Spring GBM#1 Slides - Society of Women Engineers
Spring GBM#1 Slides - Society of Women Engineers
Society of Women Engineers SPRING GBM #1 – APRIL 7, 2015 swe.ucsd.edu facebook.com/groups/ucsdswe ICEBREAKER - Catch the Cup • Form a group of 7-8 including a SWE board member. • When you have the cup, share something interesting about yourself and then throw the cup to the person of your choice. • Make sure everyone in the group gets a chance to talk! Women in STEM Mixer • Women in Physics is inviting SWE and WIC to a mixer for women in STEM this Friday, 4/10 from 5 - 7pm at the Women’s Center • Come join us for free food and conversation! You can take part in a video that will be made for Amy Poehler’s Smart Girls website Women in STEM Edit-a-thon • Surveys show that women make up only 8.5 - 16% of Wikipedia editors; as a result, articles about women tend to be few and far between • SWE will be hosting an edit-a-thon where we conduct research on prominent women in STEM and help improve their Wikipedia pages • Date and location TBD • Contact Sarah at smschlossberg@ucsd.edu to help with planning 2012 Women's History Month San Francisco edit-a-thon SWEET: A Space Odyssey • SWEET (SWE Exploring Technology) is an outreach event for middle school girls happening this Saturday, 4/11 • We’re hoping to offer tours of science/engineering labs, so if you work in a lab and would be willing to lead tours from 12:30 4pm, please contact Christina at coaguila@ucsd.edu IEEE Girl Scouts Joint Outreach Event • • • • Title: Girls STEM Fair Date/Time: April 25th, 9am-3pm Location: UCSD Campus Description: IEEE will be hosting girls from the San Diego region. Join us as volunteers to help them develop knowledge and skills in electronics and programming! Need panelists as well. • See more info and register to help at: http://ieee.ucsd. edu/events/annual_events/girls_stem_fair HKN Paintballing Joint Social • FB event: https://www.facebook. com/events/794733437265100/ • Many engineering orgs invited • $40 non-driver, $35 driver • Transportation, paintballing for a few hours, and snacks provided! • If interested, please turn in dues to Sarah by Friday (coordinate with her) OR meet up with Oscar (HKN rep) during the times posted on the FB event page Reimbursement Update • Sorry for the delay everyone, but reimbursements should be sent out this week! • For those who were contacted by the IDEA Center assistant, please provide the missing materials so that you can be reimbursed...this is the last chance as we will be done with requests by this week!! Mentor-Mentee Pairings • Meet up with your mentor/mentee if you haven’t already! • For repairings or new applicants, the mentormentee application is open again! • Sign up here by Friday, April 24th: https: //docs.google. com/forms/d/14OTYOVlIzbYefT8jnmPKThbK UAQdmXG5irgTzgSe3JM/viewform Super SWE BEE Congratulations to... Kaitlin Anagnost Undeclared, 1st Year Keep attending SWE Events and remember to sign in at the beginning of meetings in order to gain points and become the next Super SWE Bee. A.S. Elections •Associated Students is UCSD’s student body government •Vote on Tritonlink until Friday (4/10) at 4pm •Platform: – Increase accessibility to community / study spaces within the engineering buildings Emily Goble for your next A.S. Engineering Senator –Create A.S. Office of Alumni Affairs for increased networking and job opportunities for current UCSD students
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