ahtta,na - American Legion Department of Louisiana
ahtta,na - American Legion Department of Louisiana
ahtta,na, Official Publication of The American Legion, Department of Louisiana NEW ORLEANS MOUND ACE FIRES 3-HIT SHUTOUT TO CLAIM LEGION CROWN Ne.r Orleans laceci a big task trying to riioll tire higl.r-ptrn'eled Brooklal n. NJ lineup thar had seerningly buntecl and nm at Lhc u'iil ntost ert way tlrrough the 2012 Anrcrican Lcgion l\'brld Selies Ber Eirp,''lhe Sur Bul the bol,s ffom fhe Big Easy'ira.ljust ihe man tbl the jcrb in a game tlrat finisi:red in the rvee hours of the momitrg because of a Lengthy rain dela.v. Pitcher Enterson Gil,.bs s'ellt out and threw a thfee-lrit siriltoul. and rvith thrcc RBI lion \4atticu Robcrt. claiurcd thc national championship uiih a -l0 triumph oler Blooklawr.r. Anthon\ Forticr-Bersen holds up lhc No. 1 sign as his tcasmatcs lilc up aftcr Ncw Orlcans rvon thc championship gamc of thc 2012 Gibbs, a Tulane-bound r-ighthander. didn't American Lcgion Wbrld Scrics vs. Brooklarvn. NJ, nith e 4-0 decision. II\ THIS ISSUE Post407.Post383.&Postl:5News ............ ...: "LegicnCrown conlinued:BoxTourol'FortPolk ... ............1 VictoryBelles:USSSomerset . ... .... ...4 InMenoriuur: NicePeopieNote.-.. .. ...5 Notes fi!ff the Adjutant: Baseball Dept. News 6 Woundcd Wuior Amputee Soitbail Tcaor Plal,s Toumatnent . . . . . . 2012DECN{ccting:2012SlateColvention ...... Post 14. Post 82. & Post 218 LDVAUpdate N..cws 2.lSTriplelnsulhtion:PosIi2lNews Ni)lesfrcmtheCommander irstailation oloiTicers ..... 2012-2013 . .,1 ......:5 ....... ..16 The "Louisiana Legionnaire" is the official publication of The Anerican Legion, Depart,nent of Louisiana, Herbeft J. Petit, Commsnder qnd I. -l . Deshotel, Chairman, Public lttfonnation Commission. AII comments and subnissions for pritting slrould be addressed to Matthew Farlow, Department ,ldjatant, at Headquarters, etnail adjutant@lalegion.org. We hope lou have enjoyed this issue of the "Lou[siana Legionnaire." PAGE 1 Pasco. \Vash . 2-C to iake the lC)04 Americaur Legioir crorvn. ''We had a gaire plan. i.r'e i<neu, hori' lo pitcli to each hitter," said Cibbs, uhc received le-qion basebali s {'layer oithe VearAri'atd in post garirc ccLcruonics "i\''e kncs, thcy likcd to bunt. I jrst tfied io gct a stlihc and g":t on top oi th"-m (rn rhe cor,nt). ihen 1et the 4 COLOR u'ork ' i\::ce Ccmqana"-, cantinued cn r:cge f, ai re Pati- Rir .ae I A :Dii2l Boys State Governcr Elected 2(illBo\.ssrate stnlck oul four a;rd relied on a sclid detensilc clfort bchind irrn to toss thc filsL LLtLc' garlle shutoLrt since Portland. Maine. heat l-tlNisiana Le!iJf; Pal B.x::lJ . .10 ll . ........ .....i2 ...........13 . walk a batler anil laced onll two over 1:L1e mininrunr :n a compelling peliortrauce He defense do the .8,9 Bv: Alun Ford 31 News from Post 407 Westlake A Foos-ball game, donated by Bill and Mary Leblanc of Sulphur, was delivered to Southwest LouisianaWarVeterans Home,Jennings, LA,to be used rn the recreation room for the enjoyment of the veteran residents there. In picture at left is Houston Fruge, Jr., Service Officer for American Legion Post 407 in Westlake, and Dot Fruge,Auxiliary member of both the Westlake American Legion Post 407 and the SulphurVFW Post 8l 07, were on hand to deliver the donation. Chris Hollyfield was the happy recipient of a bicycle donated to him by Ricky