
AL nnai
1627 POW/MIAs still unaccounted for - Why?
VOL. 96 No 5
Alaska’s own
Commander for
the Sons of The
American Legion.
By W.E. “Gene” Franks
little early, but congratulations to our own Kevin
Collier as the new National Commander for the
Sons of The American Legion. Kevin was sworn in as the National
Commander by our Past National Commander Jimmie Foster with Past
National Vice Commander Peggy Dettori and National Executive Committeeman Jim Pisa being part of the installing team, Sunday, August 30
at the National Convention held in Baltimore, MD. I say a little early because this article is being written about two weeks in advance, but I have
all the confidence that another nominee will not come off of the floor.
Another bit of news that no one has an answer to as of yet, is whether
Resolution #4, membership dues increase, will/has passed. This is a
resolution which will come from the finance committee regarding a $5.00
membership dues increase per year. I would guess that this resolution
will be voted on Tuesday, September 1, late in the afternoon, but one
never knows. Should the resolution pass, it will take effect after the first
of the year but giving the Post sufficient time to be able to increase their
Post dues, should they so desire.
Our Department membership chairman (person) 1st Vice Elexzanderia (Dolly) Carr has some new incentives for membership this year and
you should be hearing from her soon.
The Fall Workshop being held in conjunction with the Auxiliary will
be October 3rd and 4th at Susitna Valley Post 35.
As most of you know by now, we have a new American Legion Post
in Dillingham. Peter Heyano, Post 442. Many thanks to Don Myers and
Holly Johnson for their efforts in making this happen. Would anyone
like to guess as to how/why they came up with 442 for a Post Number????
Membership is coming along well so far. September 9th is our “due
date” for the 50% mark and as we all know, the first 50% is the easiest.
The “on line” renewals are still ahead of the National average and is very
easy to do, and if nothing more, think of it as saving you $.49 for postage. TRY IT, YOU’LL LIKE IT. By renewing now you will have it out of
the way, you won’t get it mixed up with enjoying the rest of the State Fair,
putting away the fishing gear and that LAST mowing of the lawn.
. . . . . . . . I n s i d eOratorical
. . .
Auxiliary 7
Boys 3
Boy 4
Department 2 8
National 5 8
S.A. L 6
Service 4
Vice 3 4
The American Legion
Department of Alaska
1550 Charter Circle
Anchorage, Ak 99508
Kevin Collier
September/October 2015
By Scott Kline
Hello from Southeast Alaska, legionnaires.
ell, baseball is in the books. It was nice of NEC
Pisa to keep me up to date on the Post 3 and
Post 35 scores, especially when 35 was in the lead and or winning. To
those of you who went out and supported these teams, thank you. To
those who didn’t, I think you missed some good games. These young
men have a very grueling schedule, the least we can do as supporters,
well you guessed it, is support them.
We didn’t quite make 100% but a big SALUTE to the Posts that did.
Now is the time to get those new members and let them enjoy a full year
of membership instead of waiting to use them as a last minute effort to
meet that 100% mark. We have our new goal for this year and it looks
very attainable. Remember though, if you don’t have your applications
in your pocket you won’t be able to get those new members. They will be
less likely to join as soon as you tell them that you will have to get back
to them because you don’t have an application on hand. Also practice
your two minute drill so you can get as much information across in that
time period to better your chances of persuading a new member to join.
National Convention is in the books. I know we represented our department well and the best part, Kevin Collier is our new SAL National
Commander. Congratulations Kevin, you have worked long and hard to
obtain this. It’s our honor as a Department to have you as a member. We
are sure good things will be coming out of the Sons in the coming year,
and WE as a department are here for you.
Recently, there was an American 300 tour here in Ketchikan. If you
have heard of this tour and haven’t gone to see it, then I strongly suggest
you do next time. The host, Robi Powers, is a great guy to get to know,
and he has some excellent guest speakers. The last speaker we had was
LCPL Sal Gonzalez, whose past was one that would really make you stop
and think about what our soldiers go through while over seas and back
here on home soil. They need our help: someone to talk to, a helping
hand. Sal knew the facts, which included the sad truth that 22 veterans
are taking their life every day, and, unfortunately, the VA is a mess to
navigate in times of need. To learn more about Robi and Sal, you can
check them out at They are well worth the look.
Looking ahead at the fall agenda there will be a lot of legionnaires on
the road doing great things, not only for our Department but our National organization as well. Last, I’m looking forward to the upcoming
visitations. It will be nice to see everyone at their post again, and I’m also
really looking forward to seeing and meeting people from posts that I
have never been to before. ‘Til Next Time, Your Commander, Scott Kline
Page 2 Alaska Legionnaire September/October 2015
From The American Legion,
Department of Alaska
The Legionnaire Insurance Trust has been The
Department of Alaska’s sponsored member benefits program since 1988 and continues to fulfill
our members needs while being the only such
program to benefit our Department for 26 years.
