Join Us! - Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce
Join Us! - Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce
Join Us! January 2015 C hamber’s A nnual E conomic Forecast in partnership with The Chamber is pleased to present the 2015 Economic Forecast sponsored by M&T Bank on Tuesday, January 20, 2015 at the Binghamton Club, 83 Front Street, Binghamton from 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. The Economic Forecast provides up-to-date information on industry trends from one of the area’s leading financial institutions. Gary D. Keith, Vice President & Regional Economist from M&T Bank, will deliver his annual economic trend report based on research and experience in the commercial finance field. Gary will provide insight into the region’s economic competitiveness and issues that will impact the business community in the coming year. This year’s program will also include a presentation from Harvey Stenger, President of Binghamton University. Harvey will provide a brief look at Binghamton University’s current and future economic impact to the Greater Binghamton area and the Southern Tier. We encourage you to attend one of our most popular member programs. The cost is $20 for Chamber members and $50 for non-members. This event does sell out and we strongly recommend early registration. A registration flyer is included on page 20 of this month’s ChambeReport. A Fantastic Opportunity to Promote Your Business with Options Starting at $60! The Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce will be publishing the 2015-2016 Membership Directory and Quality of Life Guide in March 2015. These full-color print publications are a great opportunity to promote your business! The Membership Directory is the primary publication that the Chamber distributes to all Chamber member businesses. This publication contains comprehensive contact information for the Chamber’s 850+ member companies. Member listings are organized alphabetically for easy reference of a particular firm and by category for member-to-member purchases Circulation: 1,750 The Quality of Life Guide is a one-of-a-kind publication which features a 24 page, full color guide about the Greater Binghamton community. This publication includes sections about our community, climate, history, transportation and leisure (including sports and recreation, arts organizations and galleries, shopping, nightlife, area attractions and annual events unique to the Greater Binghamton area). It also includes updates on the local economy, education, real estate market and health care. The guide is primarily distributed to all Chamber member companies, as well as newcomers, visitors, and businesses relocating employees into the area. Circulation: 3,000 Members are invited to reserve their marketing space by Monday, February 23, 2015. Ad opportunities range from a full page to an 1/8 page, or a logo and/or box insertion to enhance your membership listing. For ad rates, refer to the advertising form on page 19 of this newsletter or contact the Advertising Department at the Press & Sun Bulletin at (607) 798-1131. Chamber Staff 2 January 2015 ChamberDirectory Directory ofof Staff Chamber Staff Chamber Happenings Administration November SBC Network Luncheon Main Phone: (607) 772-8860 | Dial Direct: (607) 772-8863 + ext L ou Santoni Yvonne G las P resident & CEO & D irector , CVB E xt. 330 F inance D irector E xt. 339 S usan Kuhn Teresa Myers C hristine S tezzi A dministr ati ve A ssistant E xt. 322 Technical C oordinator E xt. 315 R eceptionist / S ecretary E xt. 300 A great big “Thank you” to Crystal Demarco, First Investors Corporation, a Foresters Company, for sponsoring the November SBC Luncheon held at the Cider Mill Playhouse in Endicott. Thank you to those Chamber members for the donation of the prize give-aways: Levene Gouldin & Thompson, LLP, WSKG, First Investors, and Cider Mill Playhouse. Catering was done by Red & White Catering of Chenango Bridge and warm apple cider and donuts were provided by the Cider Mill. We had a great turn out! Communications & Membership After-Hours-South Side Yanni’s A great crowd enjoyed the festive and warm atmosphere and the yummy hors d’oeuvres at South Side Yanni’s for the Chamber’s After-Hours Network Reception that kicked off the Holiday Season on December 2. Thank you to Suzanne and John Clark for hosting this fun event! A my S haw D ebby E vans Vice P resident , M ember S ervices & E xecuti ve D irector , GBEOP E xt. 313 P roject and E vent C oordinator E xt. 317 Government Relations B rendan O’B ryan M anager of G over nment R elations E xt. 316 Carol A rmstrong Development M anager E xt. 321 Gateway Information Center K athi Murphy Jenny A rnold D irector Tr avel A dvisor Route 81N • PO Box 114 • Kirkwood, NY 13795 (607) 775-0156 • Convention & Visitor’s Bureau Judi H ess G ina Calisi M anager , Tour ism & S pecial E vents E xt. 329 M anager , C on vention S ales E xt. 326 M aegen E ddinger S ales R epresentati ve E xt. 328 ChambeReport Advocacy How to Spend Albany’s ‘Windfall’ When Andrew Cuomo began his first term as Governor of New York State four years ago, he was facing a $10 Billion budget gap. After winning re-election and having the office for another 4 years he faces a very different challenge; what to do with $5.1 billion in extra cash. Sometimes being referred to as a “surplus”, this windfall comes from a few major penalties on financial institutions accused of breaking federal and state laws. The largest amount of these penalties comes from the French bank BNP Paribas, for violating US sanctions against Sudan, Iran, and Cuba. With all this extra cash in the budget, the biggest question is how should state leaders spend all this money? Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver has been quoted as saying “It’s a one-shot revenue, it should be a one-shot expenditure, and we should invest in infrastructure.” Cuomo, Senate Republican Leader Dean Skelos and many other State Legislators have voiced a similar opinion. If Legislators agree to spend this windfall on state infrastructure, how will they decide to define “infrastructure.” The Metropolitan Transportation Authority has a $15 billion funding hole. The State Department of Transportation will issue their capital plan soon, and is expected to have its own large funding hole for highways, bridges and upstate transit. The Thruway Authority needs a huge chunk of funding, especially with the talk of construction on the Tappan Zee Bridge. Both houses of the Legislature will have intense pressure put on them to spend this money on school-aid increases. However, school aid is not a one-shot expense and lawmakers would need to find another source of these funds in future years to avoid cutting school aid. Cuomo has already flatly rejected the idea and has said that the windfall “may include funding one-time capital expenses, bolstering reserves and reducing debt.” Gov. Cuomo has suggested that he would be interested in diverting up to $1.5 billion to an “upstate revitalization fund,” and use the existing regional-economic-development program to “invest in catalytic infrastructure projects as well as quality of life initiatives.” This fund would be modeled on Gov. Cuomo’s “Buffalo Billion” initiative. If the Governor is very specific on the rules of this program, the Legislature will have to follow the rules and return to pay-as-you-go financing of basic infrastructure needs. Upstate New York, and the Greater Binghamton area, needs significant infrastructure upgrades and repairs. Any infusion of funding to infrastructure would be put to good use and highly appreciated. 