september 9 – 13, 2013 - Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce
september 9 – 13, 2013 - Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce
September 2013 Celebrate Chamber of Commerce Week With Us! September 9 – 13, 2013 Chamber of Commerce Week is a week-long celebration dedicated to promoting greater awareness of the role that Chambers play in the business and community lives of people living in New York State. We invite our members and the community to join us in this week-long celebration to learn more about what we do, how it helps our community and how you can get involved. The variety of events taking place during the week will certainly provide something for everyone! We look forward to seeing you! Monday, September 9th – 2:00 p.m. Chamber of Commerce Week Kicks-Off With A Press Conference! Chamber Offices – 2nd Floor of Metro Center – Downtown Binghamton Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Lou Santoni will be joined by Broome County Executive Debbie Preston at a Press Conference on Monday, September 9th at 2:00 p.m. to officially declare September 9th through September 13th as Chamber of Commerce Week and to outline the week’s events. Tuesday, September 10th – 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. SOCIAL MEDIA SEMINAR: “What your business can do to keep on the cutting edge of social media” Mirabito Energy Office (Training Room) • Metro Center – 1st Floor – Downtown Binghamton Why does your local business need a social media strategy? The Southern Tier’s foremost social media experts will speak about how to get your business’s presence up and running, from the initial set-up, to developing a unique voice, to leveraging paid promotion, to directly reach tens of thousands of customers in your target demographics. Our expert panel, with representatives from the area’s leading advertising agencies and media organizations, will help you figure out which social media sites fit your brand’s needs, how to incorporate Facebook, Twitter and other social media tools into your overall marketing plan – and how to determine your ROI. A question-and-answer session will follow the panel’s presentation. Continental Breakfast Moderator: • Chris Strub, Social Media Director, Ad Elements, LLC Provided by: Panelists: • Jared Kraham, Social Media Strategist, Ad Elements, LLC • Chris Olsen, Internet Marketing Specialist, RS Webworks – Rosanne Sall Advertising Agency • Jeff Platsky, Digital Editor, Press & Sun Bulletin • Heather Preston, Associate Account Executive, Riger, A Marketing Communications Company Cost: Chamber Members ONLY --- $10 Advance / $15 Door (includes Continental Breakfast). Advance reservations and payment by Friday, September 6, 2013. At door pricing applies after September 6, 2013. Space is limited! Please register by contacting Christine Stezzi at (607) 772-8860 continued on page 2 or Chamber Staff • Chamber of Commerce Week 2 ChamberDirectory Directory ofof Staff Chamber Staff Administration Main Phone: (607) 772-8860 | Dial Direct: (607) 772-8863 + ext Lou Santoni Theresa Ryan President & CEO & Director, CVB Ext. 330 Finance Director Ext. 339 Susan Kuhn Teresa Myers Christine Stezzi Administrative Assistant Ext. 322 Technical Coordinator Ext. 315 Receptionist/ Secretary Ext. 300 Communications & Membership September 2013 continued from cover... Wednesday, September 11th Noon to 1:15 p.m. Thursday, September 12th 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Prospective Member Luncheon September SBC Network Luncheon Sponsored by: Sam A. Lupo & Sons Sponsored by: Chamber Office – 2nd Floor of Metro Center – Downtown Binghamton We invite our chamber member businesses to bring a Prospective New Member to visit our offices, enjoy a complimentary lunch for both of you, and introduce them to the CHAMBER CONNECTION!! • Learn more about the Competitive Advantages that Chamber membership can give businesses! • Network with other Business Professionals in a relaxed setting! • Enter to Win Door Prizes! Cost: Complimentary with potential new member. Space is limited!! Please make your reservations today! Contact Christine Stezzi at (607) 772-8860 or email her at Thursday, September 12th 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. Amy Shaw Debby Evans Carol Armstrong VicePresident , Member Services & Executive Director, GBEOP Ext. 313 Project and Event Coordinator Ext. 317 Development Manager Ext. 321 Government Relations Are We Shovel Ready? Gateway Information Center Chamber of Commerce Week ChambeReport Sponsored by: Endwell Greens Golf Club 3675 Sally Piper Road, Endwell ** Golf Special for Chamber Members: $15.00 – 9 Holes and a cart! ** The Small Business Council’s Network Luncheons are held on the second Thursday of each month at various Chamber member restaurants. The luncheon allows attendees to display promotional literature about their businesses and make a formal introduction to the group of 50 to 60 attendees with a 30 second promo about your product/service. What a great way to grow your business in a relaxed way and at a convenient time of day! Cost (Members ONLY): $18 Advance / $ 21 Door. Advance reservations and payment must be received by Friday, September 6, 2013. At door pricing applies after September 6, 2013. Please register by contacting Christine Stezzi at (607) 772-8860 or Friday, September 13th 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. SPEED NETWORKING! Stacey Duncan, Manager of Government Relations Ext. 316 Kathi Murphy Jenny Petrocelli Director Travel Advisor Route 81N • PO Box 114 • Kirkwood, NY 13795 (607) 775-0156 • Convention & Visitor’s Bureau Judi Hess Gina Calisi Natalie McMahon Manager, Tourism & Special Events Ext. 329 Manager, Convention Sales Ext. 326 Sales Representative Ext. 328 DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel & Conference Center 225 Water Street, Downtown Binghamton Shovel-ready economic development sites provide prospective businesses a location where all major permitting issues are addressed prior to construction. This can provide valuable time and savings for a new business venture to begin. Join us for a conversation with local economic development experts on getting Greater Binghamton shovel-ready. Confirmed Panelists: • Kevin McLaughlin, Executive Director, Broome County Industrial Development Agency • Elaine Miller, Commissioner, Broome County Office of Economic Development & Planning • John Current, Associate Broker, Pyramid Brokerage Company of Binghamton, Inc. Cost: Chamber Members ONLY --- $12 Advance / $15 Door (includes breakfast). Advance reservations and payment by Friday, September 9, 2013. At door pricing applies after September 9, 2013. Space is limited! Please register by contacting Christine Stezzi at (607) 772-8860 or 3 Chamber Offices – 2nd Floor of Metro Center – Downtown Binghamton What a great way to end Chamber of Commerce Week! Be prepared to describe your product or service in 1½ minutes! Focus on how someone can benefit from your product/service and share what makes it unique. Space will be limited to 24 participants! All three boardrooms will be utilized. Sign up early for this fun and excellent networking opportunity! Suggested Donation: $5.00 (cash). Donations will be given to the Southern Tier Chapter of the American Red Cross. Please register by contacting Christine Stezzi at (607) 772-8860 or email her at continued on page 4 NY-0000676842 4 Chamber of Commerce Week • Government Regulatory Deadline: Employer Notification of Health Care Exchanges by October 1 Friday, September 13th 