For more information on the products and
services provided by the Legionnaire Insurance
call: 1-855-297-2218
or visit our web site at:
Commander..........................................Scott Kline.............................444 Schoenbar Rd, Ketchikan, AK 99901
First Vice Commander.................Elexzanderia Carr........................4300 Ambler Cir., Anchorage, AK 99504
Second Vice Commander...............Kirk Waldhaus.............................13126 Cape Circle, Anchorage, AK 99515
Adjutant-Finance Officer................Gene Franks.........................1550 Charter Circle, Anchorage, AK 99508
Service Officer...............................Martin Carlton..............................8351 Henry Cir., Anchorage, AK., 99507
Sergeant-At-Arms..............................Nate Carter.............................2250 Sentry Dr. , Anchorage, AK 99507
Chaplain..............................................Clare Sullivan.............................................PO Box 2089, Seward, AK 99664
Historian...........................................Ray Hollenbeck......................1457 N. Pioneer Peak Dr., Wasilla, AK 99654
Judge Advocate...................................Ken Jacobus.................................310 K St, Ste 200, Anchorage, AK 99501
Executive Committeeman.................Art Bell..............................1770 Morningtide,Anchorage, AK 99501
Executive Committeeman..................Jim Petito ........................... 6340 W. Admiralty Cir., Wasilla , AK 99623
Executive Committeeman..........Kyle A. Parkerson .....................6740 Reedyke Circle, Anchorage, AK 99504
NEC Committeeman.......................Jim Pisa..............................4043 Hampton Drive, Anchorage, AK 99504
Alternate Committeeman............ Harry Pawson........................1150 Crowberry Circle, Anchorage, AK 99515
Con Miller Post 30...............................Jim Scott..................................1124 Holmes Rd., North Pole, AK 99705
Susitna Valley Post 35......................Matt Larson...................................PO Box 870491 Wasilla, AK., 99687
Ketchikan Post 3................................Hunter Davis...................................PO Box 23470, Ketchikan, AK 99901
General Buckner Post 16..............Don Ridl..........................................PO Box 74, Homer, AK., 99603
Oratorical News
By Jan Scott
Department Chairman
$$$$$ COLLEGE $$$$$
LL high school students need college dollars. This is one avenue (The American Legion Oratorical Contest) to get
bucks for college that is not dependent on grade point average, letters of reference, community service, sports abilities,
being a member of a particular organization or being a certain nationality. This money only depends on the willingness
of a student to write and deliver an eight to ten minute speech on the Constitution of the United States.
he amount accumulates from Post Competition to Department (state) to National. At Department
there are contestants from throughout the state. There will be scholarships awarded depending upon
the number of contestants and their advancements in the department competition. At the National
Contest every speaker receives a $1,500.scholarship just for attending and delivering their oration.
hese dollars also accumulate from freshman year to senior year and the student has seven years to
collect it. The American Legion Oratorical Contest is open to all high school students. The top
three winners at National receive scholarships in the amounts of $18,000 and $16,000 and $14,000.
o go find a high school student who may want to go to college, but is in need of funds. Put them in contact
with me.
Jan Scott
(907) 488-5310 hm
(907) 460-6707 cell
lexzanderia Carr
was a
for the
Ms. Carr
Jack Henry -Post 1 a trophy for ‘Most
Spectacular Float.’
2015 American Legion Legacy Run - Day 1
National Commander Michael D. Helm joined American Legion Riders as they rolled out
of Kenneth N. Dowden Wayne Post 64 in Indianapolis Sunday morning to kick off the
10th Annual American Legion Legacy Run. The first day of the Run took riders through
southern Indiana, Kentucky and along the banks of the Ohio River.
Legion Legacy Run - Day 2
The second leg of the Legacy Run continued through Ohio and included a wreathlaying ceremony and the release of 1,500
POW-MIA balloons.
September/October 2015 Alaska Legionnaire 1st Vice Commander News
Page 3
By: Elexzanderia Carr
ere we are in September and the new membership year (2016) is gathering speed. By this time the Department should have
received a half dozen transmittals from your post; the Honorary Life Members, those that always pay early; by paying at the
Post, regular mail in, or on line. You can still pay for 2015. We are in our third year of the National Five year plan to reach 3,000,000
members by the Legions 100th birthday. We can do it !!! We have been there before.
n August I was at the American Legions National Headquarters in Indianapolis to help set the plan for this year and set our goal for 2016. Always
remember that Membership is everyone’s business; first vice Commanders you took the oath to do the job. So lets’ get busy and please sign up new
members. It’s the Life and Blood of the organization. One good way to help reach our membership goal is with an ‘’ Early Bird Dinner”. If you are a
PUFL (Paid up for Life Member) please check with your post to make sure your address, phone number, and E mail if you have one is current. Many
members have moved and national will not update your membership if you have an undeliverable address. Let’s keep the promise and make the pledge
sign up a new member please..
For God and Country - Elexzanderia
From the Desk of the Second Vice Commander
By: Kirk Waldhaus
s I write this we are right in the middle of the World Series. No not the professional one, it is the American Legion Baseball
World Series. I am about to start my travels to the National American Legion Convention in Baltimore, so I will not be able
to catch the games on ESPN. I hope some of the club tv’s were tuned to the final games. Unfortunately, the Alaska team from
Juneau was eliminated.
One of the most important elements of the Legion emphasis on Americanism is the support of wholesome activities for our youth. Legion Baseball
is, without a doubt, a key program of our Americanism pledge. We have 15 Legion Baseball AA teams in Alaska, all the way from Ketchikan to Fairbanks. All but one have Legion Post sponsors. How about it Posts, surely we can put a Post together with the youth from Eagle River?
I’ll write more about the Baseball program next spring, with some ideas to make the program even more exciting for the youth and the legion sponsors.
By the time you read this the National Convention will be in the history book. One area of interest for me is the upcoming Centennial Celebration
of the American Legion. I will be attending a seminar to get some information and ideas for Posts to participate in the celebration. Look for notes
and plans in this space in the future.
Boys State Director
By: Jim Scott
ere it is another two months have passed and we are getting that much closer to next year’s Boys State. We are looking for
a few interested Legionnaires to revive the Alaska Boys State Commission, anyone interested in getting involved with Boys
State here is a perfect opportunity. Meetings are usually at Department Conventions and possibly at the Fall Conference. Members
required are;
Seven members Chairman (1 year), Vice Chairman (1 year), Secretary (1 year) and four at-large members rotating ie; at the end of the year member
one will rotate out and member two will become one, member three will become two, member four will become three, and a new member filing number four position.
1.) (1 year)
2.) (2 years)
3.) (3 years)
4.) (4 years)
Here are the Boys State Commission Responsibilities:
1. To select a Director to administer the Alaska Boys State Program. Recommendations for the position will be forwarded to the Department Commander for consideration. The term of office of the
Director will be for one (1) year; however, reappointment of the same individual may be made for as
(USPS 012-100)
many years as satisfactory performance is maintained.
