LES TROIS ISLETS LIVRES RARES HONG KONG INTERNATIONAL ANTIQUARIAN BOOK FAIR 2011 Hong Kong Exhibition Center December 2011 2- 4 2. [ALBUM / CHINE. INK AND WATERCOLOUR SKETCHES]. -MIAO LI FENGSU TU. Ca 1810. 1 vol. 4to. 29 watercolours with accompanying leaf of calligraphy Jean-François Letenneur Librairie Ancienne des Trois Islets 7, rue du Vieux Clocher - BP 20 - 35800 Saint-Briac-sur-Mer (France) Tel: 33 (0) 299 88 92 44 Direct: 33 (0) 681 35 73 35 Fax: 33 (0)2 99 88 00 22 lib3i@orange.fr www.librairie-trois-islets.com List of 92 books to see on booth n°3 Travels: Asia, Japan, Europe; Explorations, Marine, Atlases, Sciences and Technology, Literature and Varia. Asia 1. [ALBUM CHINA / GOUACHES]. -[GALERIE DE PORTRAITS DE NOTABLES DE LA DYNASTIE JIN /ALBUM OF PORTRAITS OF JIN DYNASTY OFFICIALS]. [ca. 1900]. 1 vol. 4to. 8 gouaches with gold. Ancient cardboards, boards covered with silk. Exceptionnal set of 8 portraits depicting the Jin Dynasty officials. The Jin Dynasty (1115-1234) governed the Northern China. It ended with Gengis Khan's invasion. Among the portraits: some men of letters, the Emperor's physician, the imperial chamberlain, some men of Justice, and the Emperor himself. Fine condition, vivid colours. $ 31 200 2. [ALBUM / CHINE. DESSINS À L'ENCRE DE CHINE ET À L'AQUARELLE / INK AND WATERCOLOUR SKETCHES]. -MIAO LI FENGSU TU. Début 19ème siècle. 1 vol. 4to. 29 watercolours with accompanying leaf of calligraphy (except 2). Original cloth, ivory silk, lettered in ink. Beautiful example of an "Miao" album. Those albums, originated in the 18th century depict minority ethnic groups living in frontier regions of imperial China during the Qing dynasty. Miao album's purpose was to provide new officials with information about the populations to be governed. This genre combines hand-painted, color illustrations of ethnic minority groups paired with hand-written annotations in classical Chinese. The present album depicts the culture, traditions and lifestyle of southwestern Chinese minorities. Fine copy with very picturesque and colourful scenes in contemporary silk wrappers. $ 57 200 3. [ASIE / PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUM - ASIA]. -[S.M.S. VATERLAND]. Ca. 1904-1914.1 vol. oblong 4to. 289 photographs. Lacquered wood binding. Important album with the pictures taken during the travels of the S.M.S. Vaterland (1904-1914) which sailed in Yangtze and particularly in Wuhan (1911-1914). Some pictures are captioned in German (black ink). Very fine set. $ 41 600 4. [ALBUM DE PHOTOGRAPHIES / CHINA, QUANGXI. -"KWANGSI - DOWN THE FU RIVER - OVERLAND TO HANKOW". 1936. 2 vols. oblong 4to. 139 pictures, mostly captionned (from 75 x 65 mm. to 160 x 115 mm.). Original black cloth. Albums by a British traveller in 1936. The journey is in three steps: the first (first vol.), from January 19th to February 6th, is entitled "Kwangsi" (67 pictures) and is accompanied with an manuscript itinerary. The second and the third (2nd vol.) are « Down the Fu River from Kweilin to Wuchow », (18 pictures), and « Overland to Hankow, Easter 1936. 1 800 miles through Kwangtung, Hunan, Hupeh, Kiangsi » (54 pictures). Fine iconographic set. $ 18 720 5. [ALBUM DE PHOTOGRAPHIES / PHOTO ALBUM]. FAGON (ALLAIN). -CAMPAGNE DE CHINE. 1927-1930. 1 vol. oblong 8vo. 289 silver pictures. Original black cardboards. Beautiful photographic album, with pictures taken between 1927 and 1930, during travels in China, Vietnam, Japan and Corea and gathered by Allain Fagon. The pictures depicting groups and landscape views (Hong-Kong), as well as scenes. Very fine set.. $ 26 000 6. ARRIVABENE (LODOVICO). -ISTORIA DELLA CHINA DI LODOVICO ARRIVABENE GENTIL'HUOMO MANTOVANO. NELLA QUALE SI TRATTA DI MOLTE COSE MARAVIGLIOSE DI QUELL'AMPLISSIMO REGNO. In Verona, Appresson Angelo Tamo, 1599. 1 vol. 4to. (Numerous pagination errors not affecting the text). Contemporary cardboard. First issued in 1597 under the title: "Il magno vitei", "Istoria della China" is the last and the best work by Ludovico Arrivabene (ca. 1530-1597), and one of the first European novels in China. An epic tale, set in fictitious China used as the basis for an instructive and moralizing literary work. Fine copy. $ 28 080 7. BARROW (JOHN). -VOYAGE À LA CONCHINCHINE, PAR LES ÎLES DE MADÈRE, DE TENERIFFE, ET DU CAP VERD, LE BRÉSIL ET L'ÎLE DE JAVA, CONTENANT DES RENSEIGNEMENTS NOUVEAUX ET AUTHENTIQUES SUR L'ÉTAT NATUREL ET CIVIL DE CES DIVERS PAYS : ACCOMPAGNÉ DE LA RELATION OFFICIELLE D'UN VOYAGE AU PAYS DES BOUSHOUANAS À L'INTÉRIEUR DE L'AFRIQUE AUSTRALE... Paris, Buisson, 1807. 2 vols. 8vo. 1 atlas 4to. 18 maps and plates (2 in colours). Contemporary boards. First scarce French edition. Sir John Barrow (17641849) is an English traveller, he was with lord Macartney in China. The present book is an account of his travel: Madeire, Canaries Islands, Rio-de-Janeiro, Batavia on Java. $ 26 000 8. BRETON DE LA MARTINIÈRE (JEAN BAPTISTE JOSEPH) -CHINA: ITS COSTUME, ARTS, MANUFACTURES, &C. EDITED PRINCIPALLY FROM THE ORIGINALS IN THE CABINET OF THE LATE M. BERTIN; WITH OBSERVATIONS EXPLANATORY, HISTORICAL, AND LITERARY, BY M. BRETON. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH. London, J.J. Stockdale, 1813. 4 vols. 16mo, 80 hand-coloured copperengraved plates. Original publisher’s paper cover. First edition in English translated from the French. The present volumes contain 80 total hand-colored copper-engraved plates. The images cover the whole range of Chinese society, especially tradesmen. $ 16 640 9. BROUGHTON (THOMAS DUER). -LES MARATTES OU MOEURS, USAGES ET COSTUMES DE CE PEUPLE PAR THOMAS DUER BROUGHTON, COMMANDANT DE L’ESCORTE DU RÉSIDENT ANGLAIS À LA COUR DE SIND-RIYA. Paris, Nepveu, 1817. 2 vols. 16mo. 10 engraved plates, 6 folding. Original card-board bindings. First French edition. Broughton first arrived in India in 1795 as a cadet on the Bengal establishment. Following the siege of Seringapatam in 1799, in which he was actively engaged, he was appointed commandant of the cadet corps. At the time he wrote the present work he was military resident with the Mahrattas. His book is dedicated to the Marquis of Wellesley, "the acute detector of Mahratta wiles, the firm repeller of their insolent pretensions, and the formidable barrier to their ambitious projects; their vigorous opponent in time of war, and their generous pacificator in the hour of victory." Eight of the plates are after original drawings by a native artist. Fine copy. $ 12 480 10. [CHOISY, FRANCOIS TIMOLEON, ABBÉ DE]. -JOURNAL DU VOYAGE DE SIAM FAIT EN M.DC.LXXXV. ET M.DC.LXXXVI. PAR MR. L. D. C. Paris, Sebastien Mabre-Cramoisy, 1687. 1 vol. 4to. Contemporary glazed calf. First edition of this important and early work on Siam by the former-transvestite turned missionary. Detailed journal of Choisy's (1644-1724) observations during his stay as a missionary in Siam in 1685 and 1686. Fine copy. $ 26 000 11. DAPPER (OLFERT). -ASIA, ODER GENAUE UND GRÜNDLICHE BESCHREIBUNG DES GANTZEN SYRIEN UND PALESTINS, (ODER) GELOBTEN LANDES. (...) Amsterdam, Meurs, 1681. 2 parts in 1 vol. in-folio. 11 maps and plans mostly on double page, 28 engraved plates. Numerous in-text illustrations. Contemporary embossed pigskin. Dapper (ca 1635 - 1690) was "a Dutch physician and scholar devoted to historical and geographical studies. His works are of especial importance because of the fine plates, which include maps, plans, beautiful views and costumes" (Blackmer). Richly illustrated with maps, views, and scenes, Dapper's description of the Mogul Empire of India and Persia, is one of the most reliable of the 17th-century. Fine copy in a contemporary binding. $ 57 200 12. [DELLON (CHARLES)]. -HISTOIRE DE L'INQUISITION DE GOA. Amsterdam, Mortier, 1697. 