3 January 2015 4 SAVE THE DATE… SPEED NETWORKING FOR A CAUSE! Non-Profits & Business Community Invited to Participate on March 19 The Broome Leadership Institute Alumni Association is pleased to announce the details for our 2015 Speed Networking for a Cause, a FREE event for our local non-profit organizations to recruit new volunteers and board members. SPEED NETWORKING FOR A CAUSE! Followed by Chamber After Hours Networking Event Thursday, March 19, 2015 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. Speed Networking 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. Chamber After Hours Networking Event Holiday Inn Binghamton Once again, the BLI Alumni Association is teaming up with Southern Tier Young Professionals, United Way of Broome County and the Volunteer Administrators of the Southern Tier to help our local non-profit organizations connect with potential volunteers and board members from the business community. During last year’s NEW format, non-profits were able to “pitch” their organizations for one minute and business professionals were able to explain what they were hoping to find in a volunteer capacity for one minute in a “speed dating type format.” It was a very successful event for everyone! SAVE THE DATE for 2015 and please join us for this very interactive, fast-paced event on Thursday, March 19 from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Binghamton in downtown Binghamton. You can continue to network at the Chamber’s After Hours Networking Event from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. What a fun way for business professionals to discover the non-profits in our community, while at the same time finding new ways to get involved and make a difference! Sponsored by: In partnership with: If your business has job openings why not try Career Connection! The Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce’s Career Connection is a database where Chamber members can post their job openings at no cost on Thanks to our partnership with News Channel 34, these job postings will also appear on-line at In addition, career opportunities at your business could be selected to appear as a daily promo spot free of charge! The promos will run on the 6:00pm and 11:00pm segments on both WIVT/WBGH and have additional mentions in the morning cut-ins during the Today & Good Morning America shows. This opportunity is only available to Chamber Members. This great benefit for Chamber members can save you money on recruitment and increase your visibility to potential new employees in the community. Job openings can be submitted through an easy on-line form at The opening will remain on the websites for a maximum of 30 days, unless otherwise specified. If you are interested in posting an employment opportunity with your business on Career Connection, please contact Brendan O’Bryan at (607) 772-8860 or at The Bridge Community Center Stay tuned for more information. Questions, contact Amy Shaw at (607) 772-8863 x 313 or The Bridge Community Center located at 143 Baldwin Street in Johnson City, celebrated its Grand Opening with a Ribbon Cutting and Open House on December 4. The Community Center is part of the Valleyview Alliance Church. Congratulations! ChambeReport 5 Convention & Visitors Bureau Convention & Events Schedule Welcoming Groups to Greater Binghamton The Convention & Visitors Bureau will attend a major Motor Coach show sponsored by the American Bus Association on January 10-13, in St. Louis, MO. This trade show attracts hundreds of tour operators from across the United States and Canada. Participation in this show provides Bureau staff with a schedule of appointments where we meet one-on-one with key decision makers from various Motor Coach companies. We use our appointments to introduce the tour planner to the variety and unique points of interest in Greater Binghamton including attractions, hotel properties, and restaurants. Tour companies gather information that will be of interest to their clients, they then incorporate ideas into new tour itineraries or even to revitalize an existing tour. Motor Coach Operators are constantly looking for new ideas to present to their clients and the marketplace serves this objective well. The marketplace format is set up as a series of pre-scheduled appointments. At the American Bus Association, the Tour Operators occupy specified booths and meet with destination representatives and other suppliers. Each appointment lasts for only seven minutes so we must really use the time wisely! The Convention & Visitors Bureau will use a power-point presentation highlighting the touring opportunities that are unique to Greater Binghamton. Participation at Motor Coach shows is an important step towards increasing the number of tour groups visiting our community. National figures estimate that the economic impact of each overnight bus tour is $6,000. This is revenue generated directly into the local economy. Upon returning from the show, the Convention & Visitors Bureau will compile information gathered during our appointments and share it with interested members of the hospitality industry. Chamber Renews On-the-Job Training Program for 2015; Training Money Helpful to Businesses The Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce has additional funds to help you train new employees or upgrade the skills of your current employees! For the third year in a row, the New York State Department of Labor awarded a $107,000 On-the-Job Training (OJT) grant to the Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber will administer this program in partnership with Broome-Tioga Workforce NY. The Chamber OJT program provides support to local businesses as they address their employee training needs. Under this program, all trainees must be in a permanent, full-time position with the business – either as an existing worker who needs to learn new skills or as a brand new employee. Businesses and organizations can receive up to 50% of the wages paid for each new or existing worker who participates in the program. Broome-Tioga Workforce NY will assist the Chamber in the screening and assessment of trainees for the OJT Program and will provide additional assistance with program development and marketing. Employers are urged to take advantage of this fantastic program! Businesses that participate in the OJT program will receive reimbursement for the employees that are trained, both new and current. Quick turnaround, limited paperwork and money in your pocket make this a great opportunity! The Chamber is proud to deliver this benefit to our community. The program is available now and will run through December 31, 2015. We would also like to thank Broome-Tioga Workforce NY for their assistance as an enthusiastic partner! Success of 2014 Program In 2014, the Chamber signed 29 contracts with businesses, both for-profit and notfor-profit, and we paid out over $85,000 to assist with their training costs! To inquire about the program or to find out if your company qualifies to participate, please contact Amy Shaw at (607) 772-8863 x313 or January • February • March 2015 Date Approximate # of Overnight Visitors Event January 2 – 4 U-E Team Wrestling Championships 320 January 9 – 11 Upstate NY Umpire Clinic January 9 – 11 Adult Hockey League Southern Tier Saints Old Timers Tournament 150 January 9 – 11 Grippen Park BMX Winter Races 100 January 10 – 11 Broome-Tioga Sports Center Snow Scrambles January 16 – 18 Grippen Park BMX Winter Races January 19 – 21 Columbian Mutual Regional Sales Meeting January 19 – 27 Flight Simulation Update Annual Flight & Ground Simulation Conf. 100 January 23 – 25 Grippen Park BMX Winter Races 100 January 24 – 25 Broome-Tioga Sports Center Snow Scrambles February 6 – 8 Grippen Park BMX Winter Races February 7 – 8 Broome-Tioga Sports Center Snow Scrambles February 13 – 15 Grippen Park BMX Winter Races 100 February 20 – 22 SUNY Broome NJCAA Ice Hockey Championships 250 February 20 – 22 Union Aquatics Niagara Championship Qualifier 350 February 21 – 22 Broome-Tioga Sports Center Snow Scrambles 60 60 60 100 50 60 100 60 February 27 – Mar 1 Grippen Park BMX Winter Races 100 March 4 – 6 NYS Technology and Engineering Educators Association Annual Cfc. 120 March 5 – 9 BU Athletics America East Women’s Basketball Championship 275 March 6 – 8 Emerald Society 100 March 6 – 8 Grippen Park BMX Winter Races 100 March 7 – 8 Broome-Tioga Sports Center Snow Scrambles March 13 – 15 Veterans of Foreign Wars Ladies Auxiliary March 19 – 21 Lions Club of New York & Bermuda District Governor Elect School March 20 – 21 Amvets 150 March 20 – 22 Pride & Joy Families Weekend Conference 200 March 20 – 22 Grippen Park BMX Winter Races 100 March 21 – 22 Broome-Tioga Sports Center Snow Scrambles January January January January 200 50 Convention Scoreboard 2015 C onvention & Events S cheduled For C onvention & Events Through Total O ut- of -Town visitors Through TOTAL DOLLARS THROUGH 2015 60 10 10 1,100 $467,920 If you are interested in offering discounts and becoming part of our Give Away List sent to Meeting & Event Planners, please contact the Greater Binghamton Convention & Visitors Bureau at 772-8860. Meeting & Event Planners are sent offerings 90 days in advance. 