2. To work with the Director in the selection of the staff for the terms of office identified in the
State Constitution. Selection should be carefully weighed considering qualifications of the
The American Legion,
Department of Alaska
3. To recommend changes to, when necessary, and approve the final program submitted by the
1550 Charter Circle
Anchorage, Alaska 99508
Director to the Commission.
Member of The National
4. To assist the Director in the site selection and to approve financial arrangements with the offiAmerican Legion Press Association
cials responsible for the site.
W.E. “Gene” Franks, Managing Editor
5. To approve the necessary arrangements for the proper feeding and housing of the citizens of
Diane Berry, Editor
Alaska Boys State.
The Alaska Legionnaire (USPS 012-100) is published bi-monthly
6. To establish, assign, and issue quotas for attendance at the Alaska Boys State program, when
for $3.00 yearly subscription. Office of publication is The Amerinecessary.
can Legion, Department of Alaska, 1550 Charter Circle, Anchor7. To approve application procedures, including individual forms.
age, Alaska 99508. Periodicals postage paid at Anchorage, Alaska.
8. Considering recommendations of the Director, set annual fees charged each citizen attending the
Printed by Anchorage Printing, a private firm in no way conBoys State program.
nected with The American Legion, Department of Alaska. This
9. To review, amend when necessary, and approve the Boys State budget as submitted by the Direcnewspaper is an authorized publication for members and families
of The American Legion, Department of Alaska, and other ap10. To review and approve the annual financial statement of income and expenses for the Alaska
proved subscribers.
The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts
Boys State program. This statement shall be submitted by the treasurer selected by the Commisand supplements, does not constitute endorsement by The Amerision and/or the Director. If bonding is required, the Commission shall identify this expense to the
can Legion, The Department of Alaska, or Anchorage Printing,
Department Finance Officer prior to the annual Convention so it may be added to the Department
of the products or services advertised.
Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for
budget. In cases where the Commission feels a professional audit is required, the Commission will
purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion,
make necessary arrangements for the expense. The Commission reserves the right to appoint an
sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political
internal audit committee at any time to review the financial records.
affiliation, or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or
11. To approve a public relations program that will maintain a continued interest in and support for
patron. For information on advertising, call (907) 278-8598, fax
to (907) 278-0041 or email to:
the Alaska Boys State Program.
12. To approve the rules and regulations for the operation of the Alaska Boys State program as they
regard conduct of staff and participants.
Members of The American Legion, Department of Alaska sub13. Commission members will notify the Commission Chairman when they will be unable to atscription included in payment of annual dues.
ALL OTHERS: United States and possessions - $5.00 per
tend a scheduled meeting.
year; Foreign - $10.00 per year.
Any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me (907) 322-2752 ,
Postmaster: Send address changes to The Alaska
Legionnaire, 1550 Charter Circle, Anchorage, Alaska
Page 4 Alaska Legionnaire September/October 2015
By: Clare Sullivan, Department Chaplain
Charles R. Carter Post 1
Edward H. Denoyelles Post 17
Lawrence A. Fries Post 34
Robert D. Graham Post 20
Alvin H. Hagen Post 16
Ken W. Hartman Post 17
James R. Hendryx Post 20
Harry Johnson Post 77
Stuart R. Johnson Post 57
Arthur H. “Hap” Jones Post 15
Sam V. Kaser Post 75
Robert W. Kittleson Post 77
David A. Letts Post 11
Stanley S. Marsden Post 26
Jeffery Mekinda Post 77
F. Archie Nielson Post 1
Robert B. Turkington Post 16
Roger A. Winkler Post 1
John R. Young Post 20
Lloyd A. Zutz Post 1
ike our nation’s founding fathers, the veterans who founded The American Legion acknowledged that God was and is the source of all our rights
and freedoms and for that fervent belief we have continued to fight for those freedoms in all our “great (and no so great) wars.” If we did not continue in our fight for our way of life as Americans, and what makes us truly great as a people and nation we would be just another government and
people occupying space on this globe. What sets us apart from others is our intrinsic belief in God, his call to love others and to be of service, which
defines us as Legionnaires and Americans. Because of our faith and our God given rights and beliefs, our greatest institutions and form of government could be created to allow us to serve others and allow the successes that all can strive toward and enjoy given enough courage and hard work.
With our core foundation in our belief in God our laws have been developed to ensure our freedoms and the protection to live and prosper in a good
and free society.
Yes, we have a moral obligation to safeguard our sovereignty as a nation and our prosperity in our way of life individually, however we need to ensure
that same belief is also evident in our political, social and economic paths today. Conceding and accepting the erosion of moral and spiritual values
evident in recent years erodes our way of life and sets a poor example for future generations. We have an obligation to recognize our dependence
upon God and reaffirm our commitment to bring all Americans closer to their Creator and remind them of His proper place at the center of the nation’s life. “Service to God and Country” – it’s an American Legion program, yes, but the saying describes just as well our attitude and way of life.
As a nondenominational and nonsectarian organization, the Legion’s support for religion in the “public square” is one of the basic rights we enjoy
as Americans; this right further supports the need to protect what we have created in over 200 years of being a nation and for over 96 years as The
American Legion. The American Legion supports and involves all faiths thus reminding us of our freedoms and that God is the author and architect
of our beloved “land of the free.” Without God, there is no Americanism or America as we have come to know it.
As we continue in our forward movement as members of the American Legion Family, remember how fortunate we are as a people and nation and
why we have been so blessed to be living where we are. Be thankful, be patient and be understanding of those with little, and of little faith, as we are
chartered to in our preambles of “Service to God and Country” in the spirit of “mutual helpfulness.”
Veterans Service Office
By: Martin Carlton
ne of the issues during this last quarter is the Veterans Choice Program. It is designed to provide eligible Veterans the option to receive non-VA
health care from approved providers in their communities. The choice act appears to have had a mixed impact on many Alaska veterans due to the
unique nature of our state. To address the issue along with other issues, there were Veteran Affairs Listening Sessions held throughout Alaska last month.
