The American Legion


The American Legion
Campbell-Richmond Legion Post 63
The American Legion
Still Serving America
June/July 2015
Post Commander Don Davis
Volume 15 Issue 3
Memorial Day 2015
Thanks to Barney Schoenfeld and Don Carter for putting it all together, to all of the Post
63 Color Guard members that marched, to all of the members and friends that helped
with setup and Flag placement, to Wayne Fisher and all of his helpers that cooked, not
only the Sunday breakfast but also the Monday Picnic, and finally a heartfelt thanks to all
of our members that attended this event or participated in any way. You made this a very
memorable Memorial Day and you continue to make our post proud!
1st Vice T J Phipps
2nd Vice Ron Bray
Adjutant Bob Cicinelli
Finance Officer Tom Romzek
Sgt At Arms Don Carter
Chaplain Nick Dureiko
Historian Jerry Waite
Service Officer Jack Pierce
Unit President Annie Germic
1st Vice Sue James
2nd Vice Ashley Jorrisen
Secretary Janice Rollin/Jonnie Carter
Treasurer Cyndi Kamat
Sgt At Arms Deanna Perysian
Chaplain Uni Marbutt
Historian Debbie Cicinelli
SAL Commander Brian York
1st John Ousnamer
2nd Vice Art Wargo
Adjutant Charlie Zimmer
Finance Officer Frank Sanders
Sgt At Arms George Vihonsky
Historian Charlie Zimmer
Chaplain Don Lewis
American Legion Post 63
8047 Ortonville Road,
Clarkston MI 48348
248 625-9912
President Jim Ward
248 882-3255
On Saturday,
April 18th volunteers from our
Post participated
in the Great
Lakes National
Cemetery biannual headstone cleaning. The next cleaning will be held in September. Great job
Bus trip. All had a great time in great
weather with good friends, regardless of final
On April
25th 2015,
The American Legion
Post 63
honor guard
raised the
flag during
new fam2014, Members of the year from left, Frank
ily home in Springfield Township for VetSanders, (SAL) Jim Ward, accepting for
eran, Shannon Chatman
Bill Wint (IVMHA) Keith Marbutt,
(Legion) and Uni Marbutt, (Auxiliary.)
Commander Don Davis :
It hardly seems like two years have passed, but this is my last article as Commander. I want to let the membership know
how proud I am to have had the honor and privilege of serving as the Commander of Post 63 for these last two years. I
have strived to represent the Post and all of our members to reflect all that your contributions deserve.
In the last two years, we have greatly increased our involvement with the community. Starting with Jim Ward's organizing and overseeing our Adopt-A-Highway program, Don Carter's work with the Honor Guard, all our efforts with My
Habitat Clarkston, and Jim Gotch's efforts with Boys State; we are being recognized by area groups as an organization
working to improve our community. An example is the award the Auxiliary recently received.
I am also proud of the new officers that stepped up to take on the duties that the Post depends on. Tom Romzek as Finance Officer and Bob Cicinelli as Adjutant have helped make my job much easier and deserve a thank you from all of
the Post. Tom Phipps as First Vice and Jack Pierce as Service Officer continue to ably serve the Post. There are a great
deal more people that deserve mention here, but I will thank them personally.
I know these people, along with Kim Lambouris, will continue to lead the Post to even higher achievements. I wish
Keith Marbutt success in his second tenure as Commander. I will be around to make sure everyone keeps their eye on
the ball. Have great summer. Don Davis, Post Commander, American Legion Post 63.
Sr. Vice Commander T J Phipps
Membership is at 92%, we still have a ways to go yet. Please send in
your dues ASAP, if you have not, this will definitely be your last newsletter. Please read your dues notice when it is delivered to you from national, the post does not send out dues notices, you have to read it and send it to our post, not national or dept. (MI), if you send it elsewhere, you create a lot of problems , and if you pay on-line, please let the post
know, it may take months before we get the information from national. I hope everyone will adhere to this. TJ Phipps
Jr. Vice Commander Ron Bray: Birthday nights will continue on the Second Friday of September, 2015.
Service Officer Jack Pierce: If you are a veteran, family member of a veteran, or know of someone that is,
and, in need of assistance, or needs help obtaining their veterans' benefits, contact me or any officer of the Post 63’s
American Legion, Auxiliary, or SAL. We will do our best to provide help. Call me at Post 63 248 625-9912 or e-mail
me at Jack Pierce, Service Officer, American Legion Post 63.
The U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs:
The Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) provides a variety of benefits and services to Servicemembers, veterans,
and their families. If you are a veteran and believe that you have a service related health issue, you may be eligible for
health care assistance and/or compensation. The first step in the process of filing for benefits is to register with the U.S.