60 January 2015 6 BLI Session on Chamber/Economic Development Frito-Lay was the site for the Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce morning session on Thursday, November 6. We kicked off the session with the Greater Binghamton Chamber President and CEO, Lou Santoni, who began with some general information about tourism and its economic impact on the area. Judi Hess, Manager, Tourism and Special Events, and Gina Calisi, Manager, Convention Sales, talked about attracting outside groups and sporting events into our area, and gave our BLI group a quick preview of the new YouTube videos posted on their website at www., which feature Broome County night life, agriculture and outdoor fun. Kathi Murphy, Director of the Gateway Information Center, gave the group some insight into how that “gateway” facility on I-81 N promotes activities in all 62 counties of NYS. Chamber Staff, Lou Santoni, Amy Shaw (BLI ’06), Vice President, Member Services and Executive Director, Greater Binghamton Education Outreach Program (GBEOP), Debby Evans, Project and Event Coordinator, Carol Armstrong, Development Manager, and Brendan O’Bryan, Manager of Government Relations, described the mission, activities and programs of the Greater Binghamton Chamber, how our organization can benefit the local business community and some of the business/education initiatives of GBEOP, including the Building Bridges and Junior Achievement Programs. We concluded our visit with a company overview of Frito-Lay presented by Mike Wood, Maintenance & Engineering Business Unit Leader, and a tour where they make all the yummy chips with Mike and Kathleen Briscoe, Human Resources Representative. After a quick lunch, the afternoon session on Economic Development was held at McIntosh Labs. Stacey Duncan, Executive Director, Broome County Land Bank Corporation, started our afternoon discussion on economic development efforts in Broome County with a presentation on the Broome County Industrial Development Agency (BCIDA). Later, Jim Ehmke (BLI ‘06), News Director, News Channel 34, facilitated a very interesting panel discussion related to economic development in our area, which included: Joseph Roman, Economic Development Specialist, Empire State Development; Frank Evangelisti, Chief Planner for Broome County; Robert Murphy (BLI ‘99), Director of Economic Development, City of Binghamton; and Joseph M. Moody, Director, Town of Union Economic Development Department & CEO, Town of Union Local Development Corporation (LDC). We concluded our visit with McIntosh President, Charlie Randall, and his team, as they described the history of McIntosh and how they have continued to produce world-class audio equipment since their inception in 1949. After a behind the scenes tour to see how McIntosh products are designed and manufactured, we enjoyed a memorable demonstration of their equipment in the high-tech media room! BLI Session on Human Services & Diversity The class met at the Broome County Council of Churches on November 20 for a session on Human Services and Diversity. Joseph Sellepack (BLI ‘09), Executive Director, Broome County Council of Churches chaired this session and focused on various human services organizations that contribute to the diversity we enjoy in our community. Joe Sellepack welcomed the BLI class members to Broome County Council of Churches and gave an overview of his organization, along with other staff members that explained the various programs and services offered to our community through their organization. Mike Leahey, CHOW program director gave the BLI class members a tour of the warehouse and explained about the different kinds of food going in and out and the many volunteer opportunities available. Later that morning, various faith-based communities in Broome County gave us a better understanding of their religion, including: the Sikh Faith with Dr. Upinder S. Dhillon, Member of the Indian Cultural Center, Vestal; Rev. Dr. Gregory Johnson, Pastor of Cornerstone Community Church, Endicott; Rev. Douglas Taylor, Pastor of Unitarian Universalist Congregation, Binghamton; Sister Kathleen Al-Jallad, Staff at the Islamic Association of the Southern Tier, Johnson City; Rabbi Barbra Goldman-Wartell, Rabbi of Temple Concord, Binghamton; and Rev. James Dutko, Pastor of St. Michael’s Greek Catholic Church, Binghamton. We ended the morning with a discussion on the importance of cultural diversity, religious sensitivity, and an interfaith dialogue in Broome County with some great Q&A by the class. From there, the group enjoyed lunch at Portfolio’s Café in Binghamton. Portfolio’s is a special employment program for young adults with mental health issues, offered under the umbrella of Catholic Charities of Broome County. Portfolios Cafe opened in March 1987 and has since employed over 200 individuals, many of whom have established a successful work history for the first time and/or have gone on to successful competitive employment. Lori Accardi, Executive Director, Catholic Charities of Broome County, explained not only this program, but many of the services offered to our community by her organization. Our last stop of day was the American Red Cross office in Endicott, where various speakers presented on the importance and challenges of their human service organization in Broome County. Many thanks to: Shelley Bierwiler (BLI ‘13), Community Chapter Executive, American Red Cross; Raini Baudendistel, Executive Director, Crime Victims Assistance Center; Janette Cyganovich, Coordinator, Family Violence Prevention Council; Victoria Collazo, Development Director, Rescue Mission; and Jennifer Lesko, President & CEO, Broome County Urban League, for giving our group a better idea of how each of you make a big difference in our community. During one of the afternoon breaks, the Red Cross served Cider Mill cider and donuts out of their ERV – Emergency Response Vehicle – so the BLI class could see what they use to distribute food and beverages when responding to an emergency situation. BLI is a very successful six month community leadership program for adult professionals that began in 1988. This county-wide program seeks to foster a network of leaders who are committed to understanding and improving the quality of living in our region. BLI graduates benefit from: enhanced leadership skills, a network of community contacts, an increased understanding and awareness of community issues and new friendships and working relationships. The program runs from September to March and accepts twenty members for each class. For more information, contact Amy Shaw at (607) 772-8863 x313 or ChambeReport 7 BLI Alumni Event at National Pipe & Plastics’ New Facility Over 20 BLI alumni and current class members attended the December Leadership Event at National Pipe and Plastics’ new manufacturing facility in Endicott on Tuesday, December 9, 2014. Many thanks to National Pipe’s President, Dave Culbertson, for hosting our group and giving us a much better understanding of the PVC pipe industry, as well as the expansion of his company. At its former location on Old Vestal Road in Vestal, National Pipe had produced around 320,000 pounds of pipe each day before shifting its production entirely to the Endicott facility. Its offices are still located in Vestal. BLI Alumni Spotlight The BLI Alumni Spotlight is a feature developed by the Communications Committee of the BLI Alumni Association Board of Directors. Nearly three times the size of the Vestal facility, the Endicott plant churns out an estimated 400,000 pounds of pipe daily, according to Culbertson. National Pipe is one of the biggest producers of PVC pipe in North America. Name: James J. Lewis BLI Graduation Year: 1999 Company/Organization: Piaker & Lyons PC Job Title: CEO Tell us briefly about yourself and please update your classmates on your personal/professional experiences since graduating from BLI: I never thought as I graduated from BLI that I would someday be the Chairman of the Board of the Chamber, I was very honored to be able to serve in that capacity. Favorite books/movies: Any mystery books by John Sandford or Robert Tannenbaum; Favorite movies – The Godfather; Shindler’s List. Current and Past Notable Civic Activities: Past Chairman Greater Binghamton Chamber, Lourdes Hospital Board, AVRE board, St. Francis Church. Interests/Hobbies: Avid runner, spending time with my eight grandchildren and my wife of 37 years. How did your BLI experience change your perception of the community? It showed me all the moving and diverse parts of the community that make it all work and how important the volunteer component is. Did your BLI experience motivate you to become more involved in the community? Yes it did, especially at the Chamber. What was your most memorable BLI activity/moment? It would have to be the team building exercises up at BOCES. What was the most valuable benefit to you from your BLI experience? Meeting a lot of great people and gaining a better understanding of the working of the community. What “nugget of wisdom” do you have for your fellow BLI alum? Please stay active and continue to be a vital part of our community. Renew Your Membership with the Greater Binghamton Chamber and Thank You for Your Support Contact Carol Armstrong at (607) 772-8863 x321 or January 2015 8 December Anniversaries New Members BAE Systems Binghamton Slag Roofing Co., Inc. Columbian Mutual Life Insurance Company Time Warner Cable Body M ajix LLC Ron Nevinger Binghamton, NY 13905 PHONE: (585) 217-2107 • FAX: N/A • HEALTH & WELLNESS (MAIN), NATURAL AND HEALTH PRODUCTS Aswad & Ingraham Auchinachie Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning B H V Sheet Metal Fabricators Inc. Binghamton Material Handling, Inc. Norman J. Davies Architect B. W. Elliott Manufacturing Co., Inc. Endwell Rug Company Excellus BlueCross BlueShield Frito-Lay, Inc. Gault Chevrolet Co., Inc. Greater Binghamton Association of REALTORS®, Inc. I B M Corporation Johnson Outdoors Inc. Kelly Services, Inc. Leroy