Williams, member of the Sons of The American Legion Squadron 407 in Westlake, LA. Pictured at right, from left to right, is Mike Benoit, also a member of Squadron 407, presenting the bicycle to Chris Hollyfield. F*sr 343 LsPlacE Post 383, LaPlace preselted as rts guest speaker Louisiar.ra Supreure Court .ludge, Honorable John \\'ein-ier. at the Post's July meetrng. Judge \I-enner spoke on the topic oiparriotrsm and thanked the veterans for their comnunit), activities, In tire phoio. irom left to right, is Lcuisrana Snprerne Court JLLdge. Ilonorable .lohn \!'euler, and Commander of Post 383. Dave Catl. Post I75 Metairie Holds Veterans' Town Hall Meetin$ On May 24,201.2.,\merican l.egron Post 175 Metatrte held a Town Hall lvleeting whete veLerans were urged to altend and vorce their opinrons and concerns about the qualrty ofthe \A Health Care they receive. The veterans rvere also asked to share their stolies about the \ew [)rleans \A Medical Center. FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: 201t Department Commander Larrv Abshire; Karen Domino. Dcputy District Dircctor-Congrcssman Cedric L. Richmond's olfice: R- Michael Suter, Chairman !A&R-Dcpt. of N$v York; Jacob B. Gadd, Deputy Director lor Health Care, The Amerlcatr Legion. Service (Jfficer Jay Walsh speaks lrith R. Nlichael Suter tiom New York. More photos from the meetitrg are shorvn below, Louisiana Legionnaire, September 2012 PAGE 2 4 COLOR t. ,.:* =' i- Tlt t& Jw Box Toun or FoRr Porr (Legion Crown continued from couer) November 9-1fr" ?Uz Perhaps the key to Gibbs' perfommnce was that he allowed the leadoff hitter for Brooklawn to get on base only once in the contest. .tr{:ur lirnited t{r first 60 tJeople Landnark Hot.ei. Leesville LA (lncludes a free buffet breakiast on 1 1 '1 0/1 2 wlth bus pickup to Fort Polk following breaktast) "That takes a lot ofpressure off, getting that leadoffrlan out,'' said New Orleans coach Joseph Latino. "But that's q'hai Emerson does. The g,ay to get to him is get on early Reservation Form is provided below. Please fill out the torm completely and then send lo the address indicated on the iorm. Cut-off date for reservations is Octobe. 26.2012. "l don't think we could have played a better ballgame. We had to against a fine teant like Nerv Jersey. Ernerson rvas spectaclrlar and we did just enough offcnsively." a bases-loaded walk fiom Brooklawn starter Jeff Paglione in the second im.ring to take the lead. Roberl supplied a sacrifice fly to make it 20 in the thild. Armand Daigle drerv An impol-tant biow fbr Neu, Olleans carle in the seventh inning when Robert doubied in a pair of funs to extend tl,c lcad to .1-0. "That was big," said Latino. "Having oniy a two-run lead against good hitting tean-r like that isn't enough. BOXTOUI{OF FORT POLK November 9, LO,2Ot2 Landmark Hotel. Leesville ONLY ONE RESERVAT'AN PER HOUSING FORM, PLEASE, lo make your rescruntionr pleas€ use one ofthe following optjons: 1) Enclo!. a chKk o. moncy ord$ to Eov.r yo!r first night. 'ilAKE CHECK PAYASLE TO UNOMARK HOTEL' 2) Fill in you. crod,t 6d infordrtion to gudrlnt.c ofthe serious to the Louisiana sqr.iad. mtBt-t: !!lxi, CTry .-_ COOE ARRTVALPlcr* rc5cfrc IEEPHONE .^-_.O:PARTUIE.. J roof, lor me nnd _ _ (Nnne or pe.