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce & American Red Cross Blood Drive American Red Cross Blood Donor Center 365 Harry L. Drive, Johnson City The Chamber has once again partnered with the American Red Cross for our Annual Blood Drive. The American Red Cross continues to face a blood shortage. It is really up to us and the community as a whole to ensure that we have the blood that area hospital patients need. Donations stay within the community. Hospitals and healthcare facilities within Broome and Chenango counties will receive most of the donated blood. As a donor, you could be giving your blood to someone in your neighborhood, or to a co-worker’s family member, without even realizing it! This blood drive truly is a COMMUNITY EVENT. The Chamber’s goal is to have at least 30 blood donors on this day. Please encourage your employees, your co-workers, your friends and your family to give blood on this day. Let’s help our American Red Cross close the gap on their blood shortage. Remember, YOUR blood donation could help save a life of someone in our community!! Schedule your appointment with Christine Stezzi at (607) 772-8860 or Friday, September 13th 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. FACEBOOK FRIDAY!! Answer Chamber trivia questions on our Facebook page and win prizes! Visit the Chamber offices between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to collect your prize AND to visit with Chamber Staff and tour the offices. What a great way to get to know your Chamber and all that it offers! We look forward to seeing you during Chamber of Commerce Week! September 2013 ChambeReport MEMBER BENEFIT Member-to-Member Discount Program Employers will be required to communicate three items of information, for which they can find the necessary language in section 1512 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA): • State Exchange Basics. This is a description of the state exchange, the services provided by the exchange and how to contact the exchange. • Individual Plan Value. This explains whether employees will receive at least 60 percent coverage of essential health benefits through employerprovided coverage, and whether employees may be eligible for a premium tax credit if they purchase a plan on the state exchange. • Tax Implications. Because health insurance premiums under employer-sponsored coverage may be paid with pre-tax dollars, buying coverage through a state exchange may change an employee’s tax obligations. Employees using an exchange to purchase coverage may lose their employer’s tax-free contribution (if any) to their health coverage, also. The New York State Department of Labor has templates that can be used for businesses currently offering health care insurance and for employers that do not. Notices have to be given out regardless of whether health insurance is offered. Employers with plans: Employers without plans: Source: SHRM September Breakfast Bytes Seminar! Topics of interest to you Sponsored by: When: The U.S. Department of Labor issued Technical Release No. 2013-02, which provides guidance and a Model Notice to Employees of Coverage Options regarding the health care exchanges set to open on October 1. Beginning no later than October 1, 2013, employers must provide notice of the exchange and must notify any new hire at the time of hire. For 2014, the DOL will consider a notice to have been timely delivered if it is provided within fourteen days of an employee’s start date. The notice must be provided automatically, free of charge, and written in language that the average employee can understand. It may be provided by first-class mail or electronically if the requirements of the DOL’s electronic disclosure safe harbor are met. 5 Topic: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 8:00 to 9:30 a.m. Historic Walking Tour of Downtown Binghamton Presenter: Gerald Smith, Broome County Historian Where: Grand Royale Hotel 79 Collier Street, downtown Binghamton The tour will start with a continental breakfast in this historic hotel! Sponsored By: The Member-to-Member discount Program is designed to encourage Chamber members and their employees to do business with other members. Examples of some of the great discounts you will find on the Chamber’s website under the Member–to-Member Discount Program include: • Join us on Tuesday, September 17th at 8:00 a.m. for a very special Breakfast Bytes! • This walking tour of Downtown Binghamton will be led by Broome County Historian Gerald Smith. Gerry has been the head of the Broome County Local History & Geneology Center in the Broome County Public Library where he has been an employee since 1978 until his retirement from the library position in 2009. He has served as the City of Binghamton Historian since 1984 and Broome County Historian since 1988. • We will meet at the historic Grand Royale Hotel for a continental breakfast and tour of this former courthouse. • The tour will continue as Gerald discusses the history of several downtown landmarks, buildings we have often passed by without knowing the wonderful history of them! Cost (includes continental breakfast): $10 Members ONLY-Advance Registration and Payment must be received by September 13th; $15 at door pricing AB Construction and Roofing, Inc. Free roof evaluation on any commercial building in the Binghamton area (see listing for details) American Heart Association Free Lunch & Learn or Health Fair at member company, and other free consultations Baked Euphoria Cakes & Pastries 10% discount with proof of membership JLP Hair Design, Inc. 10% off all Aveda and KMS Haircolor products. Southern Tier Stand Up Paddle Corp. Introduction to Stand Up Paddling $25 (includes equipment) Rentals of Equipment $15 SPACE IS LIMITED!! To Register: Contact Christine Stezzi at (607) 772-8860 or NOW – An Even Easier Way to Pay! Sign up and pay on-line at Payment/Cancellation Policy: Reservations and payment received after September 13, 2013 are subject to “at door” pricing. If cancellation is necessary, please cancel by September 13, 2013, for a full refund. Cancellations after September 13, 2013 are NON-refundable. Full payment is required prior to the event. September 2013 6 September Anniversaries New Members 40+ Years A rbonne I nternational Johnson, Lauder & Savidge, LLP Muzak - Arranged Sound, Inc. Quality Inn & Suites - Vestal W I V T - TV / W B G H - TV Carey Marie Kiekel 1250 Front Street #193 • Binghamton, NY 13901 PHONE: (575) 791-9548 SKINCARE (MAIN), HEALTH FOODS & PRODUCTS 30+ Years Nadius D iner Knights Inn Rick Kellar 3000 E. Main Street • Endicott, NY 13760 PHONE: (607) 748-3076 RESTAURANTS (MAIN), FOOD RETAILER Stafkings of Binghamton, Inc. Taylor Rental United Health Services, Inc. 25+ Years Mildred Jean Finch (Family Care Home) Music & Computer Services & Instruction Red Roof Inns, Inc. Southern Tier Physical Therapy, PC 20+ Years P. Fair D esigns Paula Fairbairn 123 Court Street • Binghamton, NY 13901 PHONE: (607) 778-6927 WEB DESIGN SERVICE (MAIN), DRAFTING & DESIGN 15+ Years G n G A rtisans I nc . Peter & Ann Marie Graham 6 Maple Avenue • Conklin, NY 13748 PHONE: (607) 775-9001 DIRECT-to-GARMENT PRINTING (MAIN), ADVERTISING Serafini Nissan Volvo, Inc. R ed Barn Technology G roup C ompanies 10+ Years Jon Layish 1235 Upper Front Street, Suite 3 • Binghamton, NY 13905 PHONE: (607) 772-1888 • FAX: (607) 584-9217 COMPUTER CONSLT./SYSTEMS INTEGRATORS (MAIN), PROMOTIONAL ITEMS, WEB DESIGN/HOSTING Barrett & Mahonski CPAs LLP E B E Officesource, Inc. SEFCU BlueStorm Technologies, Inc. Jeffrey K. Davis