May Newsletter - American Legion


May Newsletter - American Legion
The Tigard Post
A monthly newsletter of American Legion Post #158
MAY 2015
VOL. 17
8635 SW Scoffins Street • Tigard, Oregon 97223
Jim Waggoner
1st Vice Commander
Kent Erickson
2nd Vice Commander
Tom Curran
Bernie Healy
Finance Officer
Gary Baldwin
Service Officer
Tom Startin
Sgt. at Arms
Dean Johnston
Dick Gallien
Tom Harris
Judge Advocate
Jim Holton
E-Board at Large
Amber Stevens
Joe Bustos
Brenda Sherlock
Jim Waggoner
I am honored that the membership had enough
confidence in me to lead the Post as Commander for another term. As Commander, I
will strive to continue to make your Post a successful as we know it can be.
On Saturday May 23rd for your entertainment The Lew Jones Trio band will be performing for you from
I would like everyone to be aware that on Monday nights from 8-close we have a Jam Session that anyone
is welcome to join. Bring in your instrument and just have fun!
An organization called Camp Courage, who supports our Troops in collecting donations of personal
hygiene and stationary supplies, has contacted us and we expect to hear more. Their website is www. As more information is received it will be passed along.
See you around the Post..
God Bless, Jim
1 Vice President
Helen Sullivan
2nd Vice President
Susan Hughes
Nancy Scott
Phyllis Parent
Joanne Harris
Georganne Dorr
Sgt. at Arms
Sandy Watson
“E” Board
Nora Pirrie • Jane Erickson
Junior Past President
Joanne Harris
Bret Lieuallen
April’s E-Board and General Meeting had
a guest speaker, Brian Miller (up for Eagle
Scout), from Troop 423 Tigard. He is raising
Kent Erickson
funds and donations locally. We have his
flyers at the Post to read and get pertinent
facts about what he is doing. Making Eagle
Scout is the highest order of the Boy Scouting and a very high honor. My grandson
made it 6 years ago in Vernonia. He is now a SGT in the USAF.
1st Vice Legion & S.A.L.
I am very proud of him and his accomplishments. These young men are our future Legion members, we
should do everything to support them and our Legion family members.
We are presently at goal for year 2015 and moving on for membership at Post 158. Thanks to everyone for
your support of our Post and our activities.
Next month is wear Service logo shirt’s to general meeting.
1st Vice Commander
Kent Erickson
2nd Vice Commander
Jeremy Howard
Bernie Healy
Finance Officer
James Waggoner
Sgt. at Arms
- OPEN Chaplain
Jim Haworth
Brent Sherlock
2nd Vice
Tom Curran
On Mother’s Day, May 10th, the Legion Men
will be serving the Champagne Breakfast
Buffet from 9am to noon.
Tickets for the June 6th Spaghetti feed arrived
in your newsletter this month to help defray the cost of mailing them separately. The Spaghetti feed is one
of the biggest fund raisers we have. I will be in need of waiters, setup people, cleanup volunteers, etc. Please
contact me as soon as possible to help with this event.
Be well, Tom
The Tigard Post
Bernie Healy
MAY 2015
OMSI VOLUNTEERS.....Post member Frank Ness sent a message to the
post wondering if any of our members would like to be volunteer’s at
OMSI, he is a tour guide on the USS Blueback.
There are benefits that go along with being a volunteer such as discounts
at the OMSI on site restaurants, free parking while at the museum any
time and many others.
Jim Waggoner
Kent Erickson
1st Vice
OPEN2nd Vice
Gary Baldwin
Barbara Davis
Service Officer
Dean Johnston
Sgt. At Arms
Tom Harris
E Board At Large Amber Stevens
and Joe Bustos
Wish them well next time you see them!
If you’re interest the OMSI contacts are: Laura Kelly, OMSI Volunteer Services 503-787-4596 -oremail:
Frank Ness - email:
Important dates to remember in May:
Saturday, May 16th
District Meeting & Caucus at Hillsboro Post starts at 1:00
Saturday, May 23rd
Meet at post 9:00 to load flags for Crescent Grove Cemetery and downtown
Monday, May 25th Memorial Service at Crescent Grove Cemetery starts at 11:00. After the ceremony there will be a potluck at the post starting at 12:30. Sign up sheet for helpers for the flags and the ceremony will be posted at the end of the bar.
Delegates for the department convention that were elected at the April meeting. The adjutant has
confirmation numbers for the 10 rooms the post has, it is suggested to make your reservations early,
the rooms are under Tigard American Legion, Post #158. All have double queen beds. Rooms are for
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday nights.
Tigard Post 158 does an event on Memorial Day at Crescent Grove Cemetery.
Tigard Post 158 puts up flags at Crescent Grove Cemetery
and along the streets of downtown Tigard on MAY 23, 2015.
We have a local Boy Scout Troop assisting but need Post members to help. We start
loading flags at 9am at the Post. MARK your calendar for this. There will be a sign up
sheet at the Post bar…so please check this date and we will see you there.
Thank you,
Dean Johnston
Post 158 Sgt of Arms, Tigard American Legion Post 158
For over 70 years the American Legion Auxiliary has sponsored Poppy
Days to remind Americans that millions have sacrificed their lives and
health to keep our nation strong and free.
The Poppy, which grew wild on the battlefields of Flanders, became in the minds of the
doughboys of World War I, a symbol of the sacrifice which they endured. It had flourished
among the shelled buildings and bomb-scarred landscape. Its brilliant red bloom, so much
like blood which had been shed there, became a sign of hope and renewal for those who
lived and walked away. For those who would never leave, those who had sacrificed their
lives, it was a perpetual memorial to their bravery.