$n/per5o!3 5hr.in9 !ccodmodnsons) Cndit Card . -STAft -_ Debit __ -- requeited_ Non-smoking {Chcck, it nppl'crble) , =_ Card _ Mon.y Ord€r_ IF YOU ARE PAYINC YOUR FIRST XIGHTS 'OR JAMES TARVER WI?H RESERVATON BY CHECK, YOUR HOUSING FOM, RF,T( IRN I]Ot'SING FOR}TS TO: I^\tFS H. T 1n\ tR l06t 1\Dtnso\ DR l_EtsftrLE. t..\;1116 Post 125 rvon its tlrird nationai championship and tl,e fourth by a team frotlr Nerv Ot'leans. CtJ'llOIrl Dr{l RESSRVITIOHS "Ybu set your sights high at the start olthe summer," said coach Latino. "and you don't know horv you're going to be playirig at toumamett time. We were playing extremely well rvhen lve we:lt thlough the state and then in the VIid-South (regional) we went undefeated. NI6HT j6_.jo (ll.a \lctl l l s6-.jo(PS:R \lctfl ) SN6IE: -. HEIHOD OF pAYNENT: Che<k, "We pitched good. They pitched better. Some ofbaseball is catching breaks. They beat out some infield hits." PER INCLUD€s THE TAX (print) A0DnE55 ITP "\&'e hit the ball, blt wc didn't get hits." said Brooklawn managsr Dennis Barth. Ti.rey're a very good team, and they piayed great. T5 BAs!C ROOM CHARgE th6fir5t ni9ht. NAME in Shelby ibr the second straight year, saw a 59-5 season end with its second Ioss Brooklarvn. at the A[.WS PLEA5E 6HECK TYPE OF ROOA.I PRICE SPECIAL NOTE: rr FREF- PoLK roun BREAKI:I\ST ON i 1/1Ai2012 BUS PICKUP TO FT POLK FOLLOWNG BREAKFASf Louisiana Legionnaire, Seprember 2012 l.: IS OCllOIll.:R ?6. sol?. AECEIVED AFTER THAI OATE ARE SUSJECI IO AVAILABILIIY AND trOT {ECESSARILY AT 6ROUP MTE CHtiCK IN l ttll: lS {:o0 P}I. CIItrCK OU'l 'llltU IS rr:0o.{]u >Handicapped accofi modations? _YES/NO_ Describe: Page 3 PAGE 3 CYAN * t { Ship Honoring 9/l I Flight 93 Christened in Louisiana The l4ctory Belles,from the lYorld ll/ar II Museum Canteex in Nent Orleans, pay a visit and perjbrm Jbr the residents at Southwesl Louisiana llTu Velertns Home in Jennings, LA on May 18, 2A12. The USS Somersec z * the last of three Navy ships named for 9i | | attack sites - was chrisrened Saturday, July 28, 2012, at Huntington Ingalls Industries shipyard in Avondale, LA. The ship is named in honor of the courageous passengers and crew of United Airlines Flight 93, wbose actions prevented terrorist hijacl<ers fronr reaching their original destination only to have the airplane crash near Shanksville in Somerset County, PA on Septernber I I,200 l.About two dozen reiatives of the passengers heard military and shipbuilding officials praise their slain family members at the christening. The USS Somerset bow slem - che first part of the sh;p ro cleave through the water - was made from 7.5 tons of steel melted down from the bucket of a huge coal-mining crane that srood near the crash site and from whrch miners hung a largeAmerican flag to serve as a landmark and to honor the dead.The ship will have both a military and humanrtarian purpose, bringing supplies, generating power and equipment to disasrer areas. and is the fifth U.S. Naval vessel ro carry the name Somerset. "And this is my buddy Tex. Tex is {rom Louisiana. We call him Ter'cause he don'i lilce being called Louisel" The Somerset is the last Navy ship that w,ll be burlc atAvondale, which is scheduled to close once the ship is dellvered. Officials are trying to find a civilian shipbuilding or other industrial partner to keep it open. Louisiana Legioruaire, September 2012 PAGE 4 CYAN Nice People Note - The Wallet By PDC Archie Boyette Ernest Ralph Hoitt, Jr. Ernie lloitt, SAL NEC, age 75 1'en15, departecl this life on July 26, 2017. Funeral