger Nicklay to the SAL Family.
Come in and buy a burger, brat or hotdog on Monday evenings from 5:30pm to
7:30pm. Maybe even make it a basket it's up to you! Kids are always welcomed!
NOTE: Every 3rd Wednesday at 7pm will be the day and time to have Squadron 21
Meetings again.
Please keep our troops, whether serving in the states or overseas, in your hearts and
prayers. Semper Fi!
Karl Stange
Squadron 21 Commander
What’s Cooking
Cooking in
in April
Thurs 2nd
Fri 3rd
Sat 4th
Tues 7th
Thurs 9th
Fri 10th
Sat 11th
Tues 14th
Thurs 16th
Fri 17th
Sat 18th
Tues 21st
Thurs 23rd
Fri 24th
Sat 25th
Tues 28th
Thurs 30th
605 second Avenue South
Moorhead, MN 56560
702 Sixth Street
Hawley, MN 56549
407 Lake Street
Lake Park, MN 56554
DeAnne Kading, CVT
Professional Pet Groomer
201 21st St. S.
Moorhead, MN
All you can eat Spaghetti
Ham Dinner
Saturday Night Menu
All you can eat Spaghetti
Swedish Meatballs
Saturday Night Menu
All you can eat Spaghetti
Ham Dinner
Saturday Night Menu
All you can eat Spaghetti
BBQ Chicken Dinner
Saturday Night Menu
All you can eat Spaghetti
Space Available for
Call club and ask for
Gary Woodward
Fargo VA Health Care System
Did you know (with your
permission) your non-VA
doctors can now share your
information electronically
with your VA providers? Make your health
care management more efficient and
reduce duplicate tests with the Veterans
E l e c t ro n i c L i fe t i m e Re co rd . . .v i s i t
www.va.gov/VLER for more informatio
If you would like to make a
donation to the WDAY Honor
Flight stop in or mail in a
donation to the Post and make
checks payable to WDAY Honor
Flight. If you would like to help
out with this fund raiser we’re in need of
silent auction items (Military Patriotic
related ) and they can be dropped off at the
Election of Officers
The nominating committee will be
accepting nominations for officers at
the May meeting with elections in
June. If you are interested in running
for office please speak to one of the
following Past Commanders: Gary H.
Olson, Tim Haugen or Scott Moen.
Fergus Falls Veterans Home
April is Volunteer Month at the
MN Veterans Home-Fergus Falls
The MN Veterans Home has 97
Volunteers! Most Volunteers are Veterans or
spouses of Veterans. They assist with meal outings,
baseball games, football games, swim meets,
bowling, fishing, hunting, bingo, card games, music
programs, choir, exercises, walks, friendly visits,
decorating, office work, delivering the mail, assisting
residents to and from activities, gardening, filling the
bird feeders, arts & crafts, bus rides, special groups,
baking events, coffee parties and the list goes on!!!
Part of the Veterans Home Mission is to "ADD LIFE TO
YEARS!" This is accomplished by keeping Veterans
and spouses of Veterans entertained and or busy
doing the things they enjoy. Volunteers assist the
Recreation Staff and are essential in "Making Good
Things Happen" at the MN Veterans Home-FF.
The MN Veterans Home will Celebrate Volunteers by
hosting a Volunteer Banquet & Recognition Program
on April 19th! It's a 1960's theme Party with the logo:
All You Need Is Love, .........and Volunteers!
Donations, gift certificates, or door prizes for
Volunteers can be sent to Deanna Mounts @ the MN
Veterans Home, Fergus Falls.
Volunteers would be quick to tell you that it's all
about TEAM WORK at the Vets Home. Together, .....
Volunteers accomplish so many GOOD THINGS for
Veterans! Mother Teresa's quote says it all: "I CAN
MN Veterans Home Salutes and Thanks it's dedicated
What’s Cooking
Lotin Contributors
Thank you to the following for your contribution toward the Parking Lot
Renovation. Donations have slowed down - Don’t forget us!!!!