Dept. of Veterans Affairs. The Oakland County Veterans’ Services (OCVS) helps veterans and their families obtain and
maintain all veteran related benefits from federal, state, and local government agencies. OCVS will assist you with your
initial filing, as well as help you to change or increase your benefits as your situation changes. OCVS is located in the
Oakland County office complex at 1200 North Telegraph Rd., North Office Building, Pontiac, MI 48381. 248-8580785. Client hours are M-F, 8:30-11:30 & 1:00-4:30. No Appointment Necessary.
Squadron Commander Brian York:
As we prepare for summer festivities, another year of meetings and events has come to an end. Our SAL does not meet
in the summer months, June, July, and August, to allow us all to enjoy the great weather. Our next meeting will be
Monday 9-14 2015 at 7PM. All officers from last year were re-elected, Brian York Commander, John Ousnamer 1st
Vice, Art Wargo 2nd Vice, Frank Sanders Finance Officer, and Charles Zimmer Adjutant. I want to thank everyone for
their service this past year.
Some summer events to keep in mind that we could all volunteer our services for: Saturday, July 4 Independence Day
Parade 10AM meet at post 9AM, Saturday, July 11 Highway Clean-up 930AM, Monday, Sept. 7 Labor Day Parade
10AM meet at post 9AM.
Hope everyone has a great summer! Brian York, Commander, SAL Squadron 63
Honor Guard members: Jim Ward, Jerry Grzywinski and Don Carter posted the colors at the annual National Day of Prayer held on Thursday, May 7th.
Unit 63
Auxiliary notes
Finally the weather is getting a little nicer! We have been busy!
We joined in with the Highway Clean up April 11th. The weather cooperated and we gathered
over 25 bags. A lot less than last year considering it is the first one for the year. Hoping motorists
are getting more consciousness of the way our state appears. Auxiliary's Member of the Year was
awarded to Uni Marbutt on April 24th. Well deserved for all you do! You made us proud! April
30th was our Troops Packing event. So many volunteers, Awesome! 49 boxes were mailed out.
Thank you to the Post for providing the postage. It certainly takes all of us to make this such a
We joined the Heritage Rummage Sale May 2 and 3 which was a beautiful weekend and a wonderful event. The sales started in Clarkston and went all the way to Bay City! We’re looking forward to next year! Thank you Uni and Ann Miller for co-chairing. Poppies days were May 15 and
16th. The generosity of our Community is overwhelming! Thank you to all who volunteered and
gave to our Veterans’ welfare. Great job Uni and Susie James for the long hours and super organization! Also very proud of our Auxiliary Ladies! May 19th, along with 1st Vice Susie James
and Don Davis, attended an award breakfast honoring Unit 63 for our "Community Collaboration", it was a very proud moment! Our Ladies are fantastic! Please take a moment to read our
plaque, trophy and certificates in the clubroom. Thank you to Wint's Funeral home for nominating us! Mark your calendars for July 26 Troops Car Wash 9am-1pm. Flyers will be posted! More
events down the road.. Stay tuned!
Have a great summer! Annie Germic, Auxiliary President
Fall Fundraiser
Oct 3, 2015
For all of you who volunteered during Poppy Days, we
thank you! Over $5,500.00 was collected for Veterans,
Military and their families in need. A special thank you
to Mikki Shuler-Gaul and her crew from Keller Williams Real estate, Clarkston for their help! The Poppy
Dinner will be June 11, 2015 at 6:00 PM in the hall for
all volunteers that participated and a guest.
Uni Marbutt & Sue James, Poppy Chairmen
We are having a
Planning meeting in
the Clubroom, June
26th at 7 PM
There are many areas
where we need help.
Please attend!
Support Our Troops Car Wash!
Mark your calendars for July 26
Troops Car Wash 9am-1pm at Wint’s
Funeral Home.
May Birthday night at the Legion
Recycling At Its Best!
The following items are being recycled at the post:
Glasses, Cell Phones, Pop Top Tabs, Labels For
Education (Campbell’s) & Box Tops For
Education (General Mills), and Postage Stamps.
For more information see
Uni Marbutt, Auxiliary Chaplain
Our annual Rummage Sale was a huge success. The Auxiliary
and Legion raised over $2000. Thanks to everyone for their
donations and help!
Post 63 2015/2016 Election Results
American Legion Officers
Post Commander Keith Marbutt
1st Vice T J Phipps
2nd Vice Kim Lambouris
Adjutant Bob Cicinelli
Finance Officer Tom Romzek
Bar Chairman Wayne Fisher
Sgt At Arms Don Carter
Chaplain Nick Dureiko
Service Officer Jack Pierce
Auxiliary Officers
President: Uni Marbutt
1st Vice: Annie Germic
2nd Vice: Sue James
Secretary: Jonnie Carter
Treasure: Cyndi Kamat
Chaplain: Ann Miller
Sgt At Arms: Deanna Perysian
Historian: Debbie Cicinelli
Membership Chair: Judy
Executive Board: Melva
Kelly, Rita Fisher, Kay Jones
SAL Officers
SAL Commander Brian
1st Vice John Ousnamer
2nd Vice Art Wargo
Adjutant Charlie Zimmer
Finance Officer
Frank Sanders
Sgt At Arms
George Vihonsky
Historian Charlie Zimmer
IVMHA elections will be
held on June 3, 2015 after
the Legion regular
Membership meeting.