Package Store, Inc. Little Venice Restaurant, Inc. Lockheed Martin Systems Integration - Owego Matthews Group McIntosh Laboratory, Inc. Meier Supply Co., Inc. Pacemaker Steel & Pipe Co., Inc. Parlor City Paper Box Co., Inc. Pitney-Bowes, Inc. Plaza and Sawtelle Travel Service J. F. Rice Funeral Home, Inc. Jack Sherman Toyota SUNY Broome W B N G - CBS/CW Binghamton Feduke Ford Lincoln Howard Johnson Inn & Suites - Binghamton Bridgeware Systems, Inc. Empire Plastics, Inc. Sentry Alarms, LLC Servpro of Broome, Tompkins, and Tioga Counties Southern Tier Chapter National Electrical Contractors Association Binghamton Philharmonic Cahill & Beehm Family Enrichment Network F. P. Kane Construction Company, Inc. Rogers Service Group Sanico, Inc. Broome County Industrial Development Agency David Clinkhammer Sales Courtyard By Marriott- Binghamton Lesko Financial Services, Inc. The Reporter Group Binghamton Senators Hockey Club En-Joie Golf Club J & K Plumbing and Heating Co., Inc. State Farm Insurance - Frances Traficante Audibel Hearing Care Center Good Shepherd Village at Endwell M Squared Management Consultants LLC McDonald’s McDonald’s Court Street McDonald’s Front Street McDonald’s State Street Rentals To Go Restroom Solutions For Any Event River Run II Golf Links Thomas J. Shea Funeral Home Inc. The Sorin Group LLC Windsor Central School District Emeritus at Woodland M anor - A Brookdale Community #24062 Colleen Hunt 505 Clubhouse Road • Vestal, NY 13850 PHONE: (607) 722-3422 • FAX: (607) 722-5841 • ASSISTED LIVING (MAIN), ADULT CARE FACILITIES Farmers I nsurance Terianne Rogers-Snyder 217 Vestal Parkway East • Vestal, NY 13850 PHONE: (607) 372-1273 • FAX: N/A INSURANCE AGENCIES (MAIN), INSURANCE AGENCIES & CONSULTANTS Hundred Acre Consulting LLC Daniel Hayes PO Box 220 • Smithville Flats, NY 13841 PHONE: (607) 656-4755 • FAX: N/A • CONSULTING ARTS ORGANIZATION (MAIN), BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT/CONSULTANT I H ave A n I dea Jeff Olin 1502 NYS Route 79 • Windsor, N.Y. 13865 PHONE: (607) 655-3666 • FAX: (607) 655-3666 ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES (MAIN), PROMOTIONAL ITEMS Russell & Russell Frederick Russell 168 Water St. 5th Floor • Binghamton, NY 13901 PHONE: (607) 722-8319 • FAX: (607) 722-8320 FINANCIAL PLANNING CONSULTANTS (MAIN), FINANCIAL SERVICES & CONSULTANTS ScottTech Michael Yezzi 336 Court Street • Binghamton, NY 13904 PHONE: (607) 237-4959 • FAX: N/A • SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (MAIN), SYSTEMS INTEGRATION Southern Tier I ndependent R estaurants (STIR-Together) Paul VanSavage c/o PS Restaurant 100 Rano Boulevard • Vestal, NY 13850 PHONE: (607) 770-0056 • FAX: N/A • ASSOCIATIONS (MAIN), RESTAURANTS Tier Tech LLC Michael Cirbus Endicott, NY 13760 PHONE: (607) 725-1296 • FAX: N/A • COMPUTER CONSLT./SYSTEMS INTEGRATORS (MAIN), INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING Thank You for Your Membership ChambeReport 9 10 Calendars January 2015 ChambeReport 11 Customer Service - Smaller is Better When it comes to providing value to customers, size isn’t everything —personalized service is. This important fact can help distinguish small “mom and pop” businesses from big box chain stores. It gives small businesses a powerful competitive edge in an age when more consumers expect a high level of service and responsiveness. Your position at the “front lines” of your business gives you direct access to your customers’ needs, attitudes, and opinions. You know the kinds of products or services they want, when they want them, and how best to deliver them. To gain these valuable insights, you need to proactively assess what you do and should be doing to keep customers coming back, rather than tempting them to try the “big store” down the street. Start by putting yourself in your customers’ place. How would you like to be treated if you were a first-time customer or a “regular?” Also consider conveniences. What can you do to make it easier to find items and check out, rather than having to navigate a big-box store’s aisles and cashier lines? Also visit other stores and service centers, including those unrelated to your business. See what they do that you find appealing, and adapt those practices to enhance your business’s customer experience. Similarly, watch for aspects you don’t like, but be sure to understand the reasons behind problems or poor service, such as understaffing and limited inventory. This will help prevent similar problems from arising in your business. How you connect with customers by phone or email will also help differentiate your small business from the sometimes bureaucratic nature of big-box chains. Answer calls promptly and with a friendly greeting. Avoid putting callers on hold for longer than a minute; take a message and respond as soon as possible. If you use an automated answering system, your customer service line should be one of the first options. Although it may be impractical to handle email inquiries as they arrive, don’t let them sit for too long. Some email systems automatically generate a response to acknowledge the message. Make sure the text is upbeat and friendly—again, the kind of message you’d want to receive. A promise to respond within 24 hours may not be enough. Designate certain times during the day to handle email queries, or assign the responsibility to an employee. If you would like to discuss this topic or business planning, business growth strategies or a specific business issue, contact SCORE® “For the Life of Your Business.” To contact the Greater Binghamton SCORE Chapter 217 for assistance call 607-772-8860. You may also contact SCORE® for person to person counseling appointments at the above telephone numbers. If you are already in business onsite assistance is also available. The Greater Binghamton SCORE® Chapter 217 website is found at . The national SCORE® website is found at or sign up for email counseling at A Conversation with:xx What are your primary products and/or services? Maloney’s is a pub on one end of the building and a restaurant on the other, serviced by the same kitchen. We offer a full menu from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. with our famous Prime Rib served 7 days a week after 4 p.m. Our chefs have put together an excellent menu from wings and clams to filet mignon and lobster tail. All of our steaks are U.S.D.A. choice or better, fresh cut to order. We also offer home style cooking and great appetizers like our Irish pub rolls. Our potatoes are peeled, cooked and mashed daily and our homemade soups and stews are a hit year round! Our oversized fresh bread from a Binghamton bakery, make for great sandwiches. Our Pub allows smoking but serves the same great food as our restaurant. We have 7 TV’s, 13 taps and over 200 open bottles on the back bar including 10 scotches and over 40 vodkas. We also offer a pub menu and Paul De Lima coffee open to close. Don’t let the smoking scare you – we have 2 air purifiers cleaned weekly. Our bartenders and servers make it a great experience and our kitchen staff will add to your enjoyment. When was your business established? The business was purchased in 1998 from the previous owners of the Hallstead Inn. We have had 4 renovations since that time. The most recent one in September 2014 was a result of a motor vehicle accident which caused substantial damage to the building and forced our business to close for 6 weeks. It looks great now! What other information would you like people to know, such as recent news coverage, community involvement, your mission or philosophy? In other words, “what we might not know about your business?” Our motto is “if we can make it fresh we do!” All of our bartenders and servers are trained in a responsible alcohol management program. We offer plenty of off street parking and accept reservations. We also have a separate room available for private parties. We are located off the first exit in PA (exit 230), off Route 81 – 1 mile south on Route 11. For more information, visit us on or www. What has membership of the Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce provided for your business? The Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce not only has given us greater exposure but has enabled us to find services and products that we have been seeking. I hope we can continue to grow together. January 2015 12 Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce 18th Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon Honored Businesses and Organizations on November 18 TITLE SPONSOR:EVENT SPONSORS: The Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce held the 18th Annual Thanksgiving Community Luncheon on Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at The DoubleTree Hotel in Binghamton. A sold out event of over five hundred Chamber members and business leaders attended this event to kick off the Holiday season and to celebrate what we are thankful for in our community. The Chamber is grateful to our Title Sponsor and our Event Sponsors for making this special Luncheon possible! The Head Table attendees were introduced by Chamber President and CEO, Lou Santoni. He then recognized the presidents of community service organizations in attendance as well as our local leaders in government. Connor Gates with the Binghamton Mets sang the National Anthem, followed by an invocation from Reverend David M. Murphy, Lead Pastor of Valleyview Alliance Church. A traditional turkey feast was provided by The DoubleTree, followed by the award presentations. ChambeReport 13 We congratulate the Chamber’s 2014 Community Advocate and Corporate Citizen of the Year award recipients! 