The important questions is do I qualify for VA benefits. It all depends on a variety of issues. There are many benefits, including health care, education
assistance, home loans, pension, and compensation just to name a few.
Most of the questions asked about VA compensation relates to eligibility and health care. There are two sides, the health care side is where you are diagnosed with an illness, and then you have the benefit side of the VA where you file for compensation or pension. To file a claim for compensation, it has to
be a diagnosed illness that is due to or aggravated by your active duty service. As Service officers, we can assist you in getting the information you need.
We are close to establishing an office in Ketchikan hopefully this month
to service those veterans with assistance in the south east area. Our VSO,
William Davis, is working tirelessly with fellow veterans without an office to
work from. We ask for patience while we finalized the deal for our office.
Last month we celebrated the 225th anniversary of the US Coast Guard.
(August 4, 1790) Thank you to all the Coast Guard personnel that serve and
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have served this great nation.
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Please permanently remove me from
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Membership No :________________________________________
City:___________________State_____________Zip Code_______
Please mail this form to :
The American Legion, Department of Alaska,
1550 Charter Circle, Anchorage, AK 99508
or fax this form to (907) 278-0041
Boy Scout Committee Chair
By:Ray Untiet Jr
he Legion and Non Legion Scouter of the year 2014 are, Legion Scouter of Terry Cosgriff Scoutmaster Boy Scout Troop 214 Chartered by
Post 28, also member of Post 28 and Non Legion Scouter is Glen Wardle
Cub master Cub Scout Pack 125 Chartered by Faith Christian Community
On August 13, 2015 Terry Cosgriff was presented his Certificate for
Legion Scouter of the Year. This was done at his Scoutmaster Recognition
Ceremony. Terry is stepping down as Scoutmaster of Troop 214, which he
held that position for 15 + years.
At the Scoutmaster Recognition Ceremony was the following: from Dept.
1st Vice Commander Elexzanderia Carr and Boy Scout Committee Chair
Ray Untiet Jr. Representing Post 28 Commander Nathan Carter, Adjutant
Arnie Heck, Rich Gingras Charter Organization Representative and Troop
Committee Chair, and Keith Heim who is credited with bringing Troop
214 to Post 28 to be the Charter Organization.
If any member that knows of a Scouter (Adult leader in the Scouts) that
you think would deserve Legion Scouter and Non legion Scouter of the
year 2015 please contact me by February 29th,2016
by email.
If you have questions on how to Charter a
Cub Pack, Boy Scout Troop, or a Venture Crew
please contact me.
Be Prepared Ray Untiet Jr
September/October 2015 Alaska Legionnaire 2015
Calendar of Events
• 7th - Labor Day
• 9th - Early Bird/NEF kickoff National Membership target date (50%)
•1st - National Disability/Employment Awareness Month
•2nd - Membership renewal Date
•7th - Start of operation Enduring Freedom (2001)
•10th - Sons of the American Legion Fall NEC meeting
Seward Post 5
Taco Tuesday
Friday Night Steaks
Food Served most nights at Post
Merlin Elmer Palmer Post 6
Sept. 12 Unit 6 Membership Rummage Sale 10a- 2p with Bake Sale,
Oct. 10 Flea Market held at Post 6
Oct. 11 Harvest in Pink – Unit 6 Cancer event 12n-4p
Oct. 24 3rd annual Post 6 & Auxiliary Membership Early Bird Dinner
6pm – potluck with main entrée provided
Matanuska Valley Post 15
Taco Monday
Tuesday Pool League
Wednesday Dart League/NHL Hockey
Friday Steak Night
General Buckner Post 16 Family
2nd Saturday Auxiliary Dinner 6 pm
Taco Tuesday 5 pm
Friday Burger & Brew 6 - 8 pm
3rd Friday Steak Night 6 pm
Post 20
Sunday Breakfast 10am - 1pm
Every Friday is Steak Night 6-8 pm
with an added Special Dish
Every Sunday Breakfast Menu Dishes 10am-1pm
Every Friday Aux Unit 20 Sponsors
the Friday Night Raffle 12 pm - 8 pm
Drawing (sign up once a day to enter)
every Saturday must be present 4 pm
Membership drawing (no sign ups)
every Sunday must be present 2 pm
Spenard Post 28
Wednesday Burgers, Chicken, Tacos 6-9 pm
Friday Steak 6-8:30 pm
Saturday Night Food 6-9 pm
Monday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday Karaoke - 9 pm
Susitna Valley Post 35
Open Daily @1pm
Meeting Nights: Legion: 1st and 3rd Tuesday 7:pm
Auxiliary: 1st Tuesday 7:pm
Sons: 1st and 3rd Monday 7:30 pm
Riders: 1st Saturday 6:pm
Monday: Hamburgers by Lori 6pm - 8pm
Wednesday: Taco Night by Jane 6pm - 8pm
Texas Hold’em 7pm - ?
Fridays: Steak Night 6pm - 8:30 pm Live Music
Senior Appreciation Dance: Last Thursday of Every Month 2pm - 4pm
Everyone Invited. Karaoke, Dancing, Fun, a place to meet old and new
Keep a good thing going become a Paid Up For Life (PUFL) member of The
American Legion. Avoid the effects of inflation by
never having to pay a dues increase. And if you carry
American Legion Life Insurance, you’ll never risk its
lapsing because you forgot to pay your dues one year.
Page 5
National Executive Committeeman
“From the Doghouse” By: Jim Pisa
, USMC, Medal of Honor, Navy Cross,
Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima. He is the only
Marine to receive both the Medal
of Honor and Navy Cross in WWII. The rest of the story at the end.
By the time you read this the National Convention will be over, The
American Legion will have a new National Commander, Dale Barnett from
Georgia, a new National Auxiliary National President, Sharon Conaster
from Illinois and finally the Sons new National Commander, Kevin Collier from Alaska. Congratulations to all and a successful year to all. We will
have a visitation by all our leaders at our Department Convention in April.