1 vol. 12mo. 6 folding plates. Contemporary calf. Charles Dellon (1649-1709), a French catholic doctor, travelled through the East Indies and was arrested in 1674 by the portugese Inquisition and taken to Goa where he was imprisoned for four years. Despite the impartiality of his account, it was put on the Index in 1690. Fine copy. $ 11 440 13. DELLON (CHARLES). -VOYAGES DE M. DELLON, AVEC SA RELATION DE L'INQUISITION DE GOA (I) ; RELATION DE L'INQUISITION, REVUE, CORRIGÉE ET AUGMENTÉE (II) ; HISTOIRE DES DIEUX QU'ADORENT LES GENTILS DES INDES AVEC UNE ADDITION CONSIDÉRABLE À L' "HISTOIRE DE L'INQUISITION DE GOA" (III). Cologne, Les héritiers de P. Marteau, 1711. 3 vols. 12mo. 6 engraved plates by Sevin. Contemporary calf. Ex-libris. First edition of the most complete edition of Charles Dellon’s works. It includes the relation of his travel in «La Réunion», in Madagascar, Surate, Malabar and Daman where he was arrested by the Inquisition. Fine copy. $ 26 000 14. DU HALDE (JEAN-BAPTISTE). -DESCRIPTION GEOGRAPHIQUE, HISTORIQUE, CHRONOLOGIQUE, POLITIQUE, ET PHYSIQUE DE L'EMPIRE DE LA CHINE ET DE LA TARTARIE CHINOISE, ENRICHIE DES CARTES GENERALES ET PARTICULIERES DE CES PAYS, DE LA CARTE GENERALE & DES CARTES PARTICULIERES DU THIBET, & DE LA COREE, & ORNEE D'UN GRAND NOMBRE DE FIGURES & DE LA COREE; & ORNEE D'UN GRAND NOMBRE DE FIGURES ET DE VIGNETTES GRAVEES EN TAILLE-DOUCE. PAR LE P. J. B. DU HALDE, ... TOME PREMIER -[QUATRIEME]. La Haye, Henri Schueurleer, 1736. 4 vols. 4to, 53 plates (I. 21 maps and plans - 2 foldings ; II. 24 plates - 11 foldings - 1 folding plan ; III. 5 plates - 4 foldings - 2 folding plans). Contemporary half calf. Second edition of this work, compiled by the Jesuit J.-B. Du Halde, from published and unpublished reports and letters of Jesuit missionaries in the Orient, which influenced all of Europe. Some of the engravings by J. C. Philips after A. Humblot, others by Humblot after J. van de Spyk, one by Philippe van Gunst, most unsigned. Woodcut and type ornament head- and tailpieces and woodcut initials throughout. Fine copy. $ 140 400 15. ELLIS (HENRY). -VOYAGE EN CHINE. Paris, Delaunay et Monge, 1818. 2 vols. 8vo. 3 maps, 7 plates. Contemporary sheep. First French edition of this account by Henry Ellis, secretary of William Pitt, lord Amherst, ambassador in China. Provenance: Bibliothèque du Chateau de Breau sans Nappe (Armorial red stamp on title pages). Fine copy. $ 14 560 16. GARNIER (FRANCIS). DOUDART DE LAGREE (ERNEST). DELAPORTE (LOUIS). -VOYAGE D'EXPLORATION EN L'INDO-CHINE EFFECTUÉ PENDANT LES ANNÉES 1866, 1867, ET 1868 PAR UNE COMMISSION FRANÇAISE PRÉSIDÉE PAR M. LE CAPTAINE DE FRÉGATE DOUDART DE LAGRÉE. Paris, Librairie Hachette, 1873. 2 vols. 4to. (Text), 1 vol. in-folio. (Atlas). Text: 1 lithographed portrait, 1 medal plate. 12 maps and plans (10 in aquatint), 39 engraved full-page in-text illustrations. 22 plates: 12 maps (2 on double-page), 2 views, 9 plans, 48 plates on 40 pp. (8 doubles). Contemporary red morocco. Fine copy of the first edition of the official account of the most important 19th century expedition into Indochina. Beautifully illustrated, this volume is from an edition limited to only 800 copies. The atlas includes views after drawings by Louis Laporte, who served as the expedition's artist: those of Angkor in Cambodia and Laos in Viet Chan are particularly striking. The maps were from the notes and surveys of Garnier himself. Garnier was forced to take over command of the expedition when its original leader, Captain Ernest Doudard de Lagrée, died. The French expedition had set out from Saigon in 1866 with instructions to explore the valley of the Mekong River with the hopes of finding a navigable route into south-western China. Garnier safely led the expedition, via the Yangtze River, to the Chinese coast, travelling nearly 5,400 miles through Phnom Penh, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. The expedition mapped over 3,600 miles of previously unknown terrain, and they became the first westerners to enter Yunnan by a southern route. Fine copy of this finely illustrated account. $ 374 400 17. [GERVAISE (NICOLAS)]. -DESCRIPTION HISTORIQUE DU ROYAUME DE MACAÇAR DIVISÉE EN TROIS LIVRES. Paris, Hilaire Foucault, 1688. 1 vol. 12mo. Manuscript ex-libris. Contemporary calf. Scarce original edition of this work, the most complete on Makasar, now known as the island Sulawesi (Celebes) in the Indonesian archipelago, written by Nicolas Gervaise (1662-1729) who was priest in Siam and then in America. Gervaise went as a missionary to the kingdom of Siam and stayed there for four years, investigating the religion, customs, literature and history of its inhabitants. He published his findings in his Histoire naturelle et politique du royaume de Siam, and in the present work, both appearing in 1688. $ 12 480 18. GUIGNES (CHRÉTIEN-LOUIS). -DICTIONNAIRE CHINOIS, FRANÇAIS ET LATIN, PUBLIÉ D'APRÈS L'ORDRE DE SA MAJESTÉ L'EMPEREUR ET ROI NAPOLÉON LE GRAND ; PAR M. DE GUIGNES, RÉSIDENT DE FRANCE À LA CHINE, ATTACHÉ AU MINISTÈRE DES RELATIONS EXTÉRIEURES, CORRESPONDANT DE LA PREMIÈRE ET DE LA TROISIÈME CLASSE DE L'INSTITUT. A Paris, de l'Imprimerie impériale, 1813. 1 vol. folio. Ancient half vellum. First edition of this important work, the first dictionary of this kind published in France and an important work in the development of Western scholarship on China. Although given no credit in the book, the dictionary is actually a re-edit of work compiled by the Franciscan friar, Basilio de Glemona Brollo (1648-1704) during his thirty years of missionary work in China in the seventeenth-century. His work was considered among the finest of the Missionary lexicons. Chretien-Louis-Joseph de Guignes (1759-1845), listed on the titlepage as the sole author, was in fact only responsible for the editing and the French translations of the ideograms. The dictionary is an impressive piece of typography containing over 13,000 woodcut Chinese characters. Fine copy. $ 93 600 19. GUIGNES (CHRÉTIEN-LOUIS-JOSEPH DE). -[ATLAS SEUL] VOYAGES À PEKING, MANILLE ET L'ÎLE DE FRANCE, FAITS DANS L'INTERVALLE DES ANNÉES 1784 A 1801. Paris, Imprimerie Impériale,1808]. 1 vol. folio. 92 engravied plates, 6 maps (4 folding). Album seul, destiné à illustrer les 3 volumes de texte, soit 97 gravures numérotées dont 6 cartes : route de Pékin à Canton (en 2 parties num. 93a et 93b), plan de Macao... Les gravures figurent des monuments et villes, des divinités, costumes, transports, quelques rites... Chrètien-Louis-Joseph de Guignes, fils du célèbre orientaliste Joseph de Guignes, fut nommé en 1784 consul de France Canton et résida dix-sept ans en Chine. En 1794 et 1795, il accompagna une ambassade hollandaise envoyée à Pékin auprès de l’empereur de Chine, ou il eut l'occasion de rendre quelques services importants. $ 26 000 20. HUNTER (WILLIAM), WOLF (CHR.), ESCHELSKROON. -DESCRIPTION DU PEGU ET DE L'ISLE DE CEYLAN. RENFERMANT DES DÉTAILS EXACTS ET NEUFS SUR LE CLIMAT, LES PRODUCTIONS, LE COMMERCE, LE GOUVERNEMENT, LES MOEURS ET LES USAGES DE CES CONTRÉES. TRADUIT DE L'ANGLOIS & DE L'ALLEMAND PAR L.L.***. Paris, Maradan, 1793. 1 vol. 8vo. Contemporary half calf. First edition translated by Langlès into French ; Hunter (1752-1815), doctor and Scottish orientalist, who lived a long time in India, describes the products and agriculture of Pegu, as well as the caves at Elephanta, Ambola, and Canara. $ 10 400 21. KHURASANI (MIRZA MUHAMMED). -[MANUSCRIT]. SHAHZADIH FIRUZ BAOON AL-MULK KABARI. [THE PRINCE FIRUZ HELPS THE GREAT KING / LE PRINCE FIRUZ AIDE LE GRAND ROI]. ca. 1850. 