LES TROIS ISLETS LIVRES RARES 39th Boston International Antiquarian Book Fair Hynes Convention Center – November 13– 15 2015. 56. SPILSBURY (FRANCIS B.). -PICTURESQUE SCENERY IN THE HOLY LAND AND SYRIA, LONDON, 1819. 1 VOL. FOLIO. 19 AQUATINTS CONTEMPORARY HAND-COLOURED. Jean-François Letenneur Librairie Ancienne des Trois Islets 11, bd du tertre gondan - BP 20 - 35800 Saint-Briac-sur-Mer (France) Tel: 33 (0) 299 88 92 44 lib3i@orange.fr - Direct: 33 (0) 681 35 73 35 Fax: 33 (0)2 99 88 00 22 www.librairie-trois-islets.com List of 150 items to see at booth n°516 Travels: America, Asia, Egypt-Middle East, Africa, Europe, Explorations, Maritime, Military and Tactics, Atlases, Sciences, Technology, Miniature books. Americana 1. BERGERON (PIERRE). [BETHENCOURT (JEAN DE)]. [BONTHIER (PIERRE), LE VERRIER (JEAN)]. -UN TRAICTE DE LA NAVIGATION ET DES VOYAGES DE DESCOUVERTE & CONQUESTE MODERNES, & PRINCIPALEMENT DES FRANCOIS. AVEC UNE EXACTE ET PARTICULIERE DESCRIPTION DE TOUTES LES ISLES CANARIES, LES PREUVES DU TEMPS DE LA CONQUESTE D'ICELLES, & LA GENEALOGIE DES BETHENCOURTS & BRAQUEMONS. LE TOUT RECEUILLY DE DIVERS AUTHEURS, OBSERVATIONS, TITRES & ENSEIGNEMENTS. [SUIVI DE]. HISTOIRE DE LA PREMIERE DESCOUVERTE ET CONQUESTE DES CANARIES. FAITE DÈS L'AN 1402 PAR MESSIRE JEAN DE BETHENCOURT, CHAMBELLAN DU ROY CHARLES VI. ESCRITE DU TEMPS MESME PAR F. PIERRE BONTIER RELIGIEUX DE S. FRANÇOIS, & JEAN LE VERRIER PRESTRE, DOMESTIQUES DU DIT SIEUR DE BETHENCOURT. ET MISE EN LUMIERE PAR M. GALIEN DE BETHENCOURT, CONSEILLER DU ROY EN SA COUR DE PARLEMENT DE ROUEN. A Paris, chez Jean de Heuqueville et Michel Soly, 1629. (Traicte de la Navigation) - A Paris, chez Michel Soly, 1630. (Decouverte des Canaries). 2 vols. 12mo. Jean de Bethencourt's portrait by Balthasar Moncornet. Full calf with the arms of Louis Urbain Le Fèvre de Caumartin (1653-1720). Fine copy of this scarce Americana, complete with the 2 parts and portrait, only edition of the very first French publication dealing with the history of maritime explorations. The texts of the first part were compiled by Pierre Bergeron: it's a wonderful history of world exploration at the age of discovery, concentrated on French' voyages. The second part, written by Pierre Bontier and Jean le Verrier, is an account of the conquest of the Canary Islands by Jean de Bethencourt. Rare, with a nice portrait. Borba de Moraes I, p. 87; Gagnon I, 1679 & 3556; JCB II, p. 219 & 227; Sabin 4850 & 5073. $ 26 400,00 2. BEULLOCH (WILLIAM BULLOCH OU BULLOCK, DIT). -LE MEXIQUE EN 1823, OU RELATION D’UN VOYAGE DANS LA NOUVELLEESPAGNE, CONTENANT DES NOTIONS EXACTES ET PEU CONNUES SUR LA SITUATION PHYSIQUE, MORALE ET POLITIQUE DE CE PAYS ; ACCOMPAGNÉ D’UN ATLAS DE VINGT PLANCHES ; PAR M. BEULLOCH, PROPRIÉTAIRE DU MUSÉE MEXICAIN ÉTABLI À LONDRES ; OUVRAGE TRADUIT DE L’ANGLAIS PAR M.***. PRÉCÉDÉ D’UNE INTRODUCTION, ET ENRICHI DE PIÈCES JUSTIFICATIVES ET DE NOTES ; PAR SIR JOHN BYERLEY. Paris, Alexis-Eymery, 1824. 2 vols. 8vo, 1 vol. oblong 4to (Atlas). 20 plates (2 folding maps, 1 folding plate, 6 handcoloured costume plates). Contemporary sheep. Scarce first French edition (OE, London, same year), of this account of a voyage to Mexico, the first English one since 1640 (Thomas Gage). The atlas’ plates are lithographed by Marlet, who signed the costumes plates. The other plates are: maps of Mexico, views (1 folding) and Aztecs sculptures. Fine copy in contemporary binding of this uncommon work. $ 6 050,00 3. BIGOT (FRANÇOIS). -MÉMOIRE POUR MESSIRE FRANÇOIS BIGOT, CI-DEVANT INTENDANT DE JUSTICE, POLICE, FINANCE & MARINE EN CANADA, ACCUSÉ : CONTRE MONSIEUR LE PROCUREURGÉNÉRAL DU ROI EN LA COMMISSION, ACCUSATEUR. PREMIERE PARTIE, CONTENANT L’HISTOIRE DE L’ADMINISTRATION DU SIEUR BIGOT DANS LA COLONIE, & DES RÉFLEXIONS GÉNÉRALES SUR CETTE ADMINISTRATION. [-SECONDE PARTIE, CONTENANT LA DISCUSSION & LE DÉTAIL DES CHEFS D’ACCUSATION]. A Paris, De l’Imprimerie de P. Al. le Prieur, Imprimeur du Roi, rue SaintJacques. M DCC. LXIII (1763). 2 parts in 1 vol. 4to. Contemporary marbled sheep. Fine copy of this important work for the history of New France. Part 2 contains, p. [553-764], Suite de la seconde partie. Contenant 1º. La cinquiéme Classe, dans laquelle se trouve la Réponse au Mémoire du Marquis de Vaudreuil, & à celui du Sieur du Verger de Saint Blin. 2º. La sixième Classe. 3º. La réponse à la Requête des Dames de Montcalm. Pages [553]-730 specifically concern the fur trading posts, and there are numerous passages referring to the fur trade as well as all of Canada’s military defences throughout both volumes. This work, with Cartier’s account of his discovery of Canada, and Champlain’s description of the earliest explorations of New France, is a cornerstone book for Canadian history. Since the aftermath was the loss of a colony to France, unlike Cartier’s or Champlain’s accounts, it was never reprinted. Sabin 38696 et 47528 (titre corrigé). JCB I, 1342. Dionne II, 671. Gagnon II, 195-196. $ 55 000,00 4. BILLINGS (JOSEPH), SAUER (MARTIN). -VOYAGE FAIT PAR ORDRE DE L'IMPÉRATRICE DE RUSSIE CATHERINE II, DANS LE NORD DE LA RUSSIE ASIATIQUE, DANS LA MER GLACIALE, DANS LA MER D'ANADYR, ET SUR LES CÔTES DE L'AMÉRIQUE, DEPUIS 1785 JUSQU'EN 1794, PAR LE COMMODORE BILLINGS, RÉDIGÉ PAR M. SAUER, SECRÉTAIREINTERPRÈTE DE L’EXPÉDITION, ET TRADUIT DE L'ANGLAIS AVEC DES NOTES PAR J. CASTÉRA. A Paris, chez F. Buisson, an X, 1802. 2 text vol. 8vo. 1 atlas vol. 4to. 14 engraved plates, 1 folding map. Contemporary sheep. First French edition of this account of the nine years expedition ordered by the Great Catherine, after Coxe’s discoveries, illustrated by Adams. Fine copy. Cox I, 353. $ 3 300,00 5. BONNIN DE FRAYSSEIX (JOSEPH-ANTONIN-ETIENNE, MARQUIS DE). -CARNET DE CROQUIS ET D'AQUARELLES. A bord du Dubourdieu, 1896-1897. 1 vol. oblong 12mo. 21 watercolours, 9 pencil drawings or sketches. Contemporary grey cloth. Very attractive set of drawings made during a naval campaign around the world, led by the Amiral Pougin de la Maisonneuve, aboard the Dubourdieu, by Joseph Antonin Etienne Bonnin de Fraysseix (1838-1914). At this time, Amiral Pougin de la Maisonneuve was chief commander of the “Division navale de l’Atlantique”, and aboard the Dubourdieu, with Captain Marquis de Fraysseix. The watercolours depict beautiful landscapes: St Thomas, New Orleans, Sydney, Halifax, St Peter (Canada), Newport. One of them depicts the interior of the Castle of Erskine (commander of the English fleet) in Halifax. Also some views of life aboard. $ 3 300,00 6. BOSSU (JEAN-BERNARD). -NOUVEAUX VOYAGES AUX INDES OCCIDENTALES CONTENANT UNE RELATION DES DIFFÉRENS PEUPLES QUI HABITENT LES ENVIRONS DU GRAND FLEUVE SAINT-LOUIS, APPELLÉ VULGAIREMENT LE MISSISSIPI; LEUR RELIGION, LEUR GOUVERNEMENT, LEURS MŒURS, LEURS GUERRES & LEUR COMMERCE. PAR M. BOSSU, CAPITAINE DANS LES TROUPES DE LA MARINE. SECONDE ÉDITION. A Paris, chez Le Jay, Libraire, Quay des Gêvres, au Grand Corneille. M. DCC. LXVIII. 1768. 2 parts in 1 vol. 12mo, 4 plates including engraved frontispieces in each volume. Half marbled sheep. Second edition of primary interest for Louisiana, Alabama, and Illinois. Bossu, a captain in the French Navy, was the first to write about Louisiana in detail and based on personal experience. The work is actually a collection of 21 letters he wrote during his first two voyages to the country, in 1751-57 and 1757-62. Sabin 6465: “I find no record of the first edition”. Bossu arrived in New Orleans a few years after its founding, and only eighty years after La Salle came down the Mississippi. This collection of letters, revealing many vivid personal and secondhand recollections, gives a fascinating portrait of life and travels in that vast area. Fine copy. $ 2 200,00 7. CHABERT (JEAN-BAPTISTE). -VOYAGE FAIT PAR ORDRE DU ROI EN 1750 ET 1751, DANS L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE, POUR RECTIFIER LES CARTES DES CÔTES DE L'ACADIE, DE L'ISLE ROYALE & DE L'ISLE DE TERRE-NEUVE ; ET POUR EN FIXER LES PRINCIPAUX POINTS PAR DES OBSERVATIONS ASTRONOMIQUES. PAR M. DE CHABERT ENSEIGNE DES VAISSEAUX DU ROI, MEMBRE DE L'ACADÉMIE DE MARINE, DE CELLE DE BERLIN, & DE L'INSTITUT DE BOLOGNE. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1753. 1 vol. 4to. 6 folding maps, 1 folding plate, 1 folding table, 1 engraved head-piece. Contemporary calf. First edition of an important work on navigation by Joseph Bernard Chabert (1724-1805). The work was highly praised by the examining commission of the French Academy of Sciences, it was recommended as a navigational model for future navigators. The first part of the work contains the author's voyage from Brest to Louisbourg, and 4 expeditions, the second part describes his astronomical observations at large. It is especially Chabert's astronomical research, which was very precise even by today's standards, that give his work great scientific value. Chabert added 6 maps to the first part, all of them with astonishingly exact data, also making the book interesting with respect to Canadian geography. Chabert joined the navy on July 14, 1741, on the ship Léopard. He navigated the American coast, where he still was in 1746 on another ship, the Émeraude. After a promotion in 1748, he was ordered by the king to visit the region which now forms the south-east part of Quebec, east Maine, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island, the voyage which he describes in the present work. A few years after Chabert's visit in 1750-51, the French Indian War broke out in 1754, and three-quarters of the remaining population of 10.000 French settlers, who were considered to be a threat to the British position, were forcibly resettled in other parts of North America. He was received in 1753 as a member of the navy academy in Brest, and later those of Bologne, Berlin and Nancy. Fine copy in armorial binding. $ 3 850,00 8. CHAMPIGNY (CHEVALIER JEAN DE). -ETAT-PRESENT DE LA LOUISIANE, AVEC TOUTES LES PARTICULARITÉS DE CETTE PROVINCE D'AMERIQUE, POUR SERVIR DE SUITE À L'HISTOIRE DES ETABLISSEMENS DES EUROPÉENS DANS LES DEUX INDES ; PAR LE COLONEL, CHEVALIER DE CHAMPIGNY. A la Haye, chez Frederic Staatman, 1776. 1 vol. 8vo. Original wrappers. “An absorbing account of the trial and punishment of leading French citizens of Louisiana, inflicted on them by Alexander O’Reilly, the Spanish Governor of the province at its transfer from France to Spain after the Seven Years’ War”. (Streeter). Fine copy. $ 7 150,00 9. CHASTELLUX (FRANÇOIS-JEAN, MARQUIS DE). -VOYAGES DE M. LE MARQUIS DE CHASTELLUX DANS L'AMÉRIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE. DANS LES ANNÉES 1780, 1781 & 1782. Paris, Prault, 1788-1791. 2 vols. 8vo. 2 folding maps, 3 plates. Contemporary half calf. Complete and legal edition of this travels account by Marquis de Chastellux (1734-1788) who took part to American Revolutionary War where he became George Washington friend. Fine copy. $ 1 100,00 10. [CHOISEUL-STAINVILLE (ETIENNE-FRANÇOIS DE)]. -MEMOIRE HISTORIQUE SUR LA NEGOCIATION DE LA FRANCE & DE L'ANGLETERRE, DEPUIS LE 26 MARS 1761 JUSQU'AU 20 SEPTEMBRE DE LA MÊME ANNÉE, AVEC LES PIÈCES JUSTIFICATIVES. Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1761. 1 vol 8vo. Contemporary calf. First edition. Authorship frequently attributed to Etienne-François duc de Choiseul or to Jean François de Bastide. « A collection of state papers concerning the cession of Canada, the limits of Louisiana, the fisheries of Newfoundland, Cap Breton, Guadeloupe and others islands of West Indies » (Sabin, 47516). Fine copy. $ 880,00 11. COURTOT (FRANÇOIS). -LA VIE DU BIEN-HEUREUX PERE FRANCOIS SOLANO RELIGIEUX DE L'ORDRE DE SAINT FRANCOIS PATRON DU PEROU, COMPOSÉE SUR LES MÉMOIRES PRESENTEZ AU S. SIEGE POUR SA BEATIFICATION, ET LE RECIT DU MARTYRE D'ONZE RELIGIEUX DU MESME ORDRE, QUI SOUFFRIRENT LA MORT À GORKOM POUR LA DÉFENSE DE LA FOY, L'AN 1572. PAR LE R.P. FRANCOIS COURTOT RELIGIEUX DU MESME ORDRE, DOCTEUR EN THEOLOGIE DE LA FACULTÉ DE PARIS, &C. A Paris, Chez Estienne Michallet, ruë S. Jacques, à l'Image S. Paul, proche la Fontaine S. Severin. M DC. LXXVII. 1677. 1 vol. 18mo. Contemporary full sheep. First and only edition of this scarce text, hagiography of Father Solano, missionary in Peru and Paraguay. The text, published two years after his beatification recounts all his life: his dangerous travel to Peru, and his missionary work. Fine copy. $ 825,00 12. DARLING (CH-H). BANNERMAN (SIR A). -JOURNAL OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL OF THE ISLAND OF NEWFOUNDLAND. HIS EXCELLENCY CHARLES HENRY DARLING, ESQ. (1857) / SIR ALEXANDER BANNERMAN, KNIGHT (1858), GOVERNOR AND COMMANDER IN-CHIEF IN AND OVER THE ISLAND OF NEWFOUNDLAND AND ITS DEPENDENCIES, &C., &C. Joseph Woods, Printer, St John’s, Newfoundland. (1857 et 1858). 2 vols. folio. 2 folding pages. Contemporary half morocco (pink for 1857, blue for 1858). Scarce copies of the third and fourth sessions of the 6th General Assembly of the Legislative Council. At this time, Newfoundland's system of representative government was bicameral: the Legislative Council was closer from the British and more conservative. In the journal for the year 1857, one can found the debate regarding the grant to the French of more fishing rights in waters of Newfoundland. Fine copy. $ 880,00 13. DU GUAY-TROUIN (RENÉ). -MÉMOIRES DE M. DUGUAY-TROUIN, LIEUTENANT GÉNÉRAL DES ARMÉES NAVALES FRANCE ET COMMANDEUR DE L'ORDRE ROYAL & MILITAIRE DE SAINT-LOUIS. [Amsterdam, chez Pierre Mortier,] 1740. 1 vol. 4to. 1 author's portrait, 6 folding plates. Half calf (19th century). Rare original edition in-quarto on large paper. Dugay-Trouin’s memories were published after his death and became a real best seller in the 18th century, with many editions. This famous corsair of Louis XIV was born in Saint-Malo. He relates here all his campaign against the British fleet and his most famous expedition against the town of Rio de Janeiro in 1711, which was a great military success. Illustrated with folding plates (details of a ship, naval battles) and a chart of the bay of Rio. DE $ 2 750,00 14. FENWICK (JOSEPH). -MÉMOIRE À CONSULTER, POUR LE CITOYEN JOSEPH FENWICK, FONDÉ DE PROCURATION D'ABEL LUNT, CAPITAINE DU BRICK AMÉRICAIN L'UNION. [WITH] JOSEPH FENWICK À MONSIEUR JONA JONES, DEVANT MESSIEURS LES JUGES DE LA COUR D'APPEL DE BORDEAUX. A Bordeaux, de l'Imprimerie d'André Racle, an 9 [1800]. (I.) A Bordeaux, de l'Imprimerie de Ve La court et Faye Ainé. 1806. (II.) 7 vols. 8vo. Ancient portfolio.Joseph Fenwick (1762-1849) was the first Consul, appointed by Georges Washington in 1795, for the United States in Bordeaux, first town in the world to have an American consulate. The first document is very scarce (no reference found on World Cat): « Mémoire à consulter, Pour le citoyen Joseph Fenwick, fondé de procuration d'Abel Lunt, capitaine du Brick Américain l'Union. » Six other documents are related to a case which occupied the court of Bordeaux for more than 15 years: the “Pigou case” involving Jona Jones, Joseph Fenwick and his partner Mason. The trial is still famous and appears in Merlin’s “Question de droit” under “Serment”. Remarkable set of utmost scarce documents, regarding two important trials, early international trade law suits, involving the first American consul in the world. $ 6 600,00 15. FILSON (JOHN). -HISTOIRE DE KENTUCKE, NOUVELLE COLONIE À L'OUEST DE LA VIRGINIE : CONTENANT, 1°. LA DÉCOUVERTE, L'ACQUISITION, L'ETABLISSEMENT, LA DESCRIPTION TOPOGRAPHIQUE, L'HISTOIRE NATURELLE, ETC. DU TERRITOIRE : 2°. LA RELATION HISTORIQUE DU COLONEL BOON, UN DES PREMIERS COLONS, SUR LES GUERRES CONTRE LES NATURELS : 3°. L'ASSEMBLÉE DES PIANKASHAW AU POSTE SAINT-VINCENT : 4°. UN EXPOSÉ SUCCINCT DES NATIONS INDIENNES QUI HABITENT DANS LES LIMITES DES TREIZE ETATS-UNIS, DE LEURS MŒURS ET COUTUMES & DES RÉFLEXIONS SUR LEUR ORIGINE ; & AUTRES PIÈCES. AVEC UNE CARTE. OUVRAGE POUR FAIRE SUITE AUX LETTRES D'UN CULTIVATEUR AMÉRICAIN. TRADUIT DE L'ANGLOIS, DE M. JOHN FILSON ; PAR M. PARRAUD, DE L'ACADÉMIE DES ARCADES DE ROME. A Paris, chez Buisson, Libraire, Hôtel de Mesgrigny, rue des Poitevins, N°13. M.DC.LXXV. 1785. 1 vol. 8vo. 1 folding map. Contemporary full calf. Rare first French edition of the first history of Kentucky. It contains the first French map of Kentucky, and is the first book to mention Daniel Boone. The French edition, translated by Parraud, contains additions not in first American or English editions. The title was first printed in Wilmingto Delaware, the previous year. Nice copy in a full-calf binding. $ 4 400,00 16. [FRANKLIN BACHE (BENJAMIN)]. -DEBATES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES, DURING THE FIRST SESSION OF THE FOURTH CONGRESS, PART I. UPON THE CONSTITUTIONAL POWERS OF THE HOUSE, WITH RESPECTS TO TREATIES. PART II. UPON THE SUBJECT OF THE BRITISH TREATY. Philadelphia, printed for Benj. Franklin Bache, by Bioren & Madan, 1796. 2 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. Contemporary full sheep. Scarce first edition of this important work for the United States' History, printed for Benjamin Franklin's grand son. Fine copy. $ 1 485,00 17. FREZIER (AMÉDÉE FRANÇOIS). -RELATION DU VOYAGE DE LA MER DU SUD AUX CÔTES DU CHILY ET DU PÉROU, FAIT PENDANT LES ANNÉES 1712, 1713 & 1714, DÉDIÉE À S.A.R. MONSEIGNEUR LE DUC D'ORLÉANS, RÉGENT DU ROYAUME. Paris, Nyon - Ganeau - Quillau, 1716. 1 vol. 4to. 37 plates (18 doubles). Contemporary calf. First edition of a classic in the literature of South American Voyages of exploration. The book was first valued for its cartographic content (navigators such as Bougainville and La Pérouse quote him) he depicted a dangerous area not very well known but very important in communications and trade at this time (Magellan, Horn, etc.) but it's still appreciated today for the historical, ethnological and scientific observations, illustrated by several plates. Fine copy. $ 4 180,00 18. FROGER (FRANÇOIS). -RELATION D'UN VOYAGE FAIT EN 1695, 1696 & 1697 AUX CÔTES D'AFRIQUE, DÉTROIT DE MAGELLAN, BREZIL, CAYENNE, & ISLES DES ANTILLES, PAR UNE ESCADRE DES VAISSEAUX DU ROY, COMMANDÉE PAR MONSIEUR DE GENNES. FAITE PAR LE SIEUR FROGER, INGÉNIEUR VOLONTAIRE SUR LE VAISSEAU LE FAUCON ANGLOIS. ENRICHIE DE GRAND NOMBRE DE FIGURES DESSINÉES SUR LES LIEUX. A Paris, Chez Nicolas Le Gras, au troisiéme Pilier de la grande Salle du Palais, à l'L couronnée. M. DC. XCIX. 1699. 