June 2016 - Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce
June 2016 - Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce
June 2016 Local Student Awarded Full Scholarship to SU via Junior Achievement Program; Second Student Receives Additional Aid to Attend University The Greater Binghamton Education Outreach Program (GBEOP) is excited to announce that two local students that participated in the Junior Achievement Company Program last fall are both receiving money to attend Syracuse University this fall! Nancy Wang of Johnson City High School received a full-ride scholarship to SU and Claire Stocum of Chenango Forks High School received additional financial aid to attend SU, thanks to their participation in the JA program via the BOCES New Visions Business Academy. The mission of Junior Achievement (JA) is to prepare young people to succeed in a global economy by providing hands-on, engaging programs that challenge them to consider the importance of their education, individual interests, and life skills relating to financial literacy, entrepreneurship and workforce readiness. Junior Achievement is proud to partner with Syracuse University, and is grateful for their on-going commitment to youth development in the Central Upstate New York Region. The Junior Achievement and Syracuse University Scholarship provides one Junior Achievement student with a full tuition, 4-year renewable scholarship to Syracuse University. Students must have participated in a JA program and embody the JA spirit, as demonstrated through their life experiences, drive, and future aspirations. Reflection from Nancy Wang, Johnson City High School My name is Nancy Wang and I’m a senior at Johnson City High School. At my school, I am very involved with extracurricular activities and community service. Some clubs I participate in include student government, Key Club, and National Honor Society, to name a few. I also play varsity girl’s tennis and golf. The Junior Achievement scholarship is a four-year, full tuition grant offered by the Junior Achievement branch of upstate New York. I was fortunate enough to interview and receive the Junior Achievement scholarship with Syracuse University as a result of the New Visions Business Academy. New Visions is a rigorous program designed for advanced high school seniors with refined interests towards certain professional fields. I personally was in the business academy but there are also law, engineering, and health academies available. For the first half of the year, the continued on page 3 Chamber Honors Lou for 40+ Year Career at Reception Family, friends, colleagues, from both past and present, gathered on April 21 at the Binghamton Country Club to honor Lou Santoni and celebrate his retirement after over 40 years with the Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce! Lou officially ended his tenure at the Chamber on April 29. May he enjoy many rounds of golf in retirement! continued on page 3 Chamber Staff 2 ChamberDirectory Directory ofof Staff Chamber Staff June 2016 ASK SCORE Administration Main Phone: (607) 772-8860 | Dial Direct: (607) 772-8863 + ext www.GreaterBinghamtonChamber.com What You Need to Know Before Buying a Business Jennifer C onway Yvonne G las L ori M eyers P resident & CEO E xt. 330 F inance D irector E xt. 339 Taste NY F inancial A ssistant Rather than building a small business from the ground up, buying an existing company offers the opportunity to move along the path to entrepreneurship more quickly. With all of the startup tasks already taken care of, a staff in place, an established customer base, existing vendor relationships, and processes and procedures laid out, you have a head start. But that doesn’t diminish the importance of doing your research before making the decision to buy a business. Acquiring an existing small business requires substantial examination so you avoid the many pitfalls that befall eager entrepreneurs who leap before they look. S usan Kuhn Teresa Myers C hristine S tezzi A dministr ati ve A ssistant E xt. 322 Technical C oordinator E xt. 315 R eceptionist / S ecretary E xt. 300 Communications & Membership A my S haw D ebby E vans Vice P resident , M ember S ervices & E xecuti ve D irector , GBEOP E xt. 313 P roject and E vent C oordinator E xt. 317 Government Relations B rendan O’B ryan M anager of G over nment R elations E xt. 316 Carol A rmstrong Development M anager E xt. 321 Gateway Information Center K athi Murphy Jenny A rnold K ateri S ibley D irector Tr avel A dvisor Tr avel A dvisor Route 81N • PO Box 114 • Kirkwood, NY 13795 (607) 775-0156 • info@nysinfoctr.org Convention & Visitor’s Bureau Judi H ess G ina Calisi Cassandra G reen M anager , Tour ism & S pecial E vents E xt. 329 M anager , C on vention S ales E xt. 326 S ales R epresentati ve E xt. 328 According to William Comiskey, a SCORE Mentor at the Southwest Florida SCORE Chapter, “Investing in a business is the same as investing your savings in a mutual fund or stock portfolio to secure both your future and possibly your retirement. You study and review the past performance and the current condition and seek help and advice from professionals on the prospects for the future.” Before purchasing an existing business, you need to get answers to some critical questions: Why is the current owner selling the business? Seek the truth. If the business is in a declining neighborhood or the owner has caught wind of an upcoming market change that will negatively affect revenues or cost structure, you might put yourself at risk of failure from circumstances beyond your control. Uncovering the real reasons for a sale may be difficult. Be wary and realize that smart business owners don’t often walk away from profitable endeavors unless they have strong personal reasons (illness, retirement, etc.), or they have received offers that are too good to refuse. How is the business doing financially? If it has been losing money or hasn’t been generating a satisfactory profit, you’ll want to dig deeper into the reasons why. Unless you’re confident you can operate it more profitably than the current owner, you might end up with a sinking ship on your hands. What sort of reputation does the business have? When you buy an existing business, you’re getting the brand reputation along with it. That will either work for or against you. Turning around an existing business’s poor reputation will be difficult and could take years—and it might even be impossible depending on how negatively the company is perceived by customers, suppliers, and the public. If the business has a favorable reputation, find out what has made it so. A strong reputation based on personal relationships between the owner and customers might not easily transfer to you. Be particularly cautious of this if the business relies primarily on a few key customers or suppliers. Are you getting everything you need to seamlessly take over running the business? Find out if the purchase will include essentials such as: leases and contracts; customer lists; patents, trademarks, service marks, and trade names; key employees who are vital to the business; and other important components. As Comiskey suggests, you don’t have to embark on the process alone. Consider tapping the expertise of professionals (such as SCORE mentors) who can help you assess the opportunities and risks of buying an existing business. Since 1964, SCORE “Mentors to America’s Small Business” has helped more than 9 million aspiring entrepreneurs and small business owners through mentoring and business workshops. More than 11,000 volunteer business mentors in over 320 chapters serve their communities through entrepreneur education dedicated to the formation, growth and success of small businesses. To contact the Greater Binghamton SCORE Chapter 217 for assistance call 607-772-8860. You may also contact SCORE® for person to person counseling appointments at the above telephone numbers. If you are already in business onsite assistance is also available. The Greater Binghamton SCORE® Chapter 217 website is found at www.greaterbinghamtonscore.org . The national SCORE® website is found at www.score.org or sign up for email counseling at www.score.org. ChambeReport Chamber News Junior Achievement continued from page 1 Business Academy ran a real company and sold stock. Our company, Incoming, developed and manufactured charger accessories that would prevent Apple Lightning cords from fraying. Our teacher Mrs. Julie Keenan and our group mentors, Dave Culbertson of National Pipe and Plastics, and Scott Weissmann of M&T helped our company evolve tremendously and really helped motivate us to keep going. Not only did I receive hands-on experience out of this program, but I also formed close relationships with my classmates. It is with great pleasure that I announce my attendance to Syracuse University next year. I will be dual majoring in Business Management and Communications in the Whitman and Newhouse schools. Though the scholarship does not exclusively limit me to majoring in business, I learned through my time in the New Visions Business program that business management is a good fit for me. I hope to continue my education at Syracuse University and later come back to the Binghamton, New York area to better my community. Thoughts from Claire Stocum, Chenango Forks High School Junior Achievement has offered