1 vol. 4to. [194] manuscript ll., 64 miniatures mostly set off with gold and silver. Gilt-decorated and lacquered boards with floral emblems, portraits on the inner panel of chief characters of the story. Precious manuscript, illustrated with 64 miniatures of a Persian epic tale. The work tells the stories of the Persian adventures of Prince Firuz. He travels the regions protecting cities and people from scourges using his skill and intellect to defeat deceit, aggression and dark magic. Each painting is accompanied by a short caption in a legend in margins. Similar to great works such as the Shahnameh, this book is prosaic with sections of poetry. The theme of fantasy was well explored in Persian literature and this particular work is representative of the genre. Fine copy of this rare epic tale, beautifully illustrated. $ 145 600 22. KRASCHENINNIKOFF (STEPHAN PETROVITCH). -HISTOIRE ET DESCRIPTION DU KAMTCHATKA. CONTENANT I. LES MOEURS & LES COUTUMES DES HABITANTS DU KAMTCHATKA. II. LA GÉOGRAPHIE DU KAMTCHATKA, & DES PAYS CIRCONVOISINS. AVEC UNE CARTE DÉTAILLÉE DE CETTE CONTRÉE, JUSQU'ICI PRESQU'INCONNUE, & DES FIGURES EN TAILLEDOUCE. TRADUIT DU RUSSE. A Amsterdam, chez Marc Michel Rey, 1770. 2 vols. 12mo. 2 folding maps and 7 plates. (Preface of the vol. I missing). Original calf. French edition translated by Eidous. P. Krasheninnikoff (1713-1755) who took part in the second scientific expedition supervised by Gmelin in Siberia and was the only member of the team to reach Kamtschatka. Fine copy. $ 20 800 23. [LANGLES (LOUIS-MATHIEU) ; ABDOULKERYM ; FRANKLIN]. -VOYAGES DANS L'INDE, EN PERSE, ETC. AVEC LA DESCRIPTION DE L'ÎLE POULO-PINANG, NOUVEL ÉTABLISSEMENT DES ANGLAIS PRÈS DE LA CÔTE DE COROMANDEL. PAR DIFFÉRENS OFFICIERS AU SERVICE DE LA COMPAGNIE ANGLAISE DES INDES ORIENTALES. TRADUITS DE L'ANGLAIS PAR LES C.***. Paris, Lavillette et Cie, 1801. 1 vol. 8vo. Contemporary calf. First and only edition in French translation attributed to Louis Matthieu Langlès, a renowned French orientalist and pupil of Silvestre de Sacy. Fine copy. $ 8 320 24. LAPLACE (CAPITAINE CYRILLE PIERRE THÉODORE). LAUVERGNE (BARTHÉLÉMY), PÂRIS, SAINSON. [ATLAS HISTORIQUE] VOYAGE AUTOUR DU MONDE PAR LES MERS DE L'INDE ET DE CHINE EXÉCUTÉ SUR LA CORVETTE DE L'ETAT LA FAVORITE PENDANT LES ANNÉES 1830, 1831 ET 1832 SOUS LE COMMANDEMENT DE M. LAPLACE, CAPITAINE DE FRÉGATE. [Paris, Arthus Bertrand, Imp. de Casimir, 1833.] 1 vol. in-folio, historical atlas only, 69 numbered plates on 72 (plates 54, 56 and 71 missing, 2 plates n°35). Contemporary half sheep. Historical Atlas of the captain Laplace's famous circumnavigation, with the illustrations by Lauvergne, Pâris and Sainson. In May 1829, the Lieutenant Commander Laplace (1793-1875) was appointed to command two scientific expeditions in austral seas, in order to protect French trade. La Favorite left Toulon in 1829 and came back in 1832. This expedition was successful and collect a lot of major informations. In addition to the scientific interst, this atlas presents an aesthetic dimension, according to Sabin: "perhaps the finest series plates of any picturesque voyage". Among them: Réunion, Maurice, Singapore, Manille, Sydney or Rio. Fine copy. $ 130 000 25. [MANUSCRIT] KIAUTSCHOU CHINA. -[VOYAGE MANUSCRIT EN CHINE]. HOCH LEBE UNSER BATAILLON. III BAUMEISTER KIAUTSCHOUCHINA. 1904. 1vol. 8vo. [18] manuscript ll. 1 illustrated title page, 3 drawings. Contemporary cloth. Unique testimony of a German sailor masterbuilder at the beginning of the 20th century. Kiautschou were from 1898 to 1914 a German colony in China, and a naval base for the imperial navy in East Asia. The drawings depict the base : "Lager der I. Kompagnie, III S.B. Kiautschou China", and the "Signastation in Tsigtau". Intersting historical document. $ 12 480 26. MARSDEN (WILLIAM). -VOYAGE À L’ISLE DE SUMATRA, OU L’ON DÉCRIT LE GOUVERNEMENT, LE COMMERCE, LES ARTS, LES LOIX, LES COUTUMES ET MŒURS DES HABITANS ; LES PRODUCTIONS NATURELLES, ET L’ÉTAT POLITIQUE DU PAYS. TRADUIT DE L’ANGLOIS PAR J. PARRAUD, SUR LA DEUXIÈME EDITION, AVEC DES CARTES. Paris, Buisson, An IIe de la République Françoise, (1794) 2 vols. in-8°, 1 folding map and 1 plate. Half calf. Ex-libris. Second increased edition of the translation into french by J. Parraud. William Marsden, English orientalist was the first to offer an exact and detailed description of the island Sumatra, where he lived from 1771 to 1779. $ 7 280 27. MENDEZ PINTO (FERDINAND). -LES VOYAGES ADVENTUREUX DE FERNAND MENDEZ PINTO, FIDÈLEMENT TRADUICTS DU PORTUGAIS EN FRANÇAIS PAR LE SIEUR BERNARD FIGUIER GENTILHOMME PORTUGAIS ET DÉDIEZ À MONSEIGNEUR LE CARDINAL DE RICHELIEU. Paris, Arnould Cotinet et Jean Roger, 1645. 1 vol. 4to. Contemporary marbled calf. Second French edition of this scarce narrative of Mendez Pinto (15091583), veritable adventurer who took board to Indies in 1537 and travelled through Asia and the Far East. $ 29 120 28. PARLEY (PETER. SAMUEL GRISWOLD GOODRICH, DIT). -HISTOIRE DE LA CHINE ET DES CHINOIS PAR PETER PARLEY. TRADUIT DE L'ANGLAIS PAR MME A. B... AVEC GRAVURES. Paris, Librairie de l'Enfance et de la Jeunesse, P.-C. Lehubi, s.d. [ca. 1850]. 1 vol. 12mo. 4 engraved plates. Contemporary green morocco, armorial binding. Scarce first French edition of the translation of Peter Parley's tales about China and the Chinese (London, 1843). Fine copy nicely bound. $ 1 560 29. [S. M.]. -LA CHINE - EXPANSION DES GRANDES PUISSANCES EN EXTRÊME-ORIENT (1895-1898). Librairie Militaire R. Chapelot et Cie, Imprimeurs-Editeurs, Successeurs de L. Baudouin, 1899. 1 vol. 8vo. 1 coloured folding map. Contemporary half-shagreen. First edition of this work upon China. The first chapter deals with its economical geography, the second with its relationships with the others powerful countries from 1894 until 1898, the third with the Chinese market exploitation. $ 5 200 30. SPEED (JOHN). [CARTE]. -ASIA WITH THE ISLANDS ADIOYNING DESCRIBED, THE ATIRE OF THE PEOPLE & TOWNES OF IMPORTANCE, ALL OF THEM NEWLY AUGMENTED BY I.S. ANO DOM. 1626. [A PROSPECT OF THE MOST FAMOUS PARTS OF THE WORLD]. [London], Tho. Bassett and Richard Chiswell, 1626. Fine copy of the famous John Speed's map on Asia: hand-coloured double-page map engraved by Goos, 10 inset scenes of figures in national dress in side borders, 8 City views (Candy; Goa; Damascus; Jerusalem; Ormus; Bantam; Aden; Macao) in upper border, ships and sea monsters, English text on verso. Very vivid colours. $ 31 200 31. TACHARD (PÈRE GUY). -VOYAGE DE SIAM DES PÈRES JÉSUITES, ENVOYÉS PAR LE ROY, AUX INDES & À LA CHINE. AVEC LEURS OBSERVATIONS ASTRONOMIQUES, & LEURS REMARQUES DE PHYSIQUE, DE GÉOGRAPHIE, D'HYDROGRAPHIE, & D'HISTOIRE. ENRICHI DE FIGURES. Suivant la copie de Paris imprimée, par ordre exprez de sa Majesté, à Amsterdam, chez Pierre Mortier, 1687. 1 vol. 8vo. 30 engraved plates (frontispiece, maps, views etc). Contemporary calf. Fine copy of this work by Tachard, an excellent jesuit mathematician and also a great traveller. $ 15 600 32. TOMBE (CHARLES-FRANÇOIS). -[ATLAS SEUL] : CARTES ET PLANCHES POUR LE VOYAGE AUX INDES ORIENTALES, PAR M. TOMBE, FAIT EN 1802, 1803, 1804, 1805 ET 1806. A Paris, chez Arthus Bertrand, Libraire, 1810. 1 vol. 4to. 18 plates (11 folding). Contemporary blue cardboards. Atlas alone of this scarce relation of a travel to India and Malaisia. The atlas contain 7 folding maps (Ile de france, Sumatra, Batavia, Détroit de Madure, Java, Ile Bonaparte, Colombo) and 11 plates (4 folding) showing people, objects and landscapes. Fine copy. $ 15 600 33. VALENTIA (GEORGE ANNESLEY). -VOYAGE DANS L'HINDOUSTAN, À CEYLAN, SUR LES DEUX CÔTES DE LA MER-ROUGE, EN ABYSSINIE, ET EN EGYPTE DURANT LES ANNÉES 1802, 1803, 1804, 1805 ET 1806. Paris, chez Mme Veuve Lepetit, 1813. 4 vols. 8vo (Text - 1 plate). 1 vol. 4to oblong (Atlas - 26 plates - 5 folding, 2 maps). Contemporary half-sheep. First French edition of the account of the trip when Henry Salt distinguished himself as the first English orientalist artist. Fine copy. $ 20 800 34. -VOYAGE AU THIBET, FAIT EN 1625 ET 1626, PAR LE PÈRE D'ANDARA, ET EN 1774, 1784 ET 1785 PAR BOGLE, TURNER ET POURUNGUIR. TRADUITS PAR J.P. PARRAUD ET J.B. BILLECOQ Paris, Hautbout l'aîné, an IV (1796). 1 vol. 24mo. Marbled sheep. 