Leland Schlenker
Herbert Dahlsad
Freeland Pletcher
Alden Gjevre
Paul Eidbo
Post 21 Gaming
James Aas
Gary Woodward
Floyd Lecy
Joseph Bennett
Jim Henry
James Schreiner
Paul T. Larsen
Jerry Johnson
Delyle Ishaug
Frank & Jeanette Debrito
Bob Johnson Family
Norm Felde
Alden Gjevre
Arden Johnson
Darrell Ohman
Lefty Christenson
Lee Fonder (in memory of
Larry Fonder)
Frank & Jeanette Debrito
Curtis & Sandra Aamold
Paul Larsen
Pat Boyle
Corky Atchison
Cathy Thomas in Memory
of Aubrey
Kevin & Delaine Baker (in
Memory of Bob Johnson)
Gordon Rustad (In
memory of Carol Rustad)
Post 21 Blues/Golds Legion Baseball
The Moorhead Legion Post 21 baseball program will be holding a pancake
fund raiser for the 2015 season on Sunday, April 12th, from 9:00 am to
Noon at the legion Post. Pancakes, bacon, eggs, coffee, juice, etc. Free will
donation!! Come out and support our great baseball program!
Upcoming Events This Spring
Mar 29th - 96th Birthday/Memebrship Dinner @ Post
Apr1st - Scholarship Applications Due
Apr 1st - Law & Order Applications Due
Apr 4th - Membership Rally @ Hawley
Apr 5th - Easter - Club Closed
Apr 8th - Post 21 Meeting
April 12th - Blues/Golds Pancake Breakfast
Apr 19th - Beyond the Yellow Ribbon, Moorhead Fund
Raiser for Honor Flights
Apr 25th - Spring Round Up Rally @ Duluth
Post 71
May 1st - 5th & Final Membership Renewal
Sent out
May 1st - Loyalty Day
May 8th - Military Spouse Appreciation Day
May 10th - Mothers Day
May 16th - Armed Forces Day
May 25th - Memorial Day
May 26th - National Auxiliary Poppy Day
Jun 10th - Post 21 Meeting
Jun 12th - 9th District Convention - Moorhead
Jun 13th - 9th District Convention - Moorhead
Current Post 21 members serving on
Active Duty/Reserve Component
If you’re currently in the service Active or Reserve Component
and not listed below, please send me your information.
I’d like to add your name to this list!!!
SGT Chad Beckerleg - USMC
SRA Samuel Dibble - ND ANG
AIC Jacob Dibble - ND ANG
MAJ Adam Erlandson - USAF
MAJ Tara Erlandson - USAF
MAJ Adam Felde - USMC
AIC Brandon Grund - ND ANG
SFC Shane Haugen - MN ARNG
CPT Mathew Hoff - US ARMY
SFC Brad Hurajt - MN ARNG
SSGT Betsy Miller - ND ANG
MSGT David Somdahl - ND ANG
Maj Steven J. Mund - USAR
Col Deborah J. Nelson - USAR
CPT Michael Obach - MN ARNG
SMSGT Susan Schroeder - ND ANG
Maj Dean Stulz - MN ARNG
LTC Brian Melton - MN ARNG
*** - Deployed
Thank You for your Service!!!!!
Post 21 offers its sincere condolences to the
families and friends of their loved one who
passed away.
Edgar Haugstad, Floyd Lecy,
Leon Vangerud, Dale Nygard,
Russell Lee, James Sundahl &
Richard Stevenson
Our thoughts and
prayers are with
the families of these
Color/Honor Guard
Melvin E. Hearl, Post 21 would like to welcome
the following New Members to our Post Home!!
New members
Marcy Albizu, John Anderson, Michael Arntson,
Joseph Dennis, Lewis Foster, Gregory Jacobs,
Paul Nielsen, Jacob Schobinger, Krystle Strand,
Jonathon Taylor, Wayne Wagstrom, Louis Stuvland,
Joel Shafer, Allen Liedberg, Loren Ernst & Bruce Buchholtz
Melvin E. Hearl, Unit 21 Auxiliary would like to welcome
the following New Members to our Post Home!!
Senior Members:
Ardelle Brandt & Doreen Wang
Junior Members:
No new members this month
Please give Becky Olson a call @ 218-233-5130
Howdy to all legionnaires of Post 21. The honor guard
unit has honored five veterans since last writing. We
do quite a large area by necessity. The cities of
Dilworth, Ulen, Hitterdal, Hawley, to the east, Sabin,
and a few others. Most are serviced by Korsmo or
Wright Funeral Homes. We feel it is our duty to honor
any veteran who asks, within reason.
