Spirit Week
Spirit Week
The Our newest Graduate! Irma Espiraza OALC TIMES t i r i p S k e e W Tou Ger Xiong (TOO-JUR-SHONG) was a guest speaker at the ALC during spirit week. He was born in born in Laos in 1973. His childhood in America began in the public housing projects of St. Paul. In 1992, Xiong graduated valedictorian from Humboldt High School. He went on to receive a degree in political science from Carleton College in Northfield, Minn. In 1996, Xiong created Project Respectism, an educational service project that uses comedy, storytelling and rap music to bridge cultures and generations. He has given over 1,600 presentations all Our newest Graduate! Our newest Graduate! Reed Miller Karla Juarez across the country. Tou Ger Xiong Thinking about school after e h T OALC graduation? Check out the scholarship page on the school website. New scholarships are added regularly and there are a lot of different types of scholarships. Look for one that you qualify for and apply. See Mike or Krista for more information. There’s also information and resources for the ACT and GED. B-side Osseo Area LEarning Center GrAding Period 8, 2013-14