1 folding plate. Scarce collection containing four accounts of travels in Tibet between the 17th and 18th Centuries. $ 9 360 35. WHITE (KENNETH). [WHITE (MARIE-CLAUDE) - TRADUCTRICE]. -HONG KONG - SCÈNES D'UN MONDE FLOTTANT. BILINGUAL EDITION. Lausanne, Alfred Eibel, éditeur,impr. Local Property & Printing Co, Hong Kong, 1976. 1 vol. 8vo. Japanese red wrappers. Number 125 of 1 000 copies of the first edition of this work printed in Hong-Kong, hand-numbered and signed by the author. Kenneth White is a contemporary poet and thinker, born in 1936. He writed philosophical travel relations and uncluttered verse. In this work, which gathers 15 poems in English and French, White evoks a day in Hong Kong. Fine copy. $ 2 080 36. YU ZAN MORI (DESIGNER). -SHIKI NO YOSOII. Kyoto (Japan), Unsodo, 1903. 2 vols. 4to. 102 coloured woodcuts. Japanese fan-glued bindind. Rare Kimono Pattern Books containing woodblock prints of kimono textile designs. Called “Zu-An-Cho” in Japanese, these books were used to communicate ideas between kimono dealers, their clients, and the various craftsmen collaborating on kimono. The first book contains 50 full-page and polychrome patterns which are richly decorated; the second book presents 30 patterns following by a variety of many floral generally circular-shaped motives. Attractive book. $ 34 320 Japan 37. AKISATO RITO. [SHUNCHÔSAI NOBUSHIGE (T AKHERA) DESSINATEUR]. -[MIYAKO MEISHO ZUE]. MIYAKO-MEI-SHO. DZU-YÉ. ECRIT PAR UN NOBLE SUGAHARA TAME-TOSHI-KIYO. DESSINÉ PAR TAKIHARA SHUNCHOSAI. Kyoto, 1780 (1786). 6 vols. 4to. Original wrappers with original title-slips present (French titles added in manuscript on upper covers). First edition. Comprehensive description of the famous sites of the Imperial capital two years before its destruction by the great fire of 1788, profusely illustrated by Takehara Shunchôsai. Fine copy. $ 36 400 38. CRASSET (JEAN). -HISTOIRE DE L'EGLISE DU JAPON. Paris, François Montalant, 1715. 2 vols. in-quarto, 8 engraved plates. Contemporary full calf. Second edition (first published in 1689) of this important history of the Jesuit mission in Japan from the arrival of St. Francis Xavier in 1549 to the 1650's. The author, the Jesuit Jean Crasset (1615-1692), also includes information on Japanese politics and events of the Sengoku and early Tokugawa eras. An important history of his work was used by father Charlevoix to write his “Histoire et Description générale du Japon” (0E: 1736). Fine copy, very desirable. $ 36 400 39. [JAPON]. -[FASCILCULES ILLUSTRÉS]. Japon, Meiji, ca. 1880. 2 vols. 12mo. [16] illustrated ll. Publisher wrappers. Maybe a city's description with park views, and buildings, forest and waterfalls. . $ 6 240 40. [JAPON]. -[GRAPHISMES POUR DIFFÉRENTES PROFESSIONS]. Japon, Meiji, ca. 1880. 2 vols. 12mo. [26] and [28] with coloured illustrations. Orange and blue publisher wrappers (board of the blue vol. missing). Different subjets: art of gardens, spectacles, families, etc. $ 4 160 41. [JAPON]. -[MOTIFS TEXTILES]. Japon, Meiji, ca. 1880. 2 vols. oblong 12mo. Orange publisher wrappers. Intersting black and white wood engravings for textile decoration, with more or less elaborate patterns, with variation on a theme, basic schems, different steps to realise some ornementations. Mostly flowers and plants but also geometrical pattern and typographical characters. $ 6 760 42. [KUNISHIGE]. [JAPON]. -[FEUILLETONS ILLUSTRÉS]. Japon, Meiji, ca. 1890. 44 vols. 12mo. I. [10] ll. with black and white illustrations, and 1 coloured frontispiece ; II [10] ll. With black and white illustrations, 1 coloured frontispiece ; III. [9] ll. With black and white illustrations ; IV. [17] ll. With black and white illustrations, 1 black and white frontispiece. Publisher wrappers, coloured illustrated covers. Booklets illustrated with adventures scenes : battle, fantastic characters, ride, etc. $ 7 800 43. MAFFEI (GIOVANNI PIETRO). -RERUM A SOCIETATE JESU IN ORIENTE GESTARUM. Cologne, G. Calenius, 1574. 1 vol. 8vo. Woodcut vignette on title, several large historiated woodcut initials, 5pages of woodcut Japanese characters. Contemporary limp vellum. Fourth expanded edition. One of the most important compilations of letters relating to the early Jesuit mission in the Far East between 1548 and 1571, including 43 relating to Japan written by St. Francis Xavier (two, one of which dated November 1549 from Kagoshima on his arrival in Japan), Frois, Almeida, Vilela and others which provide invaluable details on Japanese culture and customs. The Specimen quoddam litterarum vocumque Japonicarum is illustrated with woodcut Japanese calligraphy. $ 57 200 44. [OKASHIMA (RYUJI)]. [JAPON]. -[FEUILLETONS ILLUSTRÉS]. Japon, Meiji, ca. 1886. 10 vols. 24mo. Coloured frontispiece for each volume. Editor paper board, illustrated cover. Illustrated comics books, forerunner of mangas. Fine copy. $ 12 480 45. THUNBERG (CARL-PETER). [LANGUES (L.), LAMARCK (J. B.)]. -VOYAGES DE C. P. THUNBERG, AU JAPON, PAR LE CAP DE BONNEESPÉRANCE, LES ÎLES DE LA SONDE, &C. A Paris, chez Benoît Dandré, Garnery, Obré, An IV [1796]. 4 vols. 8vo. 28 engraved plates, 1 engraved portrait. Contemporary half sheep. Exceptionnal work, one of the first source on Japan. Carl-Peter Thunberg (1743-1828) is a naturalist, botanist, and Swedish explorer, one of the famoust student of Linneaus. This book is the result of the 15 months in spent in Japan. Fine copy. $ 46 800 44. East India Company 46. [GENNES (PIERRE DE)]. -MEMOIRE POUR LE SIEUR DE LA BOURDONNAIS, AVEC PIECES JUSTIFICATIVES. Paris: de l'imprimerie Delaguette, 1750. 7 parts in 1 vol. 4vo. [1] manuscript l. 1 folding map in colours, 4 tables, 1 plan. Contemporary calf. Scarce copy of the first edition of the famous memoir written by La Bourdonnais during his imprisonment in the Bastille. This adventurer from Saint-Malo was appointed as governor of Mauritius and Reunion in 1735, and his administration was successful. The present book deals with the conflict which opposed him to Dupleix over the storming of Madras. Fine copy of this unusual collection. $ 46 800 47. [HUET (PIERRE-DANIEL)]. -MÉMOIRES SUR LE COMMERCE DES HOLLANDAIS, DANS TOUS LES ETATS DU MONDE. OÙ L'ON MONTRE QUELLE EST LEUR MANIÈRE DE FAIRE, SON ORIGINE, LEURS GRANDS PROGRÈS, LEURS POSSESSIONS ET GOUVERNEMENT DANS LES INDES. ... Amsterdam, Du Villard & Changuion, 1718. 1 vol. 8mo. Contemporary full calf. First edition of this uncommun book assigned to Pierre-Daniel Huet (16301721). $ 11 440 48. [QUERLON (GABRIEL MEUSNIER DE)]. ROSTAING (PHILIPPE-JOSEPH DE). -HISTOIRE DU SIÈGE DE PONDICHÉRY, SOUS LE GOUVERNEMENT DE M. DUPLEIX ; PRÉCÉDÉ D'UN JOURNAL DU VOYAGE FAIT AUX INDES EN 1747 ; ET D'AUTRES MORCEAUX AUSSI CURIEUX QU'INTÉRESSANTS. NOUVELLE EDITION. A Bruxelles, 1766. 1 vol. 12mo. 4 folding plates. Contemporary full calf. First edition of this book, gathering three works. Some letters by French officers dealing with the Scottish expedition of 1745, followed by the "Journal de voyage fait aux Indes" by Philippe-Joseph Rosting, and by the "Relation du siège de Pondichéry". Fine copy. $ 14 560 Europe 49. [ALBUM / AQUARELLES ORIGINALES / ORIGINAL WATERCOLOURS ALBUM]. -[CARNET D'UN VOYAGEUR EN EUROPE / TRAVEL LOG IN EUROPE]. Sans lieu ni nom. [Ca. 1880]. 1 vol. folio. 112 watercolours. Contemporary romantic buckram. Beautiful set of watercolours fly-on-the-wall from journeys in differents European countries by an anonymous traveler in the 19th century. Views depict great Italian cities (Venice, Padoua, Trieste, etc.), northern Italy (Riva) and south Switzerland and Austria, Paris, Germany and Prussia (Munchen, Berlin, Hamburg), and Turkey. Exceptionnal album. $ 249 600 50. THE TUNNEL. -PONT SOUS LA TAMISE, OPTIQUE N° 6. [Londres, ca. 1840]. 