FINAL EXAM: Thursday March 19, 2015 8:00 a.m.
FINAL EXAM: Thursday March 19, 2015 8:00 a.m.
BIBC100 Structural Biochemistry – Winter 2015 BIBC 100 STRUCTURAL BIOCHEMISTRY LECTURE: Tuesday and Thursday 8:00 am – 9:20 am Price Theater INSTRUCTORS: M. Montal Office Hours: Project Assistant: LECTURE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 (x40931) Thursday 9:30 am – 10:20 am 2130 Pac Hall Kathleen McPherson Pacific Hall 3100e (x43568) DATE JAN 6 8 13 15 20 22 27 29 FEB 3 5 10 12 17 19 24 26 MAR 3 5 10 12 WINTER 2015 TOPIC Tue Thu Tue Thu Tue Thu Tue Thu Tue Thu Tue Thu Tue Thu Tue Thu Tue Thu Tue Thu STRUCTURAL PRINCIPLES Basics Motifs α domains α/β and β structures DNA structure Folding Folding and Flexibility RECOGNITION: Protein‐DNA RECOGNITION: Immune System MID‐TERM IN CLASS CATALYSIS: Proteasess TRANSDUCTION: Membranes Membrane Proteins ‐ I Membrane Proteins ‐ II Channels Receptors Receptors Protein Design X‐Ray and NMR REVIEW Branden & Tooze Reference Chapter* 1 2 3 4, 5 7 6 6 8, 10 15 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 17 18 Lehninger 6th Edition Reference Chapter 1 & 2 3 3 & 4 3 & 4 1 & 8 4 4 28 5 6 10 & 11 10 , 11, 19 10 , 11, 19 10 & 11 12 12 4 4 FINAL EXAM: Thursday March 19, 2015 8:00 a.m. ‐ 10:59 a.m 1 BIBC100 Structural Biochemistry – Winter 2015 Textbook (Required): Edition Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 6th D. Nelson & M. Cox W.H. Freeman & Co. 2013 *Textbook (Optional)Strongly Recommended: Introduction to Protein Structure. C. Branden and J.Tooze, 2nd Edition. Garland Publishing Co., NY 1999. *Strongly Recommended - Kinemage Supplement to Branden and Tooze J.S. Richardson and D.C. Richardson Garland Publishing Co., NY You may download the program using the following link Class Websites: Required Websites: Course Requirements: Midterm: Final: GRADE Thursday, February 5, during class March 19, ??-?? 40% 60% Note: Check your midterm and final exam schedules NOW. There are no alternate exams offered for this class regardless of whether you have other exam(s) on one day. Please plan ahead. You are only responsible for the material covered in class, not for all the material in each chapter. Figures from other sources will be included in the lectures. Many of these figures will appear in the class Power Point presentations which will be available on the class website. This class will not be podcast. 2 BIBC100 Structural Biochemistry – Winter 2015 Graduate and Undergraduate Student Teaching Assistants Graduate: Luers, Lori Hiroko Pirahanchi, Yasaman Camelia Stoddard, Nicole Christine Van Fossan, Donald Wayne Undergraduate: Mansour, Christina Marie Ratitong, Bridget Zhao, Mitchell Jia Khasho, Nicholas Anthony Loyola, Anthony Alfaro Sinha, Joydeb Tran, Thanh Duy 3 BIBC100 Structural Biochemistry – Winter 2015 BIBC 100: STRUCTURAL BIOCHEMISTRY GRADING INFORMATION: Plus and minus grading will not be used MIDTERM: Grade Revisions: Submit request to TA no later than February 12, 2015 No grade changes after February 19, 2015 NO EXCEPTIONS FINAL: Grade Revisions: Submit request to Professor or TA no later than March 23, 2015 No grade changes after March 27, 2015 NO EXCEPTIONS POLICY ON REGRADES: Regrades: If a student considers that his/her exam was not properly graded, they may turn in the unaltered, complete exam for a regrade to the TAs no later than 1 week after the exams become available for pick-up. Students must write up on a separate sheet attached to the exam which questions they consider require regrading and sign the bottom of this sheet. Students are responsible for understanding that, by requesting a regrade, the entire exam in addition to the indicated questions will be re-evaluated, and points may be added or taken away as a result. 4 BIBC100 Structural Biochemistry – Winter 2015 BIBC 100: Structural Biochemistry Guidelines for Class Etiquette During Examination 1. All writing instruments must contain non-erasable ink. If students choose not to write in pen, they forfeit the opportunity for a future regrade. 2. All books and handbags should be placed at the front or back section of the auditorium for the duration of the exam. 3. Students should sit in alternating seats whenever possible. 4. When time is called, anyone who is still writing will automatically receive a zero for that page. THIS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. Remain in your seat and hand your exam down the aisle. UCSD Policy on Integrity of Scholarship and Rules of academic dishonesty will be strictly enforced. Please see link below. 5 BIBC100 Structural Biochemistry – Winter 2015 Protein Data bank The Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank (PDB) <> is the single international source for 3D structure files. A four character PDB ID is the identifier for the structure of a given Protein. Using the identifier and the molecular viewer Jmol, or preferably Protein Workshop, you can see and study the 3D structure of these proteins (and many, many more). Also if you have an iPhone you can download the free Apps RCSB PDB (preferable), Molecules or iMolview Lite. ENJOY AND IMAGINE! Protein PDB ID Hemoglobin 1A3N GroEL/GroES complex Chymotrypsin Myoglobin Myoglobin α-hemolysin Immunoglobulin G 2A intact Immunoglobulin G 2A fab fragment Immunoglobulin G 2A fab fragment (50.1) complex with 16-residue peptide Lysozyme Bacteriorhodopsin Aquaporin Maltoporin Maltoporin Lactose permease (lactose transporter Aquaporin 1, AQP-1 K channel protein Voltage-gated K channel Voltage-gated K channel Ras protein Protein kinase A; R2C2 complex Green fluorescent protein (GFP) Calmodulin 1AON 6GCH 1MBO 2MBW 7AHL 1IGT 1GGC + + + 1GGI 1LZE 2AT9 2B6O 1AF6 1MAL 1PV7 1J4N 1BL8 1J95 2A79 5P21 1U7E 1GFL 1CLL 6 BIBC100 Structural Biochemistry – Winter 2015 SHC (SH2 domain) Bacteriorhodopsin (rhodopsin and G protein transducin Protein kinase (active site) Cytochrome c oxidase Bovine mitochondrial F1ATP Synthase ATP synthase chain (FoF1) Photosynthetic reaction center Light harvesting complex II Bacteriorhodopsin Photosystem II Cytolytic α-helical toxin- cytolysin SecA-SecYEG Protein translocation channel GPCR- β-adrenergic receptor β 2 adrenergic receptor–Gs complex 1SHC 1BAC 1S9I 1OCC 1BMF 1QO1 1PRC 2BHW 1C8R 2AXT 2WCD 3DIN 2RH1 3SN6 Additional PDB codes for structures discussed in lecture appear in the Class website under “Announcements” 7