Consulting, LLC Greater Binghamton Airport Make-A-Wish Foundation of Central NY The United Presbyterian Church of Binghamton 5+ Years Affordable Dentures America’s Sport Gear & Uniform Cleaning Center Avant IT Consulting\Forward Business Solutions Best Bagels in Town Binghamton-Johnson City Monument Co., Inc. Carman Family Dentistry Haines Publishing NuWaka Fashion World POMCO Group Van Cott Jeweler LTD S.E.E.D. P lanning G roup Travis Maus 31 Lewis Street, Suite 401 • Binghamton, NY 13901 PHONE: (607) 217-5091 • FAX: (855) 838-7333 FINANCIAL ADVISORS, FINANCIAL SERVICES & CONSULTANTS Vestal C oal House Mark Mushalla 196 Stage Road • Vestal, NY 13850 PHONE: (607) 760-8431 CAFE - CASUAL (MAIN), MEETING FACILITY Thank You for Your Membership ChambeReport 7 BLI Selection Committee Interviews and Selects Class of 2014 Program’s Next Class Begins with Retreat on September 20th The Greater Binghamton Education Outreach Program (GBEOP) – an affiliate organization of the Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce – is gearing up to welcome an enthusiastic and energetic class of professionals to its BROOME LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE (BLI) program. BLI is a 6-month community leadership program which provides an opportunity for current and aspiring community leaders to meet and exchange views on issues affecting the future of Greater Binghamton and the surrounding area. Participants learn first-hand about the inner workings of the community from current leaders and experts. Through interactive presentations, site visits and discussions, BLI: • Educates participants about local needs and concerns so they can become more effective leaders • Provides a forum for exchanging ideas among current and emerging leaders representing diverse interests and backgrounds • Broadens participant’s perspective of issues and trends • Makes them proud to call Binghamton home During the month of August, the BLI Selection Committee, comprised of six BLI Alumni members, interviewed over 20 well-qualified BLI applicants for the upcoming class. This is always a difficult task for the Committee because of the candidate’s strong qualifications and experiences. After many hours of one-on-one interviews and internal discussions, they finally narrowed the group down to 20 – the maximum number of class members accepted into the program each year. The program’s 27th class will begin with a team-building and orientation retreat on September 20 at the Wilderness Adventure Center in Greene, NY. Intended to give classmates time to get acquainted, the retreat allows class members an opportunity to learn about themselves and discover the skills needed to become distinguished leaders in the community. The class will meet for a full day during the first, third and fifth Thursday of each month. The sessions begin in October, and end with a graduation ceremony on March 20, 2014. Most graduates of the BLI program refer to it as one of the most rewarding and meaningful experiences as an adult; not only providing a positive impact on their careers, but in their personal lives as well. For more information about BLI, contact Amy Shaw at (607) 772-8863 x313 or Recruit New Board Members with 2013 BLI Yearbook and Alumni Directory REMEMBER…BLI Alumni make great board members. Ask for your copy of the newest BLI Yearbook and Alumni Directory, which includes contact information on the recent graduates from the BLI Class of 2013, as well as other alumni dedicated to improving the quality of life in our community. BLI Alumni Spotlight The BLI Alumni Spotlight is a feature developed by the Communications Committee of the BLI Alumni Association Board of Directors. Name: Greg Lesko BLI Graduation Year: 2008 Company/Organization: Lesko Financial Services, Inc. Job Title: CEO/General Counsel E-mail: Tell us briefly about yourself and please update your classmates on your personal/professional experiences since graduating from BLI: In addition to my “day job” I began teaching a course in Business Law at Binghamton University and for the last four years have done a financial segment on Fox40 6pm news each Thursday. Favorite books/movies: Books: James Joyce: “Ulysses” A divine “shout in the street” which shall be heard for centuries. Richard Wilbur: “Collected Poems, 1943-2004” no finer living poet and, I argue, one of the greatest of all time. Just finished Matt Ridley’s: “The Rational Optimist” a fascinating history of trade and innovation with a positive view of world progress. Movies: “Groundhog Day” Harold Ramis’ masterpiece, an entertaining tale of selflessness and personal rebirth within a work of comedic genius- a February viewing tradition. Current and Past Notable Civic Activities: Secretary and President-Elect, FPA of the Southern Tier of New York; former Board Member, Action for Older Persons; Immediate Past President, BLI Alumni Association; New York State and Broome County Bar Associations; Binghamton University Forum; Unshackle Upstate; President, River City Toastmasters. Interests / Hobbies: Poetry, tennis, running, thoroughbred handicapping contests, and visiting foreign lands with a “built-in” interpreter (son- Tokyo, Vienna); Music: Chopin, Ray LaMontagne, Jeremy Wallace and KOL’s “Aha, Shake” How did your BLI experience change your perception of the community? BLI opened my eyes to the amount of successful businesses in our area, and to the entrepreneurial spirit that thrives despite economic challenges and pervasive pessimism. How did your BLI experience motivate you to become more involved in the community? BLI helped propel me and forge the necessary tools to become more involved in community matters. What was your most memorable BLI activity/moment? It soon became noted that at every BLI activity/visit at least one person outside of our class knew Pete Morelli. Prior to the visit to the Broome County Jail we kidded Pete by asking him who he would know there. At the first cell “pod” we visited a prisoner looked over and shouted “Hi Pete.” Without pause Pete responded “How are you?” The young man looked forlorn and replied, only half-jokingly, “not too good.” What was the most valuable benefit to you from your BLI experience? The friendships gained. Contact Amy Shaw What “nugget of wisdom” do you have for your fellow BLI alum? The more at (607) 772-8863 x313 you volunteer and give back to your community the more you accomplish in other or areas of your life. September 2013 8 ChambeReport 9 Greater Binghamton Chamber’s “Business of the Week” Local Lending Investing in Endwell VISIONS can be the answer to your business needs. Throughout the region, and right here in Endwell, businesses of every size are putting our experienced business team to work. For creative ideas to support your short or long-term financial needs, call VISIONS. “Dealing with someon someone one local, making local decisions, makes a difference to us. We’ve had no issues and quick responses.” Jim, John and Leon Anastos Broadway Diner Endwell, NY “I can’t say enough about th the attention ab io we receive by the VISIONS Business Team. It’s really great personal service.” Ellen Conti CONTI Jewelers Endwell, NY “VISIONS “VIS seems to have for our ha a great at ffeell fo needs. They’ve made it their business to know my business.” Yvonne Benjamin Magic Needle by Yvonne Endwell, NY We’re in the business of business. NY-0000644254 Each week, the Greater Binghamton Chamber randomly selects a chamber member business, which is named “Business of the Week”. The business is spotlighted for one business week (M-F). The “Business of the Week” receives: a personal visit from Chamber representatives, the week-long display of a stylish, prominent sign that formally announces their recognition, photo opportunities and an announcement on the home page of the Chamber’s website. Our “Business of the Week” program, sponsored by Visions Federal Credit Union, is another opportunity to show our appreciation to Chamber members for supporting the Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce and investing in our community, as well as for Chamber staff to better familiarize ourselves with our members. We want to learn more about their company, how it fits in to our regional community, and how we can best serve their business. July 15 – 19, 2013 July 22 – 26, 2013 July 29 – August 2, 2013 August 5 – 9, 2013 July 15 – 19, 2013 Samscreen, Inc. Samscreen Inc. manufactures and distributes screening and crushing wear parts used by construction, concrete, sand and gravel, cement, crushed stone and soil processing companies amongst others. Sourcing only domestic raw materials we are one of the few companies in our sector that can truly say “Made in USA”. We love a challenge and strive to be the best supplier to our customers throughout North Central and South America. With in-house engineering and R&D, we are constantly striving to be one step (or 2) ahead of our competitors. Our competitors come from all over the world but mostly from China and Eastern Europe. Samscreen was founded in 1994 in Binghamton NY and our first “pianowire screen” came off the production line in May of 1995. Chase Manhattan Bank (now M&T), the BLDC and Broome county IDA, gave us the assistance we needed to get started and have been terrific resources since. Samscreen screens are used in many parts of the world and we have shipped to every continent on the planet. DeBeers diamonds from their African mines are processed on Samscreen screens, Syncrude in the Canadian oil Sands, process raw materials through Samscreen perforated plate screens and tragically, the rubble from 9/11 passed over Samscreen screens. Everywhere there is material processing, Samscreen screens are there. Samscreen Inc. embarked on our “Lean Manufacturing” journey in 2010 with helpful guidance from local consulting practice, AM&T, on our way to becoming a world class manufacture and maintaining our relevance for years to come. Samscreen is growing and is always looking for dedicated, thinking and top performing team members who love challenges, pressure, excitement of learning new things and exploring new markets. As a family run business driven by business processes, the best of both worlds exist, quick, rapid decisions and the structure to thrive within One of the key reasons initially to join the Chamber was to participate in the group health care insurance so we could provide it to our employees. Recognizing that a company is much more than a collection of capital equipment, Samscreen values each employee’s contributions and wishes to ensure that the most basic of their needs are looked after. The Chamber has also opened up other local businesses to us and even though we sell all over the globe, we are committed to spending our dollars and sourcing any items we can locally so the local economy can thrive and prosper. July 22 – 26, 2013 Serafini Nissan Volvo, Inc. Established in August 1995, Serafini Nissan Volvo has been in business for 18 years and continually strives to provide better products and services to our customers every year. We sell and service new Nissan and Volvo vehicles and also sell and service a wide range of pre-owned vehicles. We have a new state of the art body shop facility and repair all makes and models. We are a direct repair shop for Allstate and Liberty Mutual insurance companies. We rank in the top ten percent of all Nissan and Volvo dealers in customer satisfaction and recently won the Nissan Owner First Dealer of Excellence Award. Being a member of the Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce means we are proud to be part of this community and be associated with a group like the Chamber. We want to be represented by an organization with integrity. July 29 – August 2, 2013 Adecco The Adecco Group is the world’s leading provider of HR solutions. With over 31,000 FTE employees and over 5,200 branches in over 60 countries and territories around the world, we offer a wide variety of services, connecting more than 650,000 associates with over 100,000 clients every day. The Adecco Group is the result of over 50 years’ expansion and growth by acquisitions around the world. The founding companies, Adia and Ecco, merged in 1996 to form the global leader. The local Adecco office has been servicing the Binghamton and surrounding territory for 20+ years and was formerly known as Ajilon. For over 50 years we have been matching talents with general skills to the needs of our clients in both the Industrial and Office sectors. You can rest assured that we have an efficient and responsive recruitment process providing flexible, tailor-made solutions in both temporary and permanent placement. We build long-lasting relationships with talents offering them continuity through successive placements, training and career development. We help our clients develop their longterm staffing strategies and secure the employees best qualified to meet the unique challenges they face. With our proven experience, extensive resources and integrated HR solutions we connect clients with the people they need, and people with the work they want. Adecco Group is committed to acting responsibly in every way and to improve the quality of life in the communities we serve. Our commitment towards corporate social responsibility allows us to provide outstanding service to our employees, customers, stock-holders, suppliers and communities by encompassing diversity and inclusion, volunteerism, philanthropy and community engagement. Our mission is to enrich and strengthen the communities where we live and do business in through our commitment and dedication towards our corporate social responsibility. We are proud to be partnered with the Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce. Through the chamber we have been able to build meaningful relationships with other area businesses in our community and have met some outstanding professionals. We look forward to continued success with the Greater Binghamton Chamber. August 5 – 9, 2013 Alpha 1 Technologies, LLC Alpha 1 Technologies was established in 2000. For over thirteen years, Alpha 1 Technologies has provided unsurpassed quality products to the electronics industry. We’ve built our reputation on quality, service and integrity with each customer we’ve dealt with. Our historical products have been electronic assembly equipment, like pick and place, component insertion machines, solder paste screen printers and reflow ovens. Recently, we’ve expanded into the arena of contract printed board assembly. It is a natural extension of our core competencies and process capabilities. Our Mission statement is “To deliver the highest value through proactive machine and process support. We are committed to providing seamless, consistent global support and expanding services that increase the efficiency and profitability for our customers.” Our philosophy is exceptional performance provides differentiation that keeps our customer’s loyal and provides word of mouth within the industry that provides new channel opportunities for us. The Chamber was a big help when we opened our business in 1999. Their