1 folding panorama of 7 engraved and coloured pictures. Contemporary case. Scarce panorama of seven pictures, creating a perspective view from the window of the first picture. Fine item. $ 15 600 Explorations 51. ARAGO (JACQUES ETIENNE VICTOR). -PROMENADE AUTOUR DU MONDE, PENDANT LES ANNÉES 1817, 1818, 1819 ET 1820, SUR LES CORVETTES DU ROI L'URANIE ET LA PHYSICIENNE, COMMANDÉES PAR M. FREYCINET, PAR JS. ARAGO, DESSINATEUR DE L'EXPÉDITION. Paris, Leblanc, 1822. 2 vols. 8vo. (Text). 1 vol. folio (Atlas): 25 plates, 1 map. Contemporary half sheep. First Edition. "These entertaining letters, written in a lively and witty literary style, provide vivid descriptions of the topography and the inhabitants of the Pacific Islands. The book achieved great success" (Hill 28-9). Fine copy with large margins. $ 52 000 52. BILLINGS (JOSEPH), SAUER (MARTIN). -VOYAGE FAIT PAR ORDRE DE L'IMPÉRATRICE DE RUSSIE CATHERINE II, DANS LE NORD DE LA RUSSIE ASIATIQUE, DANS LA MER GLACIALE, DANS LA MER D'ANADYR, ET SUR LES CÔTES DE L'AMÉRIQUE, DEPUIS 1785 JUSQU'EN 1794, PAR LE COMMODORE BILLINGS, RÉDIGÉ PAR M. SAUER, SECRÉTAIRE-INTERPRÈTE DE L’EXPÉDITION, ET TRADUIT DE L'ANGLAIS AVEC DES NOTES PAR J. CASTÉRA. A Paris, chez F. Buisson, an X, 1802. 2 text vol. 8vo. 1 atlas vol. 4to. 14 engraved plates, 1 folding map. Contemporary sheep. First French edition of this Account of the nine years expedition ordered by the Great Catherine, after Coxe’s discoveries, illustrated by Adams. Fine copy. $ 31 200 53. [BOUGAINVILLE (LOUIS-ANTOINE DE)]. -VOYAGE AUTOUR DU MONDE, PAR LA FRÉGATE DU ROI LA BOUDEUSE, ET LA FLÛTE L'ETOILE ; EN 1766, 1767, 1768 & 1769. SECONDE ÉDITION AUGMENTÉE. [SUIVI DE]. SUPPLEMENT AU VOYAGE DE M. DE BOUGAINVILLE ; OU JOURNAL D'UN VOYAGE AUTOUR DU MONDE, FAIT PAR MM. BANKS & SOLANDER, ANGLOIS, EN 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771. TRADUIT DE L'ANGLOIS, PAR M. DE FRÉVILLE. Paris, chez Saillant et Nyon, 1772. 3 vol. 8vo, 20 engraved maps (15 folding) and 3 plates. Contemporary marbled calf. First edition of the narrative of the famous sailor Louis Antoine de Bougainville (1729-1811), first French explorer to have made a circumnavigation. This set includes, vol. 3, the first French translation of the first printed account of the first expedition of Captain James Cook, one of the most famous explorers of the 18th century. Fine set, original bindings. $ 39 520 54. CHANTREAU (PIERRE NICHOLAS). -VOYAGE PHILOSOPHIQUE, POLITIQUE ET LITTÉRAIRE, FAIT EN RUSSIE PENDANT LES ANNÉES 1788 ET 1789. A Paris, chez Briand, libraire, Quai des Augustins, n°50, 1794. 2 vols. 8vo. 3 engraved plates, 1 folding map. Contemporary full calf. First and only edition of this work by a French historian and grammarian. Fine copy. $ 7 800 55. COXE (WILLIAM). -NOUVELLES DÉCOUVERTES DES RUSSES ENTRE L'ASIE ET L'AMÉRIQUE AVEC L'HISTOIRE DE LA CONQUÊTE DE LA SIBÉRIE & DU COMMERCE DES RUSSES & DES CHINOIS. A Neuchâtel, De l'Imprimerie de la Société Typographique, 1781. 1 vol. 8vo. French translation, preceded by the first and second editions of London, 1780. Howes calls for four maps and a plate, but Sabin makes no mention of maps or plates and none are found in this copy. This is one of the keystone works on the history of Russian America, including a number of narratives of exploration. Coxe spent some time in Russia, working to establish the authenticity of the narratives he had collected. This proved to be an immensely popular book. $ 9 360 56. [FLEURIEU (CHARLES PIERRE CLARET)]. -DECOUVERTES DES FRANÇOIS EN 1768 & 1769, DANS LE SUD-EST DE LA NOUVELLE-GUINÉE. ET RECONNOISSANCES POSTÉRIEURES DES MÊMES TERRES PAR DES NAVIGATEURS ANGLOIS QUI LEUR ONT IMPOSÉ DE NOUVEAUX NOMS ; PRÉCÉDÉES DE L'ABRÉGÉ HISTORIQUE DES NAVIGATIONS & DES DÉCOUVERTES DES ESPAGNOLS DANS LES MÊMES PARAGES. PAR M.***, ANCIEN CAPITAINE DE VAISSEAU. A Paris, de l'Imprimerie Royale, 1790. 1 vol. 4to. 12 plates. Contemporary half calf. First edition of this account by Fleurieu, French explorer and politician, one of the most famous hydrographers of the 18th century. The purpose of the present book, presented to the French Academy of Science in 1790, was to insure Bougainville’s and Surville’s rights against some English sailors’ claims for the discovery of some islands. Fine copy. $ 57 200 57. FREZIER (AMÉDÉE FRANÇOIS). -RELATION DU VOYAGE DE LA MER DU SUD AUX CÔTES DU CHILY ET DU PÉROU, FAIT PENDANT LES ANNÉES 1712, 1713 & 1714, DÉDIÉE À S.A.R. MONSEIGNEUR LE DUC D'ORLÉANS, RÉGENT DU ROYAUME. Paris, Nyon - Ganeau Quillau, 1716. 1 vol. 4to. 37 plates (18 doubles). Contemporary calf. First edition of a classic in the literature of South American Voyages of exploration. The book was first valued for its cartographic content (navigators such as Bougainville and La Pérouse quote him) he depicted a dangerous area not very well known but very important in communications and trade at this time (Magellan, Horn, etc.) but it's still appreciated today for the historical, ethnological and scientific observations, illustrated by several plates. Fine copy. $ 39 520 58. HAWKESWORTH (JOHN). [COOK (JAMES), BANKS (SIR JOSEPH)]. -RELATION DES VOYAGES ENTREPRIS PAR ORDRE DE SA MAJESTÉ BRITANNIQUE, ACTUELLEMENT RÉGNANTE ; POUR FAIRE DES DÉCOUVERTES DANS L’HÉMISPHÈRE MÉRIDIONAL, ET SUCCESSIVEMENT EXÉCUTÉS PAR LE COMMODORE BYRON, LE CAPITAINE CARTERET, LE CAPITAINE WALLIS & LE CAPITAINE COOK. A Paris, Chez Saillant et Nyon et Chez Panckoucke, 1774. 4 vols. 4to. 52 maps and plates (40 foldings). Contemporary full calf. First French official edition of Cook's first voyage. The work was written by John Hawkesworth who used logs of Cook, Banks and Solander (the doctor who accompanied Banks). The account edited with the travel relations of Byron, Carteret and Wallis makes a very intersting work. Fine copy. $ 62 400 59. KEATE (GEORGE). -RELATION DES ÎLES PELEW, SITUÉES DANS LA PARTIE OCCIDENTALE DE L'OCÉAN PACIFIQUE ; COMPOSÉE SUR LES JOURNAUX ET LES COMMUNICATIONS DU CAPITAINE HENRI WILSON ET DE QUELQUES-UNS DE SES OFFICIERS, QUI, EN AOÛT MIL SEPT CENT QUATRE-VINGT-TROIS, Y ONT FAIT NAUFRAGE SUR L'ANTELOPE, PAQUEBOT DE LA COMPAGNIE DES INDES ORIENTALES. TRADUIT DE L'ANGLOIS DE GEORGE KEATE, ÉCUYER, MEMBRE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ ROYALE, ET DE CELLE DES ANTIQUAIRES. A Paris, chez le Jay fils, et Maradan, 1788. 1 vol. 4to. Contemporary calf. First French edition of this account, the first description of this part of the world, which describes among others, the political system of Pelew (Palau) islands. Fine copy. $ 36 400 60. ROQUEFEUIL (CAMILLE DE). -JOURNAL D’UN VOYAGE AUTOUR DU MONDE PENDANT LES ANNÉES 1816, 1817, 1818 ET 1819, PAR M. CAMILLE DE ROQUEFEUIL, LIEUTENANT DE VAISSEAU, CHEVALIER DE SAINT-LOUIS ET DE LA LÉGION D’HONNEUR, COMMANDANT LE NAVIRE LE BORDELAIS, ARMÉ PAR M. BALGUERIE JUNIOR, DE BORDEAUX. Paris, Ponthieu, Lesage, Gide, 1823. 2 vols. 8vo. 2 folding maps. Contemporary calf. First edition of the only account of the first official French voyage after Baudin, the third French circumnavigation. An important account concerning California, Alaska, the Northwest coast of America and Hawaii. Camille de Roquefeuil made a circumnavigation (1816-1819), in order to open new commercial possibilities for France with California and others. "The ships Le Bordelais and Junior departed Bordeaux, France, October 19, 1816, sailed around Cape Horn, stopped at the Galapagos Islands, continued to the Northwest coast and Alaska, visited the Marquesas and the Hawaiian Islands after a second trip to the Northwest coast of America, then continued to Macao and around the world" (Forbes). "Attempts at trading in California, Nootka and Sitka were financial failures. Despite lack of profit however France now had an up-to-date report on conditions on the west coast of America from California to the Aleutians, on Hawaii, the Marquesas, and on the prospects for trade in each of these areas" (Hill). Fine copy. $ 187 200 61. SCHOUTEN (GAUTIER). -VOYAGE DE GAUTIER SCHOUTEN AUX INDES ORIENTALES, COMMENCÉ L'AN 1658 & FINI L'AN 1665, OÙ L'ON VOID PLUSIEURS DESCRIPTIONS DE PAÏS, ROÏAUMES, ILES & VILLES, SIÈGES, COMBATS SUR TERRE & SUR MER, COUTUMES, MANIÈRES, RELIGIONS DE DIVERS PEUPLES, ANIMAUX, PLANTES, FRUITS & AUTRES CURIOSITÉS NATURELLES. TRADUIT DU HOLLANDOIS. Rouen, Pierre le Boucher, Jean-Baptiste Machuel et Pierre Cailloix, 1725. 