American Legion Baseball season is over, and “Congratulations” to all the Teams, Coaches, Players and Supporters for another
season of outstanding American Legion baseball. A special “Congratulations” to Chugiak Post 33 for advancing to the Northwest regional’s held in Cheyenne, WY. If you did not get out to the ballpark this year, plan on supporting your home post team next season.
On the VA side, Agent Orange VA benefits have been expanded to include Air Force Veterans and Air Force Reserves who
were exposed to Agent Orange through regular and repeated contact
with contaminated C-123 aircraft that had been used in Vietnam as
part of Operation Ranch Hand. Individuals with specific benefit questions related to to herbicide exposure on C-123’s may call VA’s special C-123 hotline @ 1-800-749-8387 or visit your local service office.
Other issues concerning the VA is the Camp Lejeune water contamination. If you and family members were stationed at U.S. Marine
Corps Base Camp Lejeune for 30 days or more between Aug,1,1953
and Dec. 31,1987 you were potentially exposed to drinking water contaminated with industrial solvents, benzene and other chemicals. There
are 15 conditions that are related to the contaminated water. Visit your
local service office for more information. You and your family maybe
eligible for reimbursement for some out of pocket medical expenses.
Membership: The 2016 membership year is upon us and now
is the time to renew your membership. The early renewals have been
coming in hot and heavy to all post’s and should be sent in to department on a weekly schedule. This will ensure the post to get the credit
and for the members to receive their membership cards in a timely manner. Remember to Renew, Retain and Recruit. Be an “EARLY BIRD”.
The American Legion 100th Anniversary 1919 - 2019: The 100th
Anniversary is just around the corner. The American Legion exists because of the service of you the “BLUE CAPS”. Without your dedicated service to the organization The American Legion would not have
survived. The 4 Pillars is what we have supported and survived on for
the past 96 years, and will continue to do so for many years to come.
Now is the time for all posts to start planning and organizing your plans to celebrate the centennial year. All activities should
be reported to the Department Adjutant and Historian with news
articles and photos. All post historians need to start putting together the history of their post with photos, interviews with senior
members and junior members. Also use social to reach out to the
community. More to come as the 100th Anniversary gets nearer.
U. S. Air Force Birthday: The official date of the founding of the U.S.A.F. is 18 September 1947. The department of the Air
Force was created when President Harry S. Truman signed the National security Act of 1947. General Carl A. Spaatz became the
first Chief of Staff of the Air Force on 26 September 1947. Happy 68th Birthday to all U.S.A.F Veterans and active duty personal.
U.S. Navy Birthday: The official date of the founding of the
U.S.N. is 13 October 1775. Although the Navy was dismantled 2
years after the end of the war and was not reinstated until the early 1790s, 13 October 1775 remains the official Navy birthday. Happy 240th Birthday to all U.S.N. Veterans and active duty personal.
The rest of the story: John Basilone was a U.S. Marine Gunnery
Sergeant who received the Medal of Honor, for heroism during the
Battle of Guadalcanal, where he held off 3,000 Japanese troops after his
15 member unit was reduced to 2 other Marines. After a tour in the
states participating in War Bonds tours, he requested to return to the
operating fighting forces in the Pacific. Upon his return to the fleet he
participated in the Invasion of Iwo Jima. On the first day of the Battle
of Iwo Jima, he was killed in action, after which he was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross. Gunnery Sergeant Basilone’s full Medal of
Honor citation can be read on the MOH website. “SEMPER FI”
Page 6 Alaska Legionnaire September/October 2015
By Kevin Collier, Sons of TAL Detachment Adjutant
Fellow S.A.L. members,
September brings several holidays to take time to remember the significances behind them besides just being an extra day off. Remember that September is National
Disaster Preparedness Month – go to for a booklet on how your Squadron/Post/Unit can be prepared for an
Did you know that Labor Day (The first Monday in September) has been celebrated as a National Holiday since 1894? We should remember that it was created and
dedicated to the social and economic achievements of the American Workers and the contributions they have made to the strength and prosperity of our country. Labor
Day is on September 7th this year
September 11th - Patriot Day is observed in honor of the individuals who lost their lives as a result of the terrorist attacks against the United States that occurred on
September 11, 2001. Please remember that everyone should display their flags at Half-Staff.
National Grandparents Day is celebrated every year on the first Sunday after Labor Day. This has been celebrated since 1978 (September 13th this year). This is the
time for grandchildren to show how much they love and cherish their Grandparents and to tap the wisdom and heritage their grandparents can provide.
September 17th –Citizenship Day – The roots of this holiday go back to I Am an American Day, which was established in 1940 by Congress as the third Sunday in
May. In 1952 President Harry Truman moved and renamed this day to Citizenship Day to coincide with the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787.
National POW/MIA Recognition Day is September 18th – is a day to remind the nation of those Americans who have sacrificed so much for their country. Observances of National POW/MIA Recognition Day are held across the country on military installations, ships at sea, state capitols, schools and veterans’ facilities. It is
traditionally observed on the third Friday in September each year.
Did you know that this observance is one of six days throughout the year that Congress has mandated the flying of the POW/MIA flag? The others are Armed Forces
Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day and Veterans Day.
The last Sunday in September is designated as Gold Star Mothers Day (September 27th - this year). On Gold Star Mother’s Day we should all show our expression of
the love, sorrow, and reverence for Gold Star Mothers and the sacrifices their loved ones have made in keeping the United States of America as the Greatest Country
there is.
National Veterans Creative Arts Festival will be held October 12-18 in Durham, North Carolina. This is one form of rehabilitative treatment used to help Veterans recover from and cope with physical and emotional disabilities. The key purpose of the National Veterans Creative Arts competition and Festival is to recognize Veterans
for their creative accomplishments and to educate and demonstrate to communities throughout the country the therapeutic benefits of the arts.