support was instrumental. In the years since we didn’t think there was much that they could do for us since we do very little on a local basis. But that’s definitely not the case. The opportunities that they can assist us in are quite broad. We look forward to taking advantage of the seminars and conferences available to help us and our employees as we continue to look forward to a brighter future. A Conversation with Giordano Dental and Southern Tier Sleep & TMJ Therapy What are your primary products or services? We have two separate practices under one roof: Giordano Dental, a family dentistry that includes: preventative care, routine cleanings and exams, restorative care, fillings, sealants, crowns etc, cosmetic care, veneers, whitening, orthodontic, both conventional and clear trays. Our second practice is the Southern Tier TMJ & Sleep Therapy. We treat patients with TMJ Disorders and patients with Sleep Disorders. TMJ patients are treated with oral orthotics, as well as, a variety of physical therapy modalities depending on their specific TMD (temporomandibular disorder) cause. For patients with mild to moderate sleep disorders, dental appliances can be considered the first line of therapy according to the American Sleep Association. For severe sleep disordered patients, CPAP therapy is the first line therapy. However, many cannot tolerate the CPAP. Those patients can still benefit from using a dental sleep appliance. When was your business established? August 1992 What don’t we know about your business? That not only do we provide stateof- the art dentistry but we have the most extensive knowledge and experience treating TMJ and sleep disorders in both ours and surrounding areas. We have more than 20 years experience and over 2000 continuing education hours. We continue to study this area every year and our success rate is very high. What would you like Chamber membership to provide for your business? Suggestions and resources to get our business better known and branded for the exceptional quality of services we provide. Giordano Dental and Southern Tier Sleep & TMJ Therapy is located at 864 Hooper Road in Endwell. Give them a call at (607) 748-4151 or visit September 2013 10 TERM INSURANCE $500,000 POLICY MONTHLY PREMIUMS MALE 10 Year 15 Year 20 Year 30 Year • Age 45 $32 $42 $54 $87 • Age 50 $44 $67 $85 $137 • Age 55 $76 $101 $131 $259 ChambeReport Chamber Happenings 11 Speed Networking & July Business After Hours Networking Event: A big Chamber “thank you” to Nirchi’s on the Avenue in Endicott for hosting the Speed Networking and After Hours Networking Reception for the Greater Binghamton Chamber and the Tioga County Chamber! All Premiums Guaranteed For Length Of Term ! " # ! $ JACK QUINNAN ASSOCIATES, INC Ř ! # Ř Ř Ř ! Ř ! ! Ř # " 34 Chenango Street • Binghamton, NY 13901-2902 (607) 723-5379 or (607) 723-5370 FAX: (607) 722-5631 EMAIL: CALL US FOR A FREE QUOTE NY-0000670221 An enthusiastic and large crowd enjoyed this first-time event! ōƃŌĪŝƃĜĪĜĎŝƃ Ř Ř 12 Score • Chamber Happenings September 2013 ChambeReport 13 Convention & Events Schedule September • October • November 2013 Free Financing for Small Businesses? Not Quite Nothing good in life comes easy, and that includes getting financing for your small business. Despite advertisements to the contrary, no federal government agency—including the Small Business Administration—offers grants to start or expand small businesses. Most foundations, corporations and private institutions that sponsor grant programs follow the same policy, except in cases where the business involves development of a new technology, or is a nonprofit organization. The SBA does administer several loan programs in partnership with local lenders, community development organizations, and micro-lending institutions (agencies that specialize in limited, shortterm financing). SBA backs those loans with a guaranty against non-payment that eliminates some of the partner’s risk. In other words, your application for an SBA-backed loan is actually an application for a commercial loan structured according to the SBA’s requirements. SBA loan programs include the basic 7(a) program; “504” loans, which are delivered through Certified Development Companies (CDCs) for acquiring real estate, machinery, or equipment as part of an expansion or modernization; 7(m) Micro-loans of up to $35,000; and post-disaster recovery and assistance loans. Complete details on these programs and their application requirements are available under the Services section of Depending on where you live, your small business may be eligible for assistance from state and local economic development agencies. Most often, the assistance takes the form of workspace, training, and administrative support for start-ups; reduced rates on existing office or production space; and tax incentives. Others sponsor micro-loan programs for specific business types such as childcare and firms that locate in or support designated enterprise zones. Established small businesses can apply for federal grants to carry out various publicly mandated services or programs. As with the SBA loan program, they must be operated for profit, have a place of business in the U.S., significantly contribute to the economy, and meet size standards for its industry. For example, wholesale trade industries are limited to 100 employees, while most retail and services industries can have average annual receipts of no more than $6.5 million. More information is available at, a central storehouse of information on over 1,000 grant programs from 26 federal agencies. Another source for researching potential grant opportunities is The Foundation Center’s Foundation Directory Online at fconline. This subscription service offers access to s directory of more than to 80,000 grant makers. If you would like to discuss this topic or business planning, business growth strategies or a specific business issue, contact SCORE® “For the Life of Your Business.” To contact the Greater Binghamton SCORE Chapter 217 for assistance call 607-772-8860 or 1-800 -920-6972. You may also contact SCORE® for person to person counseling appointments at the above telephone numbers. If you are already in business onsite assistance is also available. The Greater Binghamton SCORE® Chapter 217 website is found at . The national SCORE® website is found at or sign up for email counseling at www. Date SCORE Offers September Workshop on “Collaborative versus Competitive Mindset” The Binghamton Chapter of SCORE is offering to the public a Success Through Knowing Your Business workshop, Thursday, September 12, 2013, from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm at the Broome County Public Library, 185 Court Street, Binghamton NY. Topics to be covered: “Collaborative versus Competitive Mindset” • How do I use referral sources to develop additional business? • What should I consider before seeking to work with a competitor? • How can I partner with other businesses to increase income mutually? Presenter: Gwen Mazza, enSpirit L.L.C. For more information, call (607) 217-4628. To register, go directly to (left margin, tab “Workshops”). A registration fee of $25 is required. Health Care Reform Seminars Dan Grady of Mang Insurance explained the complex issues associated with the Affordable Care Act to Chamber Members during three informational seminars held on August 13th. Sizzling September September is sizzling with things to do! Go out and enjoy the beautiful weather before the temperature falls and the leaves begin to change color. Labor Day