American veterans brought home that image and planted it with the Auxiliary, where it has
bloomed every year for the benefit of those who served America.
All proceeds from the Poppy sale must and is used for Veterans and/or their families.
Elizabeth Olds, Poppy Chairman
Larry R Smith
Warren L Ryland
David M Whiteford
Harry C Thomas
Tomas J Vincent
Hunter Schildt
Richard Hiltunen
Robert W Disney
Jack G Kaady
Ronald A Ashley
Jerry H Vahl
and Marvin S Gerr
Welcome to the Post!
50/50 WINNER:
Harlan E. Roth
The #158 LOSERS:
George E. Davidson
Donald R. Perry
Robert W. Wattenburg
and Lyle G. Foreman
MAY 2015
News From The Auxiliary
Auxiliary President
Brenda Sherlock
May is Poppy Month. The funds from Poppy purchases go to our restricted
fund to be used for Veterans and their families. This is an important piece
in our ability to serve our Veterans and their families. So, buy some Poppies
this month. You’ll be receiving poppies in the mail. Please help us out.
Saturday evening, May 9th, Judy Harris will be cooking a special Enchilada
dinner as our Auxiliary meal. Come and enjoy some fabulous Mexican food that evening.
Sunday, May 10th is Mother’s Day. The Legionnaires have graciously offered to host a Mother’s Day breakfast for all the ladies from 9am-12pm.
Please come and treat your Mom, Wife, Daughter or just yourself to a wonderful breakfast cooked and
served by our great Legionnaires.
We are also holding a plant sale on Saturday, May 16th from 10am-4pm. It will be held in the Gazebo at the
Post. There will be lots of vegetable plants that Sharon Bowen, our resident green thumb, has been growing
just for this event. Come and buy some great quality plants at great prices for your garden.
Don’t forget Memorial Day on Monday May 25th. Our Post will be holding a memorial service for our
fallen Veterans at Crescent Grove Cemetery. If you have not been to this service I would highly recommend
it. Please come and show your support of the Post as we honor those service people who have died for our
freedom. There will be a potluck afterwards at the Post.
Sunday, May 31st, is the Auxiliary Breakfast. We traded with the guys so they could cook breakfast for us
on Mother’s Day. Come join us for breakfast on the last day of the month. I’m sure Beth Dahl will have a
wonderful special to tempt us with.
Brenda Sherlock
Helen Sullivan
Susan Hughes
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Nancy Scott
Sgt. At Arms
E Board At Large
E Board At Large
Phyllis Parent
Joanne Harris
Georganne Dorr
Jane Erickson
Mary Hess
Nora Pirrie
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Helen Sullivan
Susan Hughes
Welcome new members, Martha Granda, Sherrie Harrison and
Lisa Henretty. We have a great Auxiliary and would love to have
you help us out as we carry out our programs.
Our membership is now 231. We need 43 to reach goal by June.
Don’t forget that the big spaghetti dinner is coming on June 6th. It
is the biggest fund raiser for the Post and we all need to help. So, if
you’d like to help out on that day, please call me at 503-684-7836 or
e-mail me at We will find a place
for you to help. Let’s make this the best spaghetti dinner yet!
April was a very busy month with our Auxiliary dinner put on
by Sharon Bowen and her crew. The following day, Sunday, our
Auxiliary breakfast was put on by Beth, Nancy, Nora and Betty.
Sorry I missed it, heard it was great both days.
May has changes. The Legion has offered to do the Mother’s Day
breakfast and we are changing our breakfast to May 31st. We will
still have our dinner on the 9th with Judy Harris in charge.
We are also having a plant sale Saturday, May 16th, the same day
as the Caucus.
There will be a potluck after Memorial services at the cemetery on
May 25th. Hope you all have a great May.
Buttons, Buttons
Who’s Got the Buttons?
Buttons, Buttons who’s got the buttons? The
donations of buttons is coming along nicely.
I still need more to have a profitable sale, for
the Auxiliary Emergency fund to be held in the fall.
Please search your attics and so forth for buttons you can
part with. I so appreciate all who are participating in this
fund raiser for the AEF. Jane Erickson
Joanne Harris, Chaplain
As Auxiliary Chaplain, please let me know of any sickness or
distress. You can send me e-mail at or
call 503 625-5143.
American Legion Post #158
Post Office Box 23482
Tigard, Oregon 97281-3482
May Events
May 5 - E-Board Meeting - 7pm
May 6 - S A L Meeting - 7pm
May 10 - Legion Mother’s Day
Champagne Buffet - 9 am to noon
May 12 - General/Auxiliary Meeting - 7:00 pm
May 21 - Legion Riders Meeting - 7:00 pm
post 158
tigard, or
Do you have a male or female relative that is interested in Law
Enforcement? If so there are applications for Law Enforcement Career
Camp at the Post. Camp dates are August 9-14, 2015. Applications must
be received before June 15, 2015. The cost is $222.00. Space is limited to
25 applicants so if interested, stop by the post or call and an application
can be put out for you to pick up. The applicant must be between 15-17
years of age during the Law Enforcement Career Camp.
The Tigard Post
A monthly newsletter of American Legion Post #158
MARCH 2015
VOL. 17
8635 SW Scoffins Street • Tigard, Oregon 97223
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I wanted to get this in last month and ran out of time. We had a great time
at the Sock Hop at the end of February. Judy Harris did an outstanding
job on this event. Everything was donated by area businesses. I was
going to list them but there are just too many. The Hop was to raise
money for the American Cancer Society and we raised a whopping
$1700 for them. We have already started planning for our fund raiser
for next February so plan ahead. Have a great summer and ride safe.
Scott Clark, Director Legion Riders Post 158