2014 Community Advocate of the Year: Robertson Museum and Science Center The Community Advocate of the Year is awarded to an organization that has made a significant contribution to the improvement and/or enrichment of the neighborhood it serves, or the Greater Binghamton area as a whole. Roberson is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year and has served as a hub of cultural activity since it opened to the public in 1954! The fact that Roberson is vibrant and relevant after 60 years is a true accomplishment! They have long been committed to collecting, preserving and interpreting the stories of our community through exhibitions and educational programming. Each year, they host some 15,000 visitors and over 20,000 students. The Roberson staff enjoys reaching out to the community by participating in such events as the planning for the Recreation Park’s “Our Space” project and the “Youth Success” program operated through the Mayor of Binghamton’s office. The Museum welcomes the participation of students from Binghamton University. These students develop exhibitions and educational programs, and comprise the staff of per-diem Museum Educators and volunteer interns. The diversity of annual events offered to the community has grown, reaching people who would not normally attend an event at Roberson. Inaugurated in 2013, RoberCon, a science-fiction convention, became a two-day event this year, drawing over 1500 attendees including people who stayed in area hotels! This brought an entirely new genre of people to the Museum and to our community. Roberson’s Annual Wine & Food Fest attracts 700 attendees each and every year; “Home for the Holidays”, a long-time perennial favorite, allows businesses and individuals to embrace their history and heritage through decorating, music and crafts. In 2012, Roberson hosted a very special two-day exhibit to mark the 150th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln’s Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, one of only eight sites chosen in New York State. That exhibit afforded visitors an unprecedented display of the only surviving version of the document in Lincoln’s handwriting. What an important event for the greater Binghamton area and beyond! Roberson Museum and Science Center is truly a historical gem that helps to present our community in a strong and positive light. Terry McDonald, Executive Director of Roberson accepted the Award. In addition to our awards, the Chamber presented a donation of $2,000 to Bob Brazill, Development Officer, ACHIEVE, as a result of the Chamber’s Winetasting Event in October. 2014 Corporate Citizen of the Year: NBT Bank Corporate Citizen of the Year is awarded to a company that has made not only a financial commitment to the Greater Binghamton area, but a commitment to providing leadership and handson employee participation. Headquartered in Norwich since 1856, NBT Bank is an independent, community bank that has 11 offices serving customers in the Greater Binghamton area and over 155 locations in five states. To encapsulate NBT Bank’s philanthropic financial commitment to this community, their staff involvement in the community, and their development of community partnerships in the Greater Binghamton area is a monumental task to accomplish within a short period of time. Ensuring that the youth and young adults in our area will have the skills they need to become successful adults is a priority of NBT Bank. In April of this year, they announced their partnership with the American Red Cross and the sponsorship of their Youth Good Samaritan Award. This Award recognizes heroic youths throughout the Southern Tier, Central New York and the Mohawk Valley and is part of the Real Heroes Breakfast events, the Red Cross’ signature annual event. Through NBT Bank’s Strive® financial education program, the bank offers in-classroom and online resources, and they have conducted more than 300 presentations across their bank region for schools and community groups to promote financial literacy. In addition to their strong commitment to the youth of our area, NBT Bank’s involvement extends to all aspects of the community. As Mary Jo Thorn, CEO of ACHIEVE, says: “They work in true partnership with our organization-understand our mission-and are willing to go above and beyond to help us continue the work we do in the community.” In addition to financial support of a long list of non-profit organizations within the greater Binghamton area, NBT Bank’s employees contribute time and expertise to many local committees and boards. If it is important to the community, you will most likely find the people of NBT Bank involved and supporting the effort through their time, money or resources. These Boards include: American Cancer Society Advisory Board, BU’s School of Management Advisory Board, Discovery Center Foundation Board, the Good Will Theatre Board, and the Lourdes Hospital Board. NBT Bank is also committed to fostering local economic development that will impact infrastructure upgrades, add employment opportunities and revitalize downtown areas. They are involved with the Binghamton Local Development Corporation, the BCIDA, the Downtown Binghamton Association, Empire State Development, just to name a few. Alan Hertel, Executive Director of the United Way of Broome County, eloquently sums up the kind of organization NBT Bank is: “Whenever there is a new challenge or problem facing our community, NBT and its leadership is always at the top of the list… to call for help. They understand the importance of giving back to the communities they serve and through that giving back, make this a much better place for all of us.” Jeff Lake, NBT’s Regional President, accepted the Award. Larry Kassan, Coordinator of Special Events and Theatre for the Binghamton City School District’s Rod Serling School of the Arts, concluded the event as the keynote speaker touting the wonderful things that make up his hometown! The Chamber’s Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon is held to give thanks for the positive events that have happened in our community throughout the year. The event recognizes area service clubs and Company Executives and Senior Management Officials new to our community. January 2015 14 Greater Binghamton Chamber’s “Business of the Week” Each week, the Greater Binghamton Chamber randomly selects a chamber member business, which is named “Business of the Week”. The business is spotlighted for one business week (M-F). The “Business of the Week” receives: a personal visit from Chamber representatives, the week-long display of a stylish, prominent sign that formally announces their recognition, photo opportunities and an announcement on the home page of the Chamber’s website. Our “Business of the Week” program, sponsored by Visions Federal Credit Union, is another opportunity to show our appreciation to Chamber members for supporting the Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce and investing in our community, as well as for Chamber staff to better familiarize ourselves with our members. We want to learn more about their company, how it fits in to our regional community, and how we can best serve their business. November 10 – 14, 2014 November 10 – 14, 2014 Southern Tier HealthLink Southern Tier HealthLink (STHL) is a non-profit organization that manages and maintains the local Health Information Exchange (HIE). The HIE provides a single, central, secure platform that allows providers to electronically view their patients’ complete medical record- including information from all of their participating providers in the area- so long as the patient gives consent to do so. Access to more comprehensive patient information through the HIE helps to facilitate better care coordination as well as reduce medical errors and spending. Instead of arranging for records transfers, sifting through paperwork, or lugging results to their visits, patients who give consent allow their providers to easily obtain this information by simply logging in to the STHL HIE. Southern Tier HealthLink was established in 2005 with the leadership and support from United Health Services, Lourdes Hospital, and other stakeholders and launched its Health Information Exchange (HIE) in 2010. Southern