me unique opportunities for establishing my future in the business world. This past fall, I participated in the JA Company Program, by starting up the business, Incoming, A Junior Achievement Company. My peers and I gained real world knowledge regarding the management and day-to-day processes of running a company. In the end, we created enough profit to donate $2,000 into the community! With this program, I was reassured of my passion in the business world and I built respectable relationships with two business mentors: Dave Culbertson of National Pipe & Plastic and Scott Weissmann of M&T Bank. They graciously taught us valuable professionalism skills and encouraged us to pursue our dreams. With a determined mindset and a love for business, I was excited to find a highly accredited business college and start my future. My parents both paid for their college education independently, and expect me to do so as well. This certainly limited my field of choices, but Junior Achievement opened a new door in my search. Teamed up with Syracuse University, JA offers one senior a full tuition scholarship. The application was rigorous and even required a personal interview at Syracuse. I appreciated the effort put into the application and enjoyed the process of interviewing for such a reward, however, I was denied the scholarship. Luckily, I made a good enough impression on the SU financial aid staff, that I was offered additional aid. While I did not earn the scholarship, Junior Achievement created an opportunity for me to attend my dream school. With nearly a full tuition value in financial aid, I was able to commit to Syracuse University for next fall! Junior Achievement is focused on linking the business world with education, and I was fortunate enough to experience all they had to offer. I also have the pleasure of going into elementary school classrooms and volunteering as a JA mentor myself. Business is an exciting aspect of our lives, and I am looking forward to expanding my knowledge for years to come. Congratulations ladies! Best of luck to you at SU! We are thrilled that Junior Achievement had a positive impact on your lives. Chamber Honors Lou from page 1 3 June 2016 4 June Anniversaries Fancher Appliance, Inc. Scott’s Oquaga Lake House Binghamton Plate Glass Co., Inc. Brown & Brown Empire State Indian Valley Industries, Inc. NYSEG Press & Sun Bulletin Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, Inc. Armstrong Telecom Binghamton-Ithaca Express, Inc. A. D. Bowman & Son Lumber Co., Inc. Endwell Greens Golf Club Gary’s U-Pull-It, Inc. Horizons Federal Credit Union Loomis Tax Service, LLC Brian K. Mather Agency, Inc. Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Riverside Dental Associates Southern Tier Chapter of the American Red Cross Sherwood M. Walls, Inc. Endicott Artistic Memorial Co., Inc. Old World Deli Red Roof Inn #416 - Binghamton Rosanne Sall Advertising Agency, Inc. Tri-Town Insurance Don Ward’s Service Center Air Temp Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Chemung Canal Trust Company Dick’s Garage First Congregational Church, UCC Hampton Inn - Johnson City State Farm Insurance - John M. Paulin W L T B Radio, Magic 101.7 FM 311 Industries Inc. ASRC, Inc. Inspire Fitness MaineSource Food & Party Warehouse Southern Tier Sewing Center Broome County Trophies & Awards Giordano Dental and Southern Tier Sleep & TMJ Therapy Griffiths Engineering LLC Keegan Independent Agency Inc. Lyons & Lyons Millennium Pipeline Co., LLC Ophthalmic Associates of the So. Tier, P.C. Payne’s Cranes, Inc. SUNY Empire State College - Binghamton Unit Tier Pediatrics Toshiba Business Solutions New Members K aren Gorman Agency Karen Gorman 2 Cushman Boulevard Binghamton, NY 13901 PHONE: (607) 204-0844 FAX: (607) 204-0847 kgorman@farmersagent.com www.farmersinthebarn.com Insurance (Main), Insurance Agencies Titan Security LLC Carrie Kowalczyk 6305 Court Street Road East Syracuse, NY 13051 HONE: (315) 218-0500 FAX: N/A Sophia@titansecurityco.com www.titansecurityco.com Security Systems (Main), Access Control K risty L. McWherter Agency, Farmers I nsurance Kristy McWherter 168 Susquehanna Street Binghamton, NY 13901 PHONE: (607) 765-5217 FAX: N/A Kmcwherter@farmersagent.com Insurance (Main), Insurance Agencies West Side Beer Depot Tony Singh 334 Main Street Binghamton, NY 13905 PHONE: (607) 217-5954 FAX: (607) 237-0642 tonysingh1224@gmail.com Beer & Beverage Retail (Main), Beer & Beverage Wholesale Petrick & K apur, P.C. David E. Kapur 2200 E. Main Street Endicott, NY 13760 PHONE: (607) 785-3389 FAX: (607) 785-4830 info@endicottlawyer.com www.endicottlawyer.com Attorneys (Main), Legal Services Court Street Beer Depot Tony Singh 218 Court Street Binghamton, NY 13901 PHONE: (607) 232-8236 FAX: N/A tonysingh1224@gmail.com Beer & Beverage Retail (Main), Beer & Beverage Wholesale Scorpion Security Products I nc . Andrew Bartoszewski 1429 Upper Front Street Binghamton, NY 13901 PHONE: (607) 724-9999 FAX: N/A andy@scorpionsp.com scorpionsecurityproducts.com Security Consultants (Main), Business Support Services Ziebart Robert Terboss 385 State Street Binghamton, NY 13901 PHONE: (607) 723-4993 FAX: (607) 723-0546 ziebart6@yahoo.com www.binghamtonrustproofing.com Auto & Truck Protection (Main), Auto Reconditioning The Printing House Jeffrey Horowitz 19-25 Chenango Street Binghamton, NY 13901 PHONE: (607) 203-0170 FAX: N/A jhorowitz@cevillages.com www.theprintinghouseny.com Student Housing (Main), Real Estate Thank You for Your Membership ChambeReport 5 Convention & Visitors Bureau Tourism Website Redesign Gives Greater Binghamton a New Look The Greater Binghamton Convention & Visitors Bureau recently launched its new website designed to engage users and attract travelers with several technical upgrades. The content-driven visitbinghamton.org uses video and imagery to showcase the region's strongest assets. Visitors are greeted with indepth introductions to Binghamton's great golf courses, growing craft beer scene, world-famous spiedies, historic carousels, passion for sports and distinction as the home of "Twilight Zone" creator Rod Serling. The responsive design and user friendly organization invite visitors to take a deeper dive into the area's agritourism, arts, outdoors, nightlife, shopping and family attractions. Video, photos and conversational copy make each page of the new visitbinghamton.org more engaging. ABC Creative Group created the design, developed the website, produced the content and provided SEO services. The content also optimizes the site for search engines, making the Greater Binghamton community, its unique culture and travel-worthy attractions easier to find on the Web. INVITES YOU TO SAVE THE DATE Mark your calendars now for the Chamber’s Annual Evening of Winetasting, Craft Brews, Food & Music… Friday, October 21, 2016! A variety of local cuisine, New York State wines and craft brews will be featured and the event will be held at the DoubleTree by Hilton Binghamton. Festivities will begin at 6:00 pm... Hope to see you there! Convention & Events Schedule June, July & August 2016 Date Approximate # of Overnight Visitors Event June 1 – 5 Battle on the Hill Baseball Tournament 200 June 3 – 4 AMVETS 300 June 4 – 5 AAU Basketball Southern Tier Flyers Annual Tournament 500 June 6 – 10 Southern Tier Police Canine Association Advance Handler 50 & Tactical Sem. June 7 – 9 Security Mutual Life Insurance Advanced Marketing Seminar 200 June 8 – 12 Veterans of Foreign Wars 2016 Convention 300 June 8 – 10 SUNY Librarians Association Annual Conference 200 June 10 – 12 Lutheran Women’s Missionary League 200 June 10 – 12 Conklin Raiders 12 & U Summer Rumble 300 June 10 – 12 Unadilla Valley Sports Center MX Rewind Weekend 300 June 10 – 12 BAGSAI Softball Tournament College Showcase 550 June 10 – 12 NYS Public High School Baseball State Tournament 800 June 10 – 12 John Mack Memorial Crossroads GM Tournament 100 June 11 – 12 2KW Pro Wrestling 25 June 17 – 19 NDO Lady Hornets AAU Basketball 1,000 June 17 – 19 BAGSAI Softball Tournament 12U/14U Summer Kickoff 550 June 17 – 19 Square Deal Riders Motorcycle AHRMA Vintage National Race 300 June 24 – 26 BAGSAI Softball Tournament 12U/14U Empire State Challenge 450 June 27 – July 1 NYS Professional Firefighters 400 June 29 – July 2 Broome County American Legion Baseball Hall of Fame 200 Tournament July 1 – 3 ASA 16U/18U NYS ASA Championships 550 July 4 – 10 Dick’s Sporting Goods Open Champions Tour 2,500 July 11 – 15 Greater Binghamton Sports Complex Summer Soccer Camp 50 July 13 – 16 American Legion – Department of New York 1,000 July 14 – 17 American Legion Auxiliary 8 & 40 800 July 15 – 17 Union Aquatic Swim Meet – Sertoma Summer Invitational 350 Swim Meet July 15 – 17 Unadilla Velley Grand Prix – ATV National 400 July 15 – 17 BAGSAI Softball Tournament – 16U Summer Sizzler 450 July 16 – 24 Levene Gouldin & Thompson Tennis Challenger 600 July 16 – 17 Broome-Tioga Sports Center Motocross-ACR Vintage, VET, 200 & Youth Champs July 22 – 24 ABA State Series Racing Championship – NYS Championship 250 Qualifier July 22 – 24 SusqueNango Summer Trials – Obedience/Rally Trial 150 July 24 – 29 The Ice House Sports Complex Youth Hockey Sports Int’l 50 Summer Camps July 28 – 31 Wounded Warriers Amputee Softball Team 25 August 3 – 7 Knights of Lithuania National Convention – Annual Convention 100 August 5 – 7 Spiedie