1 vol. 8vo. 29 plates (10 folding). Contemporary calf. First edition of this travel account, which was frequently reissued. François Froger (16761715) French engineer and cartographer, boarded in 1695 on a boat from a six ships squadron commanded by de Gennes to established a colony in the Strait of Magellan area. From this travel he brings back the first accurate printed map of Rio, and a lot of informations on different topics, richly illustrated with his own drawings. Gripping book of the first official French travel to the Strait of Magellan. $ 3 850,00 19. GRIMKE (JOHN FAUCHERAND). [PRINGLE (JOHN JULIUS)]. -THE PUBLIC LAWS OF THE STATE OF SOUTHCAROLINA, FROM ITS FIRST ESTABLISHMENT AS A BRITISH PROVINCE DOWN TO THE YEAR 1790, INCLUSIVE, IN WHICH IS COMPREHENDED SUCH OF THE STATUTES OF GREAT BRITAIN AS WERE MADE OF FORCE BY THE ACT OF ASSEMBLY OF 1712, WITH AN APPENDIX CONTAINING SUCH OTHER STATUTES AS HAVE BEEN ENACTED OR DECLARED TO BE OF FORCE IN THIS STATE EITHER VIRTUALLY OR EXPRESSLY, TO WHICH IS ADDED THE TITLES OF ALL THE LAWS (WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE DATES) WHICH HAVE BEEN PASSED IN SOUTH-CAROLINA DOWN TO THE PRESENT TIME, ALSO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES WITH THE AMENDMENTS THERETO, AND LIKEWISE THE NEWLY ADOPTED CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF SOUTHCAROLINA. Philadelphia, printed by Aitkens & son, 1790. 1 vol. 4to. Contemporary full sheep. First edition of this important compilation of South Carolina laws and statutes from the colonial era to the inception of Federal government. The full Constitution is printed in the appendix (pp.29-36), with the addition (on pp. 3536) of the twelve proposed amendments comprising the Bill of Rights as ratified by South Carolina in January 1790. (In 1791, only ten of the twelve amendments were declared ratified by Congress). The South Carolina state constitution, adopted 3 June 1790, is included in the appendix (pp.37-43). After reading the law in Cambridge, John Faucheraud Grimké (1752-1819) came back to America and signed with Benjamin Franklin the 1774 pamphlet addressed to Georg III to protest against the Boston Port Act. He took part to the Revolutionary War, officer under Colonel Elbert, in Yorktown or Eutaw Springs. At the end of the war, he was elected as Judge of the Superior Court in 1783. In the present work, he gives a summary of the Public Laws of South Carolina, the first State that ratified the first American Constitution. Provenance: John Julius Pringle (manuscript bookplate on title, last page and lower board), lawyer, (1753-1843). After a stay in Europe as secretary to Ralph Izard, United States commissioner to Tuscany, Pringles returned to the United States and was admitted to the bar in 1781. From 1792 till 1808 he served as attorney-general of South Carolina. He served for a short time as United States district attorney, by special request of General Washington. In 1800, Thomas Jefferson appointed him to report on any infractions of the treaty with Great Britain that might occur in his state. Fine copy of prestigious provenance. $ 6 050,00 20. HELMS (ANTOINE ZACHARIE). -VOYAGE DANS L'AMÉRIQUE MÉRIDIONALE ; COMMENÇANT PAR BUÉNOS-AYRES ET POTOSI JUSQU'À LIMA, AVEC UN APPENDICE CONTENANT LA DESCRIPTION LA PLUS COMPLÈTE ET LA PLUS EXACTE DES POSSESSIONS OU COLONIES ESPAGNOLES DANS L'AMÉRIQUE MÉRIDIONALE ; APPENDICE FORMÉ DE L'EXTRAIT DES MEILLEURS VOYAGES LES PLUS MODERNES ; PAR ANTOINE-ZACHARIE HELMS, CI-DEVANT DIRECTEUR DES MINES DE CRACOVIE EN POLOGNE, ET NOMMÉ ENSUITE DIRECTEUR DES MINES PAR S.M. LE ROI D'ESPAGNE, ET CHARGÉ D'ÉTABLIR UNE NOUVELLE MÉTHODE D'EXPLOITATION DES MINES DU PÉROU. TRADUIT DE L'ANGLAIS PAR M.B.B.D.V., MEMBRE DE PLUSIEURS ACADÉMIES. Paris, à la Librairie Française et étrangère de Galignani, 1812. 1 vol. 8vo. 2 folding maps. Half calf (posterior). First French edition of this uncommon book. "This translation was made on the English (1806). The German original was printed in Dresde in 1798. The two translations counts, more than the original, some informations on the countries described by the traveler, from Alcedo and Ulloa." (Leclerc). Fine untrimmed copy. $ 1 100,00 21. HENNEPIN (LOUIS) & DE LA BORDE. -VOYAGE OU NOUVELLE DÉCOUVERTE D'UN TRÈS GRAND PAÏS, DANS L'AMÉRIQUE, ENTRE LE NOUVEAU MEXIQUE ET LA MER GLACIALE. [...] Amsterdam, Desbordes, 1712. 1 vol. 12mo. 6 folding engraved plates and 1 folding engraved map. Contemporary full calf. Early edition of Hennepin's important account of his American exploration, together with De La Borde's account of his travels in the Caribbean. Fine copy. $ 3 520,00 22. HERRERA (ANTONIO DE). -HISTOIRE GÉNÉRALE DES VOYAGES ET CONQUESTES DES CASTILLANS DANS LES ISLES ET TERRE-FERME DES INDES OCCIDENTALES. Paris, N. & J de la Coste, 1660 et 1671. 3 vols. 4to. Contemporary calf. First French edition of this corner stone of early americana. This copy counts the three volumes ever published, rarely found together, listed as different works. The third volume was published eleven years after the two first. This is the first Spanish work on America of this importance published in Spain, his author : Antonio Herrera y Tordesillas (1559-1625) being the first Royal Historiographer for the West Indies. The third volume, in binding with arms, presents a nice ex-dono : « Ce livre m’a été donné par monsieur le duc de la Rochefoucauld le 20 de février 1683 ». Fine copy of this major work for the history of New World. Borba de Moraes, 401 ; Chadenat, 83 ; Leclerc, 282. $ 13 200,00 23. [JUSTEL (HENRI)]. -RECUEIL DE DIVERS VOYAGES FAITS EN AFRIQUE ET EN L'AMERIQUE QUI N’ONT POINT ESTE ENCORE PUBLIEZ, CONTENANT L’ORIGINE, LES MŒURS, LES COUTUMES & LE COMMERCE DES HABITANTS DE CES DEUX PARTIES DU MONDE. AVEC DES TRAITEZ CURIEUX TOUCHANT LA HAUTE ETHYOPIE, LE DEBORDEMENT DU NIL, LA MER ROUGE, ET LE PRÊTE-JEAN. Paris, Louis Billaine, 1674. 1 vol. 4to. 12 engraved plates and 7 maps. Contemporary calf. First edition of one of the most important French travels' collection, gathering 10 texts, 5 of them being written by Jesuits, or connecting with Jesuit missions. Its compiler, Henri Justel, was a Protestant scholar and bibliophile who served as Secretary to Louis XIV before he fled to England at the time of the Revocation of the Edit de Nantes (1685), becoming Keeper of the King's Library at St. James. The collection includes travel accounts relating to Africa, the Caribbean, and the English colonies in North America, some never before printed, others translated into French from the English or the Portuguese. In his preface Justel explains that he had the accounts printed in the order in which copy arrived from the translators - hence the peculiar order of the book, often readjusted by later binders. This copy, still in its first binding, retains the original order. The Ligon is illustrated with plates of Caribbean plants and fruits, scenes of native life, and pottery ; maps of Barbados, Jamaica, Abyssinia and a map of Maryland, Virginia, and the east coast of North America, engraved by R. Michault after the map in the 1672 edition of Blome. 12 engraved plates including 3 folding plans of a sugar mill, 7 engraved maps of which 6 folding; woodcut head- and tailpieces and initials. An excellent copy of one of the rarest 17th century travels collection. $ 11 000,00 24. LABAT (R. PÈRE JEAN-BAPTISTE). -VOYAGE DU CHEVALIER DES MARCHAIS EN GUINÉE, ISLES VOISINES, ET A CAYÉNNE, FAIT EN 1725, 1726 & 1727. Paris, Pierre Prault, 1730. 4 vols. 12mo. [36] & 31 plates and maps. Contemporary full calf, gilt titles, decorated spine. First edition of this book by Father Jean-Baptiste Labat, French missionary and explorer. Also engineer and physician, he modernized sugar industry and developped production techniques while living in Martinique. He wrote many travel books, in America, Africa and Europe, always illustrated and very successful. This one, devoted to Guinea and Cayenne is noteworthy historically and ethnographically and presents fine maps and plates. One of the scarcer books by Labat. $ 3 850,00 25. LACROIX (F. J. PAMPHILE BARON DE). -MÉMOIRES POUR SERVIR À L'HISTOIRE DE LA RÉVOLUTION DE SAINTDOMINGUE. PAR LE LIEUTENANT-GÉNÉRAL BARON PAMPHILE DE LACROIX. AVEC UNE CARTE NOUVELLE DE L'ILE ET UN PLAN TOPOGRAPHIQUE DE LE CRÊTE-A-PIERROT. A Paris, Chez Pillet Ainé, 1819. 2 vols. 8vo. 1 folding coloured map, 1 folding plan. 19th half morocco. Scarce first edition of one of the best books on the "perte de cette colonie" (Chadenat). The book is apparently very rare: described by Chadenat as one of the best books on the revolution on Saint-Domingo it is not to be found in most of the reference works or bibliographies. Deals among others with the expedition of general Leclerc, Bonaparte's son-in-law, and 25,000 men to bring the colony back under French domination. However, during three months Toussaint Louverture and his generals resisted the French army. At the battle of Crête-à-Pierrot, one of the bloodiest battles fought in which 1200 soldiers held the fort for days against 10 000 French soldiers, the French were finally able to capture the fort while the enemy army with great skill escaped through the French lines, a remarkable fact that the French general and author of the present work, Pamphile de Lacroix, admitted as such. What was even worse was that the enemy armies remained intact and undefeated while the French had suffered severe losses. Finaly, the French army and Leclerc were unable to execute Bonaprte's intentions, pacification by disarming the blacks, and the colony was finally lost. On January 1rst, 1804, the second republic in the Western Hemisphere was proclaimed: Haiti. Fine copy of a rare work. $ 1 760,00 26. LAVAL (PÈRE ANTOINE JEAN DE). -VOYAGE DE LA LOUISIANE, FAIT PAR ORDRE DU ROY, EN L’ANNÉE MIL SEPT CENT VINGT... A Paris, Chez Jean Mariette, 1728 – 1727 (« Recueil de Divers Voyages »). 1 vol. 4to. 16 maps (4 folding), 11 folding tables, 4 astronomical folding plates. Contemporary full calf. Rare original edition of the first major publication relating to Louisiana. A valuable and scientific books of travels, which enters very fully into the Physical Geography, of the French Dominions in Louisiana and the Mississipi Valley. It includes a detailed map of the gulf of Pansacola and the relation of the attack of the Spanish fortress by French privaters in 1719. A fine copy with large margins and fine provenance: “There are copies on large paper.” Sabin 39276. Ownership inscription on the title-page indicating that it was given to the "Séminaire Royal de la Marine" by the author on June 2, 1728. $ 9 350,00 26 bis. [LE CLERC]. ARMEMENT DES NAVIRES POUR LA PÊCHE À TERRE-NEUVE. -ARREST DE LA COUR DU PARLEMENT DE BRETAGNE, DONNÉ SUR LA REQUESTE Y PRESENTÉE PAR LES NOBLES BOURGEOIS DE LA VILLE DE SAINT MALO. SUR LE REGLEMENT DES HAVRES & GALLAYS AUX PARTIES DE TERRE-NEUVE. A Vennes chez Moricet et la Veuve Vatar, Imprimeurs du Roy et de la Cour, 1681. 1 vol. 15 pp. 8vo. Ancient half vellum. Legal document of utmost rarity, and of significance for the history of the French colony in Newfoundland and its toponomy. It reflects the conflicts coming from the intensity of the development of the French fishing in this island of North America. It includes the "Articles de règlement pour la prise des Places & pesche des Poissons Mollus au petit Nort": following the complaints concerning the occupation of various harbours and then the use of buildings to dry and salt the fish. The articles regulate the distribution for each captain according to the number of his crew, and give the details of all harbours in Newfoundland at the time. Fine copy of this rich document. $ 2 000,00 27. [MANUSCRIPT. COD FISHING.] -PROSPECTUS D’UN ARMEMENT À ST PIERRE MIQUELON AUX COLONIES DE LA GUADELOUPE, LA MARTINIQUE OU CAYENNE. [Saint Pierre & Miquelon, ca. 1800]. [4] manuscript ll. Uncommon manuscript dealing with the cod fishing (early 19th century), in Canada intended to French ship-owners. The author, probably a fisherman himself, first describes the current system, the time and the place for fishing, the boats and men requested, and then suggest a new way to do it to make the fitting out and campaign more profitable. He bases the idea with precise study of the costs of such an expedition and concludes saying: “Ainsi donc, même dans l’hypothèse d’une pêche désastreuse, on jouirait encore d’un bénéfice équivalent à l’intérêt des avances”. Fine condition of this rare document regarding on of the important resources of the French economy. $ 1 320,00 28. MICHAUX (FRANÇOIS-ANDRÉ). -VOYAGE À L'OUEST DES MONTS ALLÉGHANYS, DANS LES ETATS DE L'OHIO, DU KENTUCKY ET DU TENNESSÉE, ET RETOUR À CHARLESTON PAR LES HAUTES-CAROLINES ; CONTENANT DES DÉTAILS SUR L'ÉTAT ACTUEL DE L'AGRICULTURE ET LES PRODUCTIONS NATURELLES DE CES CONTRÉES, AINSI QUE DES RENSEIGNEMENTS SUR LES RAPPORTS COMMERCIAUX QUI EXISTENT ENTRE CES ETATS ET CEUX SITUÉS À L'EST DES MONTAGNES ET LA BASSELOUISIANE... Paris, Dentu, 1808. 1 vol. 8vo. Contemporary half sheep. 1 folding map. Rare travel account by the botanist François-André Michaux (1770-1855) of a journey he made in 1801. He first traveled in the United States in 1785, with his father, André Michaux (1746-1802) who was an explorer and a botanist, to study the botanical ressources of the country. They settled plant nurseries in New Jersey and South Carolina. He came back in France in 1790, and in 1801, the French Government send him in New Jersey to sell these plantations. The present work is the account of this 1801 journey. Fine copy. $ 2 200,00 29. MOUCHEZ (ERNEST, AMIRAL). -LES CÔTES DU BRÉSIL, DESCRIPTION ET INSTRUCTIONS NAUTIQUES, PAR ERNEST MOUCHEZ CAPITAINE DE VAISSEAU, MEMBRE DE L'INSTITUT ET DU BUREAU DES LONGITUDES, COMMANDEUR DE LA LÉGION D'HONNEUR ET DE LA ROSE DU BRÉSIL. 2E SECTION DE BAHIA À RIO-JANEIRO. SECONDE ÉDITION PUBLIÉE PAR ORDRE DU MINISTRE DE LA MARINE ET DES COLONIES, AVEC UN SUPPLÉMENT COMPRENANT LA CÔTE DE RIO-JANEIRO À LA PLATA. Paris, Challamel Aîné, LibraireEditeur cartes, plans et ouvrages du Dépôt de la Marine de la Commission des Phares, du Dépôt de la Guerre et de la Cie du Canal de Suez. Atlas des Ports de France, etc. 30, Rue des Boulangers, et 5, rue Jacob. 1876. 1 vol. 8vo. 12 maps. Contemporay quarter red shagreen, "Marine et Colonies, Dépôt des Cartes et Plans" (gold stamped on the first board). Second edition of this rare work by Mouchez on the coasts of Brazil (OE: 1864). Ernest Amédée Barthélémy Mouchez (1821-1892), Director of the Observatoire de Paris, astronomist and hydrograph, went, by order of the Naval Minister, in America for hydrographic missions. Fine copy. $ 2 750,00 30. MOUCHEZ (ERNEST, AMIRAL). -RIO DE LA PLATA, DESCRIPTION ET INSTRUCTION NAUTIQUES. ÉDITION DE 1873 CORRIGÉE D'APRÈS LES DOCUMENTS LES PLUS RÉCENTS PAR ERNEST MOUCHEZ, CAPITAINE DE VAISSEAU. PUBLIÉ SOUS LE MINISTÈRE DU VICE-AMIRAL POTHUAU, MINISTRE DE LA MARINE ET DES COLONIES, MEMEBRE DE L'ASSEMBLÉE NATIONALE. Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, M DCCC LXXIII. 1873. 1 vol. 8vo. 4 double maps. Contemporary quarter red shagreen. Rare work on Rio de La Plata by the French hydrograph Ernest Amédée Barthélemy Mouchez (1821-1892). Fine copy. $ 2 420,00 31. RELIURE AUX ARMES DU DUC D'ANGOULÊME. [MINISTERE DES FINANCES FRANCAIS]. -ETAT DÉTAILLÉ DES LIQUIDATIONS OPÉRÉES À L'ÉPOQUE DU 1ER JANVIER 1830, PAR LA COMMISSION CHARGÉE DE RÉPARTIR L'INDEMNITÉ ATTRIBUÉE AUX ANCIENS COLONS DE SAINT-DOMINGUE, EN EXÉCUTION DE LA LOI DU 30 AVRIL 1826 ET CONFORMÉMENT AUX DISPOSITIONS DE L'ORDONNANCE DU 9 MAI SUIVANT. Paris, de l'Imprimerie Royale, 1830. 1 vol. 4to. Contemporary full red gilded morocco, with the arms of Duc d’Angoulême. Beautiful copy of this impressive work by the French Minister of the Economy, giving the list of the compensations the Haitian government had to give to the French Colonists, former owners of the rich plantations of St Domingue, in order to be recognized by the French Government as an independent Republic. Very nicely bound. $ 7 150,00 32. RIVOT (LOUIS EDOUARD). -VOYAGE AU LAC SUPÉRIEUR. EXTRAIT DES ANNALES DES MINES. Paris, Dalmont, 1855. 1 vol. 8vo. 4 folding plates (2 coloured maps). Sewed. First edition of this study of metal undertaken around the Upper Lake by the French scientist L.E. Rivot (1820-1869). $ 1 045,00 33. [SAINTARD (PIERRE-LOUIS DE)]. -ESSAI SUR LES COLONIES FRANÇOISES ; OU DISCOURS POLITIQUES SUR LA NATURE DU GOUVERNEMENT, DE LA POPULATION & DU COMMERCE DE LA COLONIE DE S.D. [Paris ?], sans nom, M DCC LIV (1754). 1 vol. 12mo. Contemporary full calf. First edition of this scarce book, first work by Pierre-Louis de Saintard (1718-1766) about Saint Domingue. Saintard worked for the India Company and traveled in North America, he authored two other books: « Roman politique sur l’état présent des affaires de l’Amérique » (Paris, Duchesne, 1756) and « Lettres d’un citoyen sur la permission de commercer dans les Colonies » (1756), where he stands for a balance between colonial powers for the increase of trade. The present work is a political, demographical, economical description of Saint Domingue, with some ideas to promote the French colonial empire. Fine copy. $ 4 950,00 34. SAINTE-CROIX (GUILLAUME, BARON DE). -DE L'ÉTAT ET DU SORT DES ET DES ANCIENS PEUPLES, OUVRAGE DANS LEQUEL ON TRAITE DU GOUVERNEMENT DES ANCIENNES RÉPUBLIQUES, DE LEUR DROIT PUBLIC ET AVEC DES OBSERVATIONS SUR LES COLONIES DES NATIONS MODERNES ET LA CONDUITE DES ANGLAIS EN AMÉRIQUE. Philadelphie (i.e. Paris), 1779. 