services were held at the Kenner Funeral F{cme of L. A. ivluhleisen & Son on Moncla;', August 6, 2012, with interment in Carden of Nlemories Cemetery. He nas Lhc lorirrg father of N'lary Veronica Hoitt, Regina llorton lJdam ), ltlichael ['l:l) (Rosemarv). David Hill and lracl Hcitl; detored grandfalher oi Cene. K.tyla. \lelody.rnct (Denise), Robert t)nc oI the Legronnaires atiendLng the 2012 State Convention inJune had nisplaced or lost h'is u,allet at the hotei. rvhich thanklully, rvas returned to irrm. I vi.sited the hctel ivhile dtring the post Conlerrion fu1llu'up - clearing tiLe fitral billirrgs. r.orcLng rhc De partrrrent complainrs (nonc), inforning the manager ol:uggcsLions to improve our visiis - and Lokl the Manager ;{ :he lost ivrllet berng reLuLned. The \lanager called rhe Housekeeping Supen'isor, a ladv nrLnccl Janei Rorvers. to see i[ she l<ne'r ivho had founcl it. As it turned out. it g.asJirnef Bowers rvho fonnd Lhe rnrssurg u'allet. Shc had found it in a :hau. took it rc the front desk. and then asked dre clcsk clcrk. \iliiire. to call onr Legionnatreb tootr. r'1s. Bo-wcr s therr br,rught tl:e walie t to frirn. 1 asked.JarreL B()wers if she knel' rn'hat rvas rn it and she sard she had nct looked in rL: it wuisn t hers. i lcid her rvhaL it contarned and withor:t a change ,,f cvnrecq6rl o'r her Lce she rnsisted. 'lt don't rnirke nc, differ' e ace l,hat iL hacl, rt was not inrne. The hotel gave her a check for $100.1)t) I lhought I l'ouLd share rhrs lirde stclry as a retatncler that there are stril tlrirrgs to milke us smiie and good is to be forurcl ivhet: u'e ltast expe(r rt. I he rrorld :ouL,l rL.c tr'.'.e pcop.o lrke her R,,heri: lovino hrother uf Dunald tlL'ilt '.-'..'b '-'.-" Hoitt and Christine Karkavelas; and derotecl l{oitt rvas a native of Portsmouth, New Hampshire and resident of Reserve, I-A. A vetelan of the Korean Conflict, he sen'ed in the United States Air Force, after which he seLved .rn entire 43 year career in the Merchant Marine. rLncle of many nieces and nephews. Ernie Ernie's sirength was his devotron to I egion ancl SAl, pro- grams. I{e was a proud member of the American Legion. most recentlv Crescent Ci6' p6s1 125 and with the First '_-' """ "b" b to "'J belonsinp " thp "' District for 35 1ears. He held nnmerolrs positions on the District level ald was currently serving at NEt for the Sons of the American Legion. Ernest also volunteered at the VA ClrrLic in Reserve where he achieved the \blunteer of The Year award for 5 consecutive years. His presence r,vi1l be missed bv all. "We gioe thetn back to you, dear Lord, who gaae then Yet, as yott do not lose them in gioing, so zne have not lost them ba theit returt." to us. Archie B0yette p.esents Janet B0wers a Eerlilicate in recognilion fot her honesly and dedication lo her beliels 0l "d0 unlo others" and r?turning lbe wallet to its ownef. Louisiana Legionnaire, Septemtrer 2012 PAGE 5 CYAN '..:a?;,.:::. Notes Jiom the Adjutant Matt Fallow \lt:tjS_t_tl. Membershio: Our member- l,\_!tKl!"!l ship continues to decline from year to year. For 2012-2013 Retif Oil Captures American Irgion t1.)1 Mid-South Regronal This is what we ended up on June 30. 