2 vols. 12mo. 2 frontispieces, 1 portrait, 8 plates (4 folding). Contemporary calf. New expanded edition (OE: 1707, Amsterdam). Gautier Schouten boarded in 1658 as a surgeon on the India Company. When he came back in Amsterdam in 1665, he published this relation, dealing with customs of the people, botanical and zoological subjects. This edition presents nice plates: views of the islands and botanical illustrations. Fine copy. $ 17 680 Marine 62. AUBIN -DICTIONNAIRE (NICOLAS) - MICHELOT (H.). DE MARINE CONTENANT LES TERMES DE LA NAVIGATION ET DE L’ARCHITECTURE NAVALE AVEC LES RÈGLES ET PROPORTIONS QUI DOIVENT Y ÊTRE OBSERVÉES. LE PORTULAN [SUIVI DE] DE LA MER MEDITERRANÉE, OU LE VRAY GUIDE I. Amsterdam, Pierre Brunel. 1702 - II. Amsterdam, Mortier, 1709. 2 books bound in 1 vol. DES PILOTES CÔTIERS. 4to. 1 engraved frontispiece, 1 arms plate, 18 plates (some folding) (I.) - 1 folding plate (II.). Contemporary half pink sheep, uncut copy. Original edition of this important and beautifully illustrated maritime dictionary with nautical terms in French and Dutch and explanations given in French, first published in 1702. The dictionary is comprehensive, covering naval architecture and ship construction, types of ship, instruments, flags, tools and the duties of naval officers. The author Aubin had fled to the Netherlands following the revocation of the Edict of Nantes - The plates show different types of ships, navigation instruments and flags. II. Second edition, first published at Marseilles in 1703. - Famous and later on frequently reissued pilot book for the Mediterranean. $ 55 120 63. BLONDEL DE SAINT AUBIN (GUILLAUME). -LE TRÉSOR DE LA NAVIGATION DIVISÉ EN DEUX PARTIES, LA PREMIERE CONTIENT LA THEORIE & PRATIQUE DES TRIANGLES SPHERIQUES, ENRICHIE DE PLUSIEURS PROBLEMES ASTRONOMIQUES & GEOGRAPHIQUES, TRES-UTILES AUX NAVIGATEURS. LA SECONDE ENSEIGNE L'ART DE NAVIGER PAR LA SUPUTATION & DÉMONSTRATION DES TRIANGLES RECTELIGNES & SPHERIQUES; TANT PAR LES SINUS QUE PAR LES LOGARITHMES. NOUVELLEMENT MIS EN LUMIERE PAR LE SIEUR BLONDEL S. AUBIN. Au Havre de Grace, chez Jacques Gruchet, Imprimeur & Libraire de Monseigneur le Duc de S. Aignan, & de la Ville, 1673. 1 vol. 4to. Numerous wood engravings. Contemporary full vellum. Fine copy of the extremely rare first edition of this French school book on navigation, teaching on spherical geometry details and its application to navigation and practice of seamanship. Only 1 copy appeared at auction during the last 40 years. $ 70 720 64. BOUGUER (PIERRE). -DE LA MANŒUVRE DES VAISSEAUX, OU TRAITÉ DE MÉCHANIQUE ET DE DYNAMIQUE ; DANS LEQUEL ON RÉDUIT À DES SOLUTIONS TRÈS-SIMPLES LES PROBLÊMES DE MARINE LES PLUS DIFFICILES, QUI ONT POUR OBJET LE MOUVEMENT DU NAVIRE. A Paris, chez H.L. Guerin & D.F. Delatour, 1757. 1 vol. 4to. 15 folding engraved plates. Contemporary calf. First edition of this hydrographic treatise, one of the scarcest works due to the French mathematician and hydrographer Pierre Bouguer (1698-1758). He is the author of numerous books on sailing, astronomy and optics and is known to be have been part of La Condamine’s mission in South America. Fine copy. $ 33 280 65. COLSON (NATHANIEL). -THE MARINER’S NEW KALENDAR. London, Printed for William Mount and Thomas Page, on Tower-Hill, 1745. 1 vol. 4to. Contemporary sheep. 5 wood engravings, 15 figures. Scarce copy of this fascinating summary of the mathematical basics of navigation. Fine copy. $ 7 800 66. ETAT DE LA MARINE. -ANNÉE 1783 - SUIVI DE : ALMANACH DES COLONIES ANNÉE 1783. Paris, Imprimerie d'Houry, 1783. 1 vol. 16mo (84 pp. on 88: 2 ll. of table missing). Contemporary full red morocco. Rare and precious set of 2 little 2 almanacs containing information on the Navy, the colonies and the young American independent. The book contains a calendar for the year 1783, the general list of officers of the Navy (Guard admirals), officers of the port, stewards, engineers, manufacturers of France and colonies, and members of Academy Royal Navy. Fine copy in red morocco. $ 9 880 67. LESCALLIER (DANIEL). -VOCABULAIRE ANGLOIS ET FRANÇOIS, EN DEUX PARTIES ; ORNÉ DES TERMES DE MARINE DE PLANCHES, AVEC UNE EXPLICATION DES FIGURES QUI Y SONT CONTENUES, & DES DÉFINITIONS DE Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1777. 1 vol. 4to. 31 engraved plates from Lescallier's QUELQUES TERMES DE MARINE, PRINCIPALEMENT CEUX DE GRÉEMENT. drawings. Contemporary full sheep with royal arms. First edition of this French-English dictionary in two columns with illustrations at the end. This work is one of the sources of the great Encyclopédie Méthodique de la Marine by Panckoucke. Important French-English dictionary of naval terms. $ 29 120 68. MOORE (SIR JOHN HAMILTON). -THE PRACTICAL NAVIGATOR AND SEAMAN'S NEW DAILY ASSISTANT. London, by B. Law and Son, 1791. 1 vol. 8vo. 1 portrait in frontispiece, 4 full-page plates. Full sheep. Ninth edition with many Additions of this book dealing with British Navy. Fine copy. $ 9 360 69. OZANNE (NICOLAS-PIERRE). -MARINE MILITAIRE OU RECUEIL DES DIFFERENS VAISSEAUX QUI SERVENT À LA GUERRE, SUIVIS DES MANŒUVRES QUI ONT LE PLUS DE RAPPORT AU COMBAT AINSI QU’À L’ATTAQUE ET LA DÉFENSE Paris, Chéreau, s.d. [vers 1780]. 1 vol. 8vo. 50 engraved plates. Full morocco. Second print of this work entirely designed and engraved by the famous navy painter: Nicolas Ozanne (1728-1811). It is made up of two parts: the first dealing with ships and the second with naval tactics' manoeuvres. Fine copy. $ 18 720 DES PORTS. 70. ROUPPE (LUDOVICI). -LUDOVICI ROUPPE MEDICINAE DOCTORIS, DE MORBIS NAVIGANTIUM LIBER UNUS. ACCEDIT OBSERVATIO DE EFFECTU EXTRACTI CICUTAE STOKIANO IN CANCRO. Lugduni Batavorumn, Apud Theodorum Haak, 1764. 1 vol. 8vo. Woodcut decorations throughout. Contemporary mottled calf. First edition of this outstanding treatise devoted to diseases affecting sailors. Rouppe (1729-80), naval physician and surgeon, describes the conditions, environmental and otherwise, to which sailors are particularly susceptible (both on board ship and in port). In addition to a section on sanitation and sanitary measures, he covers scurvy and venereal diseases, and the treatments to a variety of fevers, epilepsy, rheumatism, diarrhea and cancers. Fine copy. $ 11 440 Atlas 71. APRÈS DE MANNEVILLETTE (JEAN-BAPTISTE D'). -NEPTUNE ORIENTAL, OU ROUTIER GÉNÉRAL DES INDES ORIENTALES ET DE LA CHINE. Paris, Dépôt général de la Marine, ca. 1810. 1 vol. folio. Frontispiece, 69 engraved maps (charts and profiles). Famous French work on coastal pilot. Throughout his voyage to China, D'Apres de Mannevillette used advanced instrumentation to correct the latitudes of numerous locations along his route. So, he was able to publish correct charts of the route to China, the Red Sea, the Indian Coast, Malaysia, northern Indonesia, and Indochina. The atlas includes parts of coastal Europe, Africa (particularly Madagascar), the Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, India and Ceylon, the Malaya Peninsula, Indonesia, Thailand, the China Sea, Borneo and the Philippines. Of particular interest are two very detailed plans of Rio de Janeiro and Manila. Another very dramatic feature is a splendid engraved frontispiece by Tilliard after Boucher. Fine copy. $ 228 800 72. [ATLAS]. -ETRENNES UTILES ET NÉCESSAIRES AUX COMMERÇANTS ET VOYAGEURS OU INDICATEUR FIDÈLE ENSEIGNANT TOUTES LES ROUTES ROYALES ET PARTICULIÈRES DE LA FRANCE,.. Paris, Desnos, 1772. 