Tier HealthLink (STHL) has recently partnered with the Taconic Health Information Network and Community (THINC), another New York State regional health information organization, to offer a unified health information exchange for the region spanning the Hudson Valley, Catskills, and Southern Tier of New York. This new affiliation also allows for the organizations to collectively work towards connecting with the Statewide Health Information Network of New York (the SHIN-NY). Integrating HealthlinkNY with the SHIN-NY means that providers and patients in the region will be able to have access to the health data they need from across the entire state. HealthlinkNY will also work to promote and assist implementation of population health improvement activities amongst healthcare providers throughout the region by facilitating the adoption and use of health IT. STHL has been a member of the Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce for 6 years, joining in November 2008. Supporting the Greater Binghamton November 17 – 21, 2014 Chamber of Commerce means supporting “hometown” business men and women, which is a high priority at STHL. In the past, STHL has utilized the Chambers “E-Blast” communication while promoting events, allowing us to reach out to a much broader local audience. They also offer a great selection of ‘Chamber Events,’ allowing local businesses like ours an opportunity to network. We are proud to continue to support the Chamber as they stand with and for Local Business. November 17 – 21, 2014 Country Valley Industries Established in 1964, Country Valley Industries excels at providing a cost-effective, on-time, quality driven solution to our customer’s packaging, assembly, and distribution needs. CVI maintains modern equipment, with adaptable packaging and assembly lines at four sites in Broome and Tioga counties. We offer 50,000 square feet of production space and 27,500 square feet of warehouse space, with six loading docks, multiple dry box delivery trucks, electric reach and walkie lifts. We operate compressed air lines, pallet auto wrappers, two high-speed auto shrink wrap sealers, five L-bar sealers, eight shrink tunnels, motorized and roller conveyors, carton stitchers and automated mailing equipment. We also offer more than 250 exceptional workers with a broad range of assembly, packaging, and inspection, rework and mailing skills. Our lean cost structure and dedicated workforce enable us to provide businesses with a complete co-packing and sub-assembly solution to meet their needs in a one stop shop. Country Valley Industries is a subsidiary of ACHIEVE. ACHIEVE is the largest provider of services for intellectually and developmentally disabled individuals in Broome and Tioga counties. Being a member of the Greater Binghamton Greater chamber of commerce has given Country Valley Industries numerous opportunities to attend events that foster December 1 – 5, 2014 networking, community involvement and connecting with local professionals. CVI attends The Greater Binghamton Chamber SBC Network Lunches, After Hours Networking Events, Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon and maintains a booth at the Greater Binghamton Chamber Business EXPO, just to name a few. November 24 – 28, 2014 HOLIDAY WEEK December 1 – 5, 2014 Pyramid Business Systems, Inc. PYRAMID Business Systems, Inc. is a locally owned corporation that has been in business over 25 years servicing upstate New York and northern Pennsylvania. PYRAMID provides Information Technology solutions and experienced IT support tailored to each client’s requirements. We provide our customers with professional computer infrastructure consulting, network assessments, on-site technical support, custom application programming, training, remote “help desk” support, computer and printer repair, wireless technologies, legacy platform migrations and network implementation services. PYRAMID provides proactive security services such as security vulnerability assessments and penetration testing. We offer disaster recovery and business continuity solutions, remote 24x7 network monitoring, on-site managed services, remote backup, Internet content filtering and malware solutions. PYRAMID also offers accounting and manufacturing software solutions. PYRAMID is a New York State Contract OGS Authorized Reseller. Bob Ash established PYRAMID Business Systems, 1989 in Endwell, NY after 10+ years of industry experience providing technical support in the field of Information Systems with UNISYS Corporation, formerly Burroughs Corporation. In 1998, President Bob Ash was awarded the “Small Business Person of the Year” by the Broome County Chamber of Commerce. Bob also received the regional “Sam Walton Business Leader Award” in 1999. Most recently, Visions Federal Credit Union December 8 – 12, 2014 presented PYRAMID Business Systems with their “Distinguished Business Partner Award” at the 2014 annual meeting. PYRAMID Business Systems’ 25 years of success and growth is a tribute to our dedicated and hard-working team. Our involvement with the Chamber in the early years of the company was instrumental in our growth and eventually getting to where we are today. Now it gives us the opportunity to tell our story and network with other businesses in the area. Please check out our website at December 8 – 12, 2014 Good Shepherd Village at Endwell Good Shepherd Village at Endwell provides Broome County with a unique and affordable retirement lifestyle. As New York’s only fee for service continuing care retirement community, we offer seniors an active and enjoyable lifestyle. In addition, we have a health center so residents have the security of knowing if they ever do need care, it is on the premises. Good Shepherd Village Endwell opened to the community on October 7, 2009. We are a part of Good Shepherd Communities and affiliated with Good Shepherd Fairview Home that has been providing quality care to the elderly of Broome County for more than 144 years. Good Shepherd’s vision is “To enhance Good Shepherd Communities outreach through innovative development of quality care, services and housing provided to seniors in our current markets and beyond, with an unyielding commitment to all of our stakeholders.” This vision guides our daily and long term strategic planning. In addition to serving seniors on our campuses, we are also active in the community partnering with many organizations to enhance senior life throughout the greater community. Being a member of the Chamber of Commerce gives us an opportunity to meet with the leaders of Greater Binghamton businesses and share ideas, concerns and solutions to make Greater Binghamton an even better place to live and work. ChambeReport 15 Resume Database from Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce Project Homecoming Career Fair Available for Purchase! Looking for Employees? As a service to those companies that were not able to participate in the Project Homecoming Career Fair on December 30 but are in need of employees, you may purchase access to the on-line resume database created from the 400+ resumes collected at this event. Access to the database will be made available once all of the resumes are scanned – about 2 to 3 weeks following the event. A website link and password will be e-mailed to you at that time. The cost is $100 for Chamber members and $200 for non-members. For more information, please contact Debby Evans at (607) 772-8863 x317 or Chamber Happenings Document: PROMO_QP_EquinoxJan15.eps;Page: 1;Format:(113.79 x 114.30 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: 12 14, 2014 20:41:49 Bagel Deliveries Membership Committee folks were out in full force to deliver fresh bagels (from Best Bagels on Upper Front Street in Binghamton) to Chamber members before the Thanksgiving holiday. Those who received the surprise bagel deliveries were: Preservation Association of the Southern Tier; 3i Graphics; Audibel Hearing Care Center; Thompson & Johnson Equipment Co., Inc.; Legacy Bay Townhomes; Woidt Engineering & Consulting, P.C. Thank you to George Cummings, Patty Merrell, Joanne Weir, and Cathleen Paciello for making the deliveries! 