Again thank the members and room for more. Thanks
from Your Honor Guard Commander
Paul Anderson
Color/Honor Guard Commander
Membership 2015
We’re now 10 months into the 2015
membership year and we’re now 29 behind of
last years pace at ths time. Thank you to
everyone that has already renewed their dues
and also a big thank you to all the new
members to Post 21.
We have met the first 7 National target dates
so far this year, that is set by National. Our next
National target date is April 8th (90%) and we
need to be at 676. We’re currently 18 short of
that goal so we have some work to do to get
there. We currently have 40 members from
last year that haven’t renewed yet.
Haven’t renewed yet and want to save a stamp
and envelope go online and renew your dues.
We’ve had 55 members renew their
memberships simply by following the online
instructions listed below.
Post 21:
Current: 658 Goal: 713
Sons of The Legion: Current: 105 Goal: 110
Ladies Auxiliary:
Current: 223 Goal: 275
Paying on line it’s fast and simple. Just follow
the steps below.
Go to www.legion.org/renew
Then click renew now.
Enter your 9 digit membership number:
Enter your last name:
click continue
Review and update your
membership information
when done click continue
Enter your billing information
and hit submit.
If you have any questions please give
Tim Haugen a call @ 701-261-6973
John Faust
Anthony Karpinen
Meghan Highness
Amy Haugen
Marie Mars
Steve Schroeder
John Kline
Carl Koste
Judeen Kvidt
Arnold Bjerke
May Matson
David Krabbenhoft
Paul Vincent
Nettie Krabbenhoft
Keith Anderson
Jody Munson
Eugene Radtke
Deborah Nelson
Jeremy Haugen
Cleo Nelson
Tom Hall
Peggy Fischer
Eugene Robinson
Robert Vanyo
Rebecca Olson
Jason Srnsky
Lowell Bennes
Kelly Klostermeir
Erwin Huseby
Phil Trebnick
in June
The following Donations
were approved by the
Gaming Committee:
Mhd High Post Prom
American Golds Girls
Mhd Jrs Girl Volleyball
Membership Dinner
Yellow Ribbon Food
GAP Program
Color Guard
VA Bingo
Dennis Beckerleg, Gaming Manager, Post 21
From The Clay County VSO Tom Figliuzzi
March 2015, VSO Report
To The Beyond the Yellow Ribbon – Moorhead
To The DAV- Fargo/Moorhead
To The American Legion – Moorhead
To The American Legion – Barnesville
To The VFW – Dilworth
To The American Legion – Hawley
I am announcing to my friends and partners in the field of Veterans Organizations, that this 2015 will likely be my
final year here as your Clay County Veterans Service Officer. I have already put a deposit down on the Usher
House to hold our regular space for our annual Volunteers Recognitions Event in December. I hope that I am still
here for that event; however there are circumstances that may determine that I will leave prior to the end of the
I have been trying to build and solidify the mainstay programs that are working so well for our veterans and a
huge thank you to ALL of the Veterans Organizations that donate and help with and do so with such glad-hearts.
It really makes for a great Veterans-Friendly-Community.
I have been fortunate to be entrusted to guide and lead the Veterans Service Office since 2006, and not a day
goes by that I don't recognize that this is an honor, and I remain grateful for the opportunity. I will strongly urge
and encourage our Veteran Partnerships to remain vigilant in helping the new leader of the VSO for Clay County,
when that day arrives. Standing together we can as a family of veteran-leaders accomplish almost anything we
set our mind to.
If I could ask a favor: I would strongly urge that those who know that 2015 is my last year, to please Do Not
contact me by email, text, call-in or walk-in to suggest that I encourage the County to consider yourself for hire or
someone else that you may know. That could jeopardize that chance from happening as it could cause a fairness
issue. I have had several emails, texts, walk-ins and call-ins already, so I wanted to let those well-meaning friends
to know that when the time arrives, the County will advertise and whoever is interested in filling the VSO
position that they will need to do so directly with the Human Resource office at Clay County.