1 vol. 8vo. Contemporary full calf. First edition of this interesting treatise by the Baron de Sainte-Croix (1746-1809). He took part in the 1760's of a campaign in the Windward islands, with his uncle, Chevalier de Sainte-Croix. Then he prefered to dedicate him to studies and history, especially of antiquity. In the present work, he discusses and compares the government and conduct of the ancient nations of Carthage, Phoenicia, Greece and Athens, and the administration and conflicts of the French and English colonies in the West Indies and North America. Fine copy. $ 825,00 COLONIES 35. SCHOELCHER (VICTOR). -COLONIES ÉTRANGÈRES ET HAÏTI, RÉSULTATS DE L'ÉMANCIPATION ANGLAISE. Paris, Pagnerre, 1843. 2 vols. 8vo. 1 folding map, tables in-text. Half morocco (19th century). Scarce first edition of one of the major works by the famous abolitionist Victor Schoelcher (18041893), French humanitarian and statesman. Long involved in the abolition movement, he presided over a commission that secured the abolition of slavery in French territory (1848).The present work is interesting for the history of islands such as Haïti, Jamaïca, Cuba, etc. and an important step to the abolition of slavery in France. Fine copy. $ 3 300,00 36. SCHOELCHER (VICTOR). -DES COLONIES FRANÇAISES. ABOLITION IMMÉDIATE DE L'ESCLAVAGE. PAR VICTOR SCHOELCHER. Paris. Pagnerre, Éditeur, rue de Seine, 14bis. 1842. 1 vol. 8vo. Contemporary half blue sheep. Rare first edition of one of the first works by the famous abolitionist Victor Schoelcher (18041893). In the 1830’s, he went to America, and saw what slavery was. Soon after, he became a militant abolitionist; he was the first European who went to Haiti after her independence. His works (including the present one) are based on what he saw in the colonies, and played an important part in the abolition. At the end of the present one: “proverbs and expressions” in Creole. Pleasant copy, very fresh. $ 5 500,00 37. WELD (ISAAC). -TRAVELS THROUGH THE STATES OF NORTH AMERICA, AND THE PROVINCES OF UPPER CANADA 1795, 1796 AND 1797. London, Stockdale, 1800. 2 vols. 8vo. 1 hand-coloured folding map, 15 engraved plates (most folding). Contemporary half sheep. Third English edition of two years journey of adventure and exploration in North America. In 1795, Weld sailed from Dublin to Philadelphia. With Indian guides, he explored the vast forests and great rivers. He also visited some great cities and met George Washington. Back in 1797, he published this account: a great publishing success, translated in several languages. Fine copy of this nicely illustrated work. $ 1 540,00 DURING THE YEARS American war 38. AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR. DESTOUCHES (CAPITAINE, CHARLES SOCHET). -A MONSIEUR DE LA GRANDIÈRE, CAPT DU VAU COMMANDENT, LE CONQUÉRENT. [Baie de Chesapeake], Ce 17 mars 1781. [2] manuscript ll. Traces of the red wax seal. Fragile and precious war document, a letter by Charles Sochet Destouches (1727-1793) to one of his captains Charles-Marie de la Grandière, the day after the Battle of Cape Henry, the 16th of March 1781. These lines, exchanged between the main protagonists of the battle, are touching and bring a lot of valuable information. This battle was an important step in the Revolutionary War because for the first time, American saw the British Navy wasn’t invincible. If the British fleet, led by Graves, suffered, the battle was very murderous for the Conquérant, 74 guns, led by La Grandière who lost more than 70 men. Both La Grandière and Destouches (who was the friend of Rochambeau, Lafayette and Washington) were members of the Society of the Cincinnati. Scarce example of a war document, by one of the Revolutionary War heroes, telling the violence of an important battle. $ 7 150,00 39. AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR. BATTLE OF THE SAINTS. DESTOUCHES (CHARLES SOCHET). -[AUTOGRAPH LETTER SIGNED- BATAILLE DES SAINTES]. Paris, le 21 août 1782. [2] manuscript ll. Beautiful letter from Charles Sochet Destouches to Charles-Marie de La Grandière, both members of the Society of the Cincinnati, written short after his return to France, after their glorious participation to the Revolutionary War. Charles-Marie de La Grandière served under Chevalier Destouches during the Battle of Cape Henry (March 1781), and took part of the Battle of the Saint, as Destouches, under Admiral de Grasse. Destouches evokes the unfortunate trial of de Grasse for his defeat at the Saint, as well as personal matters and his moves to improve La Grandière’s situation toward the Order of Saint Louis. Precious historical document. $ 1 980,00 40. BOTTA (CHARLES). -HISTOIRE DE LA GUERRE D'INDÉPENDANCE DES ETATS-UNIS D'AMÉRIQUE. Paris, J.G. Dentu, 1812-1813. 4 vols. 8vo. 1 portrait, 12 maps. Contemp. sheep. First French edition of this treatise considered as one of the most important of this time dealing with American Revolution. It is Charles Botta's (1766-1837) famoust work. This historian was a physician before having a political career in France. Because he was influenced as an historian by his political experience, he has been compared with Guichardin, the famous Italian historian and politician, contemporary of Machiavel. Fine copy in a nice contemporary binding. $ 3 080,00 41. [ELUS-GÉNÉRAUX DES ETATS DE BOURGOGNE]. DÉLIBÉRATION DE MM. LES ELUS-GÉNÉRAUX DES ETATS DE BOURGOGNE. DU 30 MAI 1782. POUR OFFRIR AU ROI, AU NOM DES ETATS, UN DON GRATUIT EXTRAORDINAIRE D’UN MILLION DE LIVRES, POUR ÊTRE EMPLOYÉ À LA CONSTRUCTION & ARMEMENT D’UN VAISSEAU DU PREMIER RANG. / ARRÊT DU CONSEIL D’ETAT DU ROI DU 5 AOÛT 1782. PAR LEQUEL SA MAJESTÉ AUTORISE LESDITS ELUS-GÉNÉRAUX À EMPRUNTER LADITE SOMME D’UN MILLION DE LIVRES... A Dijon, chez A.M. Defay, Imprimeur des Etats. 1782. 1 vol. 8vo. 4 wood engraved borders. Very rare document regarding the donation by Burgundy to the French King to built a new ship of the line, to replace the ones lost or destroyed during the Amercian Revolution. (Joined: Bulletin des Lois de la République Française, n°III.) Fine copy. $ 715,00 42. KERGUELEN DE TREMAREC (YVES-JOSEPH DE). -RELATION DES COMBATS ET DES ÉVÈNEMENTS DE LA GUERRE MARITIME DE 1778 ENTRE LA FRANCE ET L'ANGLETERRE, MÊLÉE DE RÉFLEXIONS SUR LES MANŒUVRES DES GÉNÉRAUX ; PRÉCÉDÉE D'UNE ADRESSE AUX MARINS, SUR LA DISPOSITION DES VAISSEAUX POUR LE COMBAT ; ET TERMINÉE PAR UN PRÉCIS DE LA GUERRE PRÉSENTE, DES CAUSES DE LA DESTRUCTION DE LA MARINE, ET DES MOYENS DE LA RÉTABLIR. PAR Y. J. KERGUELEN, ANCIEN CONTR'AMIRAL. [Paris], Imprimerie de Patris, M.DCC.XCVI. 1796. 1 vol. 8vo. Contemporary half-sheep. First edition of this rare work by Kerguelen de Tremarec (1734-1797), French naval officer and explorer. In April 1796, retired of the navy, he started working on this text from the notes he took in 1779. The work, recognized for its liability, relates the main battles of the American Revolutionary War. Fine copy of this valuable testimony upon naval history by a great explorer. $ 3 080,00 Asia 43. BROUGHTON (THOMAS DUER). -LES MARATTES. Paris, Nepveu, 1817. 2 vols. 16mo. 10 engraved plates, 6 folding. Original card-board bindings. First French edition. Broughton first arrived in India in 1795 as a cadet on the Bengal establishment. Following the siege of Seringapatam in 1799, in which he was actively engaged, he was appointed commandant of the cadet corps. At the time he wrote the present work he was military resident with the Mahrattas. His book is dedicated to the Marquis of Wellesley, "the acute detector of Mahratta wiles, the firm repeller of their insolent pretensions, and the formidable barrier to their ambitious projects; their vigorous opponent in time of war, and their generous pacificator in the hour of victory. " Eight of the ten finely watercolored plates are after original drawings by a native artist. Fine copy. $ 1 980,00 44. LAYARD (F. P.). -SKETCHES IN BENGAL. TO IDA G. LAYARD FROM HER AFFECTIONATE HUSBAND. Inde, 1850-1851. 1 vol. folio. 36 original ink drawings enhanced with black wash tint (1 watercoloured). Beautiful album composed with 36 original drawings by F. P. Layard, impressive compositions depicting Indian landscapes. The artist let the vegetation play an important role in it: banian, peepul tree, cotton tree, burr tree becoming are at the center of the villages, invade the Ancient sites and are almost charcters. Also scenes of fishing, hunting, daily life. The author takes care of the details, while thinking of the importance of the composition which don't lack of dramatism. Remarkable work. $ 8 250,00 Egypt - Middle East 45. ALCOCK (THOMAS). -TRAVELS IN RUSSIA, PERSIA, TURKEY AND GREECE, IN 1828-9 BY THOMAS ALCOCK, ESQ. NOT PUBLISHED. London: Printed by E. Clarke and son, Well Street, 1831. 1 vol. 8vo. 1 aquatint folding plate in frontispiece. Publisher cloth. First edition of this rare account by Thomas Alcock. The beginning of the book deals with Russia, then Persia, Turkey, and Greece at the end. The account on Greece is mainly dedicated to the Independance War against the Turks. The beautiful plate depicts Mount Ararat. Fine copy in contemporary binding. $ 6 600,00 46. [ART ORIENTAL. CACHEMIRE]. [ORIENTAL ART. KASHMIR]. -[PORTE DOCUMENT ET TOURNE PAGE ORNÉS]. [ORNAMENTED PORTFOLIO AND PAGE-TURNER]. [Cachemire, 19ème siècle]. 1 vol. folio. 1 page-turner. Contemporary half morocco, boards covered with a rich varnished decoration in Kashmir style, matching pageturner. Very elegant Indian writting kit, composed with a portfolio and a page-turner, ornamented in a typical Kashmir way. The polychrom ornaments, on completely golden boards, consist in a rich framing frieze, and arabasques. Provenance: Forrest family from Scotland. Very refined and decorative item. $ 3 850,00 47. [DAULIER DESLANDES (ANDRÉ)]. -LES BEAUTEZ DE LA PERSE OU LA DESCRIPTION DE CE QU'IL Y A DE PLUS CURIEUX DANS CE ROYAUME, ENRICHIE DE LA CARTE DU PAÏS,... A Paris, Chez Gervais Clouzier, au Palais, sur les degrez en montant pour aller à la Sainte Chapelle, à l'Enseigne du Voyageur. M. DC. LXXIII. 1673. 1 vol. 4to. Engraved frontispiece, 1 folding map, 7 plates (2 folding). Contemporary calf. First and only edition of this rare account richly illustrated on Persia. André Daulier Deslandes (1621-1689) accompanied Tavernier in his sixth travel in Teheran. He is twenty years old and frequents the court of Abbas II of Persia. He also met Thévenot with whom he traveled for some time. For the present work, the engravings were made by Israël Sylvestre and Antoine Paillet from the author’s drawings. A copy of the original manuscript of this work was sold in auction for more than 100.000 €). Fine copy of this nicely illustrated work. $ 5 500,00 48. DROUVILLE (GASPARD). -VOYAGE EN PERSE FAIT EN 1812 ET 1813 ; PAR GASPARD DROUVILLE, COLONEL DE CAVALERIE AU SERVICE DE S. M. L'EMPEREUR DE TOUTES LES RUSSIES, CHEVALIER DE PLUSIEURS ORDRES. Paris, Librairie Nationale et Etrangere, 1825. 2 vols. 8vo. 60 lithographed hand-coloured plates (6 folding), 1 folding map. Contemporary cardboard binding. First octavo edition of this account of travels in Persia, including many costume plates and interior scenes. The present copy is one of the 150 coloured copies of the Parisian edition, expanded version of the first edition published in St. Petersburg (1819). (Cf. Wilson). Fine copy. $ 3 080,00 49. LORTET (LOUIS). -SYRIE D'AUJOURD'HUI. VOYAGE DANS LA PHÉNICIE, LE LIBAN ET LA JUDÉE. Hachette, Paris, 1884. 1 vol. folio. 1 large folding map, 8 maps, 360 illustrations. Contemporary half red morocco. Original edition of this remarquable work on Lebanon, Palestine and Syria, beautifully illustrated. His author, Louis Lortet, was a member of the Faculty of Medicine in Lyon as well as a botanist, zoologist, paleontologist, egyptologist, anthropologist and a mountaineer. From 1873 to 1909, he performs several scientific missions in Syria and Egypt. The present work was published after his mission in the Middle East to collect botanical and zoological material for the Museum d'histoire naturelle of Lyon. It contains 9 maps, including a large colored map of Palestine, and 364 illustrations, many at full page. Part of the illustrations is engraved from original photographs taken by the famous Bonfils in Beirut. Fine clean copy. $ 1 980,00 50. MARSIGLI (LUIGI FERDINAND). -L’ETAT MILITAIRE DE L’EMPIRE OTTOMAN, SES PROGRÈS ET SA DÉCADENCE PAR MR. LE COMTE DE MARSIGLI DE L’ACADÉMIE ROYALE DES SÇIENCES DE PARIS, ET DE MONTPELIER, DE LA SOCIÉTÉ ROYALE DE LONDRES, ET FONDATEUR DE L’INSTITUT DE BOULOGNE. ETC. La Haye, Amsterdam, 1732. 2 parts in 1 vol. folio. Titles in French and Italian in red and black, 2 hand coloured maps, 35 engraved plates (7 foldings), 10 half-page illustrations, 3 folding tables, 5 engraved borders. Contemporary quarter sheep. First edition. “Marsigli had a long experience of the Ottoman empire beginning with a stay of eleven months at Constantinople c. 1679 when he accompanied Ciurani, Venetian representative to the Porte. During the Turkish-Hungarian campaigns (1682–99) he was taken captive by Tartars at Rab and eventually sold to some Bosnian soldiers during the siege of Vienna in 1683. In 1691 he joined the suite of the grand vizier Zadé Mustafa Kuprili on his fatal journey to Salankeman. After the peace of Carlowitz in 1699 the Emperor Leopold appointed him to establish the limits of the frontiers between Turkey, Venice and Hungary. His important work on the military system of the Ottoman Empire concerns itself with its finances, revenues, commerce etc. Marsigli gives an account of the different military functionaries as well as a description of the different types of artillery, mines, fireworks etc. The interesting plates illustrate weaponry, costumes, modes of transport, battle formations, the organization of camps and the layout of actual battles and sieges” (Blackmer). Fine copy. $ 10 450,00 51. NIEBUHR (CARSTEN). -DESCRIPTION DE L'ARABIE D'APRÈS LES OBSERVATIONS ET RECHERCHES FAITES DANS LE PAYS MÊME. PAR M. NIEBUHR, CAPITAINE D'INGÉNIEURS, MEMBRE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ ROYALE DE GOTTINGEN. NOUVELLE ÉDITION, REVUE & CORRIGÉE. A Paris, Chez Brunet, Libraire, rue des Écrivains. 1779. 2 vols. 4to. 18 plates (1 folding), 7 maps (5 folding), 1 folding table. Contemporary full calf. Second French edition of Niebuhr's famous work, considered as the best printed of Niebuhr's travel books, and the first scientific expedition to Arabia. Having the large famous map of Yemen. His work still forms one of the most authoritative descriptions of Arabia and Yemen in particular. Fine copy. $ 3 300,00 52. NORDEN (FRÉDÉRIC-LOUIS). -TRAVELS IN EGYPT AND NUBIA. BY FREDERICK LEWIS NORDEN, F.R.S. CAPTAIN OF THE DANISH NAVY. TRANSLATED FROM THE ORIGINAL PUBLISHED BY COMMAND OF HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF DENMARK. AND ENLARGED WITH OBSERVATIONS FROM ANCIENT AND MODERN AUTHORS, THAT HAVE WRITTEN ON THE ANTIQUITIES OF EGYPTE, BY DR. PETER TEMPLEMAN. London, Printed for Lockyer Davis and Charles Reymers, MDCCLVII. 1757. Howgego, N38. 2 vols. folio. 159 numbered plates: 59 bound in vol. I (3 folding in two parts (n°17, 23 et 27); 100 bound in vol. II including 2 folding (n°66, 72 & 73 mounted together), 1 double (n°108), n°140 & 141, as well as 142 & 143 are on one simple plate. Contemporary full calf. First English edition of the earliest modern study of Egypt, illustrated with more than 150 plates. "After touring Alexandria and Cairo he proceeded up the Nile as far as Derr in Nubia, one night unknowingly passing Richard Pococke travelling in the opposite direction. Norden then retraced his steps to Alexandria and re-embarked for Europe in May 1738. During his year in Egypt, Norden produced the first coherent maps of the country. He died in Paris in September 1742, but his friends organized his papers on Egypt and published them in two volumes in French at Copenhagen in 1752-55" (Howgego). Fine copy. $ 12 100,00 53. [PECQUET (ANTOINE), VIEUX-MAISIONS (MADAME DE)]. -THE SECRET HISTORY OF PERSIA. CONTAINING A PARTICULAR ACCOUNT, NOT ONLY OF THAT KINGDOM... London: Printed for M. Cooper, in Pater-noster-Row. 1745. 1 vol. 12mo. Half calf (posterior). Scarce English translation published the same year than the original French of this key novel, satire of he court at the beginning of the reign of Louis XV. "The key inserted in the Notes is taken from one printed privately in Holland, and sent us with the Original." Fine copy. $ 935,00 54. POMPONIUS LAETIUS (JULIUS). -OPERA POMPONII LAETI VARIA. QUORUM CATALOGUM IN SEQUENTI REPERIES PAGELLA. Mainz, Johannes Schoeffer, 1521. Moguntiae, An M D. XXI. 1 vol. 8vo. Engraved title, numerous engraved initials. Ottoman binding with a golden medallion, boards of the 16th century. Rare edition of some pieces by the Italian humanist Giulio Pomponio Leto (Julius Pomponius Laetus, in Latin) (1428-1497). Nicely printed with a beautiful engraved title, the book is finely bound. The binding is described in Burlington catalog as: "Turkish binding of the 16th century... with sunk panels; elegant arabesque design on a stippled gold ground". Fine copy. $ 5 280,00 55. [PRESENTATION COPY]. VOLNEY (CONSTANTIN FRANÇOIS DE CHASSEBOEUF, COMTE DE). -VOYAGE EN SYRIE ET EN EGYPTE, PENDANT LES ANNÉES 1783, 84 ET 85. TROISIÈME ÉDITION, REVUE ET CORRIGÉE PAR L’AUTEUR ; AUGMENTÉE... A Paris, chez Dugour et Durand, Libraires, rue et hôtel Serpente, An VII. 1799. 2 vols 8vo. 3 maps, 1 plan, 4 plates (all folded). Contemporary half green morocco. Third edition of this valuable account of Syria and Egypt. Volney (1757-1820), distinguished French historian and philosopher, spent three years of travelling in Syria and Egypt. His account contains information about the natural history, politics, commerce, customs and manners, etc. Includes an account of the Arabic press at the convent of Mrkhamra with a catalogue of books printed there. One of the most exact and valuable works of its kind ever published (Cox). His account has never really been surpassed. This copy belonged to Jean-Louis Laya (1761-1833) French author, who was forced to hide during the French Revolution because of his play "L'Ami des Lois" where he denounces the excess of men like Robespierre or Marat ("A Mr. Laya, de la part de l'auteur"). Pleasant presentation copy. $ 1 650,00 56. SPILSBURY (FRANCIS B.). -PICTURESQUE SCENERY IN THE HOLY LAND AND SYRIA, DELINEATED DURING THE CAMPAIGNS OF 1799 AND 1800. BY F. B. SPILSBURY, OF HIS MAJESTY'S SHIP LE TIGRE; SURGEON IN THAT EXPEDITION DURING BOTH CAMPAIGNS. London, 1819. 