16 All through December, Positive LifeForce held a fundraiser to raise money for the Food Bank of the Southern Tier. They accepted donations and instructed a Fitness Mixer where all the proceeds went to the Food Bank to help those in need! President Bill Newland poses with two checks representing the most recent donations to cancer research centers from The Retired Professional Fire Fighters Cancer Fund. The Tisch Cancer Institute at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City received a $10,000 grant for multiple myeloma cancer research on November 17, 2014. This donation was designated to recognize and honor those members of the FDNY who have been adversely affected by cancer since 9/11/2001. On August 5, 2014, the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute was awarded $15,000 for research to develop oncolytic (cancer fighting) viruses. These viruses represent one of the most promising new approaches for fighting cancer, because they can attack tumors in multiple ways, have mild side effects, and can easily be customized for many different types of cancer. Security Mutual Life employees teamed up to spread holiday cheer to Greater Binghamton children in need by supporting the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree Giving Program. This annual charitable giving tradition provided a wide variety of toys, hats, gloves, and more for this very worthy cause. The New York State Association for Reduction, Reuse and Recycling has awarded Seton Catholic Central a $500.00 Grant. The grant will be used to fund an initiative coordinated by Seton’s Sustainability Club which will be working to divert waste from landfills and promoting the general reduction of wasteful habits. The grant will fund the construction of an on-site composting project. Visions Federal Credit Union will count on ABC Creative Group to market its 38 branches spread across three states beginning in 2015. ABC will take on public relations, advertising, media placement, strategic planning, social media and major event support for the 180,000-member credit union with locations in New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. This includes creative for campaigns in print, online and via broadcast as well as content development for and distribution of press releases. Binghamton University will join the Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA), which works with the private sector and PHA honorary chair First Lady Michelle Obama to make healthier choices easier, in a three-year commitment to make its campus healthier by adopting guidelines around food and nutrition, physical activity and Good News programming. Binghamton is one of the first schools to sign on to PHA’s Healthier Campus Initiative, which includes 19 other colleges and universities, collectively impacting more than 500,000 students and 126,000 faculty and staff. This initiative will impact more than 16,500 students and approximately 5,000 faculty and staff on campus. More than 2,000 students met with over 90 employers at the Job and Internship Fair on Binghamton University’s main campus this fall. Employers had the opportunity to speak with highly qualified candidates, and students gained valuable networking skills while learning about local and national job openings. Binghamton University welcomed several regional companies, including BAE Systems, Iberdrola USA (NYSEG), Lockheed Martin, NBT Bancorp Inc., Rural Health Services, The Raymond Corporation, Townsquare Media, UHS Hospitals, and Universal Instruments Corporation. Binghamton University recently unveiled a new 30-second TV spot, “Binghamton – This Is Premier,” which was a study in collaboration. The video, which showcases the University’s history using archive footage and props, period furniture and digital effects, was produced almost entirely in-house by students, faculty and staff. “The way that people came together to put this project together, it’s unbelievable,” said University Video Producer Andrew Hatling. “From so many different arenas, it was such a huge, huge team effort -- from theater to Special Collections in the library to people on the web team and the marketing department.” “Binghamton – This Is Premier” tells the story of Binghamton’s 60-plus-year mission. Broome Co-operative Insurance Company is pleased to announce that Kortney Bianco has joined them as a Personal Lines Underwriter. Kortney will be responsible for maintaining a portion of the personal lines book of business as well as contribute to various ongoing projects. With over 12 years of experience in the insurance industry they are excited to learn from and grow with her. Welcome to the team. Dataflow, Inc. is pleased to announce the relocation of their Binghamton office and production facility from 221 Washington Street to their newly renovated building at 19 South Washington Street, Binghamton. The new location will serve as headquarters for the company’s seven locations in Upstate New York and Northeastern, Pennsylvania. “We are pleased to maintain our strong presence in Binghamton and have enjoyed the renovation process in designing a unique space, which will help us better service our customers and be a nice work environment for our employees,” said company Partner, Dan Zimmerman. Delta Engineers, Architects, & Land Surveyors, P.C. (Delta) acquired OKKS Studios, Inc. (OKKS), a 13 person architectural design firm located in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Founded in 1970 as Oudens + Knoop Architects, P.C., OKKS specializes in the areas of health care, government, higher education, technology, security planning, and “class A” office buildings. OKKS Studios, Inc. will continue to operate from their Maryland office as a subsidiary of Delta. OKKS is an architectural firm and while Delta has architects on staff, they are largely an engineering firm. This acquisition allows Delta to expand the services they can provide immediately and to better serve their existing clients because of the depth of their architectural talent. HealthWear Rental of Endicott recognized the following employees for perfect attendance in the year 2014: Ray Winstead, John Fiorini, Lamont Rekauf, Ben Cook, Jacob Lyons, Mike Micalizzi and Phil Shaver. For an employee to be eligible, they must have perfect scheduled work attendance, and be employed for more than three quarters of the calendar year. Lisa Dupree, Assistant Director of Resident Services at Good Shepherd Village at Endwell, has been named a Wii gaming “Coach of the Year” by the National Senior League. Teams are created within senior living communities and those teams compete against other teams around the country. The League’s mission is to give seniors the opportunity to stay active, participate in fun competition and enjoy the spirit of playing together as a team. Lisa has coached 22 teams since they became part of the league in 2012. This past fall, Good Shepherd won its first Conference Championship in the nationwide tournament. Piaker & Lyons, PC, Certified Public Accountants, is pleased to announce that Darcy A. Aldous, CPA; Kyle J. Miesfeldt, CPA; and Thomas F. Shanahan, CPA have been promoted to Principals with the firm effective January 1, 2015. Thomas F. Shanahan, CPA Manager with Piaker & Lyons PC in its Binghamton office, recently attended ‘Export Workshop: Grow Your Business Through Exporting’ co-sponsored by the Global Business Alliance of Greater Binghamton and The Southern Tier, NY and Greater Binghamton SCORE; held at Traditions at the Glen, Johnson City. Mr. Shanahan is a Board Member of the Global Business Alliance Organization and is licensed as a CPA in both Pennsylvania and New York. January 2015 John Tillotson, Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker with RealtyUSA’s Vestal office, has been awarded the GRI designation by the New York State Realtor® Institute. Mr. Tillotson received this honor after successfully completing 90 hours of residential real estate education meeting the rigorous standards established by the National Association of Realtors®. Laurie Van Kuren of Riger Marketing has been appointed to the UHS Foundation Board of Trustees. She will help design and achieve the fundraising goals of the UHS Foundation. The UHS Foundation, a nonprofit organization, raises more than $1 million a year to improve patient care facilities, equipment and programs, benefiting the communities we live in. Security Mutual Life’s latest whole life insurance series—Security Designer WL4U™—is now available in the states of Florida, North Dakota and South Dakota, in addition to 42 previously announced jurisdictions. Security Designer WL4U offers four fixed-premium, participating policies with a wide range of features to help meet a multitude of needs. Optional riders provide product flexibility and customized protection for living needs and survivor benefits (Policy Form Series 2112; product not available in all states.) On December 23, the employees of Security Mutual Life gathered in the company’s lobby to sing carols and spread holiday cheer to clients, friends, coworkers and family members. This performance marked the 20th year of what has become an annual company tradition. Serafini Transportation was selected as the recipient of a 2014 Business Recognition Certificate in honor of National Employment Awareness Month. The certificate was awarded by Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR) in recognition of Serafini Transportation’s demonstrated commitment to providing employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Kelly Steward, of ACCES-VR, nominated Serafini Transportation to receive the award on behalf of one of her job seekers. By earning this award, Serafini Transportation has shown a commitment and