1 vol. 24mo. 2 double maps and 156 engraved maps. Beautiful copy in original red morocco binding of this small atlas that shows the roads and routes of France and neighbouring countries. $ 15 080 73. BONNE (RIGOBERT). -PETIT TABLEAU DE LA FRANCE OU CARTES GEOGRAPHIQUES SUR TOUTES LES PARTIES DE CE ROYAUME. AVEC "DESCRIPTION ABREGÉE DE FRANCE". Paris, chez Lattre, 1764 / Paris, de l'imprimerie de Butard, 1764. 2 parts in 1 vol. 12mo. 1 engraved coloured title, 28 hand-coloured maps on double-page (I.). Contemporary full red morocco. Only edition of this charming pocket atlas, with title + 28 maps nicely contemporary coloured and original morocco binding. Bound with Description Geographique Abregee de la France. Fine copy. $ 18 720 74. BORDONE (BENEDETTO). -LIBRO DI BENEDETTO BORDONE NEL QUA SI RAGIONA DE TUTTE L'IISOLE DEL MONDO CON LI LOR NOMI ANTICHI & MODERNI, HISTORIE, FAVOLE, & MODI DEL LORO VIVERE, & IN QUAL PARTE DEL MARE STANNO, & IN QUEL PARALLELO & CLIMA GIACCIONO. CON IL BREVE DI PAPA LEONE. ET GRATIA & PRIVILEGIO DELLA ILLUSTRISSIMA SIGNORIA COM’IN QUELLI APPARE. [Venice, Nicolo Zoppino, 1528]. (Colophon : Impresse in Vinegia per Nicolo d’Aristotile, detto Zoppino, nel mese di Guigno, del M.D.CCVIII.) 1 vol. in-folio. [10] ll. (Title in red and black, in wood-cut border, 1 full-page diagram, 3 double-page maps), 73 ll. 109 maps in-text (5 double, 1 full-page). Antique vellum. First edition of this scarce Isolario, one of the first important island books. The work is in the tradition of the Mediterranean island books, with coverage expanded to include the whole world as a series of islands. The Adriatic and Greek archipelagoes are covered in sixty-four maps. The most significant map, cartographically speaking, is the double-page world map, held for many years to be the first such use of an oval projection. Besides the oval world map, eleven of the maps relate to the Americas. Bordone's work was practical and popular and saw several editions. Fine copy. $ 312 000 75. CLÜVER (PHILIPPI). -INTRODUCTIONIS IN UNIVERSAM VETEREM QUAM NOVAM LIBRI VI. [...] ACCESSIT P. BERTII BREVIARUM ORBIS TERRARUM. Amstelodomani [Amsterdam], Elzeviriana, 1661. 1 GEOGRAPHIAM TAM vol. 12mo. 38 maps on double pages, 4 plates. Contemporary full vellum. Born in Danzig, the celebrated geographer Philip Clüver (1580-1623) began to study law at Leiden, but soon turned his attention to history and geography under the tutelage of Joseph Scaliger. Settling in Holland, Clüver received after 1616 a regular pension from the Academy at Leiden. A specialist in Near Eastern and Ancient geography, Clüver authored numerous works, the Introductionis proving to be his most popular. Fine copy. $ 18 720 76. JOURDAIN (P.). -COSMOGRAPHIE ET PELERINAGE DU MONDE UNIVERSEL. Paris, sans nom, 1680. [Paris, de l’Imprimerie Estienne, 1669] (Colophon). 1 vol. 8vo. 22 double maps, 4 engraved plates (3 doubles). Contemporary full calf. Rare first edition of this Cosmographie Universelle, contemporaneous with Sanson d'Abeville's atlases. Fine copy. $ 36 400 77. MANESSON MALLET (ALAIN). -DESCRIPTION DE L'UNIVERS CONTENANT LES DIFFÉRENTS SYSTÈMES DU MONDE, LES CARTES GÉNÉRALES & PARTICULIÈRES DE LA GÉOGRAPHIE ANCIENNE ET MODERNE : LES PLANS & LES PROFILS DES PRINCIPALES VILLES & DES AUTRES LIEUX LES PLUS CONSIDÉRABLES DE LA TERRE ; AVEC LES PORTRAITS DES SOUVERAINS QUI Y COMMANDENT, LEURS BLASONS, TITRES & LIVRÉES ; ET LES MOEURS, RELIGIONS, GOUVERNEMENTS & DIVERS HABILLEMENS DE CHAQUE NATION. A Paris, Chez Denys Thierry, 1683. 5 vols. 8vo. Plates and maps. Contemporary calf. Original edition of this monumental work of geography realized by the French cartographer and engineer, Alain Manesson Mallet (1630-1706) whose encyclopaedic work collects useful informations on history, geography and ethnology. Alain Manesson Mallet started his career as a soldier in the army of Louis XIV, became a Sergeant-Major and an Inspector of Fortifications. This is his his major publication. He also published : « Les Travaux de Mars ou l'Art de la Guerre” (1684). Fine copy. $ 208 000 78. SANSON D’ABBEVILLE (NICOLAS, GÉOGRAPHE DU ROY) -L'EUROPE, -L'ASIE, L'AFRIQUE, - L'AMÉRIQUE EN PLUSIEURS CARTES ET EN DIVERS TRAITÉS DE GÉOGRAPHIE ET D'HISTOIRE LÀ OÙ SONT DÉCRIT SUCCINTEMENT ET AVEC UNE BELLE MÉTHODE ET FACILE, SES EMPIRES, SES PEUPLES, SES COLONIES, LEURS MOEURS, LANGUES, RELIGIONS, RICHESSE, (...) ET CE QU'IL Y A DE PLUS BEAU ET DE PLUS RARE DANS TOUTES SES PARTIES ET DANS SES ÎLES. Paris, chez l'autheur, 1683. 4 parts in 1 vol. 4to, engraved frontispiece and 62 coloured maps. Ancient vellum. Rare copy containing the four parts (one for each continent) by the famous French cartographer Nicolas Sanson d'Abbeville (1600-1667). $ 156 000 79. SANSON D'ABEVILLE (NICOLAS). -L'ASIE EN PLUSIEURS CARTES NOUVELLES, ET EXACTES, &C. EN DIVERS TRAITTÉS DE GEOGRAPHIE, ET D'HISTOIRE. LÀ OÙ SONT DESCRIPTS SUCCINCTEMENT, & AVEC UNE BELLE METHODE, & FACILE. SES EMPIRES, SES MONARCHIES, SES ESTATS, &C. LES MOEURS, LES LANGUES, LES RELIGIONS, LE NEGOCE ET LA RICHESSE DE SES PEUPLES, &C. ET CE QU'IL Y A DE PLUS BEAU, & DE PLUS RARE DANS TOUTES SES PARTIES, & DANS SES ISLES. PAR N. SANSON D'ABBEVILLE, GEOGRAPHE ORDINAIRE DU ROY. A Paris, Chez l'autheur, rue S. lacques, a l'Esperance. Avec privilege du roy pour vignt ans. 1 vol. 4to. 17 folded, hand-colored maps. Contemporary brown calf binding, tooled gilt on spine, all edges sprinkled red. [3rd ed.] Editions of the Asia atlas were printed in 1652, 1653, 1658 and 1662 (Tooley). Harvard copy is of 1662 edition. Chadenat attributes his copy to 1652 although that edition had the date printed on the title page, and his title page is apparently undated. $ 31 200 Sciences and technology 80. APIAN (PETER). -COSMOGRAPHIA, SIVE DESCRIPTION UNIVERSI ORBIS, PETRI APIANI & GEMMAE FRISII, MATHEMATICORUM INSIGNIUM, IAM DEMUMINTEGRITATI SUAE RESTITUTA. Antiverpiae, apud Joan. Bellerum (Typis Joan. Withagii), 1584. 1 vol 4to. Around 110 wood-cuts (5 with moveable parts), 1 folded map, tables. Contemporary full vellum. Beautiful edition of this famous work of Peter Apianus, German astronomer and mathematician (1495-1551) who taught mathematics at Ingolstadt from 1520, a position he refused to leave despite Charles V's offers, who named him Chevalier of the Empire. He is the author of curious observations on comets. He wrote ephemerides from 1534 to 1570, treaties of arithmetic, algebra, almanacs, but few of these books were printed. His present Cosmographia was published for the first time in 1524. Petrus Apianus developed his method to find longitude by observing movements of the moon - a method that was one of the first to propose. The layout of the solar system he exposes here is the Ptoleme’s system. The book is illustated with many wood-cuts and tables, and is famous for 5 illustrations with moveable parts and the folding plate "Charta Cosmographica" (p.72), one of the earliest maps to show the full sweep of the east coast of North America, it is also the first map to show the Yucatan as a peninsula. Complete and rare. Edition with the name of Bellerum on the title, but shared with J. Verwithagen. $ 124 800 81. BERTHOUD (FERDINAND). -L'ART DE CONDUIRE ET DE RÉGLER LES PENDULES ET LES MONTRES À L'USAGE DE CEUX QUI N'ONT AUCUNE CONNAISSANCE D'HORLOGERIE. Michel Lambert, Paris, 1759. 1 vol. 16mo. 4 engraved folding plates. Contemporary full red morocco. First edition. French Navy, Ferdinand Berthoud (1727-1807) became a member of the Academy of Sciences in 1795. His treatise was so successful that it was translated into four languages and it was republished until 1841. Exceptional copy with a red morocco binding with the arms of Empress Maria-Theresa of Austria (1717-1780), Marie Antoinette's mother. $ 29 120 82. HARRISON (JOHN). -PRINCIPES DE LA MONTRE DE MR HARRISON, AVEC LES PLANCHES RELATIVES À LA MÊME MONTRE, IMPRIMÉS À LONDRES EN 1767 PAR ORDRE DE MRS. LES COMMISSAIRES DES LONGITUDES. [SUIVI DE] EXTRAIT DE LA RÉPONSE DE MR JEAN HARRISON AUX REMARQUES ET OBJECTIONS DE MONSIEUR MASKELYNE, SERVANT DE SUITE AUX PRINCIPES DE LA MONTRE DE M. HARRISON. A Avignon, chez la Veuve Girard & François Seguin, se vend à Paris, chez Jombert, Desaint, Saillant, 1767 (Principes de la Montre) ; 1768 (Extrait de la Réponse). 