1 vol. folio. 19 aquatints contemporary hand-coloured. Second edition of this fine work giving the scenery of the Holy Land, with introductory text and beautifully illustrated 19 hand-coloured aquatint plates. F.B. Spilsbury was a surgeon on board the H.M.S. Tigre, which together with the H.M.S. Theseus, under the command of Commodore Sir Sydney Smith, were sent on a naval mission to the Holy Land and Syria. This operation was launched as part of the overall mission to counter the military campaigns of Napoleon in the Middle East in 1799 and 1800. Spilsbury's original on-site sketches of famous sites and local peoples were redrawn in London by Daniel Orme. They were etched in aquatint by Joseph Constantine Stadler, a prolific engraver, who worked in London and created works after some of the leading artists of the day, including J.F.W. Turner. These prints are characteristic of those made during the Regency period, a time of exploration of the Middle East spurred by Napoleon's explorations and conquests in Egypt. Fine copy. $ 7 480,00 57. [VILLOTTE (R.P. JACQUES)]. -VOYAGES D'UN MISSIONNAIRE DE LA COMPAGNIE DE JÉSUS EN TURIQUIE, EN PERSE, EN ARMÉNIE, EN ARABIE, & EN BARBARIE. A Paris, Chez Jacques Vincent, rue & vis-à-vis l'Eglise de S. Severin, à l'Ange. M.DCC.XXX. 1730. 1 vol. 12mo. Contemporary full calf. Rare first edition of the account of the 15 travels by Jacques Villotte from 1688 to 1712, in all Middle-East. His missions took him in Turkey, Armenia, Persia, Arabia, and coming and going with no regard for his safety or confort, Father Villotte brought back a precious testimony on caravans travels in the desert. He was deeply attached to Armenia and his Armenian dictionary, one of the first of its kind, was published in Roma in 1714. Gripping book. $ 2 750,00 Africa 58. COCHELET (CHARLES). -NAUFRAGE DU BRICK FRANÇAIS LA SOPHIE, PERDU, LE 30 MAI 1819, SUR LA CÔTE OCCIDENTALE D'AFRIQUE, ET CAPTIVITÉ D'UNE PARTIE DES NAUFRAGÉS DANS LE DÉSERT DE SAHARA ; AVEC DE NOUVEAUX RENSEIGNEMENS SUR LA VILLE DE TIMECTOU. OUVRAGE ORNÉ D'UNE CARTE DRESSÉE PAR M. LAPIE, ET DE PLANCHES DESSINÉES PAR H. VERNET, ET AUTRES ARTISTES DISTINGUÉS. PAR CHARLES COCHELET, ANCIEN PAYEUR GÉNÉRAL EN CATALOGNE, L'UN DES NAUFRAGÉS. Paris, Librairie Universelle de P; Mongie Aîné, 1821. 2 vols. 8vo. 10 engraved plates (5 folding), 1 fac-simile letter, 1 large folding map. Contemporary red boards. First edition of this relation of the Sophie's shipwreck. The author relates their captivity in the Sahara, and adds descriptions and informations about Timbuktu, Bedouin tribes from Morroco and Tanger. Excellent map of North Africa and French-Arabic vocabulary at the end of the second volume. Fine copy. $ 1 210,00 59. JANNEQUIN (CLAUDE). -VOYAGE DE LYBIE AU ROYAUME DE SENEGA, LE LONG DU NIGER, AVEC LA DESCRIPTION DES HABITANS QUI SONT LE LON DE CE FLEUVE, LEURS COÛTUMES & FAÇONS DE VIVRES: LES PARTICULARITÉS LES PLUS REMARQUABLES DE CES PAYS. A Paris, chez Charles Roüillard, M. DC. XLVIII. (1643). 1 vol. 12mo. 18th century calf. First edition of this account by Claude Jannequin who travelled in Libya from 1637 until 1639. In this expedition, the French set up for the first time in Senegal. « Lambert and Jannequin ascended the Senegal as far as Terrier Rouge, where they traded for gum, gold and pepper. Treaties were concluded with the brak of the Walo and the damel of the Cayor » (Howgego I, p. 604). Fine copy. $ 8 580,00 Europe 60. [ALBUM / AQUARELLES ORIGINALES / ORIGINAL WATERCOLOURS ALBUM]. -[ TRAVEL LOG IN EUROPE]. [Ca. 1880]. 1 vol. folio. 112 watercolours. Contemporary romantic buckram. Beautiful set of watercolours fly-on-the-wall from journeys in different European countries by an anonymous traveler in the 19th century. Views depict great Italian cities (Venice, Padoua, Trieste, etc.), northern Italy (Riva) and south Switzerland and Austria, Paris, Germany and Prussia (Munchen, Berlin, Hamburg), and Turkey. Exceptional album. $ 26 400,00 61. BRETON DE LA MARTINIERE (JEAN-BAPTISTE JOSEPH). -LA RUSSIE, OU MOEURS, USAGES ET COSTUMES DES HABITANS DE TOUTES PROVINCES DE CET EMPIRE. OUVRAGE ORNÉ DE CENT-ONZE PLANCHES, REPRÉSENTANT PLUS DE DEUX CENTS SUJETS, GRAVÉS SUR LES DESSINS ORIGINAUX ET D'APRÈS NATURE... A Paris, Nepveu, Passage des Panoramas, n°26, 1813. 6 vols. 16mo. 111 plates, all in contemporary colours but 5. Contemporary pink boards. Untrimmed copy. First edition of one of the most remarkable works of the Nepveu collection, dedicated to Russia and illustrated with 111 plates. This little book is a learned compilation by Breton of the better contemporary sources on Russia. It is illustrated with plates from original and unpublished drawings. Given the few informations on Russia available in Europe, this work was one of the best source of the period. It was published short after, but prepared before the great fire of Moscow in 1812, and so it gives numerous details which disappeared during this event. A very pleasant untrimmed copy. $ 7 150,00 62. GUILBERT (A.). [MANUSCRIT]. -CROQUIS DE ROUTE. Blois, le 25 octobre 1914. 1 vol. 4to. [1] l., 97 watercoloured ll. (only one side), numbered 95 (2 bis), and 2 text ll. 4 plans black or watercolour and 2 manuscript notes on the back. 1 full page watercolour as a frontispiece. Contemporary full sheep. Remarkable manuscript account of a travel in Italy, Autria and Germany, illustrated with charm and humour. It was written only a few months before the declaration of the First World War. The author gives lovely descriptions of the places they visited: especially Switzerland, Venezia, Germany. He came back to this book after the war, to which he took part. Very nice work, wonderfully illustrated. $ 4 180,00 Polar and Maritimes Explorations 63. [BONARD (AMIRAL LOUIS-ADOLPHE), BRUAT (AMIRAL ARMAND-JOSEPH), HAMELIN (AMIRAL FERDINANDALPHONSE), POMARE IV]. -[LIVRE DE BORD DE LA FRÉGATE L'URANIE. CAMPAGNE DE TAHITI. / LOG BOOK OF THE FRIGATE URANIE. CAMPAIGN OF TAHITI.] 1843-1847. 1 vol. folio. [129] ll. - [7] bl. - [4] ll. Contemporary half vellum. 15 appended items. 12 complementary documents from the contemporary press. An original document of capital interest for the history of Tahiti and the archipelago of the Society Islands: the precious log of the frigate Uranie. It recounts all of her Polynesian campaign (1843-47) under the orders of Captain Louis-Adolphe Bonard (1805-1867). The log is augmented with important handwritten and printed appended items. This log, very readable, is more than an account of daily navigation. Each event is related in great details, most of the official acts from French and local authorities are transcribed. The Uranie, her captain and her crew were the main actors of the events leading to the restoration of the French protectorate on the island. The wealth of the information in the log and the annexed pieces make of this amazing document a great first hand historical source, shining a new light on the history of Tahiti and the French presence in the archipelago. $ 52 800,00 64. CORVETTE DESCURBIERTA - ORIGINAL MAPS FROM SPANISH SCIENTIFIC EXPLORATIONS. [GONZALES (ANTONIO)]. A COLLECTION OF ORIGINAL SEA CHARTS AND VIEWS. INDONESIA, CHILI, PERU, MEXICO, CALIFORNIA, INDONESIA, SINGAPORE, CHINA SEA, PATAGONIA.]. [Drawn aboard the ship] 1815-1816. 1 vol. folio. 18 manuscript ll., (ink drawings, 3 hand-coloured, 1 recto-verso, some folding). Bound in a contemporary album. A large set of manuscript maps and coast views drawn by Antonio Gonzales aboard the famous Spanish exploration ship “Descurbierta” (Discovery) during exploration journeys from 1810 to 1816. The corvette Descurbierta is famous for being one of the two ships (with the Atrevida) of the Malaspina's expedition (1786-1788, and 17891794), the most important voyage of discovery dispatched by Spain in the 18th century. After his great expedition, the Descurbierta stayed in service as a scientific ship up to 1828. The 22 guns corvette was stationed in Monte Video from 1804 to 1806 and Callao (Lima) from 1810 to 1816. In 1816, she went back to Cadiz in 1816 for repairing. From 1816 to 1819, she was again based in South America to help General Morillo and Laborde expeditions against insurgents in Colombia and Venezuela. Back to Cadiz in 1821, the Corvette was dropped out of service in 1828. The present collection of 18 original drawings was made by Officer Antonio Gonzales aboard of the Descubierta from 1810 to 1816, during different campaigns. The first plate is dated from 1810, and is one of the most striking leaves of the set. It is dedicated to Patagonia (rectoverso), with many views and coastal profiles and an amazing representation of an Iceberg observed by lat. 57° and 69 west, in the South of Patagonia. A large series, dated from 1816, is dedicated to Asia (China Sea, Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia). Then they cross the Pacific to arrive in Gulf of California, and going north, we find important maps of Chili and Peru (including a beautiful map of Conception: “Plano de la Bahia de Concepcion de Chile”). The last chart depicts Saint Helena. Those maps and views are totally unknown and there is no recorded publication for the details of these campaigns, a continuation of Malaspina expedition round the world. $ 34 100,00 65. DALRYMPLE (ALEXANDER). -VOYAGES DANS LA MER DU SUD PAR LES ESPAGNOLS ET LES HOLLANDAIS. OUVRAGE TRADUIT DE L'ANGLOIS DE M. DALRYMPLE, PAR M. DE FRÉVILLE. A Paris, chez Saillant & Nyon, chez Pissot, M. DCC. LXXIV. (1774). 1 vol. 8vo. 3 engraved folding maps. Contemporary full glazed calf. First French edition of this major work by Dalrymple: “This important work, issued before the return of Captain Cook’s expedition, is the result of Dalrymple’s strong belief in the existence of a southern continent” Hill. Fine copy in contemporary binding of this major work for the South Pacific exploration history. $ 2 750,00 66. DEFAUCONPRET (A.J.B.). -VOYAGE VERS LE PÔLE ARCTIQUE, DANS LA BAIE BAFFIN, FAIT EN 1818, PAR LES VAISSEAUX DE SA MAJESTÉ L’ISABELLE ET L’ALEXANDRE, COMMANDÉS PAR LE CAPITAINE ROSS ET LE LIEUTENANT PARRY, POUR VÉRIFIER S'IL EXISTE UN PASSAGE AU NORD-OUEST DE L'OCÉAN ATLANTIQUE DANS LA MER PACIFIQUE. RÉDIGÉ, 1° SUR LA RELATION DU CAPITAINE ROSS ; 2° SUR LE JOURNAL PUBLIÉ PAR UN OFFICIER DE BORD DE L'ALEXANDRE ; 3° SUR LA RELATION DU CAPITAINE SABINE ; 4° SUR LE JOURNAL PUBLIÉ PAR UN AUTRE OFFICIER. PAR L'AUTEUR D'UNE ANNÉE DE SÉJOUR À LONDRES. Paris, Librairie de Gide Fils, 1819. 1 vol. 8vo. 2 plates (1 folding), 1 folding map. Modern binding. First French work giving the account of the first Arctic mission led by Ross and Parry to discover the Northwest Passage, published the same year than Ross' account. Fine copy of this scarce work of Polar exploration, untrimmed. $ 1 980,00 DE 67. DILLON (PETER). -VOYAGE AUX ÎLES DE LA MER DU SUD, EN 1827 ET 1828, ET RELATION DE LA DÉCOUVERTE DU SORT DE LA PÉROUSE. DÉDIÉ AU ROI, PAR LE CAPITAINE PETER DILLON, CHEVALIER DE L'ORDRE ROYAL DE LA LÉGION D'HONNEUR, MEMBRE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ ASIATIQUE DU BENGALE ET DE LA SOCIÉTÉ GÉOGRAPHIQUE DE PARIS, EXCOMMANDANT DU VAISSEAU DE LA COMPAGNIE ANGLAISE DES INDES-ORIENTALES LE RESEARCH. A Paris, chez Pillet Aîné, Imprimeur-Libraire, Editeur du Voyage autour du monde, Rue des Grands-Augustins, n°7, 1830. 2 vols. 8vo. 3 plates, 2 folding, 1 folding map. Contemporary wrappers. First French edition of this travel account by Peter Dillon: the first who gives the solution of the fate of La Pérouse. The history of this discovery is long of 14 years. Peter Dillon (1788-1847) was not an explorer, but a trader who crossed the South Seas for sandal wood. In 1826, he went back to Tikopia (from the Solomon), an island that he visited in 1813, and where two men of his former crew had been left. These men still were in Tikopia when Dillon reached the island. During their negotiations, Dillon saw that they had some material from an occidental ship. Following his intuition and after different incidents, Dillon got to Mannicolo where he found the proof that this was the place where La Pérouse’s expedition ended. He brought back the debris to France and England. Besides solving the riddle of La Pérouse, Dillon's narrative is a classic account of the south Pacific in the 1820's. Hocken describes the author as “a splendid specimen of a wild Irishman and seaman' and his narrative reflects the excitement and dangers of a sole trader in the south Pacific during this era.” Fine copy in publisher wrappers. $ 3 520,00 68. [FLEURIEU (CHARLES PIERRE CLARET)]. -DECOUVERTES DES FRANÇOIS EN 1768 & 1769, DANS LE SUD-EST DE LA NOUVELLE-GUINÉE. ET RECONNOISSANCES POSTÉRIEURES DES MÊMES TERRES PAR DES NAVIGATEURS ANGLOIS QUI LEUR ONT IMPOSÉ DE NOUVEAUX NOMS ; PRÉCÉDÉES DE L'ABRÉGÉ HISTORIQUE DES NAVIGATIONS & DES DÉCOUVERTES DES ESPAGNOLS DANS LES MÊMES PARAGES. PAR M.***, ANCIEN CAPITAINE DE VAISSEAU. A Paris, de l'Imprimerie Royale, 1790. 1 vol. 4to. 12 plates. Contemporary half calf. First edition of this account by Fleurieu, French explorer and politician, one of the most famous hydrographers of the 18th century. The purpose of the present book, presented to the French Academy of Science in 1790, was to ensure Bougainville’s and Surville’s rights against some English sailors’ claims for the discovery of some islands. Fine copy. $ 6 380,00 69. MULLER (GERHARD FRIEDRICH). -VOYAGES ET DÉCOUVERTES FAITES PAR LES RUSSES LE LONG DES CÔTES DE LA MER GLACIALE & SUR L'OCÉAN ORIENTAL, TANT VERS LE JAPON QUE VERS L'AMÉRIQUE. ON Y A JOINT L'HISTOIRE DU FLEUVE AMUR ET DES PAYS ADJACENS, DEPUIS LE CONQUÊTE DES RUSSES ; AVEC LA NOUVELLE CARTE QUI PRÉSENTE CES DÉCOUVERTES & LE COURS DE L'AMUR, DRESSÉE SUR DES MÉMOIRES AUTHENTIQUES, PUBLIÉE AR L'ACADÉMIE DES SCIENCES DE ST. PÉTERSBOURG, & CORRIGÉE EN DERNIER LIEU. OUVRAGES TRADUITS DE L'ALLEMAND DE MR. G. P. MULLER, PAR C. G. F. DUMAS. A Amsterdam, Chez Marc-Michel Rey, MDCCLXVI. 1766. 2 vols. 12mo. 1 folding map. Contemporary full calf. First edition of the French translation of this important work for the history of the exploration of Russia, north-east Asia, and north-west coasts of America. The text by Gerhard Friedrich Müller (1705-1783) is regarded as the best account of Vitus Bering second exploration in Kamchatka (1733-1743), from which they brought back the proof of the existence of a body of water between Asian and American continent: the Bering Strait, as well as very important cartographic, hydrographic and ethnological discoveries. The map depicts the strait, presents a correct delineation of the Kurile Islands, and contains the first cartographic representation of the Alaska Peninsula. Müller also gives the account of a manuscript in found in Yakoutsk which establishes that the Bering Strait had actually been navigated and discovered by Simon Djenev in 1648. Fine copy of this work: “indispensable for the history of discovery and exploration in North Pacific.” (Sabin). $ 6 050,00 70. PARRY (WILLIAM EDWARD). -JOURNAL OF A VOYAGE FOR THE DISCOVERY OF A NORTH-WEST PASSAGE FROM THE ATLANTIC TO THE PACIFIC, PERFORMED IN THE YEARS 1819-20, IN HIS MAJESTY'S SHIPS HECLA AND GRIPER, UNDER THE ORDERS OF WILLIAM EDWARD PARRY, R.N., F.R.S., AND COMMANDER OF THE EXPEDITION. WITH AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING THE SCIENTIFIC AND OTHER OBSERVATIONS. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF THE ADMIRALTY. London: John Murray, Published to the Admiralty, and board of Longitude, MDCCCXXI. 1821. 1 vol. 4to. 6 maps and plans 14 plates (including 9 aquatints). Contemporary quarter calf. First Edition of this classic of polar exploration. With this first travel, Sir William Edward Parry (1790-1855), earned the 5,000 pound reward offered for the first ship to cross the meridian, longitude 110 west. Parry after his voyage with John Ross in 1818, had the strong thought that Lancaster Sound was not lanlocked, and wanted to go back to find this passage. The Admiralty, aware of his views, gave him command of the H.M.S. Hecla and Griper for this expedition of 1819-20. Parry sailed up Baffin Bay, through Lancaster Sound and Barrow Strait to the south side of Melville Island, where he spent the winter. On this voyage, Parry found and named twenty islands, including Banks and Somerset Islands, penetrated a short distance into Prince Regent’s Inlet, and surveyed the south shores of Barrow Strait. Fine copy. $ 2 200,00 71. [PREVOST (ANTOINE-FRANÇOIS)]. -VOYAGES DU CAPITAINE ROBERT LADE EN DIFFÉRENTES PARTIES DE L'AFRIQUE, DE L'ASIE ET DE L'AMÉRIQUE : CONTENANT L'HISTOIRE DE SA FORTUNE, & SES OBSERVATIONS SUR LES COLONIES & LE COMMERCE DES ESPAGNOLS, DES ANGLOIS, DES HOLLANDOIS, &C. OUVRAGE TRADUIT DE L'ANGLOIS. A Paris, chez Didot, M. DCC. XLIV. (1744) 2 vols. 12mo. 2 folding maps. Contemporary calf. First edition of this charming literary forgery attributed to Abbé Prévost, who pretend to give the translation of the account of the travels of Captain Robert Lade, who never exists. The accuracy of some information regarding the new colony of Georgia, founded ten years earlier, drawn from English sources, gave credit to the theory of a translation of an English text. But there is no sign of a Captain Lade, and it is more likely a fancy of Prévost, who translate numerous important English text during his exile in London, and among them major travel relation as Henry Neville's Isle of Pines (1668), and authored a compilation of voyages. The work is illustrated with two folding maps, one of them being: “Carte d’une partie de l’Amérique $ 1 980,00 72. ROSS (JAMES CLARK). -A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY AND RESEARCH IN THE SOUTHERN AND ANTARCTIC REGIONS, DURING THE YEARS 1839-43. BY CAPTAIN SIR JAMES CLARK ROSS, R.N. London: John Murray, Albemarle Street. 1847. 