understanding that all job seekers, despite disabilities, deserve an opportunity to earn a living wage. UHS Hospitals has been recognized as a 2013 “Top Performer on Key Quality Measures®” by The Joint Commission, the leading accreditor of healthcare organizations in the United States. UHS Hospitals was recognized as part of The Joint Commission’s 2014 annual report, “America’s Hospitals: Improving Quality and Safety,” for attaining and sustaining excellence in accountability measure performance in caring for patients with heart attacks, heart failure and surgeries. We are interested in sharing your good news with other Chamber members. Every month we include a GOOD NEWS section with one-sentence items about good news from our members. The deadline to submit the good news information is the first Friday of the month prior to publication. If you have questions or would like to submit a good news item for the ChambeReport, please contact Judi Hess at ChambeReport Binghamton’s Newest Businesspeople By: Julia M. Allen 17 Local Lending In a back conference room of the Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce, nine high school seniors explore the fundamentals of business and entrepreneurship. They hail from five different school districts and are part of the BOCES New Visions Program. New Visions is BOCES’s premier set of career academies, and participants are chosen through a rigorous application and interview process. Investing in Endwell The New Visions Business Academy holds its business class at the Metro Center’s Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce. The students operate 9 Roots, their own Junior Achievement Company. They sell hats and blankets at their schools, sporting events, and in their communities. 9 Roots donates a portion of its profit to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. VISIONS can be the answer to your business needs. Throughout the region, and right here in Endwell, businesses of every size are putting our experienced business team to work. In addition to their company, New Visions students are busy interning at local businesses. At their job placements, students work directly with professionals to establish contacts and complete a wide range of work assigned. For example, Chenango Valley senior Zach Wyatt recently researched smartphone technology for Binghamton University, while Vestal High School’s Kelsey Morgan learned financial management of the bistro at DoubleTree Hotel. Companies from the Chamber including News Channel 34 and Save Around welcome interns into their businesses, and New Visions is looking to expand their internship offerings. Each student completes five different internships during their year in the program. The high school seniors are appreciative of the unique opportunities they enjoy and would like to thank the Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce for its warm welcome and meeting space. They look forward to networking with others and working as businesspeople in Greater Binghamton. FIRST FREE “Chamber 101” Session for 2015 Tuesday, January 27, 2015 Connects Members to the Chamber to “Maximize your Membership”! Join us at the Chamber Office on Tuesday, January 27 from 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. for our quarterly Chamber Member Orientation Session, “Chamber 101”. For creative ideas to support your short or long-term financial needs, call VISIONS. “Dealing with someon someone one local, making local decisions, makes a difference to us. We’ve had no issues and quick responses.” Jim, John and Leon Anastos Broadway Diner Endwell, NY “Chamber 101” is well worth the time for many members. • Is your company a new member of the Chamber? • Are you a new contact with an existing Chamber member company? • Has your company been a member of the Chamber for many years but needs a refresher on all of the benefits, programs and services? Then this is the perfect one-hour session for you! Here’s what you’ll learn… • What the Chamber is all about. • How to best utilize Chamber services. • How to maximize Chamber benefits. • How to become involved in activities and committees. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet key staff members. You will leave with a much deeper understanding of the organization, the benefits membership provides, and how you can increase the value of your membership through active participation. “I can’t say enough about th the attention ab io we receive by the VISIONS Business Team. It’s really great personal service.” Ellen Conti CONTI Jewelers Endwell, NY “VIS “VISIONS seems to have a great for our ha at ffeell fo needs. They’ve made it their business to know my business.” Yvonne Benjamin Magic Needle by Yvonne Endwell, NY We’re in the business of business. If you plan to attend “Chamber 101” on January 27, it is free of charge but we do ask that you RSVP to Christine Stezzi at (607) 772-8860 or We look forward to seeing you! Future Chamber 101 Sessions: Tuesday, April 28, 2015 - 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 28, 2015 - 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, October 27, 2015 - 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. NY-0000699020 January 2015 18 For fresh business gifts, we’ve got you covered. ✓Gifts For Every Occasion ✓Game-Day Delivery Call, visit or order at 140 Vestal Pkwy E. Vestal, NY 13850 607-484-0287 Edible Arrangements®, the Fruit Basket Logo and other, marks mentioned herein are registered trademarks of Edible Arrangements, LLC. © 2014 Edible Arrangements, LLC, All right reserved. NY-0000724874 ChambeReport The Greater Binghamton Chamber 2015 Quality of Life and Membership Directory INSERTION ORDER/SPACE CONFIRMATION Company Name ___________________________________ Address __________________________________________ Please make checks payable to: City ______________________ State ________ Zip ______ Phone ________________________ Fax _______________ CNY Media Group Contact __________________________________________ Repeat my previous ad I am a new advertiser I wish to change my ad. See info below Signature _________________________________________________ Date _______________________ (Your signature is required to process order) ADVERTISING SPECIFICATIONS AND RATES (check appropriate boxes) -All Full Color- COVERS Directory Quality of Life Back Cover $2,500 $2,500 Inside Front $1,850 $1,850 Inside Front R. Side $1,850 $1,850 Inside Back $1,850 $1,850 GENERAL ADVERTISING (Choose one or both desired publications. 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Files that should never be supplied for reproduction are PowerPoint, word-perfect, Microsoft word and any low resolution images (artwork from the internet). Deadlines/Proofs/Payments: Ad reservation and copy deadline is February 23, 2015. 49 Court Street, P.O. Box 995, Binghamton, NY 13902 • Phone: 607-772-8860 • Fax: 607-722-4513 • ument: FLY_2015 AdResMemberDirQOLGuide.eps;Page: 1;Format:(215.90 x 279.40 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: 12 14, 2014 20:11:49 19 20 January 2015 ChambeReport 21 22 January 2015 ChambeReport Document: FLY_BridgeRunPromo2015.eps;Page: 1;Format:(294.22 x 446.62 mm);Plate: Composite;Date: 12 14, 2014 20:14:16 23 SUNDAY MAY 3RD, 2015 SOUTH WASHINGTON TOMPKINS COURT CLINTON WE ARE BINGHAMTON DRIVEN. SUPPORTING SPONSORS TO REGISTER GO TO BINGHAMTONBRIDGERUN.ORG OR creative sponsor 2015 CHARITY PARTNER NYSEG STADIUM 211 HENRY STREET BINGHAMTON, NY 13901 The Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 995 49 Court Street, Metrocenter, Suite 200 Binghamton, NY 13902-0995 Phone: (607) 772-8860 Fax: (607) 722-4513 OR C U R R E N T R E SI DE N T Board Chairman: Terry Wood Willow Run Foods Publisher: Lou Santoni President & CEO Editor: Amy Shaw Vice President, Member Services The Greater Binghamton ChambeReport is published monthly by The GBCC, P.O. Box 995, Binghamton, NY 13902-0995. Subscription: $50.00 per year is included in Chamber Membership. Standard postage paid at Binghamton, NY. (USPS-Permit 1). POSTMASTER: Send address change to: The GBCC, P.O. Box 995, Binghamton, NY 13902-0995 Be part of the ChambeReport ChambeReport Inserts ChambeReport Inserts are an inexpensive and popular way for businesses to market their goods and services to area business leaders and their staffs. For one low price, you can reach 3,000 destinations, with multiple readers at each location, without worrying about postage costs or direct mailing requirements. • A maximum of 5 inserts are allowed in each ChambeReport mailing, all on a first come, first serve basis. • 3,000 of your inserts must be provided. Publish Date February Issue 5/29/2008 March Issue 1/27/2010 6/26/2008 2/24/2010 Insert Needed By January 8th, 2015 5/22/2008 February 5th, 2015 1/20/2009 6/19/2008 2/17/2010 Don’t miss this great opportunity to showcase your products and services! Call 798-1131 today for more information!
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