Election Day is November 3, 2015 this year. Did you know that since 1792 - Election Day in the United States is the day set by law for the election of public officials?
It occurs on the Tuesday after the first Monday of November. The earliest possible date is November 2 and the latest possible date is November 8.
Elections to the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate are held every two years; all Representatives serve two-year terms and are up for
election every two years, while Senators serve six-year terms, staggered so that one-third of Senators are elected in any given general election.
Voting is one of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship of the United States of America. I encourage everyone to learn where each of the candidates stand on
the issues and then Get Out And Vote!!
There will be a Sons of The American Legion - Fall Workshop and Detachment Executive Committee Meeting held the weekend of October 3-4th at Susitna Valley
Post #35. A notice with details will be sent out to all Detachment Officers and every Squadron – it is open to all members of the Sons of The American Legion. All
Officers please plan on attending this vital training and important meeting.
Remember November 11th we all need to stop and pay tribute to our veterans by celebrating our freedom and the men and women who fought for country. With out
the sacrifices of our veterans this country would not be the great Nation that it is. They have given of themselves so that we all may live in peace and enjoy all the rights
and privileges we have being an American Citizen. All veterans gave something of themselves; some even gave all to ensure our blessings of life, liberty, freedom and
the pursuit of happiness. Take a moment out of your day to say “Thank You!!” to our veterans.
Honor our Veteran’s Service whom our membership eligibility came under by renewing your dues or if you are eligible to become a member of the Sons of The
American Legion and have not joined – join the SONS and honor the service of the veteran who has sacrificed so much to protect this great country. Remember it’s
Cool to be Dual!!!
Currently we have a current membership of 1294 out of goal of 1440, or 89.9% for the 2015 membership year. We only need 146 more members to be transmitted to
achieve our 100% goal. Remember that membership is everyone’s responsibility! Keep working on the renewals and recruiting new members.
The National Membership Theme this year will be Baseball - we will have to come up with a name of our “R.O.C.K.E.D. Membership Baseball League” Team. Let’s
all aim for the fences and know in the 100% membership and 100% renewal homeruns as soon as possible. The earlier we start the easier it will be.
For the 2016 Membership year the Target Dates have been set follows:
1st Inning
10% September 10, 2015 6th Inning
75% February 11, 2016
2nd Inning
25% October 8, 2015
7th Inning
80% March 11, 2016
3rd Inning
35% November 13, 2015
8th Inning
90% April 8, 2016
4th Inning
45% December 10, 2015
9th Inning
100% May 13, 2016
5th Inning
60% January 21, 2016
105% July 23, 2016
The first Membership Postcard Renewal Notice for the 2016 Membership year will be sent out by National Headquarters on September 18, 2015.
The challenge for you is to send in a transmittal with as many members as possible prior to the 10% goal on September 10th and beet the renewal notice.
We need your cards into Detachment Headquarters about 1 week prior to the Target Dates in order to get them processed at National in time to count as reaching the
goal. Let’s meet or beat each and every one of our goals this year – let us show everyone what the SONS from Alaska can do.
Remember that membership is everyone’s responsibility!
Again this year we will have a Consolidated Squadron Report Form, there will be some changes on the form from last year and will be coming out somewhere around
February or March. As soon as I receive them I will be sending them out to the Squadrons. In the mean time remember to keep track and record everything that you do
so it can all be put on the Consolidated Squadron Report Form by Detachment Convention.
We need to do better in reporting what we do on the “Consolidated Squadron Report Form”. This is perhaps the most important document your Squadron can complete. We only had about 5 of the 19 active Squadrons fill out the Consolidated Squadron Report Form.
Let’s see if the Detachment of Alaska can get 100% reporting this year.
As we start out a new year remember to gather all of the information from the appropriate sources such as from your membership for hours, returned checks or bank
statements for the donations so that next year’s Consolidated Squadron Report Form is easier to fill out and perhaps more detailed on what you actually accomplished
throughout the year.
Detachment Commander
Mike Jimer son
congratulations to our own Kevin Collier for the
We still need to achieve 100% for the 2015 Membership year at
the last count we were close to 89.7% and at the time of this article we need 10% by September 9th for Early Bird Membership 2016.
I look forward to visiting Robert G. Blair Post 17 in September and my
home post General Buckner Post 16 followed by my visit to Post
and Post 5 in September. I hope to see many SAL at these functions so WATCH OUT- Zimmerman is coming to town!
And finally guys it is time to start planning
dinate with your Post and Auxiliary to see where you can help!
For God and Country,
Mike Jimerson
Sons of the American Legion
Detachment of Alaska
CommanderMike Jimerson
1st ViceDave Dieckgraeff
2nd ViceRhett Apiki
Adj/FinanceKevin Collier
ChaplainRolf Aarseth
Sgt. At Arms
Douglas Blair
HistorianJim Kemphill
Exec. Committeeman
Dave Webster
Alan Dykstar
Jeff Axhelm
NECHoward Fruhwirth Jr
Alt. NECJohn Whitlock
September/October 2015 Alaska Legionnaire From the Desk of:the Auxiliary President
Page 7
By: Sharon Cherrette
ummer has slipped on by and we now head into Autumn.
Visitations started in August with many on the calendar for September and October. I would like to send a special thank
you to all the Units who have requested my presence. Some Units are doing an Initiation during my visit, some to attend
a special function, and others to attend their Unit meeting. Please let me know if there is a specific topic you would like covered
during my visit.
National Convention will be over (3 September) by the time many of you read the Alaska Legionnaire newspaper. We will be
coving the information learned at the October Fall Conference. The Fall Conference is being held at Post 35, Wasilla, on 3-4
October. The Legion and SAL will also be in attendance. Please join us for the Conference. Saturday is information/training day.