I certainly do have more updates for all the Veterans' Organizations out there, but what I feel more important,
above my updates is to put the word out there, that here at the VSO, we still see a ton of veterans still just coming
home from the war, and we receive many calls here from very concerned loved ones of our military still serving
on the battle field. Many have this assumption that the war is winding down; I can tell you from this particular
vantage point, we don't see that to be the case. I would ask that you keep in your prayers and in your mission, the
fact that many of our troops remain either at war or one step away from being called back in. I know you do a
great job at helping those families left behind while the troop is in the field and I sure do commend you for that.
Now is the time that most of my fellow CVSOs are seeing the intensity of the war continuing, and we are stepping
up our help to our military families.
Till they all come home!
Tom Figliuzzi
Clay County Veterans Service Office
Up Coming Gaming Events
$1000.00 Must Go
Black Out Bingo
Meat Raffles
1st & 3rd Friday Nights
2 & 4 Sat. Nights
9:00 PM
3 Nights Left
“Right Here At Your Friendly Moorhead American Legion”
PHONE: (651) 291- 1800
TOLL FREE: (866) 259-9163
FAX: (651) 291- 1057
E-M AIL: department @mnlegion.org
ROOM 300 A • 20 WEST 1 2TH STREE T • ST. PAUL, MN 5 51 55 -20 00
American Legion
Commander Post 21
Moorhead, MN
Dear Delyle Ishaug:
On February 2, 2015 it w as our great pleasure to visit Pos t 21 in M oorhead. The
Am erican Legion Fam ily at M oorhead Post 21 ....."RO CK S"
National Commander Mike Helm, Department Commander P e ggy Moon,
Department Communications Director Al Zdon and myself were very impressed with
the hospitality and the professionalism th at Post 21 displayed during the National
Commander's Tour.
Members of Post 21 set the s tandards for the tw elve-city N ational Com mander's
Tour. Comm ander Peggy M oon complimented that she could not have asked for a
better reception to begin the tour. The Color Guard was exceptional, des pite the
below zero tem peratures. They are a tribute to the M innesota A merican Legion.
Follow ing the 'breakfast for American Legion Champions' served by the Auxiliary,
Commander H elm's outlined his message on focusing on membership and the 4-R's
- (Recruiting, Revitalization, Renewals, and Reconnecting) -without membership,
Program s and Ve te rans A ss is tanc e w ould not exist
Commander H elm voiced Peggy, that throughout his travels, there is a constant of
the Am erican Legion F am ily in their dedication to our core values.
As of February 9th, more than $2.4 of his $4 million goal has been raised for
American Legion charities during his American Legion National Tour.
Please extend our sincere thanks for a job well-done.
Patrick W. Logan
Membership Director
Department of Minnesota
Please be sure to say "Hello " again to my friend Les Bakke. It w as great to s ee him
S. . .7 5
HHC 2/136th Inf (CAB)
Sunday April 5th
Have a Great Day
with your
Family and Friends
Club Closed for Easter
See Insert on
Wounded Warriors
Guide Service
2015 Adventures!!!
Save the Date - Memorial Day 2015
Memorial Day, Monday May 25th, will have a full schedule of activities,
including the Color Guard at the Veterans Memorial Bridge @ 7 AM and
seven cemeteries in the area. There will be a program at the Moorhead
Armory which will start at 11:00 AM.
We are working on doing some kind of activity at the Post home at the Post
Memorial which would be at approx 1:00 and then we will be serving
barbecues & chips till gone.
More to come in next months newsletter.
MISSION STATEMENT: To use our community resources to assist Veterans
and their families during a difficult period in their lives.
Upcoming Activities:
March 12th – BYRM meeting at VFW Post #1223. Meeting are scheduled for the
second Thursday of each month.
April 9th – BYRM meeting at VFW Post #1223. Meeting are scheduled for the second
Thursday of each month.
April 19th – Fundraiser for upcoming Honor Flights. Jointly with Fargo DAV Chapter 1, Vietnam Veterans of
American Chapter 941, Dilworth VFW Post 1223 & Moorhead Legion Post 21. See newsletter for related
information to the fund raiser.
For additional information, check out our website http://www.btyrmoorhead.org or contact Dan Hunt at
bevanddano@aol.com or Les Bakke at lesbakke@gmail.com.