Sample Soulard Sunday set for June 12


Sample Soulard Sunday set for June 12
from Page 4
Affairs were available to process or check
the status of claims. The informative
“faces of Agent Orange” presentation
was reinforced by the veterans in attendance. This is the 50th anniversary of the
Vietnam War. To most vets, it seems like
just yesterday.
are running out of the year for our Third
Friday Family Friendly Events. The last
one this year will be Oct. 21.
The finale will find Eric Marlinghaus
in the kitchen doing something involving chili. Returning guest bartenders
will be the Thomas sisters, Joanie (of
pizza fame) and Patti (of the Hitmen).
By popular request. we will have Police
Off. Brian Min on his cool guitar. He
will introduce retired police officer John
Ruzicka, aka Elvis Presley impersonator
extraordinaire. Doors open at 5 p.m.
REHABBING VETS: Since the last
issue of the Soulard Renaissance, two
months – July and September – have had
a fifth Friday. This means Auxiliary Unit
422 and Legion Post 422 have teamed up
and headed to Building No. 51 at Jefferson Barracks VA Medical Center to visit
rehabbing veterans. They played bingo
and enjoyed snacks and beverages. Winners of bingo games received coupons
for use at the VA canteen and everyone
received a gift from the prize table.
LEGION 11th and 12th DISTRICT:
In Missouri, it comprises 22 American
Legion Posts within the boundaries of
the City of St. Louis, including one allwomen’s Post 404. This is noteworthy as
Post 404 Legionnaire Betty Gonzales is
the first woman to be elected as the Missouri Department commander.
Likewise, BKZ Post 422 is recognized
as Melanie Klingeman takes the office of
the 11th and 12th District commander,
Mike Klingeman becomes the executive vice commander, Erin Slawinski
has the office of senior vice commander
and William Wirtel was selected as the
District Legionnaire of the Year.
Monthly meetings of Post 22 are held
at BKZ at 7:30 p.m. on the first Monday
of the month. Doors open at 7 p.m.
The Soulard Renaissance’s
email address has changed.
Please send your Soulard
stories and photos to
Bill Wirtel is chaplain, commander
2006 and event coordinator of the American Legion BKZ Post 422, 2601 S. 11th St.
He can be reached at
or 314-605-3048.
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