Sunday is meeting day and we need a representative from each Unit to be present for the meetings—DEC (Department Executive
Committee) meeting and Girls State meeting. The Conference is OPEN to ALL members, NOT just officers. Registration fee and
hotel listing will be out after National Convention. Linda Schmitt, Department Secretary, will be sending out the packet once she receives the information from Post/Unit 35.
Dates to remember: September-7th Labour Day, 11th Remembrance/Patriot’s Day, 16th American Legion Day, 17th Constitution Day, 18th
POW/MIA Recognition Day; October-12th Columbus Day, 31st Halloween.
Don’t forget to track your volunteer hours. There is a spread sheet individuals can use on National’s website,, Plan of
Action 2015-2016. You will need to create a Log In and go under Members Only information to download the Plan of Action. . The Member
Tracking Form is on pages 277-278, Member’s Year-End Impact Report is on pages 279-280 and the Unit Year-End Impact Report is on pages 281-282.
Another good source of information is the ALA Electronic Newsletter. You can sign up to receive the eNews at
Remember the Auxiliary mission as you plan your activities: In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to
support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at
home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace
and security. Remember to wear the American Legion Auxiliary (or Legion Family) items during your activities. Spread the word. We are out to Reach
a MILLION for the Auxiliary’s Centennial (2019). Happy Trick or Treating (for MEMBERSHIP) !
From theBy:1st
Sue Waldhaus
t’s time to make the big effort! Membership has been lagging all year nationwide. Alaska stands for determination and commitment. So many of our Units are so close. Contact one member who hasn’t renewed and/or one prospective member who hasn’t
been asked (military wife, daughter, mother, sister, etc. and/or the women legionnaires who could be dual members), we could meet
our goal and then some. I can’t say this enough.
Remember ??? 1 X 3 = RENEW, REJOIN, RECRUIT, RETAIN!
Renew yourself,
Rejoin a member from the inactive roster (provided last fall)
Recruit one new member and/or one dual member ,
We would meet our goal and then some. What do you say!
You have the tools (roster of Rejoin Members, Membership Chairman’s Guide, New Member Handbook and National Award information).
Call those inactive members. Send a letter inviting them back and let hem know they’re missed. We have a wealth of experience in leadership and
mentorship in Past Department Presidents, Past Unit Presidents and Officers and long time members and this Chairman.) You have the memberpower in your units! CAN WE DO THIS?
Help your membership chairman. Ask her for the names and numbers of those who need a call to remind them that it’s time to renew. Help
your chairman process the applications and get them to Linda. We are currently at 86.57% and need 555 members to pay their 2015 dues to make
100%. We have our work cut out for us, it can be done but it is going to take all of us to get there. Going dark for the summer does not put a halt on
recruitment and renewal. Remember too, that the 2015 membership year does not end until December 31.
Remember the SEED PACKETS? Summer is here! There’s still time to plant! Get your “sunny windowsill” set up. It’s the season to GROW
I’ve said it before, our Department might not be as big as our sister departments BUT OUR HEARTS ARE! I know with you and your Unit on our
Membership Team , we can accomplish and reach our goal. Thank you for all that you do for our American Legion Family. Thank you for your efforts
this year, I’ve enjoyed being your membership chairman. Please continue and expand those efforts with Barbe Wolkoff for the 2015-16 membership
year. Hugs, Sue
By: Linda Schmitt
y goodness! Time is flying by faster than I would care to admit, as of this writing I am two weeks away
from getting on the plane for National Convention in Baltimore and fall is most definitely in the air!
In just four short weeks (September 1), we will be actively engaged in the 2015-2016 Membership year.
now all of the Units in the American Legion Auxiliary should have received your 2016 membership cards
and rosters. If you have not received them, you’d best be letting me know so that we can track them down.
I have just one reminder for you regarding membership and it’s a biggie – if a member owes your Unit dues for previous years; you need to collect for
those years before issuing a 2016 card. It is a really good idea to go through your records before we get started for 2016 and make a list of those members who owe back dues, so that you can be prepared to catch them up as they come in. I can tell you right now that there are going to be a few of your
members who owed back dues prior to last year and some of you issued them a 2015 card without notifying them that they owed back dues. Be prepared
to get a phone call or a letter from some of those members saying that they have been a member for 20 years and how come their card says that they
are only a one year member! Then they are going to ask why they weren’t notified that they owed back dues. It happens every year, so just be prepared.
New to membership for 2016 will the ability for your members to pay their dues online. This option will be available for current year dues only
– if the member owes back dues you will still have to work with that member to collect those dues. The member will pay their dues online to National and National will let the Departments know and then I will let you know who paid what and when you can expect to receive payment for the Unit’s portion of dues. As I receive more information regarding the payment of a members dues online I will let you know.
I am also working on getting the plans together for the Fall Workshop and Department Executive Committee Meeting being held this year at Susitna Valley
Post, Unit and Squadron 35 in Wasilla. The workshop is scheduled for October 3-4, 2015 and this year we will be joined by the American Legion and the Sons
of the American Legion who will be having their workshops at the same time. The workshop will be on Saturday, October 3 and the DEC will be on Sunday,
October 4. I am not quite sure of the cost of registration yet as I am waiting on the final quote for meals. Once I receive that information, I will be able to notify
all of you via email of the cost of registration, as well as other information regarding lodging, meeting schedules etc. So be keeping an eye on your inboxes!
President Cherrette has begun her visitations to those Units that requested a visitation. It is not too late to still request a visitation if you are so inclined. There is a lot of
time in January, February and March that is not yet spoken for and if you would like to schedule a visitation please just let us know, we can work you into the schedule.
Have a great autumn and if you have any questions, comments or concerns please let me know!