Fest & Balloon Rally 1,500 August 5 – 7 BCANY Hoops Festival 500 August 7 – 11 US Golf Local League (USGLL) Annual Championship 50 August 12 – 14 Unadilla Valley Grand Prix Pro National Motocross 400 August 18 – 21 Susquehanna Kennel Club Confirmation Show 150 August 21 – 26 The Ice House Sports Complex Youth Hockey Sports Int’l 50 Summer Camps August 26 – 28 Chris Thater Memorial Races 1,000 August 26 – 28 Susque-Nango Kennel Club AKC Agility Trials 200 Convention Scoreboard 2016 C onvention & Events S cheduled For C onvention & Events Through Total O ut- of -Town Visitors Through TOTAL DOLLARS THROUGH 2016 J une J une J une J une 20 82 34,485 $12,043,595 If you are interested in offering discounts and becoming part of our Give Away List sent to Meeting & Event Planners, please contact the Greater Binghamton Convention & Visitors Bureau at 772-8860. Meeting & Event Planners are sent offerings 90 days in advance. June 2016 6 Greater Binghamton Chamber’s “Business of the Week” Each week, the Greater Binghamton Chamber randomly selects a chamber member business, which is named “Business of the Week”. The business is spotlighted for one business week (M-F). The “Business of the Week” receives: a personal visit from Chamber representatives, the week-long display of a stylish, prominent sign that formally announces their recognition, photo opportunities and an announcement on the home page of the Chamber’s website. Our “Business of the Week” program, sponsored by Visions Federal Credit Union, is another opportunity to show our appreciation to Chamber members for supporting the Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce and investing in our community, as well as for Chamber staff to better familiarize us with our members. We want to learn more about their company, how it fits in to our regional community, and how we can best serve their business. April 11 – 15, 2016 Philadelphia, Syracuse, Albany, Rochester, the Binghamton area can be a hub of business and activity to reach all these areas. What an incredible position we are in. We are a part of this community and look forward to growing with it. April 18 – 22, 2016 NorthPointe Church We help people live life to its fullest. Jesus wants us to live life to the fullest so we help people do that. Through KidzTown, Thrive (teens), small groups for adults and our unique approach on Sunday mornings, we truly want to connect with everyone in this area. Everyone has a story and every story matters. We want to see people’s lives change. We have seen families come back together, kids and teens’ lives changed and many find hope they had lost. But what best describes what’s happening at NorthPointe is what others are saying: “The atmosphere was welcoming and comfortable. I felt right at home. I loved the pastor’s T-shirt and jeans approach!” “The non-traditional approach to a church service was refreshing, enjoyable, and easy to connect with.” “NorthPointe is unlike any other church I have ever been to! I love the music and the multimedia.” “I was shocked when the service was over. . . I felt like it had only just begun. I’ll be back next week!” “We feel strongly that God has led us to you and NorthPointe. We are excited to be involved with a new ministry, and want to help in any way we can.” “Our kids loved it, and decided for us that we would return next Sunday!” It has been great to get to know some of the business leaders in our community via the Greater Binghamton Chamber. I know some get discouraged living in the area, thinking the ‘heydays’ were many years ago. But we think the best days are still ahead. There are some really neat people in this area and some really sharp entrepreneurs that have great vision and see what Binghamton can become. Being a city within a few hours’ drive of so many cities: We live by those principles on all projects, no matter how small; we have, however, been fortunate to be part of almost every significant project within the last 10 years here in Binghamton. That list includes, but is not limited to, projects at Binghamton University, SUNY Broome, the Maine Endwell Central School District, Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital and UHS. We are a major donor to several local organizations, and strive to be a good neighbor in the community. For example, during the floods of 2006 and 2011, we pumped water from several businesses whose operations were impacted and also assembled a team of employees who went house-to-house helping people clean up their homes. We began in the fall of 2008 and launched officially on February 8th 2009. We work hard to help others experience ‘Something Different’. Many people are seeking spiritual things but have given up on traditional approaches. Maybe the church they grew up in was 50 years behind the time, filled with changing rules or maybe just plain boring. It isn’t that they stop seeking God, they just don’t know where to look. So we offer something different. We just believe God is an exciting God and His church should be an exciting place to be a part of. wellness on our job sites and in our offices, and to consistently meet or exceed the ethical and community expectations that society has of a business. LeChase Construction Services LeChase Construction is a full–service construction management and general construction firm with extensive experience in a wide range of industry segments including healthcare, education, industrial and manufacturing, science and technology and commercial. Specifically, we offer services in construction management, general construction, design-build and facilities management. Membership in the Chamber has provided a means to network with local people and other businesses. Finding local skilled and capable service or materials providers is often simplified by either using the published business directory or by contacting people who would have otherwise went unknown if not for membership in the Chamber. May 2 – 6, 2016 The construction industry is all about relationships and repeat clients. Being a member of the Chamber has allowed us the opportunity to meet and develop relationships associated with our industry, as well as with community leaders and potential clients. These relationships have allowed us to grow our Binghamton office from a base of four full-time employees to a staff of 30 today. April 25 – 29, 2016 With proper planning, expertise and flexibility we can manage all aspects of any given project. We can also self–perform sitework, demolition, concrete, masonry and rough/finish carpentry. LeChase has the experience and ability to work with design professionals and the necessary support staff to ensure a successful project. Girl Scouts of NYPENN Pathways Girl Scouts is the premiere leadership development program for girls in the country! We serve nearly 16,000 girls in grades K-12 in our 26 counties in Girl Scouts of NYPENN Pathways. Girl Scouts discover themselves and the world around them, connect with others, and take action to make their communities and the world a better place. As a forward–moving company, LeChase aligns itself with customers who are looking for partnerships and long–term relationships. As evidence that we are “doing it right the first time,” we have an impressive amount of repeat business alongside a growing client list. In 1944, Raymond F. LeChase founded LeChase Construction Company in Rochester, N.Y. to fill the demand for local construction work during World War II. R. Wayne LeChase succeeded his father as president and CEO of the business in 1981. The growth that followed included the company’s first project outside of Monroe County, a $26.5 million medium security correctional facility in Marcy, New York. FLI’s philosophy has always been to design products that outperform the competition. This is done by re-examining the problems to be solved while optimizing the solutions. Significant portions of the research and design are in-house, not outsourced to design shops in who knows where. Local, often New York based, sources for raw materials and services are emphasized. Finger Lakes Instrumentation, LLC Since then, LeChase has continued to expand its reach. Led by a team with deep experience in the construction industry, and the firm now has operations in North Carolina and in multiple locations across New York – including the Binghamton office which opened in 2007. Finger Lakes Instrumentation, LLC (FLI) produces computer controlled high performance CCD cameras, filter wheels and focusers for astronomy, microscopy, life science and forensics. The CCD cameras are designed and produced in the Lima, NY facility while the filter wheels and focusers are designed and produced in the Binghamton, NY facility. The Binghamton, NY products offer superior price/performance as compared to competitors’ products in the global marketplace. FLI is a regional and national exporter. Most of FLI’s business is outside of NY with a large portion of the business outside the United States. We are a large company with a small company philosophy. The LeChase way is to “do the right thing” – Simply, that means we are committed to treat our customers and our people with integrity, to strive for excellence and continual quality improvement, to promote safety and FLI incorporated in 2000 with a small office in Lima, NY. In 2007, the Binghamton office opened on Charles St in 