Current Officers;
President Jim Ward
Vice President
Wayne Fisher
Finance Officer
Tom Romzek
Adjutant Bob Cicinelli
Member at Large
Dave Lowe
Ever Wonder Why?
Thank You Letters to Veterans.
On Monday, May 18, 2015, Mrs. Fuller’s 2nd grade
Why didn't Noah swat those two
If con is the opposite of pro, is
Congress the opposite of progress?
Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called
rush hour?
Why is it that doctors call what they do 'practice'?
If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the
class at Clarkston Elementary wrote thank you letters/cards to veterans. Our Post was selected by Cassandra Fitzpatrick, teacher aide, to receive these letters/cards. Don Carter, Jim Ward, and Barney
Schoenfeld went to the class to accept the letters/
cards and interact with the students. The letters/
cards will be posted on a wall in the Clubroom at the
post until after Memorial Day. Please stop by the
Clubroom and read the letters/cards that were writUni, Keith and Kit Marbutt (not shown) receive a
Certificate of Excellence from Tom LaForge, Vice
President, Prisoner of War Committee of Michigan,
for their commitment to POW/MIA recovery efforts.
ten for you.
Don Carter
Cub Scout Pack
314 Chartered By
American Legion,
Post 63
e r on
Am egi
History for June and July
Our fellow Legion, Auxiliary, Sons of the American Legion and youth members of Post 63 have accomplished many tasks this year. We will do many
projects that assists fellow members and Veterans in
need. May we continue this for the benefit of those
that are not members and are volunteering. Thank
you, to all those willing to contribute their time and
effort. Jerry Waite
E-Mail is now the preferred method of delivery.
Send Keith Marbutt, ( an updated copy of your email address
Dave Lowe
from Clarkstonbased Lowe
Home Improvement and his
son Thomas,
donated their
time this week
during My
Habitat Clarkston's Community Impact Weekend, April 25th, to replace
the shed shingles of a local Army veteran's widow. Campbell-Richmond American Legion Post 63 coordinated this
week's effort with My Habitat Clarkston as we care for our
veterans and their families.
Adopt-a-highway News
The second and third dates for PickUp are July 11th and September 26th
(Saturdays). A sign-up sheet will be
put up in the Clubroom. We meet at
the Post, in the Hall, for donuts and
coffee, distribution of Safety Vests,
Pick-up Items (pickers, trash bags, and
gloves) at 9:30 a.m. At the completion of Pick-up we
all return to the hall for thank yous, pop and pizza. New
pickers must watch a safety video (approximately 10
minutes) before they leave for the highway. If you have
any questions call Jim Ward @ 248 882-3255 or Cochair, Annie Germic @ 248 802-3605.
2015 Remaining parade dates
4 of July
Saturday, July 4th
Labor Day
Monday, September 7th
Holiday Parade
Saturday, December 12th
Legion Line Dance Class will start at 6:30 PM
beginning Tuesday, May 26 in the Legion Hall.
Redwood Inc.
Adult Foster Care Homes
A Non-Profit Corporation
Brookhaven, Columbiaville
Oakhill, Attica
Lighthouse, Imlay City
Redwood Manor, Burton
For Help With Aid and Attendance Call:
248 625-1280
Homes For The Aged And Veterans
June 2015
►► Post 63 Event Calendar
◄◄ July 2015
June/July Tuesdays Line dancing classes in the Hall (Unless there is another event in the Hall)
June/July (and August) second Fridays Birthday nights are suspended for the summer.
SAL membership meetings are suspended for the summer.
Wed 1st Legion Reg Meeting 7pm
Sat 4th of July Parade & Picnic
Sat 11th Adopt a Hwy Clean-up
No SAL Meeting
Tue 14th 7PM Aux Meeting
Wed 15th Exc. Board meet 7pm
Sun 26th Aux car wash at Wints
Wed 3rd Legion Reg Meeting 7pm
Wed 3rd IVMHA meeting, elections 7PM
SAL NO Reg Meeting
Tue 9th 7pm Aux Reg meeting
Thur 11th Poppy helpers Dinner 6 PM in hall
Wed 17th Exc. Board meet
Campbell-Richmond American Legion Post 63
8047 Ortonville Road, Clarkston MI 48348
June/July 2015
Strawberry Fields Retirement Home
Family TAPS 2015
1305 Ford Rd.
White Lake, MI 48383
Penny Lewis
248 866-3984
(2 4 8) 6 2 5 - 5 2 3 1
5929 S. Main · Cl arkston · MI · 48346
Funeral Directors:
William H. Wint · Jennifer M. Simsack
Timothy M. Currier · Robert K. Kerwin II