For God and Country - Linda
September/October 2015 Jack Henry Post 1
Meets 1st Thursday
@ 7 PM
Art Bell
1st Vice Commander
Jim Grant
2nd Vice Commander
Dave Young
Adjutant Tim Benintendi
Finance Officer Ray Untiet
Chaplain David Mazack
Service Officer
Dale Chubin
Elizabeth Ipsen
Executive Committeemen
Mark Berg & Jim Sartin
272-5242, FAX 272-5792
P.O. Box 91285
Anchorage, AK 99509
Meets every Monday, 7pm
Potluck every 3rd Saturday
James Boyd
Jim Van Horn
Service Officer
Hunter Davis
225-2021, P.O. Box 5121
Ketchikan, AK 99901
General Buckner
Post 16 Family
Don Ridl
William Sheldon
SAL Commander
Chip Dugan
Beth Anderson
Meetings - 6 PM
SAL - 2nd Monday
Legion - 3rd Wednesday
Aux - 3rd Thursday
Walter Sargent
Tom Saunders
Service Officer
Mike Nichols
318 Center Ave.,
Kodiak, AK 99615
Office: 486-3258 / Bar: 486-5757
Ray DeMoss
David Behm
Kirsten Lewis
Betty Randall
Mile 136.5 Sterling Hwy
Phone 567-3918
Meets 2ND Tuesday 7p.m.
Clare Sullivan
Michael Calhoon
Service Officer
Donald (John) Christensen
Taco Tuesday ~ 4 p.m.
Steak night Friday ~ 4 p.m.
P.O. Box 306
Seward, AK 99664
David Kent
Jonathan Lyle
Service Officer
Jeff Gray
Service Officer
Pull tab sales at the club
452-2228, 129 First Ave.
Fairbanks, AK 99701
Commander - John Newton
Adjutant - Ralph Strong
Service Officer - Jim Moran
First Vice - William Ronstad
Jerry Hoskins
Ed Jarmin
Service Officer
Bill Kennedy Jr.
Club Manager
Theresa Page
Meets 1st & 3rd Mon., 6 p.m.
P.O. Box 1146, Palmer, AK 99646
Support our FLAG!
James Herrick
Al Diaz
Service Officer
Herb Stettler
283-3222, 902 Cook St.
Kenai, AK 99611
All Female Post
Commander -Tanya McPherson
Adjutant -Naomi Sweetman
Service Officer Elexzanderia Carr
Meeting 3rd Saturday @ 2 pm
Sept - May
P.O. Box 91116
Anchorage, AK 99509
Sponsors Dimond Baseball Team
Meeting 3rd Tuesday @ 6:30 pm
Williams Timmons
1st Vice
Alvin Cleveland
Serivice Officer
Carol Gross
1467 Muldoon Road
Anchorage, AK 99504
Fax 907-338-0756
Wenda Suddeth
Jill Pawson
1st Thursdays @ 7 p.m.
P.O. Box 92747,
Anchorage, AK 99509
Alaska Legionnaire Spenard Post 28
Nathan Carter
1st Vice
Tim Wheeler
2nd Vice Trace Henderson
Arnold Heck
Finance Kirk Waldhaus
Martin Carlton
Billy Smith
Mike Metcalf
Service Officer
Michael Ihli
Ken Bartlett
Eric Dufford
Judge Adv. Kenneth Jacobus
Exec.Committeemen Tim Griffeth
Tom Schanrock
James Davis
Annual Sponsors of
Alvin Diaz
• Boys & Girls State
• AL Baseball Service High
• Boys Scout Troop 214
• Cub Scout Pack 214
• Dimond High JROTC
• Post 28
Dale Toenies
Scholarship Program
Thomas McClelland
7001 Brayton Drive
Anchorage, AK 99507
Finance Officer
Darrel Williamson
P.O. Box 70448
AK 99707
Con Miller Post 30
Harold Schuster
Terry Huisman
Canteen Manager
Steven L. Huisman
3614 Old Richardson
Highway - Moose Creek
P O Box 56615
North Pole AK 99705
Commander James Petitio
Adjutant Ron Travis
Service Officer James Francois
Monthly Meetings
Legion & Aux - 1st Tues 7pm
ALR - 1st Sat 6pm
SAL - 1st & 3rd Mon 7:30pm
P.O.Box 870370
Wasilla, AK 99687
Mile 46 Parks Hwy
Post 57
Linda Boisseau
Ruben Iorga
Service Officer
Jimmy L Russell Jr
1st Vice
Cary Toenies
1634 S. Cushman St.
Fairbanks, AK 99701
Page 8
By: Ray Hollenbeck
Greetings from the Department Historian
n late September I have a planned trip to
Soldotna for another meeting. My current
plans are to spend the night in Homer and
I plan to get to Post 18 and Post 16 to take
some photos of the post for the department
narrative. If either of these post have information available they want in the narrative
please have it available for me to pick-up. As
many realize I will not have the opportunity
to get to all the post so a reminder if there
is something your post wishes to include in
this year’s narrative please get it to me as
soon as possible. You can either mail the info
to me at 1457 N. Pioneer Peak Dr., Wasilla,
AK 99654 or email at
Legion Riders
By Director: Mark Berg
ello Legion family members.
Let me start out by thanking each and
every one of you for all the support
you have shown for the Legion Riders program throughout the state. This year, as in
years past we have been busy working to
support our communities and our posts.
Through your support and a lot of hard
work by our members, we have been able
to raise over $15,000.00 to send down to
the National Convention and be presented
to the Legacy Foundation Fund and we still
have a couple more donations to be received.
A big round of applause is due you all.
We have also participated in Honor Escorts
and fund raising events throughout our communities. One of my personal favorites is the
“Christmas in July Run”. This year approx.75
motorcycles with Santa in the lead, went to
Providence Hospital, Alaska Native Center
and the Salvation Army’s McKinnell house.
Where Santa spread good cheer and a sense of
family to the children going through a rough
time in their lives. We as a group have had
an outstanding summer and look forward to
getting a few more rides in before the white
stuff starts to fall. So please, keep a look out
for motorcycles in your travels and have a safe
and productive remainder of our summer.
For God and Country,
Mark Berg
ALRA Director
Where great Cooks Shop
701 S. Goose Bay Road Suite “H”
Wasilla, Alaska