1600 sqft of leased space. In 2016, FLI will be expanding into an addition 2900 sqft to accommodate growth in both the design and assembly operations. Girl Scouts of the USA began in 1912 when Juliette Gordon Low gathered 18 girls in Savannah, GA. Our council, Girl Scouts of NYPENN Pathways, is the result of the merger of five Girl Scouts councils in 2009. We’re about MUCH MORE than COOKIES!! While the cookie program teaches girls essential life skills and funds their yearround activities, it’s those activities that are important. Many girls say without Girl Scouts they wouldn’t have had the opportunity to travel, meet the people they do, help their communities, try new adventures, enjoy the outdoors and more. Being part of the Chamber has been helpful to Girl Scouts of NYPENN Pathways because of the partnerships we are able to form through the networking events. ChambeReport 7 Political Corruptness in New York State Over the past 15 years, 33 lawmakers have been sanctioned, sentenced or sent packing due to their misbehavior. A new level was reached this past fall with the corruption convictions of Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos. Former Democratic Assembly speaker Sheldon Silver was sentenced to 12 years in prison and former Republican majority leader Dean Skelos of the State Senate is currently on trial. But investigations of possible corruption are underway in several other high-profile cases – including close Cuomo allies linked to his Buffalo Billion economic initiative. Former Cuomo aide Joseph Percoco is being scrutinized by U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara to determine if he, and his wife, received tens of thousands of dollars from a design and engineering firm involved in the Buffalo Billion. The Governor has ordered an immediate full review of the program to determine if there is any wrong-doing. Also the state attorney general is investigating Alain Kaloyeros, an important figure in the Buffalo Billion, over a contract awarded for a new dormitory building at the public college he runs in Albany. New York City Mayor, Bill de Blasio, is being reported to have circumvented donation limits in various upstate Senate races during the 2014 election cycle. De Blasio’s political operation had hoped to establish a friendly Democratic majority in the Senate to help pass many of his office’s agenda items. De Blasio is now under investigation by three different prosecutors with an interest in money donated and spent in 2014 for the Senate campaign of Democrat Marc C. Panepinto of Buffalo. With all these investigations and guilty verdicts – amid public demands for strong ethics reforms – what do we have to show for it? There has been a lot of talk and finger pointing on ethics reform, but no consensus between the Assembly and Senate on how to correct the culture of corruption. When the public has been asked, some of the more popular ways to reform the political culture in Albany include enacting term limits and strengthening the Senate and Assembly ethics committees. Strengthening the ethics committees would be especially helpful, since the Senate ethics committee has not met in several years. Some other ways to enact ethics change in Albany would be to close the LLC Loophole in campaign finance law and legislation to strip pensions from corrupt politicians. With Assembly and Senate members anxious to wrap up business in Albany and focus on their fall reelection campaigns, prospects for major agreements on any of the remaining issues remain uncertain. Follow the Chamber on Facebook & Twitter Stay in touch with your Chamber and find out the latest news, events and programs. Greater Binghamton Chamber: www.facebook.com/binghamtonchamber www.twitter.com/BingChamber (@BingChamber) (General information about programs, events, latest news and member-to-member discounts) Bridge Run: www.facebook.com/greaterbinghamtonbridgerun (General information for Bridge Run participants and sponsors) Good News 8 Good Shepherd Communities Foundation has announced that it is now accepting applications for its Community Investment Grants. Each grant must pertain to the needs of Senior Citizens in Broome County. Proposals will be accepted for seed capital for new program development, equipment purchase, capital improvement, or staff development. The minimum award is $1,000 and the maximum award $5,000. A total of $10,000 will be available annually. Submission deadline is June 30, 2016, no later than 3:00 PM. Mothers & Babies Perinatal Network’s 2016 Guys & Gals Fashion Gala Fundraiser was a huge success. Thank you to our Supermodel Sponsors: Fidelis Care and Servpro of Broome, Tompkins, and Tioga Counties. Additional thanks to our Haute Couture Sponsor Visions Federal Credit Union. They had record breaking numbers this year and could not have achieved that without this support of all of their vendors, clothing stores, and models who participated in our event and the guests who attended! In April, Security Mutual Life celebrated World Wish Day® by helping support MakeA-Wish® Central New York and by hosting a press conference highlighting other Wish-ful activities taking place in the Southern Tier. In addition to lighting the top of the Security Mutual building blue – the corporate color of Make-A-Wish® – the Company presented a donation to help Make-A-Wish® Central New York continue their mission of granting wishes to children with life-threatening medical conditions. The Company also treated employees to Star Donuts from the Dunkin’ Donuts special Star Donut Campaign, which benefits Make-A-Wish® Central New York. United Methodist Homes received a $4,000 community health award from Excellus BlueCross BlueShield. The funds enabled the purchase of a SCIFIT PRO1 upperbody exerciser for the wellness program at UMH’s Hilltop Campus. The machine can improve strength, endurance, flexibility, mobility and balance. It is fully adjustable for users of all sizes and abilities. Additional funds were provided by the United Methodist Homes Foundation. The head of Upstate Shredding – Weitsman Recycling, Adam Weitsman, is doing his part to ensure the success of college students facing hardships in the region. His recent donation of $40,000 will support Binghamton University’s Educational Opportunity Program, which identifies students facing economic challenges but show promise for success in a college setting. The Binghamton, NY Section of the American Society for Quality presented its annual Paul A. Robert Award recently. The award is presented to a local member of the community that has demonstrated outstanding commitment to supporting the Binghamton Section and the local business community in promoting product and service quality. The 2016 award was presented to Peggy Sniezek, an Assistant Professor of Computer Science Information Systems (CSIS) at SUNY Broome Community College. The Binghamton Health Campaign hosted its first Marathon Weekend in May. This included the Herald of Victory Marathon, Victory Fitness Expo, Beers and Cheers Microbrewery Festival, and Ride for Life 26.2 all held on May 29. Bob Stezzi, founder of Bob Stezzi Training & Consulting delivered the keynote talk at the graduation ceremony for Leadership Tioga this month. Bob is a graduate of Leadership Broome (now the Broome Leadership Institute) and has trained and coached thousands of leaders from hundreds of organizations across the country since 1995. Confluence Running concluded its first Confluence Kids Running & Health Program at Roosevelt elementary school. The program ended in May and will resume in 2017. CENTURY 21 Sbarra & Wells is pleased to welcome Matthew Gardner to its Greater Binghamton office. Gardner has 10 years of experience in the field and has an extensive background in advertising and marketing. Columbian Financial Group is pleased to announce the addition of Jordan G. Baugh as Chief Information Officer. Jordan comes to Columbian from HCSC (Health Care Services Corp) where he was Director of Information Technology in the retail health care space. Jordan has an extensive background in business and IT transformation initiatives in insurance, direct marketing and financial verticals. Paul J. Sweeney, Esq., a partner with Coughlin & Gerhart, LLP was the featured speaker at series of regional seminars hosted by the Public Employment Risk Management Association (“PERMA”) on November 12, 2015 in Rockland County; on March 10, 2016 in Genesee County; and on March 26, 2016 in Nassau County. Mr. Sweeney, who chairs the firm’s Labor & Employment Law Practice Group, spoke on labor issues of interest to public sector employers, including fire and police disability, Civil Service Law, and collective bargaining issues. Over 100 representatives from local government attended these regional PERMA seminars. Over 100 architectural and business leaders from across New York gathered in May to recognize the recipients of the “2016 Excelsior Awards” presented by the American Institute of Architects of New York State. Thirteen publicly-funded projects were recognized from across the state for best exemplifying excellence in the public sector and providing a model of excellence for future state- funded building design. Delta Engineers, Architects & Land Surveyors, DPC was delighted to be among those selected for this recognition. Craig Wademan, AIA attended the event to