2 vols. 8vo. 8 lithographic plates (2 frontispieces, 1 folding), 8 maps (3 folding), 18 steel-engraved vignettes. Contemporary quarter blue morocco. First edition of the account of the first scientific expedition in Antarctic, by James Ross (1800-1868). The work, illustrated with maps, impressive plates and nice vignettes (by Hooker, the expedition’s botanist), is “one of the most important works in the history of Antarctic exploration” (Hill). Fine copy. $ 3 850,00 73. ROSS (JOHN). -RELATION DU SECOND VOYAGE FAIT À LA RECHERCHE D'UN PASSAGE AU NORD-OUEST, PAR SIR JOHN ROSS, CAPITAINE DE LA MARINE ROYALE, CHEVALIER DE L'ORDRE DU BAIN, ETC., ETC. ET DE SA RÉSIDENCE DANS LES RÉGIONS ARCTIQUES PENDANT LES ANNÉES 1829 À 1833 ; CONTENANT LE RAPPORT DU CAPITAINE DE LA MARINE ROYALE SIR JAMES CLARCK ROSS ET LES OBSERVATIONS RELATIVES À LA DÉCOUVERTE DU PÔLE NORD ; OUVRAGE TRADUIT SOUS LES YEUX DE L'AUTEUR PAR A. J. B. DEFAUCONPRET, TRADUCTEUR DES OEUVRES DE WALTER SCOTT, ETC.; ACCOMPAGNÉ D'UNE CARTE DU VOYAGE ET ORNÉ DU PORTRAIT DE L'AUTEUR, GRAVÉ À LONDRES PAR ROBERT HART, ET DES DEUX VUES LES PLUS REMARQUABLES DE CES RÉGIONS, GRAVÉES SUR ACIER, D'APRÈS FINDEN, PAR SKELTON. Paris, Belizard, Barthès, Dufour et Lowell, 1835. 2 vols. 8vo. 1 frontispiece portrait, 2 plates, 1 folding map. Contemporary half calf. First edition of the French translation of the account of the second travel of Ross to the North Pole (18291833). After the failure of the first expedition, Ross had to convince Felix Booth to fund his next expedition. During this travel, they spent four winters in the Arctic, and they discovered the magnetic pole. “This impressive experience, as well as the scientific and ethnological information gathered by Ross's team, brought him the renown that he had long sought.” Fine copy. $ 825,00 Maritime 74. BLONDEL DE SAINT AUBIN (GUILLAUME). -LE TRÉSOR DE LA NAVIGATION DIVISÉ EN DEUX PARTIES, LA PREMIERE CONTIENT LA THEORIE & PRATIQUE DES TRIANGLES SPHERIQUES, ENRICHIE DE PLUSIEURS PROBLEMES ASTRONOMIQUES & GEOGRAPHIQUES, TRES-UTILES AUX NAVIGATEURS. LA SECONDE ENSEIGNE L'ART DE NAVIGER PAR LA SUPUTATION & DÉMONSTRATION DES TRIANGLES RECTELIGNES & SPHERIQUES; TANT PAR LES SINUS QUE PAR LES LOGARITHMES. NOUVELLEMENT MIS EN LUMIERE PAR LE SIEUR BLONDEL S. AUBIN. Au Havre de Grace, chez Jacques Gruchet, Imprimeur & Libraire de Monseigneur le Duc de S. Aignan, & de la Ville, 1673. 1 vol. 4to. Numerous wood engravings. Contemporary full vellum. Fine copy of the extremely rare first edition of this French school book on navigation, teaching on spherical geometry details and its application to navigation and practice of seamanship. Only 1 copy appeared at auction during the last 40 years. $ 7 480,00 75. BURCHETT (JOSIAH. ESQ.) -MÉMOIRES DE TOUT CE QUI S'EST PASSÉ DE PLUS CONSIDÉRABLE SUR MER DURANT LA GUERRE AVEC LA FRANCE DEPUIS L'AN 1688 JUSQU'À LA FIN DE 1697 PAR MR. BURCHETT, SÉCRÉTAIRE DE L’AMIRAUTÉ. TRADUIT DE L'ANGLOIS. Amsterdam, 1704. 1 vol. 12mo. 1 engraved frontispiece. Contemporary full calf. Rare first French edition of this work by the Secretary of the Admiralty in England (1695-1742), Josiah Burchett, on the sea engagements between British and French Navy (1688-1697). His position as Secretary of the Admiralty allowed Burchett to have access to the materials from which he wrote the present work. “Invaluable for the naval aspects of the War of the English Succession”. Fine copy. $ 990,00 76. BURGUES DE MISSIESSY (EDOUARD-JACQUES, COMTE DE). [PRESENTATION COPY]. -TACTIQUE ET SIGNAUX DE JOUR, DE NUIT ET DE BRUME, À L'ANCRE ET À LA VOILE ; PAR M. LE COMTE DE BURGUES MISSIESSY, VICE-AMIRAL. Paris, de l'Imprimerie Royale. 1826. 1 vol. 4to. Numerous drawings and schemes in-text. Ancient blue wrappers. Second edition of this rare work on naval tactics by Burgues de Missiessy (1756-1837). (First edition: 1802). The confidential nature of this kind of treatise is confirmed by a letter addressed to the recipient of the book: Captain Leblanc (the book was sent at the request of the Naval Minister). The letter was written in Toulon, January 30th 1828, by Jacote, from the French admiralty. Jacote recommends: “the greatest circumspection in the communication you could make of this work, in order to prevent rival navies to be aware about it and to take advantage of the entirely new data, due to the long experience of Mr. de Missiessy.” Very attractive copy of interesting provenance: capitaine Leblanc. $ 1 980,00 77. CAUSSE (PIERRE-CLÉMENT). -ALBUM DU MARIN, CONTENANT LES DIVERSES POSITIONS DU BÂTIMENT À LA MER. A LA SUITE DE CHAQUE DESSIN, ON TROUVE DES PRATIQUES SUR LA MANŒUVRE DES VAISSEAUX DE GUERRE, À L’USAGE DES JEUNES MARINS. PAR P.C. CAUSSÉ, CAPITAINE DE FRÉGATE DE LA MARINE ROYALE, MEMBRE DE LA LÉGION D’HONNEUR. MDCCCXXXVI. A Nantes, Publié par Charpentier Père, Fils & Cie Editeurs. 1836. 1 vol. oblong folio. 36 engraved plates (2 folding). Contemporary quarter morocco. First and only edition of this work richly illustrated, made for Navy students. The illustration counts a fine engraved frontispiece and 34 lithographed by Charpentier from the author's drawings. Pierre-Clément Caussé (1784-1847) were captain of the French Navy, he presents his work as an appendix of the famous Manœuvrier by Bourde de Villehuet. Fine copy of this work whose pedagogic aspect doesn't remove the artistic dimension. $ 3 850,00 78. [COPY ANNOTATED BY AUTHOR] CORREARD (ALEXANDRE), SAVIGNY (JEANBAPTISTE HENRI). -NAUFRAGE DE LA FRÉGATE LA MÉDUSE, FAISANT PARTIE DE L'EXPÉDITION DU SÉNÉGAL EN 1816 ; RELATION CONTENANT LES ÉVÉNEMENTS QUI ONT EU LIEU SUR LE RADEAU DANS LE DÉSERT DE SAHARA, À SAINT-LOUIS ET AU CAP DACCARD ; SUIVIE D'UN EXAMEN SOUS LES RAPPORTS AGRICOLES DE LA PARTIE OCCIDENTALE DE LA CÔTE D'AFRIQUE, DEPUIS LE CAP-BLANC JUSQU'À PAR ALEXANDRE CORRÉARD, INGÉNIEUR-GÉOGRAPHE, ET J.B. HENRI SAVIGNY, EX-CHIRURGIEN DE LA MARINE ; TOUS DEUX NAUFRAGÉS DU RADEAU. SECONDE, ENTIÈREMENT REFONDUE ET AUGMENTÉE DES NOTES DE M. BRÉDIF, INGÉNIEUR DES MINES. AVEC LE PLAN DU RADEAU ET LE PORTRAIT DU ROI ZAÏDE. Paris, Eymery, Delaunay & Ladvocat, Treutell et Wutz, 1818. 1 vol. 8vo. Contemporary half sheep. 1 hand-colored frontispiece-portrait, 1 plan. Second edition of this account of the Meduse’s shipwreck. Scarce copy with important manuscript annotations by Alexandre Corréard, corrections that can be found in his 1821’th édition. The author is giving more details about the story. A precious copy , unknown by historians, of the most famous publication about a shipwreck. $ 2 750,00 L'EMBOUCHURE DE LA GAMBIE. 78 bis. COURTANVAUX (FRANÇOIS CÉSAR LETELLIER, MARQUIS DE). -JOURNAL DU VOYAGE DE M. LE MARQUIS DE COURTANVAUX, SUR LA FRÉGATE L'AURORE, POUR ESSAYER PAR ORDRE DE L'ACADÉMIE, PLUSIEURS INSTRUMENTS RELATIFS À LA LONGITUDE... A Paris, de l'Imprimerie Royale, 1768. 1 vol. 4to. 1 frontispiece depicting the Aurore, 5 folding plates (1 map). Contemporary calf. Fine copy of the first edition this account of an important practical trial to perfect a method of measuring longitude. The present work is his report of a voyage in the frigate L’Aurore - a vessel that Courtanvaux fitted out at his own expense to allow an accurate daily assessment for the prize offered by the Academie for the first successful method of measuring longitude). The main contender assessed was the “Horloger du Roi”, Pierre Le Roy, who invented a completely original marine chronometer in the 1750's, which he perfected over the next decade and presented to Louis XV in 1766. In 1767 Le Roy entered his machine, which "embodied all the principles upon which later marine chronometers were constructed" (Norman), in the Academie's competition. The present voyage between Le Havre and Amsterdam was the first practical trial to which it was subjected. Le Roy was awarded a double prize in 1768, for his chronometer and for his memoir describing it. $ 5 500,00 79. DEPERTHES (JEAN LOUIS HUBERT SIMON). [EYRIES (JEAN-BAPTISTE BENOÎT)]. -HISTOIRE DES NAUFRAGES, OU RECUEIL DES RELATIONS LES PLUS INTÉRESSANTES DES NAUFRAGES, HIVERNEMENS, DÉLAISSEMENS, INCENDIES ET AUTRES EVÉNEMENS FUNESTES ARRIVÉS SUR MER. PAR DEPERTHES. NOUVELLE ÉDITION, REFONDUE, CORRIGÉE ET AUGMENTÉE DE PLUSIEURS MORCEAUX TELS QUE LES AVENTURES DE DRURY À MADAGASCAR ; CELLES DE QUIRINI, NAVIGATEUR VÉNITIEN ; LES NAUFRAGES DU GROSVENOR, DU BRIG AMÉRICAIN LE COMMERCE, DU VAISSEAU L'ALCESTE, DE LA FRÉGATE LA MÉDUSE, ETC., ETC. PAR J. B. B. EYRIÉS. Paris, Dufour, 1828. 3 vols. 12mo. 6 plates (3 frontispieces). Contemporary half sheep. Very rare edition of this classic on shipwrecks, with the account of the tragedy of La Méduse. “It is obvious that all of the later anthologies of shipwrecks and disasters at sea levied on Deperthes, either directly or by stealing from each other” (Huntress). Fine copy. $ 990,00 80. DUMAITZ DE GOIMPY (FRANÇOIS-LOUIS, COMTE). -TRAITÉ SUR LA CONSTRUCTION DES VAISSEAUX, DÉDIÉ ET PRÉSENTÉ AU ROI, PAR M LE COMPTE DU MAITZ DE GOIMPY, CAPITAINE DES VAISSEAUX DE SA MAJESTÉ, CHEVALIER DE L'ORDRE ROYAL & MILIAIRE DE SAINT LOUIS, DE L'ACADÉMIE ROYALE DE MARINE. A Paris, Couturier, 1776. 1 vol. 4to. 2 folding plates. Complete with the l. "Correction de la hauteur du point Vélique". Enhanced with an engraving depicting a ship. Contemporary full red morocco, with the arms of Jean Baptiste Bertin (1720-1792), Minister under Louis XV, famous for the creation of the "Cabinet des Chartes". First edition of this innovative shipbuilding treatise, based on the latest theoretical researches, but expressed in clear terms: to be accessible to the shipbuilder. French naval officer, Dumaitz de Goimpy (1729-1807) became midshipman in the French navy in 1746, and lieutenant in 1752. He was commissioned a commander in 1772, and served during the whole of the war of American independence. He led the 1st division of the fleet under Admiral Count de Guichen, which defeated Lord Rodney off Dominique three times, and was severely wounded in the first battle, which he gained for the French by a timely movement. He commanded a division of the fleet that under Count de Grasse blockaded the Chesapeake bay, and defeated the English on 5 September, 1781. He fought also under De Grasse in the battles off Dominique on 9 and 12 April, 1782, and in 1783 became a member of the Cincinnati and a knight of Saint Louis. Fine copy in armorial binding. $ 3 080,00 81. DUVAL-LE-ROY (NICOLAS). -ELÉMENS DE NAVIGATION. PAR N. C. DUVAL-LE-ROY, ASSOCIÉ NON RÉSIDANT DE L'INSTITUT NATIONAL DE FRANCE, & PROFESSEUR DE MATHÉMATIQUES AUX ECOLES DE NAVIGATION. A Brest, Paris, Chez Malassis, Chez Louis, An X -1802. 1 vol. 8vo. 7 folding plates. Contemporary half-sheep. First edition of this uncommon maritime treatise. Duval who wrote some of the articles for the Maritime Dictionary of the Encyclopédie (some corrections for these articles are present in this work), is the author of a text on maritime barometers. Fine copy, complete with the half title (not mentioned by Polak). $ 880,00 82. EULER (LEONHARD). -THÉORIE COMPLETE DE LA CONSTRUCTION DE LA MANOEUVRE DES VAISSEAUX, MISE À LA PORTÉE DE CEUX QUI S'APPLIQUENT À LA NAVIGATION. PAR M. LÉONOARD EULER. NOUVELLE EDITION CORRIGÉE & AUGMENTÉE. A Paris, rue Dauphine, Chez Claude-Antoine Jombert, fils aîné, Libraire du Roi pour le Génie & l'Artillerie. M. DCC. LXXVI. 1776. 1 vol. 12mo. 6 folding plates. 19th century half calf. Second edition of the famous shipbuilding treatise by Leonhard Euler (First edition: 1773, St Petersburg). Leonhard Euler (17071783) pioneering mathematician and physicist, is considered as one of the greatest and the most prolofic scientist of his time. His researches also have applications in shipbuilding. Fine copy. $ 990,00 83. FLEURIEU (CHARLES PIERRE CLARET, COMTE DE). -VOYAGE FAIT PAR ORDRE DU ROI EN 1768 ET 1769, À DIFFÉRENTES PARTIES DU MONDE, POUR ÉPROUVER EN MER LES HORLOGES MARINES INVENTÉES PAR M. FERDINAND BERTHOUD... A Paris, Imprimerie Royale, 1773. 2 vols. 4to. 4 folding maps, 2 plates (1 folding), 5 folding tables. Contemporary full marbled sheep, « Ecole d’Hydrographie de St Brieux », (stamped on the superior board). Rare first edition of the first work by Fleurieu, account of his travel to test Berthoud’s marine clock, from Fleurieu’s library (stamps). Count Charles-Pierre Claret de Fleurieu (17381810) is one of the most important figures of the history of French exploration. Statesman, scientist and navigator, he is closely involved in the progress of the cartography and of nautical sciences of his time. He studied the marine clock with Ferdinand Berthoud, and it is a clock of his master he tested in the campaign of the Isis, that took them in Cadiz, to the Canaries, in the Caribbean, etc. The results for the cartography were beyond their expectations. The scientific nature of the voyage, explains the rarity of the book. Fine copy, of interesting provenance. $ 9 350,00 84. GODDE DE LIANCOURT (COMTE A.). -TRAITÉ PRATIQUE DES MOYENS DE SAUVETAGE, CONTENANT DES DÉTAILS COMPLETS SUR L'EMPLOI DE LA BALISTIQUE DES PROJECTILES PORTE-AMARRES : BOMBES, GRENADES, FUSÉES, FLÈCHES, GRAPINS, ETC., SUIVI DE L'EXPOSITION GÉNÉRALE DES INVENTIONS QUI ONT POUR BUT DE PRÉSERVER LA VIE DES NAUFRAGÉS, TELLES QUE BATEAUX, RADEAUX, BOUÉES, SIGNAUX, MATELAS DE SAUVETAGE, NAUTILES, EXPLORATEURS SOUS-MARINS, ETC. TERMINÉ PAR DEUX TRAITÉS SUR L'ASPHYXIE PAR SUBMERSION ET LA PETITE CHIRURGIE DE BORD. . Paris, 1841. 1 vol. 8vo. Numerous illustrations. Publisher wrappers. First and only edition of this very rare treatise. This text, by Godde de Liancourt, the founder of the Société Générale Internationale des Naufrages, is very innovative. The author regrets the total absence of governmental implication in sea rescue, and shows the importance of his association despite their lack of material means. They diffuse informations, sometimes through manuscripts, and this publication is rare. It presents official documents regarding the official founding of the association, and various informations for sea rescue (how turn weapons into sea rescue devices, life boat, what care shall be given to drowned people, etc). Fine copy of one of the first serious work dedicated to sea rescue. $ 2 750,00 85. HELYOT, LIEUTENANT D’ARTILLERIE. -ORDRE DE BATAILLE QUE TENOIENT LES ARMÉES NAVALLES DE FRANCE, D’ANGLETERRE ET DE HOLLANDE DANS LA MÉDITERRANÉE EN L’ANNÉE 1704, QUAND MONSEIGNEUR LE COMTE DE TOULOUSE REMPORTA LA VICTOIRE SUR LES ANGLAIS ET HOLLANDAIS ET LES OBLIGEA À ABANDONNER LA MÉDITERRANÉE ET REPASSER LE DÉTROIT. Sans lieu, 1704. 1 paper roll (6.53 x 0.66 m.) formed by different sheets, showing on 5 lines 180 warships’ portraits by watercolour and gouache, and 11 boats, mostly with manuscript ink captions, 3 manuscript texts. The sheets of paper are pasted down a slim linen canvas. Exceptional original document that remained unknown to historians, of major interest for the study of tactics of naval combat at the beginning of the 18th century, depicting, in a plan more than six metres long, the celebrated battle of Malaga. On August 24, 1704, the French-Spanish fleet commanded by Louis Alexandre de Bourbon, comte de Toulouse (1678 1737), natural son of Louis XIV, faced the Anglo-Dutch coalition under Admiral George Rooke (1650-1709), which just had taken Gibraltar. The battle took place off the coast of Velez-Malaga, Andalusian port located North of Gibraltar. Historically, it is a unique case where a son of a king of France had the command during a naval battle. Embellished with his arms bearing 3 fleurs-de-lis on a blue background, the battleplan is most likely commissioned by the Comte de Toulouse intended to embody his victory. Drawn on paper with watercolour and gouache, it is signed by the “lieutenant of artillery and of the bomb ketch Hélyot”, present at the battle on board of the “Toulouse”, whose career can be found in the French Navy archives up to the rank of captain. One of his most remarquable action was to take part as captain of the "Patient" to the successfull attack of Rio de Janeiro, with Dugay Trouin, in 1712. This officer has succeeded in creating a true masterpiece in terms of representing a naval battle, without any known equal in a public or private collection, on account of its enormous dimensions and the precision of information given: each ship is placed in its actual position on the line of battle, under sails and pavillions, respecting its proportions of hull and rigging. A work that, because of its realism, is a forerunner of the works of portraitists of ships during the second half of the 18th century (the brothers Ozanne, Antoine Roux, ...). An ink inscription below each ship details: the type of ship (vessel, frigate, store ship, fire ship, galley, bomb ketch, hospital ship, ...), number of cannon and crew, and the name of her commander. In all, 194 ships are represented, among which 68 units for France + 24 galleys (including Spain), against 62 ships for England and 26 for the Dutch, as well as 14 very small ships scattered between the lines. A text placed on the right of the document gives a total of 205 units (96 +109) and retraces the chronology of events as well as the organization of the fleets in 3 squadrons. Malaga is at once the largest battle in terms of the number of ships of the whole 18th century, as well as a practical demonstration of a line of battle. That arrangement, theorized about by admiral Anne de Tourville (1642-1701), and Paul Hoste (1652-1700) in their treatise published in 1693, will remain the rule until the battles of the American War of Independence. An English edition was even published in 1834, its translator, J.D. Boswall, judging it necessary, nearly 150 years after its conception, to allow it being read by the officers of the Navy! Hélyot illustrates that arrangement in line of the squadrons: the ships are in parallel positions and squeezed together to maximize the efficiency of the artillery. A document without equivalent because of the quality of its execution, its size and the importance of its iconographic content for history, offering, for most of the ships represented, the only image having survived: when they were nothing but names on registers, we find them here perfectly drawn, and in full action. A work of major interest, fruit of the remarkable quality of observation of an eyewitness of the battle who was Hélyot, with his knowledge of all kinds of ships. An exhaustive work of documentation of all elements of the battle and its outcome. $ 165 000,00 86. ISELIN (HENRI). [MANUSCRIPT / ORIGINAL WATERCOLOURS]. -LA MARINE. IMAGES DE LA MARINE. [Paris], 1951. 