weekend features the Annual Johnson City Field Days and the last regular season home-stand for the B-Mets. The fall harvest season is beginning! Head out to local farm stands, farmers markets, or orchards for fresh, locally grown produce ~ you can even pick apples fresh from the trees. Speaking of apples ~ take in the 28th Annual Apple Fest or stop by the Cider Mill for fresh apple cider and homemade donuts. Visit a pumpkin patch or stroll through the early Fall Foliage. Enjoy the First Friday Art Walk on the 6th, the “Window on the Arts! Music & Art Festival” in Windsor on the 14th, or the Two Rivers Fine Arts & Crafts Festival on the 21st and 22nd at Roberson Museum & Science Center. Binghamton University and Broome Community College are back in session with a full slate of sporting events ~ be sure to root for the home team! If you prefer furry friends, the Binghamton Zoo at Ross Park awaits. On a chillier day, head indoors to the numerous museums, galleries, and amusement centers that traverse the county. The options are endless. For a full calendar of events taking place, go to our website: We know you will have a good time! Calling all New Senior Management Executives to the Greater Binghamton Area! During the Chamber’s Annual Community Thanksgiving Luncheon, Senior Management Executives who are NEW to the area are invited to sit at the Head Table and are introduced to the business community by Chamber President and CEO, Lou Santoni. If you have any NEW Senior Management Executives in your company who have moved into the area within the past year, please e-mail Debby Evans at or call (607) 772-8863 x 317. Event Approximate # of Overnight Visitors September 6 – 8 BAGSAI Softball Tournament Fall College Showcase 500 September 10 – 12 Security Mutual Life Insurance Advanced Marketing Seminar 200 September 13 – 15 BAGSAI Softball Tournament College Invitational 550 September 13 – 15 Broome-Tioga Sports Center ATV Only 100 September 14 – 15 Broome-Tioga Sports Center Kawasaki Team Green NYS Motocross 200 September 20 – 21 NY District of the Assembly of God HonorBound Men’s Convention 500 September 20 – 21 BU Speech and Debate Team Tournament 50 September 20 – 22 BAGSAI Softball Tournament 14U/12U Fall Round-Up 450 September 20 – 22 USA Wrestling Board Meeting 50 September 26 – 27 BU of Continuing Education McNair Scholarship Group Conference 100 September 27 – 29 BAGSAI Softball Tournament 16U/18U Fall Round-Up 450 October 3 – 5 Vestal Sertoma Club District Annual Meeting (Canada,NY & PA) 100 October 4 – 6 BAGSAI Softball Tournament 12U/14U Pre-Columbus Day450 October 4 – 6 Broome-Tioga Sports Center ATV Only 100 October 4 – 6 NYS Umpires Association 50 October 8 – 9 Electronics Packaging Symposium 100 October 11 – 13 BU Homecoming Weekend & Hall Of Fame Weekend 450 October 12 – 13 New York District Assemblies of God Youth Ministries 50 October 12 – 14 Amvets 150 October 15 – 17 Greater Binghamton College Day 225 October 16 – 19 NYS Order of the Eastern Star 2013 Annual Convention 700 October 24 – 26 Lions Leadership Institute 50 October 25 – 26 Lions Club of New York & Bermuda, Inc. Council Meetings 50 October 25 – 27 Binghamton University Family Weekend 1,000 November 1 – 3 BU Athletics Cross Country – America East Championships 100 November 9 – 11 Binghamton Open Wrestling Tournament 600 November 22 – 24 Aquatic Exercise Association 80 Convention Scoreboard 2013 Convention & Events Scheduled For Convention & Events Through Total out-of-town visitors Through ,,TOTAL DOLLARS THROUGH 2013 September 11 September 111 September 46,910 September $17,793,315 If you are interested in offering discounts and becoming part of our Give Away List sent to Meeting & Event Planners, please contact the Greater Binghamton Convention & Visitors Bureau at 772-8860. Meeting & Event Planners are sent offerings 90 days in advance. September 2013 14 ChambeReport Good News The Food Bank of the Southern Tier announced that a $395 donation was received from Woodforest Charitable Foundation and Woodforest National Bank. These funds will be used to support the Food Bank’s BackPack Program™ in Chemung County. The Food Bank of the Southern Tier announced that it has received a grant in the amount of $5,000, underwritten by the Citizens Bank Foundation. These funds will be used to support the Food Bank’s summer feeding initiatives like the Summer Food Service Program, Picnics in the Park and Summer Food Service Program Demonstration Project. The S.E.E.D. Planning Group would like to thank everyone who donated, supported and volunteered their time to make their 2nd Annual Charity Golf Tournament such a huge success! They raised $7,543.00 for The Magic Paintbrush Project. ACHIEVE would like to recognize and congratulate the new slate of officers and newly elected board members inducted during the Annual Membership Meeting held in June: New Slate of Officers— President: Lisa Lee; 1st Vice President: Ellen Feldman; 2nd Vice President: Gary Shay; Secretary: Nicki French; Treasurer: Daniel Ballard; Assistant Treasurer: Robert Salankiewicz. Directors: David Alamo, Dr. Robert Bethje, Lisa Dolphin, Julie Erb, Kelly Eurillo, Colleen Friends, James Hayes, Dr. Camelia Lawrence, Alson McKenna, Carolyn Nytch, Rev. Diane Prentice, James Savage, Dave Sebastianelli, Kathy Sheehan, John Stevens, Sandy Stickler. Newly elected Board Members— Ms. Lisa Dolphin; Ms. Julie Erb; Ms. Kelly Eurillo; and Ms. Sandy Stickler. Ad Elements, LLC is proud to have been a part of the Broome County Health Department’s pilot program for their Sodium Reduction in Communities Project. The goal of the campaign was to raise awareness among a targeted demographic about the prevalence of high-sodium content in everyday foods; the health hazards associated with too much sodium in our diet; and the importance of checking labels and shopping smart. The campaign was launched late last year and continued in phases through this summer. The Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio was the site for the American Football Association’s 33rd Annual Semi-Pro Hall of Fame Induction Dinner in June. Twenty individuals representing semi-pro football teams across the country were enshrined as ‘legends’ of their level. Craig Ochoa (Class of ‘03) was honored with a Special Recognition Award for his role as an NFL Official. The Class of 2013 was honored by AFA Alumni, family and friends as they received their commemorative Semi-Pro Hall of Fame recognition plaques. Craig Ochoa (Class of ‘03) served as MC while former teammates and/or family members presented the new inductees to the dinner crowd. Binghamton University has been rated a ‘Best Buy’ by the Fiske Guide to Colleges, and recognized as one of the ‘premier public universities in the Northeast.’ Binghamton is one of 41 institutions − 21 public and 20 private − to be recognized by the college guide. The “Best Buy” rating is based on the quality of academic offerings in relation to the cost of attendance. Teresa Blanchette, of CENTURY 21 Sbarra & Wells, announced that she has made the REAL Trends 2013 “Top Thousand” list of America’s top 1000 real estate sales professionals and teams for Individual Sales Professionals -- Transaction sides. REAL Trends/The Wall Street Journal Top Thousand is an annual national awards ranking sponsored by the two respected publications. Designees are recognized as the top one half of one percent of more than 963,000 licensed REALTORS® nationwide. Susan Stephens, of CENTURY 21 Sbarra & Wells, announced that she has made the REAL Trends 2013 “Top Thousand” list of America’s top 1000 real estate sales professionals and teams for Individual Sales Professionals -- Transaction sides. REAL Trends/The Wall Street Journal Top Thousand is an annual national awards ranking sponsored by the two respected publications. Designees are recognized as the top one half of one percent of more than 963,000 licensed REALTORS® nationwide. Teresa Blanchette, Rachel Sbarra, Sue Stephens and Marge Watson, with CENTURY 21 Sbarra & Wells in Johnson City, recently attended the annual CENTURY 21 Top Agent Retreat. The three day conference provided premier award winning C21® sales professionals with the opportunity to expand their real estate knowledge with educational sessions and network with peers from CENTURY 21® offices from around the nation. Colonial Voluntary Benefits, Southern Tier District, is pleased to announce that Betsy Dunda, of Endicott, has successfully completed her New York State Life, Accident, & Health Insurance Agent licensure and has been appointed as a Sales Representative/Benefits Counselor. Colonial Voluntary Benefits, Southern Tier District, is pleased to announce that Susan Lake, of Endicott, has successfully completed her New York State Life, Accident, & Health Insurance Agent licensure and has been appointed as a Sales Representative/Benefits Counselor. Davidson Fox & Company’s newest staff accountant, Jenny Yang officially became a United States Citizen in July. She came to the U.S. from Shanghai in 2007 with a degree in economics, and received her master’s degree from Binghamton University. Davidson Fox & Company will hold a special luncheon in Ms. Yang’s honor to celebrate this wonderful milestone. Mr. Brandon J. Waller, PE has joined Delta Engineers, Architects, & Land Surveyors, P.C. as a Project Engineer in Delta’s Facilities Group. He will be based in the Vernon, NY office where his primary responsibilities will be focused on site and civil engineering projects. He brings experience in the areas of wastewater/stormwater collection and conveyance, site development, geographic information systems, and 15 Good News wireless telecommunication site design. Equinox Broadcasting is proud to announce that CooL100 on 100.5FM is now moving to a bigger, more powerful, and high definition signal at 106.7FM! It will now be known as CooL106.7, playing “The Coolest Hits of All Time” (60’s, 70’s, and 80’s). The team at Ever Evolving Enterprises attended the seminar, The Power of the Serving Leader, in Rochester on August 1. The speaker was Dr. John Stahl-Wert also the author of The Power of the Serving Leader. Dr. Stahl-Wert spoke about the challenges of life and leadership, of the importance of human engagement, personal and professional growth and leadership in association to our lives, our businesses and our communities. Good Shepherd Village at Endwell hosted the 2013 Leading Age New York CCRC Cabinet Summer Conference in July. This group of retirement living professionals from throughout New York State is responsible for planning, programming and public policy agendas for the Continuing Care Retirement Community industry. Hawkes Wealth Management is proud to announce their recent accreditation by the Better Business Bureau, as well as the addition of a new part-time administrative assistant, Ms. Cassandra Muscarella of Plymouth, NY. The Hawkes team spent much of the summer remodeling their offices and look forward to sharing the fresh appearance with long-time clients and prospective clients alike. Hinman, Howard & Kattell, LLP is pleased to announce the opening of their Jupiter, Florida office at 4600 Military Trail, Suite 212, Jupiter, Florida 33458. The office is located in Northern Palm Beach County and just 30 miles from the firm’s Boynton Beach branch office, the attorneys in the Jupiter office focus on Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts and Probate. Hinman, Howard & Kattell, LLP is proud to announce that Kelly L. Wright has joined the firm as Special Counsel and will serve clients in both the Jupiter and Boynton Beach office locations. Ms. Wright focuses her practice in the area of Trusts, Estates and Wealth Planning. Kelly is a member of the Florida Bar’s Real Property, Probate and Trust Section and the Elder Law Section. Hinman, Howard & Kattell, LLP is pleased to announce that Jeremy P. Sedelmeyer has joined the firm as an Associate Attorney in their Binghamton office, and will be focusing his practice in the area of Trusts, Estates and Wealth Planning. Keystone Associates Architects, Engineers and Surveyors, LLC, is pleased to announce that Kyle W. Ellsworth has joined the firm as a Technician in the Civil Engineering Department. Mr. Ellsworth’s duties include stormwater management, sanitary sewer design, water distribution and site design, and commercial and residential site plans. Lattner Enterprises is proud to continue serving a recent menu addition: the Quarter Pounder BLT and to continue McDonald’s® After Midnight. They also want to announce new September menu additions: Mighty Wings and Pumpkin Spice Latte. Mirabito Energy Products has announced the appointment of Mr. Justin Fisher as VicePresident of Pricing and Supply. Mirabito Energy Products offers a variety of products including heating oil, propane, natural gas, coal, gasoline, diesel fuels, kerosene, and lubricants. The Mirabito Family of Companies has announced that Mr. Brian Keefe has joined the organization as Loyalty Program Administrator. Mr. Keefe will support all aspects of Mirabito Energy Products Marketing Department, focusing on Mirabito’s Rewards Plus Program and social media. Timothy N. Paventi, CPA from Piaker & Lyons, PC, Syracuse office, attended the AICPA Practitioners Symposium and Tech+ Conference in Las Vegas on June 10-12. Piaker & Lyons, PC recently held two in-house conferences entitled How Healthcare Reform Impacts Your Clients and Understanding Healthcare Reform – How the New Laws Impact Employers & Individual Taxpayers. Piaker & Lyons, PC recently participated in the YMCA Corporate Challenge (their 16th year) and scored a 2nd place team finish out of 21 teams in their division. Other highlights include: Win - 5k for females for their division. 1st and 3rd place out of 16 relay teams in their division. The Raymond Corporation has appointed Timothy Combs as executive vice president of sales and marketing. Bringing more than 30 years of experience to this role, Combs will hold executive responsibility for Raymond sales and marketing activities. Previously, Combs served as vice president of sales with responsibility for Raymond sales activities as well as national accounts. The Raymond Corporation recently recognized three CWS Packaging employees for their exceptional service at an appreciation lunch held at the Raymond headquarters in Greene. For over 35 years, CWS Packaging has provided fabrication and assembly services to The Raymond Corporation in Greene and the Raymond Parts location in Syracuse. The employees that were honored during the appreciation lunch include: Chuck Whitmore, plant supervisor for CWS Packaging — 31 years of service at CWS Packaging, 20 years dedicated to Raymond; Eric Anderson, production for CWS Packaging — 27 years of service at CWS Packaging, 20 years dedicated to Raymond; and Scott Milk, production for CWS Packaging — 20 years of service at CWS Packaging, 16 years dedicated to Raymond. Security Mutual announced that the Chronic Illness Benefit Rider (CIBR) is available when certain term policies are converted to either the Security Mutual Life Customized UL4U™ universal life insurance policy or the Customizer WL Flex whole life insurance policy. When added to a policy, the CIBR provides living benefits in the event the insured has a chronic illness. Including this valuable benefit adds an important layer of protection unavailable on the term insurance policy. Product availability and features may vary by state. Rider inclusion subject to Company guidelines. (Policy Form Series 2110, 2014, IO-9334 and IO-9335) When Zhin-Li, a baby Red Panda was born in June at the Binghamton Zoo at Ross Park, the zoo was so excited about this truly significant event in their history that they wanted everyone to see the little fellow. Unfortunately, in order to ensure that the Zhin-Li grows and thrives, the zoo must follow a delicate protocol that doesn’t allow for a lot of public/panda face time. For the past twenty years, Sentry has donated security services to the zoo. Sentry Alarms installed a camera, monitor and DVR in Zhin-Li’s living space and the public now has the chance to catch glimpses of this rare creature as he grows and gains independence. During a ceremony at Recreation Park in July, Mayor Ryan thanked donors to the Binghamton Police K-9 Unit Endowment Fund, and introduced them to the newest member of BPD’s K-9 Unit. Rambo is a 16 month-old German Shepherd mix. Sentry Alarms has been an ongoing supporter of the K-9 initiative and Sentry President, Jean Levenson, was invited to attend to watch a demonstration of Rambo’s abilities. Southern Tier Alternative Therapies (STAT), a volunteer-based nonprofit organization whose goal is to ensure that every child with special needs can afford to participate in equine assisted activities, is pleased to announce the appointment of Tracey Stamp as the new President of their Board of Directors. The Strides© for communication program has grown into a successful communication program for children, combining and utilizing therapeutic riding with speech generating devices as a motivational learning environment. The effective collaboration by Southern Tier Alternative Therapies (STAT, Inc.) between families, their children, Ithaca College and graduate assistants, Fargnoli Farms and the numerous volunteers has resulted in a positive environment for children to learn, practice and improve communication skills. Team HopeFull is excited to announce their current sponsors for their Halloween 13k and 2 Person Relay. O’Brien & Gere and GSR CrossFitt have signed on as “Spooktacular” sponsors for the 2013 13k run, 2 person relay, kids run, Johnny Only Concert, and healthy trick or treating. This event will take place in Endicott on November 2. Tioga State Bank is pleased to announce that Jody Bensley, the bank’s Internal Auditor, recently earned the professional certification of Certified Community Bank Auditor (CCBIA). This important achievement required many hours of study followed by a rigorous exam. Jody independently manages the Internal Audit function for the purpose of safeguarding bank assets and ensures bank compliance with related regulations and operating policies. Tioga State Bank is pleased to announce that Kari Ryder-Morton has joined the mortgage origination team. Kari will be responsible for the origination of residential mortgages for purchase, refinance, or new construction and home equity loans at Tioga State Bank. She will focus her efforts in the Owego, Apalachin and Endwell markets. Tioga State Bank is pleased to announce that Matthew Oliver has joined the Business Banking team as Vice President - Commercial Services Officer. Matt will be responsible for serving Tioga State Bank’s existing and prospective commercial customers in the Central New York area with a concentration in the Chemung, Tompkins, and Cortland County markets. Tioga State Bank is pleased to announce that Richard Zur has been promoted to Vice President – Business Development Officer. Rick joined Tioga State Bank in 2007 as a Business Development Officer in the Commercial Loan Department. He is responsible for the development of new business relationships and maintaining and expanding existing business relationships. We are interested in sharing your good news with other Chamber members. Every month we include a GOOD NEWS section with one-sentence items about good news from our members. The deadline to submit the good news information is the first Friday of the month prior to publication. If you have questions or would like to submit a good news item for the ChambeReport, please contact Judi Hess at 16 September 2013 ChambeReport 17 18 Chamber Happenings Warren Real Estate, 3456 Vestal Parkway East, Vestal celebrated their Grand Opening of their Broome County office with a Ribbon Cutting and Open House on July 18th! Welcome to the area! Elsie’s Diner, located in the Transportation Center in downtown Binghamton, celebrated their Grand Opening with a Ribbon Cutting on July 26th! September 2013 Chamber 101 Chamber Members enjoyed learning about the benefits of Chamber Membership at the July “Chamber 101” quarterly session. Breakfast Bytes Seminar: Thank you to Joy Lewis of Accord, A Center for Dispute Resolution for presenting the July Breakfast Bytes topic: “Communicating with Difficult People” The group learned some excellent tips! Joy has been with Accord since 2009 and is trained in Basic, Permanency, Child Custody and Family Mediation. Lawson’s Hearing Center, 57 Front Street in Binghamton, celebrated 60 years in business with a Ribbon Cutting on July 30th! Congratulations! August SBC Network Luncheon A big Chamber “Thank you” to the Hearth at Castle Gardens for sponsoring the August SBC Luncheon!! Thank you to Traditions at the Glen for the delicious lunch!! Edward Jones — Tony DelNero—located at 1901 Vestal Parkway East, Suite 5, celebrated his Grand Opening with a Chamber Ribbon Cutting on August 9th! Congratulations to Lisa Mallery, owner of Portobello Row, at 1901 Vestal Parkway East on the 1 year anniversary at her new location!! ChambeReport 19 20 September 2013 ChambeReport 21 22 September 2013 ChambeReport 23 The Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 995 49 Court Street, Metrocenter (2nd Floor) Binghamton, NY 13902-0995 Phone: (607) 772-8860 Fax: (607) 722-4513 OR C U R R E N T R E SI DE N T Board Chairman: James J. Lewis, CPA Piaker & Lyons, P.C. Publisher: Lou Santoni President & CEO Editor: Amy Shaw Vice President, Member Services The Greater Binghamton ChambeReport is published monthly by The GBCC, P.O. Box 995, Binghamton, NY 13902-0995. Subscription: $50.00 per year is included in Chamber Membership. Standard postage paid at Binghamton, NY. (USPS-Permit 1). POSTMASTER: Send address change to: The GBCC, P.O. Box 995, Binghamton, NY 13902-0995 Be part of the ChambeReport ChambeReport Inserts ChambeReport Inserts are an inexpensive and popular way for businesses to market their goods and services to area business leaders and their staffs. For one low price, you can reach 3,000 destinations, with multiple readers at each location, without worrying about postage costs or direct mailing requirements. • A maximum of 5 inserts are allowed in each ChambeReport mailing, all on a first come, first serve basis. • 3,000 of your inserts must be provided. Publish Date Insert Needed By September Issue 5/22/2008 August 1st, 2013 5/29/2008 October Issue September 4th, 2013 1/20/2009 1/27/2010 6/26/2008 6/19/2008 2/24/2010 2/17/2010 Don’t miss this great opportunity to showcase your products and services! Call 798-1131 today for more information!
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