accept the Honor Award for Public Architecture on behalf of the design team for their work on the C. Fred Johnson Carousel Building Renovation project in Johnson City, NY. Delta Engineers, Architects, & Land Surveyors, DPC is pleased to announce that they have been named as one of Central New York’s Best Places to Work for a second consecutive year! They have once again received this recognition as one of the top twelve participating firms in the greater than fifty employee category in this event sponsored by BizEventz. The survey measured the importance and overall satisfaction with a wide range of company work environment factors such as quality of management, opportunities for professional growth, and compensation and benefits. “We’re excited to welcome Jim Trevitt, Kay Graves, Robert Potochniak, Kelly Tiddick, Andrea Fox, and Joe Mancinelli to EXIT Realty,” says Robert Farrell of EXIT Realty Homeward Bound. “EXIT is growing and attracting top producing agents like this talented group of Realtors each and every day across the nation.” Jim Trevitt and his group bring a combined over 50 years of real estate experience serving the residents of Greater Binghamton. We look forward to growing together at EXIT Realty. The Food Bank of the Southern Tier welcomes three new board members to its board of directors: John Bayne, Peter Cronk, and Michael Eisner. John Bayne is Vice President and General Manager, High Performance Displays and Advanced Glass Innovations, Corning Glass Technologies, Corning, NY. Peter Cronk is a Public Relations Agent (Retired), Riger Marketing Communications, Binghamton, NY. Michael Eisner is CFA, Senior Vice President, Chief Investment Officer, Market Street Trust Company, Corning, NY. The Small Business Administration will recognize 26 Upstate New York businesses from a variety of industries at its Small Business Excellence Awards luncheon in May. Among those that were honored, Ben Giordano, owner of FreshySites LLC in Binghamton, was given the SBA’s 2016 Syracuse District Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award for his company’s growth in sales, employees and community contributions. June 2016 Good Shepherd Communities recently recognized employees who have achieved significant milestones in their careers with Good Shepherd. Events were held at both Good Shepherd Fairview Home in Binghamton and Good Shepherd Village at Endwell. Staff and residents joined in thanking the following individuals for their contributions to Good Shepherd and to the field of Long Term Care. 30 Years: Shirley Herbert & MaryEllen Tong; 25 Years: Colleen Borst, Shari Mangan & Mary Ann Rickard; 20 Years: James Glatzel, Martha Orshal & Angel Warner; 15 Years: Cheri Carpenter, Michael Keenan, Claudia Osterhout & Kathy Swezey; 10 Years: Donna Brisco, Naomi Fleming, Elsie Robles, Melissa Strassel, Geraldine Swan & Christa Webb. They also had 23 employees celebrating 5 years. On April 22 Good Shepherd Communities hosted its third semiannual Leadership Retreat at the Binghamton Country Club. Forty-six members of the management staffs of Good Shepherd Communities, Good Shepherd Fairview Home, Good Shepherd Village at Endwell, and Good Shepherd Communities Foundation participated in this day-long event. Francis Battisti, Ph.D. presented a program to enhance leadership skills in the areas of Conflict Resolution and Problem Solving\Decision Making. This program exemplifies Good Shepherd’s strong commitment to continuing education. Gorick Construction Co., Inc. is pleased to announce that they were recently recognized by Equipment World magazine as a finalist for Contractor of the Year. By being named a finalist Gorick Construction was recognized by their peers, customers and friends in the industry as one of the best professional contractors in America! Greater Binghamton SCORE Mentor Dave Burch and Upstate NY SCORE District Director Bill Ritter recently supported very successful meetings with Upstate New York NFL Alumni Associations. Capitalizing on the partnership already established between SCORE and the National Football League and the restructure of Upstate New York NFL Alumni Chapters, counseling services were provided regarding strategic planning and engagement for various phases of player’s careers. Carol Schneider LMT, MMP of HeartGlow Integrated Massage has received the American Massage Therapy Association’s Humanitarian Award for 2015 from their New York State Chapter. Carol was recognized for working on many levels to have massage therapy incorporated as part of our state’s wellness solution. She has donated massages for local charities fundraising efforts and also provides free educational massage therapy seminars to any company and organization interested in learning more about the Benefits of Integrated Massage. Huron Campus is pleased to welcome PYRAMID Business Systems, a provider of information-technology (IT) services, which relocated its corporate office to Endicott, ChambeReport which is known as “the Birthplace of IBM.” PYRAMID Business Systems employs 12 people and began operations at Huron Campus on April 1. Pyramid Business Systems relocated to Huron Campus to take advantage of the modern and secure buildings to be able to grow its business, offering clients innovative solutions to address the changing technology in today’s world. Steve Seepersaud, co-president of the I Run For... Half Marathon Organization was elected president of the Communications Association of the Southern Tier (CAST) for 2016-17. CAST is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, networking organization for area professionals in advertising, public relations, graphic design, marketing, creative services and related fields. Steve has served as CAST treasurer since 2014. The employees have spoken, and ICS Solutions Group (with offices in Endicott and Syracuse) has been named one of the top 25 places to work in Central New York. The fourth annual contest presented by the Business Journal News Network and BizEventz ranks ICS among two dozen other companies whose team members have given high marks to their work environment. J&K Plumbing and Heating Co., Inc. has been awarded the HVAC Contract for the Binghamton – Johnson City Joint Sewage Treatment Plant restoration and rehabilitation. Lou Williams, J&K’s Vice President/ Construction will be the project executive and Ben Curley will be J&K’s project superintendent. J&K Plumbing and Heating Co., Inc. has earned the Northeastern Subcontractors Association Gold Level Safety Award. J&K was selected from subcontractors of all trades throughout New York State based upon the success of its employee’s safety and training program. J&K employees worked a total of 177,855 man-hours in 2015 with no lost time incidents. Levene Gouldin & Thompson, LLP is pleased to announce that Nicholas J. Tuttle has become an associate of the Firm. Nicholas received his Bachelor’s Degree from Nazareth College in Rochester, NY. He graduated from Albany Law School in 2013. His practice will be focused in Family/ Matrimonial and Real Estate. Nicholas will be located in the Vestal Office. Lourdes Hospital has recently been designated by Excellus BlueCross BlueShield as one of the first hospitals to receive the Blue Distinction Center+ for Maternity Care designation. This new designation under the Blue Distinction Specialty Care program helps prospective parents find hospitals that deliver quality, affordable maternity care. McFarland Johnson is pleased to announce its Geothermal Apron project at Greater Binghamton Airport recently received national recognition as a Grand Award recipient of the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Engineering Excellence Awards at the Annual Gala held last night in Washington, DC. Grand Awards are given to only the Top 8 projects throughout the United States and selected 9 Good News from hundreds of submissions. Kate Stewart of National Pipe & Plastic and Marisa Colonna-Garrow of Piaker & Lyons PC volunteered at the Our Space project at Rec Park. Kate & Marisa both graduated in the BLI class of 2014. Their class community service project was to raise funds for the Our Space project in April 2014. Now two years later they are both still working on the project build. Rabbi Rachel Esserman, executive editor of The Reporter Group, won first place in the critique category of the Syracuse Press Club awards for her book review “The difficult parts of life.” The newspaper group publishes its flagship paper, The Reporter, which serves the Binghamton/Ithaca/Cortland/Oneonta Jewish communities. Esserman has won several Syracuse Press Club awards for her reviews and opinion pieces. The Marketing and Communications department of Cornell University’s School of Hotel Administration hired Riger Marketing Communications to help them promote a video and several blog posts through Facebook, Linkedin, and YouTube ad campaigns. Riger provided all social media network/ad type recommendations, ad layouts, launching, monitoring, and ongoing optimization of the campaigns. SERVPRO franchise owner Lou Sepe of Servpro of Broome, Tompkins & Tioga Counties was recently recognized with Servpro Industries, Inc.’s CEO Award for “Creating an Excellent Organization.” The award acknowledges offices with an outstanding work environment, and it is the third time Sepe has received this honor. Sepe’s SERVPRO franchises