1 vol. 4to. 2 watercolours on the boards, 16 original plates: ink and watercolor, all signed. Unique manuscript copy of this naval history, entirely drawn and watercolored by Henri Iselin. Confirmed illustrator, Iselin published several works. In the 16 plates of this manuscript, he recounts naval history from antiquity to the 20th century. He features the characters, ships, places, nautical tools emblematic for each period (Antiquity, 15th, 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th century). This nice ludic work was never published, but the plates were used to illustrate an “Images de la Marine” for the child periodical “Calamus”. The original manuscript was sent by the author for the boy of one of his friends. $ 3 080,00 87. JAL (AUGUSTE). -GLOSSAIRE NAUTIQUE. RÉPERTOIRE POLYGLOTTE DE AUTEUR DE L'ARCHÉOLOGIE NAVALE ET DU VIRGILUS NAUTICUS. A Paris, Didot Frères, 1848. 1 vol. 4to. 2 engraved plates and illustrations. Contemporary half sheep. First edition of this reference work, maybe the most important for maritime history. It gathers all the definitions of nautical terms in every languages and from all times. It is the result of six years of work by Auguste Jal (1795-1873), archivist then “Historiographe de la Marine”. “Monumental work, with full definitions, not mere equivalents” (Craig). Fine copy in contemporary binding. $ 3 520,00 TERMES DE MARINE ANCIENS ET MODERNES. 88. [MANUSCRIT]. -MÉMOIRE SUR LA MARINE DE 1750. Ca. 1750. 1 vol. folio. 260 manuscript pp. (pp. 101 to 120 not present). Contemporary full vellum. Scarce unpublished manuscript, study on the parctical aspects of the French Navy in the 18th century. It is organized in five parts: the first is dedicated to the main French harbours, the second to the officers and any members of the Navy or the harbours. The third is a treatise on the use of the different varieties of wood (13 kinds). The fourth contains the instructions to arm a vessel according to the number of the crew, it gives the example of the kind of food or guns you have to take for 1,000 sailors. The last part is dedicated to the merchant ships. A very complete work giving a concrete vision of the French Navy in the 18th century. $ 2 750,00 89. MARINE. -LISTE DES VAISSEAUX, FREGATES, CORVETTES, CHEBECS & GALLIOTES À BOMBE, QUI COMPOSENT LA MARINE DE FRANCE 1779. MONSIEUR, FRERE DU ROI GRAND AMIRAL DE FRANCE. Permis d'imprimer & distribuer à Nantes, le 27 Février 1769, Chiron. 4 pp. 4to. Very scarce copy of this official publication that gives the list of the vessels in Brest, Rochefort and Toulon, under the command of the Comte d'Estaing, as well as the list of the vessels and frigates composing the British Navy in 1779 (Porstmouth, Plymouth, Chalin, Scheerne and Port Volviers). Those vessels are the one who were engaged in the American Revolution. Fine copy. $ 990,00 90. MAURY (MATTHEW FONTAINE). -INSTRUCTIONS NAUTIQUES DESTINÉES À ACCOMPAGNER LES CARTES DE VENTS ET DE COURANTS... Paris, Typographie de Firmin Didot Frères, Fils et Cie, Imprimeurs de l’Institut et du Ministère de la Marine, rue Jacob, 56, 1859. 1 vol. folio. 23 folding plates (3 coloured) on 22 ll. Contemporary blue sheep. First and only French edition of this important work of nautical instructions by the famous Matthew Fontaine Maury, "Father of Modern Oceanography and Naval Meteorology" (1806-1873). The present work presents to sailors through tables the more intelligent ways to take depending on the time of the year. These tables come with notes on the roads and after studies on winds and streams. Fine copy. $ 2 750,00 91. MOZIN (CHARLES). -[MARINE]. Paris, Londres. Goupil et Cie, Editeurs, Imp. Lemercier à Paris. [1851]. 1 vol. oblong 4to. 36 lithographed and watercolored plates. Ancient boards. Very rare set of watercolored engravings featuring maritime scenes in Normandy at the beginning of the 19th century, by Charles Mozin (1806-1862). It was published in 6 parts of 6 plates. The 36 scenes, nicely hand-colored and very well documented (Mozin worked with ships’ model to be more precise), give an idea of the life of these people who made a living from the sea, accurate depiction of various ships, fishing scenes, etc. Fine copy. $ 4 950,00 92. PEZENAS (ESPRIT). -NOUVELLE MÉTHODE POUR LE JAUGEAGE DES SEGMENTS DES TONNEAUX, OU SOLUTION D'UN PROBLÉME PROPOSÉ PAR KEPLER, À TOUS LES GÉOMÉTRES SUR LES PROPORTIONS DES SEGMENTS D'UN TONNEAU COUPÉ PARALLÈLEMENT À SON AXE... A Marseille, Sibié, sur le Port, 1742. 1 vol. 8vo. 2 tables, 1 folding plate (1 missing). Contemporary full calf. First and only edition edition of this utmost rare text. Not in Polak or Supplément, only three libraries reference the book. It is one of the first work by Pezenas, ordered by Maurepas, dealing with the gauging of the barrels. Fine copy. $ 1 320,00 93. RENAU D'ELISSAGARAY (BERNARD). -DE LA THÉORIE DE LA MANŒUVRE DES VAISSEAUX. Paris, Michallet, 1689. 1 vol. 8vo. Engraved half-title, 25 engraved folding plates. Contemporary full calf. Rare first edition of this treatise of nautical science, one of the first of its kind, written by one of the important figures of the Louis XIV Navy, Bernard Renau d’Eliçagaray (1652-1719). Known as "Petit Renau", he was a famous scientist, theoretician, sailor. With him and his innovations (especially in shipbuilding), the French Navy, became a real rival for the English Navy. The present text, that requires technical and scientifical skills, is an important treatise given to the sailors the best way to take advantage of the wind. $ 2 750,00 94. [ROUX (ANTOINE)]. -[CARNET D'ATELIER DESSINS ORIGINAUX / SKETCH BOOK FROM THE ARTIST'S WORKSHOP]. 1790. Sans lieu, 1790. 1 vol. oblong folio. [14] ll. with 20 original drawings (16 in pencil, 4 wash drawings). Contemporary half vellum. Remarkable set of original drawings by the naval painter Antoine Roux (17651835), the most famous of the dynasty. He was famous for its ship’s portraits: 11 of them in the present set, most of them belonged to the French Navy. Those pencil drawings are followed by some wash drawings depicting Mediterranean landscapes and harbors (Toulon’s Baye). Exceptional work. $ 37 400,00 95. TEMPLE (LOUIS DU). -DU SCAPHANDRE ET DE SON EMPLOI À BORD DES NAVIRES PAR M.L. DU TEMPLE, LIEUTENANT DE VAISSEAU, PROFESSEUR DE MACHINES À VAPEUR AU PORT DE BREST. ACCOMPAGNÉ DE 2 PLANCHES. Paris, Arthus Bertrand, Editeur, Librairie Maritime et scientifique, Rue Hautefeuille, 21. [1860]. 1 vol. 8vo. 2 plates (1 folding, 1 double). Publisher illustrated wrappers. First and only edition of this work dedicated to Cabirol’s diving suit. This suit represents an important step to security, and won the silver medal at the Exposition Universelle in Paris. Louis Temple, ship lieutenant, offers in this work a description of this suit, the mechanisms involve, the circumstances when it can useful and some safety procedures. Fine copy of this nicely illustrated work. $ 2 750,00 96. VIAUD (PIERRE). -NAUFRAGE ET AVENTURES DE M. PIERRE VIAUD NATIF DE ROCHEFORT, CAPITAINE DE NAVIRE. Bordeaux, Paris, 1780. 1 vol. 8vo. Contemp. full calf. Fine copy of this edition from Bordeaux of this account of Captain Viaud’s adventures, and his terrible shipwreck. The book places Viaud at St. Domingue in late 1766. Before returning to France he made a business deal for a voyage from Caye de St. Louis to Louisiana with the brigantine Le Tigre, with sixteen passengers. The ship encountered bad weather and on February 16, 1767, wrecked off Dog Island (directly opposite the present day fishing town of Carrabelle). Amid much difficulty they got ashore. The survivors patched a leaky pirogue, and some men departed in it, never to be seen again. Viaud, his slave, Madame La Couture, and her son constructed a raft. The sick boy was left behind but the others made it to the mainland. From there they undertook a tortured trip toward St. Marks. Along the way, they became so weak from hunger that Viand killed his slave, and the deceased chattel became their main item of food. An English rescue party found and save them. Later, Madame La Couture and her son returned to Louisiana. Viaud sailed to New York and eventually home to France. A very desirable copy. $ 1 320,00 Military - Naval tactics 97. ANDREU DE BILISTEIN (CHARLES LÉOPOLD). -INSTITUTIONS MILITAIRES POUR LA FRANCE, OU LE VÉGÈCE FRANÇOIS - FRAGMENS MILITAIRES, POUR SERVIR DE SUITE AU VEGECE FRANCOIS. Amsterdam, E. van Harrevelt, 17621763. 2 parts in 1 vol in-8°. Contemp. bind. Original and unique edition of these two unusual works due to Charles Léopold Andreu Bilistein (1724-1777): physiocrat, hydrologist, agriculturalist, demographer, adventurer, his life is marked by numerous trips (North Rhine-Westphalia, Holland, Prussia, Poland, Russia, France) and meetings (Casanova). Commercial Counsellor of Catherine II, he was probably murdered. His ideas led him to suggest to the king the development of the city of Nancy (1778). In France, Russia and Prussia, kings built canals he imagine. The first text includes a memory on subsistence of an army, and on contributions. Fine copy. $ 605,00 98. BRÜHL (HANS MORITZ VON). -ECOLE DE L'OFFICIER, CONTENANT UNE MÉTHODE FACILE & ABRÉGÉE DE LEVER UN GÉOMÉTRIE ORDINAIRE, UN PETIT TRAITÉ DE LA FORTIFICATION PASSAGÈRE, & DES RÉFLEXIONS SUR L'ART DE LA GUERRE. TRADUIT DE L'ALLEMAND PAR MAURICE, COMTE DE BRÜHL. Paris, Claude-Antoine Jombert, 1770. 1 vol. 8vo. 9 folding plates. Contemporary full vellum. Fine copy of this only French edition of this “temporary fortification” treatise, used during the Seven Years' war. Very attractive copy in a binding specially made for an officer. $ 1 045,00 PLAN SANS L'USAGE DE LA 99. [FORTIFICATION - MANUSCRIT. - FORTIFICATION AND SURVEYING.] Sans lieu ni date, ca. 1680-1700. 1 vol. 4to. 1-116, 113-130, 118-166 manuscript pp., [5] ll. Numerous in-text illustrations, 37 folding fullpage illustrations (2 handcoloured). Contemporary cardboard. Interesting and rich manuscript from the end of the 17th century, with several treatise dedicated to fortification (from Errard, Deville, Pagan), and surveying. An entire chapter deals with the rules to follow for the colouring of various elements in plans. It is richly illustrated with schemes and plans. $ 2 750,00 100. [GRAVELOT (H-FRANÇOIS) - ORDONNANCE DU ROI DE L'EXERCICE DE L'INFANTERIE]. -PLANCHES GRAVÉES D'APRÈS PLUSIEURS POSITIONS DANS LESQUELLES DOIVENT SE TROUVER LES SOLDATS, CONFORMÉMENT À L'ORDONNANCE DU ROI DE L'EXERCICE DE L'INFANTERIE. DU 1ER JANVIER 1766. [A Paris, de l'Imprimerie royale, 1766]. 1 vol. 4to. 1 engraved title, 10 plates with 36 fig. (9 doubles, 9 foldings). Contemp. green vellum. Scarce copy of this book of plates by Gravelot and engraved by Guillaume de Le Haye, illustrating the "Ordonnance du Roi" of January 1st 1766. Only one copy referenced on World Cat. Fine copy. $ 2 750,00 101. [KNOCK ( G.) - CÖNTGEN (H)]. -REFLEXIONS MILITAIRES SUR DIFFERENS OBJETS DE LA GUERRE. Frankfurt & Leipzig, Knoch et Eslinger, 1762. 1 vol. 8vo. 2 folding plates. Contemporary full glazed calf. Rare first edition of this treatise reflecting the evolutions of military conflicts after the Seven Years War. According to Barbier, the work was written by G. Knock (initial on the title page) who is also the publisher. Fine copy, nicely bound. $ 880,00 102. LE COINTE (JEAN-LOUIS). -LA SCIENCE DES POSTES MILITAIRES OU TRAITÉ DES FORTIFICATIONS DE CAMPAGNE, À L'USAGE DES OFFICIERS PARTICULIERS DE L'INFANTERIE QUI SONT DÉTACHÉS À LA GUERRE : DANS LESQUEL ON A COMPRIS LA MANIERE DE SE DÉFENDRE & DE LES ATTAQUER. Paris, 1759 1 vol. 8vo. 10 folding plates with 52 figures engraved by Patte. Contemporary green morocco with the arms of the Marquis of Argentueil, Jean-Louis-Marie Le Bascle. Fine copy of this first edition of this military work by Jean-Louis Le Cointe de Marcillac. $ 2 750,00 103. [MANUSCRIT, MILITARIA]. -ETAT DES GOUVERNEMENTS MILITAIRES TANT GENERAUX QUE PARTICULIERS ET ETATS MAJORS DES PLACES DU ROYAUME ANNEE 1773. [Ca. 1773]. 1 vol. 12mo. [7] ll. (Engraved title completed with ink, Introduction, Table), 117 double ll. The text is written by hand with black and red ink, pages framed with a red line. Contemporary full red morocco, black morocco box. Very interesting manuscript document given information on the French military places in 1773, one year before Louis XV’s death. Precious item, carefully written and nicely bound. $ 7 150,00 104. SAINT AUBAN (ANTOINE BARATIER, MARQUIS DE). -ŒUVRES COMPLÈTES. [INCLUANT] MÉMOIRE SUR LES NOUVEAUX SYSTÊM D'ARTILLERIE [SUIVI DE] OBSERVATIONS ET EXPÉRIENCES SUR L’ARERIE. [SUIVI DE] DISCUSSION SUR LES EFFETS DES PIÈCES DE CANON DE DIFFÉRENTES LONGUEURS. [SUIVI DE] DE L’USAGE DES ARMES À FEU ; PAR LE COMMANDEUR D’ANTONI. TRADUIT DE L’ITALIEN PAR M. LE MARQUIS DE SAINT-AUBAN. ETC. Paris, Jombert, ou Alethopolis, ca. 1770-1785. 5 vols. 8vo. 6 tables and 6 folding plates. Contemporary full calf. Very scarce set of the complete works by Antoine Baratier, Marquis de Saint Auban, important figure for the artillery in the 18th century, identically bound for his library and with his bookplate. He took part of all the battles of Louis XV reign, and his works on artillery are regarded as references. In this set, all his known works (which are rare on the market) as well as publications in scientific papers. Fine set of this important work for artillery in the 18th century. $ 3 080,00 Atlas 105. BELLIN (JACQUES-NICOLAS). -DESCRIPTION GÉOGRAPHIQUE DES DÉBOUQUEMENS QUI SONT AU NORD DE L'ISLE DE SAINT DOMINGUE AVEC DES CARTES ET DES PLANS DES ISLES QUI FORMENT CES PASSAGES, ET DES DANGERS QUI S'Y TROUVENT... A Paris, Didot. 1768. 1 vol. 4to. Engraved title, 34 engraved maps (16 doubles, 2 foldings), 1 engraved border by Choffard. [5] manuscript pp. Contemporary full calf. Rare first edition of this routier of the Caribean Sea by the famous French hydrographer Nicolas Bellin (1703-1772). Bellin gathered in this work sailing directions for the waters north of St. Domingo. The copy certainly belonged to a sailor: in front of the title page there is a manuscript page giving the way to change a tiller on board, and in-fine, a letter with sailing instructions for the Sea Islands (Amelia and Cumberland Islands). $ 3 300,00 106. DU CAILLE (LOUIS-ALEXANDRE). [RIZZI-ZANNONI (GIOVANNI BAPTISTA ANTONIO). ANVILLE (JEANBAPTISTE BOURGUIGNON D’)]. -ETRENNES GÉOGRAPHIQUES. A Paris, chez Ballard, Imprimeur du Roi, Rue St Jean de Beuavais à Ste Cecile Et aux Spectacles. Avec permission. [1766]. 1 vol. 16mo. Engraved allegorical frontispiece, engraved title, 26 double-page maps with handcoloured borders. Contemporary red morocco. Charming pocket atlas by Du Caille, containing 26 maps reduced by Rizzi-Zannoni, very nicely handcoloured. It counts two world maps, Europe, Asia, Africa, America (2), Great Britain, Denmark, Sweden and Norway, France (5), Netherlands and a Belgium, Germany (7), Prussia, Portugal and Spain, Italy. The book is entirely engraved by Durand and Le Roy. Lovely copy in red morocco. $ 1 980,00 107. [JOLLAIN (GÉRARD IER)]. -TRESOR DES CARTES GEOGRAPHIQUES DES PRINCIPAUX ESTATS DE LUNIVERS. Ce vend A Paris, chez Jollain rue St Jaque a la Ville de Cologne. (ca. 1659 ou 1660). 1 vol. oblong 8vo. 38 engraved maps. Ancient full calf. Very rare first edition by Jollain of one of the first world atlas of this shape published in France. It is inspired from Mercator-Hondius "Atlas minor", and shows the popularity of this atlas, but it marks also the beginning of the period (until the end of 18th century) of the French preeminence in the cartographic production (d’Anville, de l’Isle, Bellin, Le Rouge, etc.). The caption of the maps are all (except one, n°12) in French (with fanciful spellings and names). Korea is depicted twice as an island. Fine copy with contemporary manuscript captions in Latin. Mireille Pastoureau, Les Atlas français XVI-XVII siècle, pp. 497-500. Philipps 477 (édition de 1667). Not in JCB $ 12 650,00 HAVRE] -PLANS DES PRINCIPAUX PORTS DE FRANCE TOUS RÉDUITS SUR LA MÊME ÉCHELLE. S.l.n.d. [Ca. 1790]. 1 vol. 4to. 1 engraved title, 35 simple ll. with 42 plans of harbours, 4 double leaves with 4 plans. Ancient quarter green vellum. Utmost rare set of engraved plans of the French harbors. The library of Le Havre keeps a manuscript of 35 leaves, of similar seize with the present text, untitled: “Plans des principaux ports de France réduits sur la même échelle, par La Serre, ingénieur des Ponts et chaussées au Havre”, certainly the original version of this completely engraved version. Very few copies were printed, and this one counts four double plates (Toulon, Rochefort, Brest, Lorient) not present in the manuscript. The plans are very detailed. Attractive copy of this beautiful and rare work. $ 4 950,00 108. [LA SERRE, INGÉNIEUR DES PONTS ET CHAUSSÉES AU 109. [MANUSCRIT]. -[TRAITÉ DE GÉOGRAPHIE]. Sans lieu ni date (1777). 1 vol. folio. Numerous illustrations, black and red ink. Contemporary vellum. Scientific manuscript from the 18th century. The anonymous author describes all the countries known at that time. $ 1 980,00 RICHMOND, SURREY). -A GENERAL AND CLASSICAL ATLAS: ACCOMPANIED WITH A CONCISE TREATISE ON THE PRINCIPLES OF GEOGRAPHY; AND WITH A FEW PRACTICAL REMARKS ON THE APPLICATION OF MAPS TO THE PURPOSE OF INSTRUCTION. BY THE REV. EDWARD PATTESON, M.A. OF RICHMOND, SURREY. Printed for the author, by G.A. Wall, Richmond: and sold, in London by Messrs. Rivington, St. Paul's Church-Yard; Mr. Faden (et al.) ... 1804. 