1 vol. 4to. 7 folding plates with 15 figures. (The Streeter copy doesn't have the second part Réponse de Harrison aux objections de Maskelyne, but presents a title page in english which isn't in our copy). Antique half calf. First French edition of the "description of the famous solution to the centuries-old world-wide problem of finding the longitude" (Grolier, Horblit). “There was no comparable advance in navigational aids until the development of radar in the twentieth century" (Norman). The present edition is anonymously translated by Pezenas, first French edition published with the English text and followed by the critic by Pezenas of the Board and of his translation of Harrison’s Remarks on a pamphlet lately published by Maskelync. Fine copy of two extremly rare texts, complete with the seven plates. $ 228 800 83. JACQUINOT (DOMINIQUE). -L'USAGE DE L'ASTROLABE AVEC UN PETIT TRAICTÉ DE LA SPHÈRE, PAR DOMINIQUE JACQUINOT CHAMPENOIS. CORRIGÉ, ESCLAIRCY & AUGMENTÉ EN CETTE DERNIÈRE IMPRESSION SUIVANT LA REFORMATION DU CALENDRIER PAR DAVID ROBERT DE S. LO EN BASSE NORMANDIE, FAISANT PROFESSION DES MATHEMATIQUES À PARIS, PLUS EST ADJOUSTÉ À LA FIN UNE AMPLIFICATION DE L'USAGE DE L'ASTROLABE PAR IACQUES BASSENTIN ESCOSSOIS. Paris, 1697. 1 vol. 12mo. many woodcuts in-text and 1 full-page. Ex-libris. Contemporary vellum. Later edition, expended and actualised, of the first French work on the astrolabe. Jacquinot's publication, a clear and comprehenisve introduction in the use of the astrolabe, was based on Stoeffler's Elucidatio fabricae ususque astrolabii. (Oppenheim, 1513). The author dedicated it to Catherine de Medici, then Dauphine, "who in her scientific knowledge not only surpassed her contemporaries of her own sex, but also most men. In its preparation he had the advantage of the advice of M. Paschal du Hamel, the Regius Professor" (Gunther). Two surviving examples of Moreau's re-issue of Danfrie's astrolabe are to be found : in the Adler Planetarium in Chicago and in the Smithsonian, Washington, D.C. Fine copy. $ 36 400 -TRAITÉ DE LA CONSTRUCTION SCAPHANDRE OU DU BATEAU DE L'HOMME. Paris, Debure pere et chez l'auteur, 1775. 1 vol. 84. LA CHAPELLE (M. DE). THÉORIQUE ET PRATIQUE DU 12mo. 2 folding plates. Original marbled paperboard binding. Original edition of this particularly interesting treatise. Because the author considered these swimming devices also of importance for use of people not able to swim and for preventing people from drowning. The floating suit was originally designed for military purposes, and the suit was accompanied by a special hat in the shape of a swan. This hat served both to disguise the person in the water in order to enable him to approach the enemy unawares, and to carry munition over the water without wetting it. The author is also considered as the inventor of the word “scaphandre”, later used for a diving suits. The plates depict the floating suits, both in detail and in full use. Fine copy in it's original cardboard. $ 15 600 85. PEZENAS (R. PÈRE ESPRIT), DEZ (M.), GAUSSEN (ISAAC). -LA THÉORIE ET LA PRATIQUE DU JAUGEAGE DES TONNEAUX, DES NAIVRES ET DE LEURS SEGMENTS. PAR FEU M. PEZENAS (...). SECONDE ÉDITION AUGMENTÉE DE DEUX MÉMOIRES SUR LA NOUVELLE JAUGE, PAR M. DEZ, PROFESSEUR ROYAL DE MATHÉMATIQUES, DE L'ECOLE ROYALE MILITAIRE. [SUIVI DE]. DISSERTATION SUR LE THERMOMÈTRE DE RÉAUMUR, PAR M. GAUSSEN. Avignon, Chez Jean Aubert, 1778 (Théorie et Pratique); A Beziers, de L'Imprimerie de Jean-Joseph Fuzier, Imprimeur du Roi, 1789 (Dissertation). 1 vol. 8vo. 3 folding plates. Half sheep. Two rare works gathered in one volume: La Théorie et la Pratique du jaugeage des Tonneaux (OE: 1749), and the first edition of Dissertation sur le Thermomètre de Réaumur par Isaac Gaussen de Montpellier. The father Esprit Pezenas (1692-1776), was at the head of the Marseille observatory and made it one of the modernest in Europe. Fine copy. $ 14 040 Literature and Varia 86. ASVARY (EMILY). [MINUSCULE]. -RÉPERTOIRE ILLUSTRÉ. Sans lieu, ca. 1860. 1 vol. (2,12 x 1,49 in.). Contemporary red morocco. 20 engravings and drawings. At the beginning, some friends' adresses can be read. Charming set. $ 4 990 87. [BUSUTTIL (SALVATORE)]. -COSTUMI DELLA CORTE CORTEPONTIFICIA. Rome, G. Antonelli, s.d. (circa 1850) 1 vol. 16mo of 30 engraved handcoloured plates. Editor red paperboard. Charming set of handcoloured engravings given the main papal dignitaries. Fine copy. $ 14 560 88. GUARINI (BATTISTA). [MINUSCULE]. -IL PASTOR FIDO, & LE RIME DEL M. ILLUSTRE SIGNOR CAVALIER BATTISTA GUARINI : ET IN QUESTA NUOVA IMPRESSIONE AGGIUNTOUI VARIE POESIE IN MORTE DELL'AUTORE. Venise, Appresso Nicolo Misserini, 1627. 1 vol. 24mo (97 x 51 mm.). 5 woodengraved scenes. Numerous head-pieces and ornamental initials. Contemporary full red morocco. Charming and scarce miniature edition of Il Pastor Fido, (OE: 1589, Mettayer), Giovanni Battista Guarini's (1538-1612, poet and diplomat) main work. This text is a very successful tragic-comic pastoral, and was translated and edited in all Europe. Haendel wrote an opera from the play in 1712. Beautiful copy of this finely illustrated edition, in morocco binding. $ 12 480 89. [MANUSCRIT]. CHAPLIN (A.) -OLYMPE ILLUSTRÉ PAR A. CHAPLIN, PEINTRE DE S.A.R. JUNON, REINE DE L’OLYMPE. [Paris], 1888. 1 vol. 8vo. [117] manuscript ll. 111 Indian ink and watercolour drawings (3 folding). Contemporary blue buckram. Illustrated booklet with original watercolours inspired by the Antiquity. But mythology is a pretext for a funny satire of the good society of the end of the 19th century. Fine set. $ 36 400 90. [MANUSCRIT]. STOLL (J.- L.). -COSTUMES DE L'ARMÉE FRANÇAISE DEPUIS LA FORMATION DES RÉGIMENTS JUSQU'À CE JOUR. PAR J. L. STOLL 1793-1855. Sans lieu, ca. 1855. 1 vol. oblong 8vo. [1] l. (manuscript illustrated title), 69 ll. with 342 military costumes: gouache heightened with varnish and watercolour. Contemporary half sheep. The plates are titled in brown ink, with date indications. They depict costumes gathered according to the different corps. Exceptional set, vivid colours. $ 78 000 91. [MINIATURE]. [ADOMEIT (RUTH E.)]. -LA PETITE VOLIÈRE. Paris, Chez Marcilly, Libraire, rue Saint-Jacques, Typographie de Pinsard, [ca. 1830]. 1 miniature vol. (61 x 42 mm.). 6 engraved, hand-coloured plates, hand-coloured title. Original green boards in slipcase, aeg. Nice copy of this scarce book, (5 copies in libraries around the world according to WorldCat). Each plate depicts two birds. Lovely miniature book in very fine condition. $ 7 280 [VLACQ (MICHIEL)]. -I. EN NIEVWEN LUSTHOF. (...)./ II. BRUYLOFTS BANCKET. V (...) t'Amsterdam, by de Weduwe van Hans Matthysz, Wonende inde Pas-Caert / t'Amterdam, by Hans Matthhysz, Boeck verkooper opt Water, in de Pas-caert. [S.D., circa 1604]. 1 vol. 8vo. oblong. 2 engravings by D. B. (David Vinckboons) on title pages, and 9 half-page engravings. Second edition of an early and rare Dutch songbook, published for the “jeunesse dorée”. Very popular in the Netherlands at the end of the 16th and beginning of 17th centuries, these songbooks were mostly printed in oblong format, and they were connected with the new genre of the loveemblem book, so characteristic for the new Dutch Republic. First published in 1602 by the same publisher and same place, The Nieuwen Lusthof was the first songbook in such a format, easy to carry and to use and nicely illustrated with plates illustrating the courtly songs in an appropriate way. The book became very popular and other editions appear in 1607 and in 1609 by an other publisher. A fine copy, in its original binding, of this charming songbook. 92. $ 88 400