rank in the top ten of 1,700 national SERVPRO franchises. Seton Catholic Central’s Swing Choir studied with several Broadway Performers in April. Under the direction of Jan and Shannon DeAngelo, 35 students and 20 adults headed to the Big Apple for a whirlwind of professional Broadway training and Broadway shows. “The goal of this weekend was educating our student performers”, said Director Jan DeAngelo. The faculty, staff and students of SUNY Broome Community College excitedly await the construction of a dynamic economic and business development center for Broome County. The regional Economic Development One-Stop center will be situated on the SUNY Broome campus. The Agency Broome County IDA/LDC has secured a grant through the NYS Economic Development Assistance Program and will construct the building on the south entrance of the SUNY Broome Campus. Tully Rinckey PLLC is pleased to announce that Kathryn A. Donnelly, Esq., an attorney with extensive military law and litigation experience, has joined the firm as an associate. She will concentrate her practice on military law, regularly handling cases involving Article 15s, letters of reprimand, courts-martial, and officer/enlisted separation proceedings. Warren Real Estate of Binghamton is very proud and excited to announce the addition of Melissa Hackford to their dedicated team of professionals. Melissa brings 10 years of retail experience, including 5 years in management, as well as entrepreneurial experience from owning her own business. We are interested in sharing your good news with other Chamber members. Every month we include a GOOD NEWS section with one-sentence items about good news from our members. The deadline to submit the good news information is the first Friday of the month prior to publication. If you have questions or would like to submit a good news item for the ChambeReport, please contact Judi Hess at judi@ visitbinghamton.org. June 2016 SBC Network Luncheon Sponsored by: Thursday, June 9, 2016 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Mountain Top Grove and View Clambakes 539 Hance Road, Binghamton Menu: Raw & Steamed Clams; Large Chilled Shrimp; Grilled Rib-eye Sandwiches; Roasted Pork and Beef Sandwiches; Hot & Sweet Sausage with Peppers & Onions; Grilled Hot Dogs & Hamburgers; Fresh Salads & Watermelon; Potatoes; Soft Serve Ice Cream; Soda, Lemonade, Iced Tea & Coffee. $18 advance / $21 After 6/3 Call Christine to make your reservation(s) at (607) 772-8860 or cstezzi@greaterbinghamtonchamber.com. Sign up and pay on-line at www. greaterbinghamtonchamber.com Cancellations after June 3, 2016 are non-refundable 10 Calendars June 2016 ChambeReport 11 GBEOP Recruiting Candidates for 2017 Broome Leadership Institute (BLI) Program Recruitment is underway for the Greater Binghamton Education Outreach Program’s Broome Leadership Institute (BLI) Class of 2017. BLI Class of 2016 at their Teambuilding Retreat on September 18 BLI, which just celebrated 29 years, is a highly respected community leadership training program offered through the Greater Binghamton Education Outreach Program (GBEOP), a non-profit affiliate organization of the Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce. The Broome Leadership Institute was created under the belief that the future prosperity of a community lies in its people. The goal of the program is to identify people who are interested in playing a key role in making Greater Binghamton the best that it can be. The benefits are tremendous: • Meeting with key decision-makers face-to-face • Gaining a broader understanding of the issues affecting our region • Learning new skills and making invaluable professional contacts • Building the knowledge, experience and contacts needed to make a positive difference in our community • Experiencing fun along the way The BLI program begins with a teambuilding retreat on September 16 and meets for a full day on the first, third and fifth Thursday of each month from October through the end of March. Only 20 diverse applicants are accepted, so we encourage you to apply early since space is limited. There is a fee involved for successful applicants: $1,400 for Chamber members, $1,100 for non-profit Chamber members and $1,800 for nonmembers. Scholarships are available through money raised by the BLI Alumni Association. Applications are due on August 1. Find out more at the 10th Annual BLI Recruiting Event… Wednesday, June 15, 2016 • 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. Terra Cotta, 81 State Street, Binghamton To Register: Refer to the registration form/flyer on page 20 or contact Christine Stezzi at cstezzi@greaterbinghamtonchamber.com or (607) 772-8860. For more information about the BLI program, contact Amy Shaw, Executive Director, GBEOP, at ashaw@greaterbinghamtonchamber.com or (607) 772-8863 x313. ALUMNI BLI Alumni Association Cordially invites you to attend the Annual Breakfast Meeting Thursday, June 23, 2016 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. The Binghamton Club 83 Front Street, Binghamton It’s been another busy year for the BLI Alumni Association! We invite you to attend the Annual Breakfast Meeting where you can: • Catch up with other members of your BLI Class while you enjoy breakfast • Meet BLI Alumni from other classes • Get acquainted with some recent graduates of the BLI Class of 2016 • Cast your ballot for our new slate of board members • See the BLI Class of 2016 class project presentation • Find out our Recipient of Annual Alumni of Distinction Award The BLI Alumni Annual Breakfast Meeting is held each year to present the Annual President’s Report, swear in the incoming board members and recognize outgoing board members. AGENDA: 7:30 a.m. * Registration, Breakfast Buffet & Cast Ballots for Board Member Candidates 8:00 a.m. * Welcome * Annual Report by President, Shari Sterling & Committee Chairs * Announce 2016-2017 BLI Alumni Association Board Members * Recognize Outgoing Board Members * Present BLI Alumni of Distinction Award * BLI Class of 2016 Class Project Presentation 9:00 a.m. * Program Concludes RSVP by Monday, June 20th to: Christine Stezzi at 772-8860 or cstezzi@greaterbinghamtonchamber.com. Paid Alumni Members and BLI Class of 2016 – Complimentary; Non-paid Alumni Members and Guests - $15.00 (Mail a check payable to “Greater Binghamton Chamber”, Attn: BLI Alumni PO Box 995, Binghamton, NY 13902-0995) Questions? Contact Amy Shaw at (607) 772-8863 x313 or ashaw@greaterbinghamtonchamber.com. 12 6th Annual Bridge Run: A Generous Donation after a Rainy Day On Sunday, May 1 the 6th Annual Greater Binghamton Bridge Run Half Marathon and 5K participants lined up at NYSEG stadium. This year’s event hosted by the Chamber in partnership with GHS Federal Credit Union and the Binghamton Mets was once again very highly attended. With nearly 2,000 runners and many more spectators, the Bridge Run continues to be a highlighted event on the Binghamton calendar each year. We added a few new features to this year’s race. Due to our 2015 Men’s Overall winner and a few others, we added the Double Bridge Challenge! This was an opportunity for runners to compete in both the half marathon and the 5K and had nearly 60 people sign up in the first year! We also started a kids run for any child under the age of 11. The 2016 Charity Partner was the Danielle House. The Danielle House will receive $3,000 from this year’s event! The Danielle House also received donations from race participants and other activities over the race weekend including our Men’s Overall half marathon winner, Alex Whitney, donating his $500 award to the Danielle House! The Cool Down presented by hue, continues to grow each year. This year the start of the celebration at 11:00 a.m. was moved to Remlik’s due to the rain, but it did not stop the party! At noon, all race participants and spectators were encouraged to follow the Cool Down Trail of 6 participating restaurants who offered great food, good drinks, music and everything downtown! Thank you to Van Zandbergen Photography, Daniele Vick Studios and Thomas La Barbera/Correspondent Photographer from the Press & Sun-Bulletin for the wonderful pictures and awards. The Bridge Run would also like to make a special thank you to all of our event sponsors, volunteers, Broome County, City of Binghamton, and the outstanding emergency services and public safety team who helped support another great race! 2016 Overall Winners: Alex Whitney Binghamton, NY Male Half Marathon Heidi Peoples Scranton, PA Female Half Marathon Alan Evans Beaver Dams, NY Masters Male Half Marathon Murphee Hayes Marathon, NY Masters Female Half Marathon Vasili Papastrat Binghamton, NY Male 5K Courtney Varano Apalachin, NY Female 5K Mookey Kent Conklin Forks, NY Masters Male 5K Catherine Farrell Binghamton, NY Masters Female 5K Alex Whitney Binghamton, NY Double Bridge Challenge 1:18:13 1:18:25 1:19:39 1:32:40 15:20* (new course record) 19:42 16:30 23:30 Combined Time of 1:43:07 Congratulations to all of our winners and all of our runners for a terrific accomplishment! June 2016 ChambeReport 13 6th Annual Bridge Run: A Generous Donation after a Rainy Day WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE FOLLOWING FOR THE SUCCESS OF Special Thanks To… Tom Barney, iHeartMedia Marci Goodwin & Mike Corey, Jack Sherman Toyota Eric Olsen, 3i Graphics & Signs, Inc. Jim Pandich, Broome