1 vol. in-folio . Scarce original edition of this fine school atlas by Edward Patteson. A fine copy in original binding, complit with the 2 engraved hemisphere plates and 32 hand-coloured engraved maps nicely hand coloured. $ 2 640,00 110. PATTESON (EDWARD, OF Science and Technology 111. [ALBERTUS PARVUS LUCIUS, DIT LE PETIT ALBERT]. -SECRETS MERVEILLEUX DE LA MAGIE NATURELLE & CABALISTIQUE DU PETIT ALBERT, TRADUIT EXACTEMENT SUR L’ORIGINAL LATIN, INTITULÉ ALBERTI PARVI LUCII, LIBELLUS DE MIRABILUS NATURAE ARCANIS. ENRICHI DES FIGURES MYSTÉRIEUSES & LA MANIÈRE DE LES FAIRE. A Lion, Chez les Heritiers de Beringos Fratres à l’Enseigne d’Agrippa. M DCC VI. (1706). 1 vol. 16mo. 10 plates (5 folding), 4 illustrations. Quarter black morocco (19th century). Early French edition (the third) of this famous work of magic recipes and formula. Fine copy of this scarce edition. $ 1 760,00 112. [ARCHITECTURE. MANUSCRIT]. -[MANUEL ARCHITECTES COMPOSÉ DE À INGENIERIE. L’USAGE DES DIVERS TRAITÉS D’INGÉNIERIE, DE GÉOMÉTRIE ET D’ARCHITECTURE. ANONYME. HANDBOOK -/ FOR THE USE OF ARCHITECTS COMPOSED WITH VARIOUS TREATISES OF ENGINEERING, / ANONYMOUS]. [Paris, ca. 1750]. 1 vol. 4to. [189] manuscript ll. (brown ink) illustrated with numerous pencil and ink drawings (2 on full page). Contemporary full calf. Rare set of manuscript unpublished treatises, written in the 18th century, and composing a very complete handbook for architects. The nine texts are dedicated to various fields such as land surveying, hydrostatics, mensuration, engineering and masonry. From generalities to very accurate instructions based on mathematical demonstrations or a solid experience as an architect, the author of this work gives to his reader everything he needs to appropriate the different parts of the profession. The manuscript is carefully written and finely illustrated with schemes or drawings depicting buildings, bridges, stairs, chimney, fountains, etc. $ 8 250,00 GEOMETRY AND ARCHITECTURE 113. ARCONS (CÉSAR D'). -LE SECRET DU FLUX ET REFLUX DE LA MER, ET DES LONGITUDES DÉDIÉ À LA SAPIENCE ÉTERNELLE. Rouen, L. Maurry, 1655. 1 vol. 12mo. 12 schemes and 4 tables. Contemporary ivory vellum. Original edition of this surprising treatise of César D’Arcons ( ?-1681), jurist, engineer, physician, and lawyer but also scholar and theologian, who abandoned a law career for the sea. $ 2 750,00 114. BERTHELOT (DANIEL). [MANUSCRIT]. -LA VIE DES ASTRES. S.L., 21 mars 1906. 3 booklets 8vo. Around 70 manuscript ll. (rough copy, notes, preparatory and final text). Modern slip case. Original manuscript of a conference dedicated to the origin of the solar system, the nature and the environment of the planets and apparition of life. One of the first scientific text on the habitability of the planets by other living beings, with a testimony of luminous phenomenon from Mars. Gripping document by this pioneer of exobiology. $ 3 850,00 115. BLANCHARD (JEAN-PIERRE FRANÇOIS). -[RECUEIL DE DOCUMENTS SUR LES EXPÉRIENCES AÉROSTATIQUES DE BLANCHARD, EN EUROPE ET AUX ETATS-UNIS, DE 1785 À 1806.] 1785-1806. Set of 37 manuscript documents (complete collation on request). Kept in a 18th century portfolio. Rich set of manuscripts regarding the aerostatic experiences or the life of Jean-Pierre-François Blanchard, the first aeronaut who crossed the Channel Sea in balloon and to perform a flight in the United States. Among these documents, three letters by Blanchard (two of his hand, one signed), six documents related to him and testifying of the enthusiasm of his contemporaries for his discoveries and experiences (including one by Boissy d'Anglas), 28 letters are addressed to him by famous scientists, prestigious princes from European courts, as well as American politicians. With these documents, one can see which kind of man Blanchard was, dynamic and passionate, travelling around the world to push back the limits and going further in the conquest of the airs. Exceptional set on this pioneer of aerostatics. Sold 116. [CARON (PIERRE LE). PLATEARIUS (MATTHAEUS)]. -LE GRANT HERBIER EN FRANÇOIS. CONTENANT LES QUALITEZ, VERTUS, PROPRIÉTEZ DES HERBES, ARBRES, GOMMES & SEMENCES. EXTRAICT DE PLUSIEURS TRAICTEZ DE MEDICINE COMME DE AVICENNE, DE RASIS, DE CONSTANTIN DE ISAAC & PLATAIRE, SELON LE COMMUN USAGE. BIEN CORRECT. Imprimé à Paris, par Pierre le Caron. [1498-1499]. 1 vol. folio. 126 ll. (double column, 52-53 lines), 308 wood engravings, printer device on title page and on recto of colophon leaf. 18th century full vellum (tinted in green). Utmost scarce incunabula Parisian edition of the famous “Grant Herbier en François”, which was used as a model for the following editions. Only referenced copy in private hands of this work by Pierre Le Caron, who was the first to illustrate it with French woodcuts. only three libraries reference this corrected and enhanced version. According to our researches, the present copy would be the only one in private hands. The extensive index which is printed on the lastest 16 pages, lists the plants according to their medicinal use; prescriptions against nervous diseases are followed by a list of plants recommended for the eye, ear, nose, teeth, stomach, skin, etc. Then the herbs are listed in alphabetical order. The 308 woodcuts of plants and animals are printed within a line border and are here extant in brilliant impressions. Precious copy of this cornerstone book in history of French printed herbarium. $ 62 700,00 117. CASSINI (JEAN-DOMINIQUE IV). -VOYAGE FAIT PAR ORDRE DU ROI EN 1768, POUR ÉPROUVER LES MONTRES MARINES INVENTÉES PAR M. LE ROY, PAR M. CASSINI, FILS. AVEC LE MÉMOIRE SUR LA MEILLEURE MANIÈRE DE MESURER LE TEMS EN MER, QUI A REMPORTÉ LE PRIX DOUBLE AU JUGEMENT DE L'ACADÉMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES. CONTENANT LA DESCRIPTION DE LA MONTRE À LONGITUDES, PRÉSENTÉE À SA MAJESTÉ LE 5 AOÛT 1766. PAR M. LE ROY L'AÎNÉ, HORLOGER DU ROI. A Paris, rue Dauphine, Chez Charles-Antoine Jombert, Libraire du Roi pour l'Artillerie & le Génie, à l'Image Notre-Dame. M. DCC. LXX. 1770. 1 vol. 4to. 1 folding map, 9 folding plates. Ancient boards. First and only edition of the account of the second travel to trial Pierre Le Roy's chronometer, in America and Morocco. The author, Jean-Dominique Cassini (1748-1845), was the astronomer of the expedition. In the first part, he describes the travel, with interesting developments on cod fishing in Newfound-land, and Salé in Morocco. In the second he gives a very detailed report of his astronomical observations (“telles que je les ai rapportées dans le registre original remis à l’académie“, Preface). The third is devoted to the use of naval chronometer. $ 5 720,00 118. CHAPPE D'AUTEROCHE (JEAN). -VOYAGE EN CALIFORNIE POUR L'OBSERVATION DU PASSAGE DE VÉNUS SUR LE DISQUE DU SOLEIL, LE 3 JUIN 1769 ; CONTENANT LES OBSERVATIONS DE CE PHÉNOMÈNE, & LA DESCRIPTION HISTORIQUE DE LA ROUTE DE L'AUTEUR À TRAVERS LE MEXIQUE. PAR FEU M. CHAPPE D'AUTEROCHE, DE L'ACADÉMIE ROYALE DES SCIENCES. RÉDIGÉ & PUBLIÉ PAR M. DE CASSINI FILS, DE LA MÊME ACADÉMIE, DIRECTEUR EN SURVIVANCE DE L'OBSERVATOIRE ROYAL DE PARIS, &C. A Paris, chez Charles-Antoine Jombert, Libraire du Roi pour l'Artillerie & le Génie, rue Dauphine à l'Image Notre-Dame. M. DCC. LXXII. 1772. 1 vol. 4to. 1 folding plan of Mexico city, 1 folding table, 3 engraved plates. Contemporary full calf. First edition of one of the earliest scientific mission in California, sent by the French Académie des Sciences to observe the Transit of Venus in 1769. Sabin describes the account as: ''A thrilling account of a race against time to reach Lower California before the transit of Venus occurred. After nerve-racking delays, which began in Spain, and narrow escapes from disaster, the goal was reached late in May. Two days after the transit was observed a malignant fever spread through the little group and Chappe d'Auteroche [1728-1769], who nursed the sick and dying, took it himself and died on the first of August." $ 7 700,00 119. CÔTES (ROGER). -LEÇONS DE PHYSIQUE EXPÉRIMENTALE SUR L'ÉQUILIBRE DES LIQUEURS, & SUR LA NATURE & LES PROPRIÉTÉS DE L'AIR. TRADUITES DE L'ANGLOIS DE M. R. CÔTES, PROFESSEUR DE PHYSIQUE EXPÉRIMENTALE À CAMBRIDGE. A Paris, Chez David fils, Libraire ruë Saint Jacques, à la Plume d'or. M.DCC.XLII. 1742. 1 vol. 8vo. 6 folding plates. Contemporary half-sheep. First edition of the French translation by Lemonnier. “Cotes was a close friend of Newton, who selected him to edit and write the preface for the second edition of the Principia in 1713. He succeeded Newton as Lucasian professor at Trinity College in 1706. These lectures were among the earliest of their kind given in England. The appendix contains the only English translation of Newton's Scale of Degrees of Heat, his law of cooling. Also a paper by Halley and two by Dr. Jurin”. (Babson collection n° 162). $ 880,00 120. DARWIN (ERASMUS). -ZOONOMIE, OU LOIS DE LA VIE ORGANIQUE, PAR ERASME DARWIN, DOCTEUR EN MÉDECINE, MEMBRE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ ROYALE DE LONDRES, AUTEUR DU JARDIN BOTANIQUE, ETC. A Gand, 1810-1811. 4 vols. 8vo. 6 hand-coloured plates, 5 engraved plates (1 folding). First French edition illustrated with 11 plates dealing with the retina and ocular spectrum, and one impressive depicting a chair to correct the distortion of the spine. The present book is the main work by Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802), and the result of 20 years researches. Dictionnary of Scientific Biography, III, pp. 577-581: "his major treatise on medicine and natural science". Fine copy. $ 2 750,00 121. DORTOUS DE MAIRAN (JEAN-JACQUES). -DISSERTATION SUR LA GLACE, OU EXPLICATION PHYSIQUE DE LA FORMATION DE LA GLACE, & DE SES DIVERS PHÉNOMÈNES. A Paris, De l'Imprimerie royale, 1749. 1 vol. 12mo. Frontispiece, 5 folding plates. Contemporary marbled calf. Rare early treatise on Ice. Hoover coll. 554; the first edition of this book on the formation of ice appeared at Bordeaux in 1716. The frontisp. depicts a glacier in the mountains, the other snow cristals. His other book published in 1731 was: Traité physique et historique de l'Aurore and was also an early book on this subject. $ 715,00 122. GLAUBER (JOHANN RUDOPH). -LA PREMIÈRE PARTIE DE L’ŒUVRE MINÉRALE, OÙ EST ENSEIGNÉE LA SÉPARATION DE L’OR DES PIERRES À FEU, SABLE, ARGILE, & AUTRES FOSSILES, PAR L’ESPRIT DE SEL CE QUI NE SE PEUT FAIRE PAR AUTRE VOYE. COMME AUSSI UNE PANACÉE, OU MEDECINE UNIVERSELLE, ANTIMONIALE, & SON USAGE. PAR JEAN RUDOLPHE GLAUBER. ET MISE EN FRANÇOIS PAR LE SR DU TEIL. A Paris, Jolly, 1659. Six parts in 1 vol. 8vo. 64, 48, 111 pp. (the three parts of the “Œuvre minérale”), 22 (“La Teinture de l’or”), 63 (“Traité de la medicine universelle”), 64 (“La Consolation des navigants”). Contemporary full calf. First French edition of these scarce texts by Glauber (1604-1670), known to be the last of the alchemist and the first chemical engineers, and to have discover the sodium sulfate, or “Glauber’s salt”. Fine copy. $ 4 180,00 123. [H]ORTUS SANITATIS. -D E ANIMALIBUS ET REPTILIBUS. PISCIBUS ET NATATILIBUS. NASCE(N)TIBUS. MEDICINALIS DE CUM HERBIS ET PLANTIS. DE VOLATILIBUS. DE DE AVIBUS ET DE LAPIDIBUS ET IN TERRE VENIS URINIS ET EARUM SPECIEBUS. DIRECTORIO GENERALI PER TABULA OMNES Strassburg, Johan Pruss, not after 21 october, 1497. 1 vol. fol. (300 x 210 mm) , ff. 360, two columns, 55 lines, with large woodcut of scholar seated at lectern and four students on verso of title, 1 large woodcut of a human skeleton, 1 large woodcut of a physician and apothecary in an apothecary’s shop, and 1063 woodcuts of plants, animals, etc. in text, capital spaces with guide letters, several capitals supplied in red. Contemp. vellum. First Pruss edition, a fine copy of the first reprinting of the Hortus sanitatis (first Mainz 1491). This edition is rare, and was the prototype for all subsequent editions. The Hortus sanitatis, in its many editions and translations was the most popular and influential herbal of its time, and served as an encyclopaedia of the plant, animal, and mineral kingdoms and the medical applications of their products. Pruss was the man who really profited by the edition of the Latin Hortus (Meydenbach could not issue a second edition); for his editions are printed with wide economy of paper, the whole text of Meydenbach's book is brought on 360 leaves (instead of 453) by the use of 55 lines to the column and a smaller type. Instead of the 7 full-page woodcuts of the Mainz original, Pruss gives three other full-page cuts, the first and third of which are taken from Brunschwig's Cirurgia, the second (the human skeleton) from Brunschwig's Anatomia ( an appendix to the Chirurgia). Pruss seems to have used Gruninger's woodblocks for these cuts. The text cuts are copied from those of Meydenbach, but sometimes several of them are used twice, if similar figures were involved. The most interesting of the new cuts are some of the genre pictures (especially those to the parts on zoology and mineralogy), for the draughtsman worked on these more individually with regard to the costumes, which represent those in use in Alsace at that time. The woodcut of the human skeleton a pears here for the first time in an edition of the Herbals, and was added to nearly all the following Latin, French, and also to some German editions of the Hortus up to about 1540. This skeleton picture represents, from a graphic viewpoint, the best that was published of this kind before Vesalius . Generally speaking, this edition of Pruss, and not the original edition of Meydenbach, seems to have been the model for all the later Latin editions of the Hortus and its translations into French and German' (Klebs, “Early herbals”). The Pruss edition is the first appearance of this group of woodcuts, and became the model for all subsequent Hortus editions and vernacular versions. Many of the genre cuts derive from images on playing cards. The date is based on a manuscript note of purchase dated October 21 1497 in the Arnold Arbonetorum copy described by Joseph Frank Payne, on the Herbarius and Hortus Sanitatis, transactions of the Bibliographical Society, vol VI, part 1, p. 115-7 (1901). In addition, we know that the edition was on sale by November 12 of the same year. As the skelton cut is copied from Brunschwig’s Cirurgia, printed in July 1497 (Gruninguer, Sraassburg, Hain 4018), the Hortus must have been printed sometime between July and October 1497. Klebs, Early Herbals 47; Nissen, 2364. $ 159 500,00 TRACTATUS. 124. JACQUINOT (DOMINIQUE). -L'USAGE DE L'ASTROLABE AVEC UN PETIT TRAICTÉ DE LA SPHÈRE, PAR DOMINIQUE JACQUINOT CHAMPENOIS. CORRIGÉ, ESCLAIRCY & AUGMENTÉ EN CETTE DERNIÈRE IMPRESSION SUIVANT LA REFORMATION DU CALENDRIER PAR DAVID ROBERT DE S. LO EN BASSE NORMANDIE, FAISANT PROFESSION DES MATHEMATIQUES À PARIS, PLUS EST ADJOUSTÉ À LA FIN UNE AMPLIFICATION DE L'USAGE DE L'ASTROLABE PAR IACQUES BASSENTIN ESCOSSOIS. A Paris, En la Boutique de Hierosme de Marnef, chez André Sittart au Mont S. Hylaire à l'enseigne du Pélican, M. DC. XVII. (1617). 1 vol. 12mo. many woodcuts in-text and 1 full-page. Bookplate. Contemporary vellum. Later edition, expended and updated, of the first French work on the astrolabe. Jacquinot's publication, a clear and comprehenisve introduction in the use of the astrolabe, was based on Stoeffler's Elucidatio fabricae ususque astrolabii. (Oppenheim, 1513). The author dedicated it to Catherine de Medici, then Dauphine, "who in her scientific knowledge not only surpassed her contemporaries of her own sex, but also most men. In its preparation he had the advantage of the advice of M. Paschal du Hamel, the Regius Professor" (Gunther). Two surviving examples of Moreau's re-issue of Danfrie's astrolabe are to be found: in the Adler Planetarium in Chicago and in the Smithsonian, Washington, D.C. Fine copy. $ 3 850,00 125. [KITCHINER (WILLIAM)]. -APICIUS REDIVIVUS; OR, THE COOK'S ORACLE... BEING SIX HUNDRED RECEIPTS, THE RESULT OF ACTUAL EXPERIMENTS INSTITUTED IN THE KITCHEN OF A PHYSICIAN, FOR THE PURPOSE OF COMPOSING A CULINARY CODE FOR THE RATIONAL EPICURE AND AUGMENTING THE ALIMENTARY ENJOYMENTS OF PRIVATE FAMILIES; COMBINING ECONOMY WITH ELEGANCE, AND SAVING EXPENSE TO HOUSEKEEPERS, AND TROUBLE TO SERVANTS. London, Samuel Bagster, 1817. 1 vol. 12mo. 2 engraved plates. Contemporary half calf by Goodwyn of Tetbury (with binder's label). Scarce first edition of an influential manual which was "written in a down-to-earth style, and demonstrated Kitchiner's familiarity with the entire process, from shopping, through preparing and serving the dishes, to cleaning up. It was an acknowledged source of inspiration for Mrs Beeton, and was mined by the writers of other household guides" (ODNB). Fine copy. $ 1 870,00 126. [LA BEAULUERE (L.)] MANUSCRIT, MATHÉMATIQUES. -ELEMENS DE GEOMETRIE. TRAITTÉ DES PROPORTIONS. [SUIVI DE] GEOMETRIE PRATIQUE. Sans lieu ni date, [ca. 1716]. 2 vols. 4to, I. 187 manuscript pp. 25 folding engraved plates (by Vallet). II. 224 manuscript pp. 27folding manuscript plates (19 handcoloured). Contemporary full calf. Fine set of two manuscript, theory and practice of geometry, illustrated with engraved (first vol.) and manuscript (second vol.) plates. Fine condition. Sold 127. [MANUSCRIT]. BRUYAS & FILS. -[CATALOGUE D'OBJETS MANUFACTURÉS DESSINÉS ET AQUARELLÉS [MANUSCRIPT AND FRENCH TRADE CATALOGUE]. Lyon, circa 1850. 1 vol. folio. 159 watercolours. Original full sheep. Exceptional French hardware trade catalogue containing 159 fine and detailed watercolour plates, 6 plates with imprints and one sample sheet on together 91 leaves. The depicted wares are keys and locks, screws, bells, many kitchen accessoires, knives, scissors, revolvers, bells, etc. Very attractive set. $ 28 050,00 À LA MAIN]. WATERCOLOUR 128. NEWTON (ISAAC). -TRAITÉ D'OPTIQUE SUR LES RÉFLEXIONS, RÉFRACTIONS, INFLEXIONS ET LES COULEURS DE LA LUMIÈRE. TRADUIT PAR M. COSTE SUR LA SECONDE ÉDITION ANGLAISE, AUGMENTÉE DE L'AUTEUR. SECONDE ÉDITION FRANÇAISE, BEAUCOUP PLUS CORRECTE QUE LA PREMIÈRE. A Paris, chez Montalant, Quay des Augustins, du côté du Pont Saint Michel, 1722. 1 vol. 4to. 12 folding plates, 5 vignettes. Contemporary calf. Second French edition (first quarto), better than the Amsterdam's one. The book is illustrated with 12 folding plates. Pierre Coste, Protestant, had to leave France for England where he met Shaftesbury and Locke. They encouraged him to translate Newton, and his work contributes to spread the English physicist and astronomer on the continent. Fine copy. $ 4 950,00 129. [PERRAULT (CLAUDE)]. -DESCRIPTION ANATOMIQUE D’UN CAMÉLÉON, D’UN CASTOR, D’UN DROMADAIRE, D’UN OURS, ET D’UNE GAZELLE. A Paris, chez Frédéric Leonard, Impr. ordin. du Roy, rüe S. Iacques, à l’Escu de Venise. 