20 I 2. With a lrttle Lalegion,org: Thi: i: th: Deparllnentweb\rtc Plsx:c visit it and let us know lvhai rvork irom our Posts you thrnk year - Our goal is 22,843. and Distrrcts. thele should be no wrvw.late- gron.org reasou we cannot make 100% Legion.org: Nalional has Commander: Oul \{ay. X{y last corl_qratulations to our new Ccmmander Fielbie Petit. \'ice 'le\r:iC ueh-rl( short behrnd two tron fbr ihe Legion. Please \ rsrI rt TI'ere r: Jctrnitelr .umcLhing thcr c lor ever ) on3 other Departrnents in our group. \\'e ask all Districls to consider Legionnaire was pr.rblished in Lyons, Sgt'at-Alms lv{ike Strother, and Color Bearers Daniel Nr.rnez and Percy Henry in their el,^ction for tl-ris new year. Please give them your suppo:t and help to meet the goals of the Deparln.ient. Leeioniloire: Our nerL Legionnaile will be publisired Committee Chairman to sub- mrt a:r article to show \ /hat has been going on ii.r your Distrrcts and Comrnittees. This is your Legionnaire to let all oul members knoq what is going on. I wrll need your xrtlcles not later Lhan October 15. 2012. easier to urove around in and pro.tder a loL nt,rte inl'ut 'l;r- www.iegton.org Baseball Scholarship Wtnner Announced you contribute will come back to r,rs during the next drsaster. Nlylegion.org: All Posts can now get access to the Post I DEC Meeting: The DEC was helJ rt rhe Clowne Piuza in Baton Rouge on August 3-5. 2012. We had a good iurnout and a successful Meeting. rrrembership inforrrrrtron b) regi5teIns tnto \vu \v 'rYl!' glon.or -s. ll' r ott ltrve ittternet or so!neonc at vour Post does. please re-slstef to have ecce\s to the inibrmation ; oLr Ren'iember, this is the plan- ning session lbl the year. The Commander will be appointrng an Ad [{oc Co'nmittee to look at the long term status of the Department. in November 2012. I ask each Distnct Comnander. each Post Commander, and [t reallv i. sending a donatlon to thls worthwhile lund Whatever Commanders James Jaclison and Ronnie a National Emergency Fund: The Department met its goal or $5,-7i to \ationrl. but t'ell Amencan Legion Bascball, Dcpartment of Lolrisiana 2C12 State Ctraraprors Jesuit High-based Retrl Or1 has s'on thc MrdSouth Regronal Baseball Tottrnarnenl b;.; a score ol 4-3 cvel Coi.nmbiil, Tennessee al Jesuit! .Join R;'an Stadium on N4ond:r1', Augusr 13rh. lAzith the r{ctoq', Retlf Cil . I 7 6t .,dtarrcc. tJ rlre -\r:renc;irt -egrorl \Vrrlrl (p''-. in sLelhv \orrh Carolttra. lo lrc rrl:vnd A ron. l 7th _4 rprrst llsL - ^_b- need fbr yolr rnembership. If you need heip. please call the Department. The www. a,egionbrsebrll org. Please let A.J. Jones know of any ideas you have fbr it lor his review prior to submittrng to l)epafment ior r:iput. Ilom August lJ to .\usu:t 2012. Oul hotel rvrll be the Hilton downtown. Tl.ie del:gates and guc.ts havc 3i), be:n turned in end ue BenL,rt of C;rrencrtr, l:\ irir-. Legron Basebali Schoiarshrp Arvard fcr l.'12 .,r'.c er:rclLed r'. s'h.o.. Hrrrtter i5ll Lrorrlh. lcpartrn-nL of u'il. rc-.ivc LA and an addruonal $500 fron-r flatronal Legron Basebail, boLh ol rvhrch u'ill be sent to aclmission! oilice o1 rhe school he .tr" Le t enrirn., rlr.-rr' .. ,lr ,y gh. ' gible to unn the liegiolla, Scholarshrp. Baseball Website: If you hrven l checketl out the nes Ba.eball rveb:ilc, visit it at 2012 \atrorrrl Con,;entiori r. ill be held in Jnd,anapoli: i\ lnnicr Drake been r,amed tlre lvintter of the Deplrtnenl of Louistara Americat.t Look forward to a good Convention with our delegates. FOR GOD & COUNTRY Matthew Farlow, Department Adjutant Louisiana [,egionnaire, September 20I2 PAGE 6 CYAN