County EMS Peter Behlog, Behlog & Son Produce Inc. Phil Griswold, Finger Lakes Technologies Group, Inc. John Birchall, Newchannel 34 Mike Hall, Fast Track Timing Donna Reep-Cook, Wegmans Kevin Blake, ICS of New York Russ Harris, Dimon & Bacorn Jim Reyen, Johnson Outdoors, Inc. Mark Bliznik, Carr Printing 2.0 Kirk Hayes, Worldwide Sport Supply Glenn Roberts, Lourdes Hospital EMS Stephanie Blodgett, Ad Elements, LLC Travis Hayes, ICS of New York Sam Salamida, Park Outdoor Jay Bongiorno, Excellus BCBS Camila & Peter Hoffman, Hue Studios Ray Serowik, Broome County EMS Gay Canough, ETM Solar Works Rachel Jenks, Davis College Margaret Tatich, The Children’s Home T.J. Ciaravino, Worldwide Sport Supply Mike Karr, Culligan Water Mary O’Malley-Trumble, IBM Tom Claybaugh, Press & Sun Bulletin Gannett Media Kevin Kane, Binghamton Parks Department Kirk & Leslie VanZandbergen, VanZandbergen Photography Kathryn Connerton, Lourdes Hospital Jennifer Crawford, GHS Federal Credit Union Captain J.C. Colling, Binghamton Fire Dept. John Current, Metro Center Rich David, Mayor, City of Binghamton Laura Doud, McFarland-Johnson, Inc. Ford Drake, SVARA Gordon Dusinberre, Northside Automotive Matt Gawors, Confluence Running Hayley Lerner, Forte Interactive John Leet, WICZ-TV Fox 40 Sgt. William Lescault, Bing. Police Dept. William Loller, UHS, Inc. EMS Ashley Lonardelli, Price Chopper Christopher Marion, BC Stop-DWI Debbie Preston, Broome County Executive Daniele M. Vick Studios Tom Vroman, Broome County EMS Jim Weed, Binghamton Mets Loretta Mason-Williams, Bing. University Jon Yeager, Binghamton DPW John Marshall, Nirchi’s Pizza Dan Zimmerman & Herb Griffith, Dataflow, Inc. Frank Meier, Meier Supply Co. Inc. Michelle Zemanick, Rogers Service Group Howard Meller, GHS Federal Credit Union Kelsey Newman, Positive Life Force Kim LoSapio, Progressive Dental Mike Flesher, Taylor Rental Center And a special THANK YOU to our Volunteers and Road Marshals! June 2016 14 BLI Class of 2016’s CHOW Community Gardens Project Comes to Fruition After visiting the CHOW community gardens and seeing the unwanted solicitous snacking of woodchucks and deer on the beds planted with the help of volunteer groups from April into the late fall harvest season, the BLI Class of 2016 decided to assist with improvements. Better fencing was needed to protect the volunteer gardens that provide produce delivered to disadvantaged residents in the Southern Tier. The new fencing needed to be specifically designed to foil gophers who go under most fences and deer who are able to leap over six foot fences. To start fundraising, twenty baskets were assembled by the BLI class members thanks to numerous donations from local businesses. Basket displays were arranged at three UHS locations and at the BLI class graduation to begin raffle ticket sales. Eager raffle ticket purchasers chose between the amazing selection of baskets. The final fundraising event was set up with Midway Bowling in Vestal for a friendly afternoon of bowling on April 2. The BLI class invited so many teams to bowl for CHOW that some had to merge and others were not able participate. Some of the teams that could not participate offered direct donations instead. Class members and their families supplied treats for a bake sale at the fundraiser and also staffed registration, a 50/50 and the final basket raffles. Fundraising successfully raised enough money to cover the costs of materials for the fence, a much needed storage trailer for gardening supplies, as well as a large, movable sun shelter for volunteers At the gardens, the work had begun. By coordinating with James Dunn, CHOW Garden Manager, plans for the garden were set in action. Rick Annunziata of Tioga State Bank utilized a bobcat from B&G Sealcoating & Striping and a rented trench digger to carve over 500 feet of four foot trenching on April 1. The weather ranged from rain, snow, and sleet to a bit of sun. The next day the class was ready to follow through with plans to set the belowground woodchuck barrier and shovel the trenches back in. On April 3, when winter realized it had missed the Southern Tier, BLI class members met early along the river flats of Conklin. Undaunted by twenty degree wind and blowing white-outs, they completed the project. The BLI Class of 2016 would like to thank all of the individuals and businesses that donated or assisted with our project and fundraising efforts, including the following businesses that either donated raffle items, funds, space, or assisted in other ways with our project: • A Balloon Affair • B&G Sealcoating & Striping • Coughlin & Gerhart, LLP • Harding Brooks Insurance • ICS Solutions Group • Kampai Japanese Steakhouse • Park Manor Wine and Liquor • Roberson Museum and Science Center • Samaritan Counseling Center of the Southern Tier, Inc. • Tioga State Bank • United Health Services (UHS) • United Methodist Homes ChambeReport 15 BLI Hosts Successful 2016 Canstruction® of the Southern Tier The Broome Leadership Institute (BLI) Alumni Association held a very successful 3rd Annual Canstruction® of the Southern Tier at the Oakdale Mall April 3 – 10, 2016. Eleven local teams competed to design and build giant structures from full cans of food to generate awareness about hunger issues in our community. Teams were responsible for purchasing all canned goods used for their structure. 100% of the proceeds will support hunger-relief efforts in Broome County! MANY THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS… Presenting Sponsor (3rd Year in a Row): Silver Sponsor: UHS Gold Sponsors: Supporting Sponsors: BCK-IBI Group Binghamton Noon Rotary Binghamton Giant Market Inc. BLI Alumni Association Broome Cooperative Insurance Coughlin & Gerhart Miller Auto Team McIntosh Laboratory Inc. Peoples Security Bank & Trust Company Vestal Rotary Club Special Thanks To: DataFlow • Oakdale Mall This year, the event raised a record $17,779 and about 35,000 cans of For more information about having your company participate in this event in 2017, food for our community, which will benefit CHOW and Food Bank of the contact Steve Thesier at steve.thesier@ibigroup.com. Southern Tier. Congratulations to all the teams! See how the Canstruction® judges recognized the winners in each category: BAE Systems – “Gronk the Dinosaur” IBM – “CAN You THINK Outside The Box? Help Solve Community Hunger.” Winner, People’s Choice Award BCK-IBI Group – Stop Hunger INSIDE by Helping OUT” Keystone – “Home of the Square Meal” Winner, Structural Integrity Award Chobani – “Feeding America Naturally” Winner, Best Use of Labels Lockheed Martin/BTBOCES New Visions – “The Little Engine that CAN” Winner, Honorable Mention Award Modern Marketing Concepts – “The Great Pyramid of Eaters” Oakdale Mall/ Chenango Valley CSD – “Check-Mate Hunger” Winner, People’s Choice Award, Small Can Structure Rockwell Collins – “Clifford the Big Red Dog” Winner, Juror’s Favorite Award STYP/Tioga State Bank – “Binghamton Mets NYSEG Stadium Visions Federal Credit Union/BT BOCES CTE/Skills USA – “House of Hunger” Winner, Best Meal Award June 2016 16 Chamber Happenings April SBC Network Luncheon A very special “Thank You” to M Squared Management Consultants LLC for sponsoring the April 15 SBC Network Luncheon! Chamber members enjoyed delicious food, networking and a warm atmosphere at the Red Lobster in Vestal. Prizes were generously donated by these Chamber members: WSKG Public Media, HeartGlow Integrated Massage and Levene Gouldin & Thompson, LLP. Thank you to all! Guest Speaker Series A great group enjoyed the 2016 Semi-Annual Guest Speaker Series “Spending Your Marketing Dollar$ Wisely” at the Schorr Family Firehouse Stage on April 21. Thank you to our Guest Speakers: Karen Matson, Executive Director, The Humane Society; Rick Purdy, Digital & Media Specialist, ABC Creative Group, Inc.; Ryan Yarosh, Director of Media & Public Relations, BU. Thank you also to Best Bagels in Town on Upper Front Street! BLI Alumni Spotlight The BLI Alumni Spotlight is a feature developed by the Communications Committee of the BLI Alumni Association Board of Directors. Name: David Chambers BLI Graduation Year: 1992 Company/Organization: Delta Engineers, Architects, & Land Surveyors Job Title: Chief Financial Officer E-mail: dchambers@delta-eas.com Tell us briefly about yourself and please update your classmates on your personal/professional experiences since graduating from BLI: I was born and raised here in the Greater Binghamton area and received both my undergraduate degree and my MBA from Binghamton University. I began working with Delta in 1986, as a summer construction inspector, held a number of technical and then managerial positions over the intervening years, and was named CFO in 2007. My wife and I recently moved into our third West Side house (in twenty-two years of marriage), where we live to serve our Labrador Retriever, Cara. Favorite books/movies: I spend a lot of my time available for reading keeping up with my subscriptions to the Wall Street Journal and the Economist magazine which, I’m hoping, is not too usual for someone in my line of work. Vacations at the shore allow me to read “the lighter stuff” – primarily biographies and historical fiction. I’m dating myself here, but I still love the old Mel Brooks comedies and any of the classic movies from National Lampoon. Current and Past Notable Civic