1669. 1 vol. 4to. 5 folding plates. 18th card boards, covered with original painted decorated paper. First edition of the second publication of the "Parisians", due to Claude Perrault (1613-1688), leader of the famous group of anatomists in Paris; their publications mark the beginnings of modern comparative anatomy. In June 1667 the Academy was invited to dissect a thresher shark and a lion which had died at the royal menagerie. The reports on these dissections were the first of a long series of anatomical descriptions, which ultimately included those of twenty-five species of mammals, seventeen birds, five reptiles, one amphibian, and one fish. "Although some of the discoveries on which the Parisians most prided themselves (…) had been observed earlier, no such detailed and exact descriptions and illustrations had been published before."– D.S.B., X, pp. 51920. Claude Perrault is best known as the architect of the eastern range of the Louvre Palace, but he also achieved success as a physician and anatomist, and as an author, who wrote treatises on physics and natural history. Fine copy. $ 3 850,00 130. PICCOLOMINI (ALESSANDRO). -I. LA SFERA DEL MONDO DI NUOVO DA LUI RIPOLITA, ACCRESCIUTA, & FINO LIBRI, DI QUATTRO CHE ERANO AMPLIATA. II. DE LE STELLE FISSE LIBRO UNO ; DOVE DI TUTTE LE XLVIII IMAGIN CELESTI MINUTISSIMAMENTE SI TRATTA ; III. INTITULES CON QUAL GRADO DEL ZODIACO NASCHINO ET TRAMONTINO LE PRINCIPALI STELLE DEL CIELO. I. In Vinegia, s.d. (vers 1595), II. In Venetia, Per Gio. Varisco, & Compagni. 2 parts in 1 vol. 4to. Numerous in-text drawings, 47 plates printed on both recto and verso. Contemporary full vellum. Together 2 important texts of Alessandro Piccolomini, Italian philosopher and astronomer (1508-1578). Author in his youth of several comedies and translator of the Metamorphoses of Ovid, he was professor of philosophy at Padua. In astronomy, he was a supporter of the Ptolemaic system. Those present are his two major works. His "Delle stelle fisse" was the first printed star atlas, it is an important testimony of the astronomical knowledge of the time. Very popular, the book saw at least 12 editions in the XVIth century. Our copy has a peculiarity: one of his ownera has crossed diagonally with a pen just inked some pages and scratched the margins with large cross marks, in order to identify the pages or passages he had read (?). This owner, at the bottom of the dedication leaf, dated 1564, noted that this year was the birth of Galileo. Richly illustrated with many geometrical and astronomical drawings, 47 plates. $ 5 500,00 A SEI 131. ULLOA (ANTONIO DE). [DARQUIER DE PELLEPOIX (AUGUSTIN)]. -OBSERVATION DE L'ÉCLIPSE DE SOLEIL DU 24 JUIN 1778 FAITE EN MER SUR L'ESPAGNE, VAISSEAU AMIRAL DE LA FLOTTE DES INDES, PAR DOM ANTONIO DE ULLOA, CHEF D'ESCADRE, COMMANDANT DE LADITE FLOTTE. TRADUIT DE L'ESPAGNOL PAR M. D. [DARQUIER DE PELLEPOIX.] SUIVI DE "OBSERVATIONS DE LA VARIATION DE LA BOUSSOLE, FAITES SUR "L'ESPAGNE"... DANS LA TRAVERSÉE DE CADIX AU PORT DE LA VERACRUZ DANS LES INDES OCCIDENTALES DEPUIS LE 4 MAI 1776 JUSQUES AU 24 JUILLET DE LA MÊME ANNÉE" ET DES "OBSERVATIONS "L'ESPAGNE"... EN 1778, DANS LA TRAVERSÉE DE LA VERACRUZ EN ESPAGNE, LA HAVANE, DE CELUI-CI AU CAP CANTIN, SUR LA CÔTE D'AFRIQUE, DE CE CAP À SAINTE-CROIX DE TÉNÉRIFFE, AUX CANARIES, ET DE CELUI-CI À LA BAYE DE CADIX". Sl, sn, 1780. 1 vol. 8vo. 2 folding plates. Contemporary calf. First and only French edition, of this utmost rare text (in any edition or language), of the account of the observation of the eclipse of the sun, June 24th 1778, the first realized at sea by Antonio de Ulloa. The text was translated from Spanish by Augustin Darquier de Pellepoix. It was also the first described observation of a solar flare (they didn’t know at the time what was this phenomenon: solar flare was not defined before the 19th century). Very rare in public collection or private hand, it is one of the very rare ancient works completely dedicated to the observation of eclipse of sun. The author, Antonio de Ulloa (1716-1795), explorer, astronomer, officer, and Spanish governor of Louisiana, was an important actor of the scientific exploration of the 18th century, famous for his numerous works, and his participation of several America campaigns. In a 50 pp. development, where one can read how enthusiastic he was, Ulloa gives a remarkable description of the astronomic phenomenon. He first explains the delicate circumstances of the observation (he had planned to observe the eclipse from earth), and in spite of the lack of precision of the calculation of the exact beginning of the phenomenon, he managed to observe it almost completely. He gives the description of sun spots: « Les taches du Soleil furent vues très distinctement avant et après l’éclipse ; elles étaient au nombre de six : deux à la partie de l’est du disque, peu distantes l’une de l’autre ; deux vers le milieu du disque, aussi assez près l’une de l’autre ; et deux enfin vers la partie du Nord, un peu vers Nord-Ouest ». At the end of the book, two remarkable plates (with an explanatory leaf) give a visual depiction of the phenomenon describes by the author. Very fresh and attractive copy. $ 10 450,00 DES VARIATIONS DE LA BOUSSOLE FAITES SUR SAVOIR DE CE PORT À 132. VIGENERE (BLAISE DE). -TRAICTÉ DU FEU ET DU SEL. EXCELLENT ET RARE OPUSCULE DU SIEUR BLAISE DE VIGENÈRE BOURBONNOIS, TROUVÉ PARMY SES PAPIERS APRES SON DECEDS. DERNIERE EDITION REVEUË ET CORRIGÉE. A Rouen, chez Iacques Cailloué, tenant sa Bouticques dans la Court du Palais. M. DC. XLII. (1642). 1 vol. 4to. Contemporary vellum. New edition of this "traité recherché, mélange curieux d'alchimie, de Kabbale, de mysticisme, et où l'on trouve la manière de fabriquer de l'or", by Blaise de Vigenère, humanist, known for his diplomatic career and his research on cryptography. Fine copy. $ 4 950,00 Litterature, Miniature Books & Varia 133. LA FONTAINE (JEAN DE). -CONTES ET NOUVELLES EN VERS, PAR M. DE LA FONTAINE. Amsterdam, [Paris, Barbou], 1762. 2 vols. 8vo. 80 plates after Eisen, 2 portraits, 6 vignettes by Choffard: 2 on title-page, 2 headpieces for the first tale of each volume, and 2 fullpage as well as 52 tailpieces by Choffard. Contemporary red morocco. Superb “Fermiers Généraux” edition of the “Contes et Nouvelles en vers” by La Fontaine. “The Fermiers Généraux, an association of the members of which had charge of gathering certain kinds of taxes, formed “the first financial company in the kingdom”. Seeking to affirm their position, they commissioned this edition of La Fontaine's broad and spirited tales, a suitable choice for men of affairs who had recently risen to prominence and did not pretend to refined and delicate taste. They were determined that the book should be the best of its kind: “one of the handsomest disbursements of witty and sensual money of Louis XV's reign”. Eisen's eighty designs for La Fontaine are the liveliest and most adroit that he ever drew. (…) Choffard's tailpieces and four vignette fleurons form a perfect complement to Eisen's plates.” (Ray, Art of the French Illustrated Book, 26). In some copies, after the editor’s intervention, some plates are covered, as for the present copy for: « Cas de conscience » (II, pp. 143) and « Diable de Papefiguière » (II, 149). Very pleasant copy, in a contemporary morocco binding. $ 14 080,00 134. [ALMANACH]. -LE CALENDRIER DE LA COUR, TIRÉ DES ÉPHÉMÉRIDES, POUR L’ANNÉE BISSEXTILE MIL SOIXANTE HUIT ; CONTENANT LE LIEU, LE LEVER & LE COUCHER DU SOLEIL ET DE LA LUNE &C. IMPRIMÉ PAR LA FAMILLE ROYALE ET MAISON DE SA MAJESTÉ, DU FONDS COLOMBAT. [SUIVI DE] ETRENNES MIGNONES, CURIEUSES ET UTILES, AVEC PLUSIEURS AUGMENTATIONS & CORRECTIONS, POUR L’ANNÉE MIL SEPT CENT SOIXANTE-HUIT. Paris, rue st Jacques, Herissant, imprimeur du Roi, des Cabinet & Maison de sa Majesté. 1768. (I.) ; Paris, chez la veuve Durand, rue des noyers, vis-à-vis Saint Yves. (II.) 1 vol. 32mo. 2 folding maps. Contemporary full red morroco, richly gilded, with metallic clasps. Attractive almanack for the year 1768. It gives historical remarks, various governemental or clerical orders. It is illustrated with two maps: "France Ecclésiastique" and "Environs de Paris". Fine copy nicely bound in contemporary red morroco. $ 935,00 SEPT CENT 135. [ALMANACH]. -LES ROSES, ÉTRENNES AUX DAMES. SECONDE A Paris, chez Rosa, Libraire au Cabinet Littéraire, Grande Cour du Palais Royal, 1815. De l'Imprimerie de Fain. 1 vol. 24mo. 12 watercoloured plates. Original publisher pink boards. Attractive book illustrated with 12 charming watercolours depicting various kind of roses and poems. Grand-Carteret 1710: "This lovely little set was very successful and was reprint several times without any change." Fine and fresh copy. $ 528,00 ÉDITION. 136. [ARTISANAT RUSSE / RUSSIAN ARTS]. -[PORTE-CARTE EN IVOIRE À RIVETS D’ARGENT / IVORY CARDHOLDER]. [Russie, ca. 1860]. 1 box (110 x 81 mm.) in ivory with silver rivets, metallic clasp. Fine 19th century ivory cardholder. In the second half of 19th century the cardholder were very popular, because of the generalization of the calling card. If men could keep their cards in the pocket, women had to have this kind of object. The present item, certainly made by Russian craftsman (very typical motives and use of silver rivet), is very delicate. $ 990,00 137. [BIBLE]. -LIBRI JOSUE, JUDICUM, RUTH, REGUM. Rome, Andrea Brugiotto pour l'héritier de Bartolomea Zannetti, 1624. 1 vol. 24mo. Engraved title. Contemporary full morocco. By Andrea Brugiotto some of the book of the Old Testament, one of the ten parts of the Bible according to the sixto-clementine vulgate published by Bartolomea Zannetti. It is very nicely bound in contemporary morocco, decorated "à la Du Seuil" with extract of Psalms in gold on the boards. Fine copy. $ 660,00 138. BOSSE (ABRAHAM). -TRAITÉ DES PRATIQUES GEOMETRALES ET PERSPECTIVES ENSEIGNÉES DANS L'ACADÉMIE ROYALE DE LA PEINTURE ET SCULPTURE... A Paris, chez l'Auteur, en l'Isle du Palais, sur le Quay vis-à-vis celuy de la Megisserie, 1665. 1 vol. 8vo. 2 engraved titles (l. 1, p. 47), 1 engraved dedication-leaf, 67 engraved plates (1 double, 1 with 2 movable pieces). Contemporary calf. First edition of this work by the famous engraver Abraham Bosse (1604-1676), one of the main artists of the 17th century, and the first to teach perspective at the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture according to Desargues’ principles. The present treatise is a defense of those ideas, and is illustrated with engraved plates (including frontispiece and dedication-leaf) the whole entirely drawn and engraved by Abraham Bosse. Fine copy. $ 6 600,00 139. [COLLECTION D'ALMANACHS BRODES . COLLECTION OF EMBROIDERED ALMANACS]. -ETRENNES MIGNONNES. (SEPT ANNÉES). [SUIVI DE / WITH] DIARIO ECCLESIASTICO PARA O REINO DE PORTUGAL, PRINCIPALMENTE PARA A CIDADE DE LISBOA, PARA O ANNO 1808, BISSEXTO. Liège, Dessain et Kints, 1749, 1755, 1767, 1772, 1782, 1786, 1792 ; Lisboa, Na impressam Regia. [1807]. 8 vols. 32mo. The Etrennes mignonnes are illustrated with medals plates, the Diario Ecclesiastico is illustrated with 1 folding handcoloured map. Embroidered bindings, some ornamented with painted medallions with motto. Very rich collection of embroidered almanacs. The embroidered binding was always the sign of the richess and the unicity of the book. It almost disappears in the 16th and 17th centuries, but in the 18th little almanacs were made with embroidered bindings again. The present set is composed with 7 Belgian Almanacs (Etrennes mignonnes), but most probably in Parisians bindings, and with 1 Portuguese almanac: contemporary embroidered red velvet binding, letter "H" embroidered with golden thread in the center of the boards, which are richly decorated with floral patterns, as well as the spine. Lovely almanack for the year 1808, giving numerous valuable scientific and historical informations. Exceptional copies. $ 19 250,00 140. [PRESENTATION COPY]. RIVIERE (HENRI). -LES TRENTE-SIX VUES DE LA TOUR EIFFEL. PROLOGUE D'ARSÈNE ALEXANDRE. Paris, Imprimerie Eugène Verneau, 1888-1902. 1 vol. oblong 4to. 36 lithographs. One of the 500 copies on vellum signed and numbered by the artist. Fine copy of the unique printing of this famous work by henri Rivière (1864-1951) one of the most beautiful Art Nouveau illustrated book, encounter of this aesthetics with Japonism. Provenance: association copy to André Houdard from Henri Rivière: "Ces 36 vues du seul Fouji Yama que nous ayons à Paris". $ 14 850,00 141. GALILÉE. GALILEO GALILEI. [MINUSCULE / MINIATURE]. -GALILEO A MADAMA CRISTINA DI LORENA (1615). Padoue, Salmia, 1896 (1897). 1 miniature vol. (17 x 11 mm.). Engraved frontispiece portrait. Contemporary full shagreen. Scarce miniature edition of the famous letter by Galileo to Cristina de Lorena, one of the most famous miniature book and probably the smallest printed scientific work. “For many years this tiny book which is only half the size of an ordinary postage stamp was considered the smallest printed from movable type” (Louis Bondy, Miniature Books). Fine copy. $ 1 650,00 142. [GRUEL (LÉON) & ENGELMANN. RELIURE]. -LE NOUVEAU TESTAMENT DE NOTRE SEIGNEUR JÉSUS-CHRIST. REVU SUR LE TEXTE GREC PAR DAVID MARTIN. AVEC DES PARALLÈLES. Bruxelles, au dépôt de la Société Biblique britannique et étrangère, M DCCC LVII. (1857). 1 vol. 16mo. Contemporary full red morocco with metallic clasps, red edges with golden stars (signed Gruel). Belgian edition of the New Testament, beautifully bound by Gruel. Léon Gruel (1840-1923) one of the scarce binders who signed his works for these religious books. He is the author of a famous "Manuel historique et bibliographique de l'amateur de reliure". Very attractive book. $ 990,00 143. GUARINI (BATTISTA). [MINUSCULE / MINIATURE]. -IL PASTOR FIDO, & LE RIME DEL M. ILLUSTRE SIGNOR CAVALIER BATTISTA GUARINI : ET IN QUESTA NUOVA IMPRESSIONE AGGIUNTOUI VARIE POESIE IN MORTE DELL'AUTORE. Venise, Appresso Nicolo Misserini, 1627. 1 vol. 24mo (97 x 51 mm.). 5 wood-engraved scenes. Numerous head-pieces and ornamental initials. Contemporary full red morocco. Charming and scarce miniature edition of Il Pastor Fido, (OE: 1589, Mettayer), Giovanni Battista Guarini's (1538-1612, poet and diplomat) main work. This text is a very successful tragic-comical pastoral, and was translated and published all over Europe. Haendel wrote an opera based on the play in 1712. Beautiful copy of this finely illustrated edition, in morocco binding. $ 1 320,00 144. [IMPRESSION MICROSCOPIQUE]. -DE IMITATIONE CHRITI, LIBRI QUATUOR. Coloniae, Sumptibus Joannis Leonard, Bibliopolae Bruxellensis. M DC LXXXIV. 1684. 1 vol. 64mo. Contemporary red morocco. Scarce edition from Cologne, in microscopic types of this beautiful text of devotion. The text is consistent with the one established by Philippe Chifflet in Lyon, 1680. Provenance: "J.B.S." Marquis de Seignelay, JeanBaptiste Colbert (1651-1690), son of the "Grand Colbert", who followed his father as Ministre de la Marine. He kept working in the direction his father showed, and made the French Navy the equal of her rivals: the Dutch and British Navies. Fine copy, beautifully bound and from a pretigious provenance. $ 660,00 145. LEGOUVE (GABRIEL MARIE). -LE MÉRITE DES FEMMES, NOUVELLE EDITION AUGMENTÉE DE POÉSIES INÉDITES. PAR LEGOUVÉ. Paris, Louis Janet, Libraire, rue SaintJacques, n°59, 1825 1 vol. 18mo. Engraved frontispiece. Contemporary calf, nicely decorated with blind and gold stamped and painted motives. Very nice copy of this book of poetry. $ 550,00 146. [MARCILLY]. [MINUSCULE / MINIATURE]. -LES RIS, LES JEUX, LES PLAISIRS. ÉTRENNES CHARMANTES. AN 1812. A Paris, chez Marcilly. Rue St Julien le Pauvre, N°7. [1811]. 1 vol. 128mo. (30 x 21 mm.). 8 full-page wood-engravings. Contemporary full gilded red morocco, matching slipcase. Rare edition by Marcilly of these Etrennes Charmantes. The Almanac counts eight songs, with some indications for the tune, each are illustrated with a lovely engraved plate; the calendar for 1812, and advertissement for the publisher. Very nice copy, lovely bound in contemporary red morocco. $ 1 320,00 147. MINIATURE. -[NOTE BOOK EARLY 19ÉME]. SLND (circa 1820) 1 vol in-24. Rare example of an antique notebook, made with sheets of specially coated gloss paper to allow delete entries made in pencil tool to surprisingly Smartphone format that everyone uses today to making this feature notes. It carries the days of the week printed on the top pages and traces of deleted entries. Charming small object book. $ 275,00 148. [MINUSCULE / MINIATURE]. -SMALL RAIN UPON THE TENDER HERB. DEUT. XXXII. 2. SEVENTH EDITION. London, Religions Tract Society, 56, Paternoster Row. [ca. 1840]. 1 vol. (30 x 21 mm.). Contemporary fill red morocco. Seventh edition of this poopular title, giving biblical extracts for every day of the year, including February 29th. "Small Rain is the smallest of the religious selections for every day of the year." (Bromer & Edison, p. 78). $ 220,00 149. [COLLECTION OF 16 MIGNATURES ADVERTISMENT CALENDERS]. Dusseuil Confiseur, Brest, 1893 ; Au Bon Marché, Paris, 1899, 1900, 1902, 1903, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916 ; Parfumerie Legrand, Paris, 1903 ; Nouvelles Gallerie, Paris, 1903. 16 vols. (ca. 55 x 35 mm.). Publisher illustrated cardboards. Rare set of advertising diaries for great Parisian shops from 1893 and 1916: Au Bon Marché, Parfumerie Legrand, Nouvelles Galeries. Almost perfect condition. $ 1 320,00 150. [PORTEFEUILLE - FIN XVIII° SIÈCLE / PORTFOLIO - END XVIIITH CENTURY]. - 1 vol. 12mo. [4] bl. Red morocco case. Charming booklet covered with blue silk. The first board is decorated with an original painting depicting some ancient ruins in a green landscape, the second board is decorated with a mirror. Lovely item. $ 715,00