Activities: Over the years I served on various panels and committees for the United Way and the Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce, including the board of the Alumni Association of, what was then, Leadership Broome. Currently I serve as Treasurer of the Board of Directors of the Children’s Home of Wyoming Conference, where I was Board Chairperson from 2013-2015. Just recently I was approached to join the Partners Accountability volunteer group for the United Way, which reviews the financials of the agency’s partners to determine their viability and solvency for funding. Interests/Hobbies: I am still an active, albeit slower, runner than I was and my wife and I enjoy traveling with friends. We have visited Ireland, Paris, Barcelona, Rome, and Istanbul over the years, and are currently planning a visit to England and Scotland later in 2016. Chamber 101 Brand-new Chamber members, as well as long-time Chamber members, gathered on April 26 for the informational session, Chamber 101, to learn all the benefits that come with Chamber membership. Thank you to all who attended and a special “Thank You” to Chamber 101 Sponsor, Curcio Printing! Mac and Cheese Fest Chamber President, Jennifer Conway, along with fellow judge, Ty Muse, President of Visions Federal Credit Union, enjoyed their duties at the Binghamton Philharmonic’s first-ever Mac & Cheese Fest on April 28 at the Holiday Inn Binghamton. What a delicious event! How did your BLI experience change your perception of the community? While I was raised locally, I quickly realized through my BLI experience how little I actually knew about the community I was a part of. The various sessions gave me at least a basic understanding of all the different players and how they interact to support the area. How did your BLI experience motivate you to become more involved in the community? After going through the program I understood the importance, and the collective power, of all the volunteers working to make a difference in this community. While we’ve lost so many important employers over the years, and continue to experience a declining population and changing demographics, there is still much to be proud of in Greater Binghamton and all of us have a part to play in making it work. What was your most memorable BLI activity/moment? Not long after graduation the Special Olympics came to the area and the Alumni Association was asked to help plan and run the opening ceremony. We had the idea to create a backdrop depicting the Colosseum in Rome and, following on the theme, a number of us were there in “togas” made from white bed sheets. During the program, as one of the young women was escorting a dignitary across the stage, her fastenings began to come undone at an alarming rate. Fortunately she was able to keep everything intact long enough to make her exit, but it was a close call. What was the most valuable benefit to you from your BLI experience? At first it was networking with the friends I made through the program but, over time, the most valuable benefit has come from being an alumnus. I have met many people over the years, professionally and socially, who are also graduates and it provides a quick, “centering,” place to begin a new relationship. What “nugget of wisdom” do you have for your fellow BLI alum? Rather than jumping at every opportunity to volunteer and serve find a cause or a need that you feel strongly about and go at it with all of your energy. ChambeReport 17 Dimon & Bacorn Co. of Binghamton Dimon & Bacorn Co. of Binghamton celebrated their 40th Anniversary of Chamber Membership on Wednesday, April 20 with a ribbon cutting. Thank you for your many years of support! SUNY Broome SUNY Broome’s Entrepreneurial Assistance Program (EAP) hosted the 11th Annual Website Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. Four small businesses were honored for developing or enhancing a website or Facebook page within the past year. Congratulations to all! Walk to End Alzheimer’s The cold did not deter all the enthusiastic folks from participating in the Alzheimer’s Association, Central New York Chapter’s 2016 Walk to End Alzheimer’s on April 23 at Otsiningo Park! IOA Northeast, Inc. (Hanafin) Congratulations to IOA Northeast, Inc. (Hanafin) on moving into their beautiful new office space in the Kilmer Building located at 31 Lewis Street in Binghamton! The ribbon was cut on April 28. Baked Euphoria McFarland – Johnson, Inc. Congratulations to McFarland-Johnson, Inc. on their 70th Anniversary! The celebration took place on April 22. KW Fitness April 22 was the date for the Ribbon Cutting for KW Fitness, 3032 Vestal Road in Vestal, to celebrate their expansion. They have nearly doubled their original space. Congratulations! Congratulations to Baked Euphoria Cakes & Pastries on the opening of Baked Euphoria at Building 16 complete with a drive-thru! It is located at 25 Hayes Avenue in Endicott (site of the former IBM Security Building). The ribbon was cut on May 5! Ridley-Lowell The ribbon was cut on May 5 at Ridley-Lowell Business and Technical Institute, 2 Court Street in Binghamton, to celebrate their brand-new location! An enthusiastic crowd of students and wellwishers was on hand to help celebrate! 18 June 2016 ChambeReport 19 Wednesday, June 8, 2016 Links at Hiawatha Landing 20 June 2016 ChambeReport 21 22 June 2016 ChambeReport 23 Greater Binghamton Chamber in partnership with M&T Bank present PRESENTED BY 2O16 HOSTED BY gbbe.org Greater Binghamton Education reachOut rP ogram Thursday, September 15, 2O16 1:OO - 6:OOPM DoubleTree by Hilton Binghamton TECH SPONSOR CREATIVE SPONSOR YOUR INFORMATION Business Name - as you want it to appear on event promotions EVENT SPONSORS Contact Name Contact Email Address City, State, Zip Phone Fax PLEASE NOTE: Booth sizes are 4’d x 8w’ Company Size (number of employees) Greater Binghamton Chamber Member Rate Non-Member Rate 1-25 Employees $475 $775 26+ Employees $575 $875 BOOTH SHARE: 1-2 employees per company (2 companies share 1 booth) $25O each - must find company to share booth space Non-profits* $35O MEDIA SPONSORS * (Non-profits must proNot applicable vide a 501(c)3 certificate with booth application) Not applicable BOOTH SHARE: Non-profits $2OO each - must find (2 organizations share 1 booth) organization to share booth space 2O16 FLOOR PLAN (The Chamber reserves the right to assign space if preferred space is occupied.) 65 64 97 67 63 62 66 55 54 53 52 51 50 43 42 41 40 39 38 31 30 29 28 27 04 78 26 18 17 77 61 82 76 60 83 75 59 16 74 58 07 73 57 49 06 72 56 48 37 47 36 46 35 45 34 44 33 05 71 32 79 Billing Zip Code 80 Security Code 03 Card Holder Name AUTHORIZATION I understand that the completed registration form is a contract committing my company to booth space at the Greater Binghamton Business EXPO 2O16. I agree to abide by the regulations in this brochure (please sign; signature required). Name/Title 25 Expiration Date 13 CC# Signature 12 VISA / MC / AMEX / DISCOVER 24 Check (Please make check payable to: Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce) 11 Booth space is limited. Reservations are on a first-paid, first-selection basis. You may mail a check, payable to Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce, or if using a credit card, you may fax 607.722.4513 your registration form or email gina@visitbinghamton.org 23 No 22 Yes 10 PAYMENT ($35 charge must accompany booth application) 09 ELECTRICITY 21 3rd choice *Booth coordination will be mailed to vendors 9/1/2016. 70 20 2nd choice 60 08 1st choice 68 19 PLEASE NOTE: Booth sizes are 4’d x 8w’ 15 BOOTH SPACE PREFERENCE Not applicable 14 2O16 BOOTH RATES Website Date 02 01 CANCELLATION POLICY AND FEES Until 8/6/16; $1OO cancellation fee 8/7/16 - 9/2/16; $2OO cancellation fee After 9/3/16; No Refund 81 May 2016 24 The Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 995 49 Court Street, Metrocenter, Suite 200 Binghamton, NY 13902-0995 Phone: (607) 772-8860 Fax: (607) 722-4513 E-Mail:chamber@binghamtonchamber.com OR C U R R E N T R E SI DE N T www.GreaterBinghamtonChamber.com Board Chairman: Joe Mirabito Mirabito Energy Products Publisher: Jennifer Conway President & CEO Editor: Amy Shaw Vice President, Member Services The Greater Binghamton ChambeReport is published monthly by The GBCC, P.O. Box 995, Binghamton, NY 13902-0995. Subscription: $50.00 per year is included in Chamber Membership. Standard postage paid at Binghamton, NY. (USPS-Permit 1). POSTMASTER: Send address change to: The GBCC, P.O. Box 995, Binghamton, NY 13902-0995 Be part of the ChambeReport ChambeReport Inserts ChambeReport Inserts are an inexpensive and popular way for businesses to market their goods and services to area business leaders and their staffs. For one low price, you can reach 3,000 destinations, with multiple readers at each location, without worrying about postage costs or direct mailing requirements. • A maximum of 5 inserts are allowed in each ChambeReport mailing, all on a first come, first serve basis. • 3,000 of your inserts must be provided. Publish Date July Issue 5/29/2008 August Issue 1/27/2010 6/26/2008 2/24/2010 Insert Needed By June 2nd, 2016 5/22/2008 July 7th, 2016 1/20/2009 6/19/2008 2/17